Phase 2: Two

Just Who Are You?

"Ahhhh... that was a fantastic meal."

Seulgi opened the door to her apartment, a satisfied smile on her face after the finest restaurant in New York had given her a free meal to celebrate her capturing of the culprit of the Alleyway Murders, a feat that even squad Lucky Girl was unable to achieve.

She placed her badge on her desk, giving it a proud smile before changing into her civilian clothes and heading outside once more to enjoy her day off, enjoying the free time she had now been blessed with after the closure of the case.

"Let's see, what shall I do now..."


"Apartment is now clear, you're free to enter."

Jennie put away her phone, replacing it with a lockpick that she had made herself. She had taken the liberty of disabling the apartment complex's CCTVs long before she came here, so that made for a rather relaxing journey up to Seulgi's front door. Of course, she did have to make sure no one saw her, so she took the staircase up instead of the elevator since she was less likely to run into anyone there. And as luck would have it, she ran into no one.

"Okay then, let's see what this is hiding..."

The door came unlocked easily, and Jennie found herself in the private abode of New York's hero. It was... a lot more humble than she expected. Nothing flashy, except for a few of her awards being hung up on her wall, like decorations on a Christmas tree, gleaming loudly and proudly.

Jennie had been tasked by Wendy to see if Seulgi had any links to any organizations or corrupt members of the police that could have helped her with framing Taeyeon for the label of a murderer and any clues that could help them with taking down Kang Seulgi.

There was one more thing, but Wendy had kept it private between Jennie and herself. She wanted Jennie to see if she could find out more about Seulgi's and Irene's relationship, as she had grown more curious about it after Irene's vague answer for her back at the cafe. Pictures, notes, previous texts, anything Jennie could get her hands on that she remotely thought linked to Irene, Wendy wanted it.

Jennie first checked Seulgi's bedroom, since that was where she would most likely keep her most private items. There was a laptop on the table, and Jennie immediately went to work. She turned it on and put a device that allowed her to bypass Seulgi's password before injecting her thumb drive to copy every single file inside. 

"Great. Now for some good old-fashioned scavenging..."

Seulgi's room was very neat and tidy, which irritated Jennie a little since that meant she had to return everything to its perfect position or Seulgi would get suspicious, being such a renowned police officer would mean she had an eye for detail after all. 

"Let's start with the cupboards..."

Jennie opened it and to her surprise, it wasn't filled with clothes, handbags or the things she expected. Instead, there were rows upon rows of files. Not police documents, but photos, all assorted by dates, which linked back all the way to about 26 years ago, and ended last year.

Intrigued, Jennie took one from the earliest date and one from the latest date. Both photos had two girls, but one was of the two girls as little babies in prams, and the other, but fully grown adults. It was a selfie, with Kang Seulgi and... Irene.

"Huh..." The two looked so happy together, with wide and beaming smiles. Irene's smile, in particular, was especially wide. Jennie felt her heart twitch a little.

" she's so cute. I need to borrow her from Wendy for a night."

Jennie flipped to the back of the photo, and there was a little message scribbled there in Sharpie.

"Hangin at the cafe with the sis, XOXO"


There were two ways Jennie could interpret this. Either the term for two very close girl friends, or ACTUAL sisters. Jennie didn't want to think much about it, so she put the photos back where they belonged. She would let Wendy know later, but for now, she was going to continue looking for the files.

"Why am I even doing this?" Jennie grumbled under her breath. She wanted to enjoy her day, hang out with her girlfriend Jisoo. They even had a whole schedule today, filled with Netflix and chilling. Instead, she was stuck in the head honcho's apartment snooping around for any dirt she could dig up, for no reason other than the fact that Wendy said please.

Oh right, it's because she hated Seulgi just as much as Wendy did.

"ing hell..." Jennie began to approach the drawer by the bedroom window when suddenly, she heard keys rustling at the front door.


Jennie quickly ejected the thumb drive from Seulgi's laptop, closed the cupboard doors she had previously opened before diving underneath her bed, scooching as close to the wall as she possibly could and scrunching up her body to be as small as possible.

There. She saw a pair of legs walk into the room.

Jennie bit her lip as the legs grew closer and closer to the bed, seeing a dark shadow begin to loom closer to her-

Her phone rang.

"Hello? Yes, Wendy?"

Jennie felt a wave of relief wash over her, silently chanting Wendy's thank you like a mantra in her head as Seulgi began to retreat from the front of her bed, settling in front of her dressing table.

"Coffee? Sure thing, I just came back to grab my badge and a change of clothes is all."

Seulgi hung up the phone, putting it back in her pocket. Now, all Jennie had to do was wait for her to leave the house so she could continue.

"I'm giving you 3 seconds to come out from underneath there, or you're dead."

Jennie felt every droplet of blood in her body freeze, her limbs going stiff when she heard Seulgi's cruel voice punctuate the air around her.

