The play doh realm fairy

Junior Quest

“Can you imagine his first word?” - Heechul said suddenly 

Leeteuk froze. Henry already talked… who was Heechul referring to?

“The bird” - Heechul smirked - “Steve” 

“I can’t believe you called him Steve!” - Yesung exclaimed - “It’s actually genius! it’s the same as Steve Irwin” 

“Or more like Steve Rogers” - Kangin liked it too - “That’s a super cool name” 

“It’s cute too” - Sungmin chirped - “very cute!” 

“What are these?” - Eunhyuk was holding a few hair clips he had found - “They are cute” 

“Boys, stop playing with your aunt stuff” - Heechul scolded - “It’s not nice to take her things” 

“Sorry” - the kids apologized right away 

“Oh no, it’s fine” - Heeyeon did a demonstration- “See? These are for the hair” 

“Awesome” - Eunhyuk nodded - “Can I borrow one, please?” 

“Ehm…” - Heeyeon looked at Heechul- “Sure…?”

“Those are for girls” - Kangin complained 

“But they are cute” - Sungmin grabbed one too - “It has an strawberry” 

“Bewy!” - Ryeowook was also pleased with the idea of wearing one 

“Kyu wants wewi” - Kyuhyun kept looking for one that had a penguin on 

“You can’t wear those outside” - Siwon worried - “People will say we are weird” 

“We are already weird” - Yesung interrupted- “And people already say so” 

“Why can’t boys wear pretty things too?“ - Sungmin was trying on a bracelet he found - “Girls have so many cute things” 

“Boys are cute too” - Heeyeon found cute how the kids were so immersed in her things - “And there are some things like these for boys” 

“Auntie” - Eunhyuk approached her with a serious face - “What was the name of the dance again?” 

“What dance?”

“You know” - Donghae did a silly demonstration - “when you were a fairy and did some spins” 

“They are talking about ballet” - Heechul helped - “They really liked your performance” 

“I would like to learn too” - Eunhyuk tried tiptoeing

Donghae did a spin and crashed with Eunhyuk. Both boys fell but laughed. 

“I can do this” - Sungmin did a perfect split on the floor 

The twins tried imitating him. 

“You are all good” - Heeyeon was so amused - “Let’s try a simple posture. Let’s see, put your arms up and do it like a circle…” 

“I wanna try too” - Yesung joined them in a silly way - “Like this?” 

“That’s it!” - Heeyeon encouraged them - “You are doing very well!” 

Suddenly, it was like if she was giving a ballet class. Most of the kids were trying to copy the movements and follow the instructions. 

“I worried the kids would get bored not having school” - Heechul was eating cereal - “But Heeyeon is like a new toy for them” 

“Shhh! I missed what she said” - Leeteuk complained - “And stop eating! You just ate!” 

“Dada!” - Henry got Heechul’s attention by imitating what his aunt did 

“Oh! You are also good at this!” - Heechul was pleased - “Let’s try putting some music on” 

All family was having fun. Heeyeon was dancing with them, then she suddenly sat. 

“Auntie, dance with us” - Eunhyuk took her arm - “Please?” 

“Cmon’ Cmon” - Donghae took her other arm - “You are our dancing fairy!” 

“Sorry boys” - Heeyeon was having a hard time catching her breath - “I guess I’m out of practice” 

“Are you ok?” - Yesung ran to her - “Do you feel sick?” 

“A little dizzy” - Heeyeon nodded - “Too much spins” 

The younger boys laughed when Heeyeon tickled them. Yesung seemed worried. 

“You should take a rest” - The kid wearing glasses said seriously 

“I’m fine” - Heeyeon smiled softly - “You don’t need to worry” 

“But I do” - Yesung pouted 

“Auwie!” - Henry patted her - “Auwieee! Auwieee!”

“It doesn’t hurt” - Heeyeon giggled at Henry’s baby words - “Im fine, for real” 

“I think ‘auwie’ is his word for ‘auntie’ “ - Leeteuk translated - “Henry seems to be very fond of you” 

“Auntie, can I call you mom?” - Eunhyuk sudden question caught them off guard 

“Can we?“ - Donghae asked shyly 

“Aw, that’s sweet but… isn’t it too soon?” - Heeyeon glanced at Heechul looking for help - “Like, you know, someday I will be your mom but—“ 

“I don’t wanna wait” - Donghae whined - “I want you to be my mom NOW” 

“We don’t have a mom” - Eunhyuk sulked - “And everyone has one” 

“We had a mom” - Kangin blurted out - “it’s not her fault you don’t remember” 

“But she is dead” - Sungmin said it so lightly, the adults worried

Siwon ran up stairs without warning. Leeteuk followed him worrying that the comments probably hurt him. 

“Oh, honey” - Leeteuk hugged the kid - “I know, I know” 

“Uncle” - Siwon was sobbing- “am I a bad boy? Sometimes… Sometimes I forget about mom” 

“No, sweetheart” - Leeteuk wasn’t sure of what to say - “it’s ok” 

“Sometimes I can’t remember her well” - Siwon explained with teary eyes - “I forget about how she looked or how she sounded” 

It made a lot sense, actually. Siwon wasn’t even four by the time he lost his parents. Most of his memories about his mom, were actually stories shared by his older siblings and the rest of the family. The fact he could remember her face was mostly because of pictures rather than his own memory. 

