Dates & Musicals.

Time To Love
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21k special :) The grind never stops lmfaoo





“Hello?” Dahyun speaks from the other line. Sana immediately grins in excitement.


Quickly eyeing the digital clock on her stereo, she huffs in victory. Eleven-fifteen; right on dot.


“I’m at the parking lot already. Come on, I have lots to show you.” The Japanese girl squeals, adrenaline pumping in her veins. Her fingers are drumming against the steering wheel, her mind wandering to possible places they could go to.


Hell, Sana can just go to all. They have the whole day in their palms anyway.


“I will be right over. Let me just put on my shoes.”


“Cool. Don’t take too long.” She says, hanging up. Sana then cranks the volume, her car pulsating at the heavy bass of the music.


It occurs to her that she has not been in the same vehicle as Dahyun, let alone be the one driving. The fact doesn’t come as a surprise, since Sana doesn’t drive anyone outside of her circle of friends. She drives Jihyo the most, following with Nayeon and Momo.


Now the thought of cruising with someone different is giving a great rush in her system. It isn’t just anyone– it’s Dahyun; the caring, charming, remarkably innocent Dahyun.


“No matter how much I think about it,” She begins to sing along to the song, bobbing her head to the music. “I think that I want you. If it were anyone else, then whatever. But you’re a bit different; you make everything stop for me.” Sana bumps her fist along the leather curve of the steering wheel. “Why isn’t my heart doing what I want it to? Why do I keep missing you? Your appearance keeps repeatedly showing up. I’m stuck on you, stuck on you.”


On cue, Dahyun’s tiny figure – wearing a white sweater and brown dress coat – emerges from the dormitory entrance. He is jogging towards Sana’s direction, steps bouncy and hair becoming disheveled from the movement. The bottom half of his jacket is flailing due to the wind and it is giving a great effect in his appearance.


‘I miss seeing you.’ Her audio continues. ‘My heart remembers all of you. I want to be with you twenty four-seven. I’m stuck on you, my heart is already stuck on you.’


As soon as he spots the familiar girl, his lips automatically stretch into a shining grin, waving like a dork her way. Sana’s hand subconsciously raises as well, mirroring his actions.


‘My heart’s stuck on you.’


Sana twists the volume down as Dahyun tugs on the passenger seat door, hopping inside with his default smile that paints of purity.


“Hey!” He greets.


“Hey, you.” The older smiles. “Ready to go adventuring?”


His eyes form lines from behind the glasses frame. “Take me away, Sana-chan.”


The girl on the driver’s seat reaches over to pat the younger’s head, like she had done so yesterday. She is getting more and more comfortable with him; everyday just gets better.


It all seems natural.


“You were cuter with the ponytail.”


His hand moves upwards. Automatically brushing his hair after the comment, taking note of the growing length. “I don’t carry one with me.” He gives the parted hair a lazy comb. “I’m in need of a haircut, don’t you think so?”


Sana roars the car, pressing on the gas pedal and driving away.


“You do need one. Though long hair suits you as well – adds character. Not everyone can pull it off.” Sana heightens the speakers once again, a different song playing now. She makes a right turn, merging into the highway.


The Japanese girl doesn’t have to turn to know that Dahyun is blushing. The tone of his voice alone is enough tell.


“I might get one soon…” He murmurs.


Sana’s brows make one bob of acknowledgment before speaking. “Are you hungry? Or do you want to walk around first?”


“I’d love to walk around.”


Truthfully, Sana is kind of hungry but if he’d like to stroll for a bit, then that’s what they would do. “I know just the perfect place.”


‘My Type’ by the rising group iKon had just finished playing on the long haired girl’s playlist when a really familiar instrumental song comes following.


“Is this–” Dahyun’s cheeks flamed.


His question is swiftly answered when the younger’s voice blasts all over the car.


‘Baby, I’m falling head over heels.’


“Oh my God.” Dahyun rockets a palm to his face; the sound of skin slapping against another bouncing on the velvety walls.


Sana twists the volume even louder, earning a side glare from the younger. With eyes focused on the road, Sana speaks a nonchalant “I love this song.”


Dahyun whimpers, pleading and embarrassed. “Sana, please. Any other song…”


His supplication is ignored.


“I wish I was holding, you by my side. I wouldn’t change a thing ‘cause finally it’s real.” The Japanese girl uncaringly sings along, soft and hushed. Intense amplification is able to drown her voice, making a disproportionate duet.


“Sana– no, stop!” He begs with ears that continues to colour of dark ruby by the minute.


The said girl could only laugh, still singing along. She really does love Dahyun’s self-composed song.


“Nope, sorry.” She isn’t apologetic at all.


Dahyun pouts, his lips jutting in a sulky manner. “No, you’re not.”


“You’re right, I’m not.” Sana curls a smirk, her eyes never leaving the road. She makes a left turn towards a neighbourhood, away from the busy highway.


It’s a bit of silence between the two when the sound of vibration buzzes from Dahyun’s coat pocket. He fishes the item, grinning automatically as he swipes a thumb on the screen.


Sana automatically turns the knob in order to lower the music, giving Dahyun the silence needed for a smooth call.


“Mother, I’ve missed you!” He says brightly, “I am currently on a vehicle with a friend. Yes, of course.”


Sana notes that Dahyun’s subtle accent strengthens when speaking to his mom, becoming more noticeable. Also, she thinks that it is a little odd how formal the younger is being; he had always been intricate with words but it seems to stretch into a new level over the phone.


“Yes, I am currently a little busy. Would it be appropriate to call you again in the evening? Hm, sure. I love you, as well.” He then grumbles out of nowhere, piquing the interest of the woman driving.


