Pringles and Chill.

Time To Love
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TW: Silent abuse in a relationship

but it's a fluff chapter nonetheless. 



“Ji, your fridge is empty.” Jeongyeon states as she continues rummaging through the reasonably empty cooler.


Jihyo does not react, simply shrugging both shoulders, with eyes glued intensely towards the screen. “Yeah, no . We’re broke students living off of ramen money that Mo shamelessly consumes.”


It is currently midnight and they are minutes into their third movie already, having watched Ghost, The Professional, and now: La La Land – a movie rental out of the generous Myoui’s card. They had gotten hungry again with two hours passing after their last meal: two boxes of pizzas, and two orders of rice cakes.


“We should really go grocery shopping tomorrow, Sana.” The younger suggests, which her Japanese roommate only nods to.


She has a few things to purchase as well.


Momo’s stomach audibly grumbles, earning a soft laugh from her girlfriend.


Ignoring her burning cheeks, the dance major whines, “I’m hungry though.”


“You already ate our food; Sana and I have nothing left to offer you.” Jihyo speaks for both, with the older – once again – just nodding in agreement. Sana is half paying attention, while the other part of her is focused on the ongoing movie.


Ryan Gosling is not the most handsome looking guy, but he does suit the role quite well. An interesting plot, in the Japanese girl’s opinion.


“Can’t you scam one of your worshippers into buying us chicken, or something?” Momo jokes (partly), now speaking directly to Sana. “Tell them you’ll go on one date in exchange for three boxes of seasoned chicken.”


That catches her best friend’s attention, glaring in offence. “You’re pimping me out for chicken? What the is wrong with you?”


“Not just any chicken – seasoned chicken.” Momo argues, which causes Nayeon to physically palm her milky face. Momo’s mind is really something different.


“Your sugar mommy bathes in gold, why don’t you ask her.” Jeongyeon chuckles, always finding hilarity in referring to Mina as Momo’s dollar provider, which is – to a certain extent – factual. She has returned from the kitchen and is now sitting beside the group’s snarky leader.


“Leave my girl out of this, peasant.” The short haired girl growls, defending her girlfriend. Mina, however remains composed – calm as the ocean breeze. She is used to Jeongyeon’s (the group’s) crude sense of humour.


Without a word, Jihyo turns around, smacking the bickering gluttons upside the head. The noise is solid, beautifully echoing throughout the room – but the younger remains stone-faced. “Shut up, both of you. If you’re starving, there are some bags of chips in my room. Don’t touch anything else, though.”


The two who were rubbing the sore crown of their heads, simultaneously looks at each other before sprinting towards the direction of a ocean blue bedroom. Nothing left but their distant yells.


“Dibs on barbecue.”

“Not if I get it first.”


Looking at the area where the two had disappeared, the four remaining girls heave a tired sigh, muttering “Idiots.” at the same time, then proceeding into sharing a good laugh.


“How does it feel like to be dating an airhead, Mina?” Nayeon asks, feeling a little playful now.


It might be her boredom talking, or the lack of snack to much on.


Mina flashes a smirk, confident and victorious. “You tell me; how does it feel like dating Jeongyeon?”


“Oh, .” The roommates hollered, Sana’s boisterous laughter roaring in the room.


“You walked right into that one, Na-na.” Jihyo speaks, addressing Nayeon with a childhood nickname she uses ever so often.


The oldest pouts at the loss. She really thought she had it in the bag, why did she have to forget that it is Mina she’s teasing – the smartest, and the most painfully competitive. Nayeon too, is not one to lose but Mina is a whole different case. She is not one to lose, and she does not lose.


Jihyo is in par with the Japanese academic wise, with her incredible wit and insightful mind. Though in her case, she is quite laid back in everything outside of University and her council responsibilities. The younger is just as much of a geek as the rest of them.


“That is not even fair. I’m not dating Jeong.” Nayeon defends a case she has already lost.


