Crash And Burn.

Time To Love
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Inspired by-


Songs: If You’re Not The One, When I Am Holding You, You Are The Reason (duet), Unkiss Me,


Artists: Daniel Bedingfield, BtoB Hyunsik, Calum Scott, Maroon V,




“I don’t mean to push, but my curiosity is on the verge of eating me alive, Your Highness.” Mina speaks, tasting the foreign name on her tongue. She is walking alongside Dahyun after spending the break of dawn together. “How exactly did you end up in our University? It is hardly a top candidate for someone of high social ranking such as like yourself.”


They are heading towards the female dorm building, empty of students and any sign of life. It is still six o’clock in the morning after all. Taehyung is long gone, cautious of getting caught once again.


“It isn’t much of a sob story – nothing dramatic of the sort. I just wanted a refreshing breather per se; a taste of a mundane life.” Dahyun adjusts the bridge of her glasses using an index finger. “Taehyung attended a regular high school overseas and I have been jealous since. Life at the Palace is nowhere near the fairytale that movies make them out to be. It is bland and suffocating.”


“Sounds… unpleasant.” The older managed to whisper.


The Princess nods. “It is. It does not leave much room for self-discovery. Our childhood consisted of constant piano practices, strict schedules, and luxurious galas that none of us really cared much for. It’s all business – segway to immediate connections and alliances.”


“Have you ever dated, Your Highness? I’m guessing such privileges would have been withdrawn from the royal family.”


“Please, do call me Dahyun.” She orders softly before shaking a head. “And no, I have not. My preference would never allow me to do so…”


The Princess’ voice lowers to a near mute with her last statement.


Mina furrows her brows at the statement.


That is when Dahyun decides to finally confess to someone that does not belong in her family – a girl that isn’t of high status. Knowing that Mina is involved in a same- relationship, the anxiety that has made a home out of Dahyun’s chest, dissipates a little.


“I uh– I am attracted to girls as well, Mina.” The younger finally allows the cats out of the bag. Her movements are hesitant and bashful; hand on her nape, scratching the pale skin. “A trait that is frowned upon in my status... The idea alone is treated – viewed upon as a federal crime; very unfortunate, really.”


“I understand,” The Japanese girl sympathizes. “It isn’t exactly the easiest. Coming in honest terms with yourself alone is already difficult, but the approval – or acceptance, I should say – of other people is a whole different story.”


“Thank you for understanding, Mina.”


Mina laughs at the innocent gratitude.


“It would be strange of me to act harshly upon your secret, Dahyun.” She says, dropping formality. “I have had a girlfriend of years whom I love very much.”


They continue to stroll. Pace slower than normal. “How did your parents react when you admitted the truth?”


“My father was mature enough to understand that I did not choose such a life. Mom on the other hand, took longer than expected.” The older flashes a wistful smile. “It was understandable. Such information is hard to grasp. Though fortunately, she got there.”


“That is a relief. Have you introduced Momo?”


“Of course. Momo is someone special to me whom I have always loved showing off.” The Japanese girl stretches a bright grin.


“Romantic.” Dahyun monotones, rolling her eyes at the sappy description.


“You’re just jealous.” Mina mocks playfully, sticking her tongue out then following the gesture with a giggle.


“Oh, am I?”


Dahyun’s sarcasm transitions into light snickers when she received a light scoff from her companion.


“I would love to set you up with Sana, because she seems to fancy you a whole lot – but…” Mina trails and Dahyun is quick to understand.


She finishes. “She’s an enthusiast for cute men.”


The ballerina giggles. “Exactly. Maybe in another lifetime, it’ll work out.”


“Is that right?” Dahyun humours.


“You’ll never know. Sana cares a lot about the purity of one’s intentions.” They enter the building with both minds wandering into their shared thoughts. “Kindness is a powerful tool; it can sometimes eliminate subjectivity.”


“How ideal, yet it would not matter in the end of it all.” She says solemnly.


Mina just had to ask. “Why is that?”


“Because in this reality – the one in which we exist in – things are not meant to work out. I may like her, but that does not change the fact that we cannot be together.”


Dahyun is expecting a saddened look, but she gets a proud smile in return. “So you do like Sana.”


Soft, pale cheeks immediately flames at the words.


Stammers are automatic. “W-Who said?”


“Denial is a great colour on you, Your Highness.” Mina whispers teasingly, lowering her voice with caution.


Her gummy smile is blinding – so, so beautiful. Dahyun feels the overwhelming elegance. Remarkably natural, that Dahyun is convinced that if she were to bring Mina home as a visitor, her family will surely mistake her as fellow royalty.


The younger doesn’t entertain the tease, and instead settles for a comment. “I understand why Momo is smitten; you are a natural charmer, Mina.”


“Excuse me?” Mina stutters, reaching the second level of their building with Dahyun trailing closely. “Don’t change the topic by complimenting me, Dahyun. We were talking about you and Sana.”


Through a failed attempt, the royal-born raises a metaphorical white flag. “Fine, it was worth a shot. Taehyung had talked to me about my feelings, and he is convinced that I have romantic feelings for her.”


Mina ruffles the silver hair, taking note of the defeated smile. Having gone through the situation before, she gives a sympathetic smile.


“If it makes you feel better, she has romantic feelings for you too. I can bet my life savings on the fact that you are her current ideal type.”


