Chapter 12

He's My Protector 2 (book2)
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Chanyeol pov

"I swear you two are as bad as eachother, we need to get going" I shout up the stairs to my darling husband and my pride and joy my son who are more and more like eachother everyday. Taehyung is 10 now and still our only child. Baek and I have tried for years to have more children but like Suho and Lay it became a chore to have just to try get pregnant. We attended clinics after clinics looking for help but nothing seemed to happen. Baek even begged me to get tested to see if I was a carrier but that failed too and adopting was out of the question for Baek. He was healthy and his body was able and my was ok but a higher being didn't want us to have anymore it seemed.

"Race you mom" I turn to see Tae climb up onto the hand rail and Baek at the stop of the stairs.

"Don't do ........." before I can even finish Tae is sliding down the banisters and Baek is running down the stairs.

"I win mom" Tae hugs Baek around his waist as they reach the bottom "you win every time" Baek tosses Tae's brown locks making him giggle.

"Ok let's get all this into the car" I grab my bag and Baek's dragging them out the door while he grabs Tae's as we head to the car.

"Tae get your little in the car, we are going to be late" I roll my eyes as baek just laughs at me while he closes the boot of the car.

"Ok dad I'm coming god sake, I had to get my earphones" tae says with a grumpy face while he walks past me as I gently tap him on the back of the head  "watch your mouth" I look at him as he climbs into the car making out that I hit him harder then I did. Closing the car door after tae I wait for baek to lock the house as he walks back towards me.

"Why are you all smiles huh" he says as he wraps his arms around my waist looking up at me. "because I am married to the most amazing man and we are finally all going back to where we first met after all these years" leaning down I pull baek closer in for a kiss, his soft lips touching mine as he groans into the kiss. I lightly tap his before giving it a squeeze.

"Ewwwww could you guys not do that in front of me your so embrassing" tae says through the open window making us pull away from eachother laughing.
"Embrassing really, what about this" I grab baek and bend him backwards like you see the men bend the woman in romantic movies and give him a kiss.

"Stop it, it's gross" he moans from the car rolling up the window. "Chanyeol you need to stop trying to annoy him" baek gives me that told off look as we both get into the car. "I love winding him up and making him all embrassed" I click on my seat belt and check the rear view mirror to see Tae looking a bit down.

"What's with the face?" I turn to see tae all sad as I look towards baek for some answer.

"Nothing" he huffs making me turn more in my seat "sweetheart what's wrong you know you can tell us anything right," baek reaches his hand around his seat to touch tae on the knee comforting him.

"Taehyung you know your mom always told you......" 

" Yes dad I know, I can tell you guys anything no matter how big or small it maybe" he sighs looking out the window making me concerned that he is keeping something from us.

"I'm just in a mood it's 4 in the morning mom and I nearly threw up my breakfast watching you guys make out for the thousand time just this morning " I watch as he tries to hold back his smile. 

"I love your mom you know that, and your just annoyed cause I whooped your in Super Smash bros last night" I start the car as he crosses his arms in a huff.

"Excuse me when was this?" baek looks at us both giving us the evils till I just realised it was suppose to be a secret.

"Dad your an idiot, you just got us caught" tae shouts from the back making me look at baek all nervous as his eyes are piercing my soul.

"Is this why you took forever coming to bed after I said goodnight to you both?" Baek looks at me and then Tae making me wish I kept my mouth shut.

"It was dad's fault" I look at him in the rear view mirror as he makes faces at me knowing full well baek will kick my . I drive out into traffic in hopes baek won't touch me while I'm driving.

After a while of driving the car is so silent  both my boys are just staring out the window."Hey baby" I touch baeks knee trying to get his attention while giving him a little cheeky smile.

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Beau1996 1379 streak #1
Chapter 8: Poor Chen and baby 🙏
Beau1996 1379 streak #2
Chapter 4: Oh no!! Baek is not doing so good!!
Chapter 21: Baekhyun will be fine.. I hope the surgery will be a success. I loved the part of daddy chanyeol acting over possessive. Thank you for the update
XiaoShixun #4
Chapter 19: Oh Baekhyun-ah i hope everything will be alright
LovelyYS #5
Chapter 19: Please keep him alive.
Chapter 19: I hope baek is okay
celestemoon #7
Chapter 18: Nooooo don't make me cry again
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Chapter 18: Chanyeol and his damn pride
Chapter 18: Ohh.. I hope baek will be fine..
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Chapter 17: Oh Tae... Your parents are not scary people