Just Can't Get Enough Guy

The Lost Ones

Mijoo was nervous to say the least. She double, triple checked her appearance in the mirror. Today was the first day of.....whatever her life had seemingly become overnight. Today Seungmin would be meeting Nayeon. How long until she knows something is up? A week? A day? Will she know as soon as I say hello? Ugh this is a terrible idea. A knock came at her front door and Mijoo quickly grabbed her bag and slipped on her shoes before going to open the door.

Seungmin stood waiting on the other side with his own bag slung over his shoulder. "Well...ready to go?" He asked cocking his head to the side 

"Yep...all ready" Mijoo answered quickly stepping outside and shutting and locking the door with her new key. "Are you ready to be grilled by Nayeon all day?" She asked as they made their way to the elevator.

"I've survived a three day long interrogation tied to a chair with a bag over my head, I think I can survive a college girl." Seungmin retorted.

Mijoo snapped her head over to look at him, falling open in shock. "You WHAT!" She exclaimed, but Seungmin waved her off. 

"Oh it was nothing. Felix and Jeongin were doing interrogation training and I drew the short straw. I was just glad I didn't have to go through target practice with them." He explained, and the way he said it sounded as if it wasn't really a big deal. 

"That's not...normal..." Mijoo replied shaking her head as they walked down the street towards campus.

Seungmin hummed before replying. "Maybe for you, maybe for most people, but for us? That's our life. if it wasn't we wouldn't be able to survive long in this business" 

"But...why be in this business in the first place?" Mijoo asked. "I mean it doesn't make any sense to me. It's dangerous!"

He laughed and shook his head. "If you're trying to get our tragic backstory or whatever out of me...you're out of luck. This is our business and honestly none of us are looking for a change."

Mijoo crossed her arms over her chest. "I wasn't trying to get anything, I was just saying it was dangerous... and stupid" She muttered to herself. Seungmin just rolled his eyes at her. 

They arrived at the campus track and went about doing Mijoo's normal routine. Mijoo found that having someone to run with actually made the whole experience...not as horrible, but not by much. Once they finished and cleaned themselves up in the locker rooms they headed off to Mijoo's first class of the day. With every step she felt as if a weight as pressing down on her and like she was fighting against a raging current. 

Stopping suddenly outside the building her class was in she turned to Seungmin. "I don't think I can do this. She's going to know. I'm going to forget everything we talked about I'm going to start rambling and then she's going to know somethings wrong because I always ramble when I'm nervous or lying or whenever somethings wrong and she's going to get suspicious and call the cops and then your going to kill me or you'll kill Nayeon or you'll kill me and Nayeon AND the cops, or the cops are going to kill you and me and oh my god I can't go to jail! I won't do well in jail!" Mijoo poured out in one breath, feeling the panic bubble out of her. 

"Woah, woah, woah slow down." Seungmin said putting his hands up. "It's going to be fine. Take some breaths"

Mijoo tried to breath but was finding it very difficult. "I'm not cut out for this." She moaned as she squatted on the ground and hugged her knees. 

Seungmin hesitated before squatting down next to her. Mijoo felt him pat her back timidly as if he wasn't sure what to do in this situation. "Would it make you feel better if I told you I don't have a gun on me?" He asked. 

Mijoo left out a laugh that sounded somewhat hysterical to her ears. "Not really." She confessed. 

"Listen how is this any different than when you were lying to the guard at Club Miroh?" Seungmin asked continuing to pat her back awkwardly. 

"Because I didn't know him, and he didn't know me! I was pretending and I thought the worst thing that could happen was he would tell me to get lost." Mijoo exclaimed looking over at him. 

He sighed. "Mijoo it's going to be fine. She has no reason to suspect anything and she certainly has no reason to call the cops. Trust me. I've been doing this for a long time."

That didn't exactly make her feel any better, but she knew that she couldn't sit outside the building all day. She was going to have to face Nayeon and if she put it off it would only get worse. Sighing she stood up, "Let's ge this over with" She muttered turning and walking into the building with her head down. Seungmin followed behind her silently.

