Busted By The Wolf

The Dunkler Fluch

My forgettable forgot that i list this chapter as a draft. It was supposed to be updated hours ago. Sorry for the late update. Enjoy some short Kyusung moment. 




“You have to hide.”

Yesung who were just taking his shoes off at the front door only frowned by the demon’s word.

“Why would I?”

“There’s white witch in this city. You are not safe here. They might come to this city to track you down.” said Kangin.

Yesung walk in with the still frowning face. He had thought he misheard the younger rambling. 

Knowing the older would questioning his word soon, he follow the older to his room.

“You heard me. There’s might some still alive. You might have make a mistake and now you’re in danger. I want you--” Kangin cut off by Yesung shushing him.

“I’m pretty sure I  kill the last of them and how do you know about the white witch?” said Yesung as he getting annoyed by the younger following him around even when he take a detour to the kitchen.

“I think you know that guys at the cafe just now are not human,right?” the older nod, he know some of them were wesens but not all.

“I told you how I work with the council right. They were from this city council. Those kids are not police officer. They though they could lie to you, yes they did it but not to me. I know Hangeng from the council. And they are onto something. Hangeng told me they catches were burn in white fire. You know how the fire works.”

Yes Yesung know it. He even saw it burn his family in front of his innocent eye. He was too deep into reminiscent that Kangin had to shake him off from remembering the pain he trying to forget.

“Listen. They might seek for a revenge and I want you to hide. Away from here. I’ll send you everywhere but not around this city.”

“No. I don’t want run. This.. this might be a coincidence.” Yesung stuttered, trying to convince the younger but his shivering were not helping at all.

Kangin grab the older arms, bring him close to him as he angrily hissing, feeling frustrated with older stubbornness.

“Why won’t you understand!? I’m trying to keep you safe! I swear I’ll lock you in pandora box if I can! I know you had live long enough but this is not the way to go!”

Yesung winching from the tight grip. He knew the younger weren’t lying about his words but something inside him insisting him to not running away.

“But… I can’t leave the cafe and my workers… after I finally settle in … do I have to?” he look up to the younger, eyes pleading for another way to deal with the matter.

“But the witch can easily get to you… and the council, I won’t put my trust on them to catch the witch first.”

“There’s must be another way. Can you just stay with me?”

“I am with you but I have work too and I can’t bear to leave you alone in the cafe or even in your house. And yesterday. That might have something to do with the witches work. You burning badly. This must been one of their spells…”

He pull the older to seat on the bed with him, knowing the conversation were still long way ahead. Then he had to think the worst idea ever.

“Or… you could stay with the council…”

The older eyes went wide. “What!? hell to the No!”

“Not as wesen. As a human. I can give them an excuse. Jongwoon, listen. Their headquarters are the safest place so far.”

“But if they know about me and my stupid cursed blood, they will want to make me their blood bag!” shouts Yesung furiously, pulling his hair harshly in panic state.

“Not all of them are bloodsucker!… or maybe at least half of them not. But the point is I need you to be safe, near me and their building are the safest for now.”

He know he can’t win the younger in debate. He sigh in defeat.

“I’ll do it but not now… we still didn’t know whether or not the white witch coming for me or just holding the grudge to the council or something. So I’ll only go if something bad happen. Deal?”

“Deal. For now, I’ll stick with you 24hours. No complaint or anything. This is for your own good.”

The older snorted at the fatherly quote. “Yes, father.”


In other side of the city, a small house separated by other civilization live a pair of siblings.

“Why won’t you let me take on that killer already!?” shouts the younger one.

The older were annoyed by the loud scream but he had decide to ignore his younger brother the moment he come home.

“I want my revenge now! If you won’t do it, I’ll make my way to him now!”

It was then he had to held back the younger and throw him to the walls, resulting the wall to crack open.

“keep your fang off for now! I was the one who able to and will kill him! Now shut yourself down. He was guarded by a demon now and it was too risky to attack now. You think I didn’t want to?”

The younger vampire only cowered seeing the older one looking all intimidating. Feeling defeated by the older brother, he stomped off to his room. Furious by the older who seems procrastinate too much.

“Even if you stop me, I’ll still going to find him by myself.”


The day after facing the angry demon, Yesung still went to his cafe like usual but with more guarded by yours truly.

