White Fire

The Dunkler Fluch

He woke up feeling worst than he had ever been. Yesterday event was vague but the pain was real enough for him. He look around and found Kangin staring at him sternly.


“What? You ask me. What happen to you. You never been this sick before.”

“Actually, this is second time in my life and in the same month too.”

“what!? wait. You actually got sick? You able to? What?”

Kangin was more confused than Yesung who were supposed to be more questioning his condition. He ignore the confused younger and went to the bathroom.

After he come out from the bathroom, the younger was no in his room anymore. He assume Kangin went out to give him privacy so he quickly slip into his casual attire.

“Where do you think you going?” said Kangin as he stand sternly in front of his room, guarding him from step forward.

“Work. Move.”

The demon only throw a mocking expression while his eyes gradually turn dark. A growl begin to take over the silence as a tail whipped on floor.

“Something was onto you and you still going to work? You do know that’s not a normal sickness. You never been sick before.”

Yesung sigh. He faze through the demon easily though he rarely use his ability as an advantage in daily life.

“You know you can’t hold me down. Listen, yes I know I never get any disease before but what if the curse start to worn down and I’ll back to the wesen I am. The sickness? Might be the normal flu any wesen or mortal had. And I can’t let that worried wart manager panicking if I’m not arriving there in ten minutes.”

As he was about to walk further from the younger, Kangin held him back and throw him harshly against the wall.

“Ow” said him in monotone.

“You not gonna take this serious matter lightly. I’ll follow you to work.” said Kangin as he went to the guest room he stay in and come back with leather jacket.

“Why are you like this…” said Yesung, head down, to him the floor were more interesting that the younger wrath.

“Because I care. I’ll drive.”


“So none still effected by the spell? Is it possible for witches to be in this?” muttered Shindong alone.

He had working on all kind of spell just to make the culprit talk but it was impossible when the spell itself was bounce off from it’s target. As he walk to another culprit, one of them begin to wake up from the daze.

“Ark…” the man groan caught the mage attention.

“hey!” he quickly went to the half awake man but soon were thrown off to the floor by a sudden white fire, burning the man alive.

Soon, one by one, the wesen were engulf in the fire as Shindong screams for help. Even with the member tried to put out the fire, none were able to get near to the fire as it was way too hot to deal with.

“How did this happen..” said Heechul as he can only watch the wesens die and turn into ashes.

“It happen when one of them were suddenly groaning. I tried to get to them but the fire thrown me off first. I saw the fire start from their bodies.” said Shindong, his face pale as no wesens survive from the weird fire.

“It’s white too. I never heard a white fire before…” said Leeteuk.

“I know what the fire was.”

Every eyes turn to the man who spoke about it. Hangeng went close to the fire to inspect it and sure enough he face shown the worried feeling he ha felt once he saw the fire.

“It was the fire of the white witch.”

“It’s impossible. They all dead from the massacres. No one survive according to the elders.” said Leeteuk.

The fire soon begin to vanish, leaving ashes on the cell floor. As the last respect for the fire victims, Shindong gather them in a vase. Although they were culprit they been looking for, never across their mind to kill them.

“I think few had survive. Just like the rumored Dunkler Fluch wesens. They had to. No other creature or even a wizard can make the fire.” said Hangeng.

They move their discussion to the meeting room after calling all members. No one speaks a word about the incident. Some of them were too shocked after watching how the rumored power of the fire able to kill ton of people without the caster around.

Hangeng come into the room after doing some research and discussion with Leeteuk, Heechul and Siwon.

“We have a new target. Shindong might be right about all this being a distraction. We will start for the search of this white witch. If she able to cast her power without being here, she might be dangerous so we have to be caution and careful for her power.” said Leeteuk.

“Her? It’s a woman?” Donghae ask curiously.

“White Witch never was a man. Their kin was only conquered by woman. No one knew how they were born but no one ever saw a male white witch before. They were always being one secretive about their kin. Not even when they decide to lend their hand in the massacre of Dunkler Fluch, their origin were kept secret from their own ally.” said Hangeng.

“Huh… how can we search them?” ask Kyuhyun.

“They had one thing thing that can prove them as a white witch. Their eyes were white as their pale skin. But with this modern world, they can do anything to hide it. Even a spell was created to hide eyes color nowadays. I’m afraid this will take too much time until they begin to attack another council.” said Leeteuk,  rubbing his face frustratingly.

“It’s okay, we’ll do more research. Let those five kids keep doing stake out in this city, me, Henry, Zhoumi and Shindong will do the research.” said Siwon.

The said five kids only snorted at the taller Flugel and ignore the smug look in his face.

“Hyung. If it’s true that a white witch were behind all this thing, doesn’t that mean it has something to do with the Dunkler Fluch wesens? I mean, maybe revenge or something?” said Sungmin.

“Arghh now we had to search for that wesens too?!” whined Kyuhyun.

“Hurm.. didn’t think that way before. But it’s impossible for them to be in the same city. And we still didn’t know if they still exist or not. Maybe the white witch got to them first.” said Heechul.

“We’ll think about them later. We catch the white witch first.” said Leetwuk as he dismissed the meeting.



“You got flu again, hyung?” said Jaejong as the older keep sneezing for the past five minutes.

“Nah.” the older continue checking the cafe account.

Jaejong snorted at the older careless behaviour but soon remembered how the older had introduce his friend to him. He turn around and saw the man standing behind them, watching over Yesung.

“Psst. Yesung hyung… did you invite a friend or a bodyguard?”

Yesung turn to the young demon and sigh. He shrugged it off and continue his work. 

