It’s All About You.

Time To Love
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Sorry for the delay :(




A few hours spent back in the Palace, and the crown princess is already reminded why she had tried so hard to enter a regular University.


It is still as dull – boring as she recalls.


“Angle the bow a little higher. Keeping a straight aim would result in landing an eight; six, if your grip lacks of the required strength.” She informs monotonously.


It is not like Dahyun had been expecting much in the first place, but returning to such bland routines is starting to get old for her.


The handsome lad nods to her instruction, moving his stiff arm. One last tug and he lets go.




“Your left arm wavered at the final millisecond. If you had kept the proper stance, I guarantee a ten.” Dahyun’s sharp eyes observes the arrow that sticks just an inch away from the aimed target.


“You are a lot more commanding than Miss Irene.” Taehyung chuckles, plucking another rod from the cylinder that dangles on his waistband.


The young princess – still clad in her casual campus wear – pushes on the bridge of her glasses, shrugging at the comment. “Miss Irene is one for punishments and self-reflection. She expects her students to fix their own mistakes without the need for others’ help.”


The Kim Highnesses are currently lounging on the Palace’s beautiful garden; spacious and grand. Taehyung – as previously promised – is practicing for his upcoming archery competition whilst Dahyun is present to assist. She does not have much choice; there is only so much a person could do in a strictly calculated home.


“Had the breakfast gone as planned?” He asks, easing into his posture. The Prince was unable to attend due to an early morning meeting with other noble bloods.


“More or less. Mother is quite displeased with my ensemble, but Father is oddly elated; something about ‘bearing a great resemblance to his teenage self’, if I had heard correctly.” Dahyun speaks whilst Taehyung prepares for another shot. His shoulder is a tad awkward in position, and the younger presumes a result of seven. “Quite ironic, frankly; considering that I am a female.”


Just as she suspected, he lands a solid seven.


“Your posture could be improved. I suggest seeking Mister Nichkhun’s help. He had assisted me in the past.” She suggests, earning a defeated sigh from the older.


“Seemingly a hopeless case.”


Dahyun shoves both hands in her pants pockets; no sign of royal elegance anymore.


“Her Highness of Taiwan is coming to visit later in the evening.” Taehyung informs in attempt of small talk, which successfully piques his sister’s attention.




He gives an affirmative nod. “Yes. Chaeyoung is arriving past noon, so I assume that she might be the main reason for the sudden visitation.”


It is the younger’s turn to shake a head of understanding. “Is that all?”


“Yerim is coming as well. She had heard of your arrival back in the Palace, and she has brought it upon herself to come along.”


“I left for a reason. That fool.” Dahyun disapproves with a fond smile, clearly pleased of seeing the troublesome princess again.


A smirk begins to stretch on the Prince’s plump lips, putting Dahyun on alert. She can already sense trouble ready to slip past his dirty mouth.


“Yes, precisely. You left because of a sweet maiden that goes by the name of Sana.” The smug look broadens. “I must say– I am intrigued, my dear sister.”


Dahyun palms the lower half of her face, just below where her spectacles are. Groaning as meddles with her hoodie strings, she speaks. “Correction; I left due to the attention I have been receiving.”


The future King begins removing the equipment on his body, leaving him in a tucked, red, silky button up matched with a pair of black jeans and formal dress shoes. Their fashion choices are clashing, but surprisingly complementary.


“The unnecessary attention which she is responsible for.” He rests a case, receiving a sigh from the younger. “Mother’s worst fear, perhaps; her daughter befriending a stranger from a foreign world, different from her own. A bit risky, yes?”


“Sana has shown nothing but a kind heart.” The princess defends.


Taehyung begins to walk towards the left wing of the Palace, gesturing Dahyun to follow suit.


“Mother is simply one to worry.” He explains. “I would not fret too much.”


“I do not. Such topic is too shallow to dwell on.”