“Sweetie, you don’t need to feel bad for it” - Leeteuk spoke softly - “I’m sure your mom is very proud of you everyday”

“Uncle… do you remember her?” - Siwon asked in a low voice 

“I never met your mom so…” - Leeteuk wasn’t sure of Siwon’s question 

“No” - The kid shook his head - “Your mom. Before grandma became your new mom” 

“I never met her” - Leeteuk bit his lips - “I think” 

“Is she dead too?” - Siwon almost whispered 

“Maybe” - Leeteuk was getting a bit uncomfortable- “I don’t know” 

“Uncle” - Siwon hugged him - “It’s ok. You have us” 

“Thanks” - Leeteuk felt better 

Downstairs, things were heating up. 

“BECAUSE SHE IS NOT OUR MOM” - Kangin pointed at a startled Heeyeon- “THATS WHY” 


“Is it because you are not married yet?“ -  a tired Sungmin asked - “Why don’t you marry already?” 

“It’s not just about that” - Heechul couldn’t believe the triplets were… well, triplets - “It’s not that easy” 

“Maybe she doesn’t want to be our mom” - Kangin scoffed - “Give her a break” 

“That’s not—“ - Heeyeon was so flustered by Kangin’s words 

“That’s a lie!” - Eunhyuk cried - “You are so mean!” 

“Enough” - Heechul warned Kangin using a hand - “Its more than enough for today” 

“But she is going to be our mom, right?” - Donghae was also crying - “Right, daddy?” 

Heechul knew it would happen soon or later. After all, the triplets always wished for it. They were the ones telling everyone how they didn’t have a mom, or trying to get Heechul married. 

“Even if you didn’t want to be our mom, would you marry Papa?” 

“SUNGMIN” - Heechul called him with a stern tone - “Stop making questions” 

The boy just took a deep breathe and went to play with his plastic aliens. 

“Do you have a minute?” - Heeyeon asked Heechul- “So, on a scale from 0 to 10–“ 

“I don’t know” 

“I haven’t asked you anything yet” - Heeyeon complained- “So, on a scale—“

“Heeyeon, I already know the question and I have no answer for that” - the man sulked - “I don’t know how long should we wait for it… I don’t know if the others will get hurt… I don’t know if we should marry first…” 

“Yeah but what’s the plan” - Leeteuk interrupted them - “Are you going to keep ignoring the kids until you get an answer?” 

“I don’t care if the kids call me mom” - Heeyeon admitted as she blushed - “I still find it a little sudden but… it doesn’t bother me”

“You do know there is responsibility included with the title, right?” - Heechul made sure she understood the consequences- “It’s not only about changing diapers. They will expect you to act as their mom… so they will get even more attached to you and—“

“There is no way back, I get it” - Heeyeon agreed - “I promise I won’t hurt them. I think I have been preparing long enough for this. Im ready now” 

Heechul nodded. Leeteuk smiled. 

“DADA!” - the twins were crying - “DADA HEWP!”

“Oh, mischievous brats” - Heechul sighed when he found them trapped under furniture- “How many times I told you to not do this?” 


“Stop crawling under the couch challenge” - Heechul pulled both boys out - “What’s so interesting about the couch?”

“Monster” - the twins replied at the same time 

“There is no monster there” - Heechul laughed - “I already told you that” 

Ryeowook pouted. Kyuhyun shook his head. 

“You guys are brave during daylight hours but then at nights, you don’t want to sleep alone” - Heechul teased - “And I’m afraid there are no monsters in this house not matter what time is it”

Henry seemed scared. The toddler would cover his face and shiver. 

“See? You are scaring Henry too” - Heechul scolded the twins - “No more monster hunting or whatever you think you are doing” 

The twins exchanged naughty looks. Probabilities they would listen to their dad? Zero. A few minutes later, when Heechul wasn’t paying attention to them, and the kids were in their room plotting their new adventure. 

“Diz too” - Ryeowook kept pulling out a few things from their toy box - “A fwash’ligh’ “ 

“Uhum!” - Kyuhyun made sure of packing the flashlight inside the backpack they were using to store their tools

“Scwediwer” - Ryeowook was a menace compared to other toddlers. His high intellect and his curiosity were often too much to handle. 

“Dada say no” - Kyuhyun put away the screwdriver remembering what happened last time Heechul scolded them for having one - “No, no” 

Ryeowook thought for a moment and then held the screwdriver again. 

“We gonna open munzter house” - Ryeowook explained - “it’z Locked” 

“True” - Kyuhyun agreed this time - “Open monster house with diz” 

“What are you doing?” - Leeteuk caught the boys in the act - “Heeeeey, this is not a big but a huge NO” 

Heeyeon was shocked when Heechul emptied the twins backpack on the floor and the contents were revealed. 

“So, how did you get this?“ - Leeteuk was holding Ryeowook’s favourite screwdriver - “It’s not the first time you get it” 

Ryeowook played innocent by doing a cute face. 