Sana keeps mum, simply eavesdropping in the conversation. She then hears a faint sound of an distinct deep voice through the line.


They hit a red light, forcing the car into a stop. Sana takes the limited chance to glance to the passenger to her right – now seeing Dahyun with a displeased expression. “Why must you take mother’s phone, boorish oaf? You have one of your own.” Silence takes over as the faint sound of the person from the other line resounds. Dahyun waits with a face of indifference before speaking once again. “Yes, correct. Bloody hell, how can you say such a thing with Mother around? You have got to be kidding. No, we are not. Stop with your nonsense. Mustn’t you be practicing at the moment? The match is coming up. No, you fool. Best of luck, good day.”


Dial tone follows.


“Excuse the sudden call, that was my mother and my imbecile brother.” He says distractedly, shoving the device back into his left pocket.


Dahyun’s accent is still lingering.


“No worries, it was interesting.” She then pulls up into the side – parallel parking beside a series of trees. “Did you know… you have an accent when speaking to your family?” Sana asks, switching the engine off.


His face visibly contorts in bafflement. “I do?”


The older only nods, clicking her safety belt to unbuckle. “Yup. You tend to sound more formal – more practiced.” She then opens the car door, grunting as she stands up.


“Ah,” Sana sees him leave the car with a hand basfully rubbing his nape. “I hadn’t noticed…”


Dahyun hasn’t been aware that she is unable to ‘turn off’ her royal self when speaking to her family. She has been getting used to the informal conversational language needed outside of the palace. Speaking to Sana sure does help. Chaeyoung provides a hand as well, but the younger too, is frequently unable to drop the formality with Dahyun.


“It’s cute, really. You don’t get to hear those much.” Even though Sana is still struggling with a few deep Korean words, Dahyun’s formality gives her a chance to expand her personal vocabulary. “Now, come on. I want to show you something.”


“Where are we?”


“Han River.” Sana begins to walk, stepping out of the concrete lot and onto the grassy field, connecting parking with the beautiful scenery that lies a few metres ahead. “Rumours had it that the chill breeze is enough to cure any form of emptiness; breakup, loneliness, homesickness – all that jazz.”


“You must come here often.” There is no malice behind the younger’s mellow tone; simply saying a mere statement.


A small smile curls almost automatically. “I use to. Not so much anymore.”


Sana begins to delay her steps, allowing to younger to catch up. With movement finally coming in-sync, the Junior student observes the pleased expression on the boy to her right.


“I suppose that there is a wonder in finding serenity in a place filled with people who share the same, solemn feelings. Every figure here feels a level of isolation one way or another, but the irony is that they are surrounded by people who are struggling through the same predicament.”


The older takes a minute to absorb the meaningful words, “There you go again.”


“Pardon?” Dahyun questions, a fair level of confusion plastered on his face.


Sana chuckles, allowing the peaceful sound of river currents to cloud her mind. “You’re speaking formally again. It’s really unique. You’re like one of those Princes from the movies Jihyo often watches.”


A nervous tick starts to scratch against the back of Dahyun’s monolids, forcing them to blink in guilt. Coughing a dry chuckle, she ridicules the older girl’s idea – awkwardness itching in .


“Me, a Prince? Do I look like one of the privileged bunch?”


Sana laughs, shaking a head at his fruitful reaction. “Funny how you say that, since you resemble Prince Taehyung quite a lot.”


“I do not!” Dahyun’s reaction is quick as expected, triggering the Japanese girl’s amusement even more. “It is just my hairstyle. I do not look like him – never.”


“I bet he talks in such a graceful manner. Royalties and their need for extreme social etiquette.”


Dahyun gets away with a subtle: “You don’t have a clue.” And instead, jokingly mocks her brother. “He probably talks like an oaf.”


Sana giggles uncontrollably at the choice of word: oaf. Dahyun seems to turn to the said insult, as a default adjective when describing the Royal Prince.


“Please enlighten me as to how an ‘oaf’ speaks.” The Japanese girl is grinning at the walking ball of adorable entertainment before her.


“Like a well-mannered dullard. Every bit of a dolt as can be. He might be a handsome lad,– as many happen to proclaim – but I believe he has a brain-size of a peanut.” Dahyun’s cheeks are red from the icy wind and it makes him all the more softer.


“His Highness has done you no wrong, you dork.”


Dahyun scoffs at the response, one brow raising higher than the other. “I have been compared to him quite a lot. My wits are starting to get offended.”


“From what I’ve seen on television, Prince Taehyung appears to be very intelligent.” Sana argues, her interest in Dahyun’s reactions are growing stronger.


“Media play. It is all bogus.” Dahyun mocks, laughing airily at the insult. If her brother had been around to hear such statement, there is no doubt that a light physical duel will occur.


“But can you imagine living a life as a royal blood? The idea of being born as a prince or a princess is insane.” Sana looks at the younger, seeing his grin slowly deflate.


“You’re treated as royalty on campus; how much different can it be?” He says, a soft tone flowing among the words.


Sana rolls her eyes at his simplicity. “That’s not what I mean. How interesting would one’s life be as a crown Prince or Princess? You have a whole nation to represent.”


“Exhausting, I’m assuming. Your whole life is sculpted – practiced down to the littlest of things. The fame, recognition, and attention that you didn’t ask for… it seems dull to me.” Dahyun speaks with such earnesty, it catches every fiber of Sana’s interest. “Life is much easier without the heavy burden of public image. You would know a thing or two, yes?”


The older girl stuffs her hands in her pockets, distracting herself from the life that she has been running away from lately. “Unfortunately.”


“All your friends are popular, yes?” Dahyun asks, and Sana shakes a head.


“Not all. One chooses to stay away from the spotlight.” She chuckles.


