The Changing Plan

The Dunkler Fluch


“Are we there yet!?”


“Are we there yet!?”

“For God sake, shut up Baekhyun hyung!” shouts Kyungsoo, annoyed by the loud man.

“I’m just asking…” said Baekhyun with a kicked puppy face.

Kyungsoo can’t help by feeling bad for the older. He pat the older head softly but it was enough to make Baekhyun smiling again.

‘Brat’ thought Kyungsoo.

“We’re here.” said Kai who had been driving to their location.

After getting down from their vehicle, the scene had their mouth wide open.
“This is not a house.” said a tall guy, Chanyeol, after looking to the mansion that belong to Siwon.

“So… why we here again?”

All eyes on Baekhyun, feeling annoyed by the man who only throw his innocent look towards them.

“Next time, focus on what people said in the meeting, okay?” said Kai with a smile but hands already around Bakehyun’s neck, grip it tight as a warning.

“Okay okay! It’s hurt!” shouts Bakehyun.

“They ask for few helps on the rebels cases. We will be transferred to the west council because none had survive from the attack other than the leader. So buckle up. I heard this council strict with their rules. You can’t mess up.” said Xiumin sternly, mostly applied it for the playful duo, Chanyeol and Baekhyun.

The six of them including the quiet maknae of the team, Sehun walk inside the mansion, guided by a guard.

Once they entering one of the room that were believe to be their temporary meeting room, they were greeted by a flying vase.

Xiumin who barely escaped his death fall to the floor.

“Hyung!” shouts Baekhyun who went pale after the vase brushes between him and Xiumin.

All activities were halted when they heard Baekhyun shouts. Leeteuk who was fumed by the members bickering stopping the culprit who trying to run after his doing almost killed someone.

“Kyuhyun! Apologize to our allies!” the leader had the younger by his ear, pinch it hard until the maknae apologize to Xiumin.

“Sorry…” muttered Kyuhyun.

Few seconds ago

The members were discussing about new base camp that can be use as a spot that no rebels can’t penetrate. In the midst of the conversation, the trio had cause a chaos by debating for their own plan.

“I said, we need to have new base that have a game room!” shouts Kyuhyun in protest.

“No! We need large kitchen because we will be having more people!” said Ryeowook as he won’t give in to the younger shouts.

“No! We need more bedroom! I can’t sleep with Kyuhyun’s loud snores!” the shouts joined by the eldest of the three, Sungmin.

“Wait… why would you asking for a nonsense…” reply Yesung, feeling confused by the demand.

Kyuhyun turn to the older, hands on the smaller shoulder as he look into the older with serious expression.

“This is important adult stuff. Kid should stay away.” said Kyuhyun with a smirk.

Yesung gasped from the younger rude comment. He didn’t even realize he has already spawn his relic. Kyuhyun who saw how fumed the older become begin to run towards the opposite direction.

“Help! Get this kid away from me!” shouts Kyuhyun, flailing his hand.

Kangin who know how sensitive the older about his ages issues only laugh at the two.

Without no where else to run, Kyuhyun grab a vase and throw it to Yesung direction which the older avoid it by a reflex. And the rest was history.

After clearing up the misunderstand for the newcomers, Leeteuk guide them to the table.

“Sorry for that. Can you guys introduce yourself and what your kin?” said the leader, trying to change the topic from the chaos that just happen.

‘So much for a strict council’ thought Kyungsoo with a small chuckles.

Xiumin who already grasp what just happen only nod.

“Hi, I’m Xiumin. Our group specialize in element use. There’s no wesens in our group. I’m the temporary leader for this group. I heard the new leader will be here.”

Leetetuk exchange a worried look between Siwon. The newcomers who saw the exchange only weird out by it.

“The leader for now will be taking few days off. He was badly injured in the incident. Until further notice, Siwon will be replacing him. This is Siwon, he’s our planner.” Leeteuk introduce the tall to the new group.

“Me next! I’m Baekhyun! I’m the group distraction!” his word earning a weird look by the council members.

After reading the member expression Kai chuckles a little bit before explained to them.

“He’s good at distraction, not in the bad way. Trust us. I’m Kai. I’ll be taking care of this kid so you guys won’t have to worry about us.”

