Chapter 27

He's My Protector 2 (book2)
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"You have been quiet all day Chanyeol" Baekhyun takes a seat on the fluffy rug that's on the floor in front of the fire as the snow falls hard outside.


"I'm ok my world" Chanyeol keeps looking into his glass tumbler at the Jack Daniel's and ice .


"You want to tell me what's wrong? since Tae left to have a sleep over you haven't spoken much to me. You were begging to spend time alone just the two of us and now for the past hour we have been home you have said nothing" Baekhyun looks on at his husband from the floor knowing full well Chanyeol is keeping something from him.


"I am just tired my world that's all" Chanyeol takes a sip from his glass as Baekhyun decides to not keep pushing and heads to the kitchen to make himself a hot coco and to take his last medication for the night.


As he waits for the kettle to boil, he can sense his husband behind him. Smiling to himself he feels the large warm hands sneak around his waist before soft kisses touch his neck.


"Can I have some coco?" Baekhyun closes his eyes into the kiss as Chanyeol now kisses along his jaw making him moan out a little.


"Look at you talking to me now" Baekhyun says with a soft giggle making Chanyeol turn him around to face him.


" Oh no what is it ?" Baekhyun grabs his husbands' arms as he can see Chanyeol's eyes blood shot.


"Baekhyun there is something I need to tell you" Chanyeol moves and starts to make the coco as Baekhyun's heart starts to pound in his chest .


"Chanyeol please tell me, you have me so worried. I even saw you and Minseok being totally off with each other and then whispering in corners."


"No wait isn't that other stuff, is it?" Baekhyun steps back as Chanyeol looks up at him not saying a word but Baekhyun knows that look all too well when it comes to his husband.


"Look Chen and Minseok's wedding anniversary dinner party is tomorrow can we just get through that before I tell you what's been going on?" Chanyeol steps closer as Baekhyun's eyes fill with tears . "I know it's something got to do with your mafia side am I right the past that you swore to me was over".


"Baekhyun please...." Chanyeol steps closer as Baekhyun keeps backing away till he is nearly out of the kitchen.


" I knew something was up when you nearly smashed Sehun's phone on the table. I thought you were just being guys slagging each other off but then when I see Kai join in and you were all whispering the look on your faces where of horror and sadness" Baekhyun wipes the stray tear that is kissing his cheek. "Tell me now Chanyeol" 


"It is mafia stuff you are right " and hearing those words Baekhyun does the only thing he knows; he takes off out into the sitting room and grabs his boots by the door. Pulling them on his tears flow like a waterfall. 


"Where are you going?" Chanyeol follows him watching him pull his boots on.


" Away from here and you" grabbing his coat he opens the door only for Chanyeol to reach and close it. 


"Move out of my way Chanyeol" 


"No way, let me explain to you what is happening"


"Right now I just need to be alone Chanyeol" Baekhyun looks at him as he pulls on his coat.


"No we need to talk about it my world" Chanyeol steps closer grabbing Baekhyun by the coat and pulling him in closer to his body. 


"I'm afraid of hearing it Chanyeol you promised me it was all over " Baekhyun starts to cry into his husband's chest as Chanyeol's hugs him tight .


" I am so sorry my world, but I never lied to you I promise" Chanyeol kisses the top of his husband's head as Baekhyun then moves away.


" I am just going to the cabin next door just give me an hour to calm down a bit" Baekhyun opens the door and heads to what would have been his cabin when they first arrived all those years ago.


"Is it not better that I tell you everything now and then you can head off after I tell you?" Chanyeol looks confused but knows not to fight with Baekhyun especially with him being sick. 


Baekhyun doesn't say a word and steps into the other cabin closing the door behind him.


"I ing knew this would happen" Chanyeol steps back inside his cabin and pulls on some boots and his coat as he heads out for a walk up by the campfires. 


Taking a seat he lights one of the fires before taking out his phone.


"Yeol before you start, I am sorry ok I have been trying to sort this all-out"


" Listen to me I want to know who ed this up and you better tell me everything before I come back" Chanyeol listens to the panicked voice on the other end of the phone.


"Drugs where in the cars hidden that left for America, and someone took them out before they came off the boat in America"


"Tell me your joking , how much was there?" 


" 50 million street value "


" It doesn't just walk off the ing boat" Chanyeol screams down his phone as the other end goes quiet.


" I know I have tried to look into it Chanyeol and I am getting nowhere. Someone is playing me from the inside" 


"What else is going on?" 


" 5 of our territory places have been taken over "


"How the ..."


