When You Walked In

The Lost Ones

When Mijoo's alarm went off the next morning she struggled to get out of bed. Blearily she sat up and blinked a few times to clear her vision, the events of the previous night coming back to her. After a few moments of just sitting there staring off into space wondering if it was all just a dream, she shuffled out of bed and into her bathroom. She went through her morning routine as if was just another normal day. Since it was Saturday she didn't have any classes to go to, although she figured she probably should go back to the library to study more. After getting dressed and throwing the clothes she had put in the washer out to dry she grabbed her purse and headed out to go visit the coffee shop down the street. Stepping into the elevator, Mijoo couldn't help but look around to see if there was an residual blood left behind. She was pretty sure there was some spots sprinkled on the floor, but she tried to act like she didn't see it. Felix was fine...no one died and he wasn't her problem anymore. 

The coffee shop was busy as usual with the Saturday morning crowd. Many of the tables were already occupied with college students on their laptops or mom's chatting over coffee about their husbands and kids. Mijoo slipped in line, looking over the menu even though she already knew what she would be getting. Sometimes she liked to pretend she would actually be trying the special they put out every week, not that she ever actually would. Hwasa gave her a big smile when she stepped up to the register. "Morning, one large mocha?" She asked. 

"Yeah, but add an extra shot today." Mijoo replied pulling out her wallet. 

Hwasa raised her eyebrows as she entered the order into the register. "Extra shot? Must have been a rough night..." She commented. 

"Rough night doesn't even begin to describe it..." Mijoo said shaking her head and handing Hwasa the money for the drink.

"Well I hope this helps then...see you later" She said waving as Mijoo went to wait on her coffee and let the boy behind her step up to the register. 

She scrolled through instagram while she waited on her drink, biting her lip absentmindedly. After a few minutes her order was called which she picked up before heading out of the coffee shop. After a few moments contemplating her plans for the day Mijoo headed off in the direction of the campus library. The exam is Monday after all, it's not like I'm going just so I can see Jaehyun...I mean if he's there it will just be a bonus. He might not even be there today.......who are you kidding....he's always there on a Saturday. Mijoo took the same route she had taken the night before, and as she approached the alley where she found Felix she slowed her pace, coming to a stop when she reached the entrance. She didn't know why she was stopping, but she couldn't help but look in to see if there was any evidence of what had happened the night before. What she didn't expect to see however, was man crouched on the ground over the pool of blood Felix had left behind with a phone to his ear.

"Yeah....he's not here. My guess is he got up and ran off or called for help...........well then he did a ty job, its obvious that he didn't make sure the bastard was actually dead before he ran off....." The man said into the phone.

Mijoo couldn't help the gasp that escaped her lips at what the man had said, her coffee which she had barely had time to drink falling to the ground. She quickly covered , her heart hammering in her chest, but it was too late. The man looked up in surprise at Mijoo, the phone still held up to his ear. The two had a staring contest for a few breathless moments before she took off running in the direction of school.

Oh my god....oh my GOD.....OH MY GOD!! I'm going to die, IM GOING TO DIE....I help out one stranger and this is what happens. Mijoo was practically screaming at herself for her stupidity. She wasn't entirely sure where she was going to go, but she figured she didn't want to stay and find out what that man was going to do for listening in on his conversation. They tried to kill Felix and now I'm next! Oh my god Mijoo what have you gotten yourself into!!!

She made the mistake of looking behind her. The man was hot on her tail and was closing in fast. Oh my god move faster Mijoo, come on, come on, come on!! She tried to run even faster, but she was already running out of steam, she had never been particularly excited about gym class or exercise in high school and now she was regretting it. If I make it out of this, I'm taking up running. Mijoo if you survive we are going to run everyday, and I don't want to hear any complaints. Unfortunately it seemed life had different plans, as she felt a hand wrap around her wrist and pull her into a nearby alley. She started to scream but a hand clamped down on as she wheeled around and came face to face with someone who was not the man chasing her. 

"Shut up if you want to live" The boy hissed at her, his shaggy brown hair falling in his eyes. She furrowed her brow at him. Wasn't this the same boy that had been behind her in line at the coffee shop?

The boy let go of her and pushed her away from him as the man chasing her reached the alley they were standing in. The man stopped, breathing heavily before scoffing. "Well...can't say I was expecting to see you here Jisung..." He said looking at the boy.

"Funny I was just about to say the same to you Mark....what are you doing in one of our neighborhoods?" Jisung asked putting his hands on his hips. "Say....you wouldn't know anything about what happened to Felix last night.....would you?" Mijoo looked at Jisung in surprise, he knew Felix? 

A sour look passed over Mark's face, "No.....I'm afraid I wouldn't....." He spat out, as if it pained him. 

Now Mijoo was very confused, she had just heard the man on the phone talking about it, "But I heard-" Jisung gave her a look that said 'shut-up-or-else' and so she quickly closed cutting off what she was about to say.

"Oh well that's too bad...." Jisung replied almost sounding like he was mocking Mark, "Well it was good to see you again. You have a good day now." He said dismissively. Mark looked like he was itching to strangle the boy, but He just gave a forced smile and nodded to Jisung and then to Mijoo before turning with a glare and leaving the two of them in the alley.

After a few seconds of silence Mijoo spoke up. "Um....thank you?" She said although it came out as more of a question.

Jisung turned to her and rolled his eyes, "Geez he said you were odd, but I didn't expect you to be stupid. Like really...who goes back to the scene of a crime?"

Mijoo frowned, "Who said I was odd? And I wasn't going back there on purpose, it was just on my way...it's not my fault Felix got attacked in an alley that I happen to walk past a lot."

