Phase Two: Three

Just Who Are You?

"And that's that."

Jennie had just finished helping Jisoo arrange her room in the Datahouse, a nice little establishment considering the location. She looked around the place, intrigued by the various files and documents all over the place. How did she even get all of this stuff? Jennie wasn't one to ask questions, but she sure as hell wasn't one to back down from her curiosity either. 

She would have to leave it for later, however. She had more than enough on her plate at the moment. 

Jisoo was sitting on her new bed, bouncing up a little trying to gauge the quality of the mattress. She had grown a little more comfortable with the situation, after having Jennie explain it to her. 

"You're actually taking it much better than expected, Jisoo babe."

Jisoo lay down on the mattress, satisfied with its quality.

"Well duh. I think I've always had a feeling that something like this was gonna happen."

"Also, I'm not some damsel in distress. I can handle myself, damn it."

Jennie flashed a toothy grin, seating herself next to Jisoo and kissing her on the forehead, with Jisoo beginning to squirm and laugh underneath her. 

"That's why I love you so ing much."

Jisoo covered Jennie's mouth, flipping her around and placing her forehead on Jennie's.

"Just shut up and kiss me."


Wendy leaned by the cafe door, her arms folded, looking out for any potential threats that were lingering outside. She was growing restless, fidgeting at every little movement she saw outside. Irene had drawn the curtains on the large window by the entrance to avoid any unwanted attention, but Wendy couldn't help but peek outside every once in a while.

Irene saw this, of course. She frowned, not used to seeing Wendy being as panicky as she currently was. She approached her, tapping Wendy lightly on the shoulder, which had the shorter girl jolting at the sudden physical contact.

"What are you doing?"

Wendy ignored Irene briefly, taking one last look outside the window before closing the curtain for good. She put her hand on her chest and let out a sigh of relief.

"I was just checking to make sure there was no one hanging around. I want to go out and see Yerim, and I don't need anybody following me when I do."

"Ah, I see."

Wendy started to fidget again, her thumbs twiddling against each other. Irene felt herself getting a little annoyed by Wendy's constant movement, so she wrapped her hands around Wendy's to make sure that they stopped moving. She heard Wendy's breath hitch a little. 

"I've never seen you this distressed before. What's wrong?"

Wendy avoided eye contact, choosing to look down at Irene's stiletto heels instead. She was biting her lip, pondering in her mind if she should ask Irene to-

"Can I come with you?"

That made things much easier. Wendy's head snapped up, an eager nod following shortly afterward. Irene had no idea how much she had relieved Wendy by asking that question. 

"Of course!" She seemed a little too happy at the moment, so Wendy toned it down a little right away, clearing and regaining her composure. Irene had to hide a snigger, Wendy looked adorable trying to act all serious when she was as high as a kite.

"Let's leave through the back. Sooyoung can guard the place."

Wendy nodded, going on ahead to the exit, her feet moving a little quicker than usual. She was obviously very excited, even Sooyoung could tell. So, she grabbed Irene's wrist as she walked by, halting the older girl in her tracks.

"Yes, Sooyoung?"

The tall one put down her drink, looking down the hallway to see if Wendy was around. After confirming she wasn't, a smile grew across her face, one she tried to hide by taking a sip from the coffee prepared by Irene. 

"She likes you, Irene. A lot. Don't screw this up."

Sooyoung let go of Irene's wrist, going back to managing the paperwork that Wendy and herself had been tasked to do, as if she hadn't given Irene one the vaguest messages one could possibly conjure. Irene wasn't an idiot, however, so she just smiled.

"I'll try."

She left the cafe, leaving Sooyoung behind to guard it. She could trust Sooyoung to do that, and in case anything went wrong, Jennie was in the Datahouse too, so Irene felt safe about leaving the cafe in their hands. Wendy certainly did too, since she was already in her car, tapping away impatiently on the steering wheel.

Irene climbed into the passenger seat, giving Wendy a warm smile as she put on her seatbelt.

"Well, take me then."

Wendy started the engine.


"An anti-clockwise moment is equal to a clockwise moment when it is in equilibrium, right?"

