Chapter 20

He's My Protector 2 (book2)
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Please note that some of the medicial Information in this is all made up

Stirring awake as I lay on my left side I lift my head a little and see my giant husband fast asleep on his back with the covers just covering his lower body. I can't help but smile at just how lucky I am to have a man so amazing as him in my life. Leaning my head on my arm I reach my other hand across and touch his scar on his side from when he got shot. Moving my hand up more I run my fingers through the little bit of chest hair he has as he begins to stir awake. "Morning my world" he croaks with that deep voice that still makes me melt to this day. "Hey you" I watch as he lays on his side facing me leaning closer kissing my cheek. "Make love to me Chanyeol please, before our day starts please" I look at him with tears in my eyes. "Anything my world needs" he whispers as I turn and lay on my other side with my back to him as he pulls me closer so we are both on our sides and my is in his crotch. Feeling his large warm hand move up and down my body sends me to heaven. "You like when I make love to you this way" he whispers in my ear as I move my head to the side more so he can kiss down my neck. "I love every way we make love but right now I'd love it this way" I reach my hand down behind me grabbing his semi hard in my hand it while he holds me kissing me from behind. Knowing he is so hard for me I move his closer to my opening and wait. "We need lube baby, I don't want to hurt you," he whispers, letting me go and grabbing some lube from the dresser beside the bed. Next thing I feel the drop of the oil down my as he uses his large fingers to rub it along my opening making me hard. " Chanyeol take me" I say with a whimper as he slides into me a little and back out again then back in all the way right down to his balls filling me up good. "That's it" I moan out as he continues to kiss me. Feeling his free hand rub up my leg and across my waist he reaches across my tummy and grabs a hold of my and begins to it slowly. "Chanyeol I love you" I burst out crying making him stop and pull out of me turning me onto my back as I cry out more. "Oh my world no, don't cry" I look up at him as he leans over me settling between my legs looking so caring at me. "We don't need to do this now baby" he kisses me again smiling that smile I fell in love with the first time I seen him."I wanted to make love to you so badly till I started crying" I cover my face but not for long as he removes them "We can make love every night my world, we don't have to now" I reach my hands up and cup his cheek pulling him down for a kiss as I lift my legs and wrap them around his waist tight making him giggle. " I take it you want to now" he smiles down at me as I take a deep breath and reach my hand down his . "Lets do it" I keep him harder and faster as he throws his head back before looking back at me with hunger in his eyes. I lift my legs up higher as he grabs his and slides it into me again filling me up. Pushing in and pulling out I let out a groan as he falls forward with his arms around me pulling me closer to him as he keeps going. Running my nails up his back I let out a groan of pain making him stop and look at me as tears fill my eyes. "Chanyeol something is wrong that really hurt where you hit inside me" I watch with teary eyes as he pulls out of me and pulls me up into a sitting position before hugging me tight. "I'm so sorry I hurt you baby I didn't mean to" he holds me close as I cry into the crook of his neck. "Why is it hurting me now and not the other night Chanyeol?" I watch as he panics but tries to hide it from me "I'm not sure baby but we will find out today ok , lets get showered and head off to our appointment" he kisses me softly before getting off the bed and helping me up. "Chanyeol if I can't make love to you, I will allow you to date someone else" I watch as he spins so fast grabbing me by both my arms. "Don't ever say that, you're my world and plaster buddie, the one I want for the rest of my life, I am going nowhere so get that idea out of your head and get that y in the shower" he smiles the last part making me giggle as I head for the shower.

At the hospital

Parking the car I can't help but stare out the window as I am so nervous about today. I turn to face Chanyeol who is taking the keys out and unclipping his seatbelt. "Promise me one thing My world" he says, making me look into his eyes. "Promise me whatever the doctor says be it good or bad news that you don't shut me out" I look down at my lap feeling bad that I didn't tell him in the beginning "Hey look at me" he holds my chin making me lift my face to look at him. "I promise I won't screw up this time" I let out a tear as he leans forward and kisses my cheek. "Come on baby let's see what she has to say" he climbs out of the car as I wait taking deep breaths as he opens my car door. "Come baby I will be with you the whole time" I reach my hand out as he helps me out of the car closing the door behind me. "What about Tae?" I pull back my hand stopping us from walking ahead. "Listen to me we can call him later like we said we would ok, right now we need to face this together and find out what's going on" he holds my hand tighter looking at me so lovingly as I keep moving knowing he is right.

Reaching the entrance to the hospital I feel my heart race in my chest and I think Chanyeol can sense it too as he turns to face me smiling. "I can't believe you still have that jumper of yours" he giggles a little, making me look down at the jumper I got from Jonghyun years ago. "I feel safe with it on me you know that and I know he is with me also when I wear it he said he would in my dream" we step inside the hospital and well done to Chanyeol because if he didn't change the subject I would not have stepped past the doors. I have to admit he can be sneaky at times and right now that was a nice trick he pulled by mentioning my jumper. We check in with the doctors secretary and take a seat in the waiting room. "I'm going to ask you a stupid question so don't give me the death glare ok but are you feeling ok?" he smirks at me making me smile "I am nervous but also worried about the pain when we.... you know " he leans forward whispering "I know baby"

"Ok Mr and Mr Park, doctor will see you now" the secretary smiles as we get up from the chairs. Reaching my hand down by my side I feel Chanyeol's hand link mine and give it a little squeeze as we head inside the room.