The freshman tilts a head in bafflement.


“Wait, who?” As far as Dahyun knew, all of Sana’s friends are known around the University.


Sana pulls out the resting right hand, moving up to flick a finger on his forehead.


The painful sound echoes without mercy.


“You; dumbhead.”


“Ouch...” Dahyun rubs on the reddened spot. “That hurt.”


Sana simply shrugs it off, smiling at his innocence. “Your brain was sleeping; I needed to wake it up.”


“It was unnecessary.” He pouts, still palming the throbbing area.


The long-haired Junior student stops her tracks, lightly grabbing onto his forearm. Confused, Dahyun turns to her, pausing the movement as well.


Without a word, Sana removes Dahyun’s hand that is meddling in his forehead, replacing it with her own. She begins to lightly soothe a thumb over the rosy blot.


She wants to kiss the pained area, like what her friends always do when Sana suffers an injury – which is often. Though the thought deems awkward.


Settling for a more indirect approach instead, Sana places a light kiss on her thumb then proceeding to gently stamp the peck on his forehead.


Dahyun visibly grows hot by the action, quickly looking down with a diffident expression.


“That should do it, right?” Sana asks, a grin of satisfaction curving on her lips.


“Y-yes. Thank you…”


He looks away; his hair flowing in a charming manner as Dahyun moves his attention towards the river.


Sana looks at him for a brief moment, always fascinated by the attractive side profile.


He speaks. “My brother once told me that a walk by the bay is one of the best dates a couple could have. He said that it is healing to one’s mind.” Dahyun moves a few steps, leaning his arms on a safety rail. “Funny how his girlfriend broke their relationship off by the lake.”


Sana joins him, walking closer as well. “Did she say why?”


He nods. “Being with him was burdensome.”


The older girl frowns at the answer. “That’s cruel. Wow.”


“It was understandable to an extent. Like yourself, he’s popular. Being with him had a number of consequences.” Dahyun begins to rub on her nape, not really sure why she is confessing such things.


Maybe the bay really does open one’s mind.


Sana’s frown deepens – knowing all too well. “I think, that’s the worst part popularity. You aren’t the only person the crowd gossips about, but everyone you associate yourself with as well.”


They stay silent for a while, until Sana whispers a question. “Is that why you refuse to be known?”


He shakes a head, his cheeks moving into a playful grin. “Not exactly. I’m just anti-social by nature.”


“Loser.” Sana sticks her tongue out, a display of childish ridicule. “Your brother must be good-looking then, if he’s popular and all.”


“Amazing. You just indirectly called yourself attractive.” Dahyun chuckles, running away as Sana aims for a kick.


“I am teasing.” He slows down into a jog, still giggling. “Though I can’t exactly answer your question without a biased heart. I do not find him all that good looking.”


Sana sprints up, eagerly pouncing on his back for an easy revenge. Dahyun grunts, barely catching her.


Still, he does.


“You owe me some cupped ramen.” She sings childishly, wrapping both arms around his shoulders. “I’m hungry.”


“Alright, alright.” He nods with a bit of a struggle. “Get off then, Sana-chan.”


“Nope.” She pops the end of word for an emphasis, hugging him tighter. “Don’t want to.”


“Fine. Hold on tight then. One, two…” Dahyun squats a little before hopping up, readjusting Sana’s figure on him.


Now in a more comfortable piggyback position. Sana is even lighter than she looks.


They begin to walk straight – well, just Dahyun since Sana is free riding. A convenience store stands a few metres ahead.


“Wow, you’re pretty strong.” The tall girl comments, amazed at the fact that Dahyun looks effortless; no sign of huffing whatsoever.


“It is not like that. You’re just light.” He comments casually.


A few girls are looking their way as they pass, some guys eyeing Sana as well.


The ladies murmur to themselves, their eyes double-taking on Dahyun – who unsurprisingly, remains clueless.


“You seem popular with the women here.” Sana brings up, somewhat – a tad bit – bothered.


“What gives?”


Sana notices that his glasses are sliding off, so she gives the pair a light push – earning a thankful greeting from Dahyun.


“They’ve been looking at you. I can’t believe you haven’t noticed.” She informs.


Dahyun turns his head a little, looking at Sana as best as he could. “I was too busy thinking of ramen.”


Sana lightly tugs on his ear, scolding in a frisky manner. “How are you supposed to get a girlfriend with that attitude?”


Dahyun hops again, repositioning Sana who remains wrapped around her like a koala.


“I don’t need one.” He answers.


“You need to go on romantic dates. They’re amazing.” Sana suggests.


“I don’t have time for that.” He hums playfully.


Sana presses onto him closer, her head resting on his shoulder as she examines the side profile much like earlier. “What in world could possibly be taking up your time?”


“You.” Dahyun grins, smiling from ear to ear. “We’re always hanging out together.”


The Japanese girl feels her lungs being squeezed in shock, dizzying her. “B-but – you need your girlfriend to take you to places…”


As if she wasn’t winded enough, Dahyun takes another blow. “Isn’t that what you’re doing? I don’t think I need a girlfriend if Sana-chan is already there to show me around.”


Sana can almost choke at his display of unplanned cuteness.


“A-Are you secretly a Casanova?” She stammers.


“How does not having a girlfriend relate to being a womanizer?” He giggles, locking Sana’s thighs tighter in his arms. “No, I just truly don’t have an interest in dating. I have my studies to prioritize.”


The older finally calms down, her chest already slowing back into a stable pace. “You’re such a nerd, Dahyun-kun.”


“Takes one to know one, Sana-chan.” He retorts, finally stopping in front of a store; lowering down to ease the girl into getting off.


“I hate you.” She mumbles with a pout.


