Just One Day.

Time To Love
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22k surprise hehe


y’all probably gave up already, huh? haha here’s a hella feel-good strictly saida-centered chapter :)


The latter half of this was originally supposed to be angsty but I decided to split it and leave the heavy stuff for next time. This world has been real ty lately and we could all use some fluff in our lives.


So, without further ado, Welcome to Chapter 11.



Playlist #11 - D-Hack - OHAYO MY NIGHT, Jukjae - Let’s go see the stars, BTS - Just One Day, NOBITA - The Search Is Over, (G)I-DLE - Give Me Your, YENA - Before Anyone Else.


And someone recommended this, as they said it really does fit Sana’s point of view in this story, so: ABBA - Lay All Your Love On Me.




Chapter 11. - Just One Day.




(‘just one day, if I can be with you; just one day, if I can hold your hands; if only we can be together, just one day.’)




Dahyun paces back and forth, her pale fingers trembling as the sickening darkness of anxiety begins to eerily creep up her skin.


Slow and vomit inducing.


She wants to throw up.


The faint sound of television fills the empty air, but the Princess pays no attention. In fact, she has forgotten the existence of the device, too preoccupied to notice the miniscule details.


Her mind is whirring and ears ringing as she shifts some more. She wants to go for a run; sprinting until her lungs burn miserably—on the verge of collapsing. Dahyun wants to burn her numbness away. She wants to escape: run far, far away but she knows that she can't.


Not yet, at least.


The risk is still too high. She cannot be seen outside – not when she knows that her Mother’s eyes are perpetually lurking in the shadows.


She feels so overwhelmed, dizzy and lightheaded, and all Dahyun wants to do is to leave. To escape somewhere for a while. A place where she can be alone with her thoughts; a place that could ease the suffocation that she feels at the core of her chest.


Even breathing is becoming increasingly difficult. Existing is exhausting and Dahyun wishes to just disappear for a while.


Dahyun wants to leave; she wants to run away.


Run far, far away.


She always seems to run away.




“What are your plans, Your Highness?” Mina’s tone projects a mixture of hesitance and curiosity.


Dahyun flinches at the courteous address, itching to correct the Japanese girl.


‘Just, Dahyun.’ She wants to voice out, yet no words come out. Biting her lower lip in defeat, the Princess swallows down a heavy sigh.


Soon enough, she will return to bearing the title Your Highness once again, anyway.


She will return to her position as Princess Kim Dahyun; the second elite blood in line for the royal Throne; Crown Prince Taehyung’s beloved sister.


A third of the Prince’s paperwork shall fall flat on her desk, just like the old times. Formal responsibilities weighing heavy on her shoulders once again. Dahyun will again participate in the dreadful meetings, political engagements and noble parties; Oh, good heavens how she despised those God forsaken Royal engagements.


Dear angels, how much she hated those. Just the mere thought of the grande hall reeking of pretentiousness and wealth already creates an unwanted buzz at the back of her skull.


She starts to feel dizzy but she pushes it all down. Like an overbearing chunk of lard that sits uncomfortably at the base of .


She does not have a choice but to accept her fate. After all, the Princess cannot undo what is written in the stars.


We do not get to choose the life we are born into.


It is already quite the miracle how Dahyun had managed to stray away for this long.


“If I were to be honest, nearly nothing at hand.”


It is inevitable, she knows.


Beautiful things are destined to fall into ruins.


Dahyun had played the Devil’s game and now she must pay its full price.


After all, the Kims were raised to be nothing less. Her Highness had been raised to face every consequence of each wrongdoings––a cruel tactic that had conditioned her into being perfect, with little-to-no room for cheap mistakes.


“Nothing?” Mina clarifies, honest surprise plastered on her once serene face. “... at all?”


The Korean heiress flinches at the reaction, her small grimace not going unnoticed by her Japanese companion.


Mina furrows a brow as Dahyun breathes a muted sigh.


“Yes. I fear that I have not formulated a plan. I…” The younger pauses, unsure of what to say—unsure on whether she has the appropriate words to continue. “I tried, really. I did. I tried to come up with a plan, but each attempt always came up empty…”


Mina knows that it is unlike the Princess to brave through an action without a concrete plan, especially when it comes to something as important as love.


Or separation, rather.


“I just, I am at a crossroads on what to do, Mina. I do not want to cause any further harm than I already have, so carelessly. But,” Mina watches as Dahyun nibbles on her lower lip, suppressing a tear that has already fallen. She feels her own chest crack at the sight of the broken Princess — her broken friend. Dahyun’s voice trembles. “I know I will. No matter what I say or do, even if I cram a year’s worth of my intelligence formulating a plan, it will never hurt her any less, Mina.”


(‘It will never hurt me any less’)


Mina knows that the younger’s confession to Sana will affect Dahyun equally, if not more.


Holding back tears of her own, Mina does the only thing she knows she can do at the moment; she pulls Dahyun into a tight hug, murmuring words of comfort that painfully sounds as much of a lie to herself than it is to Her Highness.


But for now, this is the only thing she can do.


“It will be okay, Dahyun. Everything will work themselves out. I'm here. I’ll always be here.”




Dahyun greatly believes in altruism; whether it is from the etched courtesy tattooed in her blood at a young age, or just simply the Princess’ innate nature, she had always adored the sight of others' happiness.


She is also quite the stubborn advocate for keeping promises. Once Crown Princess Dahyun gives her word, trust that she will go above and beyond her way to commit and fulfill her word of honour.


She promised Sana a date—well, not exactly, but a hang out exclusive for two involving cans of nacho pringles and choco pies, according to her research, is intimate enough to be labeled as such.


Nacho pringles and Choco pie; Dahyun lifts an easy smile at the meaningful snacks.


The same junk food that happens to be scattered before her eyes now, along with a few shopping bags—an exhausted Yerim slumped against the kitchen chair.