Dahyun gives a hearty laugh at the poor attempt. “That is not exactly helping. It is a hopeless case. Imagine having an arrow left in your quiver that you cannot use, leaving no choice but to fight with bare hands; a sure loss.”


“Archery analogy… how stereotypical, Princess.” Mina chuckles, lowering her volume for the final word.


The younger shrugs with nonchalance. “It comes with the title.”


“Too bad that a girlfriend doesn’t.” The Japanese dancer cracks, making the both of them laugh.


In between giggles, Dahyun says, “Wouldn’t that be lovely? A luxurious, open lifestyle.”


“In another lifetime, perhaps.” Mina repeats the words from earlier.


“I will finally get a lover?” Dahyun bobs her brows, comfortable and at ease.


Mina’s welcoming aura is everything she has craved in a friend. For the first time, she has found a real friend that she can be open to – relate to. Of course there are Yerim, Chaeyoung, and even Tzuyu, but their relations were bound from the beginning. Mina is a precious girl that Dahyun is lucky enough to have found on her own.


Mina has a heart of gold, and Dahyun cannot be more grateful that her secret has been unraveled to the dancer.


At least this way, she wouldn’t have to suffer through the burden alone.


“Better.” She says, smiling with her eyes. “You’ll get Sana – the lover of your dreams.”




Dahyun looks good. No, he looks hot.








Any word synonymous to ‘handsome’ perfectly describes the young boy.


Sana did not think that he could look even more attractive in her eyes, yet here he is – incredibly refined before her. He is so well-put together, it is almost painful.


She blames the week of separation. The Japanese girl never truly realized how much she had missed him until they met up; Sana inviting Dahyun over, using the pathetic excuse of her boredom and loneliness.


Jihyo is scheduled to sleep over to another friend’s house, leaving Sana by herself in a fairly large dorm. It is only logical that she calls him for company.


Whether it’s actually logical or not, she’d rather not admit.


The two do not know exactly how, but they - in some way - ended up in an intimate position; with Sana’s head laying relaxed on Dahyun’s lap and the younger softly caressing her hair.


It all started with a simple movie and a tub of praline ice cream, which Dahyun had brought from dorm. The setup was everything innocent: a reasonable distance between the two, an animated movie on screen, and the couple just mindlessly munching on their snacks. But somehow along the way, the distance begin to close in, and the food becomes a shared snack, with either of their hands dunking into the same large bag of junk food.


Sana easily blames fatigue and affection-deprivation when she grabs a throw pillow, placing it onto Dahyun’s joggers-clad lap, and finally resting her head on it. The surprise on his face is expected, thought it vanishes rather quickly.


Dahyun playing with Sana’s long locks came subconsciously as well, with little to no thoughts along the way. Her hair was slightly sprawled on the cloth of the pillow, which the younger gladly tried to fix, which then received a satisfied hum from the Japanese. Understanding that the action must have felt relaxing for Sana, Dahyun continued the ministration until the roll of movie credits comes around and the former’s lids are momentarily rested. Sana continues with the pleased hums, enjoying every second of Dahyun’s gentle fingers grazing the light of her scalp, before proceeding to untangle any possible knots.


“Sing for me.” Sana orders out of the blue, after minutes of peaceful silence. Her command is hushed and gentle – intimate.


The words are meant for Dahyun and no one else.


“Why would I do that?” The younger laughs, curious hand mindlessly meddling with the crown of Sana’s head. Dahyun catches a good whiff of the fruity scent, intoxicating her a little.


Sana’s lips curls a pout, looking up at the boy’s distinct features from below. Despite the undesirable angle, Dahyun manages to look good.


The older girl’s hand enthusiastically moves up to pinch on a pale cheek. “Because I’m sleepy; also, you owe me a new song.”


“I do not have a keyboard with me.” Dahyun chuckles at the obvious. “I mean, unless you have one.”


The Japanese girl shakes a head. “I don’t. I don’t have a use for one.” Jihyo does, but Sana is too comfortable in position to bother.


“It doesn’t matter. Just sing. We’ll worry about the instrumentals later.”


“You are becoming spoiled, Sana-chan.” Dahyun jokes, her tone light and playful. Sana laughs along, though she knows that there is an undeniable truth in the statement.


The foreign girl purposely ignores the warmth that is currently rising from her neck. “You promised – a compensation for leaving unannounced.”


“Alright, alright, Princess.” Dahyun mocks light-heartedly. “This one is one of my most recent composition. It is called ‘If You’re Not The One’.”


Sana doesn’t hold back a scoff. “What a lengthy title.”


“Won’t you just sleep?” Dahyun retorts, childishly flicking the girl’s forehead.


“I’m kidding. Come on, let me hear it.” Sana giggles, amused by his antics.


That’s when Dahyun starts singing. He sings with confidence and ease. Already used to performing with Sana’s presence, the younger no longer minds singing.


How the times have changed.


The development in their bond is obvious. It blooms more beautifully through each passing day.


“If you’re not the one then why does my soul feel glad, today? If you’re not the one then why does my hand fit yours, this way?”


His voice is smooth like velvet, so so soft.


“If you are not mine then why does your heart return my call? If you are not mine, would I have the strength to stand, at all?


