The Transformation.

Time To Love
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“But, Your Highness–”


The royal princess momentarily halts her tracks, giving just enough time to glare at the slightly shorter girl trailing a few steps behind. “Don’t ‘Your Highness’ me, Yerim. We are cousins... And out of all people, I did not think you would be against this.”


“Fine,” Yerim rolls her eyes. “I’m just saying, it is such a ridiculous idea. Even I’m not dumb enough to come up with such a plan.”


“If it were such a horrible idea as you claim it to be, how come Mother and Father agreed?”


The younger deadpans. “Because they are fed up with your crap, Dahyun. You and your insane runaway phase— what are you? A hipster? I still can’t believe you are in line for the royal throne.”


“For someone who is of royal blood, you sure have a filthy mouth.”


Yerim takes a few steps forward, wanting to be closer to the older girl. She places a sympathetic hand on the royal princess’ shoulder. “I go to an all-girls private school, unnie. That is as filthy as it’s gonna get.”


“You speak to Auntie and Uncle with that mouth?” She gasps.


A mischievous smirk slowly curves on the coloured lips. “I do a lot of things with this mouth, Dahyun.”


The latter cringes in disgust. “I am not interested, nor do I have the time for your shameful stories, Yerim. I have a meeting to attend, so if you excuse me.”


“Meeting? You mean your appointment with Sir Minki?” Yerim raises a brow in question.


“Exactly.” Dahyun flashes a cheeky grin, clearly overflowing with excitement.


“You do realize you are going to be stuck with a hair much like Prince Taehyung’s, right?”


Dahyun frowns at the mention of her brother. “Then I will have to ask for a different style…” She frantically shakes a head at the horrifying image of herself in a familiar blonde hairstyle.


“Why? I, for one, would love to see you with such a haircut. It looks dashing on Prince Taehyung, so I can guarantee that it would look quite dapper on you as well, my dear cousin.”


“Won’t you stop referring to us formally? Do not even think for a second that I believe such rubbish, especially from you, Yerim. I would never, and I mean– not a bloody chance –ever ask for such a clutter excuse of a hairstyle.” Dahyun huffs, genuinely upset at the comparison to her brother.


She quickly turns to walk away.


“I am just being a supportive cousin, Dahyun.” She can hear Yerim’s suppressed chuckles from metres away. To this day, Princess Dahyun is convinced that her cousin is reincarnation of Satan himself. “Or should I say, ‘Daehyun’?”


“I am not changing my name!” She retorts.


The younger simply continues to laugh, finding absolute amusement in her cousin’s situation. “Best of luck on your foolish ‘transformation’, Your Highness.”


God, Dahyun hates Yerim so much.


She is not going to come back looking like her annoying brother; she is going to make sure of it.




Princess Dahyun is sullen; upset and internally fuming. It turns out that Prince Taehyung does in fact attend Sir Minki’s shop for his desired hairstyle, hence, Princess Dahyun’s worst nightmare has come into light.


She is now wearing a cut so similar to her brother’s, she can feel a physical ache in her chest. Never once has she winced at her own reflection in the mirror, until this very moment. She really should have gone through the idea more carefully.


Instead, it is too late and here she is, sporting a short dark-brown, middle part hair. It highlights the royal princess’ features, but her resemblance with the crown prince is uncanny.


“What do you think, Your Highness? Debonaire, if I must say so myself.” Dahyun struggles to swallow a thick lump in . Lying is one thing she has never been good at.


“I-It is, uh… quite a look.” She laughs nervously, her head buzzing in stress.


Yerim is so going to make fun of her.




“So, can you tell me again why exactly His and Her Majesty agreed to this whole thing?” Chaeyoung asks, another one of the noble blood. “Better yet, enlighten me as to how you managed to convince the King and Queen of Korea to condone such… a mess?”


Dahyun scoffs in offence, “You speak as if it is only I who is insane enough to pull such a stunt. Correct me if I am wrong– which is highly unlikely –but did you not cut your hair just months back, because you have fallen in love with the actress from that awful movie about vampires and shirtless werewolves?”


