The toddler controversy

Junior Quest

Heechul wasn’t sure in which moment he stopped being an owner of a successful company and turned into a public transport. All he could remember from the past week were trips to school, daycare, medical appointments and more. Kangin got his stitches removed, Ryeowook got his cast removed, Siwon got cavities and he had to take him to the dentist... he was done going out. He just wanted a quiet weekend, but the triplets got invited to a birthday party and even if he tried saying ‘no’ he ended falling for it when the kids pouted sadly. 


It didn’t help him that Leeteuk got mad at him after the triplets got sick thanks to his ignorance measuring candy intake for toddlers. In fact, he had let the kids eat as much candy as they wanted. His bed ended paying the price  and Leeteuk wouldn’t stop complaining about how careless he could be. 


“Again, I’m sorry” - Heechul kept apologizing even two days after the incident- “I just wanted them to have fun” 


“They had fun throwing up and crying for hours” - Leeteuk couldn’t hide the fact he was still angry at the parent - “It got even better when they did it in the playpen” 


“You are not going to forgive me... are you?” - Heechul sulked - “I swear I didn’t do it on purpose. I really didn’t know they would get that sick ...” 


“Don’t look at me like that” - Leeteuk felt guilty as Heechul pouted - “Geez, now I know why Ryeowook can be so manipulative” 


“I don’t wanna take the kids to their appointment tomorrow” - Heechul laid on the floor tired- “Lets just move it to the next Week” 


“No” - Leeteuk wouldn’t allow that - “You already told the doctor you would be taking them tomorrow for their vaccinations” 


“I hate myself” - Heechul curled himself - “I don’t want to go” 


Leeteuk thought Heechul was just trying to skip it because he was tired and probably feared the doctor’s scolding. However, it turned out Heechul was just trying to skip his own vaccination. 


“You coward” - Leeteuk couldn’t believe Heechul even had to lay down after the shot - “I never expected it” 


“Shut up and help me with the kids” - Heechul was still dizzy - “The triplets did a show and the twins will try imitating that for sure” 


Ryeowook cried a lot but at least he got vaccinated quickly. Kyuhyun was another story. Convincing him to stay still was harder than expected and Heechul ended having to bribe the toddler. 


“Real Wewi?” - Kyuhyun still had tears in his face - “Lotz of wewis?” 


“Yeah, I will take you to the zoo” - Heechul was cleaning the boy’s face - “And we will meet real penguins”


Kyuhyun seemed happy now. Heechul was exhausted. He just wanted to sleep but the kids wouldn’t stop asking him about the zoo. 


“T’owow?” - Ryeowook tried again as he held an small calendar Leeteuk prepared for them as he tried to teach the toddlers the days of the week - “Zoo” 


“I don’t know ” - Heechul was kinda annoyed - “I will think about it later” 


“WEWIS! NOOOOW!” - Kyuhyun pulled his arm - “PWEAAAAASEEE” 


“Teuk... please...” - Heechul whined. It had been a long time since he had time for himself between the company and the kids - “I’m gonna die” 


“Panda” - Sungmin pinched Heechul’s face - “Papa looks like panda” 


Leeteuk couldn’t agree more. Heechul had eye bags and looked pale. It was obvious he wasn’t faking it when he said he was tired. 


“Maybe... I could take the kids to the zoo by myself” - Leeteuk offered - “You look really tired” 


“Would you do that for me?” - Heechul didn’t have energy left to hug Leeteuk - “I would be so happy” 


“Yeah, There is only one problem” - Leeteuk scratched his head - “I don’t know how to get there” 


“I forgot you didn’t know how to drive” - Heechul bumped his head on purpose - “I will add it to the list of things I have to teach you. Don’t worry, I know someone that would be more than pleased to help” 


And that’s how, Leeteuk ended in the zoo with the kids and their grandmother. The old lady seemed cheerful as usual. 


