
Junior Quest

“Quarantine” - Heechul repeated for the third time as he hit the board he had dragged to the living room - “Not the birds” 


“What is he doing?” - Kangin whispered to his brother - “Do you think Dad lost his mind?” 


“He is trying to solve the mystery by himself” - Yesung replied as he played with his Lego - “What I don’t understand is why he let us stay here while he saved Henry’s ” 


Heechul’s marker almost hit Yesung’s head. Siwon got startled. 


“But it is true!” - Yesung covered his head taking care of new retaliation- “You asked Grandma to take Henry away but didn’t warn us on time!” 


“You can not go” - Heechul shook his head - “We live here. They asked us to remain inside the neighbourhood” 


“No one leaves... and no one comes” - Kangin rolled a ball making the twins interested - “But you asked them to bring the babies” 


“That’s different” - Heechul sat on the floor with head between his knees - “In theory, Henry should be here... but I wanted to protect him” 


“Oh” - Yesung folded his arms - “So, you basically admit you thought of Henry’s well-being but not ours?”


“That’s not it, Yesung” - Heechul hissed - “Henry was born with difficulty. He had surgery when being a newborn. It’s dangerous for him to stay here” 


“Isn’t that illegal? I mean, you lied to them” - Kangin bit his lips - “You said no one left the house but Henry did...” 


“Henry is still not enrolled in any school nor any educational centre” - Heechul smiled - “And mom still figures as his emergency contact and his guardian. Mom stayed with Donghee and Mina til not long ago and thanks to that... we got an alibi” 


“If you get in jail, I’m not helping you out” - Yesung teased - “By the way, how long do we have to stay under home arrest?”


“Actually... you are not under home arrest” - Heechul scoffed - “You can go around the neighbourhood. You just can’t go out of the perimeter they marked” 


“Cool” - Kangin stretched - “That means I can play with my scooter!”


“I never said I was allowing you to do that” - Heechul stuck out his tongue - “You are staying here” 


“House arrest” - Yesung whispered to his brother 


“Houze awest” - Ryeowook tried repeating as he and Kyuhyun drew on the board


“What are you doing?” - Heechul asked rethorically - “Excuse meeeee, little brats” 


“Dwawin?” - Ryeowook showed his dad a silly smile - “Diz iz Wookie’s and diz iz Kyu’s” 


“Mine pretty” - Kyuhyun danced proudly as he pointed at his drawing. 


“What is that? Is that Batman?” - Heechul laughed. The twins were so creative when it came to drawing. Ryeowook’s skills allowed the parent to guess if they were trying to draw animals or people- “It has a tail and pointy ears” 


“Kiwy!” - Ryeowook chirped excited 


“Ki- what?” - Heechul snorted 


“Kiwy!” - Ryeowook got offended and stomped his feet - “KIWY MEW MEW!”


“I’m guessing you are trying to say ‘Kitty’ “ - Heechul couldn’t take seriously the boy - “Do you like cats?” 


“Yes!” - Ryeowook was back to his usual self - “Mew mew mew~” 


“Mewwww~” - Kyuhyun even imitated how the cat walked and his paws - “Cat pway with Batman” 


“They are obsessed with that stupid cat” - Kangin rolled his eyes annoyed - “I cant understand what’s so amazing about it”


“Why do I have the feeling you don’t like it? I love cats, you know~” - Heechul stretched - “I used to pet every cat I saw on street”


“Used to?” - Yesung raised an eyebrow - “Why did you stop?”


“For The same reason I stopped petting dogs on street” - Heechul shrank his shoulders - “Actually, you shouldn’t pet any animal that isn’t your pet or someone else’s. I mean, they carry a lot of diseases and even being pets... there is risk you could get something bad from them” 


Yesung and Kangin exchanged worried looks. 


“Our pets are all ‘clean’. We take them to the vet very often right? And vaccines protects them to—“


“But what If is not our pet?” - Yesung interrupted- “What about the neighbor’s pet?”


