Chapter 24

He's My Protector 2 (book2)
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Baekhyun pov

Creeping out of the bed I try my best not to wake my son who fell fast asleep beside me after telling me about his kiss with Jungkook . Chanyeol on the other hand went out for a walk after I told him to stop teasing our son. All he wanted to do was hunt the guy down that kissed his son. Smiling to myself as I make it to the bedroom door without waking my angel I look back at Tae and can't help but think what if my dream was real. I wouldn't get to see him grow into a mature young man. Tiptoeing out into the sitting room I head to the fireplace and take my spot on the fluffy rug right in front of the fire. Reaching up I pull the blanket from the chair and drape it around my shoulders as I smile into the fire being grateful I am alive.

Hearing the door creak open I know the only person that can be right now is Chanyeol. "My world" he whispers taking off his boots and coat making his way over to me. "How did I know I would find you here and not in bed mmh" he sits behind me with legs either side and hugs me from behind kissing the nape of my neck. "You know I love it here. Since our first night it just felt safe" I whisper back as he continues to hug me. "I was so worried about you my world" he moves me so I'm sideways so he can see me better. "I'm ok Chanyeol, the doctor said so. Trust me to have a bad reaction to the medication" I smile and turn my back to him as I snuggle into him.

I grab his hand and play with the rings on it like I did before making him kiss the top of my head. "Chanyeol I need to say something and if you don't mind can you just wait till I finish before you say a reply?"

"Of course my world what is it..... Wait did Jungkook hurt my boy? ... I'll kill him" I can't help but smile at his reaction as I try calm him down." No its not about that" he kisses me again as he starts to mess with my rings waiting. "Chanyeol I really don't want to have more children" I just come right out with it as I feel him freeze behind me.

"Oh OK" I turn to face him as he has his head low fixing his wedding ring from me playing with it. "Chanyeol please say something more then ok" I keep staring at him as my heart beat is going so fast with nerves wondering is this the calm before the storm?. Will he scream the place down.

"I just don't know what to say my world that won't upset you" he finally looks up and I can see the tears in his eyes of him wanting to cry. "Say something though, tell me how you feel. Remember no secrets" I cup his cheek as he gives a soft smile.

"Oh baek my world I just thought we would have had alot more kids then just Tae. I'm not saying I don't love him I do, but we did try for a few years to have more. Now that everything is better I thought we would have maybe wanted to try again"  I feel terrible now seeing him like this. He is right we did try alot. It's my body at the end of the day he needs to understand that.

"There is such a huge gap between Tae and if we ever have a child again" I move back a little from him hugging my legs feeling any minute now I will cry. "My world Kai and D.O are due to pop any minute now and that is a huge gap between Jimin and the baby they will have soon. Why can't we?" he sits up more moving towards me and wipes the tear from my cheek. "I just think what we have is enough" I sniff and look at him as he lowers his head and shakes it side to side.

The fear of rejection floods my mind now. Will he leave me now because I don't want more kids. "I think I need fresh air" I stand up and make my way to the coat rack and pull on a huge coat and boots and open the door.

"Hey hey slow down a bit. Where are you going it's late and freezing and you're still not well enough to be out there alone" he stops me by hugging me tight. "Chanyeol I need some air please let me go" I move away from him and open the cabin door. "Baby what happened to talking things out and not running away" hearing him say that makes my heart break. That was one of our rules we promised and here I am breaking it. "I won't be long" I step out and pull up my hood and walk along the path turning to see him watching me. I know I am hurting him but I'm hurting too and me walking out is better then us screaming at each other.

Arriving at the place I wanted to be I knock.

"Hey baby, why are you out?, oh my god come in sit down" I step inside and take my boots and coat off. "D.O is just making hot chocolate would you like some?" I nod and take a seat on their sofa seeing baby brochures on the table that I start to cry.

"Hey baby what's wrong?" Kai rushes back towards me with D.O following behind him waddling with his bump as he sits beside me. "What happened?" D.O hands Kai the cups as I launch myself at him hugging him tight. "Chanyeol is gonna leave me" I sob into his chest wanting all this to be a dream.

"OK slow down a minute. Tell us what happened and drink your hot chocolate" sitting up I take the cup from Kai and sip it.

"I told Chanyeol I didn't want more kids as Tae was enough for us. He got so sad and now he is gonna leave me because he wants more and I don't".

"I'm gonna kill him" D.O tries to stand but Kai stops him laughing "Momma penguin you are going nowhere so sit. Baek baby did he say he was leaving?" I lower my head and shake it "No, but he wants more kids. Maybe he will find someone who can".

"Baek as your bestfriend you can be an idiot sometimes" D.O smiles at me as he pulls me in for a hug again. "I take it you just ran out on him instead of talking it through, am I right?" D.O looks down at me as I pout looking back at him. "Maybe" I roll my eyes as I wait for him to shout but he didn't he sits me up and holds my hand in both of his.

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Beau1996 1378 streak #1
Chapter 8: Poor Chen and baby 🙏
Beau1996 1378 streak #2
Chapter 4: Oh no!! Baek is not doing so good!!
Chapter 21: Baekhyun will be fine.. I hope the surgery will be a success. I loved the part of daddy chanyeol acting over possessive. Thank you for the update
XiaoShixun #4
Chapter 19: Oh Baekhyun-ah i hope everything will be alright
LovelyYS #5
Chapter 19: Please keep him alive.
Chapter 19: I hope baek is okay
celestemoon #7
Chapter 18: Nooooo don't make me cry again
XiaoShixun #8
Chapter 18: Chanyeol and his damn pride
Chapter 18: Ohh.. I hope baek will be fine..
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Chapter 17: Oh Tae... Your parents are not scary people