Let it out

Junior Quest

The adult trio was having one of their biggest crisis so far. As friends, Heechul and Leeteuk were on the same page, but as parents, they sometimes felt like opposites. Heeyeon was right in the middle trying to figure out what to do. She was still quite new in parenting and didn’t want to interfere unless needed. She doubted herself. 

“Because he is my son” - Heechul stated bitterly 

“Seriously? Then, I also know because he is MY NEPHEW” - Leeteuk fought back 

“Boys” - Heeyeon tried to get their attention 

“It’s not the same!” - Heechul protested - “I’m not saying you don’t know the kid, what I’m trying to say is that he is my blood” 

“What does blood have to do with having accidents and feeling sick?” 

“Boys” - Heeyeon tried again without success 

“It could be anything, Teuk” - Heechul pulled his hair - “ANYTHING” 

“He is not—- You do understand this is not a physical thing, do you?” - Leeteuk shook his head - “I can’t believe you have rather think he is sick than accepting the truth” 

“I won’t accept anything because there is nothing to accept” - Heechul hissed 

“BOYS!” - Heeyeon rolled her eyes when she finally got their attention - “That’s enough” 

“Sorry” - both of them apologized 

“I know we are all nervous but I don’t think it will help the kids to see us fighting” - Heeyeon worried 

“I’m sorry, I get carried away when the problem involves the kids” - Heechul scratched his head and turned to his brother - “I’m sorry, Teuk. I didn’t mean it. I know you love the kids as much as I do” 

“No offence taken” - Leeteuk sighed - “And I’m sorry too. I also tend to feel attacked when it’s about the kids” 

“I’m glad we are all on the same page now” - Heeyeon clapped her hands nervously- “I think both of you might be right… so, I was wondering if we could just do both approaches” 

“The sooner we figure out what’s going on, the better” - Heechul agreed - “It’s going to be double the work but I think we can handle it” 

“It’s not going to be easy” - Leeteuk showed his concern as he shut his eyes close - “And I really hope we are just making a big deal out of nothing” 

Sure there was a lot to discuss when it came about the plan, but the responsibility of explaining such thing to the kid and who’s in charge of succeeding… that was all set even before the game started. 

Heechul knocked on the open door to warn the boys about his presence. The shortest twin ran to hug his legs and snuggle against. 

“Hi, bagel” - Heechul felt his heart heavy for what he was about to do - “Can you wait outside for a little while? I need to talk to your brother” 

The toddler sulked almost immediately. The soon to be three years old pouted at his best displaying those sad puppy eyes Heechul feared. 

“Don’t give me that look, I’m not going to do anything to him” - He reassured- “Now, please wait outside” 

“Hold me” - Ryeowook stretched his arms towards him - “Pwease”

“I will hold you later” - Heechul pushed the kid outside using just one hand - “Just go play or something” 

Ryeowook tilted his head and pouted even more. Heechul knew that face. 

“No, no, Wook” - Heechul tried as the kid started to cry - “Teuk, can you come?” 

“DADAAAAA! I WANT DADAAAA!” - The toddler hit an awful tantrum when his uncle tried to hold him - “NUUUUH! PUT ME DOWN!” 

“Oh, you are so upset” - Leeteuk managed to say - “Poor baby is so upset” 

“IM NO BABY!” - Ryeowook protested as they went down the stairs 

“But you do behave like one” - Leeteuk teased as he kissed the boy’s cheek - “Arent you upset because daddy is having alone time with your twin?” 

“Ung…” - Ryeowook admitted defeat as he sobbed - “I want Dada too” 

“I know, honey” - Leeteuk sat with the kid on his lap - “It’s been hard for you too” 

“Ung” - The kid was still teary but at least he had stopped making fuss - “Wookie zad too” 

“We know” - Leeteuk sighed - “But let’s be strong for them, ok?” 

Ryeowook nodded. He was still upset yet he was understanding. Leeteuk caught the moment the kid blinked several times in a row. 

“Itchy” - The boy complained as he rubbed his eyes 

“Shall we try wearing those cute glasses Daddy bought for you?” 


“Alright” - Leeteuk decided not to provoke the kid considering his mood - “Then are we going to sit like this until your dad comes back?”

Ryeowook nodded. Leeteuk took a deep breath. Kim Ryeowook was truly Kim Heechul’s son, he thought. 

After Ryeowook was pushed out, Heechul was left alone with the other twin. Kyuhyun, despite being only a few minutes younger, was incredibly taller than his twin. Whenever they walked side by side it looked just amusing. Now that they were separated, Heechul saw how the ‘strongest’ twin was only a cute baby boy that held tightly his favourite penguin plush looking for comfort. 

“What are you playing?” - The parent tried to start as friendly as possibly- “Were you playing with blocks?” 

“Wookie and I wewe makin’ a castwe” - The boy explained carefully 

“Whoah” - Heechul did a funny shocked expression- “Sounds so good! Can you show me how you do it?” 

“Uh hum” 

As expected, the boy forgot his initial fear and came closer. He started showing his dad how he played with blocks and how the castle was supposed to look. 

