Chapter 4: The Song

Music From Another Room

Its weekend and I’m forced again to be human. I have to do grocery, pay a visit to my dad and sibs and dine out with Chase. 


“I can’t Ees, you really have to stan this guys, they are sooo good!”

The dine-out that turned out to be spazz jiffy for Chase

Chasity Kim is this goody, god-fearing but crazy girl and yes, she’s never a fangirl type, not of course after she met me.

I can say I am really good at influencing others when it comes to being a fan


I have half my focus on her and half on my phone, I am searching for a song, that tune that I always here Sun was playing. It was sort of a poppish, edm but love song  vibe on it, gosh I can’t get it out of my head for a week now and sure I can’t ask him about it, I don’t want him to feel uncomfortable, that somehow that will make him think that I am crossing the line


“You know, something is really different with you Ees this past few weeks”


Okay, that one caught my attention that I hastily shot a look at Chase


“What?”I said and I know I sounded defensive.


I haven’t told her yet, about my stranger friend.


I just don’t want to share him yet, I’m greedy like that.


“I don’t know, you seem different but… good”

I know her too well to understand what she’s trying to say


“I’m getting better now”

I have no idea why I said that but I know that’s what Chase wants to hear after all that I’ve been through

And then she got me that scrutinizing look, of course she’s my best friend, she knew there’s something I am hiding from her


“Whatever that is, you better tell me sooner!”

Chase smiled, that smile that say “I am so glad you are getting okay now, Eeseth”



“Are you there?”


It saw Sunday night and I just sneaked out of a drinking sesh with my college friends  and it was one of those nights that all I want is to just cry, but not because of  that too much soju and beer that I took


I am not okay


“Yeah, I’m here”


It was like a habit that no matter how I am smashed, I still find myself on that balcony.

I think I fell asleep already and I know too that he’s been there while he listened to me cry and talk to myself.


It’s a habit of ours for months now, listening to our own aggravations and he very much knows too that I hate being comforted with words.


“I can’t do this anymore; can I just leave to some unknown place and never come back?”


He was silent, well one thing I found out about him—that he is the real deal introvert, silent, dark person.

That kind of leading guy in a book, which is super snob and will just give you death stare if you dare to talk him


“Can you take me with you, with your spaceship or something?”


He laughs and it felt so good hearing that


And yes, we both concluded that he’s really an Alien.


He don’t like to be around people so much, doesn’t want to talk, banging his piano or whatever instrument he was using there when he’s not feeling good, likes the character JOKER so much, obsessed with alien movies, Star Trek especially, love old figures like Kurt Cobain, into Marilyn Manson and all his darkness, loves football but always complaining that his body aches and he’s in love with music so much that I think it was his real girlfriend.


He was more like that too-good-to-be-true but strange lead on a famous Netflix movie


“You can never ever handle my world, I’m telling you”


Here he is again, talking about himself.  We’re really alike on that part though and he often does that I sometimes got this crazy idea that he is a son of a yakuza or something because I knew how crazy rich he is.


“Please can you just let me cry this time and just be there, you don’t have to say anything?”


It took him seconds to answer




My life is ordinary, raised to an adoring family, a good student and a good daughter to my parents.

 I am happy growing up, really--- but adulthood struck me so hard.

It’s true, when you’re young, your mind is all made up on how your future will be but no one knew that it’s going to be hard and somehow you’ll end up feeling like you’re a complete failure.

Your life didn’t happened the way that you wanted it to be and it’s the complete opposite.


And now I am on that part where I was all caught up with the frustrations and regrets.


“Hang in there, Moon”


Gosh, for the first time he gave out that kind of words and for the first time too, a comforting word sinks unto me.


Sun is like a guardian angel sent to me by the heavens.


A complete stranger but he knew how my life went, even the things that I never dared to share to anyone even to the one closest to mine. He knew it all.


Maybe I am in no doubt that he’ll keep it since I am a complete stranger and we swore and made a pact that we will never dare to know and search anything about each other after this all this.


After all this


It’ll be sad but I know that this between us will be over, in time and it’ll come.


Nothing is permanent in this world anyway.




Early morning the next day, my doorbell rang, I have a serious hangover that it took me a while to get on the door and there on the doorstep I found a sack of dog food and a basket of my favorite custard bread with a note attached on it


Sorry, this is the least I can I do for you,

Smile now and dance, I don’t know how you look like when you

Dance but I know it’s awful “


Then a drawing of a face sticking his tongue out


That guy can draw very well too



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cyrillanu #1
Chapter 10: complete it first please😭 I really loves your story aaaaa I can’t wait to see moon meet sun pls😭
minhang25 #2
Chapter 10: ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ woahhh i really cant wait for more Asahiii ? this is seriously so good!!! Thank you so much author-nim, keep going! ❤️❤️❤️
minhang25 #3
Chapter 7: Nooooooo dont say goodbye ㅠㅠ more please this is so good author-nim ㅠㅠ this depiction of Asahi is so perfect, how they talk and connect is goldddd! My ulti bias ? please update soon I will wait for you!!! Love xx ❤️❤️❤️