Half a Heart

Time To Love
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Chapter playlist - Hale’s ‘Shooting Star’, Yu Seung Woo’s ‘Anymore’, Henry’s ‘Monster’, Urban Zakapa’s ‘My Love’, One Direction ‘Half a Heart’


Note: This was supposed to be Saucy’s birthday present. And because I’m a terrible friend, I’m totally late… I’m so sorry, Saucy…



Chap. 10 - Half A Heart



Chaeyoung is becoming an eyesore.


Everywhere Dahyun looked, there is Chaeyoung softly nagging on her side.


If she were to compare the younger one, it would be like a devil on her shoulder; though a rather ‘motherly’ one at that.


‘Your Highness, you mustn’t overwork.’


‘Princess, are you certain that you have recovered fully? Perhaps it would be a much wiser choice to return to your chamber.’


Of course, Dahyun appreciates the golden thought behind the actions, but for goodness’ sake, a little fresh air will not puncture her lungs as the younger is making it seem.


Tzuyu has taken her leave to return to Taiwan, and that is when everything begins to shift from bad to worse. Dahyun wants nothing but to return to University, where she can live a rather peaceful life away from the chaos that are screaming in her ears.


‘Understood.’, she wants to say. If the Princess could simply carry a sign indicating that she is perfectly fine, she would.


Dahyun knows the rules, has had every single one of them etched into her mind.


Dahyun is aware of her limitations, responsibilities, and obligations.


But it seems like a ton more is about to be added on her list.


“Your Highness, Her Majesty awaits in her office.” Butler Wang says politely, bowing as he takes a leave.


“Dear God, the final destination is here.” Dahyun mumbles to herself. She has been stalling her private meet up with the Queen as much as she could but it seems like she cannot stretch her luck any longer.


The thread of fortune has finally snapped.


She knocks on a gigantic wooden door, eerie by the piercing silence of the hall.


“Mother?”, she calls, her voice trembling unintentionally. She pretends a cough, looking for any excuse to dismiss her shaking nerves.


She hears a faint voice from the other side. “Come in.”


The Princess wipes her damp palm against the fabric of her shirt. Taking a deep breath, she cranks the knob.


There sits the queen, stoic as expected.


Dahyun is never one to mind her mother’s demeanour but not now; not when she is on the other side of the line.


She clicks the door shut – slow and gentle – taking her sweet time.


“I have been told that you were expecting me here.” The Princess starts off, breaking the uncomfortable silence that floats within.


Her mother gives a mute nod before speaking. “Correct. I have been meaning to speak to you for a while; unfortunate that you have caught quite the fever.”


(‘Yeah, unfortunate. That’s the word.’)


Dahyun thinks ironically, though quickly erasing such a thought as she needs to keep her composure.


“Well, here I am, Mother.”


“Take a seat, dear.” Her Majesty orders, gesturing towards the leather seat that lies across from her own – a heavy desk serving as a wall that divides the two.


“Yes, of course.”


The young heiress takes a seat with grace, placing her hands together as it lays on her lap. Internally she is screaming, but outwards, Dahyun flashes a small (nervous) smile.


“I suppose that you are aware of why I have called you here today.”


(‘So it begins.’)


Dahyun swallows a lump of trembling nerves before answering. “I believe so.”


“Very well. There is no need for any unnecessary exchange of words, is there? I simply asked you come here for one reason only.”


“And what would that be?”


Although she already knows. Dahyun knows very well.


“To terminate your business with the University immediately and return to your private studies.” Lady Kim says with heavy authority.


Dahyun clenches her teeth, unable to verbally agree. Switching to her unattached, formal way of addressing the queen, she says, “Would that be all, Your Majesty?”


“You are to have no contact with– with the woman you have been engaging personal affairs with, anymore.”




“There are consequences for those that do not abide the royal customs, Dahyun. Traditions are to be maintained without exceptions.”




For a few short minutes, only the unnerving ring of dead air covers the atmosphere.


Not a movement is heard.


“If I were to follow…” She begins, a sickening feeling swarming in her stomach. “Are you… to guarantee her safety?”


Lady Kim pauses for a minute, eyes boring into Dahyun’s flesh. “And why must I?”


“I beg of you, Your Highness…” The crown princess whispers, her energy evaporating dry by the second.