“I’m pretty much sure our neighbors also take care of their pets” 


“Jun has a cat” - Siwon was hugging Heechul - “His cat is orange and comes to play with Batman” 


“I’m not sure if ‘playing’ is the right term” - Kangin folded his arms - “That stupid cat is always chasing Batman” 


“I like Jun” - Siwon pouted - “But Uncle Teuk said I can’t hug it because I sneezed and my my nose felt funny” 


“You got allergic all of sudden?” - Heechul sighed - “Dont worry. I’m sure that in the future, you will be able to hug as many cats you want” 


“I don’t think Siwon is allergic to the cat” - Yesung yawned - “Its just that Garfield is always covered in dust” 


“Garfield?” - Heechul chuckled - “The cat is called Garfield? Really?”


“Yeah, Because it’s like watching the live version of the cartoon” - Yesung laughed - “Fat And orange” 


“Yesung is right, maybe Siwon just got allergies because the cat is covered in dust” - Kangin stretched - “I mean, we all have pet that silly cat before. Even the twins like to say ‘hi’ to him when playing outside” 


“KIWY!” - Ryeowook bounced 


“Kitty~ Kitty~” - Kyuhyun smiled sweetly 


“Interesting” - Heechul bit The marker - “When you say ‘all of us’ do you include Teuk too?”


“Of course” - Yesung scoffed - “Teuk is always carrying the cat. They fight very often... Garfield comes and plays with some of the flowers he planted and Teuk is always chasing him away and returning him to Jun’s house” 


“I actually don’t like Garfield coming because Batman gets into fights and often loses” - Kangin confessed - “But it’s really funny to listen to Teuk fighting and discussing with the cat” 


“Do you think the cat is sick?” - Yesung asked suddenly - “you said they could carry diseases. Teuk is in the hospital and so is Jun, right?”


“Jun is in the hospital?” - Heechul shook his head - “He is just five... Poor boy” 


“He didnt go to school cuz he was sick” - Siwon informed - “Jun’s Mom said he had a fever” 


“That’s indeed suspicious” - Heechul nodded - “But kids get sick all time. I mean, just look at us” 


“But Teuk doesn’t” - Yesung pointed out - “He was raised in an orphanage in the middle of nowhere so...” 


“What a way to picture it” - Heechul frowned - “But you have a point. Whatever this thing is, Teuk’s super immune system didn’t protect him so... It must be something new for him” 


“Maybe we should look for Jun’s cat and ask the doctors to analyze him” - Yesung proposed - “That way they could find out what is wrong and then we could go back to normal” 


“That sounds nice but if that cat is infected with something dangerous... I don’t want any of you getting near” - Heechul widened his eyes - “Do you want me to die? Because if any of you catches that thing I swear I will die first” 


“Do you think Teuk is going to die?” - Kangin asked worried 


The triplets turned to their parent with fear showing in their eyes. The silly trio had been extremely quiet for a reason: somehow, they blamed themselves for the fact Leeteuk ended in the hospital. In their young minds, they had no doubts they were responsible for it and thought it had something to do with ‘shortening his life span’. 


“No one is going to die” - Heechul rushed to clarify 


“We are all gonna die” - Yesung shrank his shoulders - “Humans die all time” 


“Thanks sweetie, that’s helping a lot” - Heechul cursed his own luck as the eight years old started to sound more like him - “Why don’t you go ask the neighbors if they have seen Garfield?” 


“I thought you said you didn’t want us next to that cat” - Kangin shook his head 


“Oh no. You won’t get closer to the cat. Just go ask Jun’s mom if their cat is sick or missing” - Heechul pulled his hair - “If you see that fat ball of fur. RUN” 


“Roger” - Yesung and Kangin nodded 


“Wookie pwayz Too!” - Ryeowook was chasing after his big brothers when he felt someone bigger than him pulling his shirt - “Lemme gooooo” 


“No” - Heechul smiled as he sighed - “You are too little for that, Ryeowook” 


“Ugh” - Ryeowook folded his arms - “Wookie no baby” 


“If you behave like one... then you are One” 


Ryeowook gasped and did a funny expression that Heechul interpreted as ‘I’m offended’. 