“Its a pity we couldn’t bring all of them” - She commented - “Those three are going to complain when they learn we brought their siblings to the zoo” 


“It can’t be helped” - Leeteuk sighed realizing the woman was right - “They are at the school right now. The triplets are lucky since they got to stay home as they were sick recently” 


“Yeah, another proof of my son’s ignorance” - The old lady shook her head - “Sometimes I wonder how he survived all these years. He lacks common sense most of the time” 


“Well, he is very good at his job” - Leeteuk tried helping his friend a little bit - “He is also a good driver” 


“I always hoped for him to be a lawyer or follow his brother’s steps and become a business man” - The old lady smiled - “I always worried he couldn’t find something he liked” 


Leeteuk wanted to keep chatting but he had to stop after realizing Kyuhyun was trying to jump into the water with the penguins. 


“WEWIIIIIIISSSS!” - Kyuhyun kept fighting Leeteuk as the babysitter held him - “ZWIM WITH WEWIS!” 


“You just can’t do that!” - Leeteuk laughed 


Kyuhyun spent half of the visit being upset until his grandma got him a new penguin plush. The boy was now in his stroller hugging the plush while his grandma made him wore cute animal ears. 


“Heechul is going to love this picture” - The old lady kept taking pictures of the boys being cute - “Ryeowook, look at me~ smile~” 


The kids were enjoying the dolphin’s show when Ryeowook announced he wanted to pee. Leeteuk was sure the boy probably tried to held it all he could but the fact they were surrounded with water and all those splashing sounds, made it harder. 


“But Honey, you are wearing a diaper” - The old lady tried convincing the toddler - “You will miss the show if you go out” 


Ryeowook shook his head. He got upset.


“Don’t worry, I will take him” - Leeteuk told the old lady as he took the kid with him - “Lets hurry so we don’t miss all the show” 


“Ung...” - Ryeowook was sad as he would miss part of the spectacle but his bladder was tiny and he wouldn’t dare to pee in his pull up. 


The line for the toilet was as long as the one people did for the attractions in an amusement park. 


“Wee Wee Wee Wee Wee!” - Ryeowook kept shifting his weight from foot to foot - “Wookie pee ! Pee!”


“I know honey ” - Leeteuk looked around. Most of the line were parents and their kids. - “Lets just wait a little longer ok? 


“Nuh! Now! Pee now!” - Ryeowook was now begging for it. Leeteuk felt sorry as he had no way to grant that wish. He knew the toddler wasn’t lying about being desperate but the line wouldn’t move faster just because he wanted 


“Are you sure you don’t want to try going in your diaper?” - Leeteuk feared the kid could hurt himself from holding it that hard 


Ryeowook kept trying to get his hand back. Leeteuk was holding the toddler’s hand tightly as he feared the kid could get lost. Ryeowook was upset as he wanted to pee and the babysitter was just standing in a line: thing that he didn’t understand. 


“Ryeowook!” - Leeteuk shouted when the kid finally managed to get rid of the nanny and ran at full speed 


Ryeowook ran to the front hoping to find a toilet but he got confused with so many people around. He ended getting nervous and tried to go back to the place where Leeteuk was... but he couldn’t remember which way he took and ended turning in the wrong direction. The toddler cried when he found himself alone and lost. 


“DADAA!” - Ryeowook cried loudly. He was so scared. He couldn’t remember the way back to the dolphins nor the way back to the toilet line - “UKWEEE! GAMAAA!” 


He got even more upset when his bladder had enough and he ended wetting himself. It would have been a good idea to stay still and wait for Leeteuk to find him but the boy was so nervous he kept running around. 


He finally stopped when he realized he was heading nowhere. Everything was now scary. The sounds the animals made, the people crowding everywhere. 


( I should have stayed with Uncle) the toddler thought as he cried. 


Ryeowook had never been so scared in his whole life. He kept wandering around not knowing what to do hoping someone would find him. He tripped and hurt his knee. 


“Ouchie! Huwtz! “ - Ryeowook cried - “DADAAA!” 


Ryeowook was losing hope he would ever see his family again. It had been just fifteen minutes but it felt like ages for a toddler. 


“Hey” - He heard a familiar voice - “What happened? What are you doing here all alone?” 


He thought he was imagining things. He turned and saw Heechul looking at him. 


“DADA!” - Ryeowook jumped to his dad - “DADA WOOKIE GOT LOST!”


The boy cried a lot. Heechul felt sorry for the boy but he knew Leeteuk and his mother were probably looking for him like crazy.