His eyebrows raise in question, both arms locking behind his back; a practiced classy posture for a future king.


“Sana is a shallow topic that you mustn’t brood over?”


“No. I was referring to Mother’s behaviour.” She corrects. “I would never speak ill of Sana.”


“You have matured over the months of parting, little Princess.” The corner of Taehyung’s lips rises into a devious smirk. “Must I thank your foreign maiden for the wonderful change?”


“Lower your volume, oaf. What if our security overhears?” Dahyun scolds in a whisper. “Why must you bring Sana’s name in every conversation possible?”


“My sister’s woman of interest is a girl I would love to be acquainted with.” He speaks with a certain softness that contrasts with the roughness of his gravel-like voice. “I need to make sure that my future sister-in-law receives my honest blessings.”


“Quit the nonsense, Taehyung.” She scolds in a mixture of embarrassment and irritation.


“Oh, come on!” The older whines, dropping his memorized elegance. “Allow me to have this one.”


“What information are you seeking to achieve?” Dahyun grumbles in defeat. “Sana would not be too pleased about a discussion regarding her personal life.”


“Any given details will remain confidential.” Taehyung’s childish act transitions into a sly persona. “So, tell me about her; enlighten me about your maiden of choice.”


Dahyun rolls her eyes at the wiggling brows.


How meddlesome.


“Fine. Sana is Japanese; attending her third year as an English Literature major. She loathes Romeo and Juliet, enjoys piano pieces, and carnival rides.” A tiny smile breaks into her lips as she added, “Her resemblance with the dog breed Shiba Inu is uncanny.”


The future King mirrors the smile, making them appear as twins.


“I adore her already. She seems lovely.”


“She often gives me chocolate treats. Despite the notable popularity, her heart is remarkably pure; it is beautiful. Sana is very much like a campus princess. Everyone seems to treat her like one.”


Taehyung is not sure if Dahyun is aware of her own tone that flows of fond and sweet admiration.


Allowing a few teasings about the gentle character to slide pass, he drops a comment. “A princess for a princess? Sickeningly romantic.”


He barks a laugh at the blushing skin.


“Quit it, idiot. She thinks that I am a male student. I can guarantee you that she is heteroual.”


Taehyung’s distinct eyes grow soft at the Dahyun’s words.


“Not all things appear as they may seem, dear sister.” His slender right hand shoots to ruffle the young princess’ short hair. “Get a haircut; perhaps you can charm her then. How about blonde?”


Dahyun slaps the arm, moving a step back. “Blonde? I do not plan on drawing attention to myself. I am no narcissist like yourself.”


“Confidence; the correct term is confidence. A trait that attracts a number of women, if used lightly.” He raises an index finger in sass.


“I do not – and I repeat, do not plan on attracting any women around.”


His smile broadens; all too knowing. “Because you have already caught the attention of the only maiden you desire, am I right?”


“Incorrect. Where you picked up on such assumptions is beyond me, Taehyung.” She denies.


“We have suffered through the same rules and boring galas, Dahyun. I have seen you interact with multiple women of different classes. Not once, had any piqued your interest.” The older continues walking with nonchalance, while Dahyun is left confused – now mindlessly walking beside him with distracted thoughts.


Keeping note of the minutes of silence that had gone by, Taehyung speaks again. “Have you considered being official with Sana?”


The younger is quick to disapprove of the idea. “Not a chance. I transferred to study… My sole goal for attending is to experience the life as a regular University student.”


Dahyun sees that he had halted his steps, which forces her to stop as well. They are within meters of the palace building. The area is clear of their usual royal security; isolated and peaceful.


“Dating is a University norm, Princess. To retaliate on your argument – no; you did not attend the faculty to ‘study’. Our private tutor is clearly of a higher standard, so that point is merely an excuse.” He takes two steps closer, reaching out to pinch the younger’s cheek. “There is nothing wrong with pursuing Sana, little queen. It is perfectly acceptable to prioritize your happiness once in a while. In fact, I recommend it.”


