Christmas spirit

Junior Quest

“Well done!” - Heechul cheered after Ryeowook managed to pee in the toilet once again - “Hi five!” 

“Five!” - Ryeowook smiled pleased - “Wazh hadzzz” 


“Yeah, now we wash our hands” - Heechul said sweetly - “Oh! Your twin is here!” 


“Me too” - Kyuhyun asked Heechul to wash his hands as well - “Wazzzh” 


“So? How was it?” - Leeteuk asked as he spotted the proud parent marking on the chart he made for keeping track of Ryeowook’s progress - “I see one of those cute stickers” 


“Success!” - Heechul did an evil laugh - “We have officially completed a three days row without accidents” 


“He pooped himself yesterday” - Leeteuk found hilarious that Heechul made a chart for Kyuhyun even if the boy wasn’t participating - “How come he has three days in a row without accidents?” 


“Shut up, he ate a piece of cheese and his stomach got upset” - Heechul pouted - “It doesn’t count” 


“I think it does” - Leeteuk teased - “You are manipulating the charts, cheater” 


“How dare you” - Heechul faked being annoyed - “We all know that if the kid has an upset stomach or is sick, the accidents don’t count” 


“Show me the rules” - Leeteuk teased again 


“I— Wait, my phone is ringing” - Heechul had to stop fooling around and answer the call - “Yeah, of course” 


“Something wrong?” 


“It was from daycare” - Heechul sighed - “I asked the teacher to give me call if that brat made a show again” 


“Who is making a show?” - Leeteuk asked amused 


“Donghae” - Heechul bit his lips - “He refuses going inside the pool. Ever since the swimming lessons started the kid had got inside twice and just because the teacher obligated him” 


“Oh that’s not nice” - Leeteuk worried - “Maybe he is scared of water” 


“Yeah I started to worry” - Heechul sighed - “I don’t think he is scared of water. He loves playing in the bathtub” 


“It’s not the same” - Leeteuk smiled sweetly - “Maybe he feels that is too deep for him” 


“Do you think so? I guess I will need to take some special measures” - Heechul scratched his head - “What do you think about going to one of those classes? I want to make sure it’s just Donghae’s silliness and not something else” 


“When are you planning to go?” - Leeteuk asked back 


"Both of us are going” - Heechul shook his head - “There is no way I’m doing this alone” 


“What about the twins?” 


“We will take them with us” - Heechul smiled - “Dont look at me like that. I’m not crazy” 


Heechul started to believe Leeteuk was right about him being crazy after five minutes of the so called swimming class. To summarize it all, a bunch of young kids running and screaming while in swim suits. 


“Please kill me” 


“Oh no, you stay here with me” - Leeteuk shook his head - “You are not dying before me”


“Dada!! Theweee!” - Kyuhyun kept asking Heechul to take him to the pool - “Kyu! Water!” 


“Are you thirsty?” - Heechul pretended to not understand - “Here is your bottle” 


“No! Zwim!” - Kyuhyun imitated what the older boys were doing - “Kyu too!” 


“Oh no, you can’t go inside the pool” - Heechul grinned - “Because... you are wearing a diaper” 


“Takew it off~” - Kyuhyun almost begged for it - “Pweaaase” 


“Nope” - Heechul laughed as soon as Kyuhyun cried and went to Leeteuk - “It won’t work, Kyu” 


“Kyu wanna Pway” - The toddler cried - “Kyu good” 


“Oh sweetheart, you can’t go inside the pool dressed like this” - Leeteuk tried - “We just came to watch” 


Ryeowook was lying next to Heechul with his crayons and a drawing book. The boy seemed to show zero interest for the pool. 


“No!” - Donghae shouted as one of the teachers tried to get him in the pool - “No no no no no no no” 


“Ok, now it’s my turn” - Heechul took off his shirt and walked to the pool - “Wanna go inside with Dad?” 


“Uhmmm” - Donghae doubted for a moment - “Yes” 


“Alright” - Heechul did a disgusted face. He hoped for the boy to refuse to get inside so he didn’t have to go inside as well. He didn’t want to swim in a pool where the kids probably peed. 


Leeteuk wondered if Donghae felt insecure without Heechul around and that’s why rejected getting in the pool earlier. He was immersed in his thoughts when he spotted Kyuhyun trying to jump inside the water. 


“HEY! “ - Leeteuk caught the toddler - “That’s a no no!” 


Ryeowook only lifted his face to see his brother getting scolded. It wasn’t something strange so he went back to his drawing. Kyuhyun protested again about not being able to get inside the pool. 