“Hey, Ryeowook is with me” - Heechul called Leeteuk - “He is fine, he is scared but he is fine” 


Ryeowook kept sobbing uncontrollably. Definitely, the worst fifteen minutes of his life. 


“It’s alright~ It’s a good thing I came after all” - Heechul carried the kid - “Ryeowook~ stop crying~~” 


Ryeowook just couldn’t stop. He was so happy his dad rescued him. 


“Home” - The toddler sulked - “Wookie wanna go home” 


“But I just came here” - Heechul teased - “Now is when the fun starts” 


“Nuh!” - Ryeowook whined - “Home! Zoo scawy! Wookie ‘lone zad lost!” 


“You got lost because you didn’t hold hands with Leeteuk” - Heechul wouldn’t miss the opportunity to teach the kid - “If you had listened to him you wouldn’t have gotten lost” 


Ryeowook cried louder. Heechul was right but still, he was upset. 


“Oh! Look! I found the giraffes!” - Heechul pointed to the big animals in a try to distract the boy from crying - “wow they are so big” 


Ryeowook gasped. He got so shocked. He had never seen an animal so big. 


“Whatz that?” - Ryeowook pointed at the giraffes - “Dino?” 


“No, not dinosaurs” - Heechul rocked the boy as they approached- “Giraffes” 


“G’waffes” - Ryeowook tried repeating - “Big! Big!” 


The toddler laughed when he saw how the giraffes ate. He found it really curious. 


“Hey, you are wet” - Heechul kept touching Ryeowook’s - “This diaper is swollen” 


Ryeowook blushed. Oops, he had forgotten about that. 


“You should be thankful I always carry your things with me” - Heechul teased - “Lets get you changed. It must be uncomfortable to be wet” 


“Ung...” - Ryeowook stared at the giraffes for a last time - “Bye~” 


Heechul ended taking Ryeowook to the toilet next to the souvenir store. It was less crowded than the others. Ryeowook made sure of holding Heechul’s hand tightly. 


“If you keep doing that, I won’t be able to change you” - Heechul giggled as the toddler refused to let go his hand even during the diaper change - “Lay down, you silly” 


Heechul exited the restroom carrying a happy boy. Ryeowook felt better now that Heechul was with him and his wasn’t wet. 


“Lets go inside the store~ if I don’t buy something for your brothers they are going to kill me ” - Heechul smiled seeing all the cute stuff - “oh boy~ I want to buy it all” 


Ryeowook walked around the store following Heechul really close. The parent was busy choosing gifts for the boys that couldn’t join the visit while the toddler kept chasing after him pulling his shirt. 


“Look Wook, giraffes” - Heechul tried to get rid of the toddler’s strong grip - “Cute right? Do you want one?” 


Ryeowook observed the plush. It was really cute. He smiled and Heechul took it as a yes. 


“I will be taking these with me” - Heechul payed for all the stuff - “Here. You can hold your new friend” 


Ryeowook got his giraffe. He found it so soft and cute. 


“There you are” - Leeteuk sighed - “I got so scared! Never ever do that to me again!” 


“Ung...” - Ryeowook hid his face behind his new stuffed friend - “Sowy”


“Oh honey “ - Leeteuk checked the toddler to see if he had gotten hurt - “You must had been so scared” 


“Ung...” - Ryeowook nodded. He felt sorry towards the babysitter. He knew he had misbehaved and kept hiding his face behind the stuffed animal. 


“I let the kids got sick thanks to the sugar but you lost a toddler in a zoo” - Heechul teased Leeteuk - “I think it’s a tie” 


“No, I think you win this one” - Leeteuk bit his lips - “What I did was way worse. I’m so sorry for being so mean with you...” 


“It’s ok” - Heechul scratched his head - “It’s not like I blame you for it. Also, you were right, I was careless and it was my fault the triplets got sick” 


“I don’t want to come here again” - Leeteuk took a deep breath - “The dolphins’s show it’s cool but I don’t think I dare to watch it again with kids” 


“Oh~ dolphins?” - Heechul got interested- “I would like to see those. Ryeowook did you see the dolphins?”


The boy looked at Heechul with guilty eyes. 


“Well, we were at the show when he said he had to pee and...” - Leeteuk explained to the parent what happened. Heechul just laughed. 