"Aw Baekhyun come on in this must be the husband" Chanyeol reaches his hand out and shakes the doctor's hand before we take a seat.

"Ok so I know you have been worried so I will just get straight to it ok. We sent off the biopsy we took the last time you were here to get tested to see if it was cancerous. I am happy to tell you it's not cancer" as soon as the words come from his mouth I cover my face and start to cry as Chanyeol reaches across me hugging me. "Oh my world, see" he whispers in my ear as I try to control myself. "I'm so sorry doctor I just thought I may have cancer and was dying" I sniff wiping my face with my sleeve as Chanyeol takes the boxes of tissues from the doctors table and hands me one after taking one himself. "I know it was a long wait but we need to really check growths like this" I watch as she just keep smiling waiting for us to take the news in. "So can I ask what is wrong and what has my husband to do? '' Chanyeol wipes his tears while grabbing hold of my hand again holding it tight.

"Ok so us women get cysts on our ovaries at some stage in our lives sometimes they go by themselves or need a little help by medicine or surgery but with men they don't really have ovaries like a woman does. So as a male you will have a little pouch like a bees nest and every so often it will release an egg and when the meets it, it begins life shortly after. You Baekhyun have a massive growth on your egg pouch we will call it instead of bees nest and it is stopping the release of eggs' '. I turn to look at Chanyeol who has moved to the edge of his seat. "Wait that means that's why we couldn't have any more babies" Chanyeol looks at me, making me realise he is right. "Yes when you were being tested from your last doctor your cyst was missed as it was growing on the back of the pouch near the wall of your womb so to speak". I can't believe what I am hearing and can't take it in properly as Chanyeol moves closer to me rubbing my hand in his. "Baekhyun I would like you to stay overnight and have surgery first thing in the morning to remove the Cyst. It is rather big and will cause you a lot more pain if I don't remove it, it may turn cancerous or you will feel nausea all the time,you will want to use the bathroom a lot more then usual and you will have pain during ual " I look at Chanyeol as I turn back to the doctor "We were just going to mention that Doctor as it was sore when we tried to have but one night it wasn't" I blush telling her all this but she is a doctor so she needs to know all this. "I would say it hurts you now and again with the different positions you would be during ual ". "So what happens with surgery?" Chanyeol asks as I try get all this into my head. I have had this for so long and never knew. "I will do keyhole surgery which is better and less down time healing compared to full surgery. We remove the growth and the egg pouch will heal itself. After a few weeks we will do regular check ups to make sure you are healing ok and that all is well" she smiles at us as I can't believe what I am hearing. "Baby it's up to you" Chanyeol looks at me along with the doctor. "I'm sorry it's just so much to take in, yes of course I will have the surgery , but doctor I need to ask you something. We were on a vacation when you rang and my son is still there with his uncles. Would I be able to fly after the surgery?" "Baekhyun this is the reason I am doing keyhole surgery so you can heal quicker. You can fly on the third day after having the procedure so ring his uncles and tell him they need to take care of him a little longer. Now if you will excuse me for a minute I need to just pop out and get the paperwork you need to sign '' she smiles and leaves the room as I burst out crying .

"Hey my world, look at me" I uncover my eyes seeing Chanyeol on his knees in front of me with teary eyes. "This is good news right?" he smiles while moving my hair from my eyes. "It really is, this is why we couldn't have more babies, we were not broken" I find myself laughing as I always told Chanyeol I was broken. "I guess I was right in a way" I launch forward and hug around his shoulders as he wraps his arms around my waist. "Sorry excuse me " The doctor smiles sitting down in her seat. "I need you to be admitted now and we have a room ready upstairs for you"She says handing me the paperwork. "I don't have anything with me. I move closer to read the pages and sign them passing them back to her. "I can go get the baby after we settle you in" Chanyeol says getting up from the floor. "Doctor it is a private room isn't it ?"Chanyeol asks as he signs the papers being my next of kin that if anything goes wrong in surgery he gets the last call of what happens. "Yes Mr park it is we have the details of all that from when Baekhyun was here before. So all paperwork is signed now and I will just ask you to head on up the lift just outside here to the next floor up. A nurse will meet you there and show you to your room and Baekhyun you must fast from 7 o' clock tonight just so you don't get sick during the surgery but don't worry we recommend everyone that has surgery does this". We leave the room and I still can't believe what is going on I feel like I am in some sort of dream.

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Beau1996 1378 streak #1
Chapter 8: Poor Chen and baby 🙏
Beau1996 1378 streak #2
Chapter 4: Oh no!! Baek is not doing so good!!
Chapter 21: Baekhyun will be fine.. I hope the surgery will be a success. I loved the part of daddy chanyeol acting over possessive. Thank you for the update
XiaoShixun #4
Chapter 19: Oh Baekhyun-ah i hope everything will be alright
LovelyYS #5
Chapter 19: Please keep him alive.
Chapter 19: I hope baek is okay
celestemoon #7
Chapter 18: Nooooo don't make me cry again
XiaoShixun #8
Chapter 18: Chanyeol and his damn pride
Chapter 18: Ohh.. I hope baek will be fine..
XiaoShixun #10
Chapter 17: Oh Tae... Your parents are not scary people