“Maybe he just wants to join the fun” - A teacher found funny how Kyuhyun kept complaining - “We have some swim diapers for young kids like him. If you want you can change him and let him join” 


“Yes!” - Kyuhyun replied before Leeteuk could ever say a word 


“That’s not something YOU can decide” - Leeteuk twisted his lips - “We need to ask your dad first” 


“He zays Yes” - Kyuhyun tried 


“Absolutely no” - Heechul replied from the pool while the triplets  played around him - “I have enough with these three” 


“Pweeeeeaseeeee” - Kyuhyun’s eyes went big - “Dada~ pweaaase” 


Leeteuk couldn’t believe Heechul actually said yes. He decided to change both toddlers into swimming diapers even if Ryeowook refused at first. 


“You dont have to go inside now, it’s just in case you want to join later” - The babysitter just wanted the swimming lesson to end - “You just keep drawing” 


Ryeowook got upset when his twin got inside the pool. The boy worried that his brother could get hurt and started demanding Leeteuk to take him out. 


“He doesn’t want Kyu to be in the pool” - Leeteuk covered his ears - “That’s why he keeps making a fuss” 


“Well, Kyuhyun is really enjoying it” - Heechul twisted his lips seeing how his youngest loved to float around - “He is probably the only one enjoying” 


It was funny since the pool wasn’t too deep for an adult. Heechul was sitting and still the water wouldn’t cover his neck. Leeteuk was busy taking pictures against Heechul’s will when he got interrupted. 


“Wee Wee” - Ryeowook pulled Leeteuk’s shirt 


“Oh, Right” - Leeteuk ran at full speed inside a classroom so they could use the toilet - “Here” 


Lucky for him, they made it on time. Ryeowook often warned them just a few minutes before ‘going’ so accidents were more likely to happen during outings. 


“That’s nice” - Leeteuk spoke to the boy - “Lets join the others” 


Ryeowook didn’t listen to him. Instead, the kid was mesmerized by the classroom they got inside of. He seemed interested in the toys and crayons they had. 


“When you grow older, you can come here too” - Leeteuk explained him - “Right now, Siwon, Sungmin, Eunhyuk and Donghae attend classes here” 


“Cwazz?” - Ryeowook repeated with sparkling eyes 


“Yeah, they sit here and listen to their teachers” - Leeteuk tried - “They come here to learn and play” 


He wasn’t sure if Ryeowook understood him but the boy wandered around full of curiosity. Leeteuk found cute how well mannered Ryeowook was considering that the boy didn’t touch anything as Heechul always taught him to not play with anything he didn’t ask permission for. 


“Whatz diz?” - Ryeowook found the Christmas tree that the teachers had set for the kids - “Pwetty” 


“Yeah, that’s a Christmas tree” - Leeteuk smiled pleased - “People decorate it and Santa places gifts—“ 


“Wookie houze twee?” - Ryeowook’s question interrupted the nanny’s explanation - “Whewe iz?” 


“Our Christmas tree? Ehm... I don’t know if we have one” - Leeteuk was being honest. He didn’t know about it - “We should ask Dada later” 


“Ask me what?” - Heechul entered the classroom carrying a happy Kyuhyun- “Sorry, the lesson ended and I was worried since you two weren’t coming back” 


“Ah~ Sorry, we lost track of the time” - Leeteuk felt sorry since Heechul probably worried a lot - “Ryeowook wanted to know about your Christmas tree” 


Heechul twisted his lips and made a face Leeteuk interpreted as disgusted. Even Kyuhyun got aware of it as he stared at his dad with sad eyes. 


“We will discuss it later” - Heechul replied - “But I...” 


“PAPA! LOOK!” - Sungmin ran inside the classroom - “Minnie helped teacher with twee!” 


Sungmin was proud since he helped to place some of the Christmas decorations. Eunhyuk also seemed extremely happy as he showed Leeteuk the big socks with their names on it. Heechul only gave the boys little smiles that Leeteuk realized were fake. 


“I’m just tired” - Heechul told the babysitter - “That’s all” 


“Are we going to decorate our house too?” - Siwon’s question caught Heechul off guard 


“Yeah!” - Kangin shouted excited - “Starting next week we have vacations so we will have a lot time for it! Right dad?” 


Heechul didnt reply. He kept walking like if he heard nothing. 


“Today I got an A at my grammar test!” - Yesung exclaimed - “Teacher praised me because of my calligraphy as well” 


“Oh that’s nice” - Finally Heechul spoke again - “Tell me more about it” 


Leeteuk got the chills. The others were probably too young to understand but Yesung must have realized that the Christmas topic was something Heechul didn’t want to discuss. He took note of it and decided that he would ask the boy when he got the chance. 


“Hey” - Leeteuk finally got his opportunity after the younger ones took a nap - “I was wondering... Does Heechul hate Christmas?” 