“I cannot believe your audacity in making me cut a date short just to purchase some bloody snacks!” The younger Kim whines, genuinely exasperated as she crosses her arms above her chest. “What has gotten into that cluttered mind of yours, anyway? Are you stress-eating? Is it because you once again look like Taehyung with that new hair style?”


Dahyun runs a hand through her now raven hair, back to its middle part style – a (darker) mirrored look of when she first transferred into the University.


“My sincerest apologies, dearest cousin. I was desperate. Chaeyoung is attending her lecture and I have troubled her enough lately. I deeply appreciate your effort, really. Thank you, my Princess. This is the last time I will ask anything of you; you have my word.” The older Kim stretches a tight-lipped smile.


Her smile doesn't twinkle a familiar glow, which deeply worries Princess Yerim. No matter how stressed or pressured the monolidded Her Highness was feeling, she had always thrown the younger a kind smile – always fond.


But this– this Dahyun feels different.


Distant gaze swimming in her brown orbs; a smile that doesn't quite reach her eyes.


Yerim has never seen her cousin look so helpless. Like she is carrying the burdens of the world on her already rigid shoulders.


Her posture is worrying. The usual Dahyun Kim never loses her composure, with her back always straight and gestures crisp to perfection. But right now, Yerim internally cringes at the view of the former with her back slightly slouched – something the crown Princess used to nag at her about, always – and fingers tapping against the hem of her oversized blue hoodie, quite restlessly, if the younger can say so herself.


Dahyun appears… haggard.


“Is everything alright, Dahyun?”


“I have decided to confess to Sana–”


Dahyun’s words were cut to an immediate stop when Yerim brashly interrupts, eyes wide and mouth agape at the revelation.


“You– what? Your Highness, are you certain about this?”


Though frankly a little confused by the reaction, the short-haired crown Princess gives a solemn nod, confirming her previous announcement.


“It is an act that must be done – that I must do. Sana deserves to know, I cannot keep this pretense any longer.”


“Well, are you at least – to avoid all humiliation – certain, even to the slightest degree, that Sana fancies you as well?”


Dahyun freezes at that. Shocked, and completely befuddled by Yerim’s response. What on earth is she talking about?


“I- I beg your pardon?” She stutters, poise suddenly brazenly unhinged from Yerim’s honest misunderstanding.


To Dahyun’s horror, her chaotic cousin continues to babble.


“By any means, I am not stopping you from confessing to your Japanese beloved, my dear cousin. All I am saying is that, romantic professions are the most earnest of gestures – you must think the idea thoroughly before charging forward.”


The older Kim blinks twice, gathering her sanity together before heaving a deep, defeated sigh.


“Yerim, you have got it all wrong.”


“Have got what wrong exactly, Your Highness?” The mischievous long-haired Princess raises an eyebrow, unsure as to how one could misinterpret such a topic.


“I will not divulge my romantic affections for Sana. I would never bring upon such chaos into her life.”


Before she could say more, her cousin willfully interrupts her speech for the second time. “First of all, you already have. Secondly, roundabout back to your original point, Dahyun. What is it exactly that I misunderstood?”


“I am coming clean to Sana; about the lies I have told, who I really am – this whole facade; she must know. I have the obligation to tell her so, and she has every right to know…”


Dahyun watches as Yerim’s jaw unhinges, eyes panicked and perturbed.


“I…” The younger’s mouth clamps shut, unable to find her words. Taking a moment to gather her thoughts, she resumes. “That’s a really big move, Dahyun… You are going to go against every agreement discussed with His and Her Majesty. What if you get in trouble? What if they suspend you from filial affairs? What if they keep you caged in the palace more so than before; What happens to the studies you love so much? What if–” Yerim’s hands are visibly trembling, panicked, as they disoriently gesture the air.


Something in Dahyun’s heart breaks.


If even Yeri – the most cheerful and jaunty of the Kim Royalty – is alarmed, then rest assured that the heiress of the throne is about to meet death in the flesh.


“... What if Sana leaves your side?”


(‘What happens then…?’)


Yerim’s feathery voice comes out in a faint whisper, as if petrified to speak the words into existence.


After all, it isn't so far-fetched to say that being around Sana Minatozaki is the happiest Dahyun has been.


Taehyung knows; Chaeyoung and Tzuyu could read her like an open page; Even the Japanese beauty’s friends seem to catch on as well.


So what happens then?


What happens if the very thing that has managed to give colour to Dahyun’s dull life, decides to leave? How will the world revolve when her source of euphoria chooses to walk away?


Dahyun lets her.


That's what happens.


Dahyun is left with no other option but to stay and watch as Sana’s figure slowly fades, and walks out of her life for eternity.


Because there is nothing else she can do.


Everything is Dahyun’s fault to begin with.


She cannot expect Sana to stay if the only thing Dahyun has done is lie to her.


There’s no place in Heaven for liars.


That means that there isn't a room for Dahyun. Especially around an Angel like Sana.


The sweetest, most thoughtful, pure hearted Sana.


Dahyun doesn’t deserve her.


She doesn't deserve someone as kind as Sana.


Dahyun doesn’t deserve anything, really.


“I am not quite sure myself, dear cousin.” The bespectacled Princess finally speaks after a long moment of tense silence.


The edge of her lips tugging into a helpless smile; a bitter chuckle bubbling in the base of .


It’s all she can do – laugh.


“I shall cross the bridge when I get there…” Dahyun looks up, the dull ceiling mirroring the feeling in her chest: white; tattered; empty.


“Maybe– perhaps we can convince them otherwise–! That, that you did the right thing! You're doing the right thing. Maybe we can change their minds…” Yerim tries, but the crack in her voice and shaking pupils are enough tell that she, too, doesn’t quite believe herself.


“Thank you, Yerim. Really.”


Dahyun takes a step closer to the younger, ruffling her hair. The latter then stands up, quickly pulling the older Princess into a tight embrace.


