Another Fall

The Dunkler Fluch



It’s been few days since the last time Yesung had fallen sick. His days become much more brighter, not knowing what had been the change of it. Kangin were always by his side anytime the demon had a day off.

Despite after getting much more better, his sudden voice lost begin to irk Kangin suspicion. Although he was dying to tell the demon what had Kibum done to him, he can only keep to himself as he didn’t want any of his organ burned more.

“Yesung ah, do you want something from your apartment? I will be on duty until tomorrow morning.”  said Kangin, fetching his coat from the wardrobe.

Kangin trying to understand what Yesung had been mouthing. “Cafe? Gosh you don't have to worry. Jaejong is a great worker. I’ll go now. Don’t open the door for anyone.” said Kangin.

After Kangin went out from his room, he walk around the house trying to find something to amuse him. He found Leeteuk’s movie collection and decided to watch it before Kangin come home.

On the lower floor of the building, Kibum had been pacing around in his given office. Worried after Kangin had been stopping him from getting near Yesung.

‘Tsk! I can’t watch over him if thing were like this!’ thought. 

He was busying with his thought when Ryeowook come barging into his space with a frown.

“The west council got attacked just now. Leeteuk hyung urge all the members to go help them!” said Ryeowook before went out to alert the others.

‘I’ll think about him later!’ thought him.

All the members begin to fill in the ride, one by one. Kibum was lucky, he didn’t need to cramp in the same car as he had brought his own ride that day.

As he was turning in a corner, he can’t help but to stop the car after he saw what he had thought was his brother in a car of stranger.



“Including to my informant, that demon had went  out somewhere but i think we got at least more than enough time to do it” said Jiyoung.

“We’ll go straight to the penthouse. He’s there all the time.” said Taemin.

After arriving to the building, they enter it using a back door. Seunghyun had stole one of the building blueprint beforehand. With only Jiyoung, Seunghyun and Taemin himself, they went inside without being seen by any of the members. They manage to cause a chaos at the west council as a distraction to divert their attention from the main building.

They arrived at the floor which occupied by their target. Without a warning, Taemin charged to the door with one kick, succeed in breaking the door into the debris.

“Wow, chill. You gonna scare our target.” Seunghyun chuckles.

Taemin ignoring the mocking and went inside without the others. Soon a loud banging were heard coming from the middle of the house.

“What was that?”Said Seunghyun. Both of them rushing to the scene and found out that the furniture were all upside down.

“Hey, what happen? Where’s the target?” said Jiyoung sternly.

Taemin look at the leader with a cold expression.

“He’s not here. He’s gone.” said him angrily.

Few minutes ago.

Yesung was too absorbed by the movie he’s been watching when a voice appear in his head.


“Arghh!!” shouts Yesung but then he realize he had scream by his own voices. “Eh?”

‘Don’t eh me now. This is Kibum. I need you to come out now.’ said Kibum.

“How… where were you..?” said Yesung, looking around for the witch but he was all alone.

‘I’m at the third floor basement. There’s a few bad guys onto you. I need you to phase through the floor and come to me.’ said Kibum.

“But you yourself are the bad guy… why would I trust you.” muttered Yesung quietly.

‘Yesung! I swear if you didn’t follow my order now, I’ll sell you to the black market. People would love to taste your delicious blood right?’ said Kibum. Yesung swore the other were smirking wickedly.

“Urghh… you’re the worst… fine.” said Yesung. He went up to fetch his jacket and wore his shoes knowing he will be on his foot to Kibum.

Just before Taemin kicked down the door, Yesung phase through the wall and use the elevator near him,ignoring the witch warning about using the elevator before cutting off the link. He completely missed the scene where Taemin had went furious and ruined the house after they lost him.

“He won’t get too far. My informant had said he never leave the building so let’s go!” said Jiyoung frantically.

The three of them dashing to the elevator, pushing the button furiously. 

"Wait. Look at the level. It has to be him. This is private elevator." said Jiyoung. 

They wait until the elevator stop at the lowest basement.

"Let's go."


"Where are you?" Yesung ask, knowing the other can heard him.

A dark silhouette walking towards him and grab his arm harshly. 

"What did i said about elevator, you dumb Fluch!" Kibum yelled as he drag the older into his car.

"What's wrong with you!" shouts Yesung when Kibum furiously put on his seatbelt for him.

"Answer me---" Yesung was cut off when Kibum speeding his car to the exit, making the older frightened by the speed.

The ride was silent. Yesung can't bring himself to ask more, not after he tried to ask for fifth time and Kibum snapped. The younger had taken back his right on his own voice.

Few minutes later Kibum stopped the car in front of an abandoned building. 

"Stay here until i get back to you. Disobey me,I'll kill your friend." said Kibum sternly. 

He drag the older into one of the room which was weirdly occupied by a stuff that doesn't fit as the rest of the place.

"This is my office that i use when i was looking for you and no one knows this place so you safe in here for now. Remember, don't try to contact the others. Those bad guys can found you easily now."