“Did you draw this?” - Heechul was proud - “It’s very nice” 

“Not Kyu, Wookie” - Kyuhyun smiled for the first time since Heechul’s arrival to the room - “I just colour” 

“It’s very well done” - Heechul chuckled. He loved to see how the kids inherited his artistic side - “Is this a dragon?” 

“YES” - Kyuhyun got incredibly happy when his dad recognized the drawing despite looking like a winged lizard - “DWAGON PROTECTS OUW REALM” 

“Wow” - Heechul smiled softly- “You guys really have imagination” 

“Yeah” - Kyuhyun agreed merrily - “It’s fun” 

“Kyunie , baby” - Heechul tried to focus on his mission as he played with the blocks as well - “We need to talk” 

“ ‘bout what?” - The toddler’s face changed drastically 

“You know” - Heechul said softly - “We can’t just keep ignoring that little little really little problem of yours” 

“I’m fine” - Kyuhyun said annoyed - “No problem” 

“It’s been a week” - Heechul glanced at the calendar on the wall - “You do know what day is tomorrow, right?”

“I’m not goin’ back to schoo” - The boy shook his head - “Never”

“Baby, you need to” - Heechul kissed his forehead - “Maybe we can start with just a few—“


“I promise everything will be fine”

Kyuhyun started to cry. Heechul hugged him. 

“I know you are scared” - Heechul was now holding him up - “But this has to end…” 

“Kyunnie is cwyin’ “ - Ryeowook sighed as he focused on his colouring book - “Again” 

“Probably” - Leeteuk offered a soft smile - “You are going to help him, right? To overcome his fears and—“ 

“I cant” - the short boy replied half annoyed 

“You are his twin, Wookie” - Leeteuk tried - “His awesome super twin. Isn’t Kyu your baby brother?” 

“Iz not that” - Ryeowook puffed his cheeks - “I don’t know ‘how’ “ 

Leeteuk widened his eyes as Ryeowook made emphasis on the last word. Lately, the twins speech abilities were becoming better and better but it was also the shortest one who struggled with some syllables. 

“Whoah” - The proud uncle patted the boy’s back - “You are really getting better at talking!” 

Ryeowook rolled his eyes. Heeyeon, who just entered, couldn’t avoid laughing. 

“What’s going on here? Why are you giving your uncle that face?” - The woman found the shortest twin hilarious 

“Cuz he’s zilly” - Ryeowook stated 

“How rude” - Leeteuk tickled him - “What about now?”

“Still zilly” - Ryeowook laughed a lot - “Stooppppp” 

“Awww how cute” - Heeyeon pinched the boy’s cheek - “You are such an angel” 

“I was just telling him how we all think he is an awesome big brother to Kyuhyun” 

“Ahh, I see” - Heeyeon got the hint  - “That’s right. Ryeowookkie is the best big brother” 

“And that’s why tomorrow, he is going to help Kyu” - Leeteuk kissed the kid - “You have to be really supportive, Wook” 

“Too much wesponsibility” - Ryeowook sulked - “Can’t do” 

The adults exchanged worried looks. They knew it was unfair to ask the twin to hold such pressure. After all, despite being more mature, Ryeowook and Kyuhyun were the same age. 

“Are you done crying?” - Heechul asked tiredly 

“I’m done” - Kyuhyun wiped his tears - “But Kyu no go to schoo” 

“You can’t just run away from it” - Heechul explained carefully - “Eventually you will have to face all your classmates” 

“Uh no” - Kyuhyun shook his head in denial 

“Kyu, I bet you are not the first kid to wet your pants in the classroom” - The parent left out a big sigh - “I’m in the parents chat room, I KNOW you haven’t been the only one and definitely not the first one” 

“Kyu got sick too” 

“Throwing up isn’t the big crime you think it is” - Heechul held his tiny hands - “And again, it happens to almost everyone” 

“Uhm” - Kyuhyun pouted - “You pwomise?” 

“Sure, baby bagel” - Heechul kissed his forehead - “And I also promise that if you are having a hard time, I will be right there for you” 

Kyuhyun didn’t seem convinced at all. 

“Dada will hug Kyu if problems?” 

“I give you my word” - Heechul showered him with kisses - “I will always love you not matter what” 


“Uncle too” 

“And Wookie?” - Kyuhyun asked in a low voice 

“He loves you the most” - Heechul was sure of it 



“Kyu’s mama” - Kyuhyun insisted - “Auntie” 

“Of course she loves you too” - Heechul reassured

There was a relieved expression. Heechul got suspicious. 

“Were you worried about that?” 

Kyu played coy. He got shy all of sudden. Heechul could sworn he even blushed. 

“Kyu, do you like au— mama?” 

“Uh hum” - Kyuhyun hummed cheerfully - “Dada, Wookie, uncle, mama, Minnie, Hae, Henwy, Wobin…” 

“Ok, ok” - Heechul laughed - “You love all of us, I get it” 

Kyuhyun danced clumsily. He was in a good mood now. It’s been a while since he had been so cheerful. Heechul was beyond pleased, yet, there was something that didn’t make sense. 

“Kyu, can I ask you something?” 

“What?” - The toddler got really close to Heechul- “A secret?” 

