Little Old Demon Friend

The Dunkler Fluch



Second weeks of hunting, they manage to capture seven of them but weird enough, none of the wesens spill anything even with Shindong spell.

“How come they were so persistent?” said Henry, he had caught three of them and none had spill anything about the leader of the rebellion.

“No idea. I use the strongest spell I had but it was as if they were protect by something stronger. What if a witch was involved? I mean only witch spell that strong enough to repel mage’s.” said Shindong as he tried to cast another spell but it was repelled again.

“What kind witch would involve with something like rebelling?” said Siwon as he inspect one of the rebellion member. “ This guy didn’t even responsive. As if they were controlled by someone.”

“What if this is all a distraction?” said Shindong curiously.

“But what kind of distraction that killed almost the elder from the last generation of the war? Might be some conspiracy… should we call Leeteuk hyung?” said Henry.

“No need. He still had his part with Hangeng hyung and Heechul hyung.” said Siwon.

“What if we look into the history of last war.” said Shindong being suggestive.

“The war after the massacres of two thousands wesens? For what? You think it’s had something to do with the generation that probably already died in this century?” said Siwon.

“It doesn’t have to be from someone that live this long. What I mean was, the council was created around that time. Some wesens might hold some grudge due to the conflict created in the midst of council election.” said Shindong.

“So this might had something to do with old politic era? That’s mess up. But even so, something wasn’t right for attacking the elder an this guys been so unresponsive to your spell. We might actually need Leeteuk hyung to look into this.” said Heny.

Siwon nod in agreement. At that moment, the five Wesens came with two more culprits.


Yesung slumped onto his couch after the harsh day at the cafe. It was the day where his cafe was fully booked for a party to the point he had to keep helping along with his worker despite already having five worker.

He felt a nudge on his side. It was his black and white Pomeranian name melo and Kkoming.

“Appa apologize for not playing with you guys. Appa will take day off tomorrow so appa can play with you guys okay?” he had chuckles to himself for being a loner by talking to his dogs.

He throw one of the toy just to entertain his dogs from sulking and watch how the dogs struggle to bring back the ball to him.

He was watching his dog play when a pair of arm taking his dog from the ground. He was too surprise by the sudden visitor when he accidentally taking out his relic as a defense.

“Wow there. It’s just me,Kangin.” said the muscular guy while patting his dog who didn’t mind the patting.

“Well this sword might goes through your heart the next time you appear without warning.” he vanish his sword into thin air as he slumped to the couch again.

“A hug might make up for the years you been missing without news for me.” Kangin took the seat next to him as he lay the dog on his lap.

“A demon who come intruding someone home doesn’t deserved to be hugged.” although he talk rudely to the young demon, he had no intention of chasing him out,knowing the younger won’t do bad thing to him.

“Well, I miss you too. How you settle in now?”

“Just like usual. I’ll stay for ten years here than I’ll go. Same old thing.”

“ to be immortal,right? That’s why I ask you to stay with me. You won’t ever had to think about settle in at new place.”

“No thanks. Not fond of underworld. Why are you always want me to go with you? I thought you only a demon, not a grim reaper.” he look into the younger eyes in oblivion.

“We have been friend for two hundred years and you still question my kindness?”

“I’m not. Just… it’s fun to poke at your anger management. Only you who know the real me.”

Kangin was silent after the lonely remark by Yesung. He know how the older had struggles to live after the massacres. If it wasn’t him, the older might have been a blood bag for the vampires who stumble upon the older.

It was the cursed that attract the blood er demons towards the older. By the time the older hit his age of thirty that the curse begin to do it’s quirk, attracting those who caught the sweet smell emitting from Yesung’s body. It had been him who searching for a solution for the older to hides his scent by experimenting with bunch of herbs around the world.

Yesung never had the younger. He ha always look up to Kangin who never give up on finding him his sole escape from the curse though he still need to intake the herb once  a month.

“I could never been more thank you for all your help but I like my life for now. If I had enough with it, I’ll succumb myself to you as a blood bag.”

Kangin took his opportunity to hit the older once on his head, feeling angry by the older words.

“I might be a demon, but i still value people’s live. Moreover if it was you, my first friend when I step my foot on earth. Never bringing up the blood bag issues, you are not one. It just the stupid curse from those stupid ancestor.”

Yesung smiles, holding his head though his regeneration was fast, the pain still linger around.

“And you need to manage your anger issues more.”

“Whatever. I saw your cafe. Looks like you need rest. I’ll stay here tonight whether you like it or not.”

“Suit yourself.” said Yesung as sleep taking over him, sending him in sleeping position by leaning towards Kangin’s shoulder.


“I’ll take what you suggesting into the case.  Shindong might be right. We do realize something was off too. According to Heechul’s investigation, a bunch of wesens had been seeing around the west council. We might having another attack but it could be a distraction too. And guys, we had another members joining us.Please enter.” Leeteuk said, the door open up, revealing a guy with a sweet smiles, walking towards Leeteuk politely.

“Hi, I’m Kim Kibum, pleased to be in the same division with you guys.I’m a half human and vampire but my ability still useful for the case.” said Kibum.

The other had welcome him warmly and went direct into the discussion as he took his sit among the members.

“Now I hope the additional help we can finish this mission faster.” said Leeteuk. 

After the meeting end, Sungmin was more excited in getting know the new members by inviting him to the cafe to have lunch together.

Once they arrived there, Kyuhyun couldn’t help but to look for the owner.