“Is this woman so formidable that you have broken our discussed ordinance for her?” Receiving nothing but a sealed mouth from her daughter, the Queen continues. “You have always been a rule-oriented Princess, Dahyun; a woman with a strong self-morale, and now take a look at yourself. Do you understand why your father and I were opposed of you attending an academy outside of our preferred list? This is why. When your brother left to receive his education elsewhere, he too came back a different person; fortunately, we seem to have revived him. We need the same to happen to you, Dahyun.”


The latter’s hand twitches, curling against the cloth of her pants.


“Taehyung followed the rules; he knew of his responsibilities…” The Princess argues lowly, her voice quiet and resolute. “He never once forgot about his title.”


Her mother does not bat an eye, simply maintaining an immovable expression. “And yet his once polished manners were returned tainted, dusted with the spontaneity that we had tried so hard to strip off. There is no room for impetuosity in our Palace, Dahyun. Important matters are to be prioritized and taken gravely.”


“We have taken your every order with much earnest – every ounce of passion in our blood has been dedicated to fulfilling every duties for the family, without a speck of flaw.”


The short-haired heiress knows that standing up to the woman that has given birth to her – a Queen that controls all – is not, and will never be a good idea, but hearing the accusatory words come out of the woman’s lips brings sickening jitters to the pit of Dahyun’s stomach.


“We are not some ill-advised adolescents, as you are making it seem. I pleaded desperately to be sent to an academy outside of the premises, so I can experience a different level of education, and I had kept my word. I made a grave blunder of breaking your trust, and I am aware that such deed is inexcusable – I do sincerely apologize, but that is a mistake that I had committed; a misstep which should not cause punishment to others. I ask of you, please do not implicate the innocent.”


Dahyun’s fists are now tightly curled into a ball, her fingernails digging into the flesh of her palms.


Tears are welling up, pooling her eyes and blurring the view of a wooden desk that lies before her eyes.


She wants to cry;


She is ready to cry.


But she does not.


Dahyun holds herself together, suppressing the one emotion that is in need of release. Though she does not break; she refuses to break.


Not before her Mother, at least.


The Queen despises the weak. The cosmos is cruel, and the fall of the fragile is bound.


So Dahyun would not shed a tear.


Defeat is bitter, and she refuses to give up on this one. She cannot;


Sana’s safety is on the line, and that is a battle that the Princess will not (must not) surrender.


It’s the least she could do.


The short-haired royalty withstands her Mother’s burning gaze that almost pierces through the pale flesh.


“Is that all?” Her Majesty questions after a long (torturous) silence, baffling the younger – distracting her from the tears that are threatening to fall.


Dahyun swallows her incoming stutters. “I beg your pardon?”


“Do you have any further thoughts that you would like to argue? If so, then now is the time.”


The Princess did not see such an attitude coming. Frankly, she is ready to be scolded for the lack of manners, but the Queen takes a different approach, taking the young girl aback.


“None, Your Majesty.” Dahyun bites her tinted lower lip; she does have one thing in mind. A little dazed, she mumbles to herself, trailing the word. “Just…”


“Go on.” The rigid woman urges, which catches her daughter by surprise once again.


“S–” The heiress mutters, only to be interrupted.


“Sana Minatozaki, I know. Further explanations are nonessential, Dahyun. I do not wish to concern myself in this topic any longer. If that is all, then you may leave. I have other matters to take care of.”


Unable to fully register the situation, Dahyun gets up, bowing to her mother before heading for the door– lost and emotionally exhausted.


Her right hand reaches for the golden knob, twisting the solid material; just as she is about to pull it open, the Queen gives a final comment.


“It is very disheartening to witness you like this, dear. Sometimes, the best decisions are the most painful to endure.”


Dahyun keeps a sealed lip, unable (unwanting) to respond. She lowers a head, a small gesture that displays her attentiveness.


With a final bow, she walks out of the suffocating room, shutting the door behind.


(‘Mother, please. Just this time.’)



“Hey, Satta– woah, you look like a dream!” Nayeon greets as she takes a seat beside the unoccupied space adjacent to the youngest of the Japanese line.


Mina giggles, nodding in understanding. “My thoughts exactly.”


Sana, who is about to take a bite of her sandwich, shoots a quick glare at the newcomer. “I know I look bad, thanks for the reminder.”