Warmth; A feeling that Her Highness has been lacking a lot of lately.


Yerim pulls the girl impossibly closer, whispering comforting nothings into her skin.




“We’ll figure this out, Dahyun. It is going to be alright.”


Dahyun feels immense guilt slowly creep up her veins. Why is she the one receiving comfort when everything has been her doing?


She cries once again, because right now, that is all she could do.


Dahyun simply cries.




‘I’m on my way, Dahyun-kun~’


The text message reads, making the Princess’ chest flutter for a moment. Today is the day of their friendly hang-out.


Looking at the snacks gathered on the hotel table, Dahyun manages to tug a half-hearted smile. Pringles–she made sure to purchase the nacho flavour because Sana said she liked those–choco pies, the matcha macs chocolate that Dahyun had given Sana for White Day, pocky sticks… now that she thinks about it, Yerim might have gone a little overboard with the grocery shopping.


(“Don’t be cheap, Dahyun! It’s literally a date, why would you buy one can of pringles? If you finish it then what? You’re gonna send her home? Bother her by making another trip to the store? You’re a Kim, my dear cousin, I cannot believe you are this clueless about women.”)


In the end, they ended up with a cart full of random snacks, almost clearing out the whole isle itself. But according to the younger princess Kim, a full and bloated Sana is better than a starving Sana. Although Dahyun could argue that a month’s worth of junk food is not exactly necessary.


However, long story short, Yerim is not to be shaken and thus, they bought every possible treat in sight.


Her little train of thoughts were sharply cut off by the familiar tune of her phone–Taehyung’s burner phone.


(‘My Most Handsome and Greatest Brother’)


The caller ID flashes, causing a default eye roll from the Princess. It is apparent that it was not her who had saved the contact.


“You are my only brother, you oaf.” She mutters to the empty room before swiping right, putting the device by her ear. “Hello?”


‘Greetings, my lovely princess. How are you?’


His tone is excitable and Dahyun could not possibly guess why.


“I am just fine, thank you. What prompted this call?”


Laughter rings from the other line, though Dahyun thinks that she has not said anything humorous.


‘Hm, are you not going to ask how I am doing as well? It is basic etiquette, my dear sister.’


The younger one almost growls at her phone. Biting back a scowl, she greets with fake formality—tone oozing with pretense and sarcasm.


“Oh, of course. Pardon my mistake. I seem to have forgotten my manners. How are you, Your Highness Prince Taehyung?”


She hears the laughter bloom into a full roar of cackles. He seems to be having such a great time. Dahyun bites back a giggle of her own, slowly catching the infectious laughter.


‘Much better,’ He snickers. ‘So, I have called because I miss my sister.’


Dahyun deadpans. “Try again.”


His chuckles continue. ‘I called because a little owl had told me that my precious princess has a date planned tonight with a certain Japanese maiden.’


The younger one almost groaned at his words. “Seriously? You called because of that?”


‘Uh, yes?’ Taehyung sasses, as if the answer had been obvious. ‘Why would I miss out on such an event? I have dismissed some paperwork for this call.’


“You are a buffoon.”


‘Like the hundreds of proposals on my desk, I will simply ignore that comment.’ The Princess could almost hear the smug in her brother’s voice. ‘So, now would be an appropriate time to tell me about the details of your little date.’


Dahyun does not even take a second to respond. “Absolutely not.”


‘Whether you choose to tell me or not, I will still disregard these papers, Dahyun. So, a wiser decision would be to just tell me your plan for today. In that case, I would have a valid reason to be paying no mind to these projects, as of course, you come first in my list of priorities.’


She could only sigh in return. “You are the worst Royal successor the world has ever seen.”


‘Au contraire. You know very well that is not true, my dear. Now, go on. Tell me about your date. Where are you taking her?.’


Dahyun frowns at the question. She is still incognito, there is no way she’ll wander around.


“We are staying in my hotel suite.”


She practically hears the smirk in his voice as he says, ‘Your hotel chamber? How scandalous.’


“Shut up, you brick-brained oaf!” The Princess feels like her ears are about to catch flames over how hot they were. “You are aware that I cannot go out so carelessly. Mother has eyes in every corner.”


‘Oh my princess. You are too serious for your own good,’ His tone is soft, still giggling a little. ‘And, worry not about Mother, I have everything taken care of.’


“Surprisingly, I do not doubt that.”


Taehyung’s voice softens even more. ‘As I’ve said, you will always be my first priority, Dahyun.’


“Thank you…” She mutters, knowing that she had said it loud enough for him to hear.


‘Always, my lovely.’ Now, Dahyun is sure that she hears the smile in his tone. ‘So, what are you planning on doing in your hotel room?’


The Princess ignores the implying undertone, as she did with her burning cheeks. “We are going to watch movies and eat some snacks. Just a simple night of catching up.”


A light hum resounds from the other line. ‘I see. That sounds wonderful and relaxing. Just precisely what you need right now.’


(‘What you need right now.’)


The Princess pauses to think, her emotion crawling deep into her veins once again.


“Do you– Am I,” Dahyun takes a second to breathe, collecting her thoughts in a way that is coherent. “Am I selfish for doing this, Taehyung? Am I a bad person for wanting this…”


“I feel selfish, It feels like I am taking advantage of someone innocent for my own personal gain…”


Her last sentence comes out as a whisper but her brother hears every word.


‘Dahyun…’ Taehyung’s voice is tender and careful. ‘Being selfish every once in a while is never a bad thing. Whether you are Dahyun Kim of the Kim Dynasty, or Dahyun Kim the fashion terrorist piano-biology college student—at the root of it all, you are still just as human as every being on this earth. You do not have to put yourself in this rigid box of calculated perfection. Breathe, Dahyun. Even just for this short moment, let yourself go…’


‘Choose happiness. Whatever may fall upon you later on, will be dealt. But, remember that it is never a bad thing to choose happiness,’


Taehyung’s voice quivers, ‘In this painfully cruel world of ours, happiness is the most scarce. So when given the chance to choose, always choose what makes you happy, my lovely.’