Jihyo’s face blooms into a beautiful cheeky smile; her eyes squinting into crescents as her lips part, flaunting her flawless teeth. “Her family thinks you’re dating, Your parents refer to Jeong as ‘daughter-in-law’, the whole campus are convinced of your so-called love affair. Face it, you’re dating that goof.”


Nayeon turns towards the two Japanese, questions of confirmation written all over her face. Sana and Mina does nothing else but nod, sympathetic and sure.


“Weird…” The oldest mutters to herself, her voice distant and in deep contemplation.


Just then, the two childish girls come back with four bags of chips – one in each hand.


“Better not have touched anything else with your crummy hands.” Jihyo threatens, earning a gulp from the duo as they nervously crunch on their junk food.


Momo let out a strangled moan, coughing out bits of her chips. The council president’s eyes narrow in suspicion, now glaring at Jeongyeon who also trembles in fear. “What did you blockheads do now?”


The oldest of the three nudges her friend, urging her to speak up. Momo shakes a terrified head, her pupils wide and quaking, like a deer caught in headlights.


“Momo… s-she um, uh ate your favourite chocolate… on the t-table…” Jeongyeon squeaks out, rapid and guilty.


The raven haired girl automatically throws a punch at her companion’s bicep. “We agreed not to tell, !”


Everyone in the room gulps, having known Jihyo’s strict rule about her favourite snack: that is it hers, and hers alone.


Nayeon sees the younger’s right eyelid twitch in irritation; Momo is dead meat.


“Tomorrow…” Jihyo starts, her voice quiet and serious. Pin-drop silence surrounds the air with the gang anticipating the following words. If Jihyo’s voice tones down, that means someone ed up real bad. “I’m expecting a new bar on my desk.”


Momo nods frantically, her knees buckling in absolute fear. She really should have left the snack alone. Curse Jeongyeon and her betrayal.


As the heavy tension floats around the air with silence being its only companion, Sana gets distracted when her phone lights up in awareness, indicating a notification.


Unknowingly, a smile begins to stretch on the Junior student’s lips, seeing that she had just received a text from Dahyun.


She fails to catch onto the fact that it’s almost too easy to break into a grin when it comes to the younger. Sana subconsciously smiles with everything Dahyun does.


He’s not even that funny, which makes it all the more odd.


‘My cousin came over and drank half of my juice boxes. What an ill-mannered guest.’ The message reads, a displeased emoticon parked at the end of the sentence.


Sana silently giggles at the message. She can almost picture the sulky frown on the boy’s tinted lips. The Japanese girl distractedly misses the mini-rant from their groups’ beloved leader.


‘Stack up on more. No problem.’ She replies, sending an emoji that is teasingly poking its tongue out. ‘Jihyo is currently going through the same predicament. Momo had eaten her favourite snack.’


Half a minute flies by when she receives a response from him.


‘Food seems all the more tastier when taken from someone else.’ Sana grins at the message, internally laughing at the comment. It is a little passive aggressive, and just the kind of humorous statement that suits her taste.


‘I’ll say. Momo and Jeongyeon had eaten everything in our kitchen. Even our ramen are gone…’ The Junior student sends. This time, with the crying emoji.


Nayeon is now talking, but Sana cannot be bothered to listen.


It’s weird. She had spent hours with Dahyun just earlier but she still anticipates any response from him.


It seems like it has been a long while since Sana had developed new friendship with someone, that she had craved the excitement that coincides. She had forgotten the feeling of pure bliss when finding a new possible best friend.


‘Oh no. Not the ramen. You better buy some more quickly. It is hard to get by without ramen.’


‘I’m going to the supermarket with Jihyo tomorrow. We’re out of food and I’m hungry…’ She quickly types, feeling her stomach constrict in starvation.


‘I have pringles and choco pie.’


Sana laughs, a little more audible than previous.


‘You can keep your choco pie but mind sharing your pringles with me? I’m actually starving.’ A crying emoji once again.