Yeri pouted, flipping through her physics textbook, finding difficulty in a particular question she was doing in her assessment book. Her school year was coming to an end, and because of that, teachers were piling as much homework as possible onto them, which is why Yeri found herself figuring out the principles of moments from the afternoon all the way till midnight.

"I wish sis was here to help me, she was always good at physics..." Yeri groaned, rolling off her bed and landing with a soft thud on the floor, admiring the many stickers of stars that littered her ceiling. She giggled when she remembered how much Wendy had struggled to put those up for her, even the ladder proving too short to help her arms reach the top of the room. 

"Maybe I should get sis high heels for Christmas!" Yeri laughed to herself at the thought. She eagerly ran to the calendar in her room, taking a pen and writing the words 'High heels for sister' on the December 25th column, a gleeful smile growing when she finished it. Only four more days!! She tumbled back on her bed, her mood now lifted a little, and she even thought she could finish all her physics by today.

Then, the sounds of keys rustling came at the door, and Yeri was off her bed again, running towards the front door and bouncing up and down eagerly.

"Sis is home! Sis is home!"


"Alright, I have to warn you that my sister is a little hyperactive, but she's a total sweetheart. You'll love her."

Irene chuckled, her hand covering her lips. 

"I know."

"You know?"

Irene remained mute, not answering Wendy's question, which had Wendy's suspicion growing. She let it go quickly though, opening her apartment door and seeing Yeri practically leap onto her, a pair of little arms wrapped around Wendy's tiny waist, yelling incoherent sounds of excitement and happiness. Wendy couldn't help but yell along, ruffling her nose into Yeri's hair.

"Aigoo you little sweetheart, how are you?"

"No good sis. Physics is KILLING me!" Yeri pointed at the pile of books on her bed, and Wendy only laughed. 

"Physics? No problem at all, sis will help you." Wendy headed to Yeri's bedroom, seeing what work Yeri still had left to do.

Yeri clapped her hands, delighted that she would finally get some help with her homework so she could sleep earlier. In her moment of blind joy, she didn't see Irene, who had been standing by the doorway the entire time. 

"Yah! You little rascal! Did you forget me?"

There was another loud squeal, which had Wendy piling out the room, wondering what was going on. She was surprised to see Yeri hugging Irene just as tight as she had been hugging Wendy earlier, with Irene happily cackling away with Yeri's newfound burst of energy. To say she was confused would be an understatement. 

"What the? How do you know her, Yeri-ah?"

Yerim pulled away from Irene a little, a very toothy smile still present.

"Miss Irene here was accompanying me every time at school when you were off at work sis!! I know you told me not to speak to strangers but she was just so nice! She bought me ice cream sis! And she saved my life too!"

Wendy raised her eyebrow at Irene, who let out a chuckle.

"I'll explain later. For now, can we help Yerim here with her homework?" Yeri nodded eagerly with Irene's comment, rushing over to the front door and locking it before grabbing Irene and Wendy's hands and dragging them to her room.

"Come on~! My diagram isn't going to find out how much force is being applied to it by itself!"

Wendy and Irene shared a smile as they let Yeri drag them into the world of science.


"Yup, if the angle of incidence is larger than the critical angle, it'll be total internal reflection."

Yeri, despite her nodding, couldn't hide from Wendy that she was about to fall asleep. She had been doing her work all day without a break, so it was no surprise that Yeri was about to be out cold. Seeing this, Wendy closed the book, taking it away from Yeri who just put her head on the bed, mumbling a "Thanks sis..." before drifting off to sleep. 

Irene was sitting by Yeri's study table, where she should have been doing her work but she found her bed much more comfortable. She watched as Wendy tucked Yeri into bed, kissing her on the forehead and turning off the lights before she turned to Irene.

"Get out and sit in the living room. Let's talk."

Irene couldn't quite read Wendy's facial expression due to the darkness, but the lack of the usual high pitch in her voice probably wasn't a good thing. She followed through with Wendy's request though, joining her by the living room sofa. It was dark still, but the light from the moon in the sky illuminated the room a little bit, enough for Irene to see Wendy's face at least.