“Why you ask me?” - Yesung got curious- “Why don’t you ask him directly?” 


“Because... I get the feeling that you know something I don’t” - Leeteuk sat next to the boy - “And I don’t want to hurt his feelings bringing up an issue that is painful for him” 


“He loves Christmas” - Yesung pouted - “Or at least he did. I think it’s because my parents died but I heard that he doesn’t want to celebrate it this year” 


“What about you?” - Leeteuk felt guilty for asking the seven years old but he thought it was a must 


“I’m fine with it” - Yesung shuddered - “I don’t care if we celebrate it or not, I just want uncle to be happy” 


“I see” - Leeteuk got the feeling that Yesung was mature despite his short age 




“Wookie twee?” - Ryeowook asked Heechul - “Kwitsmaz?” 


Heechul grunted. He shook his head and pretended he didn’t understand what the toddler was saying. 


“When are we decorating the house?” - Kangin was cheerful - “After we get vacations? Or maybe this weekend? Are you going to decorate it while we are at school?” 


“Do you want to celebrate Christmas this year?” - Heechul asked the boy with a sad voice 


“YES! We always celebrate Christmas! Why wouldn’t we?” - Kangin thought Heechul’s question was stupid - “Dont you want to do it?” 


“Well I was thinking about it and I thought about having a special dinner on Christmas Eve and watch some cartoons together”


“That’s it?” - Kangin seemed disappointed 


“Of course you will still receive Christmas gifts” - Heechul tried 


“Yeah but what about your Christmas spirit? That sounds... boring?” - There was no doubt Kangin was disappointed 


Next day wasn’t different. Leeteuk started to worry when he noticed how sad Heechul was. The babysitter knew Yesung was probably right and that Heechul probably didn’t like the idea of having their first Christmas without Gunhee and Hani. Even Mrs Jung seemed to worry about it. 


“He seems... down” - Leeteuk sighed - “Is there a way to cheer him up?” 


“I don’t think there is” - Mrs Jung commented - “They always celebrated Christmas together” 


“Leeteuk, do you like Christmas?” - Heechul sudden question made Leeteuk nervous - “Can I ask you a favor?” 


(Here it comes. He is going to tell me he doesn’t want anything related with Christmas) the nanny thought as he cursed his own stupidity after the twins got to watch a Christmas movie on DVD. 


“Yes, I like Christmas” - Leeteuk was anxious - “I just thought the kids would like—“ 


“Would you help me decorate the house? I at that stuff” - Heechul’s lack of emotion was sure something to worry about - “I will be honest, I have never done it myself. Gunhee, Hani and I had a deal, I would babysit while they took care of the tree and so” 


“S-sure” - Leeteuk didn’t expect that. He was sure Heechul just wanted to skip Christmas- “Are you ok with this?” 


“I think the kids will love it” - Heechul sighed - “Even I can tell they were disappointed when I said we wouldn’t have a tree” 




“We do have one” - Heechul pouted - “And a lot of stuff related to it... lights, balls, glitter, toys, stuffed dolls, stockings, socks, even a stupid train that goes around the tree” 


“Alright” - Leeteuk hoped his smile would be contagious- “Shall we start?” 


“Uhum” - Heechul smiled a bit. Leeteuk found funny how the twins got incredibly excited about all the Christmas decoration Heechul was taking out from the boxes. 


“Uh oh” - Ryeowook did that whenever he had an accident - “Dada... Wookie awkciden’ ...” 


“Did you wet your undies?” - Heechul had started to stop using the word ‘diaper’ for addressing pull ups since the boy disliked the idea of being in diapers - “Did you pee?” 


“Ung...” - Ryeowook nodded shyly. It had been a while since he had a potty accident like that. 


“He was probably too excited with the new stuff” - Leeteuk commented while Heechul took care of the change  - “He was busy playing around” 


“Yeah, I guess he also loves it” - Heechul smiled - “It must be weird for them. This is like their first Christmas since last year they were too small to understand what was going on. Geez, they have grown so much...” 


“Dada~ Kyu loves kwistmas” - Kyuhyun hugged Heechul- “Pweeeetty toyz” 


“These are no toys” - Heechul giggled - “and those are for the tree, so if we want our tree to be pretty please don’t break—“ 


“Uh oh” - Kyuhyun observed how one of the pretty balls turned into pieces - “Sowy”


“Yeah, I knew that could happen” - Heechul laughed a bit. He seemed to be in a better mood - “Be careful, it will hurt if you touch those” 


Leeteuk held the kids while Heechul took care of the glass. They were just done unpacking stuff when it was time for the others to return from school. Leeteuk was concerned about the mess the triplets could make playing with all of those pretty things but Heechul seemed relaxed. 


