Phase 2: Six

Just Who Are You?

A moving truck sat outside an apartment building in New York. Boxes were being lifted inside it by policemen, all moving very quickly and efficiently. The boxes belonged to a certain high-ranking officer within the police force. She was watching by her apartment window, smoking a cigarette, content with the progress that her lackeys were making. There was a tap on her shoulder, a very anxious old man twiddling his fingers. He was the head honcho of the police force, the commanding officer, and now he was helping Kang Seulgi move to another state.

"Things are moving quickly, Kang. If everything stays the same, we should be able to get you to Chicago by Christmas. For now, you can stay at a safe house that we set up for you."

Seulgi smiled at the man that she now had around her finger. She had done her part in the deal they had set up years back, and now, she was scot-free. She passed her badge to the man in front of her, tossing it like a worthless piece of garbage. The man scrambled to the floor to pick it up, a scene akin to a beggar chasing a loose coin on the floor. It was frankly pathetic.

"I cannot believe you all had me under your palm for that long. You all even had me scared, as if I was actually an officer under your control. Hilarious."

"We all know the mafia is the one who really runs this town, has been that way for a long time."

The C.O. could only sigh, ceding defeat to Kang Seulgi. He had tried his best, he really did, and he had come so close.

"You did well though, managing to get me to sign that contract. What was it, immunity in exchange for halting our activities? As if that was going to happen."

"But, you still managed to catch me red-handed for one of my many, many murders. Murders that would normally go unnoticed. For that, I will commend you, Lee Soo Man. And since I respect you, I will make sure you get to live out the rest of your life. I make that promise as the second-in-command of the Kang Clan."

Seulgi turned back to looking outside the window, observing the last few boxes of her items being lifted into a truck, while Lee Soo Man just stood there, basking in his own defeat, as control over his beloved New York City began to crumble once again. He took off his spectacles, pondering his next offensive move, wondering if there was any other offensive move that he could come up with.

"What about your sister?"

Seulgi heaved a sigh, dropping her cigarette to the floor and stomping the fire out a little sadly. She relit another one soon after.

"Irene? She's the only thing I love in this goddamn city. Heck, I even gave her a cafe so she could live that normal life she kept raving on about. And I just destroyed it yesterday..."

Her lips began to quiver as she thought about Irene. She really missed her, but ever since Seulgi had been caught, she had been so caught up with the work that the police were forcing her to do that she had no time to spend with her sister. Eventually, they drifted apart...

"I want her to come with me."


Wendy was marching through the streets of New York, her steps quick and hasty, her teeth sinking into her lips. She was angry. She was operating on the mere thought of ripping out Seulgi's scalp. The intersection leading to her apartment was right across the intersection Wendy was currently standing at. In just a few steps Wendy would be at the front door of Seulgi's apartment, ready to possibly get in a gunfight, when she felt a tap on her shoulder.

She turned and saw Lee Soo Man, the man she only saw once a year during the NYPD's Annual Dinner. He was the head honcho, the one who ran everything. Yet here he was, standing by an intersection in a dress shirt and a pair of jeans, and looking awfully tired. 

"Mr. Lee? To what do I owe this pleasure?"

Soo Man gave Wendy a look. A look of desperation, of anxiety, a look Wendy would never have associated with the man that was in charge of the NYPD. 

Or the man she thought was in charge of the NYPD.

"Listen, Miss Son. I know who you are. You are an amazing detective, simply outstanding, which is why I wanted you back in the Vice job again. I apologize for that by the way, I know how disturbed you were after the initial stint."

Wendy gave a somber nod.

"I saw things on that job Mr. Lee, things I would never want to see again. I saw just how disgusting mankind can be. Children being sold for cash, humans being treated like toys, it was a difficult job. One I couldn't do."

Soo Man sighed, grabbing Wendy by the shoulder and giving it a reassuring squeeze.

"You're a good person, Detective Son. You care about human life, you care about basic human decency and doing what's right. You care about justice."

"Which is why I need your help of taking down the power that defies your morales. I need your help in taking down Kang Seulgi, our national hero."

Wendy's jaw dropped. Take down Kang Seulgi? Lee Soo Man knew about who Seulgi truly was? About the monster that was hiding underneath that facade of a noble, law-abiding, people serving police officer? If that was the case...

