Like it Really Rough Guy

The Lost Ones

Mijoo unlocked her apartment door for her and Seungmin to find Chan already standing in her living room. "How did you get in here?!" She asked as Seungmin entered the apartment behind her and plopped down on her couch. He seemed like he was already making himself at home.

Chan raised an eyebrow at her. "I let myself in, I wasn't going to wait in the hallway." 

"But I locked the door?" It was a statement but it came out more as a question. 

Chan snorted, “Yeah these apartment locks aren’t exactly top of the line.” He answered before turning to Seungmin “Remind Woojin to get her locks changed with the ones we got for across the hall and get me a set of keys.” Seungmin quickly pulled out his phone and started typing.

“You’re....going to have a set of keys to my place?” Mijoo asked hugging her arms to her body. “Is that necessary?” Oh my god if my parents find out that a guy has a key to my apartment they’ll kill me!

“Don’t worry, I don’t plan to make it a habit to come see you. But if I’m coming over I don’t plan to have to break in every single time.” Chan explained

“You could just...I don’t know...knock or ask me like a normal person.” Mijoo muttered to herself. If Chan heard her he didn’t acknowledge what she said. 

“Woojin said Changbin will be by the evening to get it done.” Seungmin spoke up from his phone. “Speaking of Bin why isn’t he with you I thought Woojin said that after...” Seungmin stopped himself looking over at Mijoo before continuing, “that he was supposed to be with you at all times as a safety precaution.”

Chan scoffed and rolled his eyes. “I am perfectly capable of taking care of myself. Changbin doesn’t need to babysit me. I am the leader of Stray Kids am I not?”

“Yeah yeah you’re the boss.” Seungmin acknowledged waving his hand, but the way he said it made Mijoo think he wasn’t taking him all that seriously. If Chan thought so too he didn’t say anything. 

“So...why did you need to see us?” Mijoo asked.

Chan turned his gaze back to Mijoo. “Well for one I have business to attend to with Seungmin and I knew he was with you, second I wanted to make sure you would answer the phone when I called, and third we need to set some ground rules about....our relationship.” He explained. Seungmin started snickering at Chan’s obvious discomfort at their supposed relationship but quickly shut up when Chan sent him a glare. 

“Why don’t you go work on getting across the hall set up to your liking?” Chan said nodding to the door dismissing him. Seungmin frowned but didn’t argue standing from the couch and heading towards the door. 

“See ya later Mijoo.” Seungmin called as he left. 

The sound of the door shutting seemed to echo between Mijoo and Chan who were standing awkwardly in her living room. 

“Um, that’s a nice suit” Mijoo said trying to break the ice.

“This is a Desmond Merrion worth 58 thousand won, but sure.....It’s a nice suit.” Chan responded straightening his cuffs. Mijoo almost felt her eyes bulge out of her head. All that money for one suit? How much money does this guy have?


“Listen let’s just get straight to the point. You are to keep you phone on at all times. When I call I expect you to answer, no excuses. When I tell you to come, you come. Your wardrobe is going to need a massive upgrade, I have a reputation to uphold and now you affect that reputation. If one of my men ask you to do something you do it no questions asked.”

“Uh what about-”

“You may have to attend meetings and parties with me, I expect you to be silent and not speak to anyone outside of Stray Kids. Doing so could jeopardize Stray Kids and your life. If you need anything let Seungmin know and he’ll get it for you.” Chan continued as if Mijoo hadn’t said anything. “I have my phone with me at all times. I have you saved as ‘baby girl’ and will refer to you as such when necessary. I expect you to be willing to call me....’babe’ also when necessary. You were able to fool one of my guards so I imagine you can act well enough if need be. You have my number. Don’t use it.” Chan fell silent, looking at her expectantly.

“’ve never had a girlfriend before huh” Mijoo said after a moment of silence. 

“Excuse me?” Chan asked a look of genuine surprise on his face.

Mijoo let out a little laugh. “There’s no way you’ve had a girlfriend before if that’s how you expect to treat one.”

“It doesn’t matter if I’ve had a girlfriend before or not. Besides you’re not a real girlfriend anyway.” He replied stiffly, rolling his eyes for good measure. 