He had order the younger to watch over from far away, not wanting to make his worker to take on suspicious with the demon being around. He still had no idea of his worker being wesens, let alone the most wesen he despise a lot, the vampire.

His phone went off, he had no idea the demon would even fathom of using a cellphone.


Hello hyung. I had stuff to do. Can you go home alone today? Don’t stop at anywhere, go straight home,okay?”

“Tsk, you not my dad. I’ll be fine.”

you said so. Call me right away after you arrive home, I’ll be there right away.”

Kangin hang up the call without the older had the time to retort. He sigh,sighing might be the new favorite thing to do after the younger decide to babying him.

He  look at the time and relief. He pack up his thing and wait till all workers went out to close the cafe.

After he went inside his car, he remember his annual thing to do. He had to visit the herbalist for wesen to get his herb to help with his scent. He remind himself to at least give a call to the demon but then he really didn’t want the younger to fuss about him being outside other than home.

Few more turn he arrived at the herbal shop that he had visited every time he ran out of his stock.

“Sorry to intrude. i need ().”

The shopkeeper turn around and went to the counter immediately.

“()? How much did you want?”

“One kilogram should be enough.”

“Okay, I’ll ask my worker to bring it for you. Hiding scents huh?” the owner said, knowing only wesens would buy such herbs.

“Yeah, I don’t want old acquaintance looking for me.”

“Ah, must be a bad relationship. If you excuse me, I need to go out for a moment, my worker will bring it to you.”


He stares at the owner who went inside for a moment and turn back to the front door.  He look around and taking the antique looking shops, amazed by the aesthetic feeling.

“Here’s your….”

He was about to take the bag when the worker held it back. Just then he realizes who was the worker is.

“Kyuhyun ssi…”

He know he should have run away but instead, he found himself invited (more like held captive) by the lycan to the staffroom.

“Explain your human-ish to me.”

“em… mind your own business,Kyuhyun ssi. Can I go now?”

“Not until you tell me what kind of wesen are you.”

“What wesen? What is wesen?” he know he bad at lying when the lycan smirk at his obvious lies.

“you at lying. I know there’s something wrong with your scent before. Tell me or I eat you up now.”

“What! Just because you are a Lycan, doesn’t mean…” he gasped, shocked by his own stupidity.

“Hah! Now you’re busted! How do you know I'm a Lycan!? Just tell me already and I let you go.”

He wish he can punch the smugly face and run away but he didn’t want any trouble with the dangerous hybrid wesen.

“It’s none of your business!” he stand up and walk away but then he remember the important ingredient he’ll be needing from the lycan. He turn around and saw the lycan smiles while dangling the bag of herbs in front of him.

“Tell me and you get this.”

“Urgh.. why do you really want to know? I’m not even close to you! Give me that!” he tried to reach the bag when the younger held it high, curse his short hand.

“Wow! You have a small hand!”

“Haaah! How dare you!?” he held back his hand, face red from the embarrassment.

“Now tell me.”

It might be the most stupidest move he had ever think of but he charge towards the younger anyway. Succeed in tripping over nothing and fall onto the younger who had to brace the fall for them.

“You clumsy! Why…” he stop himself when he smell something sweet from the older. Their body were way to close to each other, letting the lycan to take in the scent of his blood.

He found himself laying on the younger and trying hard to move away but the hand on his waist locking all his movement. He saw the hybrid eyes glowing ginger in seconds.

“Kyu… Kyuhyun ssi… can you let me go…”

“You smell so… delicious…”

He turn pale when the man beneath him close their only gap with fangs out. He had no other way than to get away before he eaten by the wesen. He faze through the strong hand that had held him down and stagger in front of the lycan. He had shown what he really was to the man in front of him

“You..what are you..”

It take Kyuhyun few minutes to broke off the hypnotize after he ha smell the  sweet scents.

“Please keep this secret… please..” Yesung plead while shivering.

“Your sweet scent. The faze through and shadow like movement. You’re the Dunkler Fluch from the myth.” he respect the older need of space and stay away from him few meters away.

“Please… don’t tell the other…” thought he can denied the wesen, flashes of traumatic memory begin flooding his mind.

“I won’t. if you let me taste your blood. I heard it was really good.”

“What?! No way! Are you crazy? You not even a blood er!!!” he take few step backwards when the younger begin to move towards him slowly.