“I never know what the future brings, but I know you are here with me now. We’ll make it through and I hope you are the one I share my life with,”


Dahyun wrote the lyrics in the comfort of her own chamber. During day four in the palace when she had been forced alone the room with nothing else but her own thoughts. There was (is) a lot to think about. From year-end plans, to Dahyun’s life in the Palace once everything outside reaches the finish line; when the curtains finally close in the short play that she has taken the lead role in – the role where Dahyun is an average joe under the Arts department, who happened to have met a well-known angel by the name of Sana.


Perhaps that is when the Act II of the play began. When the pieces slowly started to fall into place. With each moment comes a puzzle that laid on the spot where it is supposed to be – one by one, awaiting to be a whole picture. Through each race of the pulse; with each blushing cheeks and stammering lips – a part of the image in connected.


Sana; every puzzle piece relates back to Sana. Dahyun likes her company, there is no doubt about that. Though there seems to be more than just the appreciation of one’s presence. What Dahyun feels for the older goes beyond, much deeper.


As her veteran hand comes in contact with the pen and familiar lines of a page, it were as if Dahyun had gotten lost in a whole new dimension – her own world.


She wrote and wrote until her right hand had practically begged for a rest; until the murked, noisy thoughts came to light; until she finished the song.


Dahyun’s hands starts to tap on the cloth of the pillow, just shortly atop where Sana’s head lays. The older girl’s eyes are fluttered shut, her long lashes resting as she relishes the song.


The ash-gray haired Princess finds herself pouring subtle emotions into the song. “I don’t wanna run away, but I can’t take it; I don’t understand. If I’m not made for you then why does my heart tell me that I am?


“Is there any way that I can stay, in your arms?”


The royal heiress observes through her lens as Sana’s breathing gradually moves in a steady pace, indicating that the fog of slumber is drawing closer by the second.


Dahyun sings through the second verse with no trouble, her fingers running through Sana’s hair. The bridge of the song comes along – Dahyun’s favourite part – and she unknowingly mumbles, her heart too fragile to speak. The lyrics are hitting too close to home.


“And I miss you, body and soul so strong that it takes my breath away. And I breathe you into my heart and pray for the strength to stand today.


“Because I love you, whether it’s wrong or right; though I can’t be with you tonight, you know my heart is by your side.”


Sana is asleep, Dahyun knows. Just like the time back in her dorm when she played the piano, which then sent the older into a deep slumber.


The Japanese girl falls asleep very easily, and Dahyun finds the quirk to be the cutest thing. Wanting to give Sana the rest that she deserves, the younger remains seated on spot, ignoring any thought of leg cramps that may come her way. She keeps still in an empty dorm room just playing with Sana’s hair.


“Is there any way that I could stay in your arms?”


Sana is also a heavy sleeper, judging by the way she did not show even the smallest of a reaction when three of her friends came barging into the room.


“Sattang, we’re here to keep you compa–!” Nayeon cuts herself off when she sees Dahyun sitting alone on the couch of the Minatozaki-Park residence. “Dahyun? What are you doing here, where is Sana?”


Dahyun doesn’t say a word, simply pointing with her other hand – the other one that isn’t busy caressing the crown of Sana’s head.


“How long has she been asleep?” Momo asked without interest, going straight towards the kitchen.


“About an hour or so.” Dahyun answers, observing the English Major for any signs of disruption in sleep. She finds none.


“So you’ve been sitting there playing with her hair for an hour?” Nayeon asks, nosy as always. She takes the opposite chair from the couple, with Mina taking the spot adjacent to her.


Dahyun nods through flushed cheeks. “Y-Yes…”


Nayeon squeals in delight. “That’s so romantic, oh my God. You cringey cutie.”


“Don’t be so loud, you’ll wake her up.” Mina warns, her eyes also mirroring the glint in the oldest girl’s orbs as she observes Dahyun’s action.


The youngest disagrees. “I doubt she will. She is a bit of a heavy sleeper.”


Momo returns from the kitchen with a chocolate bar and a bottle of sprite. She snorts at the words. “How do you know that?”


The gang chokes a cackle at the precious reaction. Dahyun immediately turns red, his cheeks and ears turning into a deep shade of pink, bright and obvious for the trio to see.


“Well, uh… she once fell asleep in m-my room…”


Nayeon narrows her eyes at the scandalous confession. “What happened?”


Dahyun sighs, choosing to spill the truth. “She wanted to hear my most recent composition then, and I had a keyboard in my room. She made herself comfortable on my bed then eventually fell asleep.” Seeing the interrogating gazes, she ducks a head in embarassment. “I can promise you that I did nothing to her. I studied on my desk while she slumbered.”


Nayeon squeaks in excitement, this time for a different reason.


“Speaking of which, I need your help, theatre hubby.”


“Theatre hubby?”


The older nods with enthusiasm. “Yes, exactly. You’re my theatre husband. Cute, right?”


Dahyun doesn’t question further. Just simply accepting the title.


“Help on what?”


“You’re aware that I’m a Vocal Performance Major, right?” Dahyun nods in acknowledgement. “That means I do occasional compositions, as well; original pieces that I must perform, or submit at least.”


“Noted. But I’m confused as to how that concerns me in any way?”


Nayeon’s lips curls into a smile. “I need a partner for a duet.”


Dahyun’s hand stopped its movement for a moment until Sana whines in displeasure; still very much asleep. Her breathing steadies once again as the youngest continues the halted action.


