Phase 2: One

Just Who Are You?



New York was peaceful. 


That was a statement that could not have been made just a few weeks ago. 


But after the written confession by the Alleyway Killer, everyone was at ease.


Everyone except for these three. 


If anything, things only became more hectic for them. 








"Things are safe now sis?"

Wendy paused momentarily in her tracks. She looked into the innocent eyes of Yerim, beaming at the false hope that the media had given the citizens of New York, Yerim included. Honestly, Wendy wanted to scoff at the idea, tell Yerim that danger still existed, and it was more frightening than whatever Yerim could imagine.

"Yes, sweetie. Everything is okay now."

She was a very good liar.

Picking up her sister from school still remained a necessity, despite how busy Wendy was as of late. She had rejoined the force, by force ironically enough. It was needed if their plan was to succeed, and their plan had to succeed.

"Hmm... so I hope you won't be smoking anymore? It was stressful, that's why you smoked, right? Now you will be healthy right?"

It was at moments like this that Wendy realized why she was doing what she did. To see that sweet smile on her sister's face every day. 

"Yes baby, I won't smoke anymore."

Yerim smiled in satisfaction. She pressed the button to the elevator that would take her home, a little pep in her step as she waited. 

"Christmas is coming soon sis! Only one more week!"

Wendy smiled, nuzzling her nose in Yerim's hair. Christmas, right. She had nearly forgotten about it. 

"Yes, and I promise this Christmas will be one you will never forget."

Yerim smiled, jumping a little when she heard the familiar ding of the elevator. 

"Okay sis, I have to catch a show! See you!"

Wendy laughed, giving her younger sister a soft kiss on her forehead, waving her goodbye as the doors closed on the small figure inside. 

As soon as the doors closed, Wendy took out her lighter, lighting up a stick and putting it in . 

"Sorry, Yerim-ah..."

She stepped outside to the taxi stand, not wanting to pollute the inside of the building with smoke. She took a puff. 

"Deja Vu."

Wendy smiled, taking the cigarette out , hearing the clacking of heels that only belonged to one person. 

Someone short in stature, even stiletto heels couldn't hide that.

"The same scene, but this feels different."

"Oh yeah?"

Wendy felt Irene's hand wrap around her own. There, the butterflies in her stomach came fluttering. 


Wendy nodded. 

"More than ever."



"Welcome back, Detective Park and Detective Son!"

The entire station burst into applause, a blue sea of uniforms clapping, beaming at the return of their two ace detectives. All a pretense, Wendy knew that right off the bat. Just a show that one person had planned. 

"Speak of the Devil."

Standing right in the middle of the crowd, applause louder and smile wider than anybody else's. As frustrating as it was to Wendy, it almost looked sincere. If she was going to go to such lengths to pretend, Wendy didn't mind playing along to it either. 

"Thank you!" She gave a ninety-degree bow, her hand over her left , where her badge rested. Sooyoung followed suit, though she remained silent throughout the ordeal. 

"The return of our two best detectives," Seulgi marched over to the duo, proudly patting them on their shoulders, that smile still plastered on her face. She looked much better now. Gone were the wrinkles and messy hair that were brought about because of the stress the case had brought her. Wendy could feel bile rising in her stomach, especially after seeing the spanking new badge on Seulgi's chest, highlighting her new rank in the police hierarchy.  

"Glad to be back, Captain. Thanks for having us. Your work in convicting the killer was marvelous."

Wendy could see Sooyoung fidget in her peripheral. 

Seulgi beamed even more, her shoulders giving an arrogant shrug. 

"She came clean herself and even took her own life to pay for her sins. That takes courage. Even if she committed some heinous crimes, I do hope God can find it in Himself to show her some mercy."

The whole station burst into applause once again, moved by the kind and benevolent Kang Seulgi. Wendy needed a bathroom, she felt sick.

"I hope so too. Well, Sooyoung and I have paperwork to do, so allow us to get started."

"Of course!"

Wendy gave another bow and grabbed the silent Sooyoung by the hand, dragging her to the office that they now shared. Sooyoung had taken over Wendy's office, given to the Head Detective. Now that Wendy was back, they both decided to share it, and of course, the oh so kind Kang Seulgi allowed it. 

"All of America sees her as a hero now. It's ing disgusting."

Wendy locked the door to their office, rubbing her hand on the back of a fuming Sooyoung. The much taller girl sank into her chair, chugging a shot of vodka that was new to her desk. Wendy crinkled her nose.

"You should stop drinking you know."