Dahyun doesn’t realize she's crying until she finds herself silently sobbing, tears staining her black joggers.


She continues to cry until a series of light knocks wake her up from her broken state.


‘Looks like your enchanting happiness is here.’ Taehyung’s tone is light and teasing, a clear attempt at elevating the tense atmosphere. ‘Take care, my dear sister. Expect another call from me soon. I love you.’


He doesn’t hang up, and Dahyun knows why. She furiously rubs her hoodie sleeve against her wetted eyes, a futile effort in collecting her composure again.


“I love you too…”


She hears him hum in return. Knowing that he is about to end the call—stopping him before she could even catch herself, she says, “oh, and Taehyung…?”


‘Yes, my princess?’


“I will wait for your call…” She mumbles, too shy to bear her heart open to her brother.


He had always been the affectionate one, with Dahyun simply blocking his every attempt of brotherly sweetness.


‘I better finish reviewing these proposals then, so I can call you again and you can tell me all about your little date with your beautiful Japanese maiden, without any interruptions in the way.’


“Hm, best of luck.”


‘No need for that. I am already the best there is.’


“Alright, that is enough of you for today. Goodbye, doltish oaf.” She doesn’t wait for his response, simply pressing the red button on screen.


Rushing towards the door, Dahyun once again dabbed the sleeves of his black hoodie against her lids, drying the last of her tears.


(‘When given the chance to choose, always choose what makes you happy, Dahyun’)


Taking a deep breath, Dahyun stretches a smile, preparing herself to greet the Japanese girl.


(‘Just this time, let yourself go…’)


Turning the hook of the hotel door, Dahyun catches the sight of a radiating Sana Minatozaki.


And God, doesn’t she look gorgeous.


Before Dahyun could even mutter a word, Sana beats her to it by practically pouncing on the Princess, causing them to stumble a few steps. Thanks to Dahyun and her quick reflexes, she manages to stabilize the two of them before anyone meets the cold tiles.


Seeing as the older isn’t planning on unlatching anytime soon, Dahyun hesitantly hugs her back.


“Dahyun-kun! I missed you so much!” Sana’s voice is a little muffled with her face buried against Dahyun’s broad shoulder. “You smell so good.”


The young Korean breathes a nervous chuckle, a little overwhelmed by the unashamed physical affection.


“Haha, thank you. Sana-chan. Y-You as well… you smell sweet…”


With that, the latter detaches herself from Dahyun, grin still bright as a day.


The princess incognito doesn’t know if it is merely the trick of light but she thinks she catches the slight hue in the Japanese beauty’s plump cheeks.


Finally out of Dahyun’s embrace, Sana is able to look around the grand-looking hotel room. Cream coloured walls, a view that overlooks the bright city, this (at least four stars hotel) is surely way above a normal college student’s budget.


“Nice room.”


Dahyun did not exactly know how to respond to that.


Sensing the lack of comment, Sana continues, voice laced with heavy playfulness.


“I really didn’t expect that our first meet-up in a while will be inside an expensive hotel room.”


The Korean’s pale skin immediately flush at the off-handed statement. She should have known this was a bad idea just from Taehyung’s previous comments alone.


“I-It isn’t like that, Sana-chan! We can go somewhere else if y-you want… I do not mean to make you uncomfortable...”


Sana raises a brow at the younger’s behaviour. Dahyun is a stuttering mess, his intentions clearly pure to a fault.


The latter continues, speaking through tremored words. “It's just that–um, I’m staying here at the moment, f-for my final exams, and I promised you last time that we would watch movies again, and uh, I do not intend on doing anything—I swear on heavens. Nevermind, inviting you here was probably a faulty idea – no, it is definitely a terrible idea.”


“Hey, Dahyun-kun? Breathe.” Sana chuckles at the messy ramble. She knows a little too well that Dahyun would never dare make such a bold move, moreso something even remotely inappropriate. “I was just teasing you, I know you’re not that kind of person.”


Hearing the older girl’s reassurance, Dahyun exhales all the air she had been holding, murmuring a relieved, “holy heavens.”


“Why are you staying in a hotel anyway? Isn't it cheaper to just go back to the dorm?” Asks the Japanese girl, genuine curiosity swimming in her eyes.


Knowing her weakness with cheap lies, Dahyun settles with the half truth.


“My older brother told me to just book a hotel room just in case he comes over to visit.” Technically, not a lie.


Yerim had once told her that: ‘Not telling the whole truth is not considered lying. You didn't lie, you just chose to play the cards that are already in your hand. No added cards, just you and your tactics.’


“There's only one bed, though?”


Dahyun smiles, cheeky, pointing at the other corner of the room where the TV is located. “He’ll sleep on the couch over there.”


Sana’s lips stretch into an infectious grin. She then turned her attention to the neatly made bed and didn’t hesitate to jump on the heavenly mattress. The younger hears incoherent mumbles from the Japanese, her face buried deep in the fresh sheets.


“Apologies, could you repeat that? What did you say?”


The taller one turns her head to her left, facing Dahyun. “I said, this bed is incredible. Do you only stay in places with high quality mattresses?”


Princess Dahyun decides to humour the girl. “Of course. Good rest can be heavily based upon a good mattress.”


Sana flips over, her back against the white sheets now. “Can’t argue with that.” She pauses, pursing her tinted lips. “What are we gonna do now?”


“Is there anything you would like to do?”


“What do you have in mind?”


Dahyun points at the busy table with her mannered hands.


“Snacks and movies? Frankly, I do not have many tangible ideas for today, or any of the sort for that matter.”


The corner of the Japanese girl’s lips lift into a teasing smile. Playfully humming, “So, does that mean you just invited me to your fancy hotel room for no actual reason at all?”


