Chapter 14

He's My Protector 2 (book2)
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As they all get their skis Chanyeol cant help but look at his son  Taehyung being rather standoffish and looking rather nervous. He turns to look at the others as they all fuss with the new kid. Jimin seems to be wanting to hang out with the new kid and is ignoring his friends he came with making Chanyeol sigh that he now knows what one of the problems is with his son. 

"Hey son you ready for me to show you how to ski?" Chanyeol smiles as he places his hand on the back of his sons head as Tae fixes his gloves. "Yeah Dad I think so, ........." He continues to say something but chanyeol can't seem to hear him so he gets down on his hunkers in front of his son pretending to fix his skis when really he just wants to ask him what's wrong. "Is everything ok son?" Chanyeol asks while he looks around to make sure no one is close. "I'm a bit nervous dad, what if I fall on my or even worse, my face" Tae says making his dad laugh "Son your only learning, and so what if you fall on your or face that's part of it" Chanyeol pats his son on the back as he stands up and clicks his feet into the snow board. "Just don't break an arm or leg or mom will kill me ok" he says as he helps his son onto his skis. 

"Hey Tae, are we cool, you seem quiet?" Jimin asks his friend making tae smile. "I kinda felt a little left out with you ,Jin and the new kid talking" Tae frowns a little. "No your my pal, I was just being nice to him, he has no one here and I think we can all be buddies, anyway no one will take me away from you buddy" Jimin wraps his arm around Tae's neck before giving his head a nuggy. "Come on you guys are you all ready?" Chanyeol shouts towards them all as he is now happy to see his son is smiling. "Ok on three start to move slowly and I mean slowly, that means you Jin go slow ok" Chanyeol laughs as Suho knows how is son Jin is quite the little daredevil.  

They are all just about to start when Jungkook the new kid moves so he is standing beside Tae. "I can go down the hill with you if you like?" Jungkook says to Tae making him blush a little. "Yeah sure, id like that" Tae smiles as he takes a deep breath and his dad gives him a wink before counting to three.





They all head down the hill screaming and laughing as Chanyeol is ahead watching them as he slowly moves down the hill. "Jin you little slow down" He shouts making Jin call out "Sorry uncle Chanyeol" he giggles knowing his big uncle chanyeol can't do anything now as he picks up speed. "I hope you hit that pile of snow at the end you little " Chanyeol teases him  as the others all laugh. "This seems harder with the Skis" Tae says as Jungkook watches him ready to catch him. "You will get use to them, I just prefer the board as my legs kept splitting and one day so did my pants" They both burst out laughing as tae all of a sudden starts to speed up. "Oh crap" he says as he begins to move faster down the hill. Jungkook looks towards chanyeol and Kai but sees they are  too far away pulling what looks like Jin from the pile of snow at the end of the hill by his feet. 

"MR CHANYEOL" Jungkook shouts as he follows Tae making it past him and grabbing hold of him as they both fall straight into the pile of snow along the side with tae landing on his back and Jungkook laying on top of him. "Oh My cookie are you ok?" Jungkook says as he wipes the snow off of Tae's Face. "Did you just say oh my cookie?" Tae bursts out laughing as Jungkook blushes. "I'm not allowed curse and I'd love a cookie right now so I guess it just slipped out" He laughs seeing Tae's beautiful smile smiling up at him. "Thank you for kind of saving me, but you are crushing me now" Tae says as Jungkook rolls off him making them both lay on their backs. 

"Hey son are you ok, what happened?" Chanyeol finally reaches them both and holds his hand out to help his son up as Jungkook climbs up. "I'm ok I just started to go too fast so Jungkook tried to help me but ended up crashing into me instead" Tae nudges his new friend as Jungkook lowers his head. "I'm sorry Mr Chanyeol, I did try to stop him" He says making chanyeol pat him on the shoulder. "Hey its ok you did you best and call me chanyeol ok" He says before he winks at his son as they head back up the hill. "Dad is Jin ok?" tae asks as they all head over to see there friend being given out to by his Mum Suho.  "Your dad will kill me if anything was to happen to you" Suho says making Jin just look down at his hands waiting for his Mum to stop giving out. "Ok come on, can we go again but this time how about we change onto the snowboards instead" Jimin ask his dad Kai as he then looks at Chanyeol. "Ok fine lets go again everyone change and I swear Jin if you don't slow down I will throw you into the pile of snow myself" Chanyeol smacks the back of his head making Jin cry out to his Mum Suho. "Mum tell him"

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Beau1996 1378 streak #1
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