CHAPTER 8: I Jumped!

Music From Another Room

“Ees, please! Come out of your room already, It’s been a week! What the hell happened to you??”


Chase, My dad, my siblings, they all come over almost every day to say that and ask what did happened?


I am more than okay that day—it was even my birthday, how come it come to this?


Sun left, that same night, that same unusual night.

So it all comes to that, because he’s leaving --- and every time that thought will cross my mind, my insanity will kick in, along with the regret.


I should have said yes when he asked if we could see each other already.


“Maybe it’s either we will come to 2 ends – one is we will end up breaking the promise and two, we’ll stick to it because as you said, it’ll spoil everything, we both liked it this way anyway. Wanna bet what I’ll probably choose?”


It was one of those days when that ‘finale’ will all of a sudden be included in our talk.


“You’ll choose Number 1, of course! You hate being known, I don’t know what the heck is goin’ on with your life is and really I don’t care, but yeah you’re the worst kind of introvert!”


He didn’t answer that question though and I did assume that that I guessed the right answer.


But I am wrong.


Did he break my heart? I wouldn’t act this crazy if he didn’t. But the thing is, I FELL IN LOVE?!?

Falling in love is never that easy for me, I couldn’t even tell the difference between love and like and it’s hard for me too, to convince myself that I am in love with someone.


I don’t know, all I know is I have this serious fear of desertion. I don’t want to be left behind, after my mom and brother, and eventually, my dad too for choosing to re-marry.


“It’s never about them leaving, people normally leaves! But it’s how you cope up after they left. It will always be up to you, either takes it badly or good, what is important is yourself. NEVER EVER LOSE YOURSELF, just think of the people close to your heart that left, will they feel okay seeing and knowing that you are not fine? They obviously won’t, SO LIVE, MOON! Live at your fullest because you are a great human.”


“Awww, Am I?”

I have to throw a joke because sometimes, Moon is making me cry with his words.


“You are and on the future, I’ll kick anyone’s if someone tells you otherwise”


He is that badass nice


I miss him so much and I don’t want to disappoint him


So on the 7th day, I finally got the courage to come out of my room and face the people who were still there, who loves and cares so much for me.


I owe them everything; I have to start feeling grateful from now on because that was Sun would want


So I did and it was the most beautiful jump of my life


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cyrillanu #1
Chapter 10: complete it first please😭 I really loves your story aaaaa I can’t wait to see moon meet sun pls😭
minhang25 #2
Chapter 10: ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ woahhh i really cant wait for more Asahiii ? this is seriously so good!!! Thank you so much author-nim, keep going! ❤️❤️❤️
minhang25 #3
Chapter 7: Nooooooo dont say goodbye ㅠㅠ more please this is so good author-nim ㅠㅠ this depiction of Asahi is so perfect, how they talk and connect is goldddd! My ulti bias ? please update soon I will wait for you!!! Love xx ❤️❤️❤️