The classroom was already starting to fill up, but Mijoo spotted Nayeon right away. It helped that she was the only one in the room with blue hair. She was too busy on her phone to notice their approach but as Mijoo sat down next to her she looked up. "Took you long enough!" She huffed. "I've been sitting here for twenty minutes bored out of my mind."

"Sorry I was running late this morning." Mijoo replied grabbing her notebook from her backpack. "Um I want you to meet someone, Nayeon...this is my cousin Seungmin." She said nodding to Seungmin who had sat down next to her and at the mention of his name waved at Nayeon.

Nayeon frowned slightly but waved back at him. "Nice to meet you." She said addressing Seungmin before turning to Mijoo. "Excuse me why the HELL did you not tell me that you have a very attractive cousin?"

Mijoo blinked, "Uh what?" 

"You've been holding out on me girl!" She smiled, throwing her hair over her shoulder. "Hi, I'm Nayeon it is very nice to meet you." 

"It's nice to meet you too Nayeon. If it makes you feel any better Mijoo has told me plenty about you." Seungmin told Nayeon smiling right back at her. Mijoo almost did a double take. Wait...is he...flirting? Was she flirting?! This was not how I thought this was going to play out. 

"Why have we never met before?" Nayeon asked leaning in closer. 

"I've been living in Australia with my parents since I was 6. I was looking for a change in scenery and Mijoo helped me find an apartment." Seungmin shared, the lie slipping from his mouth as smooth as water. Mijoo wondered how he could do that so easily.

"So does that mean I'll get to see more of you then?" Nayeon asked batting her eyes. Mijoo was starting to prefer the scenario where Nayeon called the cops to what was actually taking place right in front of her.

Seungmin leaned forward as well matching Nayeon's posture, "That depends, how many classes do you have with Mijoo?" He asked. Mijoo knew that he already knew exactly how many they shared and she was seriously considering gagging.

"Can you guys not do this right in front of me I would like to not throw up today." Mijoo finally said rolling her eyes. 

"Well that's what you get for keeping such a cute cousin a secret." Nayeon said making a face at her.

"He wasn't a secret, I just never had any reason to tell you about him" Mijoo grumbled as she scratched her pencil against the margins of her notebook.

The professor arrived a few minutes later and started his lecture. Mijoo mostly drowned him out, mostly paying attention to the doodles she was making in the margins of her notebook rather than the notes she was taking, or supposed to be taking. Nayeon on the other hand was fully focused on her notes, color coded and well organized. They both shared a political science major, but while Nayeon took her classes seriously, studied and got good grades easily, Mijoo struggled. Mijoo enjoyed her classes, but none of it came easy to her. Her notes were a mess, she was disorganized and struggled to maintain her grades and she would rather spend time at the library talking to Jaehyun then studying like Nayeon. Most people often thought Mijoo was the studious one while Nayeon had to struggle to focus, but they couldn't be further from the truth. Mijoo could understand why people would come to that conclusion. Nayeon had bright blue hair, wore crazy make up for fun, and had a closet the was bursting at the seems with personality. Mijoo had brown hair which had never been dyed or really styled more than her usual hair cut, wore simple make up, and had a quiet wardrobe. Any interesting piece of clothing she had, had been given to her by Nayeon and remained deep in her closet.

Mijoo sank lower in her chair and thought back on the last couple of weeks. Nayeon had always been telling to get out of her comfort zone, to meet new people and take risks. She wondered what she would say if she new exactly what her best friend had gotten involved with. Probably not the risks she was wanting her to make.

"Hey, let's get lunch together." Nayeon said throwing her arm over Mijoo's shoulders as they walked out of the classroom once class was over. "I'm hungry and I want to get to know you're cousin better." 

Mijoo frowned, "Please stop flirting with him in front of me, its disgusting."

Nayeon just rolled her eyes. "Oh please, how do you think I feel watching you ramble through a conversation with Jaehyun."