‘I wasn’t planning on sharing my choco pie anyway.’ He texts, a playful emoji at the end. ‘I can give you my pringles though, it’s still sealed. Do you want me to walk over and give you some? You’re hungry.’


The older is not sure whether to laugh or awe at the boy’s innocence. Though usually, – if such message is received from other men – Sana would simply roll her eyes, picking up on the malicious hidden intent behind the text, but with Dahyun it is different.


He seems to always be righteous and a goody-goody so Sana is aware that anything Dahyun says, is said with a pure soul – intentions clear as water.


‘No need. Save it for next time. In case I starve mid-day.’ She kids, grinning at her own message.


She fails to realize that her friends are finished with their small banter, and are now looking at her with absolute bewilderment.


“What are you laughing at, Minatozaki? Are you looking at a picture of your boy-toy? Is he that funny looking?” Momo throws in a series of questions, earning a light chuckle from Jeongyeon. The second oldest of the group always seem to laugh at the most humourless of jokes.


“Excuse me, I don’t recall ever hooking up with anyone that looks like you.” Sana scoffs, which only strengthens Jeongyeon’s laughing state. “Racoon-looking headass.”


“ off, at least I have abs.” Momo retorts, refusing to lose to her best friend. “Shiba-looking headass.” She mimics, scrunching her face in mockery.


“Using the word ‘headass’ makes the both of you, total morons.” Nayeon interjects. It physically hurts her to listen to the two brick-brained buddies argue. “You’re an English major, Sattang. ‘Headass’, really?”


“It’s what suits her the most.” The latter shrugs, no sign of remorse whatsoever.


“Someone get Sana a boyfriend already. She is starting to lose her mind. It’s been too long since Wonwoo.” Momo thoughtlessly kids; totally uncalled for.


Nayeon smoothly chokes the younger by the nape, pulling her towards the direction of Mina – away from Sana’s reach.


“Too far, Mo.” The older says in a serious tone, looking at Sana with a worried expression.


Wonwoo is a sensitive topic. No one – not one ever talks about him. Not around Sana’s presence, at least.


What happened between the past couple is a complicated case. Wonwoo was a sweet man; very diligent, caring, and overall compassionate. The football star had even manage to win Sana’s friends over. His perceived image being nothing less than perfect, absolutely ideal. He dedicated his all to everything that he loved – Sana, most especially.


He spent hours of his daily life catering Sana’s needs; highly unnecessary, but understandably tolerable. He wanted to be the best boyfriend Sana could have, it made sense. However, things take a weird turn when Sana grows close with other students, developing friendships with new figures– some of which had inevitably developed an admiration towards the campus sweetheart. Wonwoo becomes a little paranoid; slowly demanding for Sana’s time, bit by bit. The situation gets to the point where the Japanese girl is unable to meet her close friends as frequently as she would please; having stuck with girlfriend duties, such as watching his football games, going on dates, and so on.


Wonwoo wanted Sana to himself.


Each time Wonwoo’s insecurities crawl deeper into his veins, poisoning his rationality– Sana takes the fall. It started with a few small hickies, pink and harmless. As time ticks by, the silent sadism transitions into numerous, dark blue and red bruises– blotting her skin like a disorganized canvas. He had caged Sana in a form which he perceived as right: by showing her how much he really truly loves her. Wonwoo wanted to show off that Sana is his alone.


He wanted to feel her loyalty.


It were Mina and Jihyo who first took notice of the bizarre changes. Sana was a naive girl, – blinded by the conceptual love – who acted as if all things were going smoothly.


She manages to fool the group for months– until one Saturday evening; another one of the gang’s impulsive sleepover at the foreign couple’s dorm. Mina had unintentionally walked into her fellow Japanese friend, who had been changing into her clean set of pajamas in the younger’s bedroom. A low gasp of absolute terror colour Mina’s slightly tanned skin when she catches a glimpse of the older girl’s bare stomach, clearly abused and almost completely covered.


