Phase 2: Written In The Stars

Just Who Are You?


Wendy was at a complete loss for words. She had no idea how to react, no idea what to do. She was stunned into silence. Her body had frozen, like a statue on top of the cold, windy precinct, with two women aiming their guns right at her, one of them being the one she had spent so much time with the last few months. The one she saw as a little sister, the girl that she had taken under her wing and mentored so willingly. The one that she frankly saw as a family member was now aiming her pistol right towards her skull.

Seulgi began to giggle, then chuckle, then erupt into a fit of laughter. A demented laugh that suited the sadist Seulgi, who was reveling in Wendy's grief and shock. She was enjoying every little detail of the mess in front of her. The face as pale as a sheet of paper, the eyes that were starting to tear up, the chest heaving up and down because the heart it held was going at a speed it was not used to. This was it, this is what Seulgi lived for. To see someone suffer.

"This is absolutely beautiful! A Christmas miracle, isn't it?" 

Seulgi walked up to the back of Wendy, since the shorter woman was still staring at the girl that had betrayed her on the other side of the helipad. She pressed her gun to the back of Wendy's head, grinning once again when she heard the woman gasp from feeling the cold piece of iron making contact with her scalp. Sooyoung remained emotionless, her face still blank, her gun still trained on Wendy.

"I'll give you a chance, Son Wendy. Ask whatever questions you want now, to Sooyoung and me. We'll answer if we can. At least you can die having the answers you seek."

Wendy remained silent. She was ignoring Seulgi for now, ignoring the threat of imminent death that was pressed against her skull for the moment. Her watery eyes were trying to find Sooyoung's since the taller girl was avoiding her gaze. She wanted to see those joyful eyes one more time, praying that they were real and that they weren't all an act. Those eyes that seemed to sparkle whenever 

"Joy... Look here, please..."

Wendy's voice came out broken. It was hoarse and soft, as if she was struggling to even make any noise from . The normally loud and boisterous voice that came from Wendy's voicebox had gone, instead leaving behind a ragged and worn out version behind. It was just sad.

Wendy could see Sooyoung gulp when she spoke her name. Joy. The affectionate nickname that Wendy had given her when they first met. She hoped that would get through to Sooyoung, hoping that in her heart, that name still meant something. It did. Sooyoung slowly raised her gaze, looking up to Wendy until eventually, Wendy saw her eyes. What she saw, was... 


Pure nothingness.

Wendy just sighed, a sad smile breaking on her face. A single tear dropped from her eyes and landed on the ground below, destroying some snow that had gathered beneath her. This would be the last time she saw snow. 

"Okay... I'll ask my questions."

Seulgi grinned. If Wendy was asking the questions now, it could only mean one thing. 

She had accepted defeat. She had given up, she was done.

Seeing that Sooyoung had absolutely no emotion in her eyes had broken her. That was her tipping point. She had nothing to hope for now. The three lifeless bodies of Jennie, Lisa and Jisoo were the only people that weren't trying to kill her on the roof, and that was because they were dead themselves. Wendy looked at the corpses and grinned. She would join them soon.

"Ask away, Son Wendy."

Wendy breathed a heavy sigh, a large cloud of smoke coming out . It was really cold.

"Firstly... where is my sister? Is she safe?"

"She's at a safehouse put up for me by the NYPD. And yes, she's fine, I made sure of that. No harm will come her way."

Wendy smiled, nodding her head. She felt a large weight come off her chest. Actually, she felt all the weight taken off her chest. Yeri was going to be fine.

"Thank you."

Any more questions?"

Wendy pondered for a little while more.

"Why did you kill Kim Taeyeon?"

Seulgi started to laugh behind her, Wendy feeling the gun on her head start to shake a little.

"Her? The same reason that I'm killing you, Wendy. She was a loose end. She saw the only murder of the case, and that could have been very bad for my sister if a lead had popped up. You know all about it now, don't you? The made-up Alleyway Murders? I created the perfect scam to take attention of my sister so she could live her own normal life running a cafe. Unfortunately, Taeyeon had to die because of that. Sis didn't get it at first, but I hope she does now."

Wendy raised her eyebrow. She realized that Seulgi didn't mention Irene's name at all when she was talking about her sister, simply referring to her as 'sis'. Wouldn't Seulgi know that she had been working with Irene this entire time, and that Irene was also working against her if Sooyoung had been telling her everything? She needed to test this.

"What was your sister's name?"

Seulgi laughed once more.

"You don't need to know that."

Wendy swallowed a large gulp of saliva, starting to feel her heart race again. Not due to fear, but due to excitement. She looked at Sooyoung, who was now avoiding her gaze once again.

"What does your sister do besides the cafe?"

Seulgi tutted rather loudly.

"As I said, you don't need to know."