“Yeah, a secret” - Heechul thought that way the kid would share it with him - “Why are you wetting yourself?” 

Kyuhyun gave him a deadly glare. 

“I’m ok with it as long as you are healthy” - Heechul held the boy to prevent he ran away - “I just need to know if I have to worry” 

Kyuhyun sulked. He gave Heechul a teary look and shook his head. 
“I don’t know” 

“You are not doing this on purpose, right?” 


“Then I think we should go see a doctor” - Heechul but his lips - “what do you think?” 

“No” - Kyuhyun refused the idea - “It’s scary” 

“Should we wait a little longer?” 

Kyuhyun nodded. 

“Fine, I’m gonna give you… three days” - Heechul showed the number using his finger - “If it keeps happening, Daddy is going to worry and will take you to a doctor to make sure everything is fine”

“But no needles” - Kyuhyun muttered

“I can’t promise that” 

Last week was a nightmare for everyone. The kids struggled to get along as they competed with each other and some them started displaying not so wanted behaviours. Heeyeon was sure it had to do with the fact she was living there now, but the other two weren’t convinced. 

“What are you doing?” - Heechul found Leeteuk sitting on his bed with hands up in the air - “Is this one of your hippie things?” 

“Im praying for help” - Leeteuk said without opening his eyes - “I feel like we need divine intervention”

“I didn’t know you were that religious” 

“These are desperate times” 

“Can’t deny that” - Heechul agreed bitterly - “Hey, uhm… Do you think we should diaper Kyuhyun for tomorrow?” 

“Last time I checked, potty trained toddlers tend to get fussy and irritable if you start treating them like babies” - Leeteuk finally looked at him - “I don’t think is a good idea” 

“But that would solve the problem if he… you know” 

“Kyu got so stressed about wetting himself he even threw up” - Leeteuk’s heart hurt - “I can’t believe he got so anxious about it” 

“Well, he is not used to have accidents anymore” - Heechul explained - “and it happened in the classroom. All his classmates saw, you know. He was mortified” 

“I don’t think wearing a diaper would make him feel better” - Leeteuk felt so useless - “It’s just less laundry” 

“Maybe since the others can’t see he wet himself..” - Heechul explained his idea 

“You could try” - Leeteuk wasn’t going to keep discussing that - “Let me know if it works” 

Next morning, Heechul woke up to a sulking toddler over a wet bed. He couldn’t care less about stripping a wet bed as his first activity of the day as he had bigger concerns. 

“I’m sorry” - Ryeowook kept repeating over and over again - “Dada, Wook is sorry” 

“It’s ok, it happens to all of us” - Heechul was focusing now on the boy. He noticed the awkward shifting - “Let’s go clean you as well” 

With the excuse of having a shower, Heechul took the toddler to the bathroom and made sure he relieved himself. He knew Ryeowook was just too shy to admit he still had to pee after waking him up over an accident. 

“Shut up, you ” - Kangin slammed the door violently 

“UNCLE! KANGIN IS BEING MEAN TO ME!” - Siwon complained out loud - “I WANNA BRUSH MY TEETH!” 

“Why are you fighting now?” - Leeteuk was still half asleep - “Siwon, just let your brother use the bathroom first. It’s not big deal” 

“I always have to wait!” - Siwon complained 

“Honey, if you need to pee or something we have many available—“

“MY TOOTHBRUSH IS IN THERE!” - Siwon protested 

“If I give you a new one you can brush your teeth in other restroom ” 

“Uh… right” - Siwon calmed a bit - “But I do like my toothbrush” 

Leeteuk decided it was not worth it. He just faked a smile and knocked on the bathroom’s door to warn Kangin about trying anything stupid. Last Friday a dentist went to the boys school and they had a talk about the importance of brushing teeth correctly. They not only taught them how to do so but also gifted all of them a cute toothbrush. Siwon took it very seriously. 

“You are wearing my shirt” - Eunhyuk pulled the shirt Donghae was wearing - “Take it off” 

“That’s not nice” - Heeyeon caught them right on time before a fight broke 

“Take it off” - Eunhyuk cleared his throat - “Please” 

“Of course” - Donghae was again using that silly tone from cartoons - “I’m so sorry. It was a mistake” 

“I know you didn’t mean to” - Eunhyuk rubbed his hand on Donghae’s face - “Our clothes must have mixed” 

Heeyeon squinted her eyes. Those kids were incredibly good at acting. They would pretend everything was fine around her. She wondered how long would it take before they realized she wasn’t going anywhere despite they started behaving like they usually did. 

“Oh, you are here” - Yesung hugged her - “are they giving you troubles?” 

“We are definitely not misbehaving!” - Donghae replied first 

“We washed our face, brushed our teeth and changed into our uniforms by ourselves” - Eunhyuk informed

“Right, because it is really clever to be fully dressed when having breakfast” - Yesung smirked - “I just hope Henry isn’t feeling naughty today” 

“We are not going to sit next to him” - Eunhyuk stuck out his tongue 

“We are going to sit next to mama” - Donghae pulled Heeyeon’s arm in a possessive way 

Peace, if you could call it like that, was broken when they heard crying. Heeyeon got goosebumps as she recognized what kind of crying was that. 