Momo chuckles at her best friend. Even in her dreams she craves Dahyun’s domestic affection.


“What a pampered baby.” She scoffs quietly, earning a light hit from her girlfriend.


“Duet?” His tone rises a pitch higher.


“Yes, a duet. I need a brilliant composer as a partner and I immediately thought of you.” The eldest winks to his direction on the other couch. “We have two weeks ‘til submission; what do you say?”


Dahyun cannot say ‘no’ to the hopeful eyes if it killed her.


“Sure, count me in. I have a few sheets in stock; you can choose which one suits your preference the best.” He says with nonchalance, giving an incredibly charming vibe. His smile on the other hand, is warm and shy.


“Oh my God. You are so cute, but so, so cool. Why can’t you be mine instead?” Nayeon gushes which caused an automatic blush.


As if Sana were listening, she responds with a throaty groan, then proceeding to turn to her side – lightly burying her face onto Dahyun’s clothed abdomen, her left arm looping around the younger’s hips for a loose embrace.


The trio simultaneously bursted into giggles.


“Looks like Sana isn’t up to the idea.” Momo comments, laughing the hardest.


Nayeon is looking way too smug. “Yeah, yeah. She’s all yours, Sattang.”


Sana squirms, burying her face deeper on to the cloth that smells sweetly of Dahyun’s natural scent mixed with the expensive cologne that she adores so much.


“Even in her sleep, Sana is easily jealous.” Mina adds, which receives a pointed look from the Princess. The older just shrugs; it’s true.


Nayeon keeps her eyes on the figure on Dahyun’s lap. “How did you get her to sleep anyway? It usually takes her a while.”


The youngest frowns at that. “Really?”


“Sana’s a picky sleeper, if that even makes sense. She can’t fall asleep to silence, but she gets too distracted with sounds. She hates bright lights, but darkness scares her. She doesn’t really sleep in living rooms either, because her bed is more comfortable.” Momo explains.


The information only brings more questions than answers. “I did not know that…”


Mina lifts a smirk. “Why? Because she always fell asleep easy with you?”


“Uh… I-I guess so…” Dahyun admits, stuttering in the process. She does not stop caressing Sana’s head.


“She’d have a field day if she wakes up with you still there.” The oldest Japanese states, flashing her teeth.


Nayeon nods in agreement. “So would I, if I were Sana.”


Mina weighs in. “Me too.”


“Wha– hey! I’m right here.” Momo argues, clearly offended by her girlfriend’s words.


“You know I love you the most.” Mina shoots a wink.


Momo always did look the cutest when flustered. “You’re lucky I love you too…”


The younger of the couple throws a flirty kiss, which Momo bashfully catches – placing it gently above her stammering chest.


“Please. I’m at the verge of throwing up.” Nayeon gags at the lovers. Dahyun laughs, heavily relating to the oldest girl’s misery. It is much like being with Chaeyoung and Tzuyu.


“You’re just jealous that Jeong doesn’t have a single romantic bone in her body.” Momo sticks a tongue out.


Her girlfriend snickers. “She won’t even say ‘I love you’ at gunpoint.”


“ off. My girlfriend is perfect. She’s just an idiot but she’s cute like that.” Nayeon dramatically rolls her eyes. Jeongyeon is in fact loving, even if it’s on the down low.


“Girlfriend?” Momo raises a brow. “You wish.”


“If you must know, she asked me out.” The actress brags.


“What?” This time, Mina is in disbelief. “Are you serious?”


The oldest just nods.


“ing finally!” Momo rejoices, screaming in glee. “That bum thinks she’s so slick with her feelings. What a .”


“Give her a break. Not everyone is good at handling attraction.” The ballerina reasons, subtly looking at Dahyun who - of course - catches the meaningful glance.


He clears a throat in guilt. “C-Congratulations, Nayeon. Dating sounds lovely…”


The older chuckles, a playful glint in her eyes. “You would know.”


Mina chokes into an obnoxious guffaw.


“I’ve never been in a relationship…” Dahyun mumbles hesitantly.


“I can tell.” Nayeon’s lips tightens to a smirk. “Sweetie, that wasn’t exactly what I meant.” Her eyes lower towards the affectionate hand that has been lovingly sending Sana into a deeper slumber.


Realizing the implication, Dahyun blushes furiously.


“N-Not you too…” He stutters.


The trio bursts into snickers.


Nayeon speaks through the laughter. “Hubby; Yes, me too. Just look at her cuddling up to you.”


“At this rate, she’ll snugly sleep through the night.” Momo comments, coming down from her high.


“She should probably eat dinner first.” Dahyun looks down at the girl on her lap, a pair of caring eyes staring so fondly.


“So should I. I’m starving.” Nayeon pouts.


Momo next. “Same.”


“I’m kind of hungry as well.” Mina says, also. “We actually came here to ask Sana to cook for us. She’s the most decent ‘recipe-handler’ out us.”


“To put it simply, we can’t cook to save our lives.” Nayeon speaks.


“I can prepare a meal for you, if you’d like.” Dahyun suggests, looking up.


“You cook?” The couple wonders at the same time.


“Something like that.” He mumbles bashfully.


Nayeon is left with a hanging jaw, before it eventually transitions into a proud grin. “As expected. I married well.”


