The Last Call

The Dunkler Fluch



The five of them had reach the meeting location, it was an abandon open fields in the middle of a woods. Upon arriving there, they were shocked by the none existing of any rebellions member.

“Are they crapping us about this?” said Kyuhyun angrily.

Soon the muttering were piped down by a sudden howl.

“What was that?” said Yesung timidly, scares by the sudden howl.

“Yah!” shouts Kyuhyun when all of sudden the two wold duo falls on the ground.

“It’s the howl! That must be coming from an alpha! Donghae and Hyukjae are not in any clan so they must been effected by that!” said Kibum frantically.

Soon the two had fall to submit by the howl. Both eyes went glowing and growls to their own companions.

“They got controlled.” said Yesung, hiding behind Kyuhyun. “Why aren’t you effected by that?”

“I’m a lycan. I myself is an alpha and lot stronger than this two.” said Kyuhyun casually.

“Then take control of them!” said Kibum.

“Not yet. They not attacking us yet…. someone’s coming.” said Kyuhyun, eyes darting on one specific location.

“Ahh.. you lie to us.” said one of the silhouette.

Seunghyun walk towards them with Taemin and Henry in both his hand, dragging the two small wesens by their clothes.

Daesung had Zhoumi walk towards them, face full of beating by the rebels.

“Zhoumi… Henry…” Yesung mutter, feeling sorry for the two beaten up members.


Kibum eyes darted on weak Taemin. The younge seems beaten up just the same as he two members.

“You hurt him!” shouts Kibum angrily.

“Wow. No I’m not. I just slapped him to shut him down. He’s annoying. Besides, you lie to us. We ask for werewolf. Why that guy still standing there.”said Jiyong.

Kibum turn to Kyuhyun and shrugged.

“Well I’m still part werewolf.” said Kyuhyun casually.

“! A lycan!” shouts Seungri angrily.

“Calm down. Now, Yesung ssi. Come to us. We will give back these three.” said Jiyong, help out his hand for Yesung.

Yesung become hesitant. He look to the three kidnapped wesens and then turn to Kibum.

‘Go. We’ll execute the plan once they were return to us.’ Yesung feeling relief by Kibum’s word. Lucky for them the connection between these two were still there.

“Let them go first.” said Yesung.

The vip’s memebr begin to untie the binding and walk towards them.

“Now walk towards us slowly.” said Jiyong, shoving the three to their friends.

Yesung obey the order, walking slowly as he wait for the marks to be called off.

Once he was half way to the rebels, Kibum had reach near enough to grab the three to his side.


With inches left from the rebels, Yesung had fly away from them and return to the members. The wing had the rebels take aback from it.

“ah… should have see that coming. Attack them!” shouts Jiyong irritatingly.

Feeling it was the right time, Kyuhyun taking a hold of the duo control and soon enough the two back to their old self. They were crowded by a sudden mob of rebels, circling around them.

On other side, at the mansion. The members had been waiting for Kibum signals. The witch had left behind his drop of blood in a vase which earning an annoyed look on Siwon, knowing that the vase soon will be broken by the witch flame.


The flame light up brightly from the broken vase.

“There! Kai, now!” Xiumin order the younger to use his power.

Via teleportation’s Kai, they arrived immediately to the location.

It was already a war. With only five wesens that can fight while trying to keep the wounded one safe, they were outnumbered. Luckily the rest of the members had arrive by the time the mob charge to them.

“Keep your hands off my baby/brat!” shouts Jaejong and Kangin in the same time, charging towards two rebels who tried to catch Yesung.

The demon presence had send the left of the rebels scowls away from them.

“Tskk. They brought their friends.” said Taeyang.

In midst of the fight, Seunghyun had vanish from the scene and reappeared behind Yesung.

“Yesung!” shouts Jaejong, panicking over the smaller.

“He can teleport!?” shouts Ryeowook in disbelieve.

“I don’t know!” Sungmin retort back as he bit off one of the rebel.

‘He didn’t know your power. Distract him.’ said Kibum in Yesung’s mind.

The taller had taken him to Jiyong who smugly smiles, feeling victory on his side.

“Let me go!” shouts Yesung, feeling annoyed by the fact that the taller had easily carrying him to the leader. He squirming in the taller arm, getting irritated by Kibum order.