“Sorry.” Dahyun flashes a cheeky smile, excitedly tugging the older girl inside.


They head directly towards the isle of instant noodles.


“Spicy kimchi, or extra cheese flavour?” The spectacled boy asks, holding two different brand of cup ramen.


“Spicy kimchi, of course. You gotta go with the best.” Sana eyes on the blazing red and black container.


Dahyun raises the other cup. “Really? I like cheese though.”


Sana laughs at the confused look. “Then buy the cheese.”


He studies the item for a moment before nodding in satisfaction. “Okay, cheese then.”


The Japanese girl follows while shaking a head in amusement.


Just as they were about to reach the cashier, he stops – turning to Sana. “What about our drinks?”


“Right.” Sana turns around to walk towards the coolers. “What’s for you?”


“I’ll have some iced tea, please.”


Sana grabs a bottle for Dahyun, and Coca-Cola for herself.


They head towards the counter to pay, all while chatting about the flavourful taste of noodles.


“Is that everything for you?” The female worker asks.


Dahyun nods, holding onto his card. “Yes, please.”


“She’s really pretty.” The girl bashfully says, looking at Sana – who is standing a few steps away – all while blushing.


The freshman laughs, already used to the fruitful reactions on Sana’s remarkable appeal. Tapping the card, Dahyun speaks faintly. “Yes, she is. She’s got a kind heart as well.”


“You look really good together.” She states, taking the latter by surprise.


“Oh, um… we–”


Dahyun doesn’t get to finish her sentence because Sana interrupts, finally approaching to take the plastic bag.


“Ready to go?” Sana asks, taking ahold of the younger’s wrist.


“Have a great day!” The girl behind the counter says, grinning at Dahyun. The kind of smile that holds a few meanings.


“You too.” Sana replies enthusiastically, clueless of the previous interaction that happened.


After filling the cups with boiling water, they settle down on the fixed tables in front of the store.


Dahyun is organizing the snacks when Sana speaks. “I think the cashier has a crush on you. She was smiling and stuff.”


The four-eyed royalty pauses her chore in order to take a good look at Sana. Seeing nothing but seriousness, she coughs a chortle. “I don’t think that’s the case.”


“But she was eyeing you so fondly.” Sana argues.


“Sana-chan, I can promise you it wasn’t like that. Not at all.” Dahyun suddenly snickers as she recalls the employee’s words. “Let’s just eat.”


They chat casually while slurping on the steamy-hot ramen.


“What’s one place in the world do you wish to go to someday?” Sana randomly asks out of the blue, sipping on her beverage.


Dahyun thinks for a good minute, wanting to give an honest answer. Perks of being a child of the King and Queen is that you are able to travel around the world without much difficulties. Dahyun has been to places most people can only dream of going to.


Finally settling on an answer, she responds.


“A carnival. Any carnival.”


“Carnival? What do you mean? You’ve never been?” She asks, disbelieved.


“Yeah, I have never been…”


Sana gasps. “Why not?”, She sounds so offended that Dahyun almost giggles.


The younger is fast in coming up with a cover-up. “Aren’t they crowded? I’m not really a fan…”


“Unacceptable. We’re clearing the itinerary for today. I’m taking you to a carnival instead. You’re in luck they’re in season right now.” Sana speaks with such determination. “We can’t have you missing out on all the fun, Dahyun. You can’t be that person.”


“What person?” He asks, bewildered.


“The nerd that lives under a rock all their life.”


He sips on his iced tea, Sana’s intense gaze on him.


“Are you done eating?” She questions.


He nods innocently, still drinking through a straw.


The Japanese girl instantly stands up. “Let’s go then; we can’t be wasting time. It’s about half an hour drive from here.”


He stands as well, in disbelief. “Wait, we’re really going?”


“Of course! I love carnivals. I’m here to show you around, and show you around I will.” Sana punches the air in determination.


She grabs onto Dahyun’s wrist before dragging him towards the direction of their parked car. Sana picks up the speed, forcing him to sprint as well.


“Running right after eating is so bad for you.” Dahyun whines, still running however.


“Yeah, yeah. One time doesn’t hurt.” She answers, running faster.


In a short span of time, they reach the car. They hop in, short of breath.


“This is going to be a regretful moment once the cramps kick in.” Dahyun comments, settling inside and clicking in her safety belt. Sana mirrors the action.


“Probably. But I’m sure all your worries will disappear as soon as we get there.” Her engine roars, excited as she reverses.


To the Carnival they go.


Half an hour of driving, random chatting, and terrible sing alongs – they finally reach.


As Dahyun steps out of the car, the distant sound of music along with the smell of grease, invades her system.


“Are you ready for this?” Sana asks, stuffing her keys into her pocket. “Your wallet is probably going to cry at the end of the day.”


Dahyun slips a tiny smile, unbothered. “It’ll be worth it, right?”


The younger has never experience the concept of being broke. She is allowed to spend money as she pleases.


“Hell yeah.” The Japanese girl gives a cheeky smile, making her way beside Dahyun. “There are a lot of people here, and it’s a weekday; ugh.”


She feels the young Korean physically tense at the words. Wanting to give comfort, Sana aims for the hand.


Dahyun mutely looks in confusion.


“I don’t want you to get lost. It’s a huge place.” She says before walking through the entrance.


They patiently go through admission with Dahyun being clueless as ever, just volunteering to pay for the cost; even with the money exchange for fairs, it was him who had no problem doing so.


Sana looks in absolute amazement with his nonchalance in money. He had no hesitation paying.


So Dahyun is rich too.


When they officially get inside, the younger’s jaw drops at the overwhelming number of food trucks, game stalls, and even the crazy rides.