“Kyuhyun, who is the younger here?” - Heechul asked just to have fun 


The toddler looked around and realized Henry wasn’t on the sight. 


“Kyunnie” - Kyuhyun touched his shirt confident


“And who is the same age as you?” - Heechul grinned. Ryeowook rolled his eyes. 




“That’s right!” - Heechul clapped excited - “and who is the shortest boy around?”


“WOOKIE!” - Kyuhyun jumped full of joy. He knew all the answers to that game 


Heechul was sure that if you could kill someone just using a bad look... Ryeowook would have achieved it before anyone else. 


“For being so young, you do know how to look angry” - Heechul was now feeling a bit apologetic to the upset boy - “Come here... I was just joking” 


“Nuh” - Ryeowook rejected Heechul’s hug and walked away in a bad mood 


“We are ready to go” - Yesung and Kangin were already dressed for the occasion: a messy choice of clothes that only kids would make. 


“Perfect” - Heechul said sarcastically- “You don’t call the attention at all” 


“We are undercover” - Yesung whispered - “So please don’t go making fun of us that loud” 


“An eight years old dressing full black like that... sure, doesn’t call attention” - Heechul giggled - “And Kangin. Are you going to play Rugby or something?” 


“Just in case I need to chase after the cat”



Heechul warned - “Kangin! Repeat after me: I won’t chase the cat”


“I won’t chase the cat” - Kangin rolled his eyes - “Can we go now?”


“You made a promise” - Heechul sighed - “Yesung, please take care of your brother ok? Don’t get in troubles” 


“Don’t worry, I have everything under control” - Yesung got cocky - “I’m smart”


“Sure you are” - Heechul raised an eyebrow- “Just dont get in troubles” 


“Don’d gew twoubwez” - Ryeowook jumped from behind - “Pway kiwy” 


“Sure” - Yesung ruffled his brother’s hair - “wait for me, ok? Be nice to Dada while I’m away” 


“Wookie no goin’ to tawk Dada” - Ryeowook sat on the floor and puffed his cheeks - “Wookie angwy” 


“For being so little Ryeowook is sure a brat” - Kangin commented - “Well, I guess it can’t be helped. He is our brother” 


“And my son” - Heechul muttered softly as he saw the boys leaving - “Be careful” 



Leeteuk was bored to death. Despite feeling way better, he was asked to remain in bed and rest. He found TV’s show boring. Always the same. He missed his family and his job. He wondered what was possibly Heechul doing and if the kids were ok. 


In the past few hours, all interactions Leeteuk had with human beings were nurses that were sent to take samples from him. They would enter the room in a rush take the samples and look at him like if he was some kind of strange creature. 


“Mr... Ehm” - The doctor struggled reading Leeteuk’s report - “Excuse me... your last name...” 


“Yeah, it changed” - Leeteuk smiled widely. Not only he was going to get some conversation but the reason of his last name’s Change always made him happy - “I got adopted recently and I decided to change it” 


“Oh... Alright” - The doctor nodded - “Mr Kim, then. The man that brought you here signed you as ‘Park’—“


“He is my brother” - Leeteuk giggled - “Its just that I still haven’t communicated to him the fact I agreed changing my last name. He would make fun of it” 


(Actually, he would probably cry first and then start teasing me about how I would have been Mrs Kim If I married him)


“Sure. I came here to communicate the good and weird news” - The doctor was holding Leeteuk’s medical record with one hand - “No matter what test we do, your results always come back ‘clean’ “ 


“Uh? Then, I’m not... sick?” - Leeteuk felt his heart jump from joy - “That’s awesome! When can I—“


“We dont know what happened” - The doctor shook his head - “All I See it’s an allergic reaction to some strange pathogen that apparently, we don’t have in the lab” 


“Allergy” - Leeteuk repeated dumbfounded 


“Yeah, Allergy” - The doctor gave the results to his patient - “As you can see, everything else is normal. You were probably recovering from a cold and it got mixed with the allergy symptoms. However, you can not go back home. At least, not yet” 


“But why?” - Leeteuk shook his head - “If I’m fine then—“


“IF” - the doctor nodded - “What if the results are wrong and you are actually sick? We can’t risk your health nor the other ones just because you want to go home” 


“But but But” - Leeteuk was in despair - “I wanna go back...what’s going on? Why can’t my family come? Why I can’t talk to them?” 