“You’re welcome, babe.” The oldest’s bunny-like teeth is highlighted as she flashes a cheeky smile, blinding those that are within the proximity. “But seriously, what’s been occupying your pretty little head? Boy problems?”


Nayeon receives an eye roll in return. It’s quite adorable, really. Sana is cute no matter what she does.


“What do you think, Mittang? Any clue?” The former diverts the question towards the younger Japanese.


Mina stretches a subtle smile, settling her fork down. “Not sure. Let’s see, what could possibly be the reason for Sana’s sudden silence?”


The two girls exchange knowing smiles, waiting for Sana to break.


She does, of course.


“Quit it, s! You guys have got to stop hanging out with Jeong and Mo too much.” Sana pouts, losing her appetite. Suddenly, she isn’t as hungry as she has claimed to be earlier.


Nayeon shakes a head in disagreement, defending (sort of) her girlfriend. “Jeong is a huge nerd. Hanging out with her actually makes me even smarter.”


Sana turns to her younger best friend, raising an eyebrow. The former can not deny that the History major is indeed intelligent, one is set to learn new trivia when stuck with the passionate short haired girl.


Mina gives a shrug; stretching a lovesick grin, she mumbles, “Momoring is an idiot, sometimes. She’s cute though.”


The older shudders at the response. “Gross.”


“That’s because you think Dahyun is the cutest in the world.” Nayeon comments casually, as if it were the most normal sentence she had ever said.


Mina elbows the older, aware of the sensitive topic.


“Ow! I mean, it’s true. Dahyun really is the cutest in this campus. It’s even cuter that no one really knows he exists.”


Sana blinks, her eyes fixed on Nayeon– staring in bafflement. “How is that cute?”


“Oh please, as if you weren’t hiding theatre hubby from us at the beginning. I basically had to force you to bring Dahyunnie.” The student actress lifts a smirk. “You clearly liked that he is reserved. Gets rid of competition, doesn’t it?”


The younger turns away, somewhat guilty.


Unfortunately, Nayeon isn’t finished just yet.


“Once the world finds out about Dahyun – my intelligent, cute, talented husband Dahyun, the girls are going to line up outside of the lecture halls, just to catch a glimpse of him. I mean, even Mina really likes him, and Mina has never liked any man ever.”


Spotlight is turned to the youngest of the three.


“Dahyun is…” The latter swallows down the truth. “Dahyun is great. Really sweet, and incredibly interesting.”


“Interesting; that’s exactly what he is! Such a perfect choice of wording.” Nayeon nods furiously, agreeing with much enthusiasm. “How can such a person be so… charming?”


“Look at you, you’re obviously the one who likes him the most.” Sana murmurs, her tone a little bitter than intended.


“I do like him a lot, proudly so. He got me an easy A for my composition project. Submitted early, and undoubtedly one of the highest, if not, the highest in class.”


Mina automatically reacts, a sparkle almost visibly clouding her brown orbs. “That song is truly beautiful. A little cheesy, but really good.”


Sana is silent for a moment before speaking. “I wanna hear the full song too…”


Nayeon contemplates before shaking a head in rejection. “No.”


“Wait– why not?” The younger protests.


“Because this is Dahyunnie’s song for me.”


“What the– he didn’t even write it for you! This isn’t fair.” Sana is whining now. “I’m telling Jeong!”


“First of all, Jeong isn’t gonna care; you know that, right?” The actress giggles at the fuming hamster before her. “Why do you want to hear it, anyway? You’re even threatening to tell on me. Cute. Jealous, are you?”


“Just curious if it really deserves an A…” Sana mumbles to herself, embarrassed at her own persistence.


A smirk and twinkling eyes welcome her. “You, out of everyone should know what Dahyun is capable of.”


That statement takes the girl aback. “What do you mean me out of all people? What do I have to do with anything?”


Eyebrow rises in question. “Sattang, please. Don’t tell me you haven’t heard any of hubby’s songs? Smells like bull.”


“I– I have…” The younger admits with a pair of burning cheeks.


“Shocker.” Nayeon answers with heavy sarcasm, following it up with a giggle – Mina too, bursts into a light laughter. “Dahyun seems to really like you, so I doubt it would take much convincing to get him to play for you, or any of the sort.”


Sana stays mute.


