How can you listen all night long?

The Lost Ones

Mijoo crossed her arms over her chest, standing firm. “Absolutely not,” she said, staring down the man standing across from her in her apartment. “There is no way in hell.”

Minho rolled his eyes and crossed his arms across his chest, “Oh please stop being so dramatic, that’s what I’m here for. This is necessary and painless for your outfit to work.”

“I refuse,” Mijoo insisted. “And you can’t make me. It’s MY on the line here not yours.” Hyunjin who was sitting at her dining room table snickered, not even looking up from the laptop he was working on. Mijoo sent him a glare, despite her burning cheeks, which he ignored. “Pick another outfit that doesn’t...doesn’t require that.” Mijoo ordered, turning her attention back to Minho, throwing her hands around in the air in wild gestures. The action pulled at the skin on her shoulders and chest, but she ignored it. It was getting easier to ignore as time went on. The two men had arrived at her apartment ten minutes prior with Minho’s familiar makeup toolbox in tow and looking like they had both stepped out of a fashion magazine.

“Do you really want me to call Chan and explain to him why you refuse to cooperate and wear the outfit I painstakingly picked out for you so that none of your scars will be on display before God and the city council?” Minho argued back to which Mijoo blushed a brighter red at his threat.

“No! I just,” Mijoo faltered for a moment before trying to stand her ground once more. “I am NOT wearing a thong!” Hyunjin snickered again to which Mijoo gave him an angry but mostly embarrassed look. “I just, I’ve never… I just can’t!”

“Oh honey trust me when I say it does not come as a shock to me that you’ve never worn a thong before, I have seen your closet. I promise this is painless and no one is even going to see your . I mean yeah they might stare at your , but that has nothing to do with the thong and everything to do with you having a fantastic . You need to wear the thong. I will not have you parading around at the charity auction with visible underwear lines.”

Mijoo thought she was going to die right there from embarrassment. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath, “I’m not going to survive this.”

“Not with that attitude babe,” Minho shot back. “Now go get changed so I can do your hair and makeup, cause if you make us late I will tell Chan why and that is a threat.”

Mijoo, with much grumbling, took the dress bag which held her outfit for the night and retreated to her bedroom to change. She did have to admit that Minho seemed to have pulled off a miracle in his outfit choice. High waisted black dress pants with wide legs covered up all the scars on her legs and a cream long sleeve turtleneck which, according to Minho, was to be tucked into the pants covered up the rest. She looked over herself in the mirror several times, but none of the scars or remaining bandages were visible. Well, all except the scars along her knuckles from where she had punched the mirror. She absently mindedly rubbed her thumb across the scars.

“Are you dressed yet?” Minho’s voice rang from the otherside of the door, not even trying to hide his impatience.

Mijoo sighed, giving herself one more look in the mirror before opening the door and going back into the living room. She hadn’t put the shoes on yet so the hem of the pants drug along the ground and completely engulfed her feet. Mijoo was a little terrified to discover how tall the shoes were going to be.

“Yes! Look at that. Absolutely gorgeous! I am a genius and I don’t get paid enough for my work.” Minho said triumphantly.

“You’re gorgeous, your brain is beautiful, and now can you hurry up already. The hors d'oeuvres are calling my name and I haven’t eaten since ten,” Hyunjin said lacklusterly.

If Minho was disappointed with the lack of appreciation for his outfit picking skills he didn’t let it show, instead focusing on hurrying Mijoo to sit down so he could style her hair and makeup. Mijoo was amazed with how quickly he was able to go through the process, “Where did you learn how to do all this?” She asked as he applied foundation to her face.

He took a moment to answer, his eyes never once straying from his task. “I used to be a makeup artist for kpop idols.”

Mijoo raised her eyebrows at his statement. She looked at the man before her and could easily picture him among the fame and glamour of kpop idols. Rushing around with his unique coffee order, bossing around make up artists and idols alike. It made sense.

“How did you go from makeup artist to gang member?” Mijoo questioned further.

Minho was silent for longer this time. “You work with a lot of powerful people in the industry. Meet a lot of powerful people. I got bored playing dress up with kids who had more money than they knew what to do with and less common sense than your average elementary kid. Close your eyes,” Minho instructed to which Mijoo complied as he began applying her eyeshadow. “I met Chan at a gala where one of the companies I worked for was supplying the entertainment. He saw I was bored and offered me a new life. I left and never looked back.”

