Just Who Are You?

Hush little one.

"It will be over soon..."


"So much for no press, right?"

Wendy let herself be hit by the newspaper. She deserved this one. •

"I'm never asking Sehun to deal with media ever again..."

Seulgi paced around the office, counting to up to ten laps before she sat back down in her chair, table buried with files and reports on the victims, trying to find something even remotely similar between them. The trash can, overflowing with Starbucks and McDonalds, quick meals Seulgi could only afford during this time. Wendy almost felt bad for her.

"Head to the Morgue. You know what to do." 

Wendy bowed as low as she could.

"Yes ma'am."

Wendy left the office, opening the door and allowing someone else to enter, not paying much attention to the figure that brushed past her, more focused on getting to The Morgue as quickly as possible.


New York was a mess. 

Everywhere you went, from clothing shops to gyms, there were warnings. The 'Alleyway Murders'. Some were already claiming it was Jack The Ripper incarnate. That was total bull to Wendy. For one, Jack The Ripper was no quite so clean. Wendy much preferred dealing with an almost immaculate body as compared to one with half its guts missing. However, the only women murder was similar, though they were not ladies of the night like Jack The Ripper's case.

"Perhaps the killer was inspired by him..." Wendy pulled out her beat up notepad, worn from almost a year of use. She stood outside the NYPD building, catching sight of the dirty looks that civilians were giving them. It was fine, Wendy was used to it at this point.

"Possibly influenced by Jack The Ripper..."

Wendy knew it was nonsense. But she needed any lead she could get. With a trail as cold as ice, anything was useful.

The station was hardly any better either. The NYPD was in shambles. Crime rates going sky high, public growing even more uneasy as days of the killer roaming free continued to grow, it was not a good time to be a police officer.

Which is why Wendy was so surprised when she heard that she had a new officer joining her squad.

Squad Lucky Girl, a bad codename considering the victims of the case, was the least desired post in all of New York. From a team of three to Wendy alone, she lost both her squadmates in just a month, both not able to cope with the pressure of solving a case like this.

Wendy was intrigued. Seulgi had called her back to the office right when she was about to head to a patrol car. She took her time heading up, not really in the mood to meet a grumpy Seulgi. But when she heard the reason, her footsteps quickened a little.

"Wendy, this will be your new subordinate in Squad Lucky Girl. Park Sooyoung, greenhorn. Show her the ropes will ya?"

One blink.

Two blinks.

Wendy analysed Sooyoung on the spot. Tall, dark hair, extremely beautiful, arrogant grin, big bright eyes. Brilliant.

Wendy hated her already.

"You sent a rookie, a ROOKIE, to help me on the most puzzling case in America?" Wendy was less then pleased. 

"Looks like you could use any help you can get, not getting a single clue in a month is pretty awful."

Wendy turned to Sooyoung and gave a smile as sour as lime.

"Please shut the up, let the adults speak."

Sooyoung scoffed, blowing on her nails.


Seulgi snorted, finding the first meeting between Wendy and Sooyoung rather humorous. "Well, you two are stuck with each other now, like it or not. Wendy, she's following you to the Morgue."


"Can it oldie. Let's get out of here."

Wendy never hated someone so much in her life.

"I'm 24."

Sooyoung grinned, Wendy wanting to knock out every one of her annoyingly perfect white teeth. 


There was no point in arguing. Wendy just stormed out the office, a bemused Sooyoung trailing after her.

Seulgi could only sigh.

"For New York, please work together." 


Wendy had to admit, Sooyoung had a fantastic resume. 

Certified marksman, passed the police test in her first try. Just two of her many achievements in her short tenure in serving law and order. Wendy was impressed, but she would never show that she was.

"And how did I get stuck with you?" Wendy made a left, they were ten minutes away from the Morgue.

"Hell if I know."

Wendy exhaled. She decided silence was the best way to continue the trip.


"We're here."

One of Wendy's least favourite places in the world. The Morgue. No matter how many times she came, the same feeling of dread and despair flooded her chest. Pile that feeling on top of the frustration her new obnoxious squad mate was putting on her, Wendy needed a smoke.

"You do cigarettes?"

Wendy put her lighter away, letting out a single breath.

"It helps me to destress." 

Sooyoung raised an eyebrow, as if she was mildly interested, before looking away to the direction of The Morgue.

"Dreary looking place isn't it?"

Wendy let out a second puff.

"You think so too?"

Sooyoung smirked. "Finally, something we have in common."

Wendy had to chuckle.

"And the fact we're stuck on this case too, don't forget."

"I'm not too worried about that. We'll find something. Well, I'll find something." 

Wendy threw her cigaratte to the floor and stomped it out, not finishing. "Your arrogance is infuriating."

"Confidence, Wendy."

Wendy rolled her eyes. 

"Let's get a move on. I don't want to stay here a second longer than I have to."

"Because of me?"

Wendy stopped in her tracks.

"Don't make it the reason. I want to like you."

Sooyoung froze for a split second, but regained her composure very quickly. 

"Yes... ma'am."


"Anything new?" 

That look on Siwon's face already gave the Wendy the exact answer she didn't want.