The crown princess gulps in fear; rides are something she cannot deal with. The speed, the height, the vomit-inducing tricks – it is a deathwish.


“Is there anywhere you wanna go to?” Sana asks with a gentle voice, her hand gripping tighter on Dahyun’s. It is helping soothe her anxiety.


“I don’t know what’s here?” He looks around in amazement.


“Let’s play some games first– unless you want to go on rides now?” She questions.


Dahyun immediately gestures no. The idea of ramen coming out of her is already making her queasy.


“Games it is.” Sana begins to laugh, already sensing Dahyun’s hatred for the contraptions. “What about that one?”


The older girl move towards the Balloon Dart Throw stall, still holding Dahyun’s hand.


“Hello, welcome!” The employee greets with a bright attitude. “It’s five dollars for two darts, but since impressing your girlfriend with games like these, happens to be a popular norm around here – I’ll make it three darts for five; just for you.”


Dahyun looks at Sana, who keeps mum as well; both their cheeks blushing at the misinformation.


The freshman agrees anyway, since she is a pretty decent shot. She excels in archery, which gives her a great advantage with darts; how much different could it be?


There is a significant difference: the darts given are much lighter, and the tips are dull as well. She understands; she’s playing in the other team’s court – to their advantage.


Sana holds onto the two arrowhead, while Dahyun focuses on one; her left hand still holding onto Sana’s.


Mentally strategizing a game plan, Dahyun takes a quick aim–




One down, two to go.


Sana gives another, with Dahyun positioning herself the exact same way.




Same result. Dahyun is gaining confidence. If she has to play under their rules, that is what she will do. Her competitive side is slowly firing up; she now understands the love for such place. It is costly, but totally fun.


Aiming the last arrow, Dahyun takes a deep breath. Two out of three isn’t good enough for a game that she takes pride in.




“Wow. What an amazing shot!” The worker breathes in amusement. He then turns to Sana. “He’s a keeper.”


Sana chuckles, “He is.”


Dahyun mumbles a humble “Beginner’s luck.”.


“Here’s your prize.” He then gave a mini panda keychain to Dahyun, who turns to give the item to Sana.


“You’re giving it to me?”


He nods with a proud smile.


“You’re one of the prettiest couples I’ve seen in years of working here.” The guy interrupts.


Their cheeks burn like previously; Dahyun mutters a simple thank you as a flushed Sana drags him away, moving onto a different stall.


“I can’t believe he thought we were together…” Sana mumbles, totally shy.


“Well, we are together, right now. It’s a um, harmless assumption.” Dahyun stammers, bashful as well.


She quickly gets distracted by the Milk Bottles, seeing a guy with a nice build, trying to knock them over with a ball. They stand at the side, Sana getting distracted as well.


The guy is tall, with toned brows shoulders. He is attractive, and his effort to win makes him appear even more muscular.


“I wanna try it.” Dahyun mumbles. “It looks fun.”


“Are you sure? He didn’t even succeed and he’s huge.” She whispers in return.


Without another word, Dahyun approaches the stand. It forces Sana to move along, with their connected hands. They no longer notice, as it appears natural.


“We have money to spend.” He laughs.


“Hey, good afternoon. Are you here to win your girlfriend a lovely prize?” The female worker asks.


Dahyun doesn’t bat an eye for this one, already seeing it coming. Being defensive seems like a useless action now.


“If I’m lucky.” The younger chuckles, shrugging.


Paying eight dollars for two balls, Dahyun fails to knock down the bottles. The results are expected, so she doesn’t pay much attention to it.


“I have a feeling that everyone in this carnival thinks we’re a couple.” The shorter one states. There is no deeper intent behind, but just a simple statement.


“We’re holding hands, so yeah. A guy and a girl don’t typically go here alone together, I’m guessing.” Sana answers, but she doesn’t make an effort to let go; neither does Dahyun.


“Don’t let go though;” He pleads. “I would be really lost otherwise.”


“Don’t worry, I won’t.” Sana lifts their connected hands, sandwiching his tiny hand for a light pat. “I don’t want you wandering around to others.”


Assured and content, Dahyun flashes a smile; the same kind that Sana absolutely adores. The one where his eyes crinkle and teeth showing.


“Oh, what’s that one?” He points at a stall a few stands away.


“The hoop game?” Sana confirms, walking closer together. “You’re supposed to get the ball inside the hoop, like basketball. Though I heard it is one of the most rigged games out here. The ball is overinflated and the ring is too small.”


Finally close enough, Sana eyes the board. “Five dollars a ball? Jesus Christ.”


“I wanna try it.” Dahyun mutters.


“It’s a scam.” Sana reasons. “It’s so expensive.”


“But we came here to play.” He pouts, really wanting to try the game. “They have good prizes too.”


Sana raises a white flag in defeat, letting go of the soft hand to push Dahyun towards the open lane.


“Suit yourself.” Dahyun takes two steps when the Japanese girl interrupts. “Are you even good at basketball?”


He turns, one brow higher than the other. “I’m short… do I look like a person who is good at basketball?”


“Steve Nash is short but still amazing.” Sana argues.


Dahyun scoffs. “By short, you mean just a little above six feet.” He then turns to the worker. “Two please.”


“Your girlfriend is making fun of your height, ouch.” The guy operating the game comments amidst throwing a ball Dahyun’s way.


Like the previous workers, she doesn’t bother correcting. They most likely won’t believe her anyway.


“It’s nothing new.” The younger says, dribbling the ball twice before taking aim.




The basketball hits the rim, causing it to bounce right out.


Second shot was no luck either, simply catching air.


Sana whistles in mockery, laughing at the pathetic airball. “Time to hit the road, Dahyun-kun.”