“Its a chaos out there” - The doctor fixed his glasses - “We got an outbreak of some weird disease and as you can see... we are still clueless” 


“Clueless” - Leeteuk widened his eyes - “What do you mean... yesterday you guys told me the birds weren’t—“


“It’s not a bacteria” - The doctor sighed - “We have tried all kind of cell culture we can do and still got zero results. All negatives. We believe it could be a virus from the family of the Hanta ones, but we are not sure of the source and time is running out. Whatever it is, is already killing people. We just lost two patients today” 


“What?” - Leeteuk shook his head - “Oh no. That’s so sad” 


“They lived one street away from you” - The doctor twisted his lips - “Some of your neighbors are still in this hospital under strict care. Some may not be able to return home. This is an emergency” 


“At least Can I tell my family I’m fine?” - Leeteuk tried - “Please. They must be hella worried” 


“Sure” - The doctor bit his lips - “I will ask a nurse to lend you a phone. Until we figure out the source of the outbreak, all your belongings will stay under our care” 


“I understand” - Leeteuk sulked - “I hope this ends soon”


“So do I” 



“Catching Garfield is going to be a piece of cake!” - Kangin chirped excited - “Cant believe Dad let us out!”


“Shhhh. No one is catching the cat” - Yesung scolded - “You already listened to him. If we touch that thing and turns out he was infected, we are doomed” 


“But if he is not...” - Kangin swayed his head - “... then We got nothing...?”


“Exactly” - Yesung felt uneasy just acknowledging that - “If not the cat, then the culprit is out there causing this mess while we lose our time” 


“And Teuk rottens in the hospital’s bed” - Kangin sulked - “Poor him” 


“Let’s just ask Mrs Lee If she has seen Garfield, ok?” - Yesung sighed - “We need clues to follow. Let’s start with the easy ones” 


The eight years old rang the bell but no one answered their call. Not even if he tried twice. 


“Maybe she doesn’t listen” - Kangin tried spying by the window - “Hey, Yesung. You gotta watch this” 


“Kangin, we are not supposed to— What on earth happened here?”


“Maybe someone came to rob them” - Kangin looked around - “But the window is not broken and the door... is not open” 


“Whatever it was, it came from inside” - Yesung tried opening the window with a screwdriver- “I hope they are fine” 


“Where did you get that?” - Kangin asked surprised- “Do you carry one of those with you all time?” 


“Not all time” - Yesung hissed - “But today could be useful so” 


“You scare me” - Kangin got the chills. His brother was always one step ahead - “Are we going inside?”


“Mmmm maybe we shouldn’t” - Yesung finally managed to open the window - “I mean, that would be trespassing”


“Then why did you open the window?”


“I thought that maybe they could listen to us this way” - Yesung looked at mess inside the house - “But clearly, it doesn’t seem like anybody is home now” 


“What do You think it happened? Whatever it was broke a lot of stuff” - Kangin pouted - “They are going to be sad when they find out” 


“I just hope everyone is alright” - Yesung bit his lips - “Maybe the family is in the hospital. I mean, their son is there so it makes sense they are not home now” 


The boys were ready to keep their way when they listened to something moving inside the house. 


“Did you hear that?” - Kangin asked - “There is something inside” 


“Not a ghost” - Yesung closed his eyes and crossed his fingers - “PLEASE” 


“Yesung watch out!” - Kangin pulled his brother to the side while something jumped from the window and ran at full speed - “Did you see it?!”


“That’s The Cat” - Yesung paled - “Garfield” 


“Is that blood?” - Kangin pointed at the new prints the cat has left in the alley - “Is Garfield hurt? Oh no! Jun is going to be so sad if something happens to the cat!”