“You see? This is something that wouldn’t have happened to me” - Heechul joked 


“Really? How?” - Leeteuk was really interested in Heechul’s clever solution 


“I would have bought an empty cup and let the child pee there” - Heechul stuck out his tongue - “We wouldn’t have missed the show, he would had been happier and no one gets lost” 


“I cant believe I actually think it is a good idea” - Leeteuk was disturbed as he was considering Heechul’s idea as good - “Next time... what I am saying? There won’t be next time. I don’t want to come here again until they are old enough to own a phone” 


“Its a pity” - Heechul pouted - “I wanted to see the dolphins” 


“Forget about it, let’s go home” - Leeteuk was exhausted - “You Can see dolphins on tv” 


Heechul sighed. He went to the zoo after his mother sent him those cute pictures of the kids but he couldn’t enjoy at all since everyone was already tired. At least the children were happy. 


“AND DOWPHIN WENT WHOOOOSH!” - Eunhyuk kept describing the show - “AND THEN SLASH SPLASH SPLASH!” 


“When I grow up, I wanna be panda” - Sungmin told Heechul - “I will live in the zoo” 


“Hae wanna be nemo” - Donghae showed Heechul his new nemo doll - “I will swim lots” 


“How Can you be nemo if you dislike swimming?” - Heechul kissed the boy as he found him cute - “Are you feeling better now?” 


“Hae is not sick” - Donghae touched his stomach - “No hurts” 


“Minnie is fine too!” - Sungmin climbed the couch and sat on Heechul’s lap - “No sick!”


Eunhyuk danced around. The triplets ended creating a new weird dance that was inspired by the dolphins they saw earlier. Heechul couldn’t be happier as he saw his clumsy sons fooling around. 


“Having fun?” - Heechul’s mother started brushing her son’s hair - “Your hair is a mess. When was the last time you got a haircut?” 


“Uhm...” - Heechul tried to think - “Not long ago? But my hair grows really fast” 


“Maybe Its not the haircut but the fact you don’t take care of it” - The mother kept brushing her son’s hair - “I wonder if you are taking good care of yourself. I often worry about that, you know” 


“I eat well” - Heechul looked at his mom with a naughty face - “And I just had a medical check up. I’m fine, just a little tired” 


“You Can always ask for help” - The lovely grandma teased - “Henry loves me” 


“All of them love you” - Heechul yawned - “Even Teuk loves you” 


“What about you?”


“You already know the answer” - Heechul puffed his cheeks. He was being playful. 


“But I want to hear it” - The old lady pinched Heechul’s cheeks - “One day, those little friends that now go around screaming they love you, will stop doing so and you will understand what it feels” 


“I love you, mom” - Heechul giggled. Now that he was also a parent, he understood better how his parents  felt - “And thanks for everything” 


“Gama! G’waffe! ” - Ryeowook showed his grandma his new friend - “Dada zoo g’waffe big” 


“Really?” - The old lady smiled sweetly- “Did you like the giraffes you saw with daddy?” 


“Ung!” - Ryeowook bounced excited - “G’waffe!” 


“I think we have a book about a giraffe” - Heechul tried to remember - “Kirin?” 


“Kiki!” - Ryeowook chirped - “Wookie g’waffe name is Kiki” 


“Kiki?” - Heechul smiled - “Well, that’s a good name for a giraffe” 


“UNG!” - Ryeowook ran to communicate everyone his giraffe was called Kiki. Kyuhyun struggled to stop Henry touching his penguin. 


“Dada! Hewy!” - The toddler accused- “Wewi mine!” 


“You have three wewis” - Heechul tried negotiating with the toddler - “Just give one to Henry so he can play” 


“Nuh. All mine” - Kyuhyun folded his arms offended by Heechul’s suggestion - “No wewis f’ baby” 


“Alright...” - Heechul carried the Now crying baby - “Lets get you something you can play with” 


Henry was upset as he wanted to keep hugging Kyuhyun’s penguin. Ryeowook ran away when he realized Heechul was looking for a plush to give to Henry. He didn’t want to share Kiki. Heechul sighed. 


“I cant believe those two are turning two in less than two months” - Leeteuk commented - “Well that’s a lot of two” 


“Everything is ‘two’ when you have twins” - Heechul teased - “Ryeowook! Kyuhyun! Come here brats!”