“honey, let me see” - Leeteuk was having a hard time trying to negotiate with the hurt boy - “It’s ok, you are going to be fine… shhh shhh… it’s ok” 

“What happened?” - Heeyeon felt like fainting when she spotted blood on Leeteuk’s shirt - “Is that…?”

“Kangin and Siwon were chasing each other and they crashed with him” - Leeteuk held the kid in a way that allowed Heeyeon to inspect the damage - “He was holding a cup and well, you know” 

“I’m sorry!” - Sungmin cried loudly - “I’m so sorry!” 

“Why would you be?” - Leeteuk pressed on the boy’s cut to stop the bleeding - “It wasn’t your fault. Your brothers should be the ones apologizing to you” 

“And we are sorry” - Kangin arrived holding cotton balls and a bottle of peroxide- “We are really really sorry, Minnie” 

“I broke your cup” - Sungmin told Heeyeon- “I was holding your cup and it fell” 

“Aw, it’s nothing” - Heeyeon saw what the kid meant. Her cup had a sharp broken piece, probably the one that got him hurt - “I’m going to get rid of it, ok? I don’t want anyone else getting hurt” 

“But you loved it” - Sungmin sulked 

“I love you more” - Heeyeon said playfully - “I love any of you way more than this cup” 

Sungmin stopped crying. He wiped his tears and nodded. 

“We need to take care of the cut” - Leeteuk instructed - “Im gonna clean it well so it doesn’t get infected” 

“Ung” - Sungmin agreed. The kid only made a painful expression when the adult rubbed the peroxide- “Did you kill the bugs?”

“The bugs?” - Leeteuk was immersed bandaging the boy’s hand - “You mean the germs? I hope so…” 

“When can I take this off?” - Sungmin asked impatiently - “After I come back from school?” 

“We will see” - Leeteuk ruffled the boy’s hair - “All done for now” 

“What on earth?” - Heechul placed Ryeowook down to hold Sungmin - “How did you get this?!”

“Don’t worry, Papa” - Sungmin patted his shoulder - “I will survive” 

“You better do” - Heechul scoffed - “Seriously, I can’t even take a shower. Maybe I shouldn’t shower that often” 

Everyone laughed. Breakfast went a lot better than the adults expected. In fact, everything went better after that little incident. 

“I can’t believe Kyuhyun went to daycare without problem” - Heeyeon commented as Heechul left with the kids 

“Kyuhyun loved school. He was just scared to go back since he had a bad experience last week” 

“Bad experience” - Heeyeon tilted her head - “Teuk, are you going to pretend his behaviour it’s not related to me?” 

“Don’t get me wrong” - Leeteuk was trying to find something in a book - “I also thought that the accidents had to do with you being around , but then, why would he wet himself at daycare? You were not there” 

“We got nothing” - Leeteuk sighed - “Heechul insists in looking for a ‘ medical’ explanation but so far we haven’t found anything” 

“That’s why you think is psychological” - Heeyeon pouted - “I just hope we can find what is wrong and solve it. I don’t want him to suffer” 

“Speaking of suffering, how are you doing?” - Leeteuk wasn’t going to waste the opportunity since Heechul was out 

“We are just fine” - Heeyeon did a happy dance - “cherry and I are doing just fine” 


“That’s their code name” - Heeyeon teased - “Heechul started calling it like that and I just can’t stop him” 

“Cherry” - Leeteuk couldnt stop smiling - “That’s such a cute name” 

“Cheddy” - Henry interrupted the adults who got the chills - “Cheddy, Cheddy, Cheddy!”

“He doesn’t understand what is it, right?” - Leeteuk tried to keep it cool - “There is no way—“

“Cheddy baby!” - Henry chirped 

“So cute” - Heeyeon approached him - “Do you know what it means?” 

“Hewy big bwo” 

The adults paled. That couldn’t be a coincidence. Did Henry know? How? Their conversation wasn’t that explicit, was it?

“Really? How is that so?” - Leeteuk faked ignorance 

“Here” - Henry placed one hand on Heeyeon’s belly - “Baby!” 

“Ok, he is scaring me” - Heeyeon started sweating - “How does he know? He is not even two!” 

“Maybe… Heechul told him?” - Leeteuk rejected the idea quickly and found another culprit - “YESUNG” 

“Do you think Yesung would tell his baby brother about it?” 

“Why not? He likes gossiping” - Leeteuk furrowed his eyebrows - “Pretty much sure all the kids already know” 

“What? So sad” - Heeyeon pouted - “I would have liked them to get surprised when we told them…” 

“Guess we will have to face them sooner than expected” 

“Heechul doesn’t want to say anything officially until Kyuhyun’s crisis is—-“ - Heeyeon stopped for a second - “We are so dumb. He already knows. That’s why he is behaving like that” 

“Oh” - Leeteuk didnt know what to say. He didn’t want to asume things, but if Kyuhyun was having a regression he didn’t think the kid was happy about having a new sibling. After all, he remembered the awful tantrums that followed Henry’s arrival. The kids fussed non stop with the new kid around. 