“Do you think he got hurt inside or it’s because is sick?” - Yesung tilted his head as he clenched to see the printed marks on the alley - “Maybe is not even his blood... maybe he just got dirty with it. Remember when Uncle tried to paint the fence and Batman got dirty with it?”


“Yeah, of course I do. Dad made me clean it all” - Kangin sulked - “I hope the cat is fine”


“Mr & Mrs Lee must have left him locked inside while they were out but... it doesn’t make sense” - Yesung scratched his head - “Garfield broke a lot of stuff... but he is house trained so I don’t see why would he go crazy” 


“Let’s follow the paw prints” - Kangin shrank his shoulders - “Right now is the only clue we have” 




“Ready to confess?” - Heechul was holding a red napkin that used to be white - “What did you do now?”


“Nothinff” - Siwon sulked as his dad cleaned his nose again 


“How come you always manage to trigger an allergy of yours? We were doing just fine buddy” - Heechul pouted a bit - “Maybe this is not an allergy. You are stressed, aren’t you? Oh my baby... I promise everything will be alright”


“No, im not” - Siwon puffed his cheeks - “It’s allergy. My eyes feel funny too... and my skin is itchy” 


“I feel sorry for the fact that you know so much about allergies being just a kindergartener” - Heechul grabbed another clean napkin - “This is my fault” 


“It’s not” - Siwon smiled a bit - “Doctor says I’m getting better. He said I can go play with Batman if I promise I wash my hands after” 


“Did you play with Batman?” - Heechul raised an eyebrow 


“No” - Siwon turned red from embarrassment- “I’m too scared to do that alone and Yesung and Kangin make fun of me” 


“Mmm” - Heechul thought for a moment - “I will tell you something: after this chaos ends, I promise to take you to the petting zoo. You have been so brave taking all those shots that you deserve a reward” 


“Doctor said shots make me stronger” - Siwon smiled pleased - “I want to hug all animals” 


“You endure it so well...” - Heechul sighed -“Wanna hear a secret? I’m hella scared of shots. I even cry when getting vaccinated”


“Really?” - Siwon giggled - “Why?”


“I don’t know. I just hate needles” - Heechul laughed - “lucky for me, I don’t need that many shots per year” 


“Don’t you have allergies?” - Siwon asked amused - “not even one?” 


“I’m allergic to Teuk’s scoldings” - Heechul whispered - “But don’t worry, I plan becoming immune” 


Siwon chuckled. The parent was having a great time until he heard the twins making a fuss. 


“Oh, that’s not a toy brats” - Heechul took the phone from the little boys - “That’s Daddy’s phone. Not babies’s”


“Mineeeeee!” - Kyuhyun tried to get it back by climbing Heechul’s leg - “Kyu’s phoneeeeee!”


“Oh~ Mom sent us a video” - Heechul showed the content to the curious boys - “Its Henry! Look! Your baby brother is singing!”


“Hi Hewy!” - Kyuhyun was waving to the phone - “Hewyyyy! Kyu hereeee!”


“Wait a minute, this is not a video call” - Heechul laughed - “Henry cant listen to you now”


“Hewy ztupid” - Kyuhyun scoffed 


“That doesn’t mean you can go around insulting him” - Heechul sighed - “Even If he can’t hear you, he is still your baby brother... right Ryeo?”


“Hphmp!” - Ryeowook turned to the other side. Heechul took a deep breath. His toddler son was still mad at him. 



“Mr... Kim” - a nurse entered the room holding what it looked like a phone - “Is there someone you want to call?”


“Yes! Thank you so much” - Leeteuk jumped out of the bed in just seconds - “I will call my brother” 


“You have twenty minutes” 


“Yes, Yes” - Leeteuk smiled pleased - “Hello? Heechul? It’s me!”


“Of course is you, silly” - Heechul laughed - “Glad to know you are still alive. How are you feeling today?”