Dahyun’s ears immediately go beet red at the remark, gaping open without a witty response to give. “W-What?”


Sana’s smirk widens. “You just said it, you don't even have anything planned for today. That means that you just called me over because you wanted to see me…”


“Quite a bold place of choice though, if I must admit.” The Japanese grins at the blushing mess before her eyes.


“I-It’s not– God, what have I done?”


Dahyun could practically hear Taehyung’s smug cackles at the back of her head, telling her ‘I tried to warn you.’


“You’re so cute,” The Princess feels a part of her melt at the sight of a laughing Sana Minatozaki. “Snacks and movies it is. What have you prepared for me, Dahyun-kun?”


The latter looks away, her cheeks still hot. “I-I have pringles, chocolates, matcha, Iced tea, grape juice, chips– anything. I did not order any meals because I wasn’t quite sure what you would like to eat. But if you’re hungry now we can just order–”


Sana cuts off the younger one once again. He seems to be more nervous than usual. “Relax, it’s just me, Dahyun-kun.”


She watches as the Korean nods timidly, unable to argue that it isn't just Sana but her date is the exact reason why she cannot seem to stay still. “How about we watch some movies, eat some snacks, then when we feel like having a proper meal later, I’ll drive us there? How does that sound?”


Dahyun’s already fading rosy cheeks flames again at the sudden wink from Sana.




“What are you waiting for then, cutie? Come on over.” Sana then sits up, patting the space beside her.


Getting the message, the shorter one in a hoodie walks over towards the table, retrieving her laptop — a new macbook that Taehyung had purchased for her using Chaeyoung’s credit card, preventing Her Majesty from possibly tracing the Princess’ whereabouts.


Dahyun grabs a few of the snacks as well, pringles and matcha macs for Sana, and of course, choco pies for herself.


“May I get you a drink?” She asks, to which Sana happily nods.


“Iced tea, please.”


After organizing everything, Dahyun walks back to where her company is comfortably sitting.


Sana is so effortlessly stunning.


“Do you have a movie in mind?” Dahyun asks, laying down the snacks on the cloud-like comforters.


Completely ignoring the question, Sana’s eyes swiftly darted at the familiar brown and green rectangular box.


“Are those–Are those the chocolates you gave me before?” Her hands shoot for the sealed treat, taking it into her arms like a prized item.


“You still remember?” Dahyun chuckles at the child-like behaviour. How cute.


“How could I not? This is now my favourite chocolate ever!” She carelessly peels the plastic cover open. “Where did you get these from? I've been looking everywhere for these but no luck.”


“Maybe you just weren’t looking hard enough,” The princess jokes, flashing a gentle smile at the Japanese beauty. “By all means, those are for you. Eat to your heart’s desire, Sana-chan.”


The latter did not need to be told twice. She simply unravels the box, and without a second more to spare, pops the delicious treat into .


It's still as good as she remembers. Sana lets out a delighted hum, savouring the glorious flavour that is currently swimming in .


“Any movie recommendations, Sana-chan?” Dahyun brings back her forgotten question.


Sana, who is still happily munching on her green tea chocolate, asks “Romance movies?”


“Anything you want.” The younger replies, settling down beside Sana and readying her laptop.


“How about Aladdin, The Movie?” The Japanese girl suggests.


“The live action one?” Dahyun has heard of the film, remembering a conversation held with her cousin about taking Lady Saeron on a date to see Aladdin.


The reactions were mixed, to say the least. Saeron seems to have enjoyed the movie while Yerim had found it to be boring and way too 'unnecessarily long’.


Intrigued, Dahyun loads the movie. But before she could even start, a reminder suddenly pops in her mind.


A memory of a certain present from Chaeyoung, to be exact. A gift the younger had given after finding out about the Princess’ little movie date idea. She gets up and heads over to her blue luggage.


“Where are you going?” Sana asks, confused by the sudden movement.


“I forgot something.” Dahyun rummages through her large carry-on and spots the small, rectangular item. She hurriedly goes back to the bed where a baffled Sana continues to lay, her back against the soft headboard.


“Is that–” The Korean royalty merely nods at the hanging question, her eyes focused on operating the device.


A few seconds later and the thumbnail of Aladdin beams against the white wall, clear and definitely high definition.


“It's a present from Chaeyoung.” Dahyun elaborates as she flips the light switch off. Now, the only source of brightness in the room is the reflecting light from the projector.


“This is the fanciest date I’ve ever been to.” Sana jokes, making Dahyun giggle as well.


“Now that is a lie. No need to butter me up like this, Sana-chan.”


Mouth full, the latter whines. “It's true. This is the fanciest date I’ve had. All we need are the fairy lights and this could count as my ideal date.”


Dahyun raises a left brow, a teasing smirk on her lips.


“Your dream date is very cliché.”


Sana lightheartedly rolls her eyes, a gentle smile on her lips. “You say that as if you aren't here, literally being the one to make it happen.”


Can’t argue with that.




“Just start the movie, Dahyun-kun. I don't have much of these chocolates left.” The older orders, childish and impatient.


“What do you take me for, Sana-chan? There’s a few more boxes on the table if you’d like.”


Dahyun freezes when Sana suddenly pulls her in for a side hug, squealing in delight.


“You’re the best!”


The younger has to pretend like her heart isn’t pounding against her chest, feeling the loud beats against .


Smiling at her sweet company, never minding the dark of the room, Dahyun answers tenderly – allowing her lips to speak her honest feelings.


“Because you deserve nothing less.”




As it turns out, Dahyun is on the same boat as Princess Yerim when it comes to the film Aladdin.


The movie is indeed a bore.


On the upside, Sana seems to be having a pleasant time, even singing along to each of the soundtracks.


The younger thinks that the highlight of the hour so far is Sana’s enthusiastic rendition of ‘Prince Ali’, impressively matching the different tones and rapid tempo of the song.