The girl in a casual wear visibly loosens up at the comforting advice. Though there is still a thought that continues to itch her mind. “But Sana thinks I am of a different gender…”


He shrugs at the worry, showing no signs of distress. “Let her think so. Your time with her is limited, Dahyun. Enjoy the moment, and use them wisely.”


He begins walking ahead, only turning around when his sister chokes a final response. “W-what if she is not interested in me? Romantically?”


Taehyung smiles at the panic in her voice. Though Dahyun would likely deny her feelings, – no matter the stubborn righteousness to what she thinks is the correct decision, the royal princess still has a heart that grows fond for a special person.


She wouldn’t say it herself, but the future king is aware that his sister had already found that person; it is no other than her Japanese eye candy: Sana.


“Call her later, and I’ll be around to confirm.”


A light chuckle escapes from his lips as he hears a low grunt from Dahyun.


Yes; His Highness’ younger sister is most definitely catching some sugary feelings.




“Sana? What are you doing here?”


The said girl had just finished her evening class when she comes home to the sight of the Japanese couple in her living room; no sign of Jihyo in sight.


“What do you mean what am I doing here – what are you doing here? This is our place.” Her eyes squint into a glare.


“We were with Jihyo just earlier, but she had a council emergency, so she left.”


Sana scoffs in disbelief. “So you brought it upon yourself to lounge– are those my pringles?”


Momo shrugs; uncaring of the indirect insult. “Not quite, and yes, they’re yours. We’ve been staying around every weekend, but you just haven’t noticed. You were too busy with Dahyun.” She then looks at her girlfriend who is pressing her lips tightly to muffle a laugh.


The oldest Japanese takes a loud bite of the salted snack.


“So, did you just get back from him? How is he?” Mina asks this time around, a certain tone of interest in her voice – unlike her usual monotone of disinterest in any topic that relates to men.


Sana joins the two, lazily flopping against the couch, while the couple remains snuggling on the carpeted floor. “I haven’t seen him around. He hasn’t replied either.”


Mina notes of the sulky tone, but she doesn’t ask.


“Text him again. Ask if he’s okay. He could be sick, or something.” The youngest advices.


Momo perks up at the worried tone, a little confused by the change of character. “Why do you sound more worried than Sattang?”


“What? I like Dahyun.” Her shoulders rise to an indifferent shrug.


The oldest frowns at the reasoning. “You’ve met him once.”


“Your point…? He’s adorable.”


It’s Sana’s turn to frown; one eyebrow rising in suspicion. “The lesbian messiah is actually calling someone of the male species ‘adorable’?”


“He is, though. Dahyun has really nice eyes, and his voice is pretty.” Mina explains, but that only triggers the Japanese twins even more.


“Is Sana dating Dahyun, or are you?” Momo scoffs in disbelief, obviously jealous.


“I’m not–” Sana is about to deny when the slightly older girl interrupts.


“Shut up, Sattang.”


“I don’t see the big deal, babe. Dahyun appears very likeable. He was really sweet to Sana.” She defends. “Plus, he’s a Piano Performance major. That is both a soft, and attractive quality.”


“Jongin is a Dance Performance major; a soft and attractive trait, but you never spoke sweetly of him.” Momo rolls her eyes, a dash of bitterness in her system regarding her girlfriend’s behaviour towards Dahyun.


“Yes, but that’s because I don’t like Jongin.” Mina straight forwards. “I like Dahyun.”


Sana tosses her unlocked phone to the younger Japanese, which she barely catches. The former’s face screaming of unamusement. “Since you like him so much, call him yourself.”


“You might be mocking me, but I would love to call him.” Mina sticks her tongue out at the older. Cuddling her sulking girlfriend further. She kisses Momo’s cheek, mumbling a low ‘I love you’ before pressing a certain green icon and scrolling through her contact messages.