He pouts at the insult, giving another ten dollar bill towards the man; two more balls in Dahyun’s position.


“It was close…” The latter says under her breath.


Her partner argues, shaking in disagreement. “It really wasn’t.”


“Just wait.” Dahyun’s competitive nature begins to kick in. Her pride is already tattered, and there is Sana who seems to be having fun at the loss.


Three bounces this time around.


The overly inflated ball dramatically spins around the rim before falling out; another miss.


Last one was a tad less tragic, hitting the backboard before bouncing a little too much.


The younger grumbles in frustration. Why is it so hard?


Her desire to win burns even stronger. She is already set to fish on her wallet when Sana forcefully grabs her onto her hand, holding it tightly and walking away.


“Don’t spend anymore on that. Let’s do something else.” The older girl begins to pull Dahyun ahead, looking left and right for a sign of any fun activities.


“We’ve been here for an hour and a half…” Dahyun says mindlessly, looking around for anything interesting. She begins to subconsciously swing their connected hands to the tune of the music playing in the fare.


“How about we try the rides now?” Sana suggests, and Dahyun immediately declines.


“You mean those metal bars of death? No, thank you.”


“Oh, come one. Please?”


Dahyun looks to her side, which she immediately regrets because what awaits are the most innocent looking pair of eyes she has ever seen. Sana’s orbs are a very light shade of brown. It’s really, really pretty.


“Fine.” The shorter one obliges. “You get to drag me into three death machines; no more than that.”


“Why three?” Sana questions.


Dahyun does nothing but look ahead. “Because if I push for any more, I might just ascend to heaven for real.”


“Alright, fine.” Sana takes a right turn, “This is where I want to spend my first of the three.”


The younger laughs – no, cackles at the view.


“Are you sure? This will hurt you more than it would, me.” He mocks in amusement.


“I’m sure…” Sana’s voice quivers in fear. “Just – don’t let go, okay?”


His mockery softens into a fond look, with clamped hands tightening its hold. “It can’t be that bad, right?”


It turns out, it wasn’t bad. Well, for Dahyun at least. Sana on the other hand, becomes a screeching mess. Her first ride of choice is a horror train; a little locomotive metal that drives into a dark place – a creepy little area that consists of terrifying props and heart-attack inducing jumpscares.


Living up to its purpose, the Japanese girl begins to cuddle with Dahyun’s arm in absolute terror. Their hands remained tightly clasped as Sana snuggles against the younger’s shoulder – screaming with a purpose.


The long-haired campus princess leaves the ride almost soulless. Dahyun is simply chuckling on the side, soothing the girl’s fears by running a thumb on the back of her hand.


“So much for a death train, right?” He cracks a joke, hoping to ease Sana’s anxiety.


She gets a light punch in return; typical.


“Ouch, Almighty Princess. It was your idea.” Dahyun retorts, chuckling still.


“You could’ve stopped me. You knew it was a bad idea.” She argues.


The young Korean’s sharp eyes squints in entertainment. “Why would I stop a source of amusement?”


Sana pouts for a few straight minutes, sulking like a rotten child. They continue walking in silence – Dahyun looking around for a fun game to play.


“Don’t worry, you have two more chances.” He mumbles, feeling elated and energized. “Hey, look. A shooting game.”


The statement forced the older girl into looking towards a certain direction. Right where the boy’s mannerly hand is pointing.


Another enthusiastic merchant greets the two. “Simple game for you lovebirds. ‘Shoot The Star’; pretty self explanatory if I must say. All you have to do is aim for the star; the goal is to completely remove the red. A huge, lovely prize of choice above may await your girlfriend if you succeed.”


If Dahyun were to be honest, she tuned out. The worker had an incredibly boring voice that can put one straight to day-dreamland.


For the most part, she got the gist of the game: aim, and shoot until the star disappears. Sounds, and looks simple enough.


The younger of the believed couple takes a moment to look on the stall ceiling, just to simply observe the items on the line. On the left bottom corner of the booth, she finds an adorable light brown plushie about half her size. It is big, and appears quite soft.


Best part of the item: it looks like Sana.


Seeing as the girl is still pouting on the side, Dahyun decides to cheer her up.


“Sure. I’ll give it a try.” She says with much casualty. Letting go of the older’s soft hand, she sees Sana’s lips jut further. “I’ll be quick.” Dahyun adds with a tiny grin.


Exchanging money for a mock rifle, the game begins.


As it turns out, the game deems harder than it appears. The lead is relatively light and hollow, allowing it to bounce off of the paper instead of directly piercing through. The royal princess should have known; such places always have a few tricks up their sleeves.


Determined to win amidst a burning sense of competitiveness, Dahyun tries again.


And again.


And another round.


Sixty dollars later, and she continues trying, unbothered of the ridiculous cost for a mere cheap toy.


But Dahyun has always been stubborn in nature. Through her soft persona lies an incredibly zealous beast. Starting from the need to live up Taehyung’s accomplishment as a child, all the way to present; where winning a toy means so much.


It’s unreasonable in a view of the big picture. She is spending a ridiculous amount of money for a prize of low quality. Buying Sana an enormous toy of the exact replica but in a high quality cloth would be the smarter choice. It’s what a royal blood would do; it’s what Dahyun used to see her brother do as a token for his beloved.


But Dahyun loves the thrill of victory, and the lovable idea of cheering Sana up through a righteous gesture.


She will win the prize for sure.


Another failed round.


“Woah there, gentleman. Are you that determined to win?” The nerdy employee interrupts whilst receiving another one of Dahyun’s cash; one of the many that evening.


“Dahyun-kun it’s fine. We can go somewhere else.” Sana whispers, giving a comforting hand on Dahyun’s stiff shoulder. He is tense and there is a certain fiery colour that paints his orbs.