“Yeah?” - The twins were good at replying


“You guys are growing up so much!” - Heechul chirped - “I was wondering what you would like as a gift for your birthday” 


“Toyz! Wewis! Bwockz!” - Kyuhyun started listing several things he liked. Ryeowook remained quiet. 


“Wook? What about you?” - Heechul wondered what made Ryeowook so embarrassed he didn’t want to say it - “Do you want to tell me?”


The boy nodded and approached Heechul slowly. Heechul played along sitting on the floor so the toddler could speak into his ear. 


“Is that what you want?” - Heechul seemed confused. He looked at Leeteuk like looking for help, but the babysitter haven’t heard the toddler - “Ehm... I will think about it... but you should also think about toys and you know” 


Ryeowook nodded. The boy had blushed. Leeteuk wondered what did the boy confess to make Heechul so confused. 


“Can I talk to you?” - Heechul dragged the babysitter to a spare room - “Ryeowook asked me for a weird thing” 


“What did he say?” 


“It’s about the diapers” - Heechul seemed worried 


“Ah~ he wants diapers again” - Leeteuk found it cute - “It’s not a big deal~ kids have regressions all time and he is—“ 


“No” - Heechul shook his head - “He asked me to stop diapering him. He said he doesn’t want to wear diapers anymore” 


“Uh? Well that’s also normal, I guess” - Leeteuk scratched his head - “I don’t like the idea. I don’t think he is ready to go 100% diaper free” 


“Yeah I know” - Heechul worried - “We still use pull ups for outings and night time” 


“What are you going to do? Maybe if we don’t mention it again he will forget” - Leeteuk feared Ryeowook could get what he wanted - “I don’t really think it’s a good idea to add more stress to our outings” 


“Yeah I know... but... he sounded so...” - Heechul was really worrying about it - “So sad about it. I think he really hopes for it”


And it was like that. Ryeowook had a gloomy face when Leeteuk announced it was night time and pulled out two diapers. 


“Lets get changed” - Leeteuk smiled sweetly trying to avoid looking at the sad toddler’s expression- “Ehm...” 


Ryeowook seemed about to cry. He wouldn’t complain nor hit a tantrum but it was obvious he didn’t want to wear the diaper. 


“Ryeowook, listen...” - Leeteuk tried explaining it hoping for the boy to understand- “I promise you that when you are ready, you won’t wear a diaper again ok? But right now... I think you still need them” 


As Leeteuk feared, Ryeowook started crying. It didn’t help Kyuhyun got mad at him for making his brother cry. 


“Whats wrong? Someone is already grouchy because is sleepy!” - Heechul was unaware of the situation - “Why are you so upset?”


“Wookie don’ wanna diapey!” - Ryeowook sobbed 


“Aw~ but Wookie” - Heechul tried coaxing the kid - “If you don’t wear a diaper at night you will wet the bed. Your new cute bed” 


He made emphasis on the last part. The twins just got a toddler bed since Ryeowook learned to unlock the crib and Leeteuk thought it wasn’t safe anymore. Heechul was sure his son was still reasonable and wouldn’t like to wet the new bed. 


“Wookie sweeps fwoor” - Ryeowook took a pillow and laid on the floor - “No wet bed” 


Heechul’s heart ached. How much Ryeowook hated being diapered? He wondered if it hurt his pride to be in diapers. He wasn’t sure of what to do. He never saw something similar.


Ryeowook cried until he fell asleep. Next morning both caregivers realized they had a problem. 


“Did he do it on purpose?” - Heechul asked the babysitter. The parent was just clueless as he observed a puddle on the floor - “He even went back to sleep” 


“I dont have any idea of why he did that but maybe he thought it would be funny” - Leeteuk scratched his head. So far, Ryeowook had never behaved like that. The boy was curious and mischievous but never dared to do something like that. 


The toddler woke up. Heechul didn’t want to sound ‘different’ than usual. He thought that the toddler would be honest if he was nice to him. 


“Ryeowook, baby~” - Heechul kissed the boy - “You know, today I found a puddle on my floor. Right next to your bed. Do you have any idea of how that happened?”


Ryeowook looked down. Heechul knew that face: guilt. 