Yes, Dahyun can cook. Everyone in the Palace can. It is a skill that is forced upon, and sharpened remarkably – just as much as self-defence is. The Kim siblings are taught to never rely on anyone else for survival. Taehyung gifted in the culinary area, just as Dahyun is in archery.


The royal family lives by an unspoken rule: In order to be a great ruler, one must be proficient in every field.


“Their fridge is filled. I checked earlier.” Momo informs.


Mina is next to comment, cracking a joke. “Are you sure you can cook? I’m too young to die.”


“Let’s hope for the best.” He grins, but with an air of confidence.


“Just leave Sana there. You’ve spoiled her enough tonight.” The Japanese girl’s same-aged best friend says.


Dahyun nods in understanding, ignoring the warmth in her cheeks. She carefully slides out of Sana’s hold, heading towards the direction of the kitchen, cheering internally at the sight of a fruitful cooler.


“Any suggestions?” She asks, not quite sure what to prepare.


“Ramen.” Nayeon shamelessly yells through the room, followed by a smack from Mina, warning the older to quiet down.


“Non-spicy pork broth for me.” Momo says in a volume lower than the older’s.


“Anything is fine. I’m not picky.” The youngest of the trio follows.


Tapping her chin as she scans the contents of the refrigerator, Dahyun settles for cooking both; a bowl of ramen for Nayeon and pork broth for the couple. She can cook noodles for Sana also.


She first rummaged through the cupboards, drawers and storages for all the material that she needed. After settling for the equipments she found – which are oddly new, almost unused – Dahyun begins to cook. Using two different chopping boards and knives for vegetables and meat, the Princess begins to cut her ingredients; all while boiling the seasoned soup base.


The dorm is starting to smell of delicious food, elating Momo and Nayeon, who then got up to join the lone freshman in the kitchen.


“Wow. Be my husband for real, please.” The oldest whistles at the view. After years of being with the girls, never has she seen the kitchen look this good; chopped up ingredients and for once, a scent that isn’t of burnt food.


Dahyun flashes an awkwardly thankful smile.


“I approve of you, Dahyun. You’ll take care of Sana well.” Momo gives a pleased vertical shake of the head. “Wonwoo looks even more like a no-good bum in comparison.”


The Princess hears a groan when Nayeon elbows the younger. “Ow! It’s true.”


“Who’s Wonwoo?” He asks, cutting some onion chives for the broth.


“Sana’s ex boyfriend.” The roll of the Japanese girl’s eyes did not go unnoticed. “A whole .”


“The only good thing about him was his yummy abs.” Nayeon pursed her lips, trying to suppress a smile at her own joke. “But I bet you have one too.”


Dahyun nearly cuts a finger off at the unexpected comment. She doesn’t think she’ll ever get used to Nayeon’s blunt personality.


“E-Excuse me?” He stutters, hiding the nervousness by turning around to pour the chopped meat into the boiling soup.


“You seem toned under all that layer.” Nayeon doesn’t hold back in checking him out. “A smart, cute, gentleman who can cook, and has a toned body. You can’t be real.”


Dahyun stretches a knowing (regretful) smile as she stirs the pot with a ladle. A dash of truth in her words as she says with a light heart, “I’m not.”


“Humble as always.” Nayeon smiles. “If the food is as good as it smells, we’re walking down that aisle tomorrow.”


Dahyun looks over her shoulder, laughing at the actress’ unique way of complimenting. “I’d rather not spar with Jeongyeon on our first meeting.”


“Wedding? With Sana around? Nayeon won’t even make it past dawn.”


The four-eyed freshman would never admit that their approval means a lot more to her than she can ever speak of. Although their situation isn’t exactly ideal, and the fact that she is lying already means that there is no rainbow at the end of the journey, Dahyun is still pleased of the fact that she is doing something right; she is treating Sana well.


Momo and Nayeon chats to themselves, giving Dahyun some time to concentrate back into the food that she is cooking. Making sure that the noodles do not over cook, she places them in the ramen pot last. She then uses a spoon to test the outcome of the pork broth.


Smiling in satisfaction, she turns off the stove under Momo’s food. A few more minutes to soften the noodles, and Dahyun halts the gas as well.


A final taste of the ramen – which turns out exactly as she wanted it to – and Dahyun mutters a proud “Done.”. She moves both pots onto the unused (cooler) stove.


Dahyun takes two container bowls, scooping the contents of the pot, then serving them onto the dinner table. The two other girls in the kitchen squeals at the delicious-looking dishes presented before them.


“Eat as much as you’d like. I’ll call Mina.” The youngest says, then proceeding to move into the living room where the second youngest is watching a foreign action movie. “Time for dinner, little penguin.”


The said girl turns a head, smiling shyly. Standing up, she moves to Dahyun to ruffle the gray hair. “You’re shorter than me though.”


“No need to hurt my pride like that, Mina.” Dahyun gives a friendly laugh. “Go ahead and join the others. I’ll wake Sana up.”


The ballerina gives a pat on the shoulder before heading off.


Dahyun observes the sleeping figure on the couch – pretty and serene.


Like a second nature, the younger ignores the obvious acceleration of the pounding in her chest; she turns away from the sweaty palm, and completely disregards how lovely she finds Sana. With the little pout in her slumber, Dahyun finds the Japanese girl the cutest.


In order to stop her unintentional fixed stare, the heiress needed to wake her up.