“Now now. Don’t get angry. You worth more than a beating.” said Jiyong coldly.

“Kibum, what are you doing. Tell him to walk out from there.” said Kangin, knowing that the witch had told Yesung to do so.

“Wait. The main council send few guard to catch them. I’m trying to buy some time until they arrived here.” whisper Kibum.

The demon only clenching his teeth, worried for Yesung safety. He knows well that the older can’t bear any biting that can happen anytime.

“Seungri ah, you can let one of the kids bite him first.” said Jiyong that only irked Kangin’s rage.

“Kibum!” shouts Kangin, the members had to hold him back from beating Kibum. The witch only watch over them as Seungri drag one of the rebels and letting them to take a hold of Yesung’s arm.

“Get away from me!” shouts Yesung. He glare at Kibum’s direction, asking for help. ‘Kibum! Do something.’

‘Let him bite you.’ said kibum

‘No! What are you thinking?!’ he replied along with a glaring.

‘I know how to take my blood out from your body now.’ there’s a faint smirk on Kibum face as Yesung understood his reason.

The bite almost thrown him unconscious. The scapegoat had bitten him furiously, attracted by the sweets odor that Yesung’s blood gives off.

‘I’m gonna kill you Kibum’ thought Yesung as he begin to limp from the pain.

“Kibum!!!” shouts Kangin who still clueless to Kibum plan.

Knowing that Kangin won’t calm down until he told the plan, he whisper it. Only then kangin had keep it shut for few minutes.

It’s all happen while the other had to fight for their behalf. Few light had beamed in the middle of the mobs, throwing away some distraction while others had sneak up some attack.

“Told you he’s a good distraction.” said Kai proudly to Sungmin.

“Light huh? Nice!” said the Jackalope.

On the vip’s side, they had watch how the rebel had engulfed by the feeding.

“So it’s true about his blood smells this sweet.” Jiyong muttered to himself.

The rebel letting go of Yesung who then falls on his knees, feeling dizzy from the feeding.

Kibum who had realize the forces that been send to help them  had arrived to the location begin to resume his plan.

He approach Jaejong who seems having his fun on the fight.

“Hey, I need you to fetch Yesung on my count.” said kIbum.

Jaejong who felt ticked off by the witch tone only clicked his tongue. Waiting for the witch count, he glance towards Yesung with mouth wide open.

“Heck! He’s in pain!” Jaejong shrieking towards Kibum.


“Come on!” said Jaejong at the same time, hands giddying from his patience running low.


A flame had thrown the vip away from Yesung. The kid who had been the scapegoat from Kibum’s blood transfer had burn down to ashes. And within that time, Jaejong had pull Yesung out from the vip’s grasp.

“What the hell!” shouts Seunghyun who had thrown off by the fire.

Soon the elite guards from the main council had send capture the five vip’s members. The members who were distracted by the white flame try to run away from the guard but alas, the guard was too fast for them.

After the whole ordeal, Jaejong who had Yesung in his hand approach Jiyong.


It was only then he had realize, Jaejong had been there all a long.

“Oh hey. Didn’t know you work with the council. Always know you will betray us someday.” said Jiyong sheepishly.

“Nope. Never work for them. I work for this guys.” said Jaejong. Yesung who was half way into his consciousness only chuckles. “I know that the moment you decide to use violence as a force, I had to leave alongside with my kids. You knew violence not the answer.”

Jiyong only clicked his tongue, letting the guard take him away.

It’s take almost an hour to clean up the mess. With only one fatality, the council manage to catch all the rebellions who work under the Vip members.

“Hey! Kyungsoo’s plan worked!That was fun!” said Baekhyun, highfiving Chanyeol happily.

“Fun!? you had fun! That tall guy almost burn my face!” shouts Heechul. He had appear in the middle of the fight along with the elite guard when Chanyeol accidentally burn some of his hair.

“My hair got burn!” said him with a pout. He turn to Chanbaek with eyes glowing.

Both Baekhyun and Chanyeol soon went hiding behind Kai, shivering from the diva wrath.

“So what now?” said Siwon. He went around to look for any of the injured members.

“Those who had injured themselves have to go to Shindong now. Kai, please open a portal to Park building now.” 

With Siwon’s order, he let the members through his portal to the council. Soon everyone had gathered at the same building.