“Are you embarrassed?” - Heechul asked - “Upset?” 


Ryeowook said nothing. He kept looking down unable to look at his dad. Heechul stopped questioning as he wanted the toddler to have breakfast. 

Next morning, the incident repeated... a little differently. Heechul found a wet blanket on the floor. 


“I keep asking him about it and he just looks away” - Heechul sighed - “is he mad because we diaper him at nights? Is this some kind of retaliation?”


“Maybe” - Leeteuk was starting to lose his patience - “I really don’t understand why would he pee on the floor” 


Third day in a row. This time in a corner. Heechul was confused. Leeteuk was done. 


“Ryeowook stop peeing on the floor” - Leeteuk scolded - “You can’t go pee there. Understand?” 


Ryeowook looked away. He seemed embarrassed. 


“Awkcident” - Ryeowook sulked - “Wookie pee” 


“Honey, you had a diaper on” - Leeteuk shook his head - “If you had peed by accident your diaper would be wet and the floor dry. You took off your diaper and peed there. Why?”


Ryeowook cried. Heechul ended the interrogations as he didn’t want to scare the child. He found disgusting the new behaviour but he didn’t want to scold the toddler for something he didn’t understand at all. 


“But why?” - Heechul kept trying to find a reason - “Is that a way of telling me he doesn’t like his new bed?”


“I think is a way of warning us he can do what he wants” - Leeteuk sighed - “He is probably testing our patience. He wants to see how far he can get without getting scolded. All toddlers do that. They want to know their limits” 


“I know he is naughty” - Heechul looked at the toddler that played with his twin - “But he is often reasonable. This is just weird” 


Fourth day... and there was a kid crying non stop. Heechul woke up quickly as he heard the boy crying. 


“There there” - Heechul Carried the boy - “Did you have a nightmare? Uh? Why are you crying?” 


Ryeowook seemed annoyed. The kid was restless and kept trying to get away from Heechul. 


“Its 2am” - Leeteuk rubbed his eyes - “Whats going on? Is he sick?” 


“I don’t know” - Heechul took a look at the kid - “He looks in pain but I don’t see the problem” 


“Wanna pee” - The toddler managed to say - “Wookie potty” 


“Do you want to pee? “ - Heechul took the boy to the toilet - “Here” 


Ryeowook left out a big relief sigh as soon as he started peeing. He even laughed a bit after finishing. 


“Well Done! What a good boy” - Heechul praised - “Better now? Let’s go back to bed” 


“Ung” - Ryeowook wiped his tears. 


Leeteuk got a clue of what happened the few days before. 


“I think he tried to stay dry at night” - Leeteuk explained his theory- “but he couldn’t find his way to the toilet and ended taking a leak on the floor” 


“That would explain the blanket. He probably tried to clean it” - Heechul found it cute - “And then he probably thought that we wouldn’t notice it if it was in the corner” 


“It doesn’t help that he was half asleep” - Leeteuk giggled - “He probably thought it was a good idea and had a hard time realizing it wasn’t when he woke up”


Heechul found it so funny he ended granting the boy’s wish against Leeteuk’s advice to just forget about it. He let him wear his underwear even for outings. Leeteuk was sure it would end in potty accidents and a upset child but Heechul was positive about it. The first two days, there was no incident. The toddler even woke up dry after sleeping the whole night. 


“I’m going to take the kids to the park” - Leeteuk tried to take the twins with him as Heechul was busy with work - “Mrs Jung is looking after Henry”


“Bye” - Heechul shouted from his office 


Leeteuk was having a great time with the kids. They were heading back home when Ryeowook broke the peace. 


“Wookie Potty” - Ryeowook said from his stroller - “Potty~ Potty~” 


“Now?” - Leeteuk felt his anxiety rising as they were in the middle of nowhere. He even had taken precautions as he took the toddler to the toilet before leaving the park but kids were always unpredictable 


Leeteuk tried to think. He searched for something he could use to help the toddler relieve himself. He thought he had found a solution when he found an empty water bottle. 


“I will help you pee ok?” - Leeteuk tried to sound calm 


“Wookie no pee” - Ryeowook shook his head - “Poop” 


Leeteuk froze. He had assumed Ryeowook just wanted to pee. He wasn’t prepared for that. They weren’t that far from home. He hoped the toddler could hold it.


