Chapter 8

He's My Protector 2 (book2)
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(a/n get comfy this is a long chapter) 

We wait patiently as the we watch through the glass at the doctors working hard on Chen. I can't help but pray everything goes ok. I try so hard to hold my tears back and be strong for Minseok. There he is watching the love of his life struggle and he can't do anything about it, all he can do is leave it in the hands of the doctors. 

"Why is my baby's cord wrapped around its neck, is it dangerous? Is it stopping my baby from breathing? " Minseok turns to the doctor called Sarah that was told to sit with us and answer any of our questions. 

"No its not dangerous"  she says making us both look at her with wide eyes. 

"What you mean it's not dangerous, isn't that why you are opening my husband up" Minseok starts to get angry at the nurse as I reach out and pull him away from her. 

"Please can you explain to us nurse" I stand beside minseok holding my arm around his back as he turns to watch Chen through the glass. 

"Your baby Mr Kim has what we call Nuchal cord, this is the cord around babies neck. This happens alot in babies 1 out of 3 in fact are born like this. You see the cord is what helps baby breath and get nutrients from mum, it might be around babies neck but it won't be tight because of what it's made from. Baby doesn't take a breath until its actually born, that's why we make baby cry when they are born, it's them taking their first breath that we see once they are out " she turns to look at the doctors in the room opening Chen up 

"So what's the real reason Chen is like this?" I push the nurse for more information as Minseok starts to cry with both his hands on the glass. 

"Chen has very high blood pressure which can cause the flow of oxygen through the cord to baby to decrease, this is why they are doing a  C-section, it has nothing to do with the cord around babies neck"  she says as we all just watch and try take it all in as our small room falls silent. 

The doctor does everything so quick, that now we can see baby being taken out and handed to a waiting nurse as she wraps baby in a towel. We watch as she carries the baby to a station's just next to Chen and the next thing we hear is the cries of a baby. 

I can't hold my tears anymore as they flow down my cheeks making me turn to Minseok who is sobbing with his hands up to his face still looking through the glass. I reach for him and lay my arm around his shoulder as we both cry together. 

"My baby is born, is it ok?" he holds onto the glass eager to hold his baby, as the nurse places the baby close to Chen laying its body on chens chest. 

"Why do they do that?" I ask as the nurse smiles smiles at me 

"It's to help babies body temperature, breathing, and heart rate stabilize" she gets a wave from the nurse inside the room and  turns to us. "You can go in now Mr Kim" she opens the door as minseok turns to look at me looking worried. "Go see your hubby and baby go" I give him a little push as he hugs me first then hurries off. 

I watch through the glass as he enters the operation room and is guided over to Chen and baby as he kisses chens cheek before kissing baby. My tears start flowing like crazy at the sight before me, but being happy baby is born I forget to ask about Chen

"How is Chen doing?" I ask the nurse as she re enters the small room. "He is perfect, he should be waking soon, blood pressure is stable now, mum and baby are going to be fine" I turn to see minseok wave at me through the glass with a massive smile on his face as I can see Chens eyes begin to open. 

"Is it a boy or girl?" I ask her excited as she smiles "He wants to tell you himself" we both watch as Minseok stands up and screams "its a girl " I burst out laughing along with everyone else as I seeChen all smiling getting smothered with kisses from his husband. 

I quickly take out my phone and call Chanyeol. He picks up on the first ring 

" baby is everything ok, how's Chen? "

"Baby and mum are doing great, everything went well"

That's brilliant news omg I'm so delighted baby, what did they have? " 

"A baby girl"

"Wooo hooooo, Kai, Suho it's a baby girl mum and baby are doing well" 

"Chanyeol I love you so much, tell taehyung I miss him and I'll be home soon" 

"I love you too baby and text me or call me when you want to come home and I will pick you up "

" I will, I better go and tell the others"

"ok my world I love you see you soon" 


Hanging up the phone the nurse looks at me "there are worried people still outside, you might want to tell them now" she smiles while holding the door open. I walk down the corridor and out into the waiting room. There sitting on the chairs Is Lay, Luhan, Sehun and D.O all waiting for news of our friend. 

They jump up as they see me walking towards them. "is he ok.... tell us him and baby are ok" D.O panics as they all crowd around me. 

"Chen, Minseok and baby girl are doing fine" I burst into happy tears as we all hug eachother. 

"Wait baby girl........ it's a girl" D.O pulls away from us in shock. "Yeah it's a baby girl" we all hug again and laugh and crack some jokes about Chen and Minseok raring a little girl. 

After a half hour of us celebrating in the waiting room the nurse calls us in as requested from Chen and Minseok. We are guided down a long hallway into a large room. The nurse stops outside and puts her finger against her lips to hush us. We quietly step inside and there in the bed Chen is sitting up with baby laying in his arms while Minseok sits on the bed beside them looking down at baby. 

We hurry inside not to make noise as we take turns in  seeing baby. When my turn comes I walk towards Chen and kiss his forehead to congratulate him on their baby. 

"I heard what you did for me and Minseok, especially you Baek, I am so grateful and I'm sorry I worried you all" he bursts into happy tears making us all coo at him seeing how happy he is with his husband and new born baby. 

"Hey that's what family is for" Lay says making us all smile. 

"Have you came up with a name yet?" I ask as I kiss babies little cheek. "We have actually, but we will wait till the others are here so we can tell you all together" Minseok laughs as we all sigh having to wait. 

Time passes as we have all been slagging Minseok having to share his beauty products with his girl when she gets older that the door opens to the others all coming in. 

"The nurse let us in but she said we can have a minute then leave so you can rest "Kai says as he walks in first followed by Suho then Chanyeol carrying taehyung in his arm. It always makes me smile seeing how small our baby is in Chanyeols big arms that he can actually hold him with one arm. 

Ok since you are all here and some of you need rest like me, I just want to say thank you all for being here and comforting my husband Minseok through all this" Chen starts to cry making me cry 

"We where here for you too" Lay hugs Chen around his shoulder as Chen leans his head agaisnt him as if to hug back. 

"Ok for being here for me too, we would like to introduce you to our little beautiful bundle of joy, the new Kim and addition to our large family".

"Is her name Minimarshollow?" Chanyeol teases them making everyone laugh. 

"No everyone this is Irene, Irene these are all your uncles" Chen turns her so we can all see as the ones who haven't seen her smile at her beauty. 

"God help a

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Beau1996 1378 streak #1
Chapter 8: Poor Chen and baby 🙏
Beau1996 1378 streak #2
Chapter 4: Oh no!! Baek is not doing so good!!
Chapter 21: Baekhyun will be fine.. I hope the surgery will be a success. I loved the part of daddy chanyeol acting over possessive. Thank you for the update
XiaoShixun #4
Chapter 19: Oh Baekhyun-ah i hope everything will be alright
LovelyYS #5
Chapter 19: Please keep him alive.
Chapter 19: I hope baek is okay
celestemoon #7
Chapter 18: Nooooo don't make me cry again
XiaoShixun #8
Chapter 18: Chanyeol and his damn pride
Chapter 18: Ohh.. I hope baek will be fine..
XiaoShixun #10
Chapter 17: Oh Tae... Your parents are not scary people