“He is a brat” - Heechul didn’t seem surprised - “I thought I have put it out of his reach but… he probably found a way to get it” 

“He FOUND a way to get it” - Leeteuk corrected - “And that’s not the only thing that worries me” 

“Is that a fly swatter?” - Heeyeon was trying not to laugh - “For what exactly?“ 

“Killin’ monster” - Kyuhyun said convinced - “Kyu fightz monster” 

“And the net?“ - Heeyeon asked amused 

“Wookie wanna catch munzter” - The shortest twin explained - “Wookie’s pet” 

“I’m pretty much sure they are after a cockroach or something like that” - Heechul’s statement made everyone laugh - “Oh no, don’t laugh. It can’t be good” 

“I can’t believe the twins want another pet” - Leeteuk was all smiles - “This house is already a zoo” 

“Right, ten kids and four pets” - Heechul agreed - “Sounds crazy” 

“What?” - Leeteuk turned to his friend - “Ten? We have nine kids… right?” 

“If you say so” - Heechul was so playful Leeteuk couldn’t take it anymore 

“She IS, isn’t she?” - Leeteuk wouldn’t dare to say the word in front of the kids 

“I have no clue of what are you talking about” - Heechul stuck out his tongue 

“Mom, I’m thirsty” - Eunhyuk was putting on a show and Heeyeon fell for it 

“Oh, I will give you some water!” - The woman said nicely 

“See?” - Eunhyuk grinned - “she is our mom” 

“That proves nothing, idiot” - Kangin rolled his eyes - “She is just being nice” 

“Mom… hold me” - Donghae took it to the next level 

“Are you feeling sick?” - Heeyeon worried over Donghae’s clinginess - “Oh, you are so heavy!” 

“DONGHAE” - Yesung stormed into the kitchen - “YOU ARE TOO HEAVY FOR HER”
“Oh, no” - Heeyeon placed down Donghae and tried lifting Yesung - “See? I can—“
“Don’t do that!” - Yesung scolded her - “You are going to hurt your back!” 

“You are not that heavy” - Heeyeon teased - “And stop treating me like if I was an old lady”

“I’m not” - Yesung seemed sad now - “I just don’t want you to get hurt” 

“You are so sweet” - Heeyeon pinched the boy’s cheek - “But you have nothing to worry about. I’m a strong one” 

Yesung was about to say something but decided he wouldnt. Instead he just smiled a bit. 

“So, since you are our mom now” - Donghae pointed at the fridge - “Will you go to our graduation?” 

“Oh, your graduation” - Heeyeon was confused 

“They are graduating from daycare” - Heechul explained - “they are half excited half sad for it” 

“Sungmin is giving the speech” - Leeteuk said pleased - “Right, Minnie?” 

“What are you going to say in your speech?” - Heechul worried 

“Ladies and gentleman, it was a pleasure to share this time with you. Although it was a short journey, the real adventure begins now. May our paths cross again. Goodbye until then” 

“Now I don’t want to miss it” - Heeyeon chuckled - “make sure of recording it” 

“No! You are supposed to come with us!” - Eunhyuk pointed at leaflet again - “It says parents should come” 

“That’s daddy, uncle and mommy” - Donghae counted with his fingers 

“Ehm… are you sure there won’t be a problem? Maybe we are too many… most kids only take two—“

“We are three” - Sungmin interrupted - “So, if each kid can be accompanied by two adults and we are three, that makes six adults” 

“I didn’t know he could multiply” - Heeyeon was shocked - “You didn’t tell me”

“Because I didn’t know” - Heechul was surprised as well - “but well, he is one of the smart ones so…” 

“Heechul” - Leeteuk scolded as he pulled his brother ear  - “That’s wrong” 

Heechul liked to classify his children into two big groups: the smart ones and the not so smart ones.
Of course, Leeteuk and everyone else, found it offensive even as a joke. The babysitter often worried it could affect the kids self esteem. 

“Anyway” - Heechul glanced at Heeyeon - “I don’t know if your aunt would like to go”

“I would love it” - Heeyeon giggled - “I’m gonna get a cute dress for the occasion. Also, a lot of tissues” 

“Yes, please” - Leeteuk agreed - “I’m probably going to cry a lot” 

“Now that you talk about getting dressed” - Heechul laughed a bit - “I don’t have a problem lending you my clothes but… I think paying a visit to Mina won’t hurt anyone” 

“Oh, don’t you like me when I dress this cute?” - Heeyeon teased. Yeah, she ran out of her clothes earlier than expected (having nine kids meant she would get dirty) and they were behind schedule when it came to laundry. 

“I swear it never ends” - Leeteuk complained about it. 

“But yeah, you are right” - Heeyeon nodded - “I should go there and bring some of my stuff if I want to stay longer” 

“You could stay… forever” - Heechul smiled - “Just saying” 

“Heechul” - Heeyeon was calling him in an awkward tone - “Can you come?” 

“What’s wrong? I thought you said—“ - Heechul stopped when he spotted the problem - “WHAT ARE YOU DOING?” 

“SHE IS TRYING TO LEAVE!” - Donghae was holding Heeyeon’s right leg

“WE DONT WANT HER TO GO!” - Eunhyuk was attached like a cicada to the left leg 

“This is really fun” - Sungmin said as he held Heeyeon’s shirt 

“Stop it! You could hurt her!” - Heechul was busy taking the kids off - “That’s not nice, boys!” 

“But she is going to leave…” - Donghae was about to cry - “What if she never comes back?” 

“I’m just leaving for few hours” - Heeyeon explained- “I need to bring my stuff” 

“Can we go with you?” 