Mina had then swiftly locked the door, seating her friend down for an explanation. Having been exposed in medical related content throughout her life, from her Medical Doctor father, Mina knows mistreatment when she sees one. One of the first things that has been taught is that unhealthy relationships are taboo in Asia, leading into ignorance in the topic of abuse. Most people simply do not know that manipulation is a form of abuse, only knowledgeable of the physical kind.


Sana then explains; how Wonwoo has been making love to her more frequently than he used to. She admitted that he has gotten a tad more rough, and that the hickies that colour her skin are becoming a little more painful – bigger too. She confesses that his markings sometimes hinder her from accomplishing daily tasks with ease – but the more agonizing her bruises appear to be, the more elated he seemed. The older Japanese elaborates calmly – quite reserved; obviously clueless of the deeper meanings that lie behind her boyfriend’s actions.


The first thing that Mina had told Sana, is to break it off with her boyfriend.


She always did have an eerie feeling over Wonwoo. Yes, he is a ‘Prince Charming’ that girls have most likely dreamt of dating, but having silently observed him over the year that the two were together, Mina had never been a hundred percent content by his presence. There always was a tiny spark of darkness that hovered him; toxic and deceitful. Her gut feeling only proves correct.


She then spoke to Sana about telling Jihyo of the situation.


The council leader is empathetic as she is smart, and had always known the right words, alongside the correct decisions to push through with.


The two then calls Mina’s same-aged friend, using a white lie as an excuse.


As expected, Jihyo’s reaction mirrored that of her best friend’s – speechless and infuriated. She has always been one of the protective ones, taking responsibility in her friend’s well being. With the incredible leadership ingrained deep inside of her– carved onto her rib cage just above her pulsating heart, Jihyo does not tolerate any misbehaviour towards her loved ones.


“I’ll cut his head off.” She says, half furious and worried. She massages the dark bruises with ointment meant to sooth painful spots on one’s flesh. Mina, on the other hand, explains the wrongs of the dynamic in their relationship. As she explains further – careful, detailed, and aware – Sana breaks into a sob, the situation gradually making sense in her mind. Piece by piece, the puzzles click into place. She was in complete denial in the beginning, explaining that Wonwoo loves her and he is simply incapable of manipulation, but Mina retaliates: Wonwoo loves Sana, and that is why he is manipulating. It is the worst kind of love there is – the cruel, possessive, sadistic love.


The oldest growls a grunts at Jihyo’s touch against the sensitive skin, and Mina used the opportunity to prove her point further.


(‘The right kind of love is the betterment of each other; encouraging each other into the right path. It is about motivation and inspiration, never isolation.’)


The two breaks up shortly after, with Sana developing an unwanted withdrawal. She is one to love – overflowing with affection to give, and it is not an easy task to feel suddenly submerged into a world where she can no longer romantically love– after more than a year of being in an intimate relationship.


A minor form of insanity crawled its way into Sana’s mind.


The Japanese girl resorts into a grande social life: never ending parties, countless alcohol, and numerous men. Craving attention at its finest, Sana is quick to engage in an unhealthy amount of raves, associating herself with random crowds she didn’t belong in– kissing faces her best friends wouldn’t approve of.


Her gang were unable to stop the irrational behaviour; Sana’s stubborn attitude standing proudly as defence. Jihyo’s patience ran thin but Nayeon was there to calm the younger down. If it weren’t for the oldest, their young leader would have most definitely been more rash.


Sana almost threw her life away.


It was only until one early morning, when Sana had woken up beside a total stranger in an unfamiliar dormitory, that she realized she needed to step out of the hole which she had unknowingly buried herself in. Sana had frantically called Jihyo to pick her up, the younger being worried and anxious about her roommate’s whereabouts. With bloody eyes that fogged of regret and self-reflection, Sana comes home in the arms of her best friend. Home, where the rest of the clan awaited for the real Minatozaki’s glorious return.