It is expected that his name is on the top of the list: Dahyun-kun.


“Dahyun-kun, eh?” Mina lifts a smirk. Laughing at the view of Sana’s blushing cheeks. Momo joins in on the laughter, now at ease. “Cute.”


“I’m calling.” Mina warns as she presses on the telephone symbol; with speakerphone being an unspoken rule. The phone rings for about ten seconds until someone picks up.


“Sana-chan? Is everything okay?” His voice seems much huskier over the phone, hotter than the three of them could remember. Though the default tenderness remains.


Mina squeals like a teenage girl. She mouths a teasing “Sana-chan?”


The ballerina then extends an arm, allowing Sana to respond. Moving to sit on the floor as well, she answers with inflamed skin.


“Hey, uh– I was just wondering where you’ve been? I haven’t seen you around, and you weren’t texting back…”


Momo brings it upon herself to copy her best friend's voice, adding a short “I miss you.” at the end; which then earns her a great smack on the back.


A distant muffled laughter echoes from the other line. Dahyun’s stammering voice comes following. “I-I miss you too.”


“Hey Dahyun, Mina here.” The youngest of the foreign trio greets cheerfully.


“Oh, hi. Good evening.” His voice switches into a calmer tone; soft and sweet.


Momo speaks next. “Where have you been, buddy? Sana won’t stop whining about your absence.”


Another grunt comes shortly after as Sana aims for her left bicep next. “They’re lying!”


“I apologize for the sudden disappearance, Sana-chan. I had emergency at home, that I needed to take care of. I will be back shortly, I promise.” The three hears a muffled ‘wait for me, babe.’ before rustling and grumbling noises come following after.


Mina thinks there was a small ‘leave the room, oaf.’ but it was far too incomprehensible to be sure of.


“Just say you’re dating and go.” Momo coughs a mocking scoff.


Sana’s reddened face grows even brighter. Due to both the light teasing and the unexpected endearment.


“We’re dating?” Dahyun asks from the other line.


“Aren’t you?” The couple laughs, with Momo pressing closer onto her lover.


“We went out on a couple of dates, so I guess we are?” Sana isn’t sure if the boy is teasing or genuinely clueless about what the words imply.


The latter can feel her ears growing even impossibly warmer than it already is.


“Look at that, Sattang. He just confirmed your little ‘thing’.” Mina grins, approving of Dahyun’s light teasings.


“We aren’t dating…” She whispers, sounding embarrassed.


Dahyun must have heard because he responds right away. “But we even had a carnival date.”


The Japanese couple gasps in excitement. “Carnival date? Oh my God, Sattang! That’s so cliché.”


“Dahyun hasn’t been in one, so I took him on an adventure…” She mumbles in a timid tone, her one hand meddling with the hem of her shirt.


“Sana is acting shy, oh gosh. Mina are you seeing this?” Momo giggles at her best friend's uncharastically timid behaviour. “Dahyun, you should see your girl. She is blushing madly.”


“Leave me alone…” Sana murmurs before grabbing a throw pillow on the couch, and proceeding to bury her face.


“I would love to see.” Says that velvety voice from the other line.


“I got a picture, I’ll send it later.” Mina chuckles at the captured image on her screen.


Sana’s aflamed squishy cheeks.


A quiet, deep voice comes from Dahyun’s end. It sounded like a different man. “Let me speak to her. I wanna speak to Sana.”, followed by the freshman’s “No, go away you lout.”


Sana lifts a head, her face mirroring a look of confusion. “Who is that?”


“Dahyun’s brother, pleasure to meet you!” The husky voice shouts from a distant. The bespectacled boy is quick to speak over him. “Ignore the oaf, my apologies.”


“You have a brother?” The couple wonders out loud.