“Bagel boy!” - Heechul was greeting his cute twins five minutes earlier than expected 

“Itz time?” - Ryeowook looked around - “Uh? Too eawly?” 

“Yeah, there are still five minutes left but I couldn’t wait to meet you” - Heechul hugged them - “Arent you happy?” 

“Ung!” - Kyuhyun was cheerful - “Dada! Kyu no wet today!” 

“That’s so nice!” - Heechul patted his fluffy head- “But it would have been ok even if you did” 

“Uh, nuh” - Kyuhyun chuckled - “No Wanna go doctor” 

“Fair enough” - Heechul agreed - “Go search your backpacks, ok? We still have to get your brothers” 

The parent smiled pleased when the kids ran back to the classroom and searched for their stuff. They were still immersed in the task when a room teacher approached him. 

“Oh, Mr Kim” - The room teacher greeted him - “Congratulations!” 

“Thanks!” - Heechul froze - “For what exactly?” 

“The new baby?” - The teacher tilted her head - “The twins told us you were expecting a new baby…?” 


“At first we thought Ryeowook was just daydreaming but then I spoke to the triplets teacher and she told us how the kids won’t stop talking about their new mom—“ 

“No way” - Heechul got the chills 

“Dada we weady!” - Ryeowook was holding his backpack like a good boy. His twin brother stood next to him with a huge smile. 

“Kyu, can you excuse us for a second?” - Heechul tried - “Ryeowook has to go potty” 

“Nuh, I don’t” - Ryeowook said sassily 
“Yes, you have to” - Heechul held the kid - “We will be back soon. Play with your friends, ok?” 
“Kay!” - Kyuhyun went back to the playroom 

“What we doing? ” - Ryeowook giggled when Heechul locked the bathroom door - “we pwayin’ hide and zeek?”

“No, listen to me” - Heechul wasn’t sure of what to do - “I wanted to talk to you” 

“A zecwet?” - Ryeowook’s eyes sparkled 

“Depends on” - Heechul whispered - “What is going on with this ‘baby’ thing? Is it true you told everyone you are having a new sibling?” 

“Yay!” - Ryeowook clapped his hand - “Wookie gonna be big bwo ‘gain!” 

“Are you sure?” - Heechul couldn’t trust a toddler since half of the time, they would also make up things thanks to their big imagination- “One week ago you were sure there was a dragon under the couch” 

“Auntie iz pwegnan’ “ 

“Where did you hear that?” 

“Uhm… Yeye?” - Ryeowook scratched his head - “Kyu and Wook read it” 

Heechul cursed internally. He owned Leeteuk a big apology as he now understood Kyuhyun wasn’t sick but probably having a regression. 

“Is that so?” - Heechul continued calmly - “What do you think about it?” 

“Wook wantz a ziztew” 
“Alright, what about Kyu? Does he want a sister too?” 

“Uhm… Kyu…” - Ryeowook doubted - “Not sure” 

That was all he needed to know. Heechul decided to stop his interrogation before Kyuhyun realized they were taking too long. 

“Let’s go meet your brother” - Heechul opened the door - “This was a secret conversation, ok?” 

Ryeowook blabbered a few things and held his dad’s shaking hand. The man kept shaking until he got home with all his kids. 

“We need to talk” - was the first thing the adults told each other 

“So… do you think Kyu doesn’t want to be an older brother?” - Heeyeon was sad - “I thought he would like it…” 

“Kids tend to be like that” - Leeteuk tried - “I mean, they get used over time. Kyuhyun wasn’t happy when he first met Henry but look at them now” 

“Actually, I think half of my kids threw an awful tantrum when Henry came home” - Heechul recalled - “Yesung wouldn’t talk to me, Siwon got upset and Kyuhyun was incredibly jealous” 

“Ryeowook and the triplets were the only ones that didn’t really care” - Leeteuk added - “The triplets thought of Henry like a new toy… or pet” 

“Well, it’s not like I wanted them to throw a party” - Heeyeon sulked - “But I hoped they would at least be happy… like when I brought Steve and they fought about giving him a name” 

“Yeah, that ain’t happening” - Heechul twisted his mouth - “We should prepare ourselves for crying, kicks and so” 

“If they already know… maybe we shouldn’t keep it a secret” - Leeteuk sighed - “I mean, at least confirming it now will give them time to adjust” 

“And maybe if they are part of the whole process, they will like the baby once is born” - Heeyeon smiled a bit 

“We should start by the older ones and see how they react” - Heechul shook his head slowly - “I don’t think I can face nine reactions at once” 

“Sounds reasonable” - Leeteuk could picture it: the kids would fuss non stop during the next few days. 

“So, first of all… I want you all to know that we will always love you not matter what” - Heechul started - “and that even if—“ 

“Oh, God” - Kangin interrupted with an amused face - “Then is true, you are having another baby” 

“YESSS” - Yesung got on his knees and closed his eyes - “Is it a girl? Please tell me you are having my baby sister!!”

“Are we going to have another sibling?” - Siwon was calm but smiley- “Cool, when is the stork coming?” 