"You've been telling me to make my move on Jaehyun for years I don't want to hear it." Mijoo grumbled, looking over at Seungmin she caught the look that he was giving her knowing what it meant, any chance she had with Jaehyun now was done and gone. "...besides I think I'm going to move on. I...I don't have a chance with him anyway." 

"What!" Nayeon her in shock, falling open. "You've crushed on Jaehyun since freshman year what the hell are you talking about! And what do you mean you don't have a chance with him?! Where is this coming from!?" Mijoo could see Seungmin roll his eyes at her behind Nayeon's back.

"I-I just have been thinking I need to move on. He's going to graduate this year and then I'll probably never see him again." Mijoo explained. 

"Girl this is ridiculous. I cannot deal with....this right now, but trust me this conversation is not over." She said waving her finger threateningly in Mijoo's face.

Mijoo wondered how she was going to be able to talk herself out of this one when the time came. Nayeon was right she's had a crush on Jaehyun for three years, ever since she first met him at the library her first semester at college. She should probably start thinking up a cover story for the sudden change while she had the chance.

As they walked to the school cafeteria to grab a quick lunch Mijoo's phone started ringing. Looking down she was faced with the embarrassing 'Babe' contact name. If Nayeon saw that she was doomed. "Hey I need to take this, I'll catch up with you." She said, hanging back. Seungmin caught her eye and seemed to understand, leading Nayeon into the cafeteria without her. "Hello?" She said answering the phone.

"There's a party tonight that we're going to. Minho will be by your apartment at 6 to get you ready. He's picked out some outfits for you to wear. I'll pick you up at 8." Chan said briskly into the phone. 

"Oh....ok um. I guess I'll see you then." Mijoo responded. "uh....what kind of party is this?"

"Does it matter?" Chan asked, she could hear the frustration in his voice.

Mijoo frowned, "Well kind of, I'd like to know what I'm getting myself into."

Chan sighed. "It's a party with some friends of ours. They....want to meet you." Mijoo could practically feel how difficult it was for him to talk about this.

"Ok..." Mijoo said nodding to herself. She spotted Seungmin over by the door of the cafeteria watching her. "Will...everyone be there? Felix and Seungmin?" She asked.

"They will." Chan confirmed. 

"Good...." Mijoo nodded again biting her lip. "Well I...uh have to get back to lunch with my friend and Seungmin, don't want her to get suspicious. I'll see you tonight." 

"Ok." Chan replied shortly. 

"Bye..." She said into the phone. Her only response was the click as he hung up. 

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Hi guys! I have NOT forgotten about this story, some complications came up with my schedule and I've had NO TIME to write. Also the MV dropped today and emotionally I'm a wreck, cause I counted nine and Woojin was there but he wasnt and omg I'm not ok.


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istg i got old waiting on this story👵🏻
plz grant this grandma's last wish and continue your story🙇🏻‍♀️
Chapter 21: Missed it like hell 😭 channi was feeding us a mafia looks those past months 😥🤭 you should use it as reference to encourage you authornim. 💓 Waiting for your update like always. 💓
Daehyunnie123 #3
Chapter 21: yayyy!!! updates!!! I can't wait. love it
Chapter 21: Omg thanks for the update! I love jisung he's so sassy haha, got lots of laugh from this. Can't wait for the next chapy
Chapter 9: I'm rereading again since there's an update and I love this chapter!
hakimmj #6
Chapter 21: Finally, hoping their friendship will be better after this. So funny about the bed, hahaha jisung just want compensation for that. Can't wait for the new updates! ^=^
Chapter 20: So happy you updated! Poor mijoo lost her best friend :(
Annasaranghaeee #8
Chapter 20: Happy you’ve updated, poor mijoo
Daehyunnie123 #9
Chapter 20: aaahhh I'm so happy you updated!!! I'm excited for what comes next!
Daehyunnie123 #10
Chapter 19: your gang au is so good I love it. I hope you can update one day