“I’m Chanyeol. This quiet guy here is Sehun, our maknae.” 

The said maknae only bowed politely to the others.

“I’m Kyungsoo. I’ll be helping with the mission plan later. We’ll be meeting a lot Siwon ssi.” Kyungsoo politely bow to Siwon. The two the proceed by talking to themselves after that.

“There, we got that done. Now, we’ll go into this now.” the leader the showed the slideshow of a rebellion members.

The meeting goes on for few more hours. After settling down with the role in each members, they went on about Yesung’s role in the mission. The older had to be the main bait to lure out the rebels from their hiding.

“So Henry and Zhoumi can’t locate those vip?” said Kangin.

“Nope. I’ll pull them from the mission now. It was to risque.” said Leeteuk, ordering Heechul to inform the duo.

“Kibum ah, can you contact your brother?” continue the leader.

Kibum shaking his head, it’s been 24hours since the last time the younger had text him.

“it’s okay. We’ll try tomorrow. For now, Siwon ah. Lead them to their room for tonight. We’ll be going to the new base tomorrow.”

The members begin to scatter around the house, waiting for Siwon’s maid to finish up their room.

“Few people will be sharing room. Now let’s go.” said Siwon.


The next morning, Kibum who shared room with Yesung and Kangin was hastily went out to look for Leeteuk. He then found the leader in the kitchen with Ryeowook and Chanyeol.

“hyung!” he called Leeteul with a frantic voice.

“What? Why you look so pale? Are you okay?” the leader ask worriedly.

“Hyung… my brother… he got busted… please help me…”

The leader was astonished with the witch sudden cries. Kibum sobbing silently, panicking after he got a message from an unknown number.

“Hey, slowly. What happen? He got busted?” said Leeteuk. He carefully lead the sobbing man to the kitchen chair.

After he's calm enough to speak, Kibum shows the leader his phone.

“ ‘We know about your brother using us. Bring the Dunkler Fluch and we let him go’? who send this? They know about Yesung?” said Leeteuk panicking.

“Taemin must have slip out something about me. I accidentally bump into the leader few days ago. I thought he won’t recognize me… and worst, he might have seen me with Yesung.” said Kibum between his sniffles.

The leader were struck by frustration. 

“Kibum ah. Are you sure they got him? Did you try to contact him again this morning?” said Leeteuk softly.

“Yes I did and his phone were off. Hyung… what should I do? He’s the only family I had…”

Kibum sobbing had send him into more frustration. Ruffling his hair harshly, he took a seat next to Kibum, feeling himself lost to the situation.

“Hyung? How about we do the plan right away. This might be our chances to catch those people.” said Chanyeol after watching the two going back and forth.

“Chanyeol is right. But at this moment, we need to re-plan it again. They will be asking in the shortest amount of time. I’ll wakes everyone now.” said Ryeowook as he walk away from the kitchen.

“Calm down okay. We’ll figure this out.” said Leeteuk with a small smile.


“Wake him up.”


A bucket of water is enough to throw him into sudden wake. Groggily, he look around, feeling restricted everywhere on his limb.


After gain his conscious fully, he had grasp what had happen to him. His eyes soon focused on what he had thought as his ally.

“Good morning!” said Jiyong happily.

“What?” said Taemin confusedly.

“Oh don’t act innocent. Now. Tell us what do you know about this Dunkler fl.. I don’t know how to pronounce his name. This cafe owner guy. Why do you want him so bad.” said Jiyong.

“What? I told you I want to kill him” said Taemin angrily, tugging to the rope that had bind his limbs.

“Oh come on. We know you can’t kill him. Only that white witch can kill him. You’re a vampire. You must be wanting to keep him to yourself huh.” said Jiyong with a smirk, earning more confused look on the tied up vampire.

“We know what this dunkler fluch wesen are. You think you can hide such a miracle from us? And I don’t know why your brother have him for now but that will change soon, doesn’t it Seunghyun? Have you send the message?” said Jiyong to Seunghyun who then only nod.

“What?! He’s with my brother?! Wait how do you know about my brother?!” shouts Taemin, feeling frustrated.