The front door bell chimed off, few customers walk in despite it was closing time but knowing who were they, Yesung and the workers welcome them with a smile.

“You bring your whole village or what?” mocked Junsu to Kyuhyun. Yesung only shake his head to the two brats from different group. 

“Sorry for his rudeness. They become like that from they moment they meet. Table for--” he counts the customer and smile. “ thirteen people right?”

Leeteuk smile and nod. They walk towards the table Jaejong lead and settle down.

“may I take your order now?” said Jaejong.

The order took them ten minutes. After Jaejong left them, Junsu come with a dessert.

“It’s on the house.”

“Oh, this is the one you guys can’t keep quiet about!” said Heechul surprised. He took a bite and felt all his stress melt away.

“this is so good!”

“Thank you! Our chef create this recipe and its blow up here. People sometimes come here for this particular one.” said Junsu happily.

Moment later, the waiter come again with trays of food. For some reason, Kangin decided to help them by bringing the food to the table.

He settle the food in front of Hangeng and cross his hand while standing intimidatingly.

Hangeng realize the waiter were still there despite the food was served. He look up only to spit his drink to Siwon who sitting across him.

“Yah!!” Siwon shouts frantically wiping the spit.

“Kangin!?” shouts Hangeng while pointing to the demon.

“Funny seeing you here.” said Kangin with a grin.

The members of the group only curiously waiting for them to do something after the shouts of each other name. Few minutes staring, Hangeng went up to hug the demon with a big smiles.

“My man! What you doing here? In Korea too!” said Hangeng happily.

“Visiting friend and dealing with stupid creatures here.” said Kangin in low tone but enough for the members to heard it.

“Friend?” said Hangeng.

Yesung came to the table after curiously eavesdropping the sudden shouts. He look at Hangeng curiously as he saw Kangin rest his hand on the man shoulder.

“You know them, Kangin?” said Yesung. Not liking how the demon look close to the stranger.

Kangin had to think of few excuses. He knows how Yesung wouldn’t like it if he said that the man he hugging just now was no mortal. He too had to cover for Yesung existence, knowing how the group came from the council who would love to disturb Yesung if his life were to expose.

“Yesung, this is my friend Hangeng that I meet while I’m travelling. Hangeng, this is Yesung, my old friend.”

Both Yesung and Hangeng realize the younger who trying to cover for both them only nod and greet each other back.

“This world sure are a small world! My workers always come here to have supper and I would like to thanks to you for taking care of them.” said Hangeng.

“It’s okay. They help me with the robbery too so I just return the favor. So you are a police officer too?” said Yesung.

The members all turn to the five kids who seems guilty for some reasons. Leeteuk who knew what the owner meant reply for Hangeng.

“Yes we are. Some of us it is. But we come for friends reunion.”

The members impressed with the leader lies seems that Yesung bought it right away.

“Oh. I’ll leave you guys then. Enjoy the food and Kangin, you should catch up with your friends. I’ll be in my room if you need anything.” with that, Yesung strode off to he upstairs.

Kangin wait until Yesung was out of his sight and take a seat next to Hangeng.

“So what’s the case now? Bunch of wesens gathering here, eating human foods. Heechul-ssi, you are not even human…”said Kangin as he smelt the scents of blood thirst demon.

“So you not mortal?” ask Leeteuk with a frown.

“Wait.. but you friend with that human.” said Ryeowook confused.

Kangin almost laugh at the smaller exclaim. The old wesen hide his scent well from the group of wesens, thought him.

“He didn’t know I’m a demon. And I would love if it’s stay that way. So you guys shouldn’t tell or even exposed anything to him.” he said while threatening the wesens with a murderous look.

“He’s surrounded by wesens…” muttered Sungmin but it didn’t goes unheard by Kangin.

“What do you mean by that?”

“The workers. They all vampires. You didn’t know this?” said Hyukjae.

“I just arrive here yesterday. But thanks for the information.”

The supper went on with the members chatting to each other while Hangeng trying to discuss what had happen to the city.

“So you said there’s might be a white witch here? That’s bad. I’ve been assigned by the council leader to watch over some wesens who were reported to make a mess here.” said Kangin.

“You work with the council now?” said Hangeng.

“I’m bored, that’s why I join them few years ago. The work wasn’t bad at all that’s why I keep doing it. So, should I join you guys in helping for this case?” 

Hangeng look at the leader who immediately  agreed, knowing the demon work with the same root.

“And if you guys didn’t mind, keep your activity away from this cafe and that ‘human’.” said Kangin.

“Of course. We didn’t even intend to drag any innocent local to wesens problem.” said Leeteuk.



A/N: Sorry it's short plot. And i love everytime someone give me their thoughts on this fict ~~~ it's give me a satisfaction of someone genuinely read the whole story ~~

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Urghhh.... There's so much error after i re-read the whole story lol. Now i understand why people got confused XD. Sorry and I'll fix it soon!


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401 streak #2
Chapter 18: Thank you for this wonderful story beib! I love it so so so much~
401 streak #3
Chapter 14: It's getting more serious than I thought #continue to read
401 streak #4
Chapter 11: Okay.... Make "him" as a bad guy, really...
401 streak #5
Chapter 7: Well, so Kangin was like a father than a friend XDDD

Gosh, I love your story so much!!!
401 streak #6
Chapter 6: I thought Kangin and Hangeng were a rivals, but turns out they're friends <333
401 streak #7
Chapter 5: OMG Kangin~~~ as Sungie's friend~ and there's Kibum there~ My life is complete
401 streak #8
Chapter 4: I love Jaejong's character here~
401 streak #9
starting to read this~ <3
Chapter 18: I love story's like this ~ I had so much fun ?