Dahyun was beyond amused.


And now comes the older’s favourite scene of the movie, apparently.


“Wait, it’s here! Shush, Dahyun-kun! this is my favourite part!” Sana silences her date, although Dahyun had not uttered a single word to begin with.


The younger obediently nods nonetheless, further sealing her already shut mouth.


[ “Do you trust me?” ]


Dahyun watches the screen as Aladdin asks, holding a mannered hand for the Princess.


[“What did you say?”]


She watches Sana mouth along the line.


[“Do you trust me?”]


Dahyun is stuck between wanting to bark a bemused laugh at the finger-curling display of the overused dialogue, or just bearing through it considering how Sana seems to be unabashedly immersed in the scene. Eyes never once wavering at the sight of Aladdin and Princess Jasmine’s joining hands.


[ I can show you the world,


Shining shimmering, splendid.


Tell me, Princess, now when did you last let your heart decide?


I can open your eyes,


Take you wonder by wonder.


Over, sideways, and under on a magic carpet ride,


A whole new world. ]


Dahyun takes her time observing Sana’s gorgeous features while the latter’s eyes are heavily glued to the movie on display.


She wonders how long God must have taken to perfect such an immaculately sculpted face.


“A whole new world, a dazzling place I never knew.” Sana sings along, her voice softer and more timid than Princess Jasmine’s.


Dahyun watches in total awe—absolutely mesmerized. Despite being in a dark room, Sana still manages to shine, her beauty radiating brightly.


“But when I’m way up here, It’s crystal clear.” She then turns to look at Dahyun, with an expectant look on her face. “That now I’m in a whole new world with you.”


The Korean bashfully turns away, catching onto the unsaid request.


“N-Now I’m in a whole new world with you…” Dahyun sings along, voice quiet and shy.


Sana’s smile is evident in her tone as she continues, her singing growing more confident and rather shameless.


“Unbelievable sights, indescribable feeling. Soaring, tumbling, free-wheeling through an endless diamond sky. A whole new world.”


Dahyun thinks that if any of her family members were to ever find out about this moment, that she would be a laughing stock for a lifetime.


But right now, the inevitable post-moment embarrassment doesn't matter. None of that matters.


With a single glance at Sana’s glowing grin, Dahyun knows that she will brave through any amount of teasing, as long as she was able to bring happiness to Sana in the process.


Because nothing is more precious than Sana’s pure smile.


“Don't you dare close your eyes.” Dahyun follows, Sana’s eyes are still stuck on him. The bashful look in his eyes never changes. “Hold your breath, it gets better.”


Eyes locked with Dahyun’s, the Japanese girl continues, with the song sounding a little too close to a serenade. “I’m like a shooting star, I’ve come so far. I can’t go back to where I used to be.”


The two indulge in the intimate moment, their own private world protected by the four walls of the hotel room. Their own little moment, where no one else exists–where it is simply Sana-chan and Dahyun-kun against the universe.


Their own little version of a fairytale.


“No one to tell us ‘no’ or where to go. Or say we’re only dreaming.”


Dahyun wants nothing more than to defy the cosmos, be the driver of her own life.


But one cannot fight destiny. A royalty like Princess Dahyun Kim cannot go against what is already written in the stars.


Fate cannot be re-written.


[A whole new world


(Every turn a surprise,)


With new horizons to pursue


(every moment, red-letter)]


“A whole new world,”


Sana casually leans her head against Dahyun’s shoulder, smiling at the subtle smell of his cologne. How huggable. It takes the Japanese back to the memory of their last movie date, when she had clung onto the younger for dear life, scared out of her wits. Now, the situation is slightly different, but he feels and smells just the same.


He still feels like home.


Dahyun still feels like Sana’s favourite sanctuary.


Dahyun’s lips stretch into a sweet smile, mirroring Sana’s. “A whole new world.”


“That's where we’ll be,”


“That's where we’ll.”


The Korean heiress leans her head against the older, voice growing even lighter. “A thrilling chase,”


“A wondrous place,”


It's as if the silliness of the situation suddenly struck them at the same time, causing the couple to grin at each other—faces too close and giggles about to bubble from the base of their throats,


just like the butterflies that have been flapping uncontrollably in their stomachs.


Finishing off the song, Sana and Dahyun harmonize like the synced beating of their hearts.


“For you and me.”




It is not until the third movie that Sana comments on Dahyun’s fresh hair style, a thought that had been lingering in her mind for hours. Unable to suppress it any longer, she allows her tongue to slip the compliment.


“You’re handsome.”


The latter, who has been chewing on a prized chocopie treat begins to choke, mouth suddenly going dry at the sudden compliment.


“I-I’m sorry?” Sana watches her date stutter a mess, struggling with cough attacks, harshly pounding on his chest. Though it is a little unclear for the young Korean whether the warmth seeping between her rib cages comes from the struggle to breathe, or the rapid heartbeats caused by none other than Minatozaki.


“I said,” Sana’s eyes crinkle into a pair of soft crescents, staring directly at the younger cutie, observing his every reaction. “You look handsome.”


“I– uh, I’m not quite sure how to properly respond to that…” Ears hot and cheeks red as the roses in the Palace garden, Dahyun highly doubts that Sana would miss such a blatant display of blush even through the dimly lit room.


“A simple ‘thank you’ would be a start.” The hooded pianist doesn't have to look to know how hard the Japanese girl is smiling right now. “Go ahead, don’t be shy. Accept the compliment, Dahyun-kun.”


Sana could see the reddened shade of Dahyun’s face blooming even deeper, the younger's skin practically on fire.


(‘Gosh, how cute can Dahyun-kun get?’)


“T-Thank you…” The hooded softie mumbles, shy and obedient of the previous suggestion.


“That’s more like it.” The foreign heartthrob grins. “I’m also getting hungry for real food, as much as I loved your heavenly matcha chocolates. Do you wanna go out for a bit, find some place to eat? Or should we just order room service?”