“In my defence, Kristen Stewart is quite the woman. Such gorgeous facial features must not go unappreciated.” Chaeyoung shrugs, her hair now long and back into its raven colour.


“I’m sure Her Highness of the Chou family would not be pleased to hear such words come out of her lover’s mouth, don’t you agree?”


Dahyun cannot help but laugh at the stages of fear, her childhood friend’s feature undergoes. She can only shake her head at the shattered Casanova attitude the girl had possessed just minutes prior.


“Dear God, please do not tell her. I would not live to see the sunrise again, had she found out. Dahyun, Your Highness, My dear friend whom I have known since womb— I am begging. I promise I will not say a word about your hair again.” The older royalty would like to say that her friend is exaggerating but having met Princess Tzuyu of Taiwan, Dahyun completely understands. The heiress of the Chou throne has the gaze cold as ice, and tongue sharp as a blade; a powerful presence. It is still a wonder how Chaeyoung managed to thaw the heart of the ice Princess.


“Alright, I accept. But remember, a single snarky word about my hair, and Princess Tzuyu is receiving that call.” Her sharp eyes squint in threat as she runs her fingers through her disheveled hair.


Chaeyoung purses her lips, a look of deep contemplation as she taps her right foot impatiently.


“What is it? I will give you one last chance to insult my appearance… This better be good.” Dahyun rolls her eyes in sass.


With that, the younger of the two visibly brightens up, her lips stretching into a cheeky smile. Her cheeks dipping into an adorable set of dimples. “That hairstyle with that dress, oh sweetie…”


Princess Dahyun blinks at the unexpected comment, unable to fully register the words. When it did, she unattractively bursts into a snort, before quickly blooming into a roarous laughter.


“That– that was pretty good actually; I admit. You have always been a lame one, Chaeng.” They struggle to breathe together, with tears pooling in their eyes. “You and your insufferable humour.”


“Too bad you are going to be stuck with me even outside the Palace, Your Highness. Never would have imagined that you would eventually join me in University.” The shorter girl finally calms down from her high, her sly smirk is now replaced with a blissful smile.


The mention of College brings a giddy feeling in the Princess’ stomach. She cannot believe she is finally going to school— the actual institution, the campus —and not just their lonely office with her private tutor. Dahyun is finally going to be staying in a dorm, a dream she has been wishing for since she was a little girl. To finally escape her caged life as a crown princess, and into the normal world; the regular lifestyle along with her non-royal friends.


‘Excited’ is an understatement in describing how Princess Dahyun feels.


For years, the latter has been begging her parents into making her attend an adequate University outside of the glamorous lifestyle she is used to. A simple college where she can experience a list of things she once only dreamed of happening. With the help of her brother (though she would hate to admit it), the King and Queen finally agrees. In a week, Dahyun would be starting her first semester as a freshman student in Sogang University.


She is so happy, that she doesn’t even mind the fact that she will be under a male profile.


‘It’s an extra measure to secure your safety.’ Her Majesty says. Princess Dahyun doesn’t mind in actuality. She is beyond thrilled since no one knows is going to catch on to her real identity. The University is already told of the matters which makes the girl’s life much easier. She is given her own private room for convenience, and her schedule is fixed to her liking. She cannot be happier.


“Have you packed clothes already, Your Highness?” Chaeyoung asks.


“Yeah I did. I was able to go shopping last week. Who knew that shopping for male clothing would be such a pain?” Dahyun complains, but her tone is nothing but joyful.


The younger nods in understanding. “What type of outfits did you go for?”


“Mostly hoodies and sweaters. Comfortable clothes that are able to mask my chest easily.”


Chaeyoung cannot help but giggle at the answer. “What chest?”


Princess Dahyun did not hesitate a second in putting her younger friend in a loose chokehold. “Say that again?” She whispers in a sinister tone, causing Chaeyoung to shiver in fright.


“Nothing, Dahyunnie. I swear.” She gulps, completely dropping the formality. The older of the two finally let’s go, giving her shorter friend some room to breathe.


“Christ sake, Your Highness. No wonder His and Her Majesty allowed you to wander off; you sure can fight.” Chaeyoung rubs her neck in an attempt to soothe the aching spots. Dahyun simply grins in pride and victory.