If Dahyun liked her so much, he wouldn’t have disappeared without a word – without a single trace.


Finals is fast approaching, roughly a week left of school and the semester is officially over; exam break ready to kick in.


Dahyun had once mentioned that he is set to leave after the term – about a month ago, the day of their first kiss.


Sana smiles in bitterness – the day of their final kiss.


She supposes that she has known a while of Dahyun’s eventual departure, she just didn’t expect it to be so soon.


It’s been a few weeks since Sana had last seen the younger, and it doesn’t get easier.


She misses Dahyun.


She misses Dahyun so much more than she can ever admit.


Just when Sana thinks that she has finally found someone special, the reality that she longs for begins to crumble before her eyes.


Now, Dahyun is suddenly out of reach and she doesn’t know what to do.


Sana wishes for the cosmos to stop playing its cruel pranks just this once.


Just this time around, Sana wants something real – something meant to stay; something meant to be hers.


Meeting someone like Dahyun is a eureka to Sana, and if there is anything she could do to prevent their friendship – or whatever it is that goes on between the two of them – from slipping before her eyes, she would.


Sana is serious about keeping Dahyun.


Even if Dahyun doesn’t seem to want the same.


“–ttang? Hello? Sana? Earth to Minatozaki?”


The Japanese girl snaps awake from her trance, meeting the gaze of her two best friends, whose brows are furrowed with obvious worry.


“Uh– What was that? Sorry, I zoned out.” Her neck begins to redden in embarrassment, having been caught on a daze.


“No kidding.” The oldest says, her voice light but still concerned. “Penny for your thoughts?”


“It’s nothing, really. I just blanked out. Must be the lack of sleep…”


Neither of her friends push any further. Instead, Mina stands up, picking up her rubbish. “Anyone up for ice cream? My treat. It’ll help wake you up, Hammy.”


Nayeon follows along, standing up as well.


“You had me at free food. Girl’s gotta eat.” She does a dramatic hair flip, a smirk lifting the corner of her lips. “Come on, Sana; one must never refuse free ice cream. That’s like– illegal, pretty much.”


The older grabs ahold of Sana’s wrist, forcing her up to join. They begin to walk towards the gates of the campus, heading for the shop outside.


“The best time for comfort food is now. We’re in need of some.”


Sana pouts, feeling Nayeon’s subtle message. “What’s that supposed to mean?”


“She means exam season. It’s right around the corner and we could all use some sweets.” Mina answers on the actress’ behalf, chuckling a little. “What do you feel like having? Cookies and Cream? Mint chocolate? Chocolate?”


The oldest interrupts. “Cotton Candy for me.”


“Of course.” Foreign duo laughs at the enthusiastic response. “And you, Sana?”


The latter pauses to think; chocolate? vanilla?


“I’ll think I’ll have cookies and cream.” She says with a genuine look in her eyes.


“Perfect choice.”


“Cookies and cream seems like the flavour that would comfort the out of whoever is eating it.” Nayeon cusses casually, making the three of them laugh. “It’s like the ‘fairy godmother’ of ice cream flavours, you get what I mean? It exists to help you survive the cruel world. You could be having the worst day, and one bite of cookies and cream and suddenly the world is a much better place.”


Sana bursts into a hearty cackle with Mina laughing silently to her side. “What an analogy.”


“English literature majors got nothing on me and my intellect.” The theatre actress presents a bravado, showcasing a proud grin that almost screams of superiority. A type of confidence that reminds the onlookers that Nayeon is better than most (all) of them – which, in one way or another, is frankly a fact.


The oldest of the trio then continues to talk about everything that pops into her head – mostly comical nonsense – which distracts Sana greatly, something she is thankful for.


Distracted; something Sana has been lately – awfully so.


Distraction; what she oddly needs the most.






Must be a cruel joke that they’re dreadfully close sounding.


Sana can’t seem to catch a break these days.


At least she has cookies and cream on her side.




Dahyun stays alone in the spacious library of the Palace, sitting at the back corner, where privacy is at its peak.


This time, it’s biology.


The princess scans the information before her eyes – texts she is already familiar with; still, she flips the page to proceed onto the next set of given knowledge.


She is not sure why she is still studying, reviewing for an exam that she is prohibited from taking.


