The Bike and The Mistletoe

All I Want for Christmas
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Loud music, drunk people and dim lights. Nothing could be better than returning home for Christmas and seeing a dilapidated house where a brother threw a big party without parental permission. And he didn't even invite her, his only younger sister.


Hara was angry and with loud stomps, which, in principle, couldn’t be heard with such music, she went inside in search of her brother. Here and there were people who didn’t pay attention to her at all. They talked, danced, drank, and she scoured the rooms and finally found him.


Jung Jinhwan sat in the company of his friends and drank what Hara thought was a rare collection of whiskey from his father's bar. Oh, he'll get it from her.


Hara came closer and her brother and his friends finally noticed her.


“Jung Jinhwan, why is there a party in our house when our parents didn't let us?” She had to come very close to the guy for him to hear. He smiled guiltily: he knew that she would snitch on him.


“Hara, don’t spoil the fun.” He said leaning back on the sofa. His friends laughed. Apparently they found this scene funny. Jinhwan looked at her again. “I know, you’re angry because I didn’t invite you, right?”


“I don't want to be at your stupid party!” She put her hands on her hips, showing him all her displeasure. Her brother wanted to sip more whiskey right from the bottle, but she took it from him, slapping his hand. “Jinhwan, I'll call our dad, just kick everyone out.”


“Hara, wait!” The guy pulled his sister's hand sharply and she found herself on the couch between her brother and someone else. He grinned slyly and only Hara opened to be indignant, as he took a glass and poured whiskey into it, serving her. “Here, relax. You know all my friends, so let's have some fun and then everyone will go home, okay?”


The girl frowned, but the guy looked at the man sitting next to her and she fell silent. Wait, if all his friends are here, then ... With a frozen face, she turned where her brother was looking and almost jumped away.


Wong Yukhei, or Lucas, as her brother called him. A handsome brunette who was practically her brother's best friend. Hara had her eyes on him from the first moment she saw him.


Lucas was like a fairy tale, like a character from a love story about bad guys. He was tall, taller than her brother, he had large, shiny eyes, a chiseled nose, attractive lips. And his body ... one day she went into her father's garage, where at that moment there were her brother and Lucas himself. He was in a sleeveless shirt and was fixing his bike. She couldn't sleep after that for a couple of nights.


His broad shoulders, arms and muscular chest were smeared with engine oil. There was even a smear of oil on his cheek. Every time he bent over to the motorcycle, the girl could see his chest and abs under the shirt and when he worked on something, his arm muscles tensed, becoming defined. At that moment, she could not enter the garage, but simply hid behind the door, secretly watching him.


And now he was sitting next to her. Very close, they touched thighs. And the guy was looking right at her. She felt her face getting red. They never even spoke, the girl just watched him from the side and didn't even dream of speaking to him.


“Stay.” His voice. It was so husky and low, it fitted him so much. And she couldn't resist it. She just nodded, embarrassed, staring into her full glass. Jinhwan was jubilant somewhere off to the side, but she didn't care. After all, she felt how Lucas was still looking at her. “Hara?”


“Yes?” She exclaimed too loudly and turned to the guy, almost spilling whiskey. The girl really hoped that he hadn’t noticed this, but he just grinned, leaning closer to her. Her heart almost jumped out of the chest.


“I’m Lucas, nice to meet you.” He whispered to her ear and she got goosebumps all over her body. The guy looked at her again, which she just nodded at and he just smiled. Her brother was already talking to some guys in the other corner of the room and Hara realized late that she and Lucas were left alone on the couch. “Have you ever drank before?”


A mocking look and the girl just scoffs. She never drank, but she's not going to admit it. Alcohol in her hands was quickly got into and in the same second she almost spit it out on the floor. It took a lot of effort, but she was able to swallow the nasty liquid with a slight frown.


And she heard laughter.


“You are brave one.” Hara turned to him and the guy drank the rest of his drink, putting the glass on the table. She was still looking inquiringly at him, as the guy replied: “You never drank before, but right now you drank twenty years old whiskey in one gulp. Very brave.”


Her indignation knew no bounds: how did he figure it out so quickly? But the guy didn’t give the girl a chance to justify herself and he pulled her hand. She was surprised, but didn’t resist and to be honest, she didn’t want to resist.