“They are going to get crazy” - Heechul told Leeteuk while they walked back with the kids - “They love Christmas” 


“IT'S THE TREE!” - Kangin shouted first as soon as he entered the mansion - “YOU TOOK IT OUT! WE ARE DECORATING THE HOUSEEEE!” 


“SO MUCH STUFF!” - Siwon was running excited 


“CHRIZTMAZZZ!” - The triplets started touching everything they could 


“I think they like it” - Heechul smiled - “Alright brats, please be careful and dont—“ 


“We sorry ”  


Heechul controlled his anger after watching how the triplets managed to ruin a full set of ornaments. The afternoon was chaos with all the kids trying to help and breaking stuff. Ryeowook had another accident as the boy was too busy ‘helping’ and didnt care at all about potty breaks. 


“If you need to pee, you can go potty” - Leeteuk told Eunhyuk as he recognized the weird dance the boy was doing - “The tree won’t go anywhere” 


“Nuh” - Eunhyuk refused to stop decorating. He was immersed into it as Heechul set the lights. 


“You are about to have an accident, my boy” - Heechul shook his head - “Lets take a break” 


Eunhyuk chuckled a bit after Heechul carried him to the toilet. The parent was exhausted by dinner time but the kids were euphoric. 


“Let’s decorate our rooms as well” - Kangin was trying to convince Heechul - “Pleeeeeeaaaaaaaseee” 


“There is still a lot to do” - Heechul fed Kyuhyun - “But there is plenty of time tomorrow” 


“Aaaaaaawww” - The kids complained since their Christmas activities would have to wait until the next day. 


The whole week was filled with chaos and a lot of laughter. Suddenly, Leeteuk found himself living in a Christmas paradise. Heechul even took the kids to the mall to meet Santa. Siwon cried frightened and ruined every single picture Heechul took. 


“I guess he didn’t change at all” - Heechul was having fun watching the pictures in his computer - “Hey Teuk, wanna see something funny?” 


“Oh my~ that’s so cute” - Leeteuk was touched as Heechul showed him a few pictures of the previous Christmas. The boys were so small. 


“They have grown a lot” - Heechul said pleased - “Look at those fat balls”


He was referring to the twins that were just around nine months old at that time. 


“They couldn’t even walk” - Heechul was also touched - “Look at the triplets ruining the tree” 


Heechul was doing ok until a picture of him and Gunhee came out. Leeteuk noticed the sudden change of mood. 


“Are you ok?” - Leeteuk worried about his friend’s mental health - “I’m proud of you. You are so brave” 


“Yeah... thank you” - Heechul covered his mouth - “I was just... shocked” 


Holidays started the very moment the kids got to stay home all day. Kangin loved the idea of almost three full weeks without school. Chaos was served once again when gifts started appearing under the tree. 


“No no! You can’t open it now!” - Heechul scolded Kyuhyun as the boy tried to rip the paper of a gift that wasn’t even for him - “You have to wait until Christmas” 


“Mine!” - Kyuhyun didn’t want to stop 


“No, that’s not yours” - Heechul grinned - “Kyunnie’s is that one” 


The boy’s eyes went even bigger when he realized the size of the package. Kyuhyun got excited now that he learned his gift was bigger than him. 


“This one says Kangin!” - Kangin chirped - “I hope it’s not clothes” 


“I bought you a pair of socks” - Heechul teased - “and a cute pajama” 


“Aaaaah” - Kangin shook his head - “I wanted a videogame or something cool” 


“There is also ice in the fridge” - Heechul teased again 


“What did you get me?” - Siwon asked amused by the parent’s clever answers 


“A monster” - Heechul joke maybe went too far - “one of those that you hate” 


Leeteuk lectured Heechul about his joke after Siwon dropped the present scared and started crying. Heechul got so much fun teasing him during Halloween, Leeteuk even accused the parent of being a jerk. 


“It was just a silly joke” - Heechul made a funny face that made the twins laugh - “Obviously, I didn't get him a monster. Those are too expensive and hard to find. I bought him—-“ 


“Don’t you dare to say it” - Leeteuk warned 


“A cute pair of socks” - Heechul changed his answer. He didn’t want Leeteuk to get mad at him 


“Wookie?” - Ryeowook asked Heechul about his gift - “Mine?” 


“Ah~ Yours is not here yet” - Heechul bit his lips - “I haven’t bought it yet” 


Ryeowook seemed sad. Heechul felt sorry but truth was he haven’t found what he wanted for the boy. 


“Wookie wants... zocks too” - Ryeowook pouted - “Wookie good” 


“Yeah, I know honey” - Heechul carried the now sad toddler - “I will buy you one, don’t worry” 


Leeteuk found cute how Ryeowook asked for socks since Heechul always teased about just buying those as Christmas gifts. He actually had helped the busy parent to choose some of the toys. Heechul took a lot of time thinking about what his kids wanted, lucky for him, the letters they made for Santa helped him a lot. 