“Sana-chan? Sana-chan.” Dahyun aims for the soft cheek. “Time for dinner.”


“I don’t wanna eat the crap that you made, Ji.” She groans.


Dahyun chuckles, still poking on the skin. “You say that when you haven’t tasted my cooking.”


“Just let me sleep.”


“Then I guess you’ll miss out on chef Dahyun’s dish.”


Sana awakes at that.


“Dahyun?” Her voice is groggy, opening an eye at through the blinding light of the room.


“That’s me.” He grins, speaking with overflowing affection. “Time for dinner, Shiba-chan.”


The Japanese girl moans a stretch, facing Dahyun’s way. “Who cooked?”


Dahyun wants to laugh at the loser’s blank state. “I did. Your friends are already enjoying their meal.”


Sana sits up, taking her time to rub the sleep in her eyes – a sight so adorable that the Princess almost melted.


“I cooked some ramen.” He proudly informs. Offering a hand, he says, “Now come on, before the noodles over cook.”


The sleepy girl takes ahold of the small hand, reluctantly getting up. She nearly trips from the force of Dahyun’s tug, landing square in his embrace.


“Woah there, are you okay?” His tone is filled with concern, running a comforting hand through her back. “Seems like you’re not completely awake just yet.”


His embrace is warm and it makes Sana even sleepier; she pulls away hesitantly, mumbling a cute, “I’m hungry…”


“Gotta feed you soon then. We can’t leave you hungry like this.” The older could just swoon at his sugary tone.


Why does Dahyun have to be so boyfriend material? It doesn’t help that everything is much harder to cope with under a dopey state. All the Japanese girl wants to do is snuggle into his warmth and sleep the night away.


A whistle is the first thing the welcomes the two when they enter the kitchen – Nayeon’s, to be exact.


“Look at you two walking in here holding hands... Our wedding is cancelled, Dahyunnie.”


The slumber in the Japanese girl’s face just washes away at Nayeon’s words. “Wedding?”


The latter remains unbothered, suppressing a smirk that is threatening to fall. “Yup. My theatre hubby and I already planned the whole thing. His ramen is to-die-for, Sana. Why would I let such a man go?”


Their connected hands tightened at Nayeon’s provoking, with Sana gripping onto his soft one.


“Go and bother Jeong instead.”


“She can’t cook for .” The oldest argues nonchalantly. “My hubby Dahyunnie is the perfect package.”


The Japanese couple serving as the bystanders at the side could just laugh at Sana’s twitching lid – clearly irritated.


“Jeongyeon can cook.” She says in an eerily calm tone.


Nayeon isn’t done with her fun. Rolling her eyes, she says, “Just because she says she is, doesn’t make it true.”


Momo explodes into a cackle, gesturing Sana to take a seat; which she complies to, dragging the younger along. “Even I won’t eat Jeong’s cooking. But seriously, try the ramen, Sana; it’s amazing.”


The latter looks up from her seat, meeting Dahyun’s friendly gaze. “Are you eating too?”


He declines, placing a bowl, spoon and chopsticks in front of the older. “I’m not really hungry.”


Momo interrupts the sweet moment. “Let go of his hand and eat, loser.”


Their hands part in embarrassment of being caught off guard.


“Why don’t you let go of Mina’s, hypocrite.” She scrunches a face of mockery.


“I’m done eating, idiot.”


“Well, I just started so leave me alone.” She scoops some of the ramen into her bowl.


“Go ahead and try. Mina almost broke up with Momo because of how good it was.” Nayeon urges on.


“It was the other way around!” The youngest Japanese complains.


He takes a seat beside her, simply waiting for the reaction on his ramen. Dahyun gives a victorious beam when Sana’s eyes visibly twinkled at the savoury taste.


“This is amazing!”


“We told you. Mo practically inhaled the whole bowl.” The oldest gestures at the empty bowl beside the ramen’s.


“What was it?” Sana asks, stuffing with noodles.


“Pork broth.” Mina answers.


The English major gasps. “You ! You didn’t bother saving me some?”


Momo deadpans. “Don’t be dramatic. If he managed to play with your hair for an hour after you’ve already fallen asleep, I can guarantee you that Dahyun wouldn’t mind cooking whatever you’d like again.”


Sana coughs out the ramen that she was supposedly chewing on. “I’m sorry – what?”


Nayeon takes over, raising a brow. “You didn’t know? Prince Charming over here, wanted you to have the best sleep possible.”


Dahyun is caught defenceless, with nothing but a pair of maddened cheeks.


Sana hides a smile, pausing the movement of her chopstick in the air. “Is that true?”


“W-Well, uh–”


“He also cooked because he was afraid that you’d go to bed without having dinner first.” The second oldest Japanese doesn’t bother checking which person it was – eyes glued on Dahyun.


Sana used the spoon on her left hand as a guide to twirl her noodles on. Her eyes doesn’t leave Dahyun when she moves her chopstick, halting a cheap distance away from his lips.


“Open up.”




“Just do it.”


He gets a mouthful of noodles from her utensil. A gentle smile as she gives a sweet “Thank you.”


“I haven’t done much.” Dahyun says after swallowing the lump of given food.


“You’re always taking care of me.”


His eyes curl behind the lens. “It comes naturally.”


“Okay!” Nayeon interrupts, “I’m gonna need to you two to stop before you start making out infront of me.”