“I’m walking as fast as I can” - Leeteuk was actually running as he pushed the stroller - “Hang on ok? Don’t poop your pants. Don’t poop your pants” 


“Wanna poop...” - Ryeowook whined. Leeteuk knew that the toddler was having a hard time. 


“Just two minutes” - Leeteuk relaxed a bit when they entered the mansion’s garden - “Almost There. Almost there” 


He rang the bell and lucky for him, Heechul opened the door quickly. 


Leeteuk thought his nightmare was about to end. He just needed to take the toddler out of his stroller and—


The babysitter understood the situation when he saw the boy’s guilty face. 


“Oh, I think he is pooping” - Heechul remained relaxed. He just took the toddler outside the stroller - “Ryeowook, pooping in your stroller is a no no, ok?” 


Ryeowook seemed scared. He whined during three entire minutes that felt like ages for Leeteuk. Heechul just kept patting the boy’s back. 


“Are you done?” - Heechul asked softly - “Can we go wash now?” 


Ryeowook was upset. Not only he was uncomfortable but he felt sorry for what he just did. 


“No one is going to scold you” - Heechul held the boy carefully - “Lets clean this mess” 


Leeteuk felt sorry for the boy. He knew it wasn’t his fault as Ryeowook was still really young and potty accidents were something that even bigger kids experienced. He hoped that the toddler’s self steem wasn’t damaged by the little accident. He wanted to cheer him up as soon as possible. 


“Hey~” - Leeteuk greeted the toddler after Heechul was done cleaning him - “Lets play something fun~” 


Ryeowook hid behind Heechul. He looked down. He often did that when he thought someone was mad at him. 


“Do you want to draw?” - Leeteuk wasn’t giving up easily - “Kyunnie and I were making flowers” 


Ryeowook squeezed Heechul’s hand. The parent got the hint of the toddler being stressed and held him. Heechul kissed the boy and got playful with him but Ryeowook didn’t smile a single bit. 


“He is still upset” - Leeteuk felt guilty as he was the one taking care of the boy when it happened - “Aw, Wookie... I’m so sorry” 


Leeteuk felt worse when he found the shortest toddler “cleaning’ the stroller with wet wipes. To be fair, the adults had already checked the stroller and lucky for them it haven’t got any damage as Heechul took the boy out of it as soon as he realized the kid was having an accident. The toddler didn’t seem to understand that and kept trying to clean his spot with an apologetic look. 


“What are you doing?” - Leeteuk faked ignorance - “Are you cleaning?” 


Ryeowook nodded. His eyes were filled with tears. 


“I think it’s clean” - Leeteuk the boy’s head - “It didn’t get dirty and still, you cleaned it a lot” 


“Ung...” - Ryeowook pouted. He was ready to cry any second - “Wookie awkcident. Poop... hewe...” 


“Uhmmm~” - The babysitter nodded - “It was just an accident. No big deal” 


“Wookie no out again” - Ryeowook shook his head - “Newew”


“Why Not? Don’t you like playing in the park?” - Leeteuk was sure that trying to talk with an upset toddler was just a waste of time but he couldn’t leave it like that. He wanted to make sure the boy wouldn’t blame himself for what happened - “Ryeowook~~~ cheer up~~~” 


Leeteuk was starting to believe nothing would cheer the toddler. He thought that maybe time would be better as the toddler’s pride got hurt. Heechul went to pick the kids by himself as Ryeowook refused to go out of the house and Leeteuk didn’t want to let him alone with Mrs Jung and Henry. 


“Look! Daddy is back!” - Leeteuk did a big fuss trying to get Ryeowook into it - “He just came back!” 


“Dada~” - Ryeowook at least smiled. His love for Heechul often made him smile despite feeling sad. 


“Ehm” - Heechul had that face. The face he did when he knew Leeteuk would scold him - “It was my fault” 


“What did you do now?” - Leeteuk sighed


“Eunhyuk wet himself!” - Siwon told the babysitter - “He peed his pants!”