"How, what..."

Seulgi kneeled down and came face to face with Jennie, breaking into a sadistic smile when she saw the cornered girl trapped underneath her bed.

"Kim Jennie. How nice to see you again."

"Kang Seulgi, how not nice to see you again, you ing ."

Seulgi let out a howl of laughter, shaking her head as she withdrew from her position. 

"Snooping around my house, trying to steal, again. You just don't learn, do you?" 

Jennie came out of her failed hiding spot, coming face to face with who she deemed, the Tyrant of New York. She brushed the dust off her jacket and sorted herself out. Seulgi was leaning by her dresser, tossing a can of beer to Jennie, which she smacked away.

"Wow, that's rude." 

"Why aren't you killing me?"

Seulgi chuckled, cracking open her own can and downing a huge gulp. She was being unusually relaxed about finding someone crawling around in her house, but that was exactly what made it that much scarier. Jennie brushed her hand on the inside of her jacket, feeling the cold piece of steel residing inside.

"Where did you get that gun from?"

Jennie smirked. Nothing could really escape the eye of that girl.

"Same place I get my jeans. This is America, Kang Seulgi."

Seulgi puckered her lips, shrugging her shoulders and nodding. 

"Fair enough."

Seulgi drew her own gun, and Jennie reacted just as quickly.

"Reflexes still on point, impressive."

Jennie scoffed.

"I wish your drinking got you ing killed."

Seulgi continued to shake her head, tutting away at Jennie.

"All this hatred for me, only because I was doing my job."

"You damn near killed me," Jennie's voice was filled with spite, her hand beginning to quiver in anger. It took all of her self-restraint to not just pull the trigger right there and then.

"Am I not supposed to take down criminals?" Seulgi was almost taunting now, a cocky grin plastered on her face.

"Not when you hired me, you double-crossing piece of ."

"Touche." Seulgi put her hands up in a surrender position, tilting her head and raising her eyebrows at Jennie.

"Go on then, shoot me."

Jennie cocked her pistol, raising it and aiming the sights right at Seulgi's skull.

"What makes you think I won't?"

Seulgi shrugged, her facial expression blank.

"What makes me think you will?"

Jennie's grip on her gun tightened, her finger closer and closer to pulling the trigger, but for some reason...

She couldn't.

"Exactly what I thought." Seulgi put her arms down and aimed it towards Jennie once again, who was grimacing at her own failure.

"Coward. That's why I wanted to get rid of you. Acting all tough on the outside when really, you're a softie, who just wants to settle down with your beloved Jisoo."

Jennie gritted her teeth, fighting back tears that were threatening to fall. She couldn't let them show, she had already shown enough weakness to Seulgi.

"So... you're doing your dirty work by yourself now? Burning evidence that could incriminate you?"

Seulgi nodded, a smile appearing on her face again.

"So that was you back there. I should have known. The only other person who knows the interior of that place as well as I do is you. I gave you the blueprints after all."

Seulgi put down her gun, putting it back in her holster and suddenly turning away from Jennie.

"I'm giving you fifteen seconds to get away from here, or a very unfortunate fate will meet your precious Jisoo."

A series of footsteps was heard. Jennie never ran faster in her life.

Seulgi banged her fist on her table, opening her laptop and discovering that it was unlocked.


She took out her phone, dialing a number she reserved for occasions like this.

"Sehun. Deal with a Kim Jisoo for me. Send me a picture of her body when you're done. Do whatever you want. She's quite pretty, that's all I'm saying."

Seulgi tossed her phone behind her, twirling her gun in her hand.

"Time to play dirty."


"You actually pour milk before cereal?"

Joy and Wendy were engaging in a mundane conversation, doing paperwork in the Lady's Room as Irene watched them, typing away on her laptop. They were waiting for news from Jennie. Wendy had sent Seulgi a text that she suddenly couldn't make it for the little coffee plan she had made up when she saw Jennie in trouble. 

"Hopefully she made it out alright."

Suddenly, there was a frantic banging on the door of the Lady's Room, desperate knocks and yells coming from the outside.


Wendy leaped out of her seat, recognizing the voice as Jennie's. She opened the door and in piled Jennie, disheveled and panicking, carrying a suitcase while another girl that she had never seen before was right beside her.

She looked extremely confused, but also afraid. Wendy could see why.

"What the hell is going on?!" Wendy quickly shut the door behind the girls and locked it, now approaching an almost hyperventilating Jennie.

Irene had got out of her seat to prepare some coffee for the poor girl, while Joy was helping the other girl pack away the other bags and cases she was carrying with her.

Wendy settled down next to Jennie, who was now clinging onto Wendy's arm for dear life.

"Deep breaths Jennie, deep breaths."

Wendy gave Jennie a few pats on the back, helping her relax a little so she could explain what was going on.