Mijoo frowned, “But… that seems like a pretty abrupt decision to go from citizen to criminal without a thought.”

Minho let out a bitter laugh, “Babe, the entertainment at that gala was not your teeny bopper girl group performing for the crowd. You’d be shocked to find out half the things these companies do to make money.”

“What kind of work do you do for Chan then?”

Minho flicked Mijoo’s forehead causing her to open her eyes and meet his gaze, “Hon, be careful with the questions you ask. You might find you don’t like the answer. Now,” Minho turned to pick up the eyeliner. “Be quiet and let me finish my work.”

Mijoo took his advice and didn’t ask anymore questions while Minho finished up her makeup and hair. She was just trying on the heels that Minho had presented to her when a knock came at her front door followed by the voice of Chan saying, “It’s just me.”

“Finally. I thought I was going to die of old age and starvation over here,” Hyunjin complained to Chan as he opened the door.

“Sounds like a ‘you’ problem,” Chan replied, strolling through Mijoo’s front door, his hands in his pockets. Jisung followed somewhat closely behind. Chan was dressed in another well fitted suit that probably cost more than Mijoo could imagine.

“I could make it your problem if I really wanted,” Hyunjin grumbled, but his face didn’t hold any real anger. “I thought you said it was just you, and here you are bringing Jisung with you.”

“I got delegated to babysitting duty, remember?” Jisung shot back. He was also in an expensive suit although he didn’t look as comfortable in it as Chan.

“Oh no trust me I remember. You haven’t stopped complaining about it.”

Mijoo accidentally interrupted their brief exchange by almost tripping over her feet as she tried to walk in her new shoes, heels almost impossibly tall. “Sorry,” She mumbled as she righted herself, using the back of her couch to steady herself.

Chan gave her a once over and nodded, “You’ll fit right in at the auction. Let’s get going. I’d like to beat the mayor there if I can. Gives us a chance to scope the place out before hell and all it’s security guards show up and ruin the night.”

“Yeah this is so much fun, I’m so glad you’re making me go,” Jisung deadpanned.

Chan extended his elbow towards Mijoo for her to take. If she thought that he was doing it to be a gentleman she might have thought it sweet of him. Minho handed her the statement purse he had picked out for her along with her cell phone, “Try to have fun tonight darling and don’t think about the large number of dangerous people who could kill you at a moment’s notice if they so desired.”

“Thank you for the pep talk,” Mijoo grumbled back.

“If you see any of us at the event, unless it’s Chan, Jisung, or Changbin, pretend you don’t know us,” Hyunjin spoke up. “The less people they can connect the better.”

“Yeah and while you’re at it don’t speak to me. It will make my night go faster if I can pretend you’re not there,” Jisung added on at the end.

“Alright if no one else has a smart comment to share then we’re leaving,” Chan said rolling his eyes. With Mijoo on his elbow and Jisung following close behind the three of them left the apartment. Mijoo was grateful for the stability that Chan’s arm provided, she was sure that without it she would have tripped several times. She hoped that he wouldn’t leave her alone like he had at the last party. She’d end up stuck wherever he left her.

Chan’s Maserati was waiting for them when they reached the lobby, Changbin leaning against the side of the car with his arms crossed. As they approached he stood up straighter and opened the door for Chan and Mijoo to get in the car.

“You’re not driving this time?” She asked when Chan sat in the backseat with her.

“For an event like this presentation is everything. Changbin and Jisung are our security while I play the part of a spoiled rich businessman with you as my girlfriend,” Chan replied, leaning back in his seat and crossing his legs. Changbin took the drivers seat while Jisung took the passengers.

“What kind of business do you supposedly run?” Mijoo asked, looking out the window as the car pulled away from the curb.

“I own a multitude of different businesses, but the reason we’re going tonight is to represent the nonprofit I run for high risk kids and no, I don’t supposedly run it, I do. It’s just not... all we do.”

Mijoo blinked, turning her head back to look at Chan, “A nonprofit for high risk kids?”

“Surprised?” Chan asked, a smile barely pulling at the corner of his lips.

“Well… yeah I am. I wouldn’t have pictured yo- pictured a gang member helping out kids.”

“Maybe you shouldn’t take everything at face value.”