“Better. Way better. I’m actually not sick anymore! Apparently I was lucky and I didn’t caught that weird virus that is out there. Sadly, I can’t go back yet since they want to make sure I am truly ok and that I won’t get infected there” - Leeteuk sighed - “If I don’t show any symptoms, they will let me go in two days... but I cant go back home until quarantine is over” 


“A virus? not a bacteria” - Heechul commented surprised - “I don’t think those are good news. Virus spread easily right?”


“I-I dont know” - Leeteuk worried - “How are the kids doing? They aren’t sick, are they?” 


“They are doing... fine, I guess” - Heechul’s voice sounded sad - “They have been so good to me... considering that I can’t feed them properly” 


“Why? Don’t you have enough food? Oh, I heard that you can receive—“


“Yeah, that’s not the problem. We do have plenty food but since we are in quarantine and no one came to work plus you are not here... mom is not here...”


“No one cooks” - Leeteuk giggled - “Oh God, that’s so sad”


“Dont laugh, idiot. I’m kinda stressed. I know I can’t feed the kids cereal and bagels all time” - Heechul hissed - “I don’t know what to do for dinner. I can’t keep feeding them sugar” 


“Why dont you try something simple? You know, basic stuff” - Leeteuk pictured Heechul cursing out loud in the kitchen - “Eggs, rice...”


“I think I can fry an egg” - Heechul bit his lips - “I’m not sure of the rice. I really hope I can make something edible for tonight” 


“Good luck with that” - Leeteuk now worried more about the future outbreak of gastric diseases if Heechul was in charge of cooking - “Make sure of taking pics. I like to laugh” 


“I bet you could send them to history channel: the ugliest fry egg on earth” - Heechul teased - “I’m scared. My kids love me but... I am not sure if they will after tasting my home made cooking” 


“Mr Kim... the time is over” - The nurse informed 


“Sorry! I need to go! Everything is fine here! Take care! Bye!” - Leeteuk ended the call in a rush 


“Mr Kim?” - Heechul raised his eyebrows as he stared at the phone confused. He didn’t have time to think too much about it since his sons were back from their little expedition. 




“We couldn’t find anything” - Kangin informed - “We followed the prints until we lost track” 


“You said that the house was messy inside” - Heechul was battling against his biggest enemy: the kitchen - “Maybe Garfield stepped on something and hurt his paw” 


“What are you doing?” - Yesung tried to decipher if Heechul was trying to cook - “Is that cinnamon?”


“Ehh... Yeah, well...” - Heechul realized he was indeed holding cinnamon instead of pepper - “Teuk called. He is alright and getting better. Hopefully, he could leave hospital in two days” 


“Is uncle coming back?” - Siwon’s face enlightened - “When?”


The triplets were also happy. They kept dancing in circles while Heechul tried to not crash with them. 


“Ehm...Yeah, sort of. He will be back when this stupid quarantine thing is over” - Heechul got nervous as the oil got violent - “How you know if this thing is done? I can’t feed you raw eggs...” 


“Is that an egg?” - Kangin asked amused 


“That’s the ugliest fry egg I have ever seen” - Siwon felt sorry right away for his comment - “But I bet is tasty” 


“The yolk broke and... Nevermind, I will try again” - Heechul took a deep breath as he stared to his failure - “Just wait”


“I Dont think this is... I mean, let’s be honest. You barely could cook one egg... (if you call that cooking) how are you making 12?” - Yesung tilted his head 


“12? Who is eating one dozen eggs?” - Heechul shook his head 


“Well, we are eight kids and one adult” - Yesung counted with his fingers - “If Kangin, you and I eat two eggs each, then—“


“Ok ok” - Heechul felt the burden of house work - “I get it. No eggs. Oh honey, no wait” 


Sungmin was holding a cooking pot that seemed heavy for him. 


“Boiled eggy!” - Sungmin chirped - “Eggy! Eggy!”


