I Knew You Were Trouble

The Lost Ones

Come on Mijoo it's not that much farther. Why did you even stay this late to begin with......Dr. Kang's class isn't worth getting killed over. You should have left with Nayeon, but noooooo you had to be an idiot cause Jaehyun was there. Mijoo shuffled along the sidewalk berating herself for her poor planning and weak heart. She had spent way too long at the library studying for Dr. Kang's upcoming comparative politics exam even after she realized she had left her phone charger back at home. She should have left two hours ago, but Jaehyun was working and she was trying to find an excuse to be around him. She sniffed and pulled her sweater closer to her body, normally she loved the cold weather, but at one in the morning on a Saturday it made her feel even more exposed. She checked her phone again to see how much battery she had left.

1 percent.

Mijoo sighed. She wasn't sure she would even be able to call the cops with 1 percent battery if she needed to. There was only a couple blocks left until she got back to her apartment so she quickened her pace, her eyes and head darting around like a scared rabbit. A loud crash sounded from behind her causing her to jump and look around in fright. When she turned she saw a knocked over garbage can the lid rolling towards the street and a white cat sitting in the middle of the side walk. For a moment Mijoo and the cat had a staring contest as Mijoo's heart beat erratically in . But then the cat looked away,  its paw and rubbing it over its face. That broke the spell Mijoo was under who turned back the way she was going and began her fast paced walk again. Her heart beating even faster than it had before. 

There's nothing to worry about. It was just a cat. I'm fine. There's nothing out there. I'm going to make it home. I'm going to get home and make some hot chocolate and watch Pride and Prejudice for the thousandth time and everything is going to be fine. Mijoo repeated to herself in her head, hoping that just by thinking it, it would make it come true. She checked her phone again. But this time the screen didn't light up and greet her with the photo of her cat she had saved as her homescreen. Dead.......great. This is fine, this is going to be fine. I'm almost home and then I don't have to worry. Everything is going to be fine. 

Mijoo began singing softly under her breath, as if singing would keep away the monsters and bad men, "We were in love, We met and became a memory that can’t be erased...It was a commendable melodrama, a pretty good ending, that’s all I need, I loved you..."

She was now only a couple of blocks away from her apartment and she was beginning to feel better about her chances of making it back with no problem. That was until she heard what sounded like someone groaning in pain up ahead. Mijoo's pace slowed considerably and then came to a stop when she heard shuffling and saw a man dart out of the alleyway in front of her and run off in the opposite direction. Mijoo stood frozen for a moment, scared to move forward past where the man had just run, afraid of what she would find...or what would find her.  After a few seconds another groan came from the alley and Mijoo found herself inching forward slowly. Reaching the corner of the alley, Mijoo peaked around hoping that she wouldn't find anything. What she saw instead was a boy lying on the ground curled up in a ball, another groan escaped his lips. He was clearly in pain.

Mijoo hesitated, should she make sure he was ok? Maybe the guy earlier was going to get help? She really shouldn't get involved, it wasn't like there was anything she could do anyway. Just as Mijoo had made up her mind to keep walking the boy began coughing and Mijoo watched as he coughed up a lot of blood. Before she could even realize what she was doing she had rushed closer down the alley toward the boy. She was halfway there when she realized where she was. She stopped, calling out to him, "A-are you ok?" She asked wincing at how scared she sounded. 

The boy looked up at her, blood staining his mouth and pain clouding his eyes. That's when she saw the wound on his abdomen that was covered in blood, soaking the front of his shirt. "Oh my god!" She said rushing the rest of the way to him "are you ok? Do you need help? No wait...that's a stupid question of course you do....um my phone is dead, but I don't live very far from here. Do you think you can walk?" The words left Mijoo quickly as she hovered over the boy. She wasn't by any means a nurse, but she remembered that her mom had once told her to put pressure on a wound to stop the bleeding. That had been for when she had cut herself while chopping onions. This was a much bigger wound, but Mijoo was fairly certain that the concept still applied....she hoped. "Uh...this is probably going to hurt...so uh.....brace yourself." Mijoo said before pushing her hand against the gash. The boy let out a pained hiss in response to the pressure. "S-sorry...but you need to stop bleeding..." Mijoo stuttered out, her teeth were chattering and it wasn't because of the cold. "C-can you stand up?" She asked. The boy winced as he tried to sit up, Mijoo put her other arm under his armpit and helped him up while keeping her other hand on the wound. She tried not to think about the blood that was covering her hand. 