“Maybe,” Mijoo shrugged. “So how does it work?”

Chan fiddled with his watch for a moment before answering, “The organization is called STAY: Serving, Tutoring, Advancing, Youth. We work with kids who have broken homes, broken families, and we give them a warm and safe place for them to come after school. They can get tutoring, get a free meal, receive counseling, and even sleep if that’s what they need.”

“That’s amazing,” Mijoo said, turning her body so she was facing Chan. He wasn’t looking at her, continuing to fiddle with his watch and shirt cuffs instead.

Chan tilted his head and hummed. “Maybe,” was all he said in response, turning his head to look out the window to the passing scenery.

Mijoo frowned, turning back in her seat to face forward again. The rest of the drive was made in silence. Mijoo watched as the neighborhoods and business of her corner of downtown gave way to highrises and penthouses. The car pulled up to the art gallery Destiny which was already ablaze with lights and reporters at the door. Mijoo had heard of the art gallery before; Nayeon was a big fan and always talked about dragging Mijoo to visit with her someday, but with the exorbitant entry fee and famous clientele they never got the opportunity. Mijoo’s stomach knotted with something that felt like guilt.

“Wait here,” Chan said to her quickly before getting out on the other side of the car. Mijoo waited a moment as Chan rounded the car, wondering what he was doing. As he approached Mijoo’s door Jisung opened it for him and Mijoo was met with the extended hand of Chan waiting for her. Taking it she let him help her out of the car, a process made much easier than if she had tried by herself. Grabbing onto his elbow, Mijoo followed Chan up towards the steps of the art gallery.

Before reaching the throng of reporters Chan leaned over, his mouth barely grazing Mijoo’s ear to whisper, “Remember, presentation is everything, put on a brave face. You might be surprised when you see who owns the gallery, but try not to show it.” Mijoo tried not to shiver, hoping that Chan would just chalk it up to the cool night air.

Mijoo forced a smile on her face, “Of course, darling.” She replied, shooting Chan her forced smile attempting to play the part of the girlfriend she was supposed to be. He laid his other hand overtop the one she had looped through around his arm and gave her a blinding smile that left her breathless as she saw his eyes almost disappear in a crinkle and the vision of dimples appeared. When he smiled like that for a moment Mijoo saw herself forgetting about the fancy clothes, and gangs and instead seeing the man underneath it all.

“Mr. Bang!”

“Mr. Bang, over here!”

“Mr. Bang, who is this young lady with you tonight?!”

“Mr. Bang, will you pose for a picture!”

“Will you support the Mayor as he runs for reelection?!”

“Mr. Bang, is this your new girlfriend?!” The sounds of the reporters brought Mijoo back to reality. Chan turned to face the reporters, the smile still on his face and continued to walk forward.

Mijoo tightened her grip on Chan’s arm as they reached the crowd of reporters. For a moment she feared that the group would overrun them and she would be trampled on the steps of Destiny, but then Jisung and Changbin stepped in front of them creating a sort of barrier that the reporters didn’t dare approach.

Chan didn’t answer their questions, instead just giving them the fake, bright smile that he had plastered on his face and nodding at them from time to time. Mijoo held on to Chan for dear life, hoping that the smile she was sporting didn’t look half as terrified as she felt.

As they neared the top of the steps to the art gallery Mijoo was surprised to see a familiar face waiting for them at the door with a big smile on his face. “Chan, Mijoo, it’s so nice to see you here tonight. I was afraid that I’d have to enjoy this party without the pleasure of your presence,” Hongjoong said brightly.

Mijoo wondered if Nayeon would be so eager to visit Destiny if she knew that it was run by a gang. After a millisecond of thought she had to admit to herself that it would probably make her even more eager.

“We wouldn’t miss the auction for the world, Joong,” Chan replied, extending a hand to meet his handshake.

“It’s good to see you again,” Mijoo spoke up, unsure if Hongjoong heard her over the noise of the street and the music filtering out from inside.

Apparently he did because he turned his smile towards her. “You make sure to enjoy yourself tonight, don’t let this guy get too caught up in his work,” He said, nodding his head slightly towards Chan, a gleam in his eye that only they understood.

“Don’t worry I won’t, I intend to keep him by my side the entire night. Though that may have more to do in my choice of footwear than anything else,” Mijoo replied.