“You Baby” - Donghae teased his brother. The boy wouldn’t miss this opportunity as Eunhyuk was always teasing him - “You wet~~~” 


Sungmin just smiled. He didn’t want to tease Eunhyuk but he found it funny. Eunhyuk was clearly upset. 


“Let’s go change, sweetheart” - Leeteuk tried rescuing the poor boy from his siblings - “It’s alright” 


Leeteuk got surprised when Ryeowook ran to Eunhyuk and hugged him. 


“You going to get wet” - Eunhyuk sulked - “Not now” 


Ryeowook giggled. He seemed to be in a better mood. 


“Big boys awkcident?” - Ryeowook asked Heechul - “Hyu wet patz” 


“Yeah, Ryeowook everyone has accidents” - Heechul found hilarious how Ryeowook felt better knowing he wasn’t alone - “Even I had accidents when I was younger” 


“Dad used to say you wet the bed a lot” - Yesung teased Heechul - “and grandma said you peed yourself in the car when you were getting potty trained~” 


“Hey! Don’t expose me like that!” - Heechul got embarrassed- “You were the one that peed his pants in front of the class!” 


“Kangin wet his pants during his first day at kindergarten” 


“Siwon wets the bed all the time!” - Kangin pointed at his fellow sibling 


“Donghae peed his pants in daycare!” - Siwon accused his little brother as he felt exposed 


Suddenly, all kids were exposing each other’s secrets. Ryeowook seemed to feel better. Leeteuk went to sleep that night, feeling sure that Ryeowook would just forget about that little accident. Heechul was fixing Ryeowook’s blanket when the boy woke up. 


“Oh~ did I wake you up? Sorry” - Heechul whispered - “Go back to sleep, cute bagel”


“Dada~ Wookie big boy” - Ryeowook rubbed his sleepy eyes - “Wookie daycawe too” 


“I told you I would think about it” - Heechul bit his lips - “Go back to sleep, ok?” 




“Kiki is right here” - Heechul smiled sweetly before kissing the boy’s forehead again - “Good night, bagel”


Heechul didn’t get enough sleep as he kept thinking of it. He haven’t told Leeteuk all the truth when he explained Ryeowook’s wish to the babysitter. Ryeowook wanted to get rid of diapers... and attend daycare. He omitted the second part because he didn’t want to even think about it. His boy was just 23 months old. He wasn’t ready to separate from him. 


(Gunhee, Hani... our boy is growing up so fast... I can’t believe he is turning two in a few weeks) 


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Chapter 106: I miss this crazy family. I've been dying to know what is Teuk's call all about. I wish it will be a Ahn's and Teuk interaction
Chapter 106: Eonni... update 🙏🏻
mykyunie #3
Chapter 106: This story is so wonderful, so perfect.
I just love it and I can't wait for you to update again and see what else these cute kids get into.
We read later. Thank you very much for the chapter.
Pamira #4
Chapter 106: Yeni bölüm için çok teşekkürler. Bu hikayeyi okumaktan hiç bir zaman bıkmayacağım. Bu bölümde çok güzeldi.
HelenDamnation #5
Chapter 106: I love this story.
Kukuku13 #6
Chapter 106: Chapter 106: Yay, you finally updated! This big silly weird happy family, tho. why are they so funny i can't😂
Chapter 106: Authornim, you're back!🥹 and this crazy family as well 🤭

Watching TV is a good way to gain knowledge, so proud of Minnie here. But, like the saying goes, too much is bad, so don't do it fora long long time.

Henry being jealous of Cherry, aigoo, protesting by rooming out of Heeyeon's and Heechul's room. 😂

I knew Yesung's case is smelly armpits... and yes, it's hard to undergo puberty. Good thing he have supportive guardians

I wonder if Teuk's phone call with his real uncle is about his own schooling or his identity or a teaching oppurtunity?

I'm excited for Cheery's arrival... though I'm hoping for a teuk-centric as well. I wonder if they'll tell the kids regarding teuk's real attachment to them.

By the way, I find it cute when Hae and Henry fight for Teuk 🤭🥰, I like those moments, you know

I love everything, author, waiting for the next... 😊😊😊
Pamira #8
Chapter 105: Yeni bölüm istiyorummm
Chapter 105: Authornim, bogoshipeoyo, please update soon 🙏🏻
mykyunie #10
Chapter 105: I love it