A slap echoing the room. Feeling annoyed by the shouts, Jiyong had slap him across his face.

“Shut up. Your shouts make my ears bleed. Now. I don’t know why your brother had him but all I can assume is that he too knows about the blood of miracle. If we got that guy in our hand, we can do what we want. I heard his blood can give us a boost, maybe that’s why you trying to use us to catch that guy, right? Now we don’t need to lure that white witch anymore. And you are no use to us.” said Jiyong as he left the room.

“Bold of you to use us. But thanks to you, we can get him walk to us.” said Seunghyun with a smirk.

Taemin was taken aback by Seunghyun’s word. “What do you mean?”

“We just told your brother to bring him to us or you are a dead meat.”



“It’s not good to bite your nail.” said Yesung to kibum.

In all his time knowing the younger, never once he saw how worried and pale the witch are. He tried to cheer him up but only receive a silent treatment from the younger.

“Give him a space. You need to worry about yourself. You’ll be used as a bait after this.” said Jaejong who had just arrive to the mansion that morning.

The vampire had use his time to close the cafe for few days and gathering his old group for the mission. Together with Changmin, they arrived in time before they execute the first stage of the mission but the maknae had gone for a few minute after Kyuhyun trying to get his revenge.

“Are they finish?” said Yesung, indicating to the two maknae from their group.

“Not yet. Let them be. Now, all we need is to contact that vip to let them know Kibum agreed to them but the number had went private for now..” said Jaejong with a sigh.


Kibum’s phone suddenly went off. After making sure they had connecting the call to a trace, they let Kibum take it.


Hello! Hi, I’m sure for now you guys are tracing us. It’s okay. We still need to give you the location for the exchange. Now, what we want is, that wesen alone and we give you your members.”

“Our… members?”

Leeteuk suddenly went into panic state. The idea of Henry and Zhoumi late for their meeting suddenly crossing his mind. He had never suspecting anything about the duo late arrivals.

Yes! Your spies. One tall, one short. We all know who they were since the beginning. Wasn’t this great? One for three exchange? But there’s a catch!”

“What is it?”

“Only werewolf can send him off. And of course you can come too. 12 in the midnight, we’ll send the location after this call. Late even for one minute, we let the wolf bite him.”



“Kibum, calm down!” Leeteuk taking a hold of the raging witch who had reveal his white hair.

After shoving off the leader, Kibum went raging and burned few items in front of him, scaring the other who immediately backing away from him.

“Not again! My mother’s vase!” shouts Siwon furiously, watching the witch leashing his angers towards his stuff.

“Wolf! Front! Now!” shouts Kibum angrily.

Not wanting to deal with the angry witch, the members shove Donghae, Hyukjae and Kyuhyun to the front line.

“What! I’m a lycan!” shouts Kyuhyun in protest.

After Kibum had glaring a hole into his head, Kyuhyun quiet down right away, suddenly feeling nervous by the glare.

After managing his own breathe, he approaching Leeteuk who shivering by his darkened mood.

“I won’t act hastily without your order,hyung. Please guide me.” said Kibum softly. 

"Change the plan, i guess..." said Leeteuk with a sigh.



A/N: the last chapter actually been updated by a sleepy me. It was full of error and unedited lol. I'm sorry if there's too many mistake in this one too. The story come to an end soon. 

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Urghhh.... There's so much error after i re-read the whole story lol. Now i understand why people got confused XD. Sorry and I'll fix it soon!


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400 streak #2
Chapter 18: Thank you for this wonderful story beib! I love it so so so much~
400 streak #3
Chapter 14: It's getting more serious than I thought #continue to read
400 streak #4
Chapter 11: Okay.... Make "him" as a bad guy, really...
400 streak #5
Chapter 7: Well, so Kangin was like a father than a friend XDDD

Gosh, I love your story so much!!!
400 streak #6
Chapter 6: I thought Kangin and Hangeng were a rivals, but turns out they're friends <333
400 streak #7
Chapter 5: OMG Kangin~~~ as Sungie's friend~ and there's Kibum there~ My life is complete
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Chapter 4: I love Jaejong's character here~
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starting to read this~ <3
Chapter 18: I love story's like this ~ I had so much fun ?