Hongjoong let out a deep laugh, “Bang Chan, CEO and certified armrest. I love it. Well I won’t keep you, please enjoy the auction, and while you're at it spend a crazy amount of money.”

Chan gave him a wry smile and shook his head before continuing on into the art gallery and into the auction which was just getting started. The gallery was ostentatiously decorated, with standing tables strategically placed for people to congregate. Artwork more expensive than anything Mijoo had seen in her entire life covered the walls with spotlights shining down on them to show them off. Jisung and Changbin followed behind like shadows, quiet enough that if she didn’t spot them out of the corner of her eye every few moments she would forget that they were there.

“Wow, this is beautiful,” Mijoo breathed out as Chan pulled her deeper into the gallery. A large stage had been set up in the back of the gallery for the main auction event. As Mijoo looked around she spotted Minho over to the side in his signature silk dress shirt looking at one of the paintings and a wine glass dangling from his fingers. Remembering what she had been told she let her gaze continue around the room instead of lingering on him. As much as she wanted to spot the Stray Kids members around the room, she knew that for anyone looking closely they would notice.

Chan leaned over toward her ear. “Seungmin is working undercover as a server, he’s currently at your 11 o’clock. Hyunjin is at the bar keeping an eye on the door and Felix and Jeongin will not be here tonight,” Chan whispered, answering her unasked question.

Mijoo nodded in understanding and smiled at him, “Thank you.”

Chan patted her hand and gave her another fake smile, “Of course, darling.” A server walked by and offered Chan and Mijoo a selection of wine, Mijoo noted that other servers were walking around with a different selection of finger foods that look almost unrecognizable as food. Chan took two glasses, handing one to her, “Looks like the mayor has arrived.”

Mijoo looked back towards the door to see a large group of people entering. Most of them appeared to be guards and security personnel, but in the entourage three people in particular stood out. The first was a woman wearing a low cut blood red silk dress that showed off her curves. She was gorgeous and her long black hair was slicked back to show of the extravagant diamond earrings and necklace she wore.

The second was the mayor himself. Mayor Park Jeongsu was the youngest mayor to be elected to office. He was very handsome and his face was often plastered on the news, he was well loved for the work he was doing in the city. He was currently up for reelection, but there was almost no question that he would win.

The third man froze Mijoo in her spot. She thought for sure that her heart had stopped and that the blood had stopped flowing in her body when she spotted him. She was surprised that she didn’t drop her wine glass in shock. He stood behind the man standing next to Mayor Park, acting as a bodyguard. He hadn’t seen her yet, but she knew he would recognize her once he did. Mark, the man who had chased her that day from the alleyway, the man who had followed her to her campus and threatened her was here acting as a bodyguard. That could only mean that the man standing next to the mayor, surveying the gallery with an uninterested look on his face was a member of GOT7, and Mijoo could only wonder who.

Apologies for the long wait, I hope you like the new chapter!

Much Love,


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Hi guys! I have NOT forgotten about this story, some complications came up with my schedule and I've had NO TIME to write. Also the MV dropped today and emotionally I'm a wreck, cause I counted nine and Woojin was there but he wasnt and omg I'm not ok.


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istg i got old waiting on this story👵🏻
plz grant this grandma's last wish and continue your story🙇🏻‍♀️
Chapter 21: Missed it like hell 😭 channi was feeding us a mafia looks those past months 😥🤭 you should use it as reference to encourage you authornim. 💓 Waiting for your update like always. 💓
Daehyunnie123 #3
Chapter 21: yayyy!!! updates!!! I can't wait. love it
Chapter 21: Omg thanks for the update! I love jisung he's so sassy haha, got lots of laugh from this. Can't wait for the next chapy
Chapter 9: I'm rereading again since there's an update and I love this chapter!
hakimmj #6
Chapter 21: Finally, hoping their friendship will be better after this. So funny about the bed, hahaha jisung just want compensation for that. Can't wait for the new updates! ^=^
Chapter 20: So happy you updated! Poor mijoo lost her best friend :(
Annasaranghaeee #8
Chapter 20: Happy you’ve updated, poor mijoo
Daehyunnie123 #9
Chapter 20: aaahhh I'm so happy you updated!!! I'm excited for what comes next!
Daehyunnie123 #10
Chapter 19: your gang au is so good I love it. I hope you can update one day