Sooyoung gave a dry chuckle, putting her feet on her table. 

"It helps me to cope. I just lost a friend to a demon, Wendy."

"But if you give up the cigarettes, I'll give up the drinks."

Wendy took out her lighter. 

"No can do."

Sooyoung laughed, pouring Wendy a glass, which she accepted. 

"Not quite the kind I like, but I could use some alcohol right now."

The ladies finished their drinks, noticing the buzz outside still. The chatter of the policemen was dying down a little, but passing comments on how it was such a relief the case was over still irked Wendy to no end. 

"Those poor fools. If only they knew."

"They will. After we do what we have to do."

Wendy dug into her bag, pulling out why they were even here in the first place. 

"How in the world are we getting this on her?" Wendy placed the mini camera Irene had given to her on their desk. All Wendy had to do was place it on the front of Seulgi's chest, but how was she going to do that?

" her ego a little. She's flaunting her badge so proudly on her chest, why not give it a nice polish?" Venom dripped from every word that Sooyoung spoke, and that scared Wendy a little. 

"Calm down a bit, I still want Joy, not just Sooyoung." Wendy cupped Sooyoung's cheeks in her hands, giving a motherly smile that temporarily melted the icy walls that Sooyoung had put around her.

"I'll be fine when justice is served." Sooyoung gave a sad smile, her eyes drifting away, no doubt thinking about Taeyeon.

"It wasn't your fault. Now sit tight while I go do what we have to do."

Sooyoung gave a firm nod, her eyes once again cold. 

"Don't think I'll save a glass for you, need to drink to settle all this paperwork crap."

Wendy chuckled, closing the door behind her as Sooyoung began to work on the mountain of desk work she had on her hands. The officers around her gave her a quick glance before scurrying off, their judgemental eyes obvious. She rolled her own eyes. She had already expected them to be like this, commenting about her, whispering about her behind her back, because she had ditched the case on her own terms. Vice, the top division in the police system, who wouldn't want to be promoted there?

"Me for damn sure..."

"What are you whispering to yourself about there, Wendy?"

Ah, there she was. Wendy spun on her heels and was met by a very smiley Seulgi, who offered her a cup of coffee. She accepted it with one hand, giving a slight bow as she did.

"Oh please stop doing that, we've known each other for ages already," Seulgi said, seemingly bashful.

"I have to respect this don't I?" Wendy tapped the new badge on Seulgi's chest, planting Irene's tiny camera as she did so. It was almost invisible, and that brought a smile to Wendy's face.

Seulgi waved Wendy off, slapping her arm lightly. 

"We're friends Wendy."

Friends. Wendy scoffed at the idea, but she hid her snarl behind the styrofoam cup full of instant coffee that Seulgi had given her. 

"Right. Anyways, thanks for the coffee, I was just about to get a cup myself actually."

"No problem."

Wendy immediately retracted back into her office, returning Seulgi's very smiley and enthusiastic wave with a fake smile.

Sooyoung witnessed the scene, amused.

"She's awful cheery huh?"

"Yup, and so am I. I got the camera on her," Wendy whispered, making sure that no one except Sooyoung could hear her. The taller girl smirked and poured a glass out for Wendy.

"Now help me with this damn paperwork!"


"Nice job girls."

Irene twirled around in her chair, fiddling with her pen while she waited for the camera feed to go online. There was a tiredness in Irene's eyes that had not been seen before, prevalent after not having Taeyeon be around her almost 24/7. Wendy was doing a great job helping her, always being there for her when she had time. But at times like this, when Wendy had to work, Irene began to feel her loneliness creep in.

"Who would have thought watching Kang Seulgi's life would be my primary source of entertainment?" Irene rolled her eyes.

"At least I don't have to see her face."

The camera feed , and Irene straightened up in her seat, her attention now on whatever Seulgi was up to.

"Oh, she's eating, like always. Pig." Irene had a smile light up her face for a fleeting moment before it disappeared again.

"Sorry, I meant ."

She kicked back in her chair once again, occupying herself with her pen once again, finding joy in it twisting around her fingers. A mundane action in her unfortunately busy life. Irene sighed.

"Can't even open my damn cafe..."

Irene wasn't looking to hire anyone for the vacant job position left in the Lady's Room, choosing instead to close the business for a time being, leading to some rather disappointed customers lurking around the entrance of the cafe. She couldn't do it, feeling a pain pang her heart every time she even looked at the counter at the front of the shop. Her one true friend in the madness of the world she was living in. 