"You promised you'd answer everything if you could. I'm going to die anyway."

Seulgi sighed.

"Fine. Her name is Irene, and she runs the cafe I had to blow up to get Jennie and Jisoo. A messy situation that was, thankfully Sooyoung there managed to get away before started hitting the fan."

Wendy's eyes widened. She looked at Sooyoung, and she swore she was the upper corner of her lip twitch for the briefest of moments. Speaking of twitching, Wendy also thought she saw Jennie's finger move a tiny bit.

"She runs the cafe, lives a normal life and that's it. Why, you interested? Too bad, you'll never get to see her."

Wendy exhaled. She was so thankful that Seulgi was standing behind her, or not she would have seen her almost stupid attempts to not burst into a giant smile. She looked at Sooyoung once more, and yet again she saw the upper corner of Sooyoung's lip twitch for a split second.

"Alright... that's all my questions."

Seulgi was rather surprised. She was expecting Wendy to ask a lot more questions, but if she was fine with it, then by all means.

"Okay then. Sooyoung, as my number one hit-man, please, do the honors."

Wendy heard the sound of Sooyoung's gun cocking. She put her head down, biting her lip furiously in an effort to not burst out into laughter. On the other hand, Seulgi was already laughing away, still with the same demonic laughter that she had before. This time, however, Wendy didn't feel quite as scared.

"Goodbye, Son Wendy."

Wendy heard the sound of Sooyoung's gunfire. Instead of seeing black, she instead felt something dash right by her head and heard an ear piercing scream right behind her.


Wendy pulled out her gun once more and ran by Sooyoung's side, starting to laugh hysterically seeing Seulgi grabbing onto her shoulder, yelling in pain as blood poured out of her joint. Sooyoung was also now grinning, cocking her gun once more. She raised her arm up and snapped her fingers. Wendy heard gasps of relief erupt from behind her, and she turned around to see Jennie, Jisoo, and Lisa all standing up, wiping the snow out of their hair and jogging on the spot to regain temperature in their bodies.

"Can't believe that plan worked!"

"! I thought I was going to freeze to death!"

"That paintball bullet really ing hurt!"

"It's called simunition, Jisoo."

Wendy began to laugh, even more, beaming proudly at all the girls behind her. Jennie shot her a wink before pulling out her gun and aiming it at Seulgi, who was now on her knee, holding onto her shoulder that was bleeding quite a lot. She was groaning in pain, her gun falling by her side as she grabbed on tight to her shoulder.

"Jesus, what did you shoot her with?"

"A .50. These bad boys did not come cheap."

Wendy laughed once more, as the ladies now advanced on Seulgi. They aimed all their firearms at Seulgi, who could only glare at them with pure hatred, as grunts of pain kept escaping . 

"Damn, that looks bad Kang. Want a mint?"

Seulgi spat at Sooyoung's face, since the tall girl had kneeled down in front of her to taunt her. The hitman just smiled, wiping away the saliva and standing up next to Wendy, who was positively beaming.

"You must be wondering why in the world I betrayed you, huh? I'll tell you, even if you don't want to hear it."

"Wendy showed me what it was like to be loved. To be truly loved. Not merely used as a weapon, but truly cherished for who I was as a human being. She showed me warmth and care I had never seen when I was in the mob. She showed me what it was like to really have a life, what it was like to have a family. She showed me what it meant to be loved. So thank you, Kang Seulgi, for assigning me to keep watch on Son Wendy. It was your greatest mistake ever, and also the best thing you ever did."

Sooyoung kicked Seulgi across the face, the mafia head falling headfirst to the ground, letting out another yell of pain as her head smashed against the concrete.

"That was for Taeyeon, you . I liked her."

Sooyoung began to whistle very loudly, and the door to the roof busted open. Dozens of men in suits began to pile onto the helipad, all carrying assault rifles. Behind them was Soo Man, smiling widely. The armed men surrounded Seulgi, aiming their guns at her head, tens of tiny red dots all across her face as Soo Man now walked up right in front of her.

"Hello, Seulgi. Looks like I caught you, again."

Seulgi yelled once again, trying to reach for her gun but feeling a sharp pain in her shot up shoulder when she released the pressure on her wound. She continued to hold onto her shoulder, only able to glare like she had been doing for the last few minutes. If looks could kill, everyone Seulgi had in her line of sight would have been dead. But it couldn't, so Seulgi was stuck there, basking in her own defeat.

Soo Man gave a hug to Sooyoung and Wendy, patting their shoulders proudly afterward as he beamed upon them. The amount of pride that he felt for them was immeasurable in words, so all he could do was just smile upon them.

"Well done the both of you. Wendy, rest assured knowing that Yeri is safe. We heard everything Seulgi said earlier through a microphone Sooyoung was wearing, so some of my men have gone to retrieve her. Sooyoung, I already reserved the club you and the other four ladies had chosen for the next two nights."