“It is mandatory to be of advanced level in self-defence when you are of royal blood.” The short haired brunette suddenly heaves a heavy sigh, having flashbacks to the cruel days of sparring against someone who is thrice her size. She allows her gaze to linger on Chaeyoung before speaking again. “Princess Tzuyu must know a thing or two as well.”


“Yeah,” The latter nods her head in agreement. “Yeah she does.”


Princess Dahyun chuckles at the troubled look on Chaeyoung’s face. “Looks like you have witnessed it before.”


“Witnessed? More like felt.”


“Oh, so the unfortunate victim, eh?” Dahyun pats her friend’s back in a pathetic comfort.


“Once you meet the love of your life, you will understand my pain.” Chaeyoung ruffles the princess’ hair, earning a growl in return. “But before that, please change out of your dress first because this look is just too absurd for me to bear.”




“I’m actually in a dormitory… I will live in a dormitory. Oh my God!” Princess Dahyun jumps around in overflowing energy before pouncing on her friend who nearly drops a box of necessities.


Chaeyoung groans at the impact, carefully laying the box on the floor. She returns the tight hug with the same level of gusto, rubbing the clothed back. “Calm down, Princess. There is a lot more to College life than you think.”


“I am so happy, you have no idea!”


The younger chuckles. “I have an idea.” She says, finally letting go of the embrace.


The royal heiress suddenly pouts, baffling her noble companion. “It’s a shame that we can’t room together.”


“Sorry, two students of the opposite cannot be roommates.” Chaeyoung snickers in mischief.


“But I’m a girl…” The older whines, pouting in disappointment.


“Not in this university you’re not.”


The crown princess wants to argue but what Chaeyoung said is indeed true. In university, she is simply Dahyun Kim; a regular male student.


She takes the time to look down at her current outfit: button up layered with a light sweater, with nothing but the collar and cuffs sticking out; black skinny jeans; comfortable pair of sneakers, and thick rimmed specs – an item that she actually needs.


“Not bad of a style though, yes?”


Chaeyoung allows seconds to tick by before dropping a nonchalant comment. “You look like Prince Taehyung.”


Dahyun blinks twice, until she finally absorbs the tease. Placing an offended hand above her chest, the princess gasps. “I do not! I could swear that you have been hanging out with Yerim too much.”


“Frankly, she did mention the topic but,” Eyes begins to roam on the heiress, checking her out. “It’s quite obvious. The resemblance is clear as day, Your Highness.”


“God, I do not want to be compared to that oaf.” She grumbles in defeat. “Also, can you stop referring to me with such honorifics? We are out of the palace, Chaeng.”


“My apologies, Dahyun.”


“Yeah, yeah. Accepted.” She waves a dismissive hand. “I’m hungry, is there any place close by?”


“Yes, actually. Just two blocks down; western.” The younger informs, and Dahyun shakes a head. She is not in the mood for Western food.


“Japanese?” Silence surrounds the air for a while, with the latter deeply contemplating on whether she truly desires the foreign cuisine. Finally deciding, she flashes a smile – nodding at the suggestion. “Alright, let’s head over then. It might be a little crowded since it’s lunch time.” The shorter warns.


“So, enlighten me about the glorious life of being a college student.”


The two nobles are on their way to the restaurant, casually chatting about the most mundane of things.


“Glorious? Oh no, Your Hi– I mean, Dahyun. Life as a student is nothing special. It is hard work, after another. Much like the royal line, some are perceived as more popular than others; smarter than others; generally better.” She explains amidst turning the corner.


Another block to go.


“Interesting. What criteria are there, popularity-wise?”


Chaeyoung hums, giving her mind some time to contemplate. “Physical or intellect, to put it simply. Athletes, the intelligent ones, attractive – quite a lot, actually.”


“I see. Everyone does as they like, I’m guessing?”


The younger nods in confirmation, pointing at a restaurant across the street. “There it is.”

“It looks busy.” Chaeyoung looks disappointed, and Dahyun is everything but elated. She has always hated dining inside a glamorous hall where an unnecessarily long table locates. It’s lonely, and empty.