"Oh, Taeyeon..." Irene held back her tears, glancing at the camera feed to see that Seulgi was still stuffing full of food. Her expression grew even sourer.

Irene pulled out her phone, making a call to Wendy to see what she was up to. She needed to hear Wendy's voice now, it helped soothe her mind.

The call was picked up on the third ring, amidst some rather loud laughter from who Irene recognized as Sooyoung.

"Having fun?" The older girl smirked, feeling much more at ease now that she was connected with those she trusts, and in Wendy's case, the one she loves, though she would never admit it.

"Uhhh... it'd be much more fun with you around!" Irene felt a blush grow on her cheeks. Wendy was always good with words.

"Sorry, you know I don't exactly want to leave the place right now... I can't even head back to my apartment."

"Wait, you have an apartment? I thought you lived at the cafe!" Wendy's chuckle burst through the speakers, and a vague "I thought she was homeless!" could be heard in the background. Irene rolled her eyes, though the smile was still stuck on her face.

"Dorks. Yeah, I have an apartment, but I don't want to go back. What are you guys doing anyway?"

"Lunch break, Sooyoung just bought a giant ball of cotton candy and I'm very upset because I'm not having lunch with you right now."

Irene's smile grew wider. She stood up from her chair and headed to her elevator, preparing to head up to her cafe.

"Well, looks like the Lady's Room will be open today, but only for 2 special guests. You have 5 minutes or I'm closing it for good."


The call was ended and Irene stood amused.



"Didn't appreciate that..."

Irene guffawed, seeing Sooyoung and Wendy panting and wheezing against the walls, Wendy looking particularly winded since she hadn't been doing any field work as of late.

"Getting... old... Wendy?" 

Wendy was too tired to bother with Sooyoung's comment, so she just sat down on an empty chair and tried to catch her breath.

Irene sat across Wendy, turning on her laptop and setting up the camera feed from Seulgi's feed.

"Still eating? Wow. Guess she never stopped being a glutton."

Wendy had finally gathered herself, kicking Sooyoung in the shin for her comment earlier on her age, and the taller girl was now hopping around the cafe and howling in pain.

"You seem to be real close with Seulgi huh?"

Irene's smile vanished, and she began typing something on her computer again, something she always did when she was upset. Wendy never bothered to see what she was typing, choosing to respect Irene's privacy. 

"Ah, sorry, didn't mean to upset you..."

Irene put her hand on Wendy's, giving it a gentle pat. 

"Don't worry babe, I'm not mad. What you want to know, you will know."

"In due time."



Author Notes:

Phase 2 has begun ;) the trio will now be trying to take down Seulgi and expose her deeds in case y'all haven't realized :P let's hope that they manage to serve their beloved justice yeah?

Oh and slight disclaimer, Wenrene aren't official yet. They know they both like each other but their too scared to confess it, since they never really let anyone into their lives before, they're afraid of what it could bring.

Oh and yes, most of the last few chapters occurred in the span of like 3 weeks. It's been crazy XD Christmas is rolling up for them soon.

Anyway, please leave a comment and subscribe! I'd really appreciate it :D










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Chapter 1: Kira-kira siapa pembunuhnya
Sepertinya menarik
Chapter 27: gash, i just finished the story and im out here crying.. there was so many plot twists that i just had to keep reading til the end. absolutely love the whole flow of the story, its tragic yet it makes sense that living a happy life for wenrene wouldn’t be that easy. for some reason, irene’s death becomes such a lesson for seulgi yet its so unfair to seungwan:( when joy betrayed seungwan, i was so shocked, i thought that was the end and i was hoping for her to shoot seulgi and thank God i was right. it was such a rollercoaster, as much as i wanted irene to survive the shot, i think her death meant a lot. its heartbreaking to think of how much irene has gone through when all she wanted was to live a normal life:( i think its pretty obvious how much this fic has affected me so kudos authornim! looking forward to the continuation of “life will change”. :)
Wen_thusiast #4
Chapter 27: Thank you for this amazing story. I'm glad I found this. I had a great cry after a really long time 🤧
Wen_thusiast #5
Chapter 14: Wait what, joy??
Damn this fic just broke my heart more than my gf 🥺😢😭
Chapter 27: Ouch...(╥ - ╥) that was a roller coaster ride.
hangryeats #8
Chapter 28: This was a really engaging read, i need more detective son and park
yulsparkles #9
Chapter 27: Why I found out about this story just now???? Loved ittttt!!!!!!
Favebolous 14 streak #10
Chapter 28: where is your new story?