“I know all they want thanks to the letters” - Heechul told Leeteuk - “but I fear I won’t be able to accomplish all their wishes” 


He didn’t understand why, but somehow, Heechul got affected by it. He wondered if it was the fact that it used to be Gunhee’s Job being Santa, or it was something the kids wrote. He was sure the triplets, Siwon and twins letters were normal since the boys didn’t know how to write and asked them for help.


“Tell me~~” - Leeteuk tried his best to get information as he tickled Kangin - “What did you ask Santa to bring you?” 


“I won’t tell you” - Kangin laughed - “its a secret!” 


“Are you busy?” - Yesung asked Leeteuk - “Would you do me a favor?” 


“How can I help you?” - Leeteuk smiled. Yesung started being less shy around him and he liked it 


“Can you take us to the mall?” - Yesung whispered - “Without uncle?” 


“Why?” - Leeteuk did a funny face - “Do you have a date or something?” 


“No! Gross!” - Yesung was disgusted by the idea - “I just wanna go buy something” 


“Are we buying a gift for your uncle?” - Leeteuk smiled 


“Yes, but you can’t tell him” - Yesung urged - “It has to be a surprise” 


“Yeah, Teuk” - Kangin pouted - “Please help us on this one. Dad won’t let us go outside without supervision” 


“Fine” - Leeteuk giggled - “Go get ready” 


The kids had a frozen smile while Leeteuk explained Heechul they were going out to the park. Leeteuk held his laughter as the kids were too obvious and Heechul probably realized they were lying long ago. 


“We brought our savings” - Yesung said proudly - “We have been saving money for this” 


“This year mom and dad are not here so they can’t buy him a gift” - Kangin explained - “Last year we helped them choose one but this time it’s only us” 


Leeteuk felt touched and maybe a little sad. He understood how hard was for Heechul and the kids considering it was their first time without the so called parents. He wondered who was suffering the most. 


“I think your uncle will be thankful with whatever you gift him” - Leeteuk told the kids - “It’s not only about the gift itself but the intentions” 


“Yeah, but I want to get him something he really likes” - Yesung held hands with Leeteuk - “This is silly, but I don’t really know what he wants” 


“Well, you sure know him better than me” - Leeteuk tried 


“Don’t try to fool us” - Kangin shook his head - “We know you also got him a gift. We won’t lose against you” 


“Oh C'mon” - Leeteuk felt guilty now - “It's not a competition” 


“No, it’s not” - Kangin agreed - “But we won’t lose” 


“What do you gift to someone that is rich and can buy whatever he wants?” - Yesung asked annoyed - “All I thought it could be a good gift, uncle bought it for himself” 


Leeteuk laughed. It was a good question actually. 


Next day, Leeteuk was humming a Christmas song when Ryeowook basically climbed him. 


“Oh, Ryeowook” - Leeteuk laughed - “That was unexpected” 


“Pwease hewp uzz” - Ryeowook did his best at pronunciation- “Gwitz” 


“Gifts? Are you still worried about your gift?” - Leeteuk found the kid cute - “I’m sure Dada will buy something nice for you” 


“Wookie... gwitz Dada... zockz” - Ryeowook tried again 


“Uhmm, no, actually Dada will gift Wookie a pair of socks” - Leeteuk giggled 


“Nuh” - Kyuhyun shook his head - “We buy zockz. Secwet” 


Ryeowook nodded expectantly. Leeteuk was now trying to decipher what the toddlers wanted. 


“Diz” - Kyuhyun showed the nanny a coin Heechul has given him once - “Mowney”


“Yeah, money” - Leeteuk was starting to believe he should buy a translator or something 


“Mowney buy ztuff” - Ryeowook explained - “Liwe zocks” 


“Ahh, you guys want to buy socks” - Leeteuk smiled as the twins nodded - “For Dada?” 


“Yay!” - The twins jumped excited 


Leeteuk had no heart to refuse the request. He just held his laughter as the twins took their job seriously as they had to choose each one a pair of socks for Heechul. 


“Diz pwetty” - Kyuhyun showed the babysitter the colourful socks he chose - “Dada love” 


“I’m sure he will love it” - Leeteuk held his laughter. (Heechul is going to laugh a lot) he thought 


Ryeowook took longer choosing. The boy finally got another colourful pair that of course, had little monsters printed on it. 

Leeteuk thought the little adventure was over when Ryeowook announced that he needed to pee. The babysitter ended taking the twins to the restroom without troubles, but in their way back, the kids got stuck at the toy store. 