"Nothing. The same as the last two victims, almost perfect other than those 3 holes in their body. No sign of blood smudges, fingerprints or any of the sort."

Wendy put her hand on her chin. "Identity? Has her family been informed?"

"Jessica Jung, her sister is currently in Korea. Orphans."

Wendy slammed her fist on the table, her teeth gritted.


Sensing danger, Siwon bowed and headed back to Jessica's body. 

However, instead of keeping quiet, Sooyoung raised her eyebrow once more, now really interested.

"Are you perhaps..."

Wendy turned to Sooyoung, turning her gritted teeth into a very forced smile.

"I can see why you're in the force. Yes I'm an orphan. And I have a sister."

Sooyoung's mouth made an O, her head bowing down a little.

"I'm sorry."

Wendy now had a real smile on her face.

"Maybe you aren't so bad after all."

The two shared a look. 

"Plus two relationship points. I like you a little more now, old timer."

Wendy laughed.

"Never mind, I retract my statement."

Sooyoung kept her smile.

"I don't retract mine."


"So nothing again?"

Wendy and Sooyoung shook their heads. Seulgi groaned.

"This is way too cold a trail... no witnesses, cameras didn't get anything..."

Sooyoung suddenly lunged forward, putting her hands on Seulgi's desk.


"Get me access to every camera in the area of the murders. All three."

"The cameras didn't get anything."

"Because I wasn't the one analysing them."

Wendy cocked an eyebrow. She looked at Seulgi, who looked like she was at a loss of words.

"Give me ten minutes."

Sooyoung patted Wendy on the shoulder, something on her face that hadn't been seen on anyone's face in the NYPD Station for a month. 

A smile.

"You look like you've solved the case already."

"I pretty much have."

Wendy sighed.


Sooyoung shrugged.

"Guess so."

Wendy shook her head.

"You won't get anything, I've already tried."

"Watch me."

Seulgi just finished the call she was making, a hint of optimism in her voice when she spoke up.

"Be down at the surveillance department in five. Show me something Officer Park."

Sooyoung nodded. 

"This is all mine old timer, take a break. Looks like you need it."

Wendy was about to argue. But when her phone had a text message pop up, she changed her mind.

"Thank you."

With a few clacks of heels, Sooyoung was gone.

Wendy looked down at her phone, giving a look to Seulgi that only she recognised.



Young females were in a large state of panic, at any time, night or day, rise or shine. Numbers of youthful girls walking the streets had dropped significantly since last time, and parents and the like were doing their best to prevent anything from happening to their daughters of sisters.

 Wendy was no different.


Shoulder length blonde hair and sinfully bright eyes came running towards her, followed by a backbreaking hug.

"Call me Katy here sis! I don't want anyone else to know my Korean name except for you!"

Wendy nodded, laying a kiss on Katy's forehead, returned with double the force.

Wendy's pride and joy. Her younger sister, Katy, or fondly remembered as Yerim by her older sister. The only thing Wendy's parents had left her, and the thing she was most grateful for.

"How was school today you little rascal?" Wendy ruffled her little sister's hair, laughing at the way her tiny fluffball tried to swat away her hands.

"I missed you sis." 

"As usual." Wendy grinned affectionately at Yeri, who snuggled her face into Wendy's chest. "Yah, when are you going to grow taller? You're nearly 15 you know."

"You're one to talk! You haven't grown since you were 13!"

Katy squealed as Wendy pinched her cheeks, "Aigoo since when did you get a such a sharp tongue~"

Katy stuck her tongue out and put a finger on it. "Ouch!"

Wendy laughed out loud, her boisterous laugh capturing looks from everybody else in the vicinity.

"Thank you for helping me keep smiling Yerim."

"Do I get ice cream for that?"

Wendy smiled even more.

"Of course."



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Chapter 1: Kira-kira siapa pembunuhnya
Sepertinya menarik
Chapter 27: gash, i just finished the story and im out here crying.. there was so many plot twists that i just had to keep reading til the end. absolutely love the whole flow of the story, its tragic yet it makes sense that living a happy life for wenrene wouldn’t be that easy. for some reason, irene’s death becomes such a lesson for seulgi yet its so unfair to seungwan:( when joy betrayed seungwan, i was so shocked, i thought that was the end and i was hoping for her to shoot seulgi and thank God i was right. it was such a rollercoaster, as much as i wanted irene to survive the shot, i think her death meant a lot. its heartbreaking to think of how much irene has gone through when all she wanted was to live a normal life:( i think its pretty obvious how much this fic has affected me so kudos authornim! looking forward to the continuation of “life will change”. :)
Wen_thusiast #4
Chapter 27: Thank you for this amazing story. I'm glad I found this. I had a great cry after a really long time 🤧
Wen_thusiast #5
Chapter 14: Wait what, joy??
Damn this fic just broke my heart more than my gf 🥺😢😭
Chapter 27: Ouch...(╥ - ╥) that was a roller coaster ride.
hangryeats #8
Chapter 28: This was a really engaging read, i need more detective son and park
yulsparkles #9
Chapter 27: Why I found out about this story just now???? Loved ittttt!!!!!!
Favebolous 14 streak #10
Chapter 28: where is your new story?