“No” - Heechul replied firmly - “Don’t be silly, boys. Your auntie will be back in just a few hours” 

“Our mommy” - Eunhyuk corrected 

“Can I call you ‘mama’ ?” - Sungmin asked softly 

“Mama!” - Henry chirped from the couch - “mama!” 

“This is your chance” - Heechul helped her scape as the triplets got distracted with Henry - “Good luck” 

“I promise I will be back” - Heeyeon as they kissed 

“MAMA” - Henry shouted annoyed when he saw through the window - “DADA! DADA!” 

“I know, she is going” - Heechul held the boy - “She is leaving for a while” 

As expected, Henry cried. He often cried when he saw people leaving. He loved having everyone around. Heechul had a hard time scolding the triplets. They made some silly questions as well. 

“Dada” - Kyuhyun climbed Heechul with skill - “I wuv you” 

“Awww, I love you too” - Heechul kissed him before coming back to his senses - “Why? What did you do know?” 

“Nothin’ “ - Kyuhyun pouted - “Kyu good” 

“Unlike your twin” - Leeteuk was holding Ryeowook with a hand - “He filled the bathtub and decided it was a good idea to throw in some clothes” 

“Dirty” - Ryeowook pointed out 

“It doesn’t matter if they were dirty or not, but now they are soaked” - Leeteuk sighed - “And you are not allowed to fill the bathtub for safety reasons” 

“Well, it could had been worse” - Heechul sat the kid next to his twin - “He could have used the toilet” 
“Wookie want’d hewp” - Ryeowook started crying 

Leeteuk felt sorry. He knew it was something the kids would do. 

“You were trying to help me with laundry?” - Leeteuk hugged the boy - “What a good boy, I’m so sorry. I didn’t know” 

“Ryeowook, if you want to help your uncle you should help him folding clothes” - Heechul yawned - “You guys are good at that” 

“Kyu too” - Kyuhyun followed his uncle - “Kyu helps” 

“Oh, I’m so lucky” - Leeteuk was amused by the fact the triplets got also interested- “Lets work hard” 

Folding clothes was something the younger kids could do without problem. They loved helping. They were good boys. 

“What’s this?” 

“That’s a—“ - Leeteuk froze for a moment - “That’s… your aunt’s underwear” 

“Oh” - Donghae seemed amused - “it’s cute” 

“Give it to me, I will do it” - Leeteuk blushed deeply sorry for seeing something so private 

“that is for s” - Sungmin was pointing at Eunhyuk wearing a bra - “It doesn’t go on the head” 

“But I look cool like this” 

“Boys” - Leeteuk was too nervous to laugh - “Don’t play with that” 

Of course, Leeteuk and Heechul didn’t take into account that the kids would now live with a woman. They were so used to Heeyeon that they often forgot the kids haven’t lived with a woman since Hani died. They were used to seeing their grandma, aunt and even Mrs Jung. But sharing the laundry basket with a girl? Also… Leeteuk started wondering if the kids were curious enough to see Heeyeon’s pads in the bathroom cabinet. He wasn’t sure of what to say if one of them asked him. Maybe he should talk it to Heechul so they made sure the kids were taught how to live with a girl. 

Heeyeon came back with a few briefcases. The older boys ran to her before anyone else could. 

“Let me help you” - Yesung carried one - “You shouldn’t lift weight” 

“That’s too much weight for you” - Kangin was also helping - “I will put it in your room” 

“I can help too” - Siwon carried a backpack that was lighter 

“Thanks..?“ - Heeyeon smiled cutely when Heechul took the last suitcase from her - “Oh, I really like this hotel” 

Heeyeon felt someone pulled her dress. It was Ryeowook. He was holding a cupcake with the other hand. 

“Do you want me to help you?” - She thought the kid wanted the paper out but instead the toddler offered it to her - “ah! For me?” 

Ryeowook nodded. He was playing coy today. 

“Thank you, I love it” - Heeyeon made sure of eating it right away. She knew kids could be sensitive when people rejected stuff - “You are all so sweet!” 

She spotted Kyuhyun hiding behind a cushion. He seemed like if he wanted to say something but was too shy. 

“Wanna sit with me?” - Heeyeon placed the boy on her lap - “Here you go” 

Heeyeon was so pleased with her welcoming. She felt so warm. Literally. Kyuhyun felt like a hot pack on her lap. Something told her it wasn’t normal. 

“Oh” - Heeyeon realized the kid leaked on her - “Did you have an accident? It’s ok, it’s nothing” 

Kyuhyun started to cry. Heeyeon held him like usual. She thought that he would feel better that way but the kid seemed uncomfortable in her arms. She then felt it again. 

“Ohhh” - Heeyeon felt stupid now that the toddler started peeing on her again - “It’s ok, it’s ok. Let’s go potty” 

Kyuhyun felt terrible as he couldn’t stop. Even if Heeyeon took him to the bathroom, he already had emptied his bladder on her. 

“Let see if you still have to pee~” - Heeyeon was so calm about it - “Tell me when you are done~” 

Kyuhyun kept sniffing. He wouldn’t dare to say a word. 

“Are you done?” - Heeyeon tickled his tummy a bit - “Alright, then I think is time to clean” 

She finished undressing him and washed him diligently. Kyuhyun was so embarrassed. 