A little pass a year later and the group reaches Junior level of college. Sana is definitely better, happier– more detached. She had started keeping to herself more since the incident, unable to feel comfort in the form of crowds anymore. Her gang had also been on the lookout ever since: Jihyo and Mina constantly on guard about Sana’s suspicious acts. The rest of the group: Jeongyeon, Nayeon, and Momo who were told of the backstory shortly after the break up had also become extra protective. Though clearly more laid back and playful than the young leader, the three oldest have instead focused on showering Sana with affection and attention– leaving no room for emptiness. Momo in the form of her relentless teasing, Jeongyeon with her subtle love and insufferable jokes, along with Nayeon and her gallant love – shameless and motherly.


“Momo, that was insensitive. Kindly apologize.” Mina orders softly, her hand automatically running through her girlfriend’s silky hair.


The oldest of the couple looks down in embarrassment, clearly ashamed of her unthought comment.


“Hey, Sana? You know I didn’t mean it, right? I’m really sorry…” Her voice is tender and apprehensive, a tinge of guilt mixed along.


Her same-aged best friend flashes a tiny smile. “It’s fine. We’re way past that.”


Tense silence covers the air for a few seconds before Sana breaks the ice.


“Something about one o’clock in the morning that triggers the emotions like no other, yes?” She giggles, lightening up the air.


“You idiots made me miss the movie, now I’ve forgotten what it’s about.” Nayeon adds along, feigning frustration.


Jihyo groans, looking at the mess before her. “Why do I put up with you morons?”


“Just because Momo is an airhead, doesn’t mean we all are.” Jeongyeon cackles, hitting Nayeon repeatedly as she laughs at her own joke.


Sana observes the set of people in the living room, her friends that had stuck with her through the years. Five people she values with a passion. Five sisters she will never trade for any.


“I love you, losers.” She mutters, almost inaudible.


They all hear it, playing nonchalance by focusing on the movie once again.


The five respond in sync.


“Love you too, Sattang.”


With perfect timing, her phone flashes again. She has a few missed messages; three of which are from Dahyun.


Sana has gotten used to keeping to herself, refusing to dedicate time in anyone that isn’t in her fixed clique.


A smile paints her lips like a natural reflex. She can feel Dahyun’s pure soul from across the campus. Sana is not sure if she will ever meet someone like him again. His actual existence is already mind boggling.


‘If you starve, I’ll have to give you more than just pringles.’


‘I don’t know what you like. Ice cream, perhaps? Everyone loves ice cream.’


‘Have you fallen asleep? Dream well, Sana-chan. If you happen to wake up suddenly, I suggest Kiss The Rain by Yiruma. I promise it’ll help.’


Sana has kept to herself for over a year...


It wouldn’t hurt to let one more person in again, right?




“Let’s see… We have Crush orange, ramen, watermelon. What else is there?” Jihyo asks, browsing through the fruits isle.


“Snacks?” Sana suggests, momentarily stuffing her phone back into her wallet.


The well-known roommates are shopping on a Sunday afternoon, with their group back into the safety of their own dormitories.


“Right.” The younger agrees cheerfully, pushing the grocery cart towards the familiar direction. “What are we getting?”


“I want pringles.” Sana says after a few seconds of pondering.


Jihyo turns around with an expression that screams of amusement. “Since when did you like pringles?”


“Since now.” Sana giggles, making the younger laugh as well.


“Alright, pringles then.”


The two have always been generous with their money, no hesitation in spending when it comes to food. After Mina – the most wealthy and giving of the group – Jihyo and Sana takes the second place in benevolence, with Momo placing last in the ranking.


Sana begins to dump a few bags of chips in the cart, filling it halfway. Jihyo too, have placed a couple of snacks as well.


“So much for ramen money, am I right?” The council member chuckles. They should have foreseen the outcome of shopping together.


