Chapter 16

He's My Protector 2 (book2)
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Let's head back before your mum sends out a search party for us" Chanyeol smiles as he rests his hand on his sons  shoulder walking along the pathway towards the restaurant.


"Dad, can I say something to you?" Taehyung stops making his dad look down at him. "I told you before you can tell me anything" Chanyeol searches his sons eyes as a tear falls from them making the taller worried again. "What is upsetting you son please tell me?" Chanyeol gets on one knee in front of his son so he can see him better.


"Who is TJ?"


Chanyeol all of a sudden feels his heart sink. He never ever thought he would hear that name ever in his life again.

The taller wipes his sons eyes as he hoped he would never have to explain who this person was.


"He was a horrible person who use to hurt me physically and mentally " they both turn to see Baekhyun standing looking so small as Chanyeol lowers his head knowing this is not what they need right now especially baek. 


"Where did you hear that anyway?" Baekhyun walks closer wrapping his arm around the shoulder of his son. "A guy in the bathroom in school said something about it to his friend while I was hiding in the stall after being embarrassed at lunch. He said his dad witnessed some of it and told him one night when he was badly drunk. Then he mentioned your name Mum and yours also dad" Tae says looking at his Parents making Chanyeol reach up to turn his sons face away from baekhyun as he can see his husband roll his eyes before a tear escapes. 


"Did you hear anything else?" Chanyeol holds his sons cheek searching his eyes for answers. "Just that you where shot and nearly died Dad and that Mum killed someone and then you killed someone" Tae looks at his dad getting up from his knees. "Have I said something wrong?" Tae asks as he is moved along the pathway following his parents what looks like back to their cabin. "No son you haven't" Chanyeol squeezes his shoulder as they finally reach the cabin. 



Once they step inside Baekhyun slips off his boots while hanging up his coat. "I'm just going to lie down for a minute" he says while walking into the bedroom closing the door behind him to the shocked looke on Chanyeol and Taehyung faces. "I have really upset mum haven't I dad" Tae says looking up at his dad from the floor as he tries to take his boots off. 

"No son it's just someone your mum and I thought we would never hear of again. Come help me make some hot coco for mum he will like that" tae follows his dad into the kitchen as he sits on the counter top watching. 


"Was it true dad?" Tae asks feeling rather nervous at the answer he will hear. "Yes son it is all true" Chanyeol says looking at his son as poor Tae gets upset. "Mom and you killed someone" Tae slides off the counter walking towards the door backwards as if afraid of his father all of a sudden. He take a breath and runs out the door of the kitchen grabbing his shoes as he runs out into the snow as Chanyeol drops the coco making a run for it after his son. 


"Hey everything ok Chanyeol?" Kai askes  while walking past with D.O.. "Tae knows about TJ and he thinks me and his mom are killers" Chanyeol looks left and right trying to see what way his son went. " this is so not good" Kai says as he looks at D.O who is all emotional holding his bump. 


"He left without a coat aswell and it looks like it is about to snow. Damit it's like a mini baek all over again when he ran off"


" Chanyeol I'll come with you to find him, you grab his coat I will grab a blanket and we split up and see if we can find him". Kai says kissing his husbands lips. "I will sit with baek, take my coat with you" D.O says removing his coat and handing it to his husband. "Be careful and remember don't loose the head with him ok, maybe this is what has been bothering him all along" D.O says making Chanyeol lean his head back in annoyance not realising that this could be what was wrong with his son. 


"Come on let's get going" Kai moves Chanyeol as they head along the paths going to every place they can think of. They try ringing his phone but its switched off. "What teenager turns off their phone" Kai moans slipping is phone back into his pocket. 


"If he doesn't want to be found he will turn it off or it died" Chanyeol keeps looking around asking others if they have seen his son. 


"What am I going to tell him Kai, I guess I knew this day would come but why now" Chanyeol sits down on a bench taking a rest as he feels his heart break that his son is scared of him now in a place he doesn't know. "Tell him the truth Chan, no point in lying to him" Kai says making Chanyeol look up at him as he gets up from the bench making Kai step back. "I need to find my son" he walks off up the mountain towards the campfires where baek was found when he ran off.


"TAE YOU HERE?" Chanyeol shouts as they look around seeing no fire lit or anyone close by. "Damn it" Kai says as he takes his phone out to see missed calls. Ringing back he hears that Baekhyun wants everyone back at their cabin. 


"I'm not going back till I find my son Kai" Chanyeol decides to walk around all the camp fires checking behind the seats to make sure his son isn't there hiding. 


"Chanyeol, baek wants us back down at the cabin now" Kai says making the taller hurry over to him grabbing him by the front of his coat right up  into his face he growls "I am going nowhere till I find my son" letting go of Kai's coat he walks off as Kai keeps quiet and follows behind. 


Little do they know they didn't look good enough that Tae is crying and shivering behind one of the logs hiding from his father. Tae was always so good at hide and seek that he could never be found till he got hungry and came out for food. They never played hide and seek anymore as tae would always win.


"So this is where your hiding" TAE jumps after being found. "Uncle Lay how did you find me?" Tae looks up as he takes Lays hand pulling himself up from the snow covered ground. "Your mum hid here in this exact spot when he ran off one day" Lay hands him a coat guiding them both around the log to sit down as he takes a lighter from his pocket lighting the fire. 


"My mum ran off before?" Tae wraps himself up feeling warm now as he moves closer to the fire. "Yeah he did you mum was troubled then" Lay says as he looks towards tae seeing sadness in his eyes. 


"Why did you run off Tae?" Lay asks even though he was told why when they all got the call from D.O telling them what happend. 


"I heard my parents killed peo

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Beau1996 1378 streak #1
Chapter 8: Poor Chen and baby 🙏
Beau1996 1378 streak #2
Chapter 4: Oh no!! Baek is not doing so good!!
Chapter 21: Baekhyun will be fine.. I hope the surgery will be a success. I loved the part of daddy chanyeol acting over possessive. Thank you for the update
XiaoShixun #4
Chapter 19: Oh Baekhyun-ah i hope everything will be alright
LovelyYS #5
Chapter 19: Please keep him alive.
Chapter 19: I hope baek is okay
celestemoon #7
Chapter 18: Nooooo don't make me cry again
XiaoShixun #8
Chapter 18: Chanyeol and his damn pride
Chapter 18: Ohh.. I hope baek will be fine..
XiaoShixun #10
Chapter 17: Oh Tae... Your parents are not scary people