Mina snorts at the comment while Momo giggles.


The latter is suddenly reminded of the past. “Remember just a while ago when you used to call out Mina and I for being affectionate in front of you? Well, would you look at that. How the times have changed.”


Her girlfriend adds on, “Now she walks in the kitchen holding his hand, feeding him ramen and all that; it sure is nice seeing Hammy eating her own words.”


“Oh, bug off.” Sana rolls her eyes, slurping on her soup.


“Look at her trying not to swear in front of Dahyun.” Momo whistles in amusement. “So pretentious.”


“I swear to God, Mo – if you don’t shut your mouth.” The younger clenches her teeth.


Her best friend remains indifferent; still with the sinister smile. “Your girl has anger issues, Dahyun.”


Sana groans, wanting to hide away. “No, I don’t!”


“Give her a break, babe. She just woke up.” Mina places their connected hands onto her lap.


Nayeon smacks her head on the dining table, shaking it lightly. “Ugh. Couples.”


Sana speaks, sipping on her water. “Invite Jeong over.”


The oldest doesn’t lift a head. “Can’t. She’s busy.”


“With Jinsoul? Yeah.” Momo casually says, provoking Nayeon’s jealous personality.


“She is not with Jinsoul.” The actress growls lowly, head still on the table, uncaring about the lack of manners.


Mina, being Momo’s partner in crime, agrees with the devious lie. “Actually, yes she is. We saw the two of them on the way to your room.”


Sana breaks into a smile, easily reading her best friends. She turns to Dahyun who is expressing confusion. Two pats on his thigh along with a smirk is what she gives;!mentally relaying her knowledge of the situation.


She knows that he catches on when she gets a playful smirk in return.


“She told me that she’s babysitting.” Nayeon grumbles, finally looking up; there is a giant red blot on her forehead, right where the table was.


“She is; she’s taking care of Jinsoul.” Sana says, making Dahyun chuckle.


“Hubby, they’re being mean to me.” The oldest greatly resembles a bunny as she whines, eyes shining when she purses her lips.


Dahyun never used to be good at playing along, but after hanging around with Sana for months, she slowly got the hang of common humour.


“It’s alright, my dear wife; I’m sure that Jeongyeon loves you very much.”


His words catches the girls off guard, Nayeon and Sana most especially. When they finally processed, the actress explodes into a squeak, getting up and running over to Dahyun and enveloping him into a tight hug – his face burying onto her stomach.


“You just called me your wife – oh my God, you have to be the cutest boy out there. As expected, I only have you.”


He pulls away slightly, holding onto Nayeon’s hips. Dahyun mumbles a bashful, “Thank you.”


“Just call me ‘wifey’. I’ll be your theatre wife.” She says, playing with his silky hair. It is much shorter than before, but the strands remain smooth and pretty nonetheless. “You look much cuter with glasses on, by the way.”


Nayeon refers back to their first meeting when he had ditched the spectacles for a pair of contact lenses.


“Sana is glaring.” Momo states a fact, which her best friend swiftly denies with a ‘Am not!’


“He cooked for you and you’re always together, let me have this one.” The oldest sticks a tongue out, ruffling the bleached hair.


Sana hates the fact that she had obviously gone clingier and much more deprived after simply a week of separation.


Why did Dahyun have to comeback looking that good?


Acting that sweet?


Most especially, why are her friends teasing her about being a couple with him? Now, Sana’s mind absorbs the thought every time they hang out.


Sana wonders how it would be like to hold his hand, walk around, hang out but as something more than friends. She hates how much the butterflies in her stomach rages wild at the mere thought of being together with Dahyun.


She should have known she was screwed when her nerves had reacted positively after telling Wonwoo that she had been dating Dahyun. Calling the younger her boyfriend, had sent an indescribable zap into her system – why did it feel so right?


“I better head home soon.” He says, scanning finished meals, snapping Sana awake.


“So soon?” Nayeon is the one to ask, voicing out a certain Japanese girl’s thoughts.


“I’ll see you shortly, anyway. We have lyrics to write.” He gives a sweet smile to Nayeon’s direction, skidding his chair back to stand up.


Sana, being the only one out of the loop, questions. “Lyrics? What lyrics?”


“Dahyun is going to be Nayeon’s partner for a duet project.” Mina answers on their behalf.


“Why didn’t you ask Jeong or Jihyo?”


“Because your man is a musical genius, Sana. This is a guaranteed ‘A’ right here.” Nayeon rolls her eyes. “Now go and walk him out. He’s been a lovely guest.”


“Why are you like this? This is my dorm.” Sana grumbles, standing up anyway. She meets Dahyun’s eyes. “Are you good to go?”


He nods, always with the default smile.


They walk out of the dorm, leaving the trio behind – who are kind enough to clean up the dishes.


“Sorry about them, they’re a mess together.” Sana brings up, wanting a small talk.


“Don’t worry, I crave such rambunctious entertainment in my life.” He shrugs light heartedly.


The older chuckles. “So my annoyance isn’t enough?”


“You could never annoy me, Sana-chan. Your company is always a pleasure.”


“And yours is a privilege, Dahyun-kun.”


They burst into laughter at the same time, finding amusement in Sana’s words that held nothing but truth. Sana stops by the stairwell, forcing him to stop as well.


