Now I'm Lying on the Cold Hard Ground

The Lost Ones

They sent her out to the hallway, accompanied by the man with the gun, while the other four men and Felix talked amongst themselves. Mijoo was having serious flashbacks to high school. Every once in a while she could hear voices raise in volume, but couldn't pick out what they were saying she figured she probably didn't want to know. Mijoo shifted awkwardly on her feet, looking over at the man standing next to her. "You guys must have really good soundproofing." She commented.

The guy raised his eyebrow at her. "Well if you want to muffle the sound of a gunshot it's kind of necessary." He grunted. 

"O-oh..." Mijoo coughed and bit her lip. "So...uh...what's your name?" She asked trying to change the subject. 

He turned to look at the door they had exited for a second before turning back to Mijoo, contemplating something before responding, "It's Changbin."

"Uh, well...nice to meet you Changbin, I'm Mijoo." She nodded giving him a tight lipped smile. 

"I know," was all he said in reply. 

"Oh...right" Mijoo fidgeted. A few more beats passed before she spoke up again. "How long have you been a part of Stray Kids?"

Changbin gave her a strange look again. "Are you incapable of being quite for more than two minutes at a time?" He questioned.

Mijoo frowned, "I can be quiet! I'm just trying to ease the tension geez..." She defended crossing her arms over her chest.

Changbin rolled his eyes before looking back towards the door. The shouting had quieted down again and now the only thing that could be heard was the sound of the music from the club. "I've been with Chan for 5 years now." He answered turning his gaze back to Mijoo.

"Wow that's a long time." Mijoo replied before her brow furrowed. "Wait, but I thought Stray Kids has only been around for like two years?"

Changbin closed his eyes and sighed, "Do you really think-"

The door opened interrupting whatever Changbin was going to say. Felix stuck his head out and smiled at her, "You can come back in" He said, opening the door wider allowing for Changbin and Mijoo to enter. Chan hadn't moved from where he was sitting in the back of the room. His feet now propped up on the table in front of him with his arms crossed over his chest. Minho was still smiling, lazily sprawled out, his arms over the back of the chair next to Chan. The other man who had been sitting on the other side of Chan was standing now with his back against the wall, looking unruffled while Jisung looked absolutely livid sitting back in the chair he had originally occupied refusing to look at Mijoo.

"It would seem that Felix is adament that you receive the protection of Stray Kids." The man who was standing spoke, the only one in the room now whose name she didn't know. Felix was now standing next to her, while Changbin leaned back against the wall next to the door, watching everything play out.

"What does that mean?" Mijoo asked, daring to speak up. She didn't like the way Minho was smiling at her, like a cat about to eat it's prey. 

The man who spoke sighed, "Well it means more trouble for us for one thing. We aren't exactly in the business of babysitting." He drawled as if he found the whole thing to be more of an annoyance than anything.  

Mijoo frowned and moved before she could even think about what she was saying. "Didn't anyone ever teach you all any manners? You guys have been nothing but rude to me since Chan and Hyunjin stepped into my apartment and all I've done was save Felix's life" She spat out crossing her arms.

Changbin coughed, trying to hide a laugh while Jisung scowled even more. The man continued on as if she hadn't said anything. "We'll have to give you a babysitter to make sure you don't get killed while we work on a solution to this little mess you've created." 

Mijoo gaped at them, "Excuse me, I didn't create ANY mess! It's your guys fault that their trying to kill me!" 

The man gave her a piercing look, "I meant the mess where everyone now thinks you're Chan's girlfriend....which is all on you sweetheart." Mijoo's face turned pink, and she avoided looking over at the man who she had claimed to be her boyfriend. "But as I was saying you're going to have a babysitter. If it were up to me I would make Jisung do it cause he's been pissing me off lately but it's not up to me."

Chan's gaze hadn't left Mijoo since she entered and now he finally spoke up. "Seungmin will do it. This is part of his job after all. We'll have to pull him out of Hongik but I think we got all we needed out of there anyway. Woojin have him transfer to her college and make sure they have the same schedule. The apartment across from hers was vacant, set him up there and we'll use that as our point of comms for that neighborhood. We hadn't decided on a spot yet, but I guess this situation is forcing our hand."

"Understood," The man who was apparently named Woojin replied, taking out his cellphone and getting to work.

"Bin...Felix. Take her back to her apartment. Make sure you aren't followed and case the place for any eyes. Check back in when you're done....and Felix....stick to the job I've given you. Don't try to do more than what I've asked that's how we got in this mess in the first place." Chan ordered.

Felix nodded his head, his cheeks pink with embarrassment. "Yeah...I understand." He replied before turning to Mijoo. "Let's go." He said nodding his head toward the door. 

"Oh uh yeah ok....well bye." Mijoo said turning to the four men who were staying behind. Jisung rolled his eyes, and Woojin ignored her, focused on his phone. Chan simple raised his eyebrows at her and cocked his head almost in confusion. 

"Bye-bye sweetheart!" Minho said waving at her, the creepy smile still on his face.

Mijoo followed Felix and Changbin out into the hall. 

"Well I'd say that went much better than I was expecting." Felix said bouncing on the balls of his feet next to Mijoo as the walked down the hall. 

"Lix you are a grade A idiot, has anyone ever told you that?' Changbin said ahead of them not turning around. Mijoo imagined that he was probably rolling his eyes, but his voice held no malice. 

"You have....daily." Felix answered. "But it was worth it. I can't leave my savior out to die now can I?" Felix continued slipping his arm through hers and smiling at her. Mijoo wondered how this boy could be part of a gang, could be associated with They certainly seemed very different from one another.

"Well I know I appreciate it." Mijoo told him. "Can't say I was too psyched about the possibility of being killed. or tortured. Or tortured then killed." 