Sooyoung, Jennie, Jisoo, and Lisa began to cheer loudly, and on the microphone Sooyoung was wearing, Wendy could hear Rosé cheering as well. She began to laugh with them, clapping her hands as she watched them celebrate rather childishly. She looked back once more at Soo Man, who was on the phone with somebody.

"Sir, thank you so much. Without you, there was no way we could have-"

Soo Man shushed the young lady.

"I have one more surprise for you."

Soo Man stepped aside, and standing across the helipad was none other than Bae Irene.

"Irene... IRENE!"

Seulgi's ears perked up upon hearing the familiar name.

Wendy crashed into Irene's arms, all the tears she had earlier falling down as she screamed into Irene's chest, the taller one laughing merrily as she ruffled Wendy's hair. She grabbed her head and begun to kiss Wendy all over her face multiple times, with Wendy laughing whilst the tears streamed down her face.

"Irene, I am so, so sorry for everything I said to you earlier. I didn't mean a thing I said, you know I-"

Wendy was silenced, again. This time by Irene's lips.

"I know, sweetheart. I know."

Wendy beamed, shoving her tongue into Irene's mouth as the older girl began to laugh, returning Wendy's gesture before pulling away.

"Not now baby, we can do this later."

Irene turned her head to her sister, and her smile now disappeared. She approached Seulgi, who was still groaning and holding onto her shoulder as the armed men still had their guns directed right towards her. Irene sighed upon seeing all the red lasers on Seulgi's head, each a sign that her head would be blown off at the pull of a trigger, all because of what she chose to do in life.

"I-Irene? What are you doing here?"

Irene kneeled down in front of Seulgi, going on both her knees and looking right into her sister's eyes. She smiled, wrapping Seulgi in a hug, one that Seulgi tried to return but couldn't due to the monstrous amount of pain in her shoulder.

"I'm so sorry sis..."

Seulgi laughed, turning her head and kissing Irene on the cheek.

"Nonsense, baby girl. At least with me in jail, you'll never have to see me commit these crimes ever again."

"I love you with all my heart Irene. My precious sister."

Irene hugged Seulgi even tighter, even starting to feel tears well up behind her eyes.

"I'll visit you as much as I can."

Seulgi laughed.

"I'd like that, thank you very much."

Irene stood up, giving one last teary smile towards Seulgi before walking back to Wendy, who was standing directly in front of them. Wendy gave a slight smile to Seulgi, one the convict did not return. Wendy wasn't too worried about it though.

"That was really nice of you."

Irene smiled, wiping away the tears from her eyes.

"Yeah, thanks."

Wendy grinned, giving Irene a hug and a peck on the lips before slotting her fingers between Irene's. She felt her heart warm at the feeling, the perfect fit between their fingers. She missed this.

"Come, let's go get Yeri."

Irene nodded, smiling as the couple began to walk away, the Christmas snow falling above them.

Then, a loud yell punctuated the sky.


Wendy's eyes widened. She heard the sound of a gun cocking and firing.

Time seemed to slow down as she heard the sound of the bullet flying out the chamber. Wendy closed her eyes.

The sound of a body dropping to the ground echoed throughout the helipad.


Wendy opened her eyes. She looked beneath her and saw Irene laying on the ground, her chest coated in blood and her chest heaving up and down. She looked up and saw Seulgi screaming in agony, her face in pure pain as the men in suits finally pinning her down to the ground as her pistol was thrown away. They didn't think she had the strength to fire again considering the state of her arm, so they didn't bother to handcuff her or take the weapon away.

Wendy's eyes went beneath her once more.




Panic erupted around the rooftop. Sooyoung was screaming at the top of her lungs, Jennie and Jisoo were covering their mouths which went wide in shock, Soo Man was punching the numbers in his phone for help, Seulgi was screaming Irene's name, tears flowing like a waterfall down her face as she cursed herself for what she had done, and Wendy was kneeling by Irene's side, holding onto her arm.

"Hey, darling... you didn't get hit... did you?"

Wendy grabbed tightly onto Irene's hand, sobbing as the older girl laughed, blood coming out as she did so.


Wendy started to break down, putting her head on Irene's shoulder as she sobbed away, trying to put pressure on Irene's wound. It was bad, turns out Seulgi was using large caliber ammunition too. The blood splatter on Irene's chest was quite large since she was not that far away from the source of the bullet. A lot of force had hit her.

Irene, however, was still grinning. She put her hand on Wendy's head, ruffling the woman's hair as she was frantically trying to stop the bleeding, taking off her own coat and putting it over Irene's chest.

"Hey baby, look at me..."