Even though Mijoo knew it was true and even agreed that they weren’t, it still sounded hurtful the way he said it. “Well true... but you’re going to get a reputation as a terrible boyfriend at this rate. But’s you’re precious reputation.” Mijoo muttered under her breath

Chan left out a heavy sigh. Mijoo almost thought he was going to ignore what she had said but then he opened his mouth, “Which part of that would you change?” He asked.

“Well first of all if you’re my boyfriend why am I not allowed to call you?” She pointed out. 

“Because I have better things to be doing with my time besides hearing about your day.”

Mijoo shook her head and crossed her arms. “See that’s your first mistake. A girlfriend who’s not even allowed to call her boyfriend? Ever? Sounds like a horrible relationship.”

Mijoo watched as Chan’s jaw clenched and unclenched a few times as he stared her down. “....fine. You will call me once a day, but that’s it.”

Somehow that didn’t make Mijoo feel any better. Now she was being forced to speak to him....every day. What am I even supposed to say when I call? ‘Hi big bad gang leader let me tell you about my political theory teacher and how I saw a cat on the way to class?’ Oh god am I going to have to call him babe every time I call? 

“What am I supposed to tell my friends about you?” Mijoo asked trying to get her mind off the terrifying thought

Chan frowned, Mijoo was beginning to suspect he was going to be doing that a lot with her. “Don’t tell them anything. They don’t need to know about me.”

Mijoo sighed that definitely didn’t seem like it was going to work. Nayeon was too nosy for her own good and would notice something was up. She thought about voicing her concerns but decided against it. There’s no way I’m going to let Nayeon meet Chan. That’s just a nightmare waiting to happen. “I’ll try” was all she said. 

“Good. Seungmin will be across the hall if you need him. I’ll talk to Minho about getting you a new wardrobe for when you need to go out with me. What you wore to the club yesterday ...throw it in the trash.” Chan said pulling out his phone. “Now if you’ll excuse me I have more important matters to attend to with Seungmin.”

“Um...well alright...I guess I’ll talk to you later then?” Mijoo replied following Chan back towards the door as he left. 

He looked back at her, “If I don’t hear from you I’ll assume the worst and will contact Seungmin to find you. Understood?” 

“Uh yes....” Mijoo nodded feeling like if this was real it would be the strangest relationship ever. “Have a good day! Bye!” She waved as he opened the door to leave. 

Chan stopped and looked back at her strangely before shutting the door and leaving her alone in her apartment. “Thanks Mijoo, see you later” Mijoo said in a deeper tone mocking Chan’s voice. “What is it about gang members and saying goodbye? It’s common courtesy you know!” Mijoo said looking over at Brian who was sitting on her kitchen counter his paw. “...wait a minute you’re not supposed to be up there, get down!” She said waving him off the counter. 

The rest of the day was pretty uneventful with Mijoo focused on doing laundry, doing homework, and then watching TV that evening. She had almost put the days events out of her mind until a knock came at her door. Checking through the peephole first she saw Changbin waiting on the other side with a tool box. She quickly opened the door for him. 

“Woojin sent me to change your locks.” He said as Mijoo let him inside. 

“Yeah Chan was here earlier and decided I needed new ones after he broke in.” Mijoo replied as Changbin set down his tool box.

“Chan broke in?” Changbin asked raising his eyebrows at her. 

Mijoo huffed. “Yes. Was too impatient to wait out in the hall for me and Seungmin to get back.”

Changbin smiled softly, almost as if to himself. “Yeah he’s kind of used to getting what he wants when he wants.... Good luck.” He said as an afterthought. 

That didn’t make Mijoo feel any better. “I should probably call him before he sends Seungmin after me.” 

“Why would he send Seungmin after you.” Changbin asked as he began removing the old door knob and lock from her door.

Mijoo sighed loudly drawing Changbin’s gaze to her once again. “He was laying the ground rules for our ‘relationship’ and said I was to never call him...ever. When I pointed out that made him a terrible boyfriend he decided I had to call him every single day only once and if I don’t he’ll send Seungmin after me. ....Now that I’m thinking about it this might be payback.” 

This time Changbin did laugh. “Probably...” He replied. 