“Miss him already?” said Ryeowook teasingly.

“Nope, I just miss teasing him.”

“Still a missing thou… stupid wolf.”

Before the two broke off into a fight, Hyukjae pull Ryeowook away to take their seats as Kyuhyun scowl while following them.

“So Kibum, where did you come from?” Donghae ask him once they finish taking their order.

“I came from the south council. After the council go taken down, I applied to work under Leeteuk-ssi who I look up to most of the time.” it’s amazed he wesens as Kibum smiles never falter from his face. Too bright for a dark creature himself.

“You sure you half vampire? You look like an angel.”

“you sounded like an old ert trying to flirt with underage kid…” said Kyuhyun mockingly.

Before Sungmin able to make any retort to the lycan, Junsu appear with their food, much to the other relief.

“Junsu ah, Yesung hyung not here today?” said Kyuhyun.

“Oh, he took the day off. Yesterday event was taking a toll on him.” said Junsu, not liking the younger informality. “Kyuhyun, I know you are two year younger than me so call me hyung.”

“No can’t do.”

The waiter only sigh and went on to serve other customer.

“Who’s Yesung hyung?” Kibum ask once the waiter far enough from them.

“oh, he’s the owner. He’s so nice and warm! Unlike that guy there who keep bullying him.” said Sungmin while pointing to Kyuhyun with his fork.

Kibum just laugh it off as they start bickering again and went on until Ryeowook angrily knock both of two stubborn head.


Yesung woke up late that day, he lurked into his phone and saw that he had sleep through the noon.

“Good afternoon. You really are tired huh.” Kangin said as he bring a tray of breakfast into his room. He hadn’t realize how the younger carried him to his room last night.

“Wow breakfast in bed! You don’t have to this. Or did you o this because you into me?!”

Kangin who had enough of his sarcastic remark hit his head again for the second in 24 hours.

“Ow!I’m just kidding… it’s hurt…” he whine, rubbing his abused head.

“You’ll heal.”

“You know the curse! I heal and live immortal live but I felt the pain the same as human did!” he whine again.

“Yeah,yeah. Sorry. Now eat your food.”

Although he want to dwell into his sulking moment, the smell were to enticing to be ignore. He enjoy his meals as Kangin watching him with an expression of a father caring for his son.

“So you not going anywhere today?” Kangin ask.

“Nope. I’ve been neglecting those guys for too long. I need to make up for them.” he point to the dogs that waiting for him to join them in the living room.

After they settle themselves in the living room, Kangin begin to speak what he actually to say last night.


“yeah?” the older didn’t even bother to look up from his puppies.

“Can I stay with you?”

Yesung dropped a toy he ha been use to play with the dogs. He look up to search for any answer in the younger face but only found the seriousness.

“Why? Wife kicked you out?”


“Sorry. But why you want to stay with me?”

“Work and It’s easier than living in a hotel. Can I?”

“Emm… Okay. I didn’t know you get a job around here.”

“Just because of the wesens stuff been out of hand lately. I need to keep an eyes for some of them around here.”

Yesung didn’t reply after that, too busying in keeping his ‘children’ from the time he ha been away.


Yesung was taking a nap in the living room,  feeling tired from playing with his dogs. Kangin was long gone for his work around the city.

He was lying on the couch when he felt the sudden feverish he had felt before. Feelings hot, he tried to lower the temperature of the air conditioner but the hotness won’t go away. Instead he begin to feel dizzy again.

Not trusting himself from going anywhere, he let himself to fall on the couch while the warmness begin to take over his body.

It was as if his body were light up on fire. It was more painful from before when he suddenly fell sick.

“Shi..t.. hot..” he muttered as the pain begin to make it’s way to his head, clouded him from thinking straight.

“Emmm…..” he groaned as the feeling of scorching hot begin to spread to his whole body, throwing him to squirm in pain on the floor.


Kangin who was only 100 meters away from his apartment who heard the faint calling and begin to felt worried for the older, he vanish from any mortal sight only to appear right in front of Yesung who gasping for air.

“Shxts Jongwoon! What happen?”

He carefully lift the older off from the floor and carried him to his bed.

“Why you burning so bad? You were fine few hours ago!” he frantically went to search for a bucket of cold water and a small towel.
He wipe out all the sweats while try to bring down the heat but nothing happen. He can only watch as Yesung squirm in pain in half an hour before he calmed down.

He sigh in relief as he saw Yesung stop gasping and his body heat went down immediately.

‘What happen, Jongwoon ah…’



A/N: Quite boring chapter. I have no words.

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Urghhh.... There's so much error after i re-read the whole story lol. Now i understand why people got confused XD. Sorry and I'll fix it soon!


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400 streak #2
Chapter 18: Thank you for this wonderful story beib! I love it so so so much~
400 streak #3
Chapter 14: It's getting more serious than I thought #continue to read
400 streak #4
Chapter 11: Okay.... Make "him" as a bad guy, really...
400 streak #5
Chapter 7: Well, so Kangin was like a father than a friend XDDD

Gosh, I love your story so much!!!
400 streak #6
Chapter 6: I thought Kangin and Hangeng were a rivals, but turns out they're friends <333
400 streak #7
Chapter 5: OMG Kangin~~~ as Sungie's friend~ and there's Kibum there~ My life is complete
400 streak #8
Chapter 4: I love Jaejong's character here~
400 streak #9
starting to read this~ <3
Chapter 18: I love story's like this ~ I had so much fun ?