As Kibum was about to go out, Yesung grab his hand.

'Why are you helping me?' thought Yesung. 

Kibum swat the older hand and walk away without his answer. 


Kibum manage to arrive at the west council almost at the same time as the others.

"I will never let you drive again!" shouts Shindong to Donghae. 

The younger had mess up with the gps and taken the wrong route. Donghae only smile sheepishly, embarrassed by his clumsiness. He turn around and saw Kibum walking towards them.

"Oh hey,you late too?" said Shindong.

"No, but i didn't know which one the council's building so i wait for you guys just now. Luckily i saw you guys and follow the car from behind. Why you guys late?" said Kibum, cheering from the inside after the other believe him.

"This brat here take the wrong turn. Anyway, let's go inside. Teukie-hyung already there." said Shindong, leading the group to the building that believe to be the west council.

>>>>>Triggerwarning ahead/Gore scene<<<<<<

A foul smell had almost thrown them into a puking mess as soon as the group stepped their foot into the building, Kyuhyun doing his best to cover both Sungmin and Ryeowook eyes from seeing the mess up scenery. 

"Gosh, what happen here?" said Eunhyuk, shuddering from the  bloody scene.

Bodies scattered everywhere dismembered as some of them had even lose their heads. Soon it was confirmed that the bodies was indeed belong to the members of the council. 

A few footsteps were heard approaching them. Leeteuk walks towards them with Siwon by his side. Face full of emotional wrecks. From behind them, Hangeng and Heechul walk slowly with one of survived member.

"Hyung... What happen? Who's that?" Shindong ask the older while staring at the wounded person.

"That is the council leader. He was intentionally left behind alive to give us the calling. It was indeed the same group that attacked the south one. We need to clean this place and give the members their last respect." said Leeteuk, pained by the fact that the members of the council was a close family to him.

Without wanting to make the leader more stressed, Shindong urge the members to help him. Kyuhyun pull both Sungmin and Ryeowook to the outside of the building. 

"Listen, the scene was too much for you guys so wait here until we clean this place. Alert us if something suspicious happen out here, okay?" said Kyuhyun softly. 

Both innocent wesens only nod to their friend. They knew what had happened as they were already informed about the last attack. Kyuhyun went back inside and inform about the two to the leader. Leeteuk who had been knowing the three since they were children agreed and joined the others. 

After finish with identifying the bodies owner, they wrapped them in a bunch bags and carefully loaded in a van that owned by the council. Shindong being the mage he is had use a spell to clean off the blood, not wanting to left any blood behind that can attract wild things from getting inside the building. 

"Are you done?" Siwon asked Shindong. The older nod with a sigh. 

"No trace were left here... What are they?" said Kibum. Hw genuinely 

"Hey,i didn't see Zhoumi or Henry. They didn't get the memo?" said Leeteuk. 

"Ah, those two was still onto their own mission. I thought we already had enough members to come here so i didn't call them." said Heechul. 

Leeteuk only nod. The two absent members was given the hardest task among the members. 

Leeteuk went around one last time before ushering them to leave the property. After locking the building, he make a call to the master council to inform them about the situation. He left with members after letting Hangeng and Heechul drove the vehicle that contain the bodies.

Kibum were joined by Kyuhyun, Sungmin and Ryeowook for the ride back to their own council. The witch keep worrying about Yesung's being and almost hit the divider of the road.

"Hey! I know you were disturbed by that scene but don't kill us now!" shouts Kyuhyun who heart beating fast after Kibum narrowly escaped their death.

"Sorry." muttered Kibum.

15 minutes later they arrived at the building. They were urged by the leader to the meeting room right away after the wounded west council leader had woke up.

The members gathered inside the room while waiting for Leeteuk bringing the west leader to the room. Chattering and noises were silenced after Leeteuk cough once to attract their attention. 

"We got a message that were left by them. This is Leader Suho, he will tell you everything." said Leeteuk, he carefully glance towards the said man,worrying for his mental state after forced to watch his own members death.

"Thanks... Leeteuk... This morning, the members were having annual meeting when all of sudden a loud explosion came from the lobby area. The guard told us that a bunch of vampires and werewolf were attacking the members, leaving no one behind. I, too was attacked but once they found out that I'm the leader, they left me alone. Then 6 masked men come and drag me into my own office. They threatening me to told them where was the main council location. I.. I had to tell them by forced... I'm sorry, Leeteuk ah.. I've failed.."  Suho begin sobbing softly, head hangs low,embarrassed by his own failure. 

"It's okay,Suho ah. The main council building are not that easy to penetrate. We will alert them first. You'll help us fight this war right?" said Leeteuk softly.  

The sobbing stop, Suho look into the leader eyes with a broken look.

"I can't... Not anymore..."  muttered Suho.

"Why?" Leeteuk ask curiously. There's something off with the look Suho gave him.

Suho ed his shirt, slowly a mark of burning had decorated his whole back. A trace of words was scrap to his back.

"We want justice"  was written there.

"Suho... Your... Wing..." said Leeteuk, frowned. 