"You're just lucky Chan had me follow you otherwise you would be dead right now. So you're welcome." Jisung huffed out. 

"Who's Chan? Wait....why were you following me? That's kind of rude you know...." Mijoo asked crossing her arms in front of her.

Jisung actually laughed at that. "Yeah well, next time I'll just let them kill you I guess. We had to make sure you didn't go to the police or do anything stupid....which you did..."

"Why would I go to the police?" Mijoo asked looking at Jisung confused. 

Jisung was knocked speechless at that, "Why would you- are you really THAT stupid?" He asked looking at her in amazement. 

Mijoo frowned again, "No of course not. Are you really THAT rude? What was I supposed to tell the police? 'Hi officer, I just wanted to let you know I saved a boy from dying last night......No I don't know what happened to him.....no I have no way of contacting him....no I know nothing about him' like what would be the point? I was planning to just go on with my life, but now I have someone who was going to KILL ME after me!!" Mijoo got up in Jisung's face and made a point of poking him in the shoulder. 

Jisung pushed her away from him. "Just chill out ok, Mark won't dare show his face around here anytime soon now that I caught him here. Just go about your stupid little life and forget about any of this"

"Excuse me my life is NOT stupid, and as much as I would like to continue on with my life as normal how am I supposed to know they aren't going to come after me? What am I supposed to do if they do?" Mijoo asked feeling frustrated.

Jisung crossed his arms, "That's not my problem, that's yours. Deal with it yourself...go to the police or something"

Mijoo's mouth fell open in shock, "Not your- ....wha- ...are you- Are you kidding me?? Fend for myself? Go to the police? You followed me this morning just to make sure I wouldn't go to the police and now you're telling me to go??? Are you on crack???"

Jisung rolled his eyes again, clearly annoyed with this conversation. "I followed you so you wouldn't go to cops about Felix, I could care less about Mark and them..."

"And how exactly am I supposed to explain this situation to them without explaining about Felix?" Mijoo questioned throwing her hands in the air.

"I don't know, use your imagination. Make something up. Lie if you're capable of it. But I don't care, just as long as you leave Felix out of it......or else Mark's not the one you'll have to worry about..." He said threateningly, Mijoo gulped.

She nodded, "Noted...can I go now or....." She said pointing her thumb towards the entrance of the alleyway.

Jisung rolled his eyes yet again, "Yeah...get out of here..." He said nodding to the exit. Mijoo made a quick escape after that, walking as quickly as she dared towards school. She didn't feel comfortable going immediately back home, she didn't want to lead Mark back there. She didn't particularly believe that Jisung was right about him not showing his face around there any time soon. If he was willing to kill someone, he didn't seem like the type to follow rules.

Normally she felt relatively safe on campus, but now she felt like anyone could be a threat. That boy on a bike? A threat. That group of friends walking together? A threat. That squirrel minding its own business eat a nut? A threat. Everyone else was going about there business like a normal Saturday, but Mijoo wondered if she would be able to ever again.

She pushed open the doors of the library with her heartbeat beating erratically. Jaehyun was sitting at the front desk going through some books that had been returned but as Mijoo entered he looked up and smiled. "Hey! Didn't I just see you here last night? What brings you back so soon?"

Mijoo smiled nervously back at him, "O-Oh just...worried about Dr. Kang's exam, they're always really difficult with a long essay section so I want to do well..."

Jaehyun nodded, "I understand, Johnny hated her last year for it and always forced me to help him study. I doubt I remember much but if you need help let me know!" He replied his eyes twinkling. 

Normally Mijoo would be swooning and have taken him up on that offer in a heartbeat, but instead she shook her head, "I appreciate the offer, but I'll have to take you up on it next time. Thank you though!"

"Well if you change your mind you know where to find me" He said nodding at her. 

"I know, I'll let you know." She said waving at him before moving past the front desk and into the library stacks. After walking around aimlessly for a bit through the rows of books, trying to calm down her heart and looking to see if anyone was watching her, she headed over to the schools computers. 

Sitting down she logged in and opened up Google. Where do I even begin? What am I even looking for? I can't even go to the police, all I have is some random guys name.... She groaned and face planted on the desk. "I'm going to get murdered..."  



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Hi guys! I have NOT forgotten about this story, some complications came up with my schedule and I've had NO TIME to write. Also the MV dropped today and emotionally I'm a wreck, cause I counted nine and Woojin was there but he wasnt and omg I'm not ok.


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istg i got old waiting on this story👵🏻
plz grant this grandma's last wish and continue your story🙇🏻‍♀️
Chapter 21: Missed it like hell 😭 channi was feeding us a mafia looks those past months 😥🤭 you should use it as reference to encourage you authornim. 💓 Waiting for your update like always. 💓
Daehyunnie123 #3
Chapter 21: yayyy!!! updates!!! I can't wait. love it
Chapter 21: Omg thanks for the update! I love jisung he's so sassy haha, got lots of laugh from this. Can't wait for the next chapy
Chapter 9: I'm rereading again since there's an update and I love this chapter!
hakimmj #6
Chapter 21: Finally, hoping their friendship will be better after this. So funny about the bed, hahaha jisung just want compensation for that. Can't wait for the new updates! ^=^
Chapter 20: So happy you updated! Poor mijoo lost her best friend :(
Annasaranghaeee #8
Chapter 20: Happy you’ve updated, poor mijoo
Daehyunnie123 #9
Chapter 20: aaahhh I'm so happy you updated!!! I'm excited for what comes next!
Daehyunnie123 #10
Chapter 19: your gang au is so good I love it. I hope you can update one day