“Kyuhyun ssi! I swear! Don’t you dare come any closer!”

Feeling hysterical with the younger look, he had throw all the rational thought of running away or even the existence of his power and froze in his spot.

The younger stop right in front of him, eyes glowing more as he take the scent of the older. 

‘Move you dumb leg!’ thought him, his leg was numbed by the familiar traumatized feeling he had when he had stumble upon a group of hungry vampires hundred years ago.

He felt the younger hand tugged his chin, allowing him to make his way in between his neck.


“Just a little…”

The fang sunk into the depth of his neck,allowing the younger get what he want.

The pain that was long forgotten rush in his mind as he tried to push the hungry lycan away. He can feel the blood gushing out from his body, giving the lycan the thirst of the curse.

His leg had given away when the feeling of losing blood taken over him. Though he's blood always regenerate faster than any human being, the pain was too overwhelming for him to keep his conscious up.

Feeling wrong by his doing, Kyuhyun letting go the older to slump down to the floor. He help the older to sit on the couch as he wipe the blood on his mouth.

“So it was true.”

“Fu..ck you….”

“Told you, I just want to taste it. Are you okay? I thought you won’t feel anything?” Kyuhyun throw the confused face,earning a growl from the older.

“Wha..What!” lucky for him the younger stop before he take more than he should so he’ll generate faster than usual.

“I feel the pain! That was the curse! To make others freaking hurt me over and over as i heal! You stupid wolf won’t understand!” shouts him with teary eyes.

Taken aback by the sudden reaction, he rush to the older to calm him but was pushed away.

“Hey, I’m sorry. There’s too little of your kin information. I’m sorry okay. I won’t do it again.”

But he was too mad to begin with so he left the store without the herbs he suppose to get before the effect in his body gone.

“Aish… Now I’m stuck with his taste here…” he ruffle his hair furiously.

He turn around and saw the bag of herb that he was supposed to give to Yesung.

“I can’t bring it to his cafe now,aren’t I….”


“where have you been!”

He was so ready to dive in his comfy blanket to help him forget the incident but now he had to face the demon wrath.

“Just… went to pick up the herbs..”

“And where is it?”

He forgot how he ran away without the thing. The younger begin to feel suspicious as he pick up some foreign smell on Yesung.

“You smell different.”

“What? No way. It just your petty imagination.”

Not believing the older, he pull Yesung to get a better sense of the smell.

“Hah! You got attack!!!”

“No! I told it just your imagination,why you assuming that i got attack?? What if it just... A hug or something!”

“You can fool my sense! What attacking you and did that thing know what you are?!” said Kangin, ignoring the older talk.

“No he didn’t!” again he had to slip out for the second time.

Kangin eyes went wide.“And you dare to lie to me! I’m sending you to the council tomorrow!”

“What? No! You can’t!” he squirming when the younger took hokd of his hand.

The younger drag him and throw him in his room, locking it from the outside. He try to open it or even faze through it but he was thrown back the moment he try.

“How dare you put a spell on my room!!!” hearing nothing coming from the younger, he bang the door stronger. “Kangin!!! Youngwoon you dip!”







A/N: i know this story move too slow but don't worry, it will get interesting ~~~ and oh, Lycan actually didn't really into this blood. Kyuhyun did it because he was curious and dunkler fluch blood can attract anything other than vampire though only vampire were more interested in it.

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Urghhh.... There's so much error after i re-read the whole story lol. Now i understand why people got confused XD. Sorry and I'll fix it soon!


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400 streak #2
Chapter 18: Thank you for this wonderful story beib! I love it so so so much~
400 streak #3
Chapter 14: It's getting more serious than I thought #continue to read
400 streak #4
Chapter 11: Okay.... Make "him" as a bad guy, really...
400 streak #5
Chapter 7: Well, so Kangin was like a father than a friend XDDD

Gosh, I love your story so much!!!
400 streak #6
Chapter 6: I thought Kangin and Hangeng were a rivals, but turns out they're friends <333
400 streak #7
Chapter 5: OMG Kangin~~~ as Sungie's friend~ and there's Kibum there~ My life is complete
400 streak #8
Chapter 4: I love Jaejong's character here~
400 streak #9
starting to read this~ <3
Chapter 18: I love story's like this ~ I had so much fun ?