Irene made herself comfortable before turning to Wendy, whose facial expression was blank, unreadable.

"Okay, what do you want me to explain first?"

Wendy put her hand by Irene's, gripping it gently. This surprised Irene, as Wendy never initiated contact often, if at all.

"Firstly, how did you get to know Yeri?"


"I hope sis is okay..."

Yeri was pouting, kicking several rocks by the pathway she was walking at, thinking about her sister, who was currently resting at home after falling very ill. This new case she was on, it seemed to be really tricky, since Wendy was often outside of home and didn't get home till late. Now, she had fallen sick, and Yeri had to go to school by herself for what looked like the next few days. 

Yeri wandered, her mind filled with thoughts of her sister, so much so that she wasn't even looking where she was going. It wasn't until she heard a blaring horn right beside her that she realized that she had stumbled onto the road, and there was a car coming right towards her.

"Watch out!"

Yeri felt a strong pair of arms grip around her, and soon she was back on the pavement, with a person breathing heavily above her. She slowly opened her eyes that she had closed when she saw the car oncoming, and there was a very pretty lady looking on above her, panting heavily. Yeri could practically hear the lady's heart beating against her chest.

"Are you okay, Miss?"

Yeri felt a flick on her forehead, yelping at the sharp pain inflicted upon her. The lady helped Yeri to her feet, brushing off the dirt and little stones that had found their way on Yeri's clothes. She didn't get any injuries thankfully, the pavement had recently been refurbished so it wasn't rough. Yeri watched as this lady now took a deep breath before turning back to her.

"Where were you going little one?"

Yeri giggled.

"You're quite short too Miss, so don't call me little one."

The lady gave a loud tut, but she also laughed along with Yeri, though she had to give Yeri a playful little nudge as retaliation. 

"You want ice cream? That must have been quite traumatizing for you."

The lady pointed at a nearby ice cream vendor, who was a few feet away from where Yeri had just been saved.

Yeri's face brightened up. Filled with childish glee, Yeri blurted out her favorite flavor to the lady, who nodded and took Yeri along with her. 

The ice cream vendor took Yeri's order, serving the ice cream cone to her. However, when the lady tried to pay for it, the ice cream vendor refused, pushing her money back towards her. The lady was confused, judging by her eyebrows that had come knitted together.

"Goodness, you can have this one for free! You saved that girl! Tell you what, anytime you two want ice cream, come by here. I will give you as much as ice cream as you could possibly want, free of charge."

Yeri heard the lady speak for the first time, with a very pretty smile on her face.

"Thank you so much sir!"

Yeri was clapping her hands, delighted after hearing that she would be getting free ice cream for the rest of her life, at least that's what she thought. She hugged the lady, who seemed rather taken aback at the affectionate gesture.

"You remind me just of my sister, a hero!"

The lady kneeled down a little to get to Yeri's eye level, ruffling her hair as she smiled. 

"Now where is this sister of yours? Shouldn't she be seeing you to school at least? Especially if she's such a hero."

Yeri's smile then turned to a frown, going back to looking at the rocks on the ground and kicking them around. The lady's facial expression changed, suddenly becoming apologetic. 

"I'm sorry if I offended you, I was just wondering."

Yeri waved off the lady's apology, grabbing her hand all of a sudden and pulling her towards the direction of her school. She wanted company from someone to her school, and this lady seemed to be the perfect substitute for her sister. Even though she could hear Wendy yelling in her head for talking to strangers, she ignored it. She had a good feeling about this lady.

"Sister is a police officer. She's really sick so she can't see me to school these next few days. Normally she does though, but this case she's working on has her near worked to death."

The lady raised an eyebrow, her head bopping a little as she heard Yeri's explanation. 

"I see... what's your sister's name?"


The lady's facial expression went still for a second before going back to normal after Yeri had tugged on her sleeve.

"Miss, can you see me to school today? And for the next few days? I feel safe with you."

The lady smiled.

"Of course. And please, call me Irene."


"And that's how I met her, and how I found out about you. I wanted to help you out a little."

