In The Dream He Came

The Dunkler Fluch



It was quite enchanted. The sunray beaming from the open tall window glasses. Seeping through the tall interior, lighting up the dimmed room making the only person that were left in the room hissing from the brightness.

‘Damn ray..’ snapped him, blaming the innocent sun for doing it’s own work.

“why you look so uptight?if you are so bothered by the sun, why don’t you stay in your room?” said a person who had been watching him without alerting the frowning man.

“Can’t sleep…”

The other only sighed, watching his old friend being so questionable first thing in the morning.

“Jongwoon. Did something been bothering you?”

“Nothing… I just can’t sleep. Why you up so early,Kangin?” the older turn to the demon with a difficulty from his pained neck.

“Well I’m never one who sleeping much. You know you can trust me,right? So tell me. What’s been bothering the great Shadow Knight?”

“Uhh that’s one cringing name! Doesn’t suit me at all… nothing happen… I just feel restless. The full moon getting near… I’m just afraid that the witch will make their move first.”

“Full moon? Ah. You don’t have to worry about that. We had few werewolf and lycan that were more superior on the same day if something happen.”

The older only hummed to the younger, feeling tired as the his body begin to demand him to rest for a while. It wasn’t the full moon that has been bugging him, truthfully he didn’t want the younger worried about what had actually happen to him. It’s been weeks since he was keep safe in the building but something had happen that thrown him into the edge.

‘It just a dream… One stupid dream…’ thought him.

Soon Kangin realize, sleep has taken over the older, leaving him no choice but to carry him to his room.

He sighed as he watch the older frowning even in his sleep. But not wanting to make a fuss about it, he leave it until Yesung himself would come to him. Till then, he would help the others with the rebellion cases.


He was furious. Had he not listening to his older brother, the old nemesis would be dead by now. He had taken the matter into his own hand, working with the rebellion would be his only way to catch the wesen that had kill his own mother.

As he walk toward the abandon building, he was greeted by a few wesens.

“Name.” said one of the guard.


The guard let him walk through the metal door before he was lead to a room. Without giving him a time to knock on the door, the door open up revealing five people who only stares as he walk in.

“So you’re Taemin?” said one of the guy who leaning towards a shelf.

“Small. Are you sure you’re a wesen? We won’t know until you prove yourself.” said a tall guys with a smirk that surely can melt anyone who saw it, but not Taemin.

“What else can be prove. I’m helping you guys to get the witch on your side. Let’s just cut the chase. What’s the plan?” said Taemin, displeased with the stare thrown by the group.

“Now now. Let’s not biting each other tails. Let me introduced us. I’m Jiyoung, the leader of this group. That tall guy is Seunghyun, he’s the planner. The one who on the couch is Daesung and Seungri, you know them. And that mohawk guy is Taeyang, he will help you later. So, we get into this right away. How do we make the witch know about the Dunkler Fluch? Actually, what is Dunkler Fluch even had that can lure the white witch?” said Jiyoung.

“It wasn’t something that he had. It was him that can lure the white witch. They were enemy since hundreds years ago. I know how deep the white witch hatred for that wesens. So we just use that guy to lure him out and make him work with you.” 

Jiyoung and Seunghyun change a look before curiously move towards the vampire.

“And what did you get by helping us? You rather sound so suspicious, you know?” Seunghyun standing in front of him, rather hovering above him with a smirk.

“I just want a revenge. That Dunkler Fluch kill my family. Only white witch can kill him so it was a win-win situation.”

The others were surprise by Taemin’s word.

“He killed your family. A family full of vampire and yet this unknown creatures can do such a thing?” said Daesung, not convince by the smaller word.

“Yeah he did. They were killing machines. Their kin were born as a knight and kill those their think a threat to the world. My family become victims to that merciless wesens. So are you gonna help me o I can help you or not?”

The five vampires exchange their looks before nodding to the smaller.


“Hey! Oh wow… you look so bad…”

The said person slowly turn around and saw Kibum with bunch of files in his hand.

“Hey, Kibum. You look unusually happy today…” said Yesung, walking slowly, resembling a zombie appearance with his pale face.

“Nothing unusual happen. Why you look so bad? Did you take the portion that I give you? It was good for insomnia. Kangin told me you having a hard time sleeping so I made those. I hope he give it to you. Did he give it? It work so well for a vampire like me. It should---”

“Kibum! Stop. You make my head hurt. I did take it but it’s getting worst.” whine Yesung.

Weeks being in the building making both of them close to each other. Kibum who had more free time than being in the field like the others always hanging out with Yesung. It’s all start with Yesung being told by Kangin to apologize to each of the members and end up being with Kibum who surprisingly a chatter box.

“Sorry. Well I suggest you sleep more for now. Oh wait.” the vampire went into his office for a while and come out with a small wine bottle.

“Here, it’s not the best but the taste were quite nice if you drink it before you sleep.”

Yesung look closer to the bottle and raise one of his brows. “I can’t drink. Believe me, even though I’m an immortal, my alcohol intolerant are so bad.”

