Dahyun and White Day.

Time To Love
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“Are you not – even a tad bit – worried about Sana finding out?” Chaeyoung says alongside Yerim – who has decided to visit Sogang University for a day. They are currently lounging on Dahyun’s bed, while the latter remain seated on the lone dining table.


The royal princess clamps her lips shut, shaking a head no. “Not as much as I should be.”


“I cannot believe that she had befriended you out of the thousands of students in this campus.” The younger princess then says, slightly bouncing on the mattress with boredom brightly painted on her skin – blaring and obvious.


“That is because I saved her, Yerim.” Dahyun rolls her eyes at the snarky line. Her cousin and her awfully sharp tongue are going to be the death of her one day.


“So? She could have said ‘thank you’ and moved on with her life.” Chaeyoung nodded in agreement, clearly having the same mindset as her same-aged friend.


“I am just glad she has not caught onto your profile.”


“She has not. She did, however, ask me if I, in actuality, played joust...” Dahyun then confesses, taking the younger girls aback.


Yerim, being the mannerless one, cackles at the news – completely collapsing on her royal relative’s bed. “J-Joust? What world are we living in, the Middle Ages?” She says in between asthmatic chortles.


“It was Chaeng’s fault.” The oldest pouts. “She had mentioned something about destroying me in a match, and Sana happened to overhear.”


The long-haired royalty quickly switches into an inexpressive expression, now sitting up. “Really, Chaengie? Joust? Her Highness Princess Tzuyu must be so charmed by such remarkable wit.” She mutters in overflowing sarcasm.


“At least I am amiable enough to score a lover.” Chaeyoung defends, putting her best friend in a choke lock. “A princess at that.”


“Oh, please. That is hardly an accomplishment.” Yerim argues as she struggles to get out of the tight grasp. “Making a maiden fall for me is easy as breathing.”


“Coming from someone who is incapable of resisting a certain lady by the name of Saeron.” Dahyun joins in on poking fun of her cousin.


“With all due respect my beloved cousin, I just feel the need to put this out there: those of single status cannot comment on such things.”


“Do not be so harsh, Yerim. Her Highness just has her priorities straight, unlike yourself.” Chaeyoung is swift to back up the older royalty, whilst still keeping a nicely tight and secure grip.


The younger princess tries to pull on her friend’s right ear but fails miserably so. “My biggest priority is to please women; ergo, nothing straight about it.”


Dahyun could only sit in amusement as the two continue to banter – almost on the verge of a mixed martial arts spar. “I must say, ever since Uncle and Auntie had learned to accept your uality, you have grown extremely shameless Yerim.”


The latter finally catches a grip of dimpled cheek, tugging it harshly – of course, earning a loud yelp from her same-aged friend. Being highly trained under the field of defence, Yerim smoothly switches their position; Chaeyoung is now trapped under, helpless with a pair of bound wrists.


Yerim then averts her attention on the girl below, fixing her gaze on the older sitting comfortably just a mere distance away.


“It is called ‘being an irresistible womanizer’, Your Highness. You could learn a thing or two.” She cackles low – the tone resembling that of a demon’s.


“You are the last person anyone should consult on how to attract women.” Chaeyoung giggles, the sensitive area on her hips being tickled by Yerim.


“Silence, peasant. I attend a school of women, I think you can trust me on this.” Her free hand continues to tickle her best friend despite the ragged breaths.


“Alright, enough of that children.” Dahyun finally stands up, breaking up the semi-wrestling match occurring on her featherbed. “My mattress is beginning to look like a battleground.”


With that, the two younger breaks apart. The positions became switched as Yeri and Chaeyoung take a seat on the dining chairs, whilst Dahyun begins to rearrange her bed again. The chaos that her visitors had left is a little too aggravating to simply ignore.


“So tell me what brought you troublemakers here, again? Surely it is nothing casual.” The older of the three hums as she folds her blanket in half.


Chaeyoung then snaps a finger in realization. “Aha! Indeed we came here with a purpose. I had almost forgotten.”


Yerim laughs as she added, “You did forget.”


“Nonsense. I had simply gotten distracted. Anyhow, we came here to invite you, Princess Dahyun.”


The said heiress freezes, busy hands halting midway into fluffing a pillow. “Invite? On what?”


“We are planning on heading to a shopping mall.” Yerim answers on her spot.


“Shopping mall?”


“Yes, Your Highness. We had originally planned on going yesterday, but we figured that it would be great to invite you as well.” Chaeyoung explains.


Their conversation had been oddly formal but Dahyun figures that Chaeyoung has yet to grasp onto the average lifestyle; a world where Dahyun is simply a University student like the rest of the population.


They are alone in the privacy of her dorm so she figures that there is no harm at all.


“What are you planning on purchasing?” The oldest questions.