"Take...take off your sweater..." The boy rasped out in a low voice. It was much deeper than she expected for how young he looked. 

"Wha....what?" Mijoo asked confused, wondering why he wanted her to take off her sweater at a time like this. 

"Hold...it on the wound....help stop the bleeding." He breathed out, his voice unstable. 

"O...oh right...good idea." Mijoo responded taking her hand off the wound so she could take off her sweater. The cold hit her almost immediately, she shivered. Folding the sweater, Mijoo hesitated for a second...this was her favorite sweater...would she be able to get blood out of it? Shaking off her thoughts she pressed the pink sweater against the wound causing the boy to hiss again. "Ok...lets try to stand up now and get you to my apartment. It has an elevator so you wont have to walk up stairs..." Mijoo said tightening her grip under the boy's armpit before moving to raise him up. He was heavier than he looked and it took them a couple of tries but eventually he was standing, he was leaning heavily on Mijoo, but he was standing. "I'm uh...Eun Mijoo...by the way..." She said as they started their slow pace to her apartment. She flinched internally. Is now really the best time for introductions idiot? The boy is bleeding out, he could die! She chastised herself. 

"....Felix" The boy replied, his voice strained. 

The rest of the walk was made in silence. Mijoo thanked the heavens that there was no one in the lobby of her apartment when they arrived. Pressing the call button on the elevator she waited with baited breath praying that no one would be inside when it opened. The elevator dinged and the doors slide open, She breathed a sigh of relief when it revealed no one waiting inside. Helping Felix in to the elevator Mijoo pressed the button for the fifth floor where she lived. The elevator doors closed and Mijoo felt like she was home free. They were halfway through the elevator ride when Felix started to go limp. 

"No! No! Felix! Open your eyes! We're almost there! Don't fall asleep!" Mijoo said shaking him slightly. Felix's eyes blinked lazily as if he was having a hard time keeping them open.

Mijoo willed the elevator to move faster, and eventually the doors opened on her floor. she was practically dragging Felix at this point, but she knew if she didn't move fast she was going to have a dead body on her hands and that was NOT something she was prepared to deal with. Fumbling to pull her key out of her pocket Felix leaned against the door frame. Her hands shook as she inserted the key and unlocked the door. Pushing it open she dragged Felix the rest of the way in. His eyes were still fluttering. "Ok....I'm going to call for an ambulance...so just hold on!" Mijoo told Felix was laying on the ground now. She turned to find the home phone her parents insist she have, suddenly thankful for their ridiculous request, but before she could walk away Felix grabbed her ankle, his grip strong despite the fact he was seconds away from passing out. 

"No.....no ambulance...no police....please..." He begged. Mijoo froze. No ambulance? No police? Then what was she supposed to do? Just let him die? Felix's eyes fluttered shut and his grip on her ankle slackened, he was still breathing but he was out cold.