Dahyun seems to weigh her options, breathing a light sigh. The bubbly Japanese girl observes as the former looks up at Sana, giving her what she can only interpret as a nervous, hesitant smile. The latter internally swoons at just how utterly adorable her company is.


Murmuring, Dahyun hopes that Sana chooses to dismiss the reluctance and anxiety layered underneath the tone. “I would love to eat out as well… Where should we go?”


It is Sana’s turn to consider her options.


“Um. Let’s just drive around and figure it out along the way.”


The Korean smiles her way, making Sana's heart flutter in tender, addicting warmth. Even in this awful, barely-existing lighting, Dahyun still manages to steal Sana’s breath away.


“Is that just an adorable way of saying that you have nothing in mind?”


She returns her date’s soft stare, cheekily smiling. “Maybe?”


“Spontaneity is a dangerous game, you know.”


“Danger is what makes life thrilling.” She retaliates, once again mirroring the glint in the freshman’s sharp eyes.


Receiving nothing but silence from the Korean, Sana stands up and walks around to Dahyun’s side of the bed. She holds out a gentle hand. In a tender tone, she speaks, looking at her own version of Prince Charming with eyes that ooze of soothe and comfort.


“Do you trust me, Dahyun-kun?”


The delicate silence that once covered the air is now replaced with the bright, hearty laughter from the gentle freshman. Rapidly catching the reference, Dahyun responds without miss, acting a fake surprise.


“What did you say, Sana-chan?”


Sana suppresses the biggest urge to snicker, biting her lower lip before reeling back into character, repeating the line, hand still stretched for him to take–their roles reversed in this case.


“Do you trust me?”


Dahyun then takes Sana’s hand, as dramatic as Princess Jasmine had done with Aladdin’s, making the pair chuckle at their own silliness.


The older does not let go of their joint hands even as her date stands up to grab a black baseball cap. They simply walk out of the hotel room, hands connected and hearts synced as one—their stretched grins never leaving their contented faces.




They arrive in a humble restaurant, cozy and a little rundown – a hidden gem as Dahyun would put it. They hadn't meant to end up under the meek four-walls, not that they had any concrete plans to begin with, merely driving around until the wheels had led them to this location.


A sense of home is the first thing that washes over the couple as they walk in, receiving a very warm welcome from a middle aged woman in a printed apron. Her voice was pleasant to the ears – delicate, like a blanket of comfort that wraps around one’s chilled skin. She ushers the two to a secluded booth, giving a sense of faux privacy; unnecessary, but very much appreciated regardless.


It’s nice.


They settled down after ordering their desired meals, finally giving Sana the luxury of ogling at her eye candy—a blessed opportunity that she had been hoping for all day.


“So, little heartthrob,” Sana breaks the air, making casual small talk to set the mood. “I have a question for you.”


Her voice contains a certain lilt to it, playful and a tad shy.


Sana almost squeals as Dahyun tilts his tiny head at the way he had been addressed, looking small and precious under the hat. The freshman hums, slightly confused.




“What’s your ideal date, like?” The Junior beauty grins at the precious sight before her eyes.


Her date freezes for a moment, clearly taken aback by the unexpected question.


“M-My ideal date?” The hooded shortie stutters, a light shade of crimson colouring the pale cheeks.


Sana nods with bright enthusiasm, chocolate eyes pooled with beautiful curiosity and interest.


“Yes. Tell me.”


She watches as Dahyun scrunches his nose, glasses riding up a little. Oh God, how cute he looks. Her crush on the Korean is never gonna simmer down at this rate. Sana cannot decide whether she desires to keep him in her pocket, away from this cruel world, or to bite and nibble on his soft looking cheeks.


Sana is an absolute er for all things mochi after all.


The Japanese beauty allows silence to take over for a short while, the muffled shuffling of servers filling in the quiet air ever so often. She observes with a smile as he takes a moment to think, contemplating the question.


“I’m not sure.” The royalty incognito says softly, finally speaking, but definitely not the answer that Sana is looking for.


“What do you mean you're not sure? You gotta have something–anything, at least. Everyone has a dream date.” She argues.


Dahyun pouts at the complaint. “I'm really not sure, Sana-chan. I have never given it much thought.”


The furrowed brows curl further, clearly displaying Sana’s displeasure. “Why not? What happened to your romantic bones? I just cannot get myself to believe that you don’t have an ideal date. Not even one.”


The younger cracks a little, chuckling lightly. Sana sure looks stressed. “I'm afraid that my answer is sincere. I really do not have a concrete answer to your question.”


“This doesn’t make any sense. Our little crowd charmer doesn’t have an ideal date?” Sana sighs in exasperation, in pure disbelief.


“You patronize me,” Dahyun’s chuckle bubbles into an amused laughter. “I am nowhere near such. But to clarify your confusion, I guess an explanation–or is it a defence?–would benefit you.”


Sana eyes the soft partner before her, waiting for her date’s following words, or so-called clarification.


“I've never been interested in romance,” The piano prodigy opens up, immediately catching Sana’s attention, capturing her interest further than the former already has. “Romantic gestures, of course; a little chivalry is always warranted, but as far as relationships and dating is concerned, then I’d have to say no. Advancement of both intellect and artistry has always been my priority. I simply never had the room to entertain the idea of romantic affairs.”


“How about now?” Sana says after a quiet moment.


“Hm? What do you mean?”


“You said that you don’t have a concrete answer because you’ve never had the time to think about it, so how about now? You have the time now.”


Dahyun observes Sana for a moment, reading her and the current atmosphere between them before bursting into a light, muted laughter.


The royal princess’ date had never looked this serious, which makes it even funnier in her eyes.


“You’re that intrigued?” The shorter one asks, still giggling.


“I wouldn't pry if I wasn't.” Sana answers, still determined.