Yerim stretches a smile – adorable and wide, much of a certain cartoon turtle Dahyun remembers watching throughout her childhood. “Chocolates.”


The young royalty attired in a yellow hoodie reflexively salivates at the thought of her favourite dessert. If there is an obsession Dahyun is absolutely guilty of, it would be the pleasure of chocolates in her taste buds. The way sweetness seem to dance along with her senses, sending a wave of dopamine to her brain; Dahyun is addicted. Nothing makes her happier than the thought of choco pie in her system.


“C-Chocolates?” Her voice resemble that of a five-year old’s: with eyes that gleam of interest and cheeks reddening of busy imagination.


Chaeyoung nods in confirmation. “Correct. Are you coming with?”


Dahyun shakes her head vigorously – never passing up an opportunity to taste one of her biggest guilty pleasures.


“I’m coming!”




Dahyun is then informed that the next day is in fact, White Day; an Asian tradition where chocolates are exchanged– returned. It is seen as an act of gratitude, or a simple reciprocation of the intimate feelings that had been flaunted during Valentine’s Day, a month prior.


Chaeyoung and Yerim are shopping for sweets – a sugary gesture for their other halves.


“Which one screams ‘I only have you’, better? I want Saeron to cry happy tears.” The younger princess is holding up three chocolates of different brands and designs – her speech now back to casual and informal.


Chaeyoung observes the treats carefully before nodding to herself, “Go with the white chocolate; it is the sweetest, and that means the highest chance of distracting her from the fact that you are seeing other women also.” She elaborates, speaking in a non-hierarchical manner as well.


Now that they are away from a private space, it is only safe to act without honorifics.


Dahyun guffaws at the wicked explanation, loving the sight of her sulky cousin looking deflated than ever.


“I agree. You cannot go wrong with white chocolate.” The oldest adds on. “What about you, Chaeyoung? Have you decided on anything for your lover?”


The latter groans at the statement. “Can you not say ‘lover’ please? It is really cringe-worthy.” She convulses in disgust. “And no, I haven’t. I think I’ll go with chocolate-covered cookies. She seems to enjoy those a lot.”


“What about you, Dahyun? Have you thought of anything?” Yerim questions as she plucks four chocolates from the shelf – three of which are white, and one milk.


“I do not have a date, unlike you two so I’m mostly purchasing for myself.” Dahyun responds, waving two chocolate bars in one hand and three choco-pies on the other.


Chaeyoung looks at the fairly empty basket before throwing a question. “Is that it for you?”


“I still have a few left at home, so perhaps yes. Why? Is there something wrong?” Dahyun crinkles her brows in worry.


“It’s rather empty, don’t you think?” Chaeyoung rubs a nape, a habit she has developed whenever baffled.The older without much chocolate items on the cart is unsettling. “Purchase a few more, maybe?”


Dahyun nods in obedience even though she is all kinds of confused at the moment. She begins to scan the different types and flavours available. “Let’s see…”


The oldest Korean then stares for awhile until finally running her index finger against the sweets. After a few moments of deep contemplation, she plucks out four green tea pocky sticks, a box of matcha macs, and two mini boxes of mint chocolate cookies.


An innocent smile is then thrown in Chaeyoung’s way; a pair of sharp eyes softening into orbs of pure bliss. “I think I’m set.”


Chaeyoung observes the heiress of the royal throne when a smile unknowing forms on her plump lips. Dahyun is one of the most precious people she has ever met.


The Princess’ future significant other is lucky, no doubt.


“Yeah, you are.”


The bespectacled girl hums in satisfaction, simply staring at her basket with a priceless look of contentment


There isn’t much people who can rock two completely different identities so effortlessly.


Dahyun happens to be hella charming in both




Okay, so Dahyun expected White Day to be quite busy, but not as crowded as it is at the moment. She has bumped into bodies after bodies, and occasional boxes that jabbed her in places she would rather not talk about.


She had felt the exact same thing just thirty days ago when then a similar situation had taken place. At least during the time, Dahyun managed to escape the sea of bodies and into her peaceful haven by the isolated bench of the field.


A series of ‘excuse me’ along with numerous ‘pardon’, and Dahyun is finally able to breathe again. Being a short guy (girl) among the ocean of figures is probably one of the biggest struggle the young princess has to face in University.


Wanting some peace and quiet after her brutal encounter with – what seemed like – never ending amount of students, Dahyun runs to the only place she knew would calm her down: her sanctuary that lives in the form of a wooden bench along the field of fragrant flowers and swaying trees. A place so isolated, it is capable of drowning out the stress and heavy thoughts – replacing worry with ease; internal storm to a sunny warmth.


Maybe Dahyun could tune out the tedious day by enjoying the breezy weather and reading another novel; all while munching on her prized snack.