“Are you always so quiet?” - Heeyeon kept talking to him like if nothing happened- “Do you want me to fill the tub with bubbles for you?” 

Bubbles. Kyuhyun couldn’t resist them. It didn’t matter how sad, sick, or upset he was… he never could refuse bubbles. 


“Let’s make some bubbles then” - Heeyeon chirped as she got everything ready - “You play here a bit” 

She gave him a few rubber ducks and a boat. Usually, that was a blast for him. If only he didn’t feel that guilty. Heeyeon was hand washing his clothes. He felt bad for giving her a lot work. 

“Heeyeon?” - Heechul was knocking the door - “Have you seen Kyuhyun?”

Kyuhyun wanted to hide so badly. 

“Come in, he is here” - Heeyeon replied 

“YOU TWAITOR!” - Ryeowook shouted from the bottom of his heart when he saw his brother playing with bubbles without him - “BUBBLES” 

“Whoah” - Heechul laughed - “What happened to your dress? Seriously? That quick? This most be a new sort of record” 

Heeyeon splashed water on Heechul’s clothes playfully. Ryeowook laughed. 

“It doesn’t matter” - Heechul was clearly amused - “I’m not the one that got peed on” 

“He had an accident” - Heeyeon explained very carefully - “It was my fault. He probably wanted me to take him potty and I didn’t understand” 

“Ha” - Heechul observed a very guilty looking Kyuhyun trying to hide behind his toys - “Sure. Why don’t you go take a shower? I will finish here” 

“These are ready” - Heeyeon showed Heechul the toddler clothes already washed - “You Can hang them to dry” 

“Thanks” - Heechul stopped the other toddler from undressing - “Not now, Wook. Go play with uncle, ok?” 

“Fine” - Ryeowook sighed defeated - “Bye Kyu” 

Heechul closed the door and turned to the toddler in the bathtub. He wasn’t sure how to address it. 

“Did you tell your aunt you wanted to pee?” - Heechul tried. He already knew the answer - “I swear I’m not angry. I just want to know” 

Kyuhyun shook his head. 

Unlike Heeyeon, who thought Kyuhyun would ask her to go potty, Heechul knew his kids already knew how to go pee by themselves. Specially taking into account they kept a potty for them to reach in case of emergencies. 

“Are you scared?” - Heechul asked softly - “You know I won’t scold you for this. She won’t either” 

Kyuhyun seemed about to cry again. Heechul made sure of hugging him first. 

“Its ok, it’s ok” - Heechul reassured - “Accidents happen” 

“You are so mean” - Eunhyuk said annoyed - “You peed on her” 

“Says the one that threw up on her two days ago” - Yesung scolded - “Kyu is still little. It’s normal” 

“I was sick” - Eunhyuk blushed 

“Kyunnie, dont pee on mom” - Donghae said without scolding - “Please?” 

Kyuhyun wasn’t feeling any better with his siblings reminding him what he did a few hours ago. They were having dinner now. Why couldn’t they just move on? 

“It’s not the first time someone pees on me” - Heeyeon admitted 

Leeteuk gave Heechul a disapproving look

“Not me” - The man hissed in self defence

“Oh” - Heeyeon shook her hand finding funny The misunderstanding - “I used to come here a lot when they were younger… So, I usually got peed on during diaper changes or when they started getting potty trained” 

“Who peed on you the most?” - Kangin asked amused 

“Yesung, I think” 

Yesung almost choked. 

“I’m so sorry!” - the kid was really red 

“Dont be” - Heeyeon giggled - “Most of the time it was my fault. I wasn’t that skilled changing boys  diapers and you were my first nephew” 

“Still, I’m sorry” - Yesung did a cute face - “I don’t do that anymore” 

Kyuhyun gathered all his courage to go and apologize for his unintentional behaviour. They were clearing the table when it happened. 

“Sorry” - Kyuhyun tried - “Kyu sorry” 

“For what?” - Heeyeon bent her knees to be the toddler’s size  - “Oh… that? It’s ok! For real!” 

They hugged. Leeteuk was watching they pleased until He noticed the toddler was crying. Heeyeon was asking him for help with her lips. 

It happened again. She had the kid next to her and then he started peeing himself. Heeyeon wondered if she touched some sort of button that activated that response. However, she didn’t want him to get upset about it and wanted to keep it as a secret from the others if possible. The problem is, when you have too many kids… someone will see. 

“KYU PEED ON HER AGAIN!” - Eunhyuk accused 

“Poor auntie” - Siwon sounded distressed 

“What?” - Heechul asked worried - “why? What happened?” 

Kyuhyun cried louder. Ryeowook was annoyed. The shortest twin hit the ones that snitched his brother. 

“Oh no” - Leeteuk was now busy separating the kids - “We don’t hit others” 

Heeyeon felt terrible as she handed over the crying kid to Heechul. 

“Go change” - Heechul muttered - “I’m so sorry” 

“It’s nothing” - Heeyeon wasn’t upset by any meaning. She just worried for the kid. 

“Kyu, let’s go wash” - Heechul said softly - “Ok? Don’t cry. It’s ok” 

Heechul faced another problem now: Kyu sudden potty fail. Two accidents in the same day were unlikely in a potty trained boy like Kyu. Still, he knew kids were kids and that it could happen so he decided he wouldn’t give it too much attention. 
Next day everything went well until the kids came back from daycare and Kyuhyun had an accident again. And then another one before bed time. 