“Wanna go inside?” - Leeteuk realized that the kids weren’t leaving without taking a look - “We can’t buy anything, alright? We came to search for Dada’s gift but we are not getting new toys today” 


“Ung” - The twins agreed 


Leeteuk was getting bored when he listened to a curious conversation. 


“I’m sorry ma’am, but this year they didn’t release any special toys” 


“That’s so weird” - The woman seemed upset- “I mean, it’s been years since they started producing them! And every single Christmas season—“ 


“They would produce the special ones” - A few people replied 


Leetuek got the chills. He was sure he had listened to the name of the company earlier. 


“I heard it’s because of what happened... you know... it was such a horrible thing” 


“Yeah, it must be hard for him” - another woman agreed - “I heard the couple had eight kids” 


“My husband works at the company and he says the man is devastated. Apparently, he used to be cheerful during the season but right now he’s like a ghost” 


“Must be hard for him...” 


Leeteuk felt sorry for listening to it. He was completely sure they were talking about Heechul and the company he owned and once shared with his brother. 


“Mewyy kwistmaaazzz!” - The twins almost kill Heechul from a heart attack


“Ah~ for me? Thank you, little bagels” - Heechul laughed. He knew that Leeteuk probably had a hard work because of them - “But I won’t open them today. I will open them during Christmas like anyone else” 


“Ung” - The twins didn’t get the difference but they were happy anyway. 


Leeteuk was busy inspecting a few catalogues he got from the toy store. He was actually looking for the toy Heechul was missing but couldn’t stop thinking about the conversation he listened. 


“Where did you get those?” - Heechul was chewing a candy cane he stole from the kitchen- “Did you take the kids to a toy store? Please tell me you didn’t buy anything... I hope I haven’t bought the same for the—“ 


“We didn’t buy anything” - Leeteuk interrupted - “We just went to look around” 


“Oh I see” - Heechul the candy in a provocative way - “Then why do you have that guilty face you do when doing something you know bothers me?” 


“Because... I may have listened to something I shouldn’t” - Leeteuk closed the catalogue. He couldn’t focus. - “Is there something you want to talk about? Anything you forgot to tell me?” 


“Like what?” - Heechul’s look turned defiant - “What happens with the company is none of your business” 


“No, but what is in your mind could be” - Leeteuk said calmly - “I don’t care about the company as long as it doesn’t affect the boys” 


“Well, not producing the special Christmas season related stuff will not affect my boys” - Heechul crushed a bit of the candy - “In fact, I don’t think they even care about it” 


“This is not about the toys nor any product of the company” - Leeteuk shook his head - “I just wanted to know if you are ok” 


“I am” - Heechul looked away - “Maybe I have eaten too much candy but I will be totally fine in a few hours” 


“I know your brother and you had an special relationship and enjoyed Christmas together” - Leeteuk tried again - “I also know you didn’t want to celebrate Christmas at all” 


“I don’t” - Heechul admitted- “But no one can’t skip Christmas having eight children” 


“Do you want to talk about it?” - Leeteuk worried Heechul was bottling up his feelings. He feared for it as it had happened before. He didn’t want to commit the same mistake again. 


“No, I dont” - Heechul folded his arms - “This is... difficult? Everyone in this house is so excited for Christmas and I am just... “ 


Heechul tried to keep talking but no word wouldn’t come out. He just shook his head and sat on his desk covering his face. 


“We have the same tree that the last year, and the year before it, and the one before it... and every single year I thought it was the best Christmas tree. So pretty. So beautiful” - Heechul voice cracked - “This year... I don’t see it pretty... I think it’s ugly. I... dont like the colourful lights that I used to watch Gunhee fight with, I don’t like the ornaments Hani chose carefully, I don’t like the stupid train I specially designed for our tree, I don’t like anything because every single thing of those keeps bringing memories and it hurts!” 


“It's ok” - Leeteuk consoled his friend - “I know it’s hard. I know I can’t do anything to help you with it but you are not alone. There is no need to suffer in silence” 


“I can’t take it away from them” - Heechul wiped his tears - “I cant take their Christmas away just because I can’t move on. Gunhee is gone. Hani is gone. I won’t ever have another Christmas like those because they are gone” 


Heechul cried for what it felt like an hour. Leeteuk felt sorry for causing the outburst but at the same time he felt relieved as Heechul was at least being honest. 


“It’s pretty late” - Heechul said after glancing at the clock - “Go to sleep. I promise I will try my best to survive this season” 


“Are you sure you are ok?” 


“I will get drunk with eggnog and eat a lot of candy canes. Then I will enjoy a good headache and a tummy ache” - Heechul replied - “That’s a Christmas tradition” 


“Please dont do anything stupid” - Leeteuk worried. 