As she reaches halfway, she spots a lone figure laying on the bench – Dahyun’s bench. Surprised and a little disappointed, she continues to walk towards the direction, curious to see who has stolen her favourite spot.


A few meters in and the four eyed princess begins to mirage the blurry image from earlier. Now, she spots a woman who appears to be sleeping; an arm resting against her fluttered eyelids. The girl seems genuinely fatigued, by the way her earbuds are plugged in and her figure slumped. Dahyun is about to turn away when she sees a familiar cloth poking out of the stranger’s ped backpack; it is black with a string the freshman has loved the moment she had laid her eyes upon it.


The item of clothes is hers.


It’s Dahyun’s.


Well, it used to be until she had given it away…


Wait, that means the unknown girl on the bench can only be one person.


“Sana?” She asks in full surprise.


However, the girl did not move. Nor did she flinch even the slightest of muscles.


It must be the headphones.


Feeling more at ease now, Dahyun simply approaches the Japanese girl. Being the gentlewoman that she is, the Korean student lightly pokes the bare bicep.


She pokes twice for Sana to finally react.


Squirming at the blinding light, – Dahyun’s figure already doing God’s work by shielding Sana’s sensitive eyes from the horrid sunlight – the Junior foreigner sits up, rubbing her adjusting orbs.


Finally recognizing the man before her, Sana mutters a whisper; “Dahyun?” with a voice thick of sleep and tiredness.


She gets a “Hey, you.” In return. Dahyun looking soft and welcoming as always. “What are you doing here, alone?” His voice is clear of worry, and it easily brings a smile on Sana’s slightly chapped lips.


Instead of answering, the older girl just pats the empty space beside her, gesturing for Dahyun to sit down.


A few swings on her right leg and Sana finally speaks. “It’s too busy in there.” She points at the closest building – fine arts building – using her lips, pursing it towards the direction of the faculty. “I didn’t want to deal with the whole White Day mess so I left as fast as I could; been here for about two hours now.”


The younger did not bother suppressing an amused laugh. She snickers at the crestfallen girl adjacent to her. “Why did you run? Free chocolates today, you know.”


Sana doesn't mind him poking fun at her. His giggle is not intrusive; it’s tender and lulling.


Shrugging is the only appropriate response she has in mind. “If I accept one, the madness isn’t going to stop. They’ll come rushing like tidal waves.”


“Quite poetic, if I must say.” Dahyun bobs his eyebrows up and down, eliciting a little giggle from the taller girl. “Is that why you came to my humble escape?”


Sana nods bashfully; slow and shy.


“I was hoping you’d be just as bored as I am, so I came here to talk.” She answers.


Dahyun gives a kind smile. “I was in class but if you’re still bored, I am here now.”


“A little,” Sana is displaying a look that stands in between grateful, and coy. “I was just fed up with this ridiculous set up. White Day, come on. Isn’t Valentine’s enough?”


Seeing frustration cloud over the Japanese girl’s hazel eyes, Dahyun did what she used to do to Yerim; a tactic that worked almost every single time.


The princess in disguise places a light hand on the crown of Sana’s head. Cautious as she is, Dahyun begins to graze a thumb on clear forehead that is painted of unwanted wrinkles. “Easy there, cubby.” She mutters in a dream-like tone.


Sana leans into the touch, her tense nerves slowly relaxing into the massaging feeling. The breeze on her skin along with Dahyun’s easing thumb is doing an amazing job on letting her loose.


“For someone who likes to talk about my minimal friends,” The younger whispers in a childish tone. “You sure hang around a lot.” Dahyun teases.


“I have never been too fond of crowds,” She begins to explain, finally pulling away from the magical touch. “My friends are also well known around here, so there has never really been much of an escape. I used to raid Jihyo in the council’s room, but that got old fast.”


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i didn't realize i updated on the anniversary of this story omg!! happy 4 years anniversary my loves <3333 thank you for being with me for years ily all :* muah


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Chapter 12: Coming late to read this story! It is so cute... Thank you for writing it. I hope these years are being a bit kinder to you. As long you wanna keep writing, Ill be waiting for a update on this. Have a nice day!
CalyxVargas #2
Hi author-nim, when will you come back😭😭😭??
gwenlim24 #3
Sheeettt pang ilang balik ko na to dito, the best of the best pa din tong au na to ng saida walang tatalo 😭
dh_kim07 #4
Chapter 12: hi, miss u author-nim
Kimmy001011 #5
Chapter 12: god!it's a real good story, i want to see more😭😭😭
I miss u.
Chapter 12: Just rereading this lovely story again until the next update 😅
Kimdubs #8
Chapter 12: God! This story is my favorite, I hope you update this story
gwenlim24 #9
2024 and I'm still waiting. Finished all your saida stories and yes I therefore conclude that you are the my most favorite author
doobla #10
Chapter 12: I like to come back a few times a year because I truly enjoy the story