“No other booth has it.” She hears him mumble, positioning in the same stance he has been for roughly half an hour.


“Has what?” Sana asks in confusion.


“A bit more, Sana-chan. Please? I swear we could go back to the rides after.” The older knows that she doesn’t have much of a choice. Dahyun seems to have eyed a prize. What item? She isn’t sure.


She waves a hand. “Fine, fine.”


His pleading eyes shifted into a look that mirrors which of a combative person. There is a light shade of gratefulness which the Japanese detects. It’s kind of attractive.


He manages to be a perfect combination of adorable as well as hot.


It’s quite a wonder.


Sana isn’t the most religious but she is starting to believe that God spent a while longer than necessary, just sculpting Dahyun’s existence.


She watches as the younger repeats the routine from earlier.


Yet, another unfortunate luck.


“How about giving a kiss on your boyfriend’s cheek? For good luck.” The same worker speaks, eyes on Sana. He is fixing another gun for Dahyun – knowing that he isn’t planning on stopping anytime soon.


The two burns in sudden embarrassment. Glancing awkwardly at each other, the older feigns a cough.


“We uh– aren’t together…”


The guy behind the booth raises an eyebrow, momentarily stopping his job.


“But weren’t you two holding hands when you came here earlier?”


Sana wishes that he wasn’t so meddlesome, because now she is stuck in a slump. He is right, there is no explanation in mind that would possibly clear up the situation.


Absorbing the uncomfortable silence, the worker simply handed the gun. This time, not bothering to accept Dahyun’s payment.


“This one’s on me, dude. You’ve paid enough.” He chuckles lightly. “Maybe fiftieth time’s a charm?”


Dahyun nods, still a subtle hint of pink on his pale cheeks. “Thank you.”


He takes a quick glance towards Sana’s way, who is possessing the same shade of crimson. “You got this, Dahyunnie.”


A purposive inhale, the younger tries again.


This time, he begins to aim for the outline of the star. After numerous tries from her previous failed attempts, he eventually learned how to strategize the game.


Every second that ticks, Dahyun outlines an edge of the star.


A few pellets left.


Dahyun takes a sharp intake, anticipating. She mentally crosses fingers, wanting to finally win.


And he does.


The red star falls to the ground, swaying with the wind as it does so.


“Oh my God, Dahyun! You did it!” Sana pounces in excitement, as the chatty worker cheers in the back.


Booth worker in blue gently places the gun back to its original spot, dusting both hands before speaking. “Congratulations, mate. Well deserved.” He gives a friendly laugh. “Now onto the best part, what prize would you like?”


Dahyun doesn’t hesitate in pointing at the plushie that she has been eyeing on since the beginning. “That one, please.”


Game guy flashes a pleased smile. “Ah, yes. The crowd favourite: Shiba Inu plush. Seems like your luck isn’t all that bad. This is the last one in stock.”


He takes a long metal rod to retrieve the hanging prize, grunting as it falls into his arms. With a proud smile, he carefully hands the item to Dahyun.


“Enjoy your friendly date with that beautiful friend of yours.” The disappearing blush makes a glorious return at the comment. They both know what the worker implies – putting a getaway emphasis on the word ‘friend’.


Dahyun tried to grasp the huge pup with an arm while the other hand wraps around Sana’s. She mumbles a brief ‘thank you’ at the worker before dragging the older.


“Where are we going now?” Sana murmurs bashfully.


“Anywhere you want; but before that, one second.” Dahyun pulls Sana to the side, away from the walking bodies. “Here.”


The younger’s cheeks burns even brighter at the cringey gestures. She has only ever seen such cliché acts on movies, or Taehyung with his past girlfriend.


“You’re giving it to me?” Sana gasps in shock and excitement. “But you won that…”


Dahyun nods, agreeing to her words. “I did. I um, won it for y-you.” He is stammering, which Sana finds endearing as usual.


“For me?”


He nods again. “It looks like you… it’s uh– s-soft and um, w-warm? l-like you know… what am I saying?”


Sana breaks into an amused grin. “You think I’m soft and warm?”


“Your hand is…” He whispers without thinking. “And you took me around today so um, I w-wanted to thank y-you.”


Unable to handle his cuteness any longer, Sana dives in for a hug, planting a light peck on his cheek.


“Thank you, Dahyun-kun. This is adorable.” She squeals as she pulls away.


“Always a pleasure, Sana-chan.” He returns, with a captivating smile. His glasses slightly moving as his cheeks rises.


Onlookers look at the ‘couple’ with fond smiles and envious eyes, with some wondering why their boyfriends are incapable of such sweet behaviour.


If Sana were to overhear their thoughts, she would give one simple answer.


It is because Dahyun is unlike the rest.


After their borderline romantic exchange, it’s Sana’s turn to have fun. She quickly pulls Dahyun towards the most popular contraption of the event: the T express.


“No, no. Please, God no. Anything but this, Sana-chan.”


Sana grins at the reaction, internally cackling at the tightened hands. “It’s not that bad. It’ll go by quick.”


The metal of death – as Dahyun refers to it as – begins to move slowly, going upwards by the second.


“God has forsaken me.” The younger whispers like a mantra, tightening their joint hands as the other grips onto the handlebar.


Sana laughs, unable to take him seriously. He was intensely competitive just a few moments ago, and now he is acting like a terrified little boy. “You can lean on me if you’d like. I don’t mind.” She whispers softly, her laughter dying down.


Dahyun, who didn’t need to be told twice is quick to lean a head on Sana’s shoulder, almost burying his face altogether.


The metal clanks, and the sound of wood drives Dahyun’s insanity further. “This was a bad idea. This was such a bad idea. Are we there yet?”