“The name’s V. Great to meet you, ladies.” He shouts again. “Especially you, Sana. Dahyun wouldn’t stop mentioning your name.” It is clear that the man is teasing, but that didn’t stop the Japanese girls from squealing like teenagers caught on puppy love.


“Please, ignore him; I am begging.” Pleads Dahyun. Sana can practically picture the adorable pout already.


Three days without communication has been proven to be rough. She knows it in herself that she has been badly missing him. The praises, the familiar look of adoration and lust – the unnecessary empty compliments, it is exactly how it had been before Dahyun entered the picture.


Dreadfully boring, to say the least. She even catches herself munching on a choco pie yesterday, and she dreads marshmallows.


She still dislikes the treat, but it brings her closer to Dahyun’s comfort so it is okay.


“Sana adores Dahyun in more ways than one, so it is safe to say that the feeling is mutual.” Momo exposes, as she takes a bite of her (Sana’s) Pringles.


The latter glances to her side, instantly beaming at the sight of her smiling girlfriend. She is suddenly reminded of the day when she realized that she had been enamoured with Mina the whole time.


Her smile; that timeless, gummy smile.


“I love you.” She couldn’t help but whisper.


The younger’s response is automatic; a gentle peck on the lips, as she mumbles a line that is reserved for no one but Momo. “You’re my everything.”


“If you start making out here, I swear to God I will kill the both of you, and myself.” Sana growls, stopping every further intimate contact between her friends. In her grip is now her phone, snatching it away from Mina without the ballerina ever noticing.


“What’s wrong?” Dahyun asks through the speakers.


Sana’s glare continues, making the couple chuckle in slight embarrassment and amusement.


“Mina and Momo are being gross. They’re kissing.”


The young man begins to laugh heartily. His chuckles only come to a stop when his brother’s voice echoes through the line. “If you’d like the same type of romance, then Dahyun is available – ouch!”


Sana and friends continue to listen as the sound of grunting takes over for minutes. It only stops when the sound of a loud bang and a click is heard.


A breathless, husky soft voice welcomes them again. “Sorry about that. He had to go.”


“Did you just kick your brother out?” Momo cackles with interest. Her one hand over Mina’s, thumb gently caressing her lover’s supple skin.


“I did.” Sana can tell that the younger is nodding. “He was being meddlesome.”


She would never dare admit out loud, but Dahyun is certainly attractive when panting. Sana knows that she had craved for the voice, but she didn’t realized that her hunger goes beyond what is deemed as ‘safe’, between friends.


“When are you coming back?” The Junior student asks. She hopes that her tone isn’t too telling – too clingy.


The answer comes easy, already set and planned. “In three days time.”


“Isn’t that too long?” Sana doesn’t mean to whine, but she does nonetheless.


“Is it?” He chuckles light-heartedly.


“It’s longer without you.” Momo interrupts, voicing out her best friend’s thoughts. “Is what Sana wants to say.”


“I’ll be back soon, Sana-chan.”


“You better be sure about that.” Judging by the snickers coming from the couple, Sana is sure that she is coming off as a deprived girlfriend.


“I promise. I’ll treat you with another original piece of mine as an apology for the sudden disappearance.”


Momo feigns a gag. “Get a room, lovebirds.”


“You’re the one cuddling with your girlfriend, asshat.” Sana retorts.


“We’ll be anticipating your return, Dahyun. Especially your Sana-chan over here.” Mina humours, earning a glare from the older.


“This is my place, I can kick the both of you out if I wanted.”


“Look at your woman, Dahyun.” Momo snitches. “She’s threatening us. She is such an .”


“Easy there, Sana-chan. I’m sure they mean no harm.” His voice softens over the line.


Just like that, Sana huffs in surrender. Momo doesn’t stop herself from cackling.




“I swear to God, if you don’t shut your trap…” Sana trails a warn.


The best friends are about to play fight when a sudden knocking comes from Dahyun’s side of the line. Muffled voices are evident as well. “Hold on, my mother is calling for me. I will call you back sometime later, Sana-chan. It has been nice speaking to you as well, Momo and Mina.”