“Boiled eggs” - Heechul felt his salvation was close - “of course! I can do that... You only need to peel them after. Sungmin, you are genius. You just saved dinner”


“Uh?” - Sungmin stared at his dad innocently - “Minnie cooks~”


“I hope you learn how to” - Heechul kissed his cute son - “If not, Daddy will starve for sure” 


“I Can help with the rice” - Yesung was already holding the package- “I can do it alone” 


“You? I didn’t know you could make rice” 


“I’m the older brother” - Yesung teased - “I can do anything. I can’t let my baby brothers starve” 


“Kangin, do you know how to cook too?” - Heechul wanted to believe he was lucky 


“No... I think I will set the table and watch over the babies while you are busy..?” - The kid smiled in a silly way 


“WIZEEEEE!” - Ryeowook was cheering for his twin. Kyuhyun had managed to steal the rice package from Yesung and now ran away trying to play a prank. 


“COME BACK HERE!” - Yesung barked as he chased after the boys - “YOU ARE SO DONE!”




“Shhh! Robin!” - Heechul tried to ease the bird that was just having fun - “If we make such a fuss, they will show up here again and — Oh snap” 


The door bell rang. Heechul cursed his fate and walked to the door not before warning his sons to remain calm. 




“Mr Kim, we heard something strange coming from here” - One uniformed man entered the house unamused - “Everything Alright?


“Yeah... I just tried to cook. That was it” - Heechul smiled in a playful way - “We are doing well, official. We are all healthy” 


“My dad is just crazy and can’t fry an egg but we will survive” - Kangin informed 


The officer looked at Heechul like if he was an alien. So far, his house was the most interesting from all neighbourhood... but not for the size nor the decorations. Somehow it was hard to believe that the messy man had eight children. 


“Is there something you need?” - The officer pitied Heechul to some extent


“Could we order pizza?” - Heechul didn’t want to sound that desperate but he was - “I mean, I know delivery can’t come inside but if you agree, I invite all of you to a pizza party...? Please?”


“Yes, mr please!” - Siwon tried 


“Someone should show him that fry egg” - Kangin whispered to Yesung 


“I—“ - The uniformed man felt responsible when he saw eight hungry kids staring at him - “I will ask my boss. I bet there must be something we can do” 


“Thank you, Mr!” - Donghae was hugging the nervous man 


“Donghae, don’t hug people without warning. You are scaring him” - Heechul tried to separate his son as he apologized 


“Bye bye Mr!!” - Eunhyuk was shouting from the entrance - “Come back sooooon!”


“Byeeeeee!” - Sungmin was also cheering 


“BYE SWINE! BYE!” - Robin chirped 


“Next time he comes back... he will lock us inside this house and set a warning for future generations” - Heechul sat on the floor exhausted - “A big sticker that says ‘Warning. Crazy family ahead’ “ 


“How long is quarantine lasting?” - Yesung laid next to his dad - “Not forty days, for sure” 


“We Can pretend this is like an adventure”

- Heechul tried to remain calm despite wanting to cry - “Maybe a trip to the space” 


“SPACEEEE! WITH ALIENS!” - Sungmin jumped excited - “PLANETS!”


“Do They have pizza in space?” - Kangin frowned 


“I don’t know. Let’s wait” - Heechul rolled his eyes - “If we are lucky, Pizza Hut’s delivery could reach us” 


“Why Pizza Hut? Can’t we order Domino’s?” - Kangin protested 


“Yesung” - Heechul shook his head - “Say something” 


“I thought we were ordering from Papa Johns” - Yesung shrank his shoulders - “But anything is fine... except your cooking” 


“Pizza Hut sounds good” - Kangin changed his mind after remembering his original dinner 


“PIZZA PIZZA PIZZA!” - Robin cheered 


“CHEEZE” - Ryeowook’s eyes sparkled when he remembered that pizzas had cheese - “Giwe Woogie cheeze Pwease~”


“Oh... so now you talk to me” - Heechul finally smiled. Even in chaos, he still found happiness - “Come here. Hug your poor dad” 


“PIZZA?!” - Kyuhyun ran at full speed and jumped just to land on his dad’s tummy - “PIZZA HUW?”


“Yeah, Pizza Hut” - Heechul laughed - “Are you that hungry? You guys are so happy about me ordering food...” 