Wendy was feeling many things at the moment. She was appalled that Yeri had never told her she had nearly got run over, she was furious Yeri rebelled against her and got so friendly with a stranger, and she was also mad at Irene for not telling her. But, she was also eternally grateful for Irene saving Yeri's life, and if it wasn't for Yeri getting to close with her, she might never have met Irene.

Irene leaned in a little closer to Wendy, who wasn't moving or saying anything. She was a little worried.

"Uhh, Wendy? Look, I can understand if you're mad, but-"

Wendy placed a quick, chaste kiss on Irene's lips. 

Irene's eyes went wide, her hand jolting to her lips where, just for a split second, Wendy's own had been on. She looked across her and, even in the darkness, Irene could see Wendy's embarrassment. 


Wendy leaned forward again, kissing Irene again, this time staying longer, letting Irene's lips melt into her own. 

She pulled away, ever so slightly, to say the words she had been wanting to say for a long time.

"Bae Irene, I don't care who you are, who you are related to, or what you are hiding for me. You're a woman of mystery, and there's so much I still don't know about you. But I don't care, despite all that..."

"I love you."

Irene gave no reply initially, her eyes just blinking. Once. Twice.

"I know, and I love you too."

"You complete me, Son Wendy. You make me who I am. You make me better."

"Be mine, Wendy."

The two pressed their lips together again. This time, they stayed.

It was a beautiful night.

For the two of them.


Sooyoung sat by herself on one of the tables in the Lady's Room, sipping some coffee she had made by herself. She was done with all the paperwork, and now she was just waiting for Irene and Wendy to return. It was already getting really late, near 2 am, and there was no sign of them.

"Where could they be?" 

The streets were quiet, which was quite odd for considering they were in New York, the city that really never slept. She decided to have a look outside, figure out what was going on.

She barely got out her seat when the front door opened with a bang, shards of glass and pieces of metal and brick flying everywhere.


Sooyoung pulled out her gun, ready to open fire on whoever had decided to make such a dramatic entrance, but someone had beaten her to it.

She felt a sharp pain in her abdomen. Blood began spilling out of her.

She had been shot.

"Search the place! The has to be in here somewhere!"

As she slowly collapsed to the ground, she saw Sehun, along with a group of other men, bust into the cafe, flipping tables and counters, no doubt trying to find Jennie and Jisoo.

Sehun, the one who opened fire, walked to Sooyoung and laughed, kicking her in the face, sending a gush of blood flying out of Sooyoung's mouth.

"Oh greenhorn, you shouldn't have messed with things out of your league. Now, you're going to die here, slowly, all by yourself, because you ed with the wrong person."

"Kang Seulgi is not to be messed with."



Author Notes:

Till next time...





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Chapter 1: Kira-kira siapa pembunuhnya
Sepertinya menarik
Chapter 27: gash, i just finished the story and im out here crying.. there was so many plot twists that i just had to keep reading til the end. absolutely love the whole flow of the story, its tragic yet it makes sense that living a happy life for wenrene wouldn’t be that easy. for some reason, irene’s death becomes such a lesson for seulgi yet its so unfair to seungwan:( when joy betrayed seungwan, i was so shocked, i thought that was the end and i was hoping for her to shoot seulgi and thank God i was right. it was such a rollercoaster, as much as i wanted irene to survive the shot, i think her death meant a lot. its heartbreaking to think of how much irene has gone through when all she wanted was to live a normal life:( i think its pretty obvious how much this fic has affected me so kudos authornim! looking forward to the continuation of “life will change”. :)
Wen_thusiast #4
Chapter 27: Thank you for this amazing story. I'm glad I found this. I had a great cry after a really long time 🤧
Wen_thusiast #5
Chapter 14: Wait what, joy??
Damn this fic just broke my heart more than my gf 🥺😢😭
Chapter 27: Ouch...(╥ - ╥) that was a roller coaster ride.
hangryeats #8
Chapter 28: This was a really engaging read, i need more detective son and park
yulsparkles #9
Chapter 27: Why I found out about this story just now???? Loved ittttt!!!!!!
Favebolous 14 streak #10
Chapter 28: where is your new story?