“The baby is in auntie’s tummy, duh” - Kangin pulled his brother ear - “If he is a boy I’m gonna call him Kangin Jr” 

“No way” - Yesung scoffed - “It won’t be a boy” 

“It could be” - Heeyeon finally spoke - “We still… don’t really know” 

“When are we going to know?” - Siwon got curious - “We need to paint the room” 

“We?” - Heechul turned to the other two adults half smiling. So far, it was going better than he expected - “you guys are actually excited about it?” 

“Why wouldn’t we?” - Yesung offered a cute smile - “That kid is going to be our baby sibling” 

“Can we hug you?” - Siwon stood next to Heeyeon who nodded softly- “Congratulations” 

“Congrats!” - Kangin hugged her as well and then whispered - “Don’t worry Kangin Jr, I will teach you how to play soccer” 

Heeyeon noticed how Yesung had teary eyes. 

“Should we hug too?” - She offered - “You look like you need a hug” 

“I never thought I would be happy over another baby announcement” - Yesung confessed - “I used to dislike it” 

And so, the older trio of kids welcomed the idea with an open heart. Now, it was the turn of the triplets. 

“… we are having a baby” - Heechul finished the sentence. The kids didn’t bat an eyelash. 

“Can I go play soccer now?” - Donghae broke the silence 

“Honey, your dad just told you about a new baby” - Leeteuk worried the kids haven’t understood it - “You are going to have a new baby brother or little sister” 

“Cool” - Eunhyuk nodded - “Can we have strawberry milk for snack?” 

“Is that all you have to say?” - Heechul wasn’t sure if he should laugh or cry 

“Uhm… congratulations ?” - Sungmin tried 

“Boys, she is going to have a baby” - Heechul said firmly - “You are going to be big brothers again! How come you are not reacting to it?”

“But she is still going to be OUR mom, right?” 

“Of course!” - Heeyeon wondered why the triplets were so calm - “I will be a mother to all of you” 

“YAYYYY!”  - the triplets started jumping on the couch - “SHE IS OUR MOM!” 

“I feel like I want to kill them” - Heechul said to Leeteuk when the kids jumped on Heeyeon showering her with kisses - “But they are also freaking cute” 

“I’m calling it a victory” - Leeteuk giggled - “I mean, at least they don’t seem to hate the idea of a new sibling” 

“Now it comes the hard part” - Heechul bit his lips as he sent out the happy triplets and gathered the last three kids 

“Why awe we sittin’ Hewe?” - Ryeowook asked first - “We good!” 

“I’m not punishing you” - Heechul stated - “It’s just that there is something I want to tell you” 

Since toddlers couldn’t focus for a long time, Heechul kept the speech short for them. 

“We are having a baby” - He explained carefully - “You guys are going to be big bro—“ 

Kyuhyun ran away at full speed. Ryeowook remained calm and Henry clapped his hands excited. 

“Ok, I wasn’t expecting that” - Heechul turned to Leeteuk and Heeyeon- “I’m going after him…?” 

“Can we zee baby now?” - Ryeowook asked the remaining adults 

“Not yet… it’s still inside me” - Heeyeon placed her hands on her belly - “It needs to grow first” 

“Uhm… ok” - the toddler agreed - “Twins?” 
Leeteuk widened his eyes. 

“Oh no” - Heeyeon laughed - “It’s just one” 

“Aww” - Ryeowook pouted - “Poor baby”

“What?” - Leeteuk worried - “why?” 

“Muzz be bowed” - Ryeowook shrank shoulders - “Can’t play” 

“It’s ok” - Heeyeon was holding back her laugh - “The baby will play with all of you once is outside” 

“It won’t get bored, Wook” - Leeteuk felt warm - “Trust me” 

“Cheddy baby!” - Henry giggled - “Henwy no baby!” 

“Oh no, you will always be our baby too” - Heeyeon tried. Henry frowned - “But you are going to be a BIG brother” 

The toddler smiled pleased. He liked the idea of being ‘big’. Of course he still didn’t get what it meant. 

“Kyu…?” - Heechul found the kid sitting in the toilet - “Are you alright?” 

“Pee” - The toddler explained shyly - “Hurry” 
“You were in a hurry? Whoah, but you made it on time” - Heechul praised - “What a good boy” 

Kyuhyun remained silent while Heechul helped him wash his hands. The parent was not sure of what to do since the boy acted like nothing. 

“Dada” - Kyuhyun realized he should be the one talking first - “Kyu big bwothew?” 
“Ah, yes” - Heechul cleared his throat - “You are going to be a big brother again…” 


“Who?” - Heechul repeated perplexed - “Who what?” 

“Who iz Kyu new baby bwothew?” 
“Ehm, we don’t know if it is a brother or a sister” - Heechul tried - “So it has no name now” 

Kyuhyun frowned. For being so little, the toddler sure knew how to put on a grown up worried face. 

“Don’t you want another sibling…?” - Heechul feared the answer 

“I wuv baby” - Kyuhyun stomped his feet - “I want baby!”

“Sure” - Heechul was confused - “But then why did you get sad?” 

“Kyu no zad!” - The toddler looked at his father with worried eyes - “Kyu very happy!” 