It was unknown to the public that Suho was Leeteuk cousin and came from the same kin. A flugel.  The mark that supposed to hide the wing was gone, a long scars were replacing right on the spot where the wing should be.

"He burned it... I'm no longer a flugel... I had lost my soul..." Suho went sobbing again. The pain was nothing but the lost of his only proudest part of him was gone,taken away from him forever. 

"How! No fires could burn it away! We, flugel born with it! Unless.."  Leeteuk stopped after something had remind him of a certain fire.

"Was it white fire....?" Leeteuk said.

Suho eyes went wide. He turn around and grab his cousin shoulder. 

"How did you know! That guy! I need to kill him!" shouts Suho furiously. 

Leeteuk had taken hold of the frantic man and lead him to a chair. He let the man to take a sip of a water to calm him down,feeling sympathy for his lost.

"It was a white witch fire. It's happened to us before. Our catch had die from it. It was the only fire that can be control by the owner. We didn’t know they will come out so soon... We should have warn the others." said Leeteuk. 

Suho shaking his head frantically, earning a question look from Leeteuk. 

"It wasn't they... It was he. It was done by one man..." said Suho with a hint of anger in his tone.

The members were left gasping. Their hunch were right about the witch being a male all along. Siwon had thought he heard Suho wrongly when he mentioned it as a 'him' and 'guy'.

It was caught off guard by Kibum who gasping along with members but with a different reason. He had known to be the last one of his kin. Even if there's a survivor, he wouldn't thought of them as a male just like him.




Upon hearing the door was opened, Yesung frantically went on guard with wing spread out.

"It's just me." said Kibum tiredly. 

'What happen?' Yesung ask curiously inside his head after seeing the younger look defeated. 

"You can speak for now." said Kibum,lifting the ban.

"So?" Yesung ask again.

The younger sigh. "There's an attack at the west council. Everyone dead but the attacker leave the leader so he can pass over a message."  said Kibum.

Yesung were thrown off guard when the younger sounded sympathetic for the lost.

"What?" said Kibum annoyed by the older clueless look.

"wasn't it's been you who attacking them?" said Yesung, earning a slap on his head. "Why did you hit me!!" shouts Yesung with teary eyes.

"You'll heal" said Kibum coldly. 

"Tsk,you sound the same as Kangin..."

"and I'm not the one who attacking the council. Never was. I do kill their catch last time but that only to bring you out from your hiding. What irk me the most is, this time another white witch had joined them." said Kibum 

"Another one!?" shouts Yesung.

"Exactly. And i might have a clue for who was the white witch was." said Kibum.

"Oh no... Why you guys even existed in the first place...." Yesung said without feeling guilty. 

Kibum fumed by the older words. "Why your kin existed too,Hah!" he shout back furiously.

"What! We were fine until your ancestor decided to put curse on us, you dummy!" Yesung yell in madness. His face were red as if it was ready to explode. 

Kibum were taken aback by the smaller remark. He know Yesung were right about his ancestor doing.

Feeling that he won by the debate, Yesung smirked widely.  "You know i was right!"

The witch only roll his eyes off. "Just sleep" said him.

"What?" Yesung was about to yell again when all of sudden his body felt heavy.

Taking advantage of the control,he put the smaller to sleep as he was getting annoyed by the mocking. Gently, he carrying Yesung to a couch and lay him down.

Only then he was reminded by the scene he saw before he had taken Yesung from the flugel building. 


He fetch his phone from his pocket and call the said younger. 

"Hello,Taemin ah? Where are you right now?" 

"Hello hyung. I told you that i won't be going anywhere today. Why? What time you’ll be home?"

His blood boiling in anger. The younger brother who he had trust the most had lie to him.

"Hyung still had work to do. There's a mess happen at the west council.  So i won't be home tonight. Goodnight" 

"Goodnight! Don't stay up too late!" 

He stares at the phone for a few minutes before furiously throw it into pieces. 

'Damn Taemin!  You making everything harder than it already had!'







A/N: we getting there! Can't wait to finish this ^^ and i hope you guys realize by now what Kibum had been doing. Or not....

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Urghhh.... There's so much error after i re-read the whole story lol. Now i understand why people got confused XD. Sorry and I'll fix it soon!


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400 streak #2
Chapter 18: Thank you for this wonderful story beib! I love it so so so much~
400 streak #3
Chapter 14: It's getting more serious than I thought #continue to read
400 streak #4
Chapter 11: Okay.... Make "him" as a bad guy, really...
400 streak #5
Chapter 7: Well, so Kangin was like a father than a friend XDDD

Gosh, I love your story so much!!!
400 streak #6
Chapter 6: I thought Kangin and Hangeng were a rivals, but turns out they're friends <333
400 streak #7
Chapter 5: OMG Kangin~~~ as Sungie's friend~ and there's Kibum there~ My life is complete
400 streak #8
Chapter 4: I love Jaejong's character here~
400 streak #9
starting to read this~ <3
Chapter 18: I love story's like this ~ I had so much fun ?