Sana simply grins in return, eyeing the section of shelves that had been decked in chocolates. Squealing is her first instinct as she spots a box of chocolate marshmallow treats.


Without a second thought, she runs toward the items, grabbing two and dumping them in the cart.


Jihyo blinks in bewilderment.


“Chocopie? You don’t even like marshmallows.”


Sana stretches into an even bigger grin. “I had a change of heart.” She didn’t. But she does owe Dahyun some.


“Momo will probably eat it if you don’t, anyway.” The younger shrugs, stating a fact.


“Don’t worry, I’ll finish it.” Sana stretches a confident, knowing smile.


With one final skeptical look, Jihyo shrugs and turns away, going back into her business of scanning the isle for some more snacks.




Jeongyeon hums in tune of one of the most iconic songs from her favourite band, Mayday Parade. Her Philosophy professor is running late again– he always seems to be, every waking Monday – leaving the class with some free time to kill.


The History major’s headphones are plugged in, but she has never liked being out of the loop, so she tends to keep a minimum volume every time.


“She has a super cute smile, really. I’m hoping to see her at a party or something, to catch her number.” The bearded guy in a plaid hoodie lets out a dreamy sigh, just loud enough for the girl to hear through the music. Jeongyeon can almost laugh at the desperation in his voice.


His companion to the left gives a judging look. He seems to not have been paying much attention either. “Who are you talking about?”


“Her name is Sana Minatozaki. We have Shakespeare 304 together, and she is super smart. I want to talk to her in class but she is constantly listening to music.”


Sana? The boy’s words catches Jeongyeon’s attention. Her hand then slips into her pocket, palming her phone. Her index finger begins to press against the volume, lowering it down until it reaches mute.


“Too late, dude. You might wanna pick a different girl, Sana is already taken.”


Jeongyeon almost chokes on air at the statement. Sana has a boyfriend?


“How would you know?” Checkered man questions. The short-haired girl frantically nods at the question, adrenaline pumping in anticipation.


The informant begins to type on his laptop. From Jeongyeon’s view, he appears to be revising notes.


“Saw her the other day walking around with a guy. She was laughing while hitting his shoulder. As far as I know, she doesn’t have guy ‘friends’.” His eyes never leave the screen, talking distractedly.


Jeongyeon blinks at the gossip. Sana had stopped socializing closely after Wonwoo, most especially alone. Sana is sociable but only when necessary, such as parties or gatherings.


Sana with a guy alone? Strange.


“It’s not Wonwoo again, is it?” A third person asked, she has been quiet the whole time.


The professor walks in, settling his items down.


The guy typing shakes a final head in rejection. “Nope. He’s much shorter.”


The lecture begins but Jeongyeon is unable to focus on the topic, her mind wandering around the mystery.




‘What are you doing, Dahyun-kun?’ Sana types.


It is five thirty on a Tuesday evening and Jihyo had just left for Nayeon’s musical. She is an hour and a half early but it has always been how the dynamic works. Jihyo has shown up to Nayeon’s performances hours early for countless of years, providing a helping hand backstage; leaving Sana to rot in her boredom.


She has not seen Dahyun in two days and – though she wouldn’t admit out loud – she misses his company. Sure, she has been in the company of her rambunctious friends but clingy as it may sound– she misses the younger’s irksome, flawless smile.


Sana doesn’t know how Dahyun does it, but whenever he flaunts a grin, it exudes a calming, elegant feel. It further resembles him with His Highness, Prince Taehyung; though a little more cheeky, and natural.


Three minutes pass until she receives a response.


‘Watching Romeo and Juliet 1996; a classic.’


Sana frowns at the message. ‘Romeo and Juliet? Don’t you mean the worst Shakespearean play?’


Approximately twenty seconds of wait.


‘It’s not the worst, in my opinion. Hamlet is quite the eyesore.’


Sana’s unimpressed expression only grows. Seems like every ‘perfect’ guy has a flaw. Being an English major, and literally taking a class that focuses solely on Shakespeare’s masterpieces, it physically hurts Sana to even imagine Romeo and Juliet as being – at the very least – tolerable.