"Then what am I supposed to do?" Mijoo whispered, suddenly feeling very small. For a moment she thought she was going to cry, but then it passed and she was rushing to her room for her sewing kit. Digging it out of her closet Mijoo then ran to the kitchen. Pulling out the bottle of vodka Nayeon had given her has a joke for her birthday she pulled out one of her needles and poured the alcohol over it. "Lord I hope this works..." She muttered to herself, hoping that all those tv shows she watched were somewhat based in truth before hurrying back to Felix's side. Removing her sweater which was now very much soaked in his blood, she then lifted the front of his shirt. "Oh God..." She said when she saw the slash that was across his stomach. It looked ugly. Mijoo wasn't sure she could do this, but the thought of have to deal with a dead body concerned her more so she grabbed on to the little courage she had left and attempted to thread the needle. Her hand was shaking so bad it took her way too long to actually get it threaded. As soon as she did she went to work. Just think of it like that pillow you made for mom. This is just another pillow. This is not a person, this is a pillow that you are sewing up. Just a really important pillow with huge consequences if you don't do this right. Mijoo tried to reassure herself, but it wasn't working very well.

After a few agonizing minutes she had a very messy, but practical, sewing job across his stomach keeping the wound closed. Mijoo fell back, exhausted and looked at the boy lying next to her. She was pretty sure he wasn't going to die now, but she figured she should get him help as soon as possible. Easier said than done, when the boy in question had told her not to call for help. She started rooting through his pockets hoping to find a phone, which she discovered in his front pocket. "Sorry about this.." Mijoo told the passed out Felix as she took his hand to use his thumb for the fingerprint scanner so she could get past his lock screen. Looking through his most recent phone calls she figured, "Big Bro" was as good as any to call.

The phone rang twice before it was picked up. "What is it Felix, I thought we told you to be back an hour ago." A clipped voice said upon answering. 

Mijoo stalled for a second before realizing she needed to say something, "Um sorry...Felix is kind of....passed out on my floor..." She told the voice, wincing at her choice of words.

The phone was quiet for a few seconds. "Who is this?" The person on the other end said, his voice having gotten much deeper and suddenly sounding much more dangerous. Maybe Big Bro wasn't the right person to call. 

"Oh...uh...I'm Mijoo. Don't worry whoever you are....Felix is fine....well...I mean he's fine now. Uh...let me explain. I was walking home and Felix was in an alley and he was kind of sort of bleeding out..."

"What!" The voice on the other end hissed out. He definitely sounded dangerous. 

"Um...well I don't know what happened, but he had a cut on his stomach...and I saw some guy running away. I thought maybe he was going to get help, but I guess he could have been the guy who did this to Felix. But I brought him back to my apartment and sewed him up myself cause he told me not to call an ambulance and then passed out, but I really think I should call an ambulance. He lost a lot of blood..." Mijoo explained the words pouring out of her. She realized she was shaking again. 

"Don't call an ambulance. Send me your address. We'll come pick him up." The voice on the other end said before hanging up. Mijoo looked at the phone in surprise for a few seconds. 

"Well that was rude..." She muttered out loud. She switched over to his messages and sent "Big Bro" her address. "Felix I don't know who your brother is but he really was not appreciative of the fact that I saved your life." Mijoo told the unconscious Felix drawing her legs up in front of her, hoping that she would calm down and stop shaking soon.

It was only fifteen minutes later when a loud knock came at her door. Mijoo hadn't even moved from her position sitting next to Felix. At the sound of the knock she stood and went to open the door. In front of her stood two men who could have rivaled Greek gods. The taller of the two had dark hair that was parted down the middle, he spotted Felix on the ground behind Mijoo and quickly moved past her into the apartment without even so much as a "hello." The other who was standing in front of her was blonde and was giving her a disinterested once over. She was suddenly aware that Felix's blood was all over her hands and clothes. She must look like a freak. 

"Um...hi..." Mijoo told the man standing in front of her.

He raised an eyebrow at her, before moving past her to enter her apartment. The second man had a bag of medical equipment and was applying antiseptic and gauze to Felix's wound. The blonde turned to the brown haired man, "How is he?" He asked. 

"Like she said, he's lost a lot of blood, but he'll make it. The stitches aren't pretty and it will scar, but it will manage. He's going to have to live with the fact that his abs will never be the same." The brown haired man smirked as if it was funny, before turning to Mijoo with a frown, "You didn't even bother to clean the wound?"