“Come again?” - Heechul squinted his eyes - “You are very happy?” 

“Yessss!” - Kyuhyun played coy while squeezing his own hand- “Kyu gonna be big bro ‘gain!” 

“Baby, uhm… you see” - Heechul bit his lips - “Daddy is so confused right now. I thought you were sad because we were having another baby… I thought that you… how to say it” 

“ n’vous!” - Kyuhyun said shyly - “Kyu so so n’vous” 


“NUH!” - Kyuhyun pouted annoyed - “N’vous!”

Heechul tried to think. He didn’t get it until the toddler provided visual help by shaking abruptly and holding himself down. 



“Are you nervous?” - Heechul found it cute but weird - “Kyu, are you sure that’s the word you looking for?” 

The toddler thought for a moment. He then nodded not quite convinced. 

“Happy ‘n n’vous” - Kyuhyun explained 

“You are excited” - Heechul smiled softly- “Kyu, you are very excited” 

“ ‘xcited~” - the boy blushed - “Kyu has Mama ‘n new baby” 

“Oh, Kyu that’s so nice” - Heechul relaxed - “I really—- hey, what are you doing?” 

Heechul worried when the kid clenched and held his tummy. He seemed to be in distress. 

“Kyu? Does it hurt?” 

“Ung… lots!” - Kyuhyun was almost crying - “Tummy hurts!” 

The parent had no time to waste. If the toddler was in pain then he probably did need a doctor like he suspected. 

“So? What did the doctor say?” - Leeteuk asked his friend as soon as he came back holding a sleepy kid - “Is he going to be ok? What’s wrong with him?” 

“Heeyeon is not the only one giving birth” 

“What?” - Leeteuk didn’t understand 

“Gross” - Heeyeon got it first 

“He is full of ” - Heechul gave Leeteuk an awkward smile - “Apparently, Kyu doesn’t poop as much as he should. He is constipated” 

“Oh” - Leeteuk did a funny face - “Is that so?” 

“Doctor said that when little kids get constipated, accidents are most likely to happen. Apparently, a full bowel press directly on the bladder and… you know. Also, he said that Kyu getting nauseous could be a side effect of his tummy being so bloated” 

“Whoah” - The other man shrank shoulders - “You were right! It was a medical issue!” 

“Half right” - Heechul smiled softly- “Kyu confessed he is excited about the new baby. I wouldn’t say everything was because of his bowel problem” 

“That means both of you were right” - Heeyeon patted their shoulders - “You are an awesome team” 


The adults froze. Usually, you wouldn’t hear that kid yelling let aside insulting someone else. 

“Sungmin, what’s wrong?” - Heechul wasn’t sure if he should scold the kid first or what - “Why are you calling your twins like that?” 

“Ugh, no! We are fine!” - Eunhyuk covered Sungmin’s mouth as soon as they spotted Heeyeon- “We didn’t get in troubles!” 

“We weren’t fighting!” - Donghae hurried - “We weren’t upset or anything!“ 

“Let me handle this” - Heeyeon gestured men to wait outside the room - “This has gone too far, boys” 

“Mommy, we are good” - Eunhyuk was almost crying - “I swear” 

“Yeah! We are —“

“It’s ok” - Heeyeon hugged them - “Even good kids get to be naughty sometimes. Mom won’t love you less for that” 

“Even if we fight?” - Donghae asked scared - “Not that we were fighting” 

“I used to fight a lot with Hani” - Heeyeon giggled - “That’s what siblings do. Fight a lot but love each other so much” 

“All siblings fight?” 

“All of them” 

“Even Uncle and Papa?” - Sungmin got a naughty smirk on - “And Dad and Papa?” 

“Gunhee and Heechul were unstoppable together but that didn’t mean they didn’t have arguments” - Heeyeon shook her head - “And that didn’t make them bad siblings” 

“We were fighting” - Eunhyuk confessed - “We wanted to see if there were bugs on Minnie and we took away the bandage uncle did”

“It was painful” - Sungmin showed her the red spot - “But they didn’t stop when I asked” 

“We are sorry” - Donghae apologized first - “We didn’t want to hurt you” 

“I know, but I’m still upset” - Sungmin folded his arms - “And I got even more upset when you asked me to be quiet”

“Let’s promise something” - Heeyeon took out her little finger - “Starting today, you are not holding back anything. Kids are kids. You don’t have to pretend you are fine if you are not” 

The triplets remained anxious. 

“And… in exchange” - Heeyeon realized she should also compromise- “I won’t leave you not matter what. I will always be your mom” 

“Even if you divorce?” - Donghae asked amused 

“I’m not—- Nevermind, yeah, I promise” 

“We promise too” - the triplets did a pinky promise 


“So?” - Heechul asked her as soon as the triplets went out of the room in a good mood - “How did it go?” 

“I think I just sold my soul” 

“Oh, I did so long ago” - Heechul joked - “I can’t remember if it was over going to sleep at nine or getting showers daily” 


“Oh” - Heechul shook his head playfully- “That ain’t happening. I have been a really bad boy for a long—- Siwon? Hey!” 