‘They met, ‘fell in love’, had , got married, and literally died for each other in a span of days.’ Sana then adds a displeased emoji, furthering her point.


Dahyun’s reply is quick. ‘True love, yes?’ Along with a grinning emoji. Sana actually hears his cheeky laughter resound in her mind. ‘What about you? What have you been up to?’


Instead of answering his message, Sana settles for something else. ‘Can I come over? Jihyo is gone and I’m left with no entertainment.’


‘What will I receive in exchange for your entertainment?’ It is the emoji that seems to be in contemplation, and it brings a great amusement to Sana. She never did expect anything less from the younger.


‘How about the choco pie that you love so much?’


Not even five seconds pass when she gets a reply. ‘Deal!’


‘Alright. I’ll be there in a few.’


Twenty seconds. Sana doesn’t know why but she has been subconsciously counting time. ‘Do you need me to walk with you?’


Dahyun is a little too pure. The Japanese girl wants to say that she is getting use to the chivalrous personality but she is not. It is a little too rare – Dahyun is incredibly unique.


Sana types a quick ‘No need. I’ll be right over.’ Before grabbing the sealed box of treat. She hastily puts on her favourite pair of sneakers before heading out, a content smile displaying on her lips.


The Japanese girl begins to hug her figure at the chill of the evening. It is colder than she anticipated and is immediately regretting her choice of clothing. She really should have worn an extra layer. Lucky for her, the buildings are fairly close to each other.


With the chill beginning to crawl up her neck, tinting her pale cheeks and triggering goosebumps, Sana starts to pick up her pace, jogging towards the building. She takes a shortcut through the open field, unlike the path that she had taken with Dahyun days prior.


Spotting the entrance, Sana begins to sprint – the box of chocolate rattling in her movement.


“Hey, Sana! What brings you over?” Bambam greets in an accented Korean as the Junior student steps into the entrance. He seems to be heading out, with car keys giggling from his hand.


Bambam is closely acquainted with Sana’s group, having known Nayeon for years.


“Just visiting a friend...” She mutters, her face tickling at the warmth of the closed walls.


“Alright, cool. See you around then!” He flashes an understanding smile, taking notice of her uneasiness. Bambam is one of the decent guys in campus. An obnoxious lad, but with a kind heart.


Sana takes the stairs instead of the convenient elevators. She cannot be bothered to entertain any more unwanted greetings and questions. The stairs are quieter anyway, amplifying nothing but the echo of one’s own footsteps. It’s rhythmatic and peculiarly satisfying.


Buying herself sometime, Sana hums the tune that has been stuck in her mind for days, replaying like a broken record.


Finishing a whole verse, Sana finally reaches the fourth

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i didn't realize i updated on the anniversary of this story omg!! happy 4 years anniversary my loves <3333 thank you for being with me for years ily all :* muah


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Chapter 12: Coming late to read this story! It is so cute... Thank you for writing it. I hope these years are being a bit kinder to you. As long you wanna keep writing, Ill be waiting for a update on this. Have a nice day!
CalyxVargas #2
Hi author-nim, when will you come back😭😭😭??
gwenlim24 #3
Sheeettt pang ilang balik ko na to dito, the best of the best pa din tong au na to ng saida walang tatalo 😭
dh_kim07 #4
Chapter 12: hi, miss u author-nim
Kimmy001011 #5
Chapter 12: god!it's a real good story, i want to see more😭😭😭
I miss u.
Chapter 12: Just rereading this lovely story again until the next update 😅
Kimdubs #8
Chapter 12: God! This story is my favorite, I hope you update this story
gwenlim24 #9
2024 and I'm still waiting. Finished all your saida stories and yes I therefore conclude that you are the my most favorite author
doobla #10
Chapter 12: I like to come back a few times a year because I truly enjoy the story