“Really, thank you for today.” Sana is looking at him with such tender pair of eyes; so kind, it was enough to melt Dahyun internally.


“No need. It was no trouble at all.” His eyes mirror the cloud of compassion that pools hers.


“Still,” Dahyun’s eyes shoots open when Sana leans in, her fingers curling by his nape. “Thank you.”


She gives a gentle peck on his left cheek; a form of gratitude for taking care of her.


Embarrassment is clear when she suddenly pulls away, grabbing ahold of his shoulders then spinning him around, lightly pushing his back to the front of the steps.


“Go home, its late.” She pushes, a blushing mess.


Dahyun is a little panicky, her brain is malfunctioning from the kiss. Her heart is pounding so loud, that she is pretty sure it might be echoing through the silent stairwell.


“Y-You’re welcome…” He stutters before running away, one hand on his left cheek as he bolts down the concrete steps.


Neither of them are aware of what is going on anymore.




“Do you really have to meet Nayeon? What am I supposed to do, Your Highness.” Mina whines.


Momo has lectures to attend to, plus hours of dance practice after, leaving her girlfriend alone to suffer from lack of productive activities to do.


They are currently lounging on Mina’s dorm. She swings both feet in boredom; Dahyun hasn’t left yet but she is already clinging onto her. She is oddly comfortable with the younger to the point where she has to question herself sometimes. The two have been hanging out for an hour and a half, killing time together by discussing the freshman Princess’ royal life.


Mina has a lot of questions, while Dahyun has all the answers.


“You could come along if you’d like. I’m sure that Nayeon wouldn’t mind.” The younger suggests, watching the ballerina’s feet swinging mindlessly.


“Can I really?”


Dahyun shrugs. “I don’t see why not.”


Mina stares at the former’s outfit – the default button up under a black sweater. She must be steaming inside.


“Aren’t you hot, Dahyun? It’s burning in here.” She motions a circle with her index finger.


Having lived in the dorm for two years, she is well aware how much of a sauna the room could be. Even in a light shirt, she is already feeling quite stuffy.


“I’m really hot…” The younger confessed.


“Why are you wearing a sweater anyway? I’m sure that your dress shirt is enough.”


“Fashion; but now I’m regretting it.”


Mina hides a giggle behind a left hand. “If you keep that up, you’re gonna suffer. It’s warm outside as well.”


“Fine, fine.” The younger nods, standing up. She removes her glasses, grips onto the hem of her sweater, tugging it upwards and over her head.


As she did so, her shirt rides up a little, flashing a toned abdomen; giving Mina an incredibly delicious view of her abs. Though the older shouldn’t be all that amazed, considering that her own girlfriend (as well as herself) has drool-worthy eleven-line abs as well, she cannot help but ogle over Dahyun’s.


Who knew that Her Highness is hiding such distinct muscles under all the baggy clothes?


“Do you work out, Your Highness?”


Dahyun stops straightening the wrinkled fabric of her shirt, looking at the older instead. “What makes you think that?”


“You’re fit.”


“I try my best.” She stretches a proud smirk. “Are you ready to go?”


Receiving a nod, the two heads to the direction of the music room, located in the Fine Arts building. They walk for a while, passing by two different faculties before reaching their desired destination.


“Nayeon always reserves the music room; consider it her second home. If she isn’t with any of us, she is likely hanging out in here.” Mina briefs before turning the knob of an unfamiliar room.


Surely enough, the oldest is indeed inside humming to a certain tune.


Mina knocks through the opened door, catching the attention of the actress.


“Knock knock? I came along as well.”


“Sure, sure. Come on in, Minari.” She welcomes, but is clearly biased towards the youngest when she runs into Dahyun’s arms. “How’s my favourite hubby?”


“How many of us are there?” He snickers, teasing.


“I’ll divorce them all just for you.” Nayeon winks, pulling away from the hug.


“Back it up, Satan. Let’s not hurt Sana’s feelings.” Mina jokes, making the three of them laugh.


“With a love interest like Dahyun? She’s bound to get hurt.”


Nayeon had meant the statement as a joke – no harm meant whatsoever – but she unintentionally hit bullseye. The Princess in disguise felt a great sense of shame shooting up her spine.


Mina gives a high-strung chuckle.


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i didn't realize i updated on the anniversary of this story omg!! happy 4 years anniversary my loves <3333 thank you for being with me for years ily all :* muah


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Chapter 12: Coming late to read this story! It is so cute... Thank you for writing it. I hope these years are being a bit kinder to you. As long you wanna keep writing, Ill be waiting for a update on this. Have a nice day!
CalyxVargas #2
Hi author-nim, when will you come back😭😭😭??
gwenlim24 #3
Sheeettt pang ilang balik ko na to dito, the best of the best pa din tong au na to ng saida walang tatalo 😭
dh_kim07 #4
Chapter 12: hi, miss u author-nim
Kimmy001011 #5
Chapter 12: god!it's a real good story, i want to see more😭😭😭
I miss u.
Chapter 12: Just rereading this lovely story again until the next update 😅
Kimdubs #8
Chapter 12: God! This story is my favorite, I hope you update this story
gwenlim24 #9
2024 and I'm still waiting. Finished all your saida stories and yes I therefore conclude that you are the my most favorite author
doobla #10
Chapter 12: I like to come back a few times a year because I truly enjoy the story