“Why is Siwon crying now?” - Leeteuk frowned at the couple - “Heechul, what did you do now?” 

“I’m guessing we solved two problems and we got another one” - Heeyeon did the math - “Not bad, right?” 

“Oh no, we still have two problems” 


“Ryeowook still refuses to wear glasses” 

“Make it three” - Heechul scoffed - “With all this chaos we forgot the ultrasound” 

“Was it today?!” - Leeteuk freaked out - “How come?!”

“No, it was scheduled for last week and then we re scheduled… and we forgot” - Heeyeon sulked - “again”

“I’m gonna call the doctor” - Heechul bit his lips - “Deeply apologize and schedule a new one” 

“You— Heechul, you barely forget anything” - Leeteuk couldn’t believe it - “I mean…” 

“Teuk, can I talk you for a second?” - Heeyeon interrupted him - “Now?” 

The man followed her to a spare room. There, Heeyeon closed the door behind her and went serious. 

“Don’t push him” - She said adamantly- “He is doing his best, ok? It’s not easy” 

“What are you talking about?” - Leeteuk was confused - “You guys wanted this. You love this baby. Everyone does” 

“And that’s exactly why it would hurt a thousands time more if something wasn’t… right” - Heeyeon’s voice cracked - “We lost our first, Teuk. I’m scared. I know Heechul feels the same. We both want this baby to be healthy” 

“Oh, honey” - Leeteuk hugged her 

“Don’t play innocent” - Heeyeon said softly - “I’m clueless most of the time but I’m not dumb. I know that under normal circumstances you would have noticed Kyuhyun wasn’t going potty like usual” 

“I don’t know what you mean” 

“Teuk, stop pretending you are fine” - The woman looked at him with big eyes - “You have been as much stressed as Heechul the past few days” 

“That’s nothing compared to what you feel” - Leeteuk looked down - “Right now all we gotta do is focus on you, the kids and the baby. Don’t worry about me” 

“No” - Heeyeon refused - “We are family. The very moment you became part of Heechul’s life, you became part of mine too. I care about your feelings as much as I care for Kyuhyun’s. Do you understand?” 

“So…” - Leeteuk wiped a few tears - “Do you think of me like one of the kids?” 

“You ruined the moment because I was too cheesy, wasn’t I?” - Heeyeon laughed - “You are truly Heechul’s brother” 

“Thank you” - Leeteuk kissed her forehead - “I just want you to know that I also think of you like a little girl. My baby sister, actually” 

“Shut up” - Heeyeon chuckled and hit him playfully 

“Hey, lovely birds!” - Heechul shouted from outside - “Come see what Kyuhyun just did!” 

“Shall we…?” - Heeyeon trailed off. Leeteuk shook his head in denial. - “Let’s pretend we didn’t hear him” 

“I will take it for the team” - Leeteuk sighed - “That idiot is capable of not flushing the toilet until we see it” 

“RYEOWOOK YOU BRAT!” - They listened to Heechul complaining out loud - “THAT WAS KYUHYUN’S MASTERPIECE! HOW COULD YOU FLUSH IT AWAY?!” 

“God bless Ryeowook” - Leeteuk and Heeyeon said at the same time 


Author comment

Hey there! Long time no ‘read’ 
I hope everyone is doing fine! :) 
Please be healthy! 

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Chapter 106: I miss this crazy family. I've been dying to know what is Teuk's call all about. I wish it will be a Ahn's and Teuk interaction
Chapter 106: Eonni... update 🙏🏻
mykyunie #3
Chapter 106: This story is so wonderful, so perfect.
I just love it and I can't wait for you to update again and see what else these cute kids get into.
We read later. Thank you very much for the chapter.
Pamira #4
Chapter 106: Yeni bölüm için çok teşekkürler. Bu hikayeyi okumaktan hiç bir zaman bıkmayacağım. Bu bölümde çok güzeldi.
HelenDamnation #5
Chapter 106: I love this story.
Kukuku13 #6
Chapter 106: Chapter 106: Yay, you finally updated! This big silly weird happy family, tho. why are they so funny i can't😂
Chapter 106: Authornim, you're back!🥹 and this crazy family as well 🤭

Watching TV is a good way to gain knowledge, so proud of Minnie here. But, like the saying goes, too much is bad, so don't do it fora long long time.

Henry being jealous of Cherry, aigoo, protesting by rooming out of Heeyeon's and Heechul's room. 😂

I knew Yesung's case is smelly armpits... and yes, it's hard to undergo puberty. Good thing he have supportive guardians

I wonder if Teuk's phone call with his real uncle is about his own schooling or his identity or a teaching oppurtunity?

I'm excited for Cheery's arrival... though I'm hoping for a teuk-centric as well. I wonder if they'll tell the kids regarding teuk's real attachment to them.

By the way, I find it cute when Hae and Henry fight for Teuk 🤭🥰, I like those moments, you know

I love everything, author, waiting for the next... 😊😊😊
Pamira #8
Chapter 105: Yeni bölüm istiyorummm
Chapter 105: Authornim, bogoshipeoyo, please update soon 🙏🏻
mykyunie #10
Chapter 105: I love it