Kyuhyun ran to the kitchen and came back holding what it looked like a promotion from the so called pizza place. 


“KYU TOY” - Kyuhyun jumped excited - “Please please please” 


“Whats This?” - Heechul found funny how his son’s memory worked so good for things like that - “Ah. Teuk told you that next time we ordered pizza you could ask for one of these, right? I will see what I can do” 


“HYUKKIE WANTS THIS” - Eunhyuk pointed at one of the toys 


“DONGHAE THIS!” - Donghae Pointed to another one 


“This virus is taking too long” - Heechul closed his eyes and tried to recall those times were he cared for the actual food and not for the toy that came with it. Those times were gone the very moment Yesung was born. 



Leeteuk was zapping channels when he recognized his own neighbourhood in the news. 


“... today three more neighbors were positive for the virus. Lee Jun, the five years old infected, just got transferred to the ICU. So far, ten people are confirmed to have been infected but only one has died. Doctors believe they could be dealing with a bad case of Hantavirus...” 



Heechul was still holding the pizza boxes when the TV report called his attention. 


“Daaaaaaaaad~ they are going to get cooooooold” - Kangin whined 


“I’m hungry...” - Siwon pouted 


“Whewe iz Woogie’s toy?” - Ryeowook was pulling Heechul’s pants - “Hewe?”


“Sorry. Let’s eat” - Heechul smiled sweetly as placed the boxes on the table and turned off the TV - “Everything will be alright, ok?”


“KYU GOT MICKEY” - Kyuhyun chirped amazed after he spotted his beloved toy inside one of the paper bags Yesung left on the table - “MICKEY MOUZEEEEE” 


“Lowz of’ Mouzezzzz!” - Ryeowook chirped 


“Mice” - Siwon corrected 


Heechul freed the poor new victims and gave one to each of his boys. Yesung looked at him perplexed. 


“What? Don’t you like it? I think is cute...” - Heechul pouted 


“Mice” - Yesung repeated - “It’s them... they caused this” 





Hi! How are you? ^-^ I truly dislike summer heat but at least I’m feeling a little better (?) hope you are all healthy!

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Chapter 106: I miss this crazy family. I've been dying to know what is Teuk's call all about. I wish it will be a Ahn's and Teuk interaction
Chapter 106: Eonni... update 🙏🏻
mykyunie #3
Chapter 106: This story is so wonderful, so perfect.
I just love it and I can't wait for you to update again and see what else these cute kids get into.
We read later. Thank you very much for the chapter.
Pamira #4
Chapter 106: Yeni bölüm için çok teşekkürler. Bu hikayeyi okumaktan hiç bir zaman bıkmayacağım. Bu bölümde çok güzeldi.
HelenDamnation #5
Chapter 106: I love this story.
Kukuku13 #6
Chapter 106: Chapter 106: Yay, you finally updated! This big silly weird happy family, tho. why are they so funny i can't😂
Chapter 106: Authornim, you're back!🥹 and this crazy family as well 🤭

Watching TV is a good way to gain knowledge, so proud of Minnie here. But, like the saying goes, too much is bad, so don't do it fora long long time.

Henry being jealous of Cherry, aigoo, protesting by rooming out of Heeyeon's and Heechul's room. 😂

I knew Yesung's case is smelly armpits... and yes, it's hard to undergo puberty. Good thing he have supportive guardians

I wonder if Teuk's phone call with his real uncle is about his own schooling or his identity or a teaching oppurtunity?

I'm excited for Cheery's arrival... though I'm hoping for a teuk-centric as well. I wonder if they'll tell the kids regarding teuk's real attachment to them.

By the way, I find it cute when Hae and Henry fight for Teuk 🤭🥰, I like those moments, you know

I love everything, author, waiting for the next... 😊😊😊
Pamira #8
Chapter 105: Yeni bölüm istiyorummm
Chapter 105: Authornim, bogoshipeoyo, please update soon 🙏🏻
mykyunie #10
Chapter 105: I love it