Lucas pulled her through the crowd of people in the hall, walked through a long corridor and reached the entrance. She didn’t understand where he was taking her, but the guy threw a jacket over her and put on his own. They put on their shoes and the guy threw his long black scarf over her shoulders and wrapped it around her neck. Hara was embarrassed and the guy pulled her with him.


It was fresh outside and quite dark. Surprisingly, it was snowing lightly. The guy was still holding her hand, not letting go of her. They walked under the streetlamps, which made the night look not black, but rather dark blue and the snow could be seen in this light. It seemed so ... magical.


Especially with this guy who walked in front of the girl, adjusting to her step. Warm hand, comfy scarf. They still walked slowly, but the guy knew where he was going.


A minute later, Hara saw the gate of a nearby park. It shone with a gentle yellow glow. There were not many people, literally one couple in some distance. Lucas led her to a nearby swing that swayed itself in the wind.


The guy put her on one and sat down on another one. They were silent for a while, Hara looked at the beauty around them and simply didn’t dare to look at him. And when she did gather some courage, she met his studying gaze. He looked at her in a way that made butterflies flutter in her stomach. And she quickly turned away.


"Hara." She turned at his call and he smiled playfully. “How strong can you swing?”


The girl was taken aback and the guy had already pushed off with his long legs, swinging sharply. She doesn't know why, but she supported his strange idea and she also swayed strongly, pushing forward.


Their swing swayed in unison, she felt like she was flying, her swing was so fast. She gripped the edges tightly so as not to fly off and laughed contentedly. Her head felt so light, even a little nauseous, but she didn't want to stop. Lucas swayed more and more, but his long legs were in the way.


“Hara, who loses - fulfills the wish of the winner.” She heard the guy's loud voice and laughed even more. She wanted to win, as she will make sure to ask him to ride with her on his motorcycle. For some reason, that night all her hidden desires crawled out, but she didn’t mind it at all.


They both swayed like crazy, laughing, and Hara had a feeling that at any moment she could fly off. Adrenaline, fun, beautiful snow that was already gathering on the eyelashes.


She wanted to continue, but at some point Lucas flew off the swing. She saw something fly close by and land on the ground with a loud thud. The girl got scared, stopped and ran to the guy who was sitting in the snow, rubbing his back.


Sitting down next to him, she examined him from all sides, but he just smiled cheerfully. She already wanted to take him to the hospital, as the guy got up, proving that he was all right.


“You're lucky, you won.” And he grinned, rubbing his back slightly. Hara got angry at his lightheadedness and hit him on the arm, looking angrily, and he just said “Ouch” and laughed. “I'm all right, the snow softened the blow, I just got a bruise.”


The girl crossed her arms over her chest, but the guy didn’t understand her indignation and she hit him again, saying “fool”. He grunted and patted her on the head, shaking off the snow, but more like mocking her.


“You’re so small, how do you have so much anger in you?” Frustration

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744 streak #1
Chapter 32: 🎄🤶🎅🎄

And another beautiful chapter with a happy ending and great characters! 😉👍👌

If you ask me to choose one favorite chapter, I can't. I loved all of them!

Thank you! 🌹💗

744 streak #2
Chapter 31: 🎄🤶🎅🎄

She finally has a reason to smile. 😉

744 streak #3
Chapter 30: 🎄🤶🎅🎄

Amazing chapter with a little magic touch!

744 streak #4
Chapter 29: 🎄🤶🎅🎄

I love the concept! 😉

744 streak #5
Chapter 28: 🎄🤶🎅🎄

They both deserved a fresh start! 😉👌

744 streak #6
Chapter 27: 🎄🤶🎅🎄

I just loved the concept of this one!

744 streak #7
Chapter 26: 🎄🤶🎅🎄

He sure is a handsome guy! Loved it! 😉👌

744 streak #8
Chapter 25: 🎄🤶🎅🎄

I adored this!

744 streak #9
Chapter 24: 🎄🤶🎅🎄

The monster and the happy ending!

744 streak #10
Chapter 23: 🎄🤶🎅🎄

I love this chapter and the characters in it!