“Dahyun? My dear sister? I have been told that you are somewhere within.” A familiar voice echoes through the hall, disrupting the heiress’ precious time.


With a heavy sigh, she answers. “Is there anything you need? If not, then kindly leave. I am busy.”


A few seconds pass and footsteps surround the silent air. Calculated and easily recognizable.


Shortly, a figure appears from the high shelf.


No other than Taehyung.


“I see that you are indulging yourself in these books again.” He moves closer, taking the available seat across from the younger.


“My love for literature does not concern you, nosy oaf. What brings you here anyway?”


The prince lifts a shrug, very nonchalant. “Boredom.”


Dahyun rolls her eyes, wanting to swing the book against the older’s face. “Aggravating.”


“I am aware.” He smirks, giggling a little. Standing up a little to peak over the texts, Taehyung’s smug expression switches into a frown. “Biology? You already know the subject like the back of your hand. Why bother?”


This time, it is the young royalty that displays indifference. “Boredom.”


The crown ruler thinks for a moment, studying must mean that Dahyun misses school. Revising is usually associated with exams…


Exams; that must be it.


“Final exams, is it?”


Dahyun stiffens at the question.




“Mother had a change of heart?”


A shake of a head is what Taehyung gets, along with a solemn tone. “No.”


“Oh…” Dahyun watches as her noble brother swallows a lump in his throat, awkward and embarrassed. “W-When’s the exam?”


The younger thinks for a moment, “In a week and a half? Hm, if I am correct then it should be then.”


“Any more exams after?”


“Two more.”




“Two days after Biology, and another three days after.” She explains, mentally checking her academic agenda.


Taehyung purses his reddened lips, nodding in understanding. “Quite a shame that Mother is immovable. You are studying diligently for exams that you are unable to write.”


The Princess raises an eyebrow, a little confused. “Are you being sympathetic, or a plain insensitive moron?”


It is as if her words pass unnoticed because the older completely ignores the statement.


“We – well, you – ought to run away and take those exams. Education is of high priority, after all.” He says casually, with fingers lightly scratching his jawline as he contemplates.


Dahyun’s eyes grow at the impulsive suggestion, thinking that the crown prince has officially lost his marbles – his brain finally giving up after all these years.


“You half-witted buffoon– have you lost your mind? Are you hearing your own words right now?” She scolds in a hushed tone, afraid of the guards overhearing the conversation.


“Simmer down, dear sister. Not ‘run away’ per se, but a little hiding. You can go incognito for two weeks – two and a half at most, settle your business in your Academy then come back after. I will handle everything.” He explains.


Dahyun is sure; Taehyung is definitely the biggest twit she ever saw.


“Mother will–” Her words are immediately interrupted.


“I will take care of Mother. This is also your chance – perhaps your last – to explain to Sana before it is too late– if it isn’t already.” Taehyung’s eyes glow of seriousness, which is a rarity. “She deserves the truth just as much you deserve happiness, Dahyun. It is quite selfish to deprive the innocent of the truth, yes? Ignorance is bliss, but only to a certain, reasonable extent. If you are to never see her again, at least you were honest. Sana must be feeling a tad sullen from being left behind without a word.”


“I– I do not know if I should…”


“You have always been the one to do the right acts, my Princess. Out of all moments, now is when it is most needed. Frankly, you are not in the position to bargain, are you?” He stands up, walking closer and taking the chair closest to Dahyun; now sitting beside the latter, a sprinkle of worry colouring his dashing orbs. “I will ask Jackson to rent an apartment for you; one that is of walking distance to the Academy. You cannot stay in the dormitory, it is clear that Mother has eyes planted around. Mina will be there to assist you, Chaeyoung and Yerim as well. What do you say?”


“Taehyung… what if Mother finds out? Consequences will be served… to you, especially.”


The right corner of his lips rise into a half-smile, eyes curling into slight moons. “The future is already set, Dahyun. I will be ruling soon. Whether I cause a ruckus, or act like the flawless prince, both are going to end up with the same result: I will be the King; I will continue the legacy of the Kims. The worse that Mother could do is drown me in endless business paperworks – nothing that she is not already doing.” He reaches out to ruffle the silver locks. “Do not worry about me. I am more than capable of handling what is to come. I just want the same for you.”


“O-Okay…” Dahyun bites her lips, trying to stop the thrumming nerves that are buzzing through her body.