They walk in, with the hostess immediately ushering them to a table for two. An area fairly isolated to the general crowd, they are seated.


The first thing that the royal princess lay eyes upon is the table of four girls just a few seats in distance. They are chatting animatedly; for a second Dahyun feels herself zone out at the view.


“What are you looking at?” Chaeyoung cranes her neck towards the direction and that is when she spots the visual group. “Ah. The It girls.”


Dahyun remains silent, just looking at her friend. The younger the elaborates, “They’re well-known around the campus. There’s usually two more girls with them, but I guess they cannot make it today. The one in red, eating a lettuce wrap is Momo Hirai, a Japanese student with a dancing scholarship. Beside her is Mina Myoui, her girlfriend – also a dancer but she’s a ballerina. They are both dance majors. Across Mina is Nayeon Im, also a part of fine arts department; she’s a singer slash actress. Specializing in musical theatre, I believe?” The long-haired girl scratches her head in frustration at the lack of known information. She should be tad smarter about the facts on the girls – perks of being Jihyo’s close friend.


Dahyun continues to pay utmost attention, very much interested in the happenings of school. “Then finally, the girl beside Nayeon is probably one of the most, if not the most well-known. Even the quietest of students know her: Sana Minatozaki. She’s alright. English major, really outgoing. She tends to stick to people she’s closed with. That’s pretty much it.”


“I thought you said there’s two more?”


“Oh yeah, my bad.” She taps on the table three times, trying to jog her memory before continuing. “There’s Jeongyeon Yoo, history major. You’ll see her hanging out with Nayeon a lot. Tall, short blonde hair, quite popular with girls. Lastly, there’s Jihyo Park; Political Science major. Girl with the kindest heart, and I’m in no way exaggerating. She runs the student council so she tends to be a busy body.”


“Wow, sounds like a handful.” The princess purses her lips, a habit whenever she is trying to memorize certain information.


“You’ll ease into it. We are not trying to draw attention to yourself, so it’s a good plan to just turn the other way. Our job is to give you a realistic experience of a mundane college life, so we wouldn’t want anyone finding out about that.” Chaeyoung brushes the empty air as a gesture towards the average appearance of her friend.


“Noted.” Taking a sip of her iced water, Dahyun nods in understanding. Interacting with the school higher-ups is not in her to do list any how.


Except for Jihyo Park, perhaps; she seems like an angel.




“How foolish. So much for an alarm.” Dahyun curses amidst hastily buckling her raven coloured belt. There is about fifteen minutes left until her first lecture of her first day as a student starts, and she is already running late.


Running around the empty dorm like a lunatic, she throws on the first hoodie she lays her eyes upon. Glasses, laptop, her keys, wallet and backpack; Dahyun is set.


Looking at herself in the mirror for the last time, she nods in approval. It is like the royalty has been scrubbed away from her. She looks like every male student she has passed by over the days.


Quickly locking her room, she begins to sprint towards the Humanities building, where her Philosophy lecture locates.


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i didn't realize i updated on the anniversary of this story omg!! happy 4 years anniversary my loves <3333 thank you for being with me for years ily all :* muah


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Chapter 12: Coming late to read this story! It is so cute... Thank you for writing it. I hope these years are being a bit kinder to you. As long you wanna keep writing, Ill be waiting for a update on this. Have a nice day!
CalyxVargas #2
Hi author-nim, when will you come back😭😭😭??
gwenlim24 #3
Sheeettt pang ilang balik ko na to dito, the best of the best pa din tong au na to ng saida walang tatalo 😭
dh_kim07 #4
Chapter 12: hi, miss u author-nim
Kimmy001011 #5
Chapter 12: god!it's a real good story, i want to see more😭😭😭
I miss u.
Chapter 12: Just rereading this lovely story again until the next update 😅
Kimdubs #8
Chapter 12: God! This story is my favorite, I hope you update this story
gwenlim24 #9
2024 and I'm still waiting. Finished all your saida stories and yes I therefore conclude that you are the my most favorite author
doobla #10
Chapter 12: I like to come back a few times a year because I truly enjoy the story