A loud laugh came from one of the room at Leeteuk’s building.

The members had laughing at the injured Kyuhyun who caught up by Chanyeol’s fire too.

“You hair!”

One of the person who laughing too much were Yesung. He had been rolling on the floor after he accidentally saw Kyuhyun’s mess up hair.

“Geez… you got blood up and still laughing for others pain…” said Kyuhyun with red face. His hair was burn up to the point it was imitating a bushes.

“Sorry. Well, it’s not my blood those poor kid so I heal faster.” said Yesung feeling sorry for the younger unfortunate fate.

Soon a commotion distracting them from their conversation. Baekhyun had come back with someone who they’ve never meet before.

“Hey kyuhyun hyung! This is Lay hyung, he can heal your hair now.” said Baekhyun, shoving Lay to the lycan.

“You can heal a burned hair?” said Kyuhyun in amazement,joined by clapping Yesung.

“Well. It’s not really called healing. I’ll just fasten your hair growth for now.” said Lay as he use his power on Kyuhyun. Soon the burned hair outgrowth by new one.

“You’re the best!” said Baekhyun, hugging the healer tightly.


In the interrogation room, Kibum had been left alone with Taemin. The leader had respect their privacy by waiting them outside.

“So tell me.” said Kibum, starting off warmly.

Taemin who know what the older mean by it only sigh. Rubbing his nape nervously, he glance once at the older.

“I.. I’m sorry. I didn’t know it will lead to this… mess. I know this is about my power, I’m sorry I didn’t tell you the first time I got it.” he pause to see the older reaction. Kibum nod to him. Not wanting to leash out without reasons.

“It was the same night where mom’s die. I don’t know how it happen but in my dream, mom had come to me. She told me her time was up and she want me to take her last remaining power. So I accept. It was supposed to be illegal but mom had broke too many rule to begin with so I guess it wasn’t that much of a problem. It was too easy. The power exchange and then she was gone. I didn’t tell you because I thought it was just a dream. Until 200 years ago, I begin to develop the flame by myself. It’s take time but I had master it. I didn’t want to tell you because i know, you become soft for that wesen. I’m sorry. I shouldn’t done all of this…” said Taemin, sobbing softly.

Kibum hug his brother tightly, feeling guilty for leading his brother into his own hatred.

“You’re not at fault here. It’s me. I shouldn’t bring you along. I should have left you with dad.” said Kibum, patting his brother to calm him down.

He felt the younger shaking his head as he sobbing harder, crying his heart out from the guilty feeling.

“But I burn that guy wing… I was too mad at him for nothing… I wanna apologize to him,hyung…” mutter Taemin.

“Of course you have to do it. But the council had something else for you.” said Kibum. Taemin only smiles as succumb to his fates.


"So this is all of you?" 

Leeteuk take a deep look in each of the new members for the new west councils members intake. After counting to himself, he had eleven new members to be part of his cousin lead. 

"Half of you already know each other while other half still new to this matter. Remember, you are special intake. Only elements users. No wesen. But i will remind you. This leader is a wesen, fully healed and had come back as your new leader for time to come. Suho,please come in" Leeteuk order the west leader.

The door open up smoothly, no harsh knock or even loud banging. Once the new members saw the leader, they can't help but to sigh in relief to have such a warm looking man to lead them.

"Hi I'm Suho, I'm sorry i have take too much time too heal. From now on, I'm looking forward for our teamwork at the new council. For now,let's just get to know each other." the smiles that beam off from the leader face quickly melted some of the members. 

"He give off the mommy vibe!" said Baekhyun happily.

As the members introduce themselves among each other, Leeteuk approach Suho who wacthing the members interactions.

"How was it?" ask the older. 

Suho smiles, take the older man's hand and grip it warmly. 

"I found it back. I got what i just lost,thanks to the Goddess who kind enough to listen to my plead." said Suho with teary eyes.

The older can't help but beaming happily for his cousin resolves. The younger had been sent to the naturalist wesens council that help the wesen who lost their hope. Upon few procedure, the flugel who had lost his wing gain a new one. One miracle in a million as what the elder who help him said. Soon he was healed enough to flap his wing once again.

"I owe you so much, hyung" Suho muttered while looking at his soon to be family. 

