Chapter 6: I Miss You

Music From Another Room

“You doin okay?”


Same night, a few minutes after Chase left home. I can tell that Sun is already out on the balcony cause my 2 dogs came running out and that was on the midst of movie night with Chase.


“I am now, I see this two already”

I laughed, technically he can barely see the 2 pups, and it’s just his hand petting the two.


Oh, he got a visible mole on his pretty hand.


“That was a long week”

I said, sitting closer to where he is.


“You miss me?”


I chortle, sort of disgusted.




He laughs, well that’s a sign that he’s doing well now


Sun is unlike me, he was always reserve, careful to life stories that he would share to me.


“I never told this to anyone, but my parents are soon to get a divorce, and no matter how I want to see them, I just can’t, I’m a mess right now”


That is so not Sun. Maybe his identity should really be a secret that is why he’s being selective about sharing his personal life.


“Parents are parents, no matter how bad their child become, they are always glad to see them so—better see them, you know my story and that’s one thing that I didn’t got to do while my mom is still here and maybe, just maybe --- seeing you can make them change their mind about, you know-- the divorce”


“Can I do that?”

He may sound tough all the time but he got that soft side too


“Of course! You told me this, a lot of times—WHY THE HECK NOT?”


He told me that on those times I was hesitant to take a job promotion, when my dad ask me If I could visit him and his new wife, when someone ask me if I could join them on a dance for a not so popular local promotion (because Sun knows how I terribly love dancing!), when someone ask me on date (it ended bad, but I still went. when before I don’t really do dates), when my brother asked me to invest on a small business, when I was hesitant to visit my mom and my brother’s grave and so many things that I’m so afraid to do, Sun drove me do it all.


Only he can ever do that to me.


I’ve been afraid all my life and that I am starting to learn to be brave now.


“Thank You, Moon”


“No, Thank You Sun. You made me brave”


See how got each other’s back with such a simple gesture as that?


He took out his piano that night, for the very first time and played that unfamiliar tune.


“So let’s call it a night then?”


I uttered after he frenziedly played his piano for an hour maybe, I enjoyed it so much that I didn’t noticed that it was that long already. I am now convinced, he loves music so much, and it’s his LIFELINE.



He agreed with a mumble


“Good Night, Sun”


And when I was about to go in…


“I missed you”


He said and I don’t know what to feel or what to say, I can only feel my heart beating so much.

So I just went in hurriedly, as if I didn’t hear that. 


Oh I wish I didn’t hear that because I stayed bewildered for quite a few minutes on my room that night, just sitting there, staring in space and felt like my heart is going to burst open.


Of course, I’ll get over it! I’m an ace in halting whatever dangerous emotion that I was feeling.


The next day, when I am 100% sure that I am so over it


The doorbell rang and there on a doorstep is a bouquet of sunflower and a cake with a note that says




 He actually remember my birthday when I actually forgot about it


Nice one, SUN


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cyrillanu #1
Chapter 10: complete it first please😭 I really loves your story aaaaa I can’t wait to see moon meet sun pls😭
minhang25 #2
Chapter 10: ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ woahhh i really cant wait for more Asahiii ? this is seriously so good!!! Thank you so much author-nim, keep going! ❤️❤️❤️
minhang25 #3
Chapter 7: Nooooooo dont say goodbye ㅠㅠ more please this is so good author-nim ㅠㅠ this depiction of Asahi is so perfect, how they talk and connect is goldddd! My ulti bias ? please update soon I will wait for you!!! Love xx ❤️❤️❤️