Wendy shook her head, still trying her best to stop the bleeding. Her heart was racing as fast as a Formula 1 car, and her vision was getting blurry. She was in so much anxiety she thought she was about to pass out.

"Darling, please..."

Irene's bloody hand grabbed Wendy's chin, turning it and forcing Wendy to make eye contact with her. Wendy was sniffling, wiping tears away from her eyes.

"There you are... there's that beautiful Wendy I fell in love with..."

Wendy only began to sob harder, which put a frown on Irene's face.

"Hey... don't cry... the Wendy I know doesn't cry..."


Irene just kept on smiling.

"Don't yell please..."

Irene put her hand on Wendy's, and intertwined their fingers together once again, connecting them to each other. Wendy's sobs began to die down a little upon feeling Irene's cloud-like hands wrap around her own. She couldn't help it, they were so comforting.

"Wendy... Remember when we were waiting for Jennie, you started humming, and I said you sounded wonderful...?"

Wendy nodded at the memory, a little smile forming on her face.

"You promised you'd sing for me next time... can next time be now?"

Irene looked at Wendy with a hopeful smile, which soon turned to Irene coughing out even more blood. Wendy felt her heart wrench at the sight.


Irene grinned, showing her teeth that were stained with blood as Wendy cleared .

"Seems like we've been here before, your eyes are seeing straight right through my core, kinda strange but I like it, ain't no reason tryna fight it~ yeah..."

Irene closed her eyes and relaxed her body. Wendy's voice was beautiful.

"Don't tell me you don't feel what I feel right now... Ooo it's written all over you~ Don't tell me you don't feel what I feel some how~ Ooo I keep finding my way back to you..."

Wendy could feel her lips start to quiver as she sang the lyrics of the love song she had written herself.

"You can go anywhere babe, wherever you are... because I know we're written in the stars... you can go any which way, no matter how far... because I know we're, written in the stars..."

Irene opened her eyes and looked up at the star-filled sky above her. She smiled. What a pretty sight.

"Da-da-da-da-da-da-daaa... no question that we're written in the stars..."

Wendy stopped singing. She looked back at Irene, who had a serene smile on her face.

"That was beautiful, Wendy."

The girl giggled through a stuffy nose.

"Thank you."

Irene grabbed both of Wendy's hands, kissing them gently.

"No, thank you, Wendy."

Irene looked at Wendy directly in the eyes. She had a peaceful, angelic smile on her face, as the snow trickled behind her, falling gracefully around her shoulders and hair. Despite the large stain of blood on her chest, Irene still looked beautiful. She looked like an angel.

"Thank you for everything, Son Wendy."

"I love you."

After those words, Wendy felt the grip around her hands loosen. Irene's hands slipped away and fell onto the ground.


Wendy put her fingers on Irene's neck. There was no pulse.


Wendy's shoulders and head dropped. She took one last look at Irene before closing the woman's eyes.

One droplet, then two droplets landed on Irene's smiling face.

Wendy's tears.




Author Notes:

Sorry to say this, but this is the end of the story... Thank you guys so much for all your support :) This is probably my favorite story I've written so far. I loved every single word I have typed out for this, and I hope you guys did too.

I know you all were hoping for a happy ending. I'm sorry. At least Sooyoung didn't turn out to be bad and Yeri is safe, right?

Next chapter will be an epilogue, so please stay tuned for that.

I love you all, and I'm sure Irene does too :')

Till next time. Thank you all once again.




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Chapter 1: Kira-kira siapa pembunuhnya
Sepertinya menarik
Chapter 27: gash, i just finished the story and im out here crying.. there was so many plot twists that i just had to keep reading til the end. absolutely love the whole flow of the story, its tragic yet it makes sense that living a happy life for wenrene wouldn’t be that easy. for some reason, irene’s death becomes such a lesson for seulgi yet its so unfair to seungwan:( when joy betrayed seungwan, i was so shocked, i thought that was the end and i was hoping for her to shoot seulgi and thank God i was right. it was such a rollercoaster, as much as i wanted irene to survive the shot, i think her death meant a lot. its heartbreaking to think of how much irene has gone through when all she wanted was to live a normal life:( i think its pretty obvious how much this fic has affected me so kudos authornim! looking forward to the continuation of “life will change”. :)
Wen_thusiast #4
Chapter 27: Thank you for this amazing story. I'm glad I found this. I had a great cry after a really long time 🤧
Wen_thusiast #5
Chapter 14: Wait what, joy??
Damn this fic just broke my heart more than my gf 🥺😢😭
Chapter 27: Ouch...(╥ - ╥) that was a roller coaster ride.
hangryeats #8
Chapter 28: This was a really engaging read, i need more detective son and park
yulsparkles #9
Chapter 27: Why I found out about this story just now???? Loved ittttt!!!!!!
Favebolous 14 streak #10
Chapter 28: where is your new story?