"Well now that you know things about us, we really can't have you taken." Changbin said opening the door and holding it open for Felix and Mijoo. Somehow the night felt like it had gotten even colder and the number of people lining up to get in the club even longer. "Besides it really wouldn't look good for our image if the leaders 'girlfriend' wasn't being protected at all" Changbin continued leading them to a sleek black maserati with tinted windows that had pulled up to the curb. Mijoo tried not to let her eyes fall out of her head as Changbin got into the drivers seat and Felix opened the door for her to slide into the back.

"Yeah that's basically what Woojin was saying, Jisung was just pissed cause....well he's Jisung." Felix added sliding in the passenger seat. "Oh hey can we listen to Twice?" Felix asked as Changbin started up the car before turning to look at Mijoo. "You like Twice right?" 

"Um yeah of course.........are you sure you're a gang member?" Mijoo asked looking curiously at the boy. If she hadn't carried his body up to her apartment herself she would have a hard time believe they could ever be the same person. The Felix in front of her felt more like a high school senior or college freshmen that she needed to take care of, not a gang member who had the capability of killing someone and breaking the law on the regular. 

Felix laughed, giving her another eye smile. "Of course I am. Come on Binnie play some Twice. Woojin never lets me when I ride with him." 

Changbin sighed but acquiesced and the upbeat sounds of Twice began to play through the stereo with Felix singing along. Mijoo was beginning to think this was the weirdest day of her life. The ride back to her apartment was longer than she expected, but Felix explained that they had to make sure that no one was tailing them. Eventually however they pulled into an alley near her apartment.

"What are we doing now?" Mijoo asked. 

"We have to check for eyes, make sure there's no one already watching the place, make sure there is no one around to see us go in. We do this a lot so it won't take us very long." Felix supplied. 

"'re leaving me?!" Mijoo said suddenly feeling concerned, even if it was in a nice maserati she didn't want to get left behind, especially out in the open.

"You'll be fine I promise. No one followed us and this car is bulletproof. We'll even lock you in and I'll keep Twice playing for you while you wait." Felix said before getting out of the car to join Changbin who had already exited the vehicle. Mijoo didn't know how to tell him that wasn't exactly comforting, but he was already gone, with only the sounds of Twice and the doors locking keeping her company.

It probably wasn't very long that they were gone maybe on;y 15 to 20 minutes, but to Mijoo every second stretched on for hours. She nearly had a heart attack at the sound of the doors unlocking and Felix sticking his head back in the car. "We're all good. Come on out." He said before helping her out of the car.

Mijoo had a very strange sense of deja vu as the three of them rode the elevator up to her floor, except this time she didn't have a bleeding out and dying boy on her hands. The escorted her to her door and even checked her apartment for her to make sure there hadn't been any intrusions or bugs left behind. Felix made a few jokes about almost dying in the entrance and trying to see if he had left a stain. Changbin checked the windows and Mijoo caught him petting and smiling at her cat. Eventually however they both finished and it was time for them to leave. 

"Oh wait!" Felix said as they were about to leave. "Give me your cell phone!" He said turning to her. Mijoo did as she was asked, wondering what he was going to do. "I'm adding everyone's number to your phone. We already have yours but it would probably be a good idea for you to call us if you need us. A lot easier than trying to search for us on the street. We aren't always at the club either" Felix added as he plugged in the numbers before giving it back. 

"Seungmin will find you. Just go about your normal life until then." Changbin added his hand on the door knob, "And uh...thanks for saving Felix's life. I know the guys don't seem it, but we all are really relieved we didn't lose him." He added, his face softening for a moment and for a few seconds he looked like the young man he was supposed to be, not some gangster with the world against him.  

"Oh um...of course. I'm glad I was able to help." Mijoo stuttered, her face turning red. 

"Bye Mijoo!" Felix called as they exited her apartment, "See you soon!" He called over his shoulder leaving her with one last smile.

As the door to her apartment shut leaving Mijoo alone, she couldn't help but feel that her life really never would be the same again, but she was having a heard time being bothered by that idea. 

Oh heck can I just take a moment to pat myself on the back that I was not only able to update TLO but also BOB today. That never happens. I wish this chapter was a little longer, but I'm happy with it so I'm not going to belabor the point.

Much Love,


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Hi guys! I have NOT forgotten about this story, some complications came up with my schedule and I've had NO TIME to write. Also the MV dropped today and emotionally I'm a wreck, cause I counted nine and Woojin was there but he wasnt and omg I'm not ok.


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istg i got old waiting on this story👵🏻
plz grant this grandma's last wish and continue your story🙇🏻‍♀️
Chapter 21: Missed it like hell 😭 channi was feeding us a mafia looks those past months 😥🤭 you should use it as reference to encourage you authornim. 💓 Waiting for your update like always. 💓
Daehyunnie123 #3
Chapter 21: yayyy!!! updates!!! I can't wait. love it
Chapter 21: Omg thanks for the update! I love jisung he's so sassy haha, got lots of laugh from this. Can't wait for the next chapy
Chapter 9: I'm rereading again since there's an update and I love this chapter!
hakimmj #6
Chapter 21: Finally, hoping their friendship will be better after this. So funny about the bed, hahaha jisung just want compensation for that. Can't wait for the new updates! ^=^
Chapter 20: So happy you updated! Poor mijoo lost her best friend :(
Annasaranghaeee #8
Chapter 20: Happy you’ve updated, poor mijoo
Daehyunnie123 #9
Chapter 20: aaahhh I'm so happy you updated!!! I'm excited for what comes next!
Daehyunnie123 #10
Chapter 19: your gang au is so good I love it. I hope you can update one day