“It’s not really an alcohol. Well, for human, that is. Trust me. And oh, keep it secret from Kangin. I know how over protective he is towards your well-being so please don’t tell on me or I’ll be dead!” said Kibum happily before went into his office again. 

He shake his head, feeling more restless after dealing with a bright creature like Kibum. He still felt sorry for accusing the younger but by being close to him make him more assured.

‘I’ll drink this tonight then.’

He walk back to the house, casually phasing through the wall as he was too lazy to take out his own card. After securing the wine bottle underneath his bed, he went out only to find Leeteuk cooking in the kitchen.

“Oh hey. Hungry?” ask the older.

“Kinda. Hyung, did you found the white witch yet?”

Leeteuk only sighed as he place a plate of fried rice in front of him.

“Nope. Nothing that can be used to locate the witch. Do you have any other clue? Like what kind of place their live in?”

Yesung shake his head. He himself was too vague about his own kin, let alone a nemesis kin. “All I know is that they had a titanium white eye. Their hair are white too, almost look like an albino person.”

“That’s not really helping. With stuff these day, they can just bleach their or even wear a color contact. But there’s something been bugging me and Siwon for the past few. Did you remember when you blurting about white witch on the day where we all know about you?”

Yesung nod, blushing after remembering his weird drunkard act from the med effect.

“We thought you might just blurting nonsense but then it could be possible that there’s a spy among us. Is there’s anyone that you might think look suspicious? Because after we look into our old archive to search for every rebellions profile that we known, some of them went missing.” said Leeteuk with all seriousness.

He took the older word more carefully. Thinking about all the possibility that could point out anyone that could be the betrayer. He found none.

“Sorry hyung. Everyone so nice and normal looking to me. What about that lycan. Kyuhyun?”

“You still hold a grudge to him?” Leeteuk chuckled while shaking his head. He know the young lycan wouldn’t do such thing.

“Well he bit me without my consent… well you should start by scratching those who you know well from your list. There’s might be someone who able to get into the archive easily.”

Leeteuk only nod, taking Yesung’s word more seriously. Both of them continue munching on their food in silence comfort.


That night, as a promise from Kibum he drink the so called alcohol before went to sleep. Feeling the sleepiness seeping into his mind, he thought he should thanking the younger for the drink working well on him.

But it was only for a few hours before what had been disturbing his sleep begin to act up.

A dream. Or more suited to be called nightmare. In his dream, he had been watching, over and over again, the loop of his family dying in the white fire as he stood still doing nothing.

No shouts, no pained scream coming from his mouth. No, he won’t be able to even move an inch. The dream had been played over and over but each time he dream the same scene, he notice it was gradually change at the end of it.

He thought what he saw as a blurry figure begin to move closer to him after days of dreaming the same thing. He know, soon enough he will be able to see what had been blurry faces to him but he didn’t thought it will be so soon.

“I got you…”

The blurry faces muttered, so close to his ear but too fuzzy to catch the face. Again he was left with a mute self. Unable to ask what the figure mean.

The blurry person who he though he could make out the face but still with the same vague vision begin to held out it’s hand. Gliding it across his chest, close to his heart.

“Your kin will always stay cursed. You’ll never leave this world as you were to be in more pain after what you have done.”

He had no idea what the voice mean it with the talk. Frustration begin to take over him as the urge to question the figure risen up.

The hand move to align to his heart, palming his chest slowly as the blur begin to fade out, revealing the person in front of him. A light begin to seep through the finger of the hand that rested on his chest.

Worried begin to eat him up. Will he die in his sleep? Thought him. Everything felt so real to him. The pain that contract on his heart too excruciating for him to think it was all dream.

“And now, you can only watch as kill you slowly. Unable to scream for help, or worst…” soon he finally can make out the face that had been bothering him in his sleep.

“You can’t even told them who was the white witch or should I say, Kim Kibum was the last white witch that walk among the innocent wesens?”


A/N: this is so bizarre!!!!  The word count on Microsoft and this app are different.  Idk if automatically cut off like hundreds of my words but everything were still there. So,this turn to be the shortest chapter lol. But don't worry,it getting interesting!!!!!  And yay for uri kibum! Not in this fic lol.

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Urghhh.... There's so much error after i re-read the whole story lol. Now i understand why people got confused XD. Sorry and I'll fix it soon!


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390 streak #2
Chapter 18: Thank you for this wonderful story beib! I love it so so so much~
390 streak #3
Chapter 14: It's getting more serious than I thought #continue to read
390 streak #4
Chapter 11: Okay.... Make "him" as a bad guy, really...
390 streak #5
Chapter 7: Well, so Kangin was like a father than a friend XDDD

Gosh, I love your story so much!!!
390 streak #6
Chapter 6: I thought Kangin and Hangeng were a rivals, but turns out they're friends <333
390 streak #7
Chapter 5: OMG Kangin~~~ as Sungie's friend~ and there's Kibum there~ My life is complete
390 streak #8
Chapter 4: I love Jaejong's character here~
390 streak #9
starting to read this~ <3
Chapter 18: I love story's like this ~ I had so much fun ?