“Four accidents in two days” - Leeteuk was concerned - “with no explanation” 

“Tomorrow we need to take the kids to the doctor for the check up” - Heechul was making plans - “So, I’m guessing we could ask him if this could be a side effect of medication or the fact they were sick not long ago” 

“Don’t you think is because of me?” - Heeyeon interrupted - “The four times I was close to him” 

“He was just fine with you” - Heechul shook his head - “Unless you have done anything to him, he was fine around you not long ago” 

Heeyeon was folding clothes and making sure every sock had its correct pair. She loved Heechul but his skills matching clothes . Now that she lived there, she promised herself she would dress the kids properly all time and not only when grandma was there. Also, Leeteuk’s ugly shirts? Out. 

“We are back” - Heechul sounded tired - “You won’t believe it” 

“Kyuhyun wets his pants because of me” - Heeyeon said without bating an eyelash - “I’m not upset, for real” 

“No” - Heechul stretched his face in a funny way - “They put Henry on a diet… they say he is too chubby “ 

“Aww” - Heeyeon pouted - “But he is cute” 

“Yeah… but little piggy had heart surgery and doctors worry about it” - Heechul sighed - “They say it would be better if Henry lose some weight” 

“Well, it’s not that bad” - Heeyeon kept folding clothes quickly - “We can manage” 

“Eunhyuk has cavities” 

“Not that bad either” - Heeyeon said in a low voice - “We will take him to the dentist and make sure he brushes well now” 

“Ryeowook needs glasses” 

Heeyeon stopped folding clothes. She took a while to respond. 

“How bad it is?” 

“Well, Uhm, is not that bad excepting one little problem” 

“NO!” - Ryeowook was hitting a tantrum at the door - “NO GWASSEZ!” 

“Ryeowook, it’s for your own good” - Leeteuk tried to calm him down - “I bet you will like them once—“

“NOOOO!” - The toddler ran to burrow his face in the couch - “NO NO NO NO” 

“There you go” - Heechul pointed at the upset toddler - “Our little problem” 

“Why he doesn’t want them?” - Heeyeon asked carefully 

“He is a toddler” - Heechul sighed - “His job is to say ‘no’ to everything” 
“That’s ridiculous” - Leeteuk complained - “He has all rights to be disgusted” 

“But he has no rights to refuse being educated” - Heechul rolled his eyes when Ryeowook hit Leeteuk - “You are in troubles, mr” 

“No!” - Kyuhyun was now literally stopping Heechul from getting to his twin - “Stop!” 

“Kyu? You know he is misbehaving” - Heechul tried negotiating- “I’m just going to put him in a time out” 

Ryeowook puffed his cheeks and then calmly, walked towards the playpen and searched for a small chair. He dragged it until he reached a corner. He sat facing a wall. 

“See?” - Heechul was amused - “He knows the rules” 

Kyuhyun, didn’t seem pleased. Instead, the toddler bursted into tears and ran to his uncle. 

“What’s wrong? Are you tired?” - Leeteuk held him - “maybe you guys are just tired and need a nap” 

After Leeteuk disappeared with the tallest twin and the shortest remained paying the price of his behaviour, Heechul decided to approach his girlfriend. She seemed deeply concerned and he felt like it was his responsibility to help her get adjusted to what it was like to feel that way towards your kids. 

“What if they are still sick?” - Heeyeon worried - “Kids get irritated when they are not feeling well” 

“They are fine” - Heechul reassured- “Don’t overthink it. Toddlers can be fussy” 

“I’m not sure if I can do a good job” - Heeyeon sighed - “There is something I haven’t…” 

They both looked around when they listened to the light footsteps of a toddler, presumably spying on them. 

“… told you” - Heeyeon finished the sentence - “I found the monster that was frightening the kids… I think I chased it away” 

“Really?” - Heechul followed the game - “Are you sure of it?“ 

“Very sure. It’s not coming back” - Heeyeon elaborated a little bit more - “It ran away so scared after I defeated it” 

“Oh whoah” - Heechul found it funny as he heard the toddler giggling - “How did you defeat it?” 

“I… I used my powers” - Heeyeon was actually struggling as she didn’t want to laugh that badly - “You know, those fairy powers” 

“Unbelievable” - Heechul was having a hard time as well. He was actually tearing as he tried not to laugh and sound convincing. 

“DID YA KILL MONSTEH?” - Ryeowook was jumping excited - “WEALLY?” 

“Oh no, I just scared it so it wouldn’t come back” - Heeyeon didn’t like the idea of becoming a murdered even if it was just part of the toddler’s imagination- “I didn’t kill it” 

“You know why your aunt could beat the monster?” - Heechul wasn’t going to waste the opportunity- “Because she can see it well” 

He offered a pair of little glasses to the toddler who gently rejected them and shook his head. 

“You lyin’ !” - Ryeowook chirped amused before running upstairs - “Gotta tell Kyu monsteh iz gone!” 

“Do tell him” - Heechul smirked- “And apologize to your uncle” 

“Ok” - Ryeowook nodded in agreement from the stairs. Heeyeon laughed. 

“He is so freaking cute” - Heeyeon was still laughing when she caught Heechul looking at her in a very soft way - “what? What’s going on, silly?” 