"If you know who she really is, why did you keep her on the force? Why go against that moral code you just told me about?"

Soo Man sighed, rubbing his forehead, stressed out at the events of today. 

"Look, I'm not going to bother asking how you know about the menace Seulgi is, because that definitely involved illegal activity. Get in my car and we can talk on the way, I have a place to visit."

"And where might that be?"

"The Lady's Room."


Wendy felt every blood vessel in her body freeze.

"What business do you have at the Lady's Room?"

Soo Man turned back to Wendy. He dug in his pocket and pulled out his phone and showed a picture of a woman Wendy knew very, very well.

"That cafe belongs to Kang Irene, Seulgi's sister. I know she has an entire Datahouse underneath there, I provide all the intel for her. She works with me."

Wendy felt as though her mind had imploded in a volcano eruption. Irene worked with the police? And she was...

"Kang Irene?"

Soo Man grabbed Wendy's wrist and dragged her ragdoll of a body to his car.

"I'll explain on the ride over. Buckle up."


"So, this had to happen huh..."

Irene stared at the ruins of her cafe, the cafe that had been her best friend for the good part of a year. She rubbed her finger on the broken tables and chairs that she had so lovingly picked out by herself at IKEA. She smiled sadly at the memories, the childlike happiness she had when she was looking through the catalog. It was the best year of her life.

Till her of a sister ruined it.

Irene stared at the bullet holes and blood stains littered around her haven, feeling as though she had been shot herself. The pain was just as bad. She pulled up one of the chairs that was still okay and sat on it, looking around lovingly at her cafe. Her pride and joy. 

"The one thing Kang Seulgi managed to do right."

"What a sister right?"

Irene whipped her head towards what was the entrance to the Lady's Room and saw Wendy standing there, a smile on her face. Behind her stood the man Irene had been working in secret with the last few years, Lee Soo Man. To say she was shocked would have been an understatement.

"Wendy... you know about-" 

"Everything. Mr. Lee told me every little detail on the way here."

Wendy approached Irene and engulfed her in a hug, her action going against every possible reaction that Irene thought Wendy would have had if she ever found out about this news.

"Shouldn't you... hate me? I'm sisters with that absolute monster, Wendy... you should hate me."

Wendy pressed her finger on Irene's lips, shaking her head, a delicate smile growing on her face.

"Right there. You just called her a monster. You're on our side, Irene. Who you were, I don't care about that. I care about who you are now."

"The woman I fell in love with, Bae Irene."

For the first time in years, Irene cried. 

Not tears of sadness either, but tears of joy.

"Thank you, Wendy, thank you so much..."

Soo Man smiled as she watched the two strongest women he knew kiss. It reminded him of what he was fighting for, why he wanted to become a police officer in the first place.

"Yeah... we are taking you down, Kang Seulgi."






Author Notes:

Well that confirms it, Seulgi and Irene are sisters, and the question of who they really are is almost answered :)

Till next time folks!








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Chapter 1: Kira-kira siapa pembunuhnya
Sepertinya menarik
Chapter 27: gash, i just finished the story and im out here crying.. there was so many plot twists that i just had to keep reading til the end. absolutely love the whole flow of the story, its tragic yet it makes sense that living a happy life for wenrene wouldn’t be that easy. for some reason, irene’s death becomes such a lesson for seulgi yet its so unfair to seungwan:( when joy betrayed seungwan, i was so shocked, i thought that was the end and i was hoping for her to shoot seulgi and thank God i was right. it was such a rollercoaster, as much as i wanted irene to survive the shot, i think her death meant a lot. its heartbreaking to think of how much irene has gone through when all she wanted was to live a normal life:( i think its pretty obvious how much this fic has affected me so kudos authornim! looking forward to the continuation of “life will change”. :)
Wen_thusiast #4
Chapter 27: Thank you for this amazing story. I'm glad I found this. I had a great cry after a really long time 🤧
Wen_thusiast #5
Chapter 14: Wait what, joy??
Damn this fic just broke my heart more than my gf 🥺😢😭
Chapter 27: Ouch...(╥ - ╥) that was a roller coaster ride.
hangryeats #8
Chapter 28: This was a really engaging read, i need more detective son and park
yulsparkles #9
Chapter 27: Why I found out about this story just now???? Loved ittttt!!!!!!
Favebolous 14 streak #10
Chapter 28: where is your new story?