" I know I have tried I swear I'm just losing control now "


"I will see you when I get back, we won't talk any more of this over the phone" Chanyeol hangs up his phone and sits back into the chair looking into the fire as it burns. His stomach starts to do somersaults knowing full well everyone he cares about is in danger. 




An hour has finally passed so he heads back to the cabin. Stepping inside Baekhyun isn't back yet so he grabs his guitar and sits out the back garden area and starts to play the song he wrote for his husband.


(Bambi sung by Chanyeol )


Feel it like timely rain that seeps into my dry heart

No other answer is needed

Because you're my favourite

No words can describe it


Whenever I'm with you, every day

Is like Neverland where time has stopped

Boy you're so dangerous, dangerous, dangerous

I'm already blinded by your beauty


You're my only Bambi, Bambi

It's a perfect night for you

Come down, night rain, night rain

Dripping down on us all night until the morning

Bambi, Bam-Bambi, Bambi, Bambi

Bambi, Bam-Bambi, Bambi, Bambi

You're so precious, I can't take it

You are dreamy, Bambi, Bambi, yeah


Tell me what's your secret

You're so pretty you can't hide it, it goes without saying, boy

I selfishly want only myself to be living in this fairy-tale called you

I sometimes wonder if you know how I feel


The world I've known isn't the real world, but fake

I've been waiting for you, Tinkerbell

Up high, high, high, make me fly high


You're my only Bambi, Bambi

It's a perfect night for you

Come down, night rain, night rain

Dripping down on us all night until the morning

Bambi, Bam-Bambi, Bambi, Bambi

Bambi, Bam-Bambi, Bambi, Bambi

You're so precious, I can't take it

You are dreamy, Bambi, Bambi, yeah........


(A/n Bambi by Baekhyun  ❤️)


"That's so beautiful " Baekhyun appears right beside him making Chanyeol shocked he didn't hear him.


"I wrote it for you my world " Chanyeol puts the guitar down as Baekhyun sits across his lap with his arms around Chanyeol's neck.


" Bambi, I like it" Baekhyun gives his husband a small grin as Chanyeol puts the guitar down.


" Well you are my Bambi, remember the first time I met you in the snow?"


" Of course I do you saved me and fell on top of me "


" I had to get you under me remember" Chanyeol smirks as Baekhyun blushes


" I want you to make love to me before you tell me what's going on" Baekhyun leans in and kisses Chanyeol with passion.


" You're hurting my world I can't " Chanyeol's cups his husband's cheeks as he looks deep into his eyes. "Let me tell you what I know"


Nodding his head Baekhyun removes his hands from around Chanyeol neck and plays with the string of his hoodie.


" He ed up the son I took over for who came of age ed up with the business"


"And you have to sort it out?" Baekhyun asks as Chanyeol nods his head


" But there is more. There is a target on everyone's back here" hearing those words Baekhyun climbs off his husband's lap and heads inside the cabin.


"Baek come back" Chanyeol follows seeing Baekhyun lifting a suitcase onto the bed in pain and opening it.


"What are you doing?" Chanyeol stands closer as Baekhyun takes his clothes from the wardrobe and puts them into the suitcase.


" Packing " Baekhyun says as he collects his things from around the room.


" Let me explain"


"I'm not renewing our vows, so I am heading home after Chen and Minseok anniversary dinner tomorrow"


"Baekhyun, you have a target on your back" Chanyeol grabs his husband by the arms as Baekhyun looks at him in shock.


" Why what did I ever do?" Baekhyun pulls away and sits on the bed as Chanyeol hunkers down beside him.


" You have done nothing wrong they are after me and anyone that was involved with what happened all those years ago"


"What about our son?" Baekhyun wipes his tears in his hoodie making Chanyeol cup the smaller cheeks


" Nobody will come near you or our son. I am so sorry it all has come back to this. I made a promise we all did and now I have to break it to save you and Tae. I would rather your approval to go and do what I need to do Baekhyun" Chanyeol looks into his husbands red eyes as Baekhyun closes his to let more tears fall down his cheek.


" What about Tae and I ?"


" I haven't decided yet. I wanted to tell you before I made any plans. The others will be told also" 


"Chanyeol there are babies here and Luh

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Beau1996 1379 streak #1
Chapter 8: Poor Chen and baby 🙏
Beau1996 1379 streak #2
Chapter 4: Oh no!! Baek is not doing so good!!
Chapter 21: Baekhyun will be fine.. I hope the surgery will be a success. I loved the part of daddy chanyeol acting over possessive. Thank you for the update
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