"O-oh...I didn't....I thought he was going to die so I was trying....I cleaned the needle..."Mijoo replied feeling the intensity at which the two men were looking at her, making her feel small.

The brown haired man scoffed, "I hope it was with alcohol and not soap and water..." He said. 

"O-of course! I used a bottle of vodka to clean it..." Mijoo said feeling proud that she had even thought to do that much. 

The two men gave her an incredulous look, and suddenly she wasn't so sure about what those TV shows had taught her. "You're...supposed to use medical alcohol...not...." The brown haired man shook his head in disbelief

"Oh..." Mijoo replied dumbly.  "is he's going to be ok then?" Mijoo asked looking worriedly at Felix.

The man with the medical equipment responded, "Yeah he'll be fine....we've seen worse, so he shouldn't have any problems."

Mijoo nodded wrapping her arms around herself, "Oh...ok...that's good" She responded quietly. 

"We'll take him from here." The brown haired man said standing up. "Thanks for not letting him die I guess." 

"Um, you're welcome..." Mijoo responded, feeling like this entire conversation was very odd. Shouldn't they be more concerned? "I'm Mijoo by the way..." She said introducing herself for the third time that night.

The brown haired man gave her a strange look before looking over at the blond haired man. "Uh...I'm Hyunjin..." The man replied after what seemed to be a silent conversation between the two men.

Mijoo nodded, suddenly feeling very exhausted, the adrenaline finally wearing off. "Well Hyunjin when Felix wakes up tell him thanks for not dying on me." 

"Uh...I...will..." Hyunjin said as if that was a strange request which Mijoo didn't understand, after everything that had transpired tonight how was that supposed to be strange. 

The two men lifted up Felix and left her apartment, it wasn't until they were already gone and she had shut her front door that she realized she had never gotten "Big Bro's" name. Oh well, not like I'll ever see them again... She shrugged to herself as she looked at the large pool of blood on her floor wondering how she was supposed to clean that up. If I Google how to clean up blood is the government going to come after me? She asked herself.

Mijoo didn't really remember the rest of the night as she worked to clean up the blood off the floor and make sure there was no blood out in the hallway leading to her apartment. She did not want her neighbors to think she was some sort of serial killer. One the blood had been cleaned off the floor she peeled off her blood covered clothes and threw them and her sweater into the washer before jumping in the shower. She was so exhausted at that point that she almost fell asleep in the shower a few times before finally getting out, drying off, putting on her pajamas and falling into bed and into a dreamless sleep.   


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Hi guys! I have NOT forgotten about this story, some complications came up with my schedule and I've had NO TIME to write. Also the MV dropped today and emotionally I'm a wreck, cause I counted nine and Woojin was there but he wasnt and omg I'm not ok.


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istg i got old waiting on this story👵🏻
plz grant this grandma's last wish and continue your story🙇🏻‍♀️
Chapter 21: Missed it like hell 😭 channi was feeding us a mafia looks those past months 😥🤭 you should use it as reference to encourage you authornim. 💓 Waiting for your update like always. 💓
Daehyunnie123 #3
Chapter 21: yayyy!!! updates!!! I can't wait. love it
Chapter 21: Omg thanks for the update! I love jisung he's so sassy haha, got lots of laugh from this. Can't wait for the next chapy
Chapter 9: I'm rereading again since there's an update and I love this chapter!
hakimmj #6
Chapter 21: Finally, hoping their friendship will be better after this. So funny about the bed, hahaha jisung just want compensation for that. Can't wait for the new updates! ^=^
Chapter 20: So happy you updated! Poor mijoo lost her best friend :(
Annasaranghaeee #8
Chapter 20: Happy you’ve updated, poor mijoo
Daehyunnie123 #9
Chapter 20: aaahhh I'm so happy you updated!!! I'm excited for what comes next!
Daehyunnie123 #10
Chapter 19: your gang au is so good I love it. I hope you can update one day