Heechul kissed her. Heeyeon blushed deeply. 

“Are you sure of this?” - She whispered - “The kids could see us” 

“The only one that saw us was Teuk” 

“And I swear it wasn’t my intention” - Leeteuk’s voice echoed - “I was just looking for a penguin plush” 

“Oh, I washed it” - Heeyeon snapped - “Oh my, it was my fault… I forgot Kyuhyun takes naps” 

“No problem” - Heechul shook his head - “I will go upstairs and tell him the penguin went for a swim or something” 

“It’s going to be ready for the night” - Heeyeon told Leeteuk - “I forgot about the naps. I smelled the penguin and didn’t think twice! You won’t believe it but I swear it smelled like—“ 

“Like tuna” 

“Yeah! Exactly!” - Heeyeon was shocked Leeteuk would get it - “ Wait, how do you know that?” 

“Because I have seen Kyuhyun ‘feeding’ his penguin tuna sandwiches” 

Heeyeon did a painful expression. 

“It’s not that bad” - Leeteuk teased - “we can always wash it” 

“It’s not that” - Heeyeon was breathing oddly - “It hurts” 

“Where?” - Leeteuk worried even more when he saw Heeyeon’s face - “Maybe you should sit just in case… I—I will call Heechul” 

“Dont” - She suddenly grabbed his arm - “Please” 

“Heeyeon, this is not a game” - Leeteuk warned her - “You probably need a doctor right now” 

“Then you take me” - Heeyeon begged - “But please, not a single word to Heechul” 

“You do realize you are asking me to lie” - Leeteuk kept complaining at the hospital 

“Not a good timing for scoldings” - Heeyeon was almost crying - “Could you please save it for later? I promise that I will endure my lecture after I know for sure this is nothing” 

“Sorry” - Leeteuk was nervous as well. He didn’t know what to expect - “I’m sorry, you are totally right…” 

“Miss Ahn?” - A nurse called - “the doctor will see you now” 

“Again?” - Leeteuk was concerned 

“They need to explain the results” - Heeyeon paled even more - “Teuk, I can’t” 


“Miss Ahn?” 

“You are coming with me, r-right?” - Heeyeon was holding his hand - “Please? I can’t do it alone…” 

Leeteuk couldn’t say no under those circumstances. Deep inside he wished for the nurse to stop him, but nothing happened as she just nodded to him like encouraging. 

“God” - Leeteuk thought - “She must think I’m your boyfriend” 

“There is nothing wrong with that” - Heeyeon replied softly as they sat at the consulting room 

“Oh, Miss Ahn” - The doctor arrived with a large folder - “I think we have some interesting news” 

“What kind of news?” - Heeyeon shook her head in denial - “You said everything is fine but that folder is way too big” 

“These are your following dates and appointments” - the doctor started giving her a lot of paper sheets - “And these are the results of the tests ran today plus our diagnosis” 

“Alright…” - Heeyeon had her hands busy so she started passing a few sheets to Leeteuk who widened his eyes as soon as he read the number of doctors that would see Heeyeon in the upcoming weeks 

Heeyeon was just staring blankly at the results.

“What’s wrong with her?” - Leeteuk panicked a bit as he asked the doctor in the lowest voice possible- “I don’t understand—“

“Congratulations, it looks like you are going to be an uncle” - The doctor smiled to him 

“Teuk” - Heeyeon called him softly as she smiled - “It says the baby is fine” 

Leeteuk didn’t know why but he felt so happy he hugged Heeyeon. And then the doctor. He was still waving in a silly way by the time they were leaving. 

“Oh my” - Leeteuk’s heart was beating fast - “Heechul is going to kill me” 

“Why?” - Heeyeon was so excited as she looked at the pictures - “We got him pictures of his future… son? daughter? They said they couldn’t tell” 

“And that’s why you are having another ultrasound in two days” - Leeteuk was so confused. He was happy yet worried. He felt euphoric yet upset? He couldn’t understand at all how he felt 

“Hey, look who just came back” - Heechul was waiting for them right in the front door - “Next time you can leave a note: hey, we went on a date and left you with the kids” 

“WE ARE PREGNANT” - Heeyeon kissed him 

“Not mine” - Leeteuk said almost automatically when Heechul’s eyes were on him - “I swear” 

“Of course not, silly” - Heechul blushed - “I know the kid is mine, duh” 

“Somehow I expected a bigger reaction” - Heeyeon pouted - “Bad timing?” 

“You just came from the hospital, didn’t you?” - Heechul hugged her tightly - “I was so scared” 

The silly duo was so immersed in telling the good news they haven’t realized Heechul’s red and puffy eyes.

“You cried” - Leeteuk felt stupid - “We are sorry… We should have told you” 

“It was my fault, I told him I didn’t want to worry you” - Heeyeon sulked - “I was sure you didn’t know yet” 

“How couldn’t I?” - Heechul smiled softly - “Of course I knew, my pumpkin” 

“You said nothing” - Heeyeon blushed - “How long…?” 

“He probably found the results” - Leeteuk face palmed himself - “We forgot to look for those with all the salmonella crisis” 

“Right” - Heeyeon agreed 

“What results?” - Heechul tilted his head - “I just kept track of… you know” 

“You kept track of my periods?!” - Heeyeon was shocked - “Even I forget to do so. It’s incredible you could do it with all work you have” 

“That and some signs were pretty obvious” - Heechul scoffed - “The cravings. You smelled like popcorn and candy most of the time”

Leeteuk froze. He had seen Heeyeon eating junk food all that time not noticing those were cravings. 