"No. Don't thanking me who did nothing. For now, cherish this new kids. They need few guidance in this harsh road. Goodluck Suho ah." one pat on Suho's shoulder, Leeteuk left them to had their own time while he went to check on his own members. 


Few days had pass since Taemin been working on his charity with Kibum as a guide. The two had become a lot more closer over the time spend with each other.

They were just finished with the last task of the day. After sending his brother home, Kibum went back to the office to finish his leftover work. As he was about to enter the building, he can’t help to notice a familiar black metallic colored feather falling to his feet. Knowing who was the owner,he look up to the top building.  It was faint but with his ability, he able to make out a certain wing spread out at the corner of the building. 

It's take him few minutes to arrive at the rooftop just to meet the owner of the majestic wing.

"Death wishing so soon?" said him, grabbing the attention of a smaller man.

Yesung smile fondly. He pat the concrete floor for the younger to sit.

"So. What are you up to now?"  said Kibum. 

"Just the usual. Cafe and normal life."

It was calming for him to visit the older at the usual spot almost everyday now. There's something that the older had that make everyone calm whenever they hang around him.

Kibum pull out something from his shirt and hand it to the older smaller hand.

"A namecard?" said Yesung, confused by the small 'gift'.

"Call me. If you had enough with this world, call me. I'm sure till that times come,i had found a way to revoke the spell. I won’t let you walk alone on this world forever." said Kibum, he facing the older who only giggling from his serious tone.

Feeling the laughter had soothed down, he look to the witch with mixed feelings. 

"Thanks. For this. And thanks... For forgiving all my sin towards your late mom." 

Both had turn their focus back on the sunset with nothing else to speak on the older side.

"I'm leaving." 

The younger word had almost thrown him down from the tall building. 


"Ahaha your face look so dissapointed!! Not too far. Just transferring work. Maybe the north council." said Kibum with a smile.

"Oh. That's why you give me this..." Yesung flip the card anxiously. He had grow attached to the witch after spending quite sometime alone with him.

"Don't worry. Taemin will still be here. I'm sure you two can be a great friend in future." 

"Tsk... Friend that trying to kill each other..." 

Kibum ruffling the older hair,chuckling from the pouting Yesung. Soon, both were amazed by the beautiful sunset, no more word spoken since then.




150 years later.



Few more ringing, the call manage to connect with the other side of the phone.


"Hello. Is this Kim Kibum household?" 

"Yeah? Who is it?"

"This is his old friend, can you tell him it  was urgent?" 

There's a few silent until a faint calling and shouts appears in the background.  The caller lips move upward once he heard a faint  'Grandpa!' shouting from the receiver.

"Yes hello,Kibum's speaking." 

"You sound so old..."


"Yesung hyung?"

"Don't be so surprised. It's sounds like you had aging again. Hope you won’t break your promise." 

" I'll take that as, 'your last friend had passed away just now'. Don’t worry, although I'll be missing you a lot, i won't break my promise. "

"Thanks. Kibum ah."


Yesung look up to the sky where he sure the kind leader of the council were watching him now.

"I'll be following you guys soon...."




A/N: clap clap clap. That's finished. i feels so relief. This supernatural genre is so hard to create. But without my beautiful friends and readers, i won't be able to finish this. In this story alone, i had learn so many things. Being guided by that one true angel is the best~ and my cute readers always boost my spirit. Like everyday!  It's been long. Farewell




See you next story! 

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Urghhh.... There's so much error after i re-read the whole story lol. Now i understand why people got confused XD. Sorry and I'll fix it soon!


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400 streak #2
Chapter 18: Thank you for this wonderful story beib! I love it so so so much~
400 streak #3
Chapter 14: It's getting more serious than I thought #continue to read
400 streak #4
Chapter 11: Okay.... Make "him" as a bad guy, really...
400 streak #5
Chapter 7: Well, so Kangin was like a father than a friend XDDD

Gosh, I love your story so much!!!
400 streak #6
Chapter 6: I thought Kangin and Hangeng were a rivals, but turns out they're friends <333
400 streak #7
Chapter 5: OMG Kangin~~~ as Sungie's friend~ and there's Kibum there~ My life is complete
400 streak #8
Chapter 4: I love Jaejong's character here~
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starting to read this~ <3
Chapter 18: I love story's like this ~ I had so much fun ?