His voice is muffled against Sana’s clothing but she understood his words completely. She didn’t answer for a short moment, not until they’ve reached the edge of the slope, awaiting to drop.


“Yup.” She whispers against his ear before the rollercoaster makes a great drop, everyone screaming – some of thrill, while others screech for their dear life.


Sana screams in absolute bliss, occasionally looking at the person to her side who is using her arm as a support.


“Hey Dahyunnie, if you manage to open your eyes for three seconds, I’ll treat you some ice cream.” She whispers playfully.


The younger immediately rejects, pressing his face further onto Sana’s shoulder. “I’ll buy my own ice cream.”


“Oh come on, the camera is coming up.”


“It’s fine, let me look ugly.”


Sana shakes a head, looking at him fondly. She must have stared longer than intended because the camera flashes to her direction.


“Dahyunnie, we’re here; it’s over.” Sana taps the younger’s head.


He then quickly shoots up, grinning immediately; rejoicing that he had lived through the ride.


“You’re such a loser.” Sana comments with a cheeky smile.


“Say what you want, I got through that.” He sticks his tongue out, immediately jumping out as soon as the ride comes to a stop.


Sana didn’t hesitate to buy a copy of the roller coaster picture, wanting to hold a photographic memory of the moment. A picture where she is looking at Dahyun with tender pair of eyes, and the younger clinging onto Sana as if she were his whole world. It truly is a super cute photo.


It has been forever since she had that much fun on an amusement park with a guy, let alone without her friends’ company.


She briefly remembers Mina’s words of wanting to get to know Dahyun better. The youngest Japanese went as far as calling him attractive which bothered both Momo and Sana.


Dahyun is good looking, that is a simple fact but one that Sana is not quite ready to share with the world yet.


She wants to be a little possessive of their bonding for a while longer.


Just a bit longer.


“For my third ride of choice, I wanna go there.” Sana points at the rotating circle.


A Ferris wheel.


“Really Sana-chan? I just survived the train of death.” He argues, pouting.


“Come on, it’s moving really slow. There are barely anyone in the line up.” She says, gripping onto her plushie while pushing a hesitant Dahyun’s back.


“Sana-chan, I’m begging. Don’t make me do this.” He whines, and Sana almost melts.


But the skies are already dark, and it is the perfect time to end their little day. Sana has always thought about riding a Ferris wheel with a guy she likes. She has gone many times with her friends, but she always seemed to end up alone inside the metal box. Sometimes with Jihyo.


Worse was when Jihyo and her ex-boyfriend ended up in the same booth as Sana.


“No can do.” She sing-songs, excited to hop in. For the first time in a long while, she looks forward to being stuck with someone inside. Dahyun is a great company, and Sana has no doubt that she will enjoy the ride.


Okay, she might has spoken so soon.


Because as soon as they begin ascending, Dahyun’s panic flames bolder.


“Am I going to die? What if this box falls? Oh no. It’s gonna drop. ”


They are sitting opposite to each other, with Sana simply observing the younger with a gentle smile. The corner of his lips are quivering in fear, and his feet are tapping in obvious anxiety. Sana does feel a little bad for dragging him into a situation that he is clearly unready for.


Finally speaking up, she apologizes. “Sorry for dragging you in here, I was messing around and I didn’t know you’d be this scared.”


“It’s not a big deal… I’m just a bit of a wuss when it comes to heights…”


“So you’re not afraid of muscular men trying to beat you up, nor are you scared of trash talking His Highness but you’re scared of heights?”


“Well, if I am ever beaten by men, then my chances of living are under favourable odds. Same with His Highness; at most I’ll land in jail – but heights… it’s an expressway to heaven.” He speaks; his voice trembling a little.


Sana watches as he does a series of breathing exercises as a way of calming down. She then stands up after a short moment of observation.


“Wait, woah– what are you doing?” He visibly panics, quickly holding onto the side bars.


“Scoot over. I’m here to rescue you.” Sana stretches a charming smile, entrancing Dahyun into following command.


Without another word, Sana places her Shiba plushie onto Dahyun’s lap. She then takes a seat and gently grabs ahold of his trembling hand, intertwining their fingers together.


All day they have been holding hands but this is the first time that their have entwined their fingers.


Sana’s heart is pounding; she smiles it off.


Her butterflies take a chaotic leap at his thankful smile. It must be the intimate atmosphere because the Japanese girl is suddenly more aware of her fond feelings towards the younger.


His hands are soft; really soft.


It feels nice to hold.


The position of intertwined hands feels too good to let go, or feel awkward about.


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i didn't realize i updated on the anniversary of this story omg!! happy 4 years anniversary my loves <3333 thank you for being with me for years ily all :* muah


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Chapter 12: Coming late to read this story! It is so cute... Thank you for writing it. I hope these years are being a bit kinder to you. As long you wanna keep writing, Ill be waiting for a update on this. Have a nice day!
CalyxVargas #2
Hi author-nim, when will you come back😭😭😭??
gwenlim24 #3
Sheeettt pang ilang balik ko na to dito, the best of the best pa din tong au na to ng saida walang tatalo 😭
dh_kim07 #4
Chapter 12: hi, miss u author-nim
Kimmy001011 #5
Chapter 12: god!it's a real good story, i want to see more😭😭😭
I miss u.
Chapter 12: Just rereading this lovely story again until the next update 😅
Kimdubs #8
Chapter 12: God! This story is my favorite, I hope you update this story
gwenlim24 #9
2024 and I'm still waiting. Finished all your saida stories and yes I therefore conclude that you are the my most favorite author
doobla #10
Chapter 12: I like to come back a few times a year because I truly enjoy the story