"Long story short... Seulgi found me, in her apartment, and now I think she's going to do something to Jisoo. Kill her, something, I don't know..."

"What the-" Wendy felt a pit of fire erupt within her. Kang Seulgi was now threatening the life of innocents?

Jennie grabbed Wendy's hands, suddenly going on her knees, which shocked the Detective.

"Please Wendy, please help me keep her safe. I love her, with all my life, I really can't lose her, I can't..."

Jennie started to break down, tears now flowing freely from her face. She looked... weak, a word that Wendy had almost never used to describe Jennie. She turned to look at Jisoo, who was sitting with Joy, her arms wrapped around herself. She must have been just as scared as Jennie was.

"I promise. Now, get up and help your Jisoo relax. She looks terrified."

Jennie scrambled over to Jisoo, giving her a tight hug and whispering something in her ear.

Irene emerged from the kitchen with a few hot cups of coffee to warm up Jisoo and Jennie, and Wendy immediately pulled her aside.

"Okay Rene, these folks need a place to stay, and I hope it's not too much to ask but..."

"They can stay with me. In the basement below. Those rooms aren't just for show you know."

Wendy hugged Irene tight, much like Jennie was doing to Jisoo.

"You're the best..."

"I know."

The pair gave each other a look filled with adoration before Wendy broke the silence that had fallen over the cafe.

"Jisoo, is that your name?"

A pair of adorable eyes and a husky voice replied.

"Yes, that's me."

Wendy gave her a warm smile.

"I'm Wendy, over there are my good friends Irene and Sooyoung. Pleased to meet you."

"Likewise..." Jisoo trailed off, scooching on closer to Jennie, obviously being a little on edge at the moment. Wendy didn't blame her a bit. She gestured for Sooyoung to help bring Jisoo's luggage to the Datahouse below, and Irene, with a smile, helped lead Jisoo down to the Datahouse.

"Let me show me to your room..."

As the other three girls left the main cafe area, Wendy turned back to Jennie, who had calmed down immensely since she first entered the cafe. She sat down next to her, and without even having to say anything, Jennie took out the thumb drive she snagged from Seulgi's place and placed it in Wendy's hands.

"I don't know how much I got, but it's probably a decent amount."

Wendy nodded.

"And the other thing...?"

Jennie shrugged her shoulders.

"Nothing much, except a whole cupboard of photos of them together pretty much their whole lives and one of them has a message saying 'Hanging at the cafe with the sis, XOXO'"

"The sis?"

Wendy's memory jogged, and she remembered something that Irene had told her not long ago.

" And I only have a sister who I can't exactly say I'm close to. I hate her actually, so never bring her up please."

Wendy clinched her fists.

"Could they be... sisters?"




Author Notes:

Irene and Seulgi... Sisters? My GOD. That line Wendy remembered was way back in Chapter 10, or X, so I hope you all have been paying attention... I actually have left many, MANY little details and scraps of information in the chapters I've written thus far, so I'm looking to see if any of y'all can find them... :)

Seulgi is getting eviler and eviler. She isn't that righteous, tired detective we thought she was, huh?

And turns out, Jennie actually cares for someone. XD and yes, Seulgi did hire Jennie once. Remember how Jennie seemed to know everything about the Evidence building? Now you know why...

Sorry this took a while, I've been quite busy. Hopefully I can get the next one out quicker :D

Till next time... Please leave a comment and subscribe, it means a lot to me :D











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Chapter 1: Kira-kira siapa pembunuhnya
Sepertinya menarik
Chapter 27: gash, i just finished the story and im out here crying.. there was so many plot twists that i just had to keep reading til the end. absolutely love the whole flow of the story, its tragic yet it makes sense that living a happy life for wenrene wouldn’t be that easy. for some reason, irene’s death becomes such a lesson for seulgi yet its so unfair to seungwan:( when joy betrayed seungwan, i was so shocked, i thought that was the end and i was hoping for her to shoot seulgi and thank God i was right. it was such a rollercoaster, as much as i wanted irene to survive the shot, i think her death meant a lot. its heartbreaking to think of how much irene has gone through when all she wanted was to live a normal life:( i think its pretty obvious how much this fic has affected me so kudos authornim! looking forward to the continuation of “life will change”. :)
Wen_thusiast #4
Chapter 27: Thank you for this amazing story. I'm glad I found this. I had a great cry after a really long time 🤧
Wen_thusiast #5
Chapter 14: Wait what, joy??
Damn this fic just broke my heart more than my gf 🥺😢😭
Chapter 27: Ouch...(╥ - ╥) that was a roller coaster ride.
hangryeats #8
Chapter 28: This was a really engaging read, i need more detective son and park
yulsparkles #9
Chapter 27: Why I found out about this story just now???? Loved ittttt!!!!!!
Favebolous 14 streak #10
Chapter 28: where is your new story?