Deciding to humour the older girl, Dahyun raises both arms in mock surrender, nodding in defeat.


“Alright. Let me think about it.”


A smile slowly quirks at the tips of Sana’s lips, her expression blooming. She cannot wait to hear about the intimate thoughts that run through her current date’s mysterious head.


“A mindless walk.” Dahyun finally speaks after what had seemed like an eternity of silence.


“Huh?” Sana says dumbly, not really understanding her partner’s words.


“My ideal date.” Dahyun clarifies, gripping Sana’s attention. She basks in the tone so soft and grounded, like the innocent freshman is so sure of his words. “My dream date is a nice walk somewhere along a peaceful area like a beach or a lake – a calming walkway with water. Holding hands, watching the sunset together as we talk about our day, all while basking under the warmth of the passing sun.”


There's a serene smile plastered on his face, his cheeks dusted with a delightful pink. Sana could listen to him and watch him talk for eternity.


The Korean cutie continues, still with a smile, seeing Sana’s loss for words. “... I think I’d really like it if I experienced such a romantic and intimate moment.”


Sana allows herself to grin unabashedly, eyes solely focused on her attractive date.


Not that Dahyun minds, of course. The piano prodigy appears to have gotten used to Sana’s attentive orbs. The feeling has grown to be welcomed. At some point, Dahyun had learned to adore the attention from her Japanese muse. Though her shyness is not something that seems to want to disappear.


“A nice, peaceful walk while holding hands and watching the sunset, eh? I was right.”


“About what?”


Sana’s smile deepens at the question. “You are romantic.”


Dahyun blushes at the comment, unable to deny the statement; then proceeds to tug on the tongue of the baseball cap. The bashful one isn't very successful in hiding his face though, as Sana could still see the subtle, timid smile on his lips.


(‘How cute.’)


She is starting to sound like a broken record but Sana truly cannot help herself. Dahyun is just so cute.


Before she could further, their server had arrived with their meals, friendly and chirpy. Except this time, it is not the same woman that had assisted them. This girl, she's much younger—prettier than the woman from earlier.


“Hi, here are your orders.” The friendly waitress begins to place their food on the table, organized and careful.


After putting down the last of the plates, she then straightens up, turning to Sana with a beamful cheeky smile, eyes in crescents. “Can I get you anything else?”


Flustered by the blatant affability, Sana shifts her eyes to Dahyun who is now displaying a look of intrigue mixed with a dash of mirth in those pair of sharp eyes.


“Uh– I think we’re good for now. T-thanks.” The gorgeous Junior stutters, resorting to gluing her shifty gaze to Dahyun.


Sana watches as her amused partner momentarily looks at her fidgeting hand, before laying his supple one on top of hers, curling it into a loose hold. Her date doesn't say anything, simply allowing the gesture to speak for itself.


The server spares a quick glance at Dahyun, before turning to Sana again.


“My name is Miyeon, by the way.” She introduces, hugging the tray in her arms. “Just call for me if you’d like any assistance. I hope you enjoy your meal. I’ll be around, pretty.”


Miyeon gives a final friendly bow before scurrying away, not forgetting to throw a final charming smirk at the popular Japanese beauty's way.


Sana feels her face burn at the act. Her neck is warm and she feels like fanning her face, that is until she catches the roguish curl on the tip of Dahyun's lips.


It only dawns upon her that they are still holding hands.


And Miyeon had just flirted with Sana right in front of Dahyun—literally Sana’s date.


“Well,” Dahyun chuckles, clearing the silent air. “She seems to fancy you a great deal.”


Sana doesn't know what to say to that, or how to react to those words. She isn’t dense, and even if she were, Miyeon was pretty damn obvious about her intentions.


“I nearly thought I was intruding your moment earlier.” The younger, continues, voice laced with mischief. No sign of offence in the playful tone. “There’s an irony in The Sana Minatozaki-chan calling me a heartthrob when you seem to capture the hearts of many without even realizing it.”


The Japanese beauty fakes a cough, trying to ease (ignore) the redness that she is still feeling on her skin as the sound of Dahyun’s light chuckles surround the quiet air. Sana tries to one-up him by teasing, swallowing her bashfulness to regain the upper hand.


“Are you jealous Dahyun-kun? You know you shouldn't be. I came here as your date after all.”


However, it seems to backfire because the smirk on his lips only broadens.


“And what if I said I was? What are you planning on doing about it, Sana-chan?”


“You’re not serious…”


His eyes begin to mirror the curl of his lips, delightfully impish.


“I don't know, Sana-chan. She was tall and pretty, and you could ‘call her if you need any assistance’.” The freshman sing-songs, referencing Miyeon’s previous words.


Before Sana could even stop herself, is already blurting a string of defensive nonsense. “You’re also tall and pretty, and available for assistance…”


There was silence.


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i didn't realize i updated on the anniversary of this story omg!! happy 4 years anniversary my loves <3333 thank you for being with me for years ily all :* muah


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Chapter 12: Coming late to read this story! It is so cute... Thank you for writing it. I hope these years are being a bit kinder to you. As long you wanna keep writing, Ill be waiting for a update on this. Have a nice day!
CalyxVargas #2
Hi author-nim, when will you come back😭😭😭??
gwenlim24 #3
Sheeettt pang ilang balik ko na to dito, the best of the best pa din tong au na to ng saida walang tatalo 😭
dh_kim07 #4
Chapter 12: hi, miss u author-nim
Kimmy001011 #5
Chapter 12: god!it's a real good story, i want to see more😭😭😭
I miss u.
Chapter 12: Just rereading this lovely story again until the next update 😅
Kimdubs #8
Chapter 12: God! This story is my favorite, I hope you update this story
gwenlim24 #9
2024 and I'm still waiting. Finished all your saida stories and yes I therefore conclude that you are the my most favorite author
doobla #10
Chapter 12: I like to come back a few times a year because I truly enjoy the story