Mijoo grabbed her phone and rang Chan, going to sit on the couch while Changbin worked on the door. The phone rang once before he answered. “Yes?” He asked sharply. 

“ is Mijoo.” Mijoo said pulling her knees up to her chest. 

“Yeah, I know. I have caller id.” Chan replied. Mijoo could practically feel him rolling his eyes.

“Right, uh well I’m just calling like you told me too.” Mijoo said into the phone. It was quiet for a few beats, apparently Chan wasn’t going to add anything to the conversation. “Well, Changbin is here now changing my door locks. I haven’t seen Seungmin since he left earlier. Kind of a boring rest of the day apart from you breaking into my apartment. was your day?” 

It was quiet again for a few seconds and Mijoo wondered if Chan was just going to completely ignore her for the entire phone call, but then he spoke. “It was a normal day.”

Mijoo heard snickering in the background. “Oh my god is that your giiiiirlfriend.” She heard someone say.

“Minho if you don’t want to get shot in five seconds you will shut up.” Chan barked out before returning to the phone. “My day was normal. I had meetings. Did business, oh are you interested in hearing about how many people I shot? No. Then we’re done here.” 

“Wow. you at talking to girls boss” Mijoo heard someone else say in the background followed by a sigh from Chan.

“Um yeah, uh good talk. Uh....I’ll talk to you tomorrow I guess. Um....goodnight.” Mijoo said resting her head on her arms.

There was a moment of silence on the other end and for a second Mijoo thought Chan was about to say it back but then was met with the click that signaled he had ended the call. “Goodnight Mijoo, sleep well” She muttered again mocking his voice. 

“I wouldn’t let Chan hear you do that.” Changbin called from where he was at the front door.

“ heard that?” She asked feeling her face flush slightly. 

Changbin chuckled, “Yeah I did. Chan’s not big on ‘byes’ and especially the ‘goodnights’ so good luck with that.” He responded before falling silent to focus on his work. She nodded to herself, making note of the information. Mijoo spent the rest of the time Changbin was there on her phone waiting for him to finish, wondering how tomorrow was going to go with Seungmin meeting Nayeon. 

Once Changbin finished he gave her a new key which she quickly added to her key ring and informed her that Seungmin and Chan would also have a key to her place just in case. He added that if necessary he could get Felix a key as well if she would want that. She said she would think about it and sent him on his way before locking the door and getting ready for bed. 

As she curled up with Brian on top of her she could have sworn she heard the sounds of the door knob jiggling lightly but sleep claimed her before she could check. 

I finally finished this chapter !!! Its been a while I know. I really wanted to continue this story but was having trouble with motivation. I started cross posting this and another story to my tumblr account which I'm hoping that will help to keep me motivated and it did cause I wrote this. lol

Love Much,


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Hi guys! I have NOT forgotten about this story, some complications came up with my schedule and I've had NO TIME to write. Also the MV dropped today and emotionally I'm a wreck, cause I counted nine and Woojin was there but he wasnt and omg I'm not ok.


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istg i got old waiting on this story👵🏻
plz grant this grandma's last wish and continue your story🙇🏻‍♀️
Chapter 21: Missed it like hell 😭 channi was feeding us a mafia looks those past months 😥🤭 you should use it as reference to encourage you authornim. 💓 Waiting for your update like always. 💓
Daehyunnie123 #3
Chapter 21: yayyy!!! updates!!! I can't wait. love it
Chapter 21: Omg thanks for the update! I love jisung he's so sassy haha, got lots of laugh from this. Can't wait for the next chapy
Chapter 9: I'm rereading again since there's an update and I love this chapter!
hakimmj #6
Chapter 21: Finally, hoping their friendship will be better after this. So funny about the bed, hahaha jisung just want compensation for that. Can't wait for the new updates! ^=^
Chapter 20: So happy you updated! Poor mijoo lost her best friend :(
Annasaranghaeee #8
Chapter 20: Happy you’ve updated, poor mijoo
Daehyunnie123 #9
Chapter 20: aaahhh I'm so happy you updated!!! I'm excited for what comes next!
Daehyunnie123 #10
Chapter 19: your gang au is so good I love it. I hope you can update one day