In fact, he worried so much he couldn’t sleep. He decided to go make sure Heechul did went to bed. 


“He is not here” - Leeteuk cursed internally when he realized Heechul wasn’t sleeping in his bed. Lucky for him, he found the parent had just fell asleep in his office. 


“He was probably too tired” - Leeteuk muttered - “He is going to ruin these” 


The babysitter took a few paper sheets that were under Heechul’s cheeks. They seemed like the drawings Heechul often made for the kids. 


“Ryeowook, you truly inherited it from him” - Leeteuk smiled pleased seeing the cute drawings Heechul made 


Heechul woke up a few hours later without the headache he expected despite not drinking a single drop of eggnog. He woke up and realized he wasn’t alone. 


“What's this?” - Heechul was amused - “Who did this?” 


Leeteuk was having breakfast when he heard Heechul laughing. The crazy man entered the kitchen still half sleep and holding the teddy bear Leeteuk dressed for him. 


“Did you do this?” - Heechul seemed happy


“Well, I saw the drawings in your desk and the clothing didn’t seem hard to do” - Leeteuk just wanted to make him happy. He thought that if he dressed the teddy bear Heechul would find it cute - “I knitted it last night. I couldn’t sleep and it was too cute to not try it” 


“This is awesome” - Heechul nodded - “I love it. Everyone is going to love it” 


“Uhm, sure” - Leeteuk didn’t understand- “Just be careful, it’s been a long time since I knitted something and there could be mistakes” 


“You said you saw the drawings” - Heechul blushed - “Did you like them?”


“They are super cute” - Leeteuk was being honest  - “I saved them on your—“ 


And that was it. Heechul even left the house without having breakfast. Leeteuk wasn’t sure if he should call the police and warn them about the crazy man. The babysitter pretended that everything was alright for the kids’s sake. He was about to give Heechul a call when the man showed up for lunch. 


“I brought you something” - Heechul told

The kids - “Here” 


“Cute!” - The triplets chirped excited as they received new stuffed dolls. All kids received one. Even Leeteuk got one. 


“This...” - Leeteuk couldn’t believe it. It was really curious to see. 


“Those ‘ drawings’ were actually designs, Teuk” - Heechul explained - “I was the one in charge of creative design~ Gunhee used to do all the boring paper work. It was my job but ever since my brother died... ideas wouldn’t flow well. Yesterday after our talk, it felt like if my head started working again~ so I decided to stay up and do it” 


“You are the one that designed all that cute stuff?” - Leeteuk was shocked - “I knew you participated but I never thought those toys were actually your ideas” 


“Yeah, most of them” - Heechul chuckled - “Some turned out good, some were considered a failure. Most of them turned out really nice so~ I guess I am not that bad. Every Christmas season, I would design all kinds of toys~ It was a lot of work to do but I never felt burdened by it” 




“DEADLINE” - Gunhee pulled his brother’s ear - “Do you have any idea of the meaning of those words?” 


“No, and if you dont release my ear I won’t be able to hear them anymore” - Heechul's sassy response only made it worse for his ear - “IT HURTS!” 


“What is going to hurt is my heart if I miss Yesungie’s first meeting with Santa just because you can’t do your job on time!” - Gunhee complained - “ Geez! every single year we have the same problem. Why are you so bad at planing?” 


“Ideas don't come that easy. I need to be inspired” 


“Oh God” - Gunhee shook his head - “Nevermind. I will just cancel this year Christmas production” 


“Oh C'mon! We still have a whole month left” - Heechul whined - “You are just mad at me because I said I wouldn’t go to that stupid dinner” 


“Watch your mouth” - Gunhee warned - “It’s not a ‘stupid dinner’. It’s a family meeting! It’s Yesung’s first Christmas!” 


“So? He is a baby, he doesn’t care about that and he won’t remember anything” 


“So? Heechul, please” - Gunhee insisted 


“I won’t go. I hate those Christmas family meetings” - Heechul stuck out his tongue - “I will just stay here. Someone has to take care of the company while you enjoy holidays” 


“One day, in the future, you are going to regret it” - Gunhee scolded - “I hope you have a good Christmas” 


Heechul got startled when Gunhee slammed the door. He muttered a few words against his brother and went back to work. Hani knew him better. She got Heechul interested after sending him a cute picture of Yesung dressed as a reindeer. 


“What are you doing here now? Did you come to ruin my day?” - Gunhee blurted out as soon as Heechul crossed the door 


“Am I not welcomed?” - Heechul scratched his head 


“You always are” - Gunhee felt sorry - “C'mon in, Hani and I were decorating the house” 


“Can I help?” - Heechul shuddered - “I didn’t come to ‘ruin’ it. I just... I want to be part of it” 


“I know this year won’t be like the others. No crazy party like we used to do” - Gunhee teased - “We are parents now” 


“I don’t think I can enjoy Christmas being so healthy” - Heechul made a funny face. 


