Phase 2: Nine

Just Who Are You?

Irene stared blankly at the chair that Wendy had been sitting at just a few minutes prior. Her eyes were stinging from the tears that were residing within. She was really hoping that Wendy would have taken the sudden news well, but she knew she was hoping for too much. No one in the world would have been able to compute that much shocking information all at once, not unless they were totally emotionless, and that was the last thing Wendy was.

She sat there, playing with the pills that had spilled all over the table. Schizophrenia. It was the last thing she was expecting to contract, but she got it. The doctor told her that she had contracted it due to the amount of emotional stress she was going through at the time. After all, she had just snitched on her sister, the leader of one of the most powerful crimes families in the country. She had every right to be stressing out. 

The pills had kept her under control. She needed to take them every day, and she planned to do it until she died. She didn't want a relapse.

Especially after she met Wendy.

Soo Man re-entered the cafe, after his failed attempts of yelling at Wendy to tell her to come back. He took a seat next to Irene, giving her a pat on the shoulder. She just sighed, continuing to push her pills around the table, her mind now blank. 

"I messed up. I lost her."

Soo Man shook her head.

"No, you haven't. Just give her some time to breathe. Put yourself in her shoes. The love of her life turns out to be the serial killer she had been chasing the last few months, and the person she thought was the bad guy may turn out to not be so bad after all. You love her, and she definitely loves you, and that is more than enough. She'll be back."

Irene did not respond. She wanted to bask in the silence that the cafe provided, even in its ruined state. Soo Man was right, maybe all Wendy needed was some peace and quiet. She could do with some of that herself, just for a few hours. As long as nothing interrupted this, she would be okay.

"Seems like we've been here before~"

That was Wendy's phone. Irene looked through her bag and saw it was ringing. She must have stuffed it in her bag earlier when she got the call from Sooyoung. She expected it was Wendy calling her own phone to find out where it was, but it was someone totally unexpected.

"Lieutenant Kang..."

Soo Man jumped out his seat, putting a finger on his lip, signaling to Irene that she keep quiet. He picked up the call and put it on speaker, turning on the record function on his phone and recording the call.

"Son Wendy, my best detective. It's Lieutenant Kang here. I will be leaving New York very soon, I am transferring to a precinct in Chicago. I'd like to thank you for your service and your absolutely amazing abilities as a detective. You really are the best one I got."

Irene was relieved. Looks like Wendy was in the clear.

"So, detective. Let's see if you can deduce who this voice belongs to."


Irene felt every droplet of blood in her body freeze.

"Meet me at the roof of the precinct at midnight, alone, or you will never hear that voice again."

And with that, the line went dead.


Wendy was driving through the streets of the New York at breakneck speed. She borrowed Jennie's car, and was now breaking every speed limit on the street by at least 30 mph, and she was blowing every single red light in the district. She didn't care at all, her baby had been taken. Sooyoung was holding on for dear life next to her, clinging onto the grip above her head as she saw blurs of cars and obnoxiously loud car horns blaring by her ears.

She looked at Wendy. She had no expression on her face, every muscle on her face was relaxed. Oh dear god, Wendy was pissed. It was no use saying anything, so Sooyoung just closed her eyes and waited for the ride to be over.

At the speed Wendy was going at, they reached their destination very quickly. Wendy didn't waste any time. She didn't even wear her seatbelt beforehand because she wanted to be able to leave the car as quickly as possible. Without even turning off the engine, she exited the car, with Sooyoung following close behind, after turning off the engine. Gas was expensive.

Wendy busted into the cafe, ignoring Soo Man who was getting up to greet her and heading right towards Irene. The woman smiled when she saw Wendy, but that changed quickly when Wendy grabbed her by the collar and lifted her several feet up in the air.


Sooyoung pulled Wendy away from Irene, the older girl holding onto her chest, coughing and wheezing, trying to catch her breath. While Soo Man tended to the girl that had just nearly got strangled, Sooyoung was smacking some sense into Wendy, literally. 

"What the hell are you doing?!" Sooyoung yelled, hitting Wendy quite roughly against the head. Sooyoung knew she could handle Wendy physically any day of the week, which is why she was unfazed when Wendy tried to land a punch across her jaw, catching her fist rather easily.

"Do that one more time and I will break your arm."

Sooyoung wasn't playing around, and even in her blind state of rage, Wendy knew that. She straightened out her clothes and walked past Sooyoung, making sure to bump into the taller girl on purpose. Sooyoung just scoffed. She watched Wendy walk by the still wheezing Irene, not even bothering to apologize, and heading straight to Soo Man.

"Soo Man, send in a SWAT team at 11.59 pm, have the place surrounded. I'll go up myself and bring her down, or I'll push her down the building. Either way, she's reaching the first floor."

Now Soo Man hit Wendy's head.

"Are you crazy? She's still one of the highest ranking officers in the country! If I send in a SWAT team, she'll know, and it'll be your sister that's getting pushed off the building."

Sooyoung gasped.

"Bad move, sir."

Wendy felt something snap in her mind. She began yelling, screaming and shouting like she was possessed. She grabbed chairs and tables off the floor and started flinging them at the walls, breaking the furniture and sending pieces of wood and chips of cement everywhere. Off by the side, Irene could feel her heart breaking, seeing the two things she loved the most being destroyed in front of her. Her cafe, and Wendy.

"Stop! Wendy stop!"

Irene leaped forward, hugging Wendy tightly by the waist, preventing her from destroying another table. Wendy struggled, fighting against Irene's grip, her teeth gritted and body shaking.

"Let me go! Let me go!"

Irene only clung on even tighter.

"Stop! Wendy this isn't you! Stop! Please..."

Wendy's resistance slowly started to fade, as did her blind rage. She started to cry, tears dripping on the ruins of the furniture she stood above. Irene's grip loosened, and Wendy crumbled to her knees.

"Yeri... she took my Yeri..."

Irene kneeled down next to her, grabbing Wendy's tear ridden face and looking into her eyes.

"We'll get her back. I swear my life on it."



Author Notes:

Things are getting serious now.

Also this chapter was uploaded at 11.59pm in my timezone. So cool :P

Sorry for the slightly late update. The next one will be out very soon, I promise :D

Till next time~






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Chapter 1: Kira-kira siapa pembunuhnya
Sepertinya menarik
Chapter 27: gash, i just finished the story and im out here crying.. there was so many plot twists that i just had to keep reading til the end. absolutely love the whole flow of the story, its tragic yet it makes sense that living a happy life for wenrene wouldn’t be that easy. for some reason, irene’s death becomes such a lesson for seulgi yet its so unfair to seungwan:( when joy betrayed seungwan, i was so shocked, i thought that was the end and i was hoping for her to shoot seulgi and thank God i was right. it was such a rollercoaster, as much as i wanted irene to survive the shot, i think her death meant a lot. its heartbreaking to think of how much irene has gone through when all she wanted was to live a normal life:( i think its pretty obvious how much this fic has affected me so kudos authornim! looking forward to the continuation of “life will change”. :)
Wen_thusiast #4
Chapter 27: Thank you for this amazing story. I'm glad I found this. I had a great cry after a really long time 🤧
Wen_thusiast #5
Chapter 14: Wait what, joy??
Damn this fic just broke my heart more than my gf 🥺😢😭
Chapter 27: Ouch...(╥ - ╥) that was a roller coaster ride.
hangryeats #8
Chapter 28: This was a really engaging read, i need more detective son and park
yulsparkles #9
Chapter 27: Why I found out about this story just now???? Loved ittttt!!!!!!
Favebolous 14 streak #10
Chapter 28: where is your new story?