“Okay? What do you mean ‘okay’?”


“I am agreeing to your plan… I ought to apologize to Sana.” She mumbles, guilty and anxious about the reaction that may come her way.


Sana is going to loathe her, that is an obvious fact that Dahyun is trying to avoid facing.


Taehyung’s gentle smile blooms into a grin; cheeky and foolish. “Is that so? I could have sworn the purpose of this plan is to write those final examinations.”


Like a practiced reaction, Dahyun’s arms automatically rise to shove her brother. “Oh, shut your trap!”


“I kid, I kid; the violence is highly uncalled for.” He says, giggling at the amusing reaction. “You have got to call Mina beforehand, and perhaps, Sana as well. Arriving without warning after shamelessly disappearing is a little rude, no?”


“Mother is going to check my phone, I am already certain of it. I believe I am under surveillance...” Dahyun scoffs, developing a slight frustration in her helpless situation.


“What do you take me for?” Taehyung fishes something out of his pocket, then waving it around with a proud look on his face. “I am three steps ahead of everyone in this Palace.”


In his right hand lies a cellphone, different from his usual one.


“Whose device is that?” Dahyun can not help but question, suspicious of his sly behaviour.


“Mine, of course. In our cruel world as royal blood, where everything is surveillanced, a burner phone is definitely called for.” The Prince gently lays the mobile onto the table. “Use it as you will. It contains Mina’s number already. As for Sana’s… I am afraid you will have to place that yourself.”


As soon as Dahyun picks up the phone for inspection, Taehyung speaks again. “Call her.”




“Mina.” He says, a little more serious than previous. His playful demeanour remains, however. “This library is the perfect place to call. We are isolated, and any trace of movement is easily noticeable. Go on, tell her your departure occurs in a week or so.”


Seeing the hesitance in her face, Taehyung snatches the item, taking matters into his own hands. Thumb working on the screen, he makes a final tap before placing the phone on the table, giving the siblings a visual access they are looking for.


A few seconds later and the faint sound of ringing emerges.


Four rings, then someone picks up.


“Hello? V?” Speaks the gentle voice.


A serene, overwhelming feeling of familiarity immediately rushes through Dahyun’s veins. How she missed the voice so much.


Taehyung gestures the younger to pick up the phone.


She does.


“M-Mina?” The Princess stutters, already emotional.


‘Wait, Dahyun? Is that really you, Your Highness?’ Mina inhales a sharp gasp, making Dahyun chuckle a little.


“Y-Yeah… it’s really me. How are things?” The heiress asks.


(‘How is Sana?’) is what she truly wanted to ask.


‘Stressful. This whole place reeks of academic anxiety and financial disappointment.’ She says from the other line, giving a humorous laugh. ‘Which is another way to say ‘same old’.’


A moment of silence before the older asks an inevitable questions, stammering timidly in the process.


‘H-How are you, Princess?’


A beat of silence lingers before Dahyun answers, a hint of bitterness in her tone as she mumbles;


“Same old.”


The Princess knows that Mina is smart enough to read through between the lines; decoding such vague answers should be a peace of cake.


‘I see. What brought the call? Is everything alright?’


(‘I missed you, that's all

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i didn't realize i updated on the anniversary of this story omg!! happy 4 years anniversary my loves <3333 thank you for being with me for years ily all :* muah


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Chapter 12: Coming late to read this story! It is so cute... Thank you for writing it. I hope these years are being a bit kinder to you. As long you wanna keep writing, Ill be waiting for a update on this. Have a nice day!
CalyxVargas #2
Hi author-nim, when will you come back😭😭😭??
gwenlim24 #3
Sheeettt pang ilang balik ko na to dito, the best of the best pa din tong au na to ng saida walang tatalo 😭
dh_kim07 #4
Chapter 12: hi, miss u author-nim
Kimmy001011 #5
Chapter 12: god!it's a real good story, i want to see more😭😭😭
I miss u.
Chapter 12: Just rereading this lovely story again until the next update 😅
Kimdubs #8
Chapter 12: God! This story is my favorite, I hope you update this story
gwenlim24 #9
2024 and I'm still waiting. Finished all your saida stories and yes I therefore conclude that you are the my most favorite author
doobla #10
Chapter 12: I like to come back a few times a year because I truly enjoy the story