“I’m glad you are here” - Gunhee finally smiled sweetly- “Yesung will appreciate you were here” 


“What are you talking about?” - Heechul pouted - “He is just a baby” 




“This was Yesung’s first Christmas” - Heechul showed the kids an album full of cute pictures - “Your mom dressed you with that silly reindeer costume~ You cried tons when meeting Santa at the mall” 


“Its a pity I can’t remember that” - Yesung looked at the pictures - “I guess I’m lucky you were there~ At least you can share those memories with us“


(You were right. I would have regretted it. I’m glad I didn’t miss it) - Heechul looked at his kids with love. He couldn’t avoid smiling. 


“Oh! Yesung look! He smiled!” - Kangin bounced excited - “Santa granted your wish before Christmas!!” 


“What wish?” - Leeteuk turned to the boys 


“It was a secret” - Yesung pinched Kangin’s arm - “but I asked Santa to make Uncle happy” 


“I see” - Leeteuk realized now why Heechul got affected by the letters - “I hope he grants your wish” 


“He already did” - Yesung smiled pleased - “Uncle looks happier now” 


“No! Stop it!” - Heechul laughed hard while the triplets jumped on him - “Teuk! Help!” 


“DADA!” - The twins ran to rescue their dad from their siblings 


Next days started earlier than usual since the triplets woke up all days expecting Santa. They didn’t understand at all what it meant the calendar Leeteuk has set for them. 


“Kids, Santa wont come today” - Leeteuk yawned - “He will come tomorrow night and leave the gifts under the tre—“ 


“SANTA IS HEREEEE!” - the kids jumped on a poor man that was entering the house. 


“Oh God, I’m so sorry” - Leeteuk apologized to the mysterious old man that seemed amused by the kids 


“Don’t be, kid” - The old man laughed - “Leeteuk, right? I just wanted to give them a surprise but I ended being the one surprised” 


“Excuse me sir, but I don’t remember we have met earlier” - Leeteuk was trying to hold all triplets at once 


“I’m afraid we haven’t my friend” - The man smiled sweetly - “Those three have, but they probably can’t remember at all. They have grown so much” 


“Teuk, whats going on? Are those rascals giving you troubles aga— HOLY ” - Heechul woke up from his drowsiness as soon as he realized they weren’t alone - “What is he doing here?” 


“Who... is he?” - Leeteuk didn’t want to be rude, he was just curious since Heechul had showed that kind of reaction once - “Is he...?” 


“The devil’s lawyer” - Heechul widened his eyes 


“Devil’s lawyer?” - Leeteuk repeated. He was sure he had heard something related to it before. 


“What a way to call your Dad, Heechul” - The old man giggled as he fixed his glasses 


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Chapter 106: I miss this crazy family. I've been dying to know what is Teuk's call all about. I wish it will be a Ahn's and Teuk interaction
Chapter 106: Eonni... update 🙏🏻
mykyunie #3
Chapter 106: This story is so wonderful, so perfect.
I just love it and I can't wait for you to update again and see what else these cute kids get into.
We read later. Thank you very much for the chapter.
Pamira #4
Chapter 106: Yeni bölüm için çok teşekkürler. Bu hikayeyi okumaktan hiç bir zaman bıkmayacağım. Bu bölümde çok güzeldi.
HelenDamnation #5
Chapter 106: I love this story.
Kukuku13 #6
Chapter 106: Chapter 106: Yay, you finally updated! This big silly weird happy family, tho. why are they so funny i can't😂
Chapter 106: Authornim, you're back!🥹 and this crazy family as well 🤭

Watching TV is a good way to gain knowledge, so proud of Minnie here. But, like the saying goes, too much is bad, so don't do it fora long long time.

Henry being jealous of Cherry, aigoo, protesting by rooming out of Heeyeon's and Heechul's room. 😂

I knew Yesung's case is smelly armpits... and yes, it's hard to undergo puberty. Good thing he have supportive guardians

I wonder if Teuk's phone call with his real uncle is about his own schooling or his identity or a teaching oppurtunity?

I'm excited for Cheery's arrival... though I'm hoping for a teuk-centric as well. I wonder if they'll tell the kids regarding teuk's real attachment to them.

By the way, I find it cute when Hae and Henry fight for Teuk 🤭🥰, I like those moments, you know

I love everything, author, waiting for the next... 😊😊😊
Pamira #8
Chapter 105: Yeni bölüm istiyorummm
Chapter 105: Authornim, bogoshipeoyo, please update soon 🙏🏻
mykyunie #10
Chapter 105: I love it