“See you soon!” The couple bids goodbye, along with Sana’s “Take care, Dahyun-kun.”


The moment the dial tone beeps from her phone, Momo speaks. “Dahyun-kun, huh?”


Sana doesn’t hesitate in kicking her idiotic friend’s shin – a dirty payback for the embarrassment that she had caused.




True to his word, Dahyun does call call sometime later during the night when Mina and Momo had already left, and Sana is back inside her room alone.


They talk for a duration of an hour and a half until the older could no longer suppress a yawn. Dahyun had brought it upon himself to sweetly put her to sleep using the magic of his voice.


Safe to say, Sana had slept like a child; comfortable and tranquil.


Why does Dahyun have to be so ideal?




“My beloved has mentioned that you are finally in a committed to a relationship, Dahyun. It is about time.” Tzuyu mentions as the elite group gathers in the Kim Royalty’s spacious living room. Her hand moves to her right,intertwining with her girlfriend’s.


The older Princess then chokes on her champagne, resulting into a violent cough.


“Chaeyoung mentioned what?”


Tzuyu appears unbothered, still remaining in her perfect posture and stoic expression. “That you are involved with a pretty Japanese maiden. I have seen a few images, and she is indeed beautiful.”


Dahyun suddenly feels the need to the first two of her closed collar. The air is suddenly a little suffocating as she squirms under everyone’s gaze. Being placed in a hot seat is never pleasant.


“Sana possesses a charming smile.” Yeri adds on, sitting on a luxurious maroon couch across from the young couple. “I have yet to meet her but judging by the exchange of sugary messages between the two, she has my approval.”


“Your approval? Why would such a thing be relevant?” Dahyun continues to sip on the alcoholic beverage, needing a distraction from the chaos.


“As a close relative – dare I say younger sister, my opinions on your romantic endeavours are important.” The younger mindlessly examines her decorated nails, a display of nonchalance and disinterest in the topic. “I have also spoken to Taehyung last night. He and I share the same thoughts on your darling, Dahyun.”


“And I, as well.” Chaeyoung weighs along, untangling their joint hands in order to comfortably rest her back against Tzuyu’s chest; with the latter’s arm looping on the small frame.


It is comfortable and intimate; a physical contact that Dahyun craves often but cannot fully admit on.


‘There is no time for love’, she finds herself repeating.


“I would like to make it clear that we are not in a relationship.” She denies.


Tzuyu does not seem to believe her. Neither do Yeri and Chaeyoung.


“I do not have time for courtship.”


The Taiwanese princess plants a light kiss on her lover’s crown. “I remember saying the exact words, Dahyun. I lived by my family’s rules; studies, and association with noble Princes – none of which related to Chaeyoung.” Her embrace tightens. “They are foolery that I deeply regret to this day. Love rarely comes around, Your Highness.”


“It is a rarity to discover such a precious existence. Give it a try, Dahyun.” Yeri is oddly serious, which can only convey that she whole earnestly means what she had said.


Chaeyoung flashes a grin, her cheeks dipping to flaunt a pair of adorable dimples.


“Your Highness, I think it’s time to love.”




“Guys,” Sana has been acting strangely the whole day. Mina is not sure of whether the anxiety is related to Dahyun’s absence but one thing's for sure: a certain situation had occurred sometime during the day hence, the odd behaviour.


“What’s wrong, Hammy?” She asks sweetly.


“I saw Wonwoo today…” The Japanese girl confesses, biting her lip in guilt.


As expected, Jihyo and Nayeon are the loudest to react. “What? When?”


“Did he say anything?” Jeongyeon interrogates as well.


“Y-Yeah… He asked how I was doing, and uh–” Jihyo could see the older bouncing her left leg, a defensive habit to ease the anxiousness. “S-Said that he missed me.”


“‘Missed you’ my ing .” Momo rolls her eyes, a certain type of irritation sparking in her chest. She hates him, a lot. “How thick skinned of him to act so natural around you despite everything.”


“What did you say?” Nayeon asks, tone gentle yet protective. “Please, don’t tell me you said that you miss him back.”


Sana immediately shakes a head. She knows better than to do so. “I would never.”


The Japanese girl watches as the group release a collective sigh of relief.


“What did you say then?”


“Well, I…” Her fingers begin to pick on the fabric of her ripped jeans. “K-Kinda told him that I already have a boyfriend.”


They all nod, gesturing her to continue.


“He said that he had heard about it, then he asked me who it was... Uh–.”


The group goes silent at the declaration.


It was until Mina inhales a sharp gasp. Momo, who had been seated beside her girlfriend observes the girl with furrowed brows, her eyes widening as she catches on.


Her orbs visibly sparkles with mischief.


“You told him that you’re dating Dahyun, didn’t you?” The oldest Japanese burst into an obnoxious guffaw, with Mina grinning proudly on her side.


Jihyo and Nayeon are left with their jaws hung in shock. A few seconds to process the information before the student actress squeals in delight, hustling to Sana’s side in order to wrap her in an elated embrace. A friendly backhug with the older needing to hunch because the Japanese girl is seated.


Only Jeongyeon is left out of the loop – immensely confused.


“I love Dahyun; my theatre hubby!” Nayeon emphasizes, the venomous tone no longer present in her voice. “You chose well, Shiba.”


“Theatre hubby?” The second oldest questions the statement. “Wait, is it the same Dahyun that Sana brought to the musical?”


Before the question is even answered, Jihyo asks another. “You brought Dahyun to see Cats?”


Nayeon is the one to give light to the situation. “Yes, yes, and yes. He even bought a giant bouquet for me, it was so cute! Dahyun is such a gentleman.” Her lips stretches into a dreamy look. “I knew it; something was going on between you two! The was unbelievable.”


“We can only imagine what went down during their other dates.” Momo directs a knowing look to her best friend, who then glares in return; still in Nayeon’s arms.


“They’ve been on dates?” Jihyo asks, terrifyingly serious. “That’s why you’ve been awfully busy lately?”


Jeongyeon interrupts before a clear answer is given. “Hold on, am I the only one who hasn’t met Dahyun?”


She looks around, finding nothing but indifferent eyes.


“So that’s a yes.” The history major grumbles in defeat. “That is so unfair. I wanna meet Nayeon’s theatre husband too.”


“I miss him.” Nayeon says. “Can you ask him to come over so we can hang out?”


Sana shakes a head in rejection of the idea.


“What? Why not? I told you to stop keeping him from u

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i didn't realize i updated on the anniversary of this story omg!! happy 4 years anniversary my loves <3333 thank you for being with me for years ily all :* muah


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0 points #1
Chapter 12: Coming late to read this story! It is so cute... Thank you for writing it. I hope these years are being a bit kinder to you. As long you wanna keep writing, Ill be waiting for a update on this. Have a nice day!
CalyxVargas #2
Hi author-nim, when will you come back😭😭😭??
gwenlim24 #3
Sheeettt pang ilang balik ko na to dito, the best of the best pa din tong au na to ng saida walang tatalo 😭
dh_kim07 #4
Chapter 12: hi, miss u author-nim
Kimmy001011 #5
Chapter 12: god!it's a real good story, i want to see more😭😭😭
I miss u.
Chapter 12: Just rereading this lovely story again until the next update 😅
Kimdubs #8
Chapter 12: God! This story is my favorite, I hope you update this story
gwenlim24 #9
2024 and I'm still waiting. Finished all your saida stories and yes I therefore conclude that you are the my most favorite author
doobla #10
Chapter 12: I like to come back a few times a year because I truly enjoy the story