“The mood swings?” - Heechul listed them all - “Morning sickness during our  Christmas trip?” 

“But I… I took a pregnancy test there” - Heeyeon recalled - “and it was— ” 

“You know it can happen during the first weeks when the hormone levels are not high enough, right?” - Heechul smiled amused 

“You knew that and you kept it to yourself” - Heeyeon said bitterly 

“I kept it for myself for the same reason you did” - Heechul looked down - “I didn’t want…”

“… to see you suffer if anything went wrong” - Heeyeon cried - “Oh, Heechul!”

“We are having a baby!” - Heechul lifted her - “Henry is going to be an older brother!” 

“And he is going to hate it!” - Heeyeon laughed 

Leeteuk felt overwhelmed. He was just standing there when the couple hugged him as well. 

“AND YOU ARE GOING TO BE AN UNCLE AGAIN!” - they shouted between tears 

“I’m so happy” - Leeteuk felt his tears rolling down. Suddenly, all his feelings were just too much to keep them shut - “AND SO ANNOYED! YOU COULD HAVE TOLD ME EARLIER INSTEAD OF JUST TEASING ME, KIM HEECHUL! AND YOU! HOW COULDNT YOU KEEP TRACK OF YOUR OWN P— DONT LAUGH!“ 

“We love you” - Heechul kissed his cheek - “And the new baby will love you too” 
“Speaking of that” - Leeteuk calmed a bit just enough to use his revenge card - “I already saw it~ “ 

“What? Seriously?” - Heechul was now upset - “You saw the baby? It’s not fair!” 

“Ah, yeah the pictures of the ultrasound” - Heeyeon searched for them in the folder 

“So?” - Heechul was nervous - “Boy or girl? Wait, no! Don’t tell me! No, wait! I do want to know… Wait! I’m not ready!” 

Heechul was still covering his face using his hands when he felt smooth fingers removing them. Heeyeon was being so gentle despite being excited. 
When he opened his eyes to take a quick look, she was holding a few images in front. 

“Our baby” - Heechul cried from happiness - “There is our baby!” 

“How could you see it so easily?” - Leeteuk scratched his head - “It took me a while” 

“For the same reason I could tell my girl is pregnant” - Heechul stuck out his tongue - “I already have nine kids, remember? Gunhee couldn’t go to all appointments, so I used to go with Hani a lot” 

“You missed the first ultrasound even though it was at the ER” - Heeyeon pouted - “But Leeteuk did well” 

“Now that you mention it” - Leeteuk tilted his head - “The doctor knew this kid was going to be my nephew/niece. I didn’t know Heechul already figured in your clinical record” 

“He doesn’t” - Heeyeon giggled- “I mean, since we are not married yet there is no way they could have known you are Heechul’s brother” 

“They probably thought you were Heeyeon’s brother” - Heechul agreed - “You look a lot like her family. That’s why people never doubt you are the kids uncle either” 

“Really?” - Leeteuk stared at Heeyeon- “I don’t think we look alike” 

“Heechul” - Heeyeon was in her own world - “If you didn’t find the results, then, where are they?” 

The adults remained silent for a while. Then, they got the chills. Somehow, they knew. 


[ A FEW DAYS AGO. During salmonella crisis]

“H-E-E…” - Ryeowook was reading out loud - “Y?” 

“No C?” - Kyuhyun asked confused - “H - E - E - C - H - U - L “ 

“No” - Ryeowook shook his head - “Heeyeon” 

“Auntie?” - Kyuhyun was confused - “No dada?” 

“Aaaaaaahn Heeeeeeeeyeeeeeeoooooooown” - Ryeowook read in a funny way - “These no dada! Auntie!” 

“Oops” - Kyuhyun giggled - “We got e’ wrong ones”

“Uhum” - Ryeowook nodded as he shrank his shoulders- “Neve’ mind”

“What says?” - Kyuhyun was full of curiosity 

After a while playing a reading game, the toddlers came across the word ‘pregnancy’. Of course, they didn’t know what it meant. 

“Auntie zick?” - Kyuhyun worried - “Pwewancy? Iz bad?” 

“I dun know” - Ryeowook puffed his cheeks - “Ask dada?” 

“No, no dada” - Kyuhyun shook his head - “Uncle?”

“Yeye” - Ryeowook was sure they could trust their older brother. He wouldn’t get mad at them for playing with something they shouldn’t. 

“Uh? What’s going on?” - Yesung was in a bad mood since he was feeling ill - “You are not supposed to be here. Don’t wander around the hospital by yourselves” 

“Whazz pwegancy?” - Both toddlers asked 

“What?” - Yesung was feeling weak. He usually could understand the twins quickly but today he wasn’t in a good shape - “What did you do now?” 

“Ehm” - The twins exchanged weird looks - “No tell dada”

“My, my” - Yesung took the folded paper sheets the toddler gave him - “Wait a minute” 

Yesung sat carefully. He read the results not once, not twice… he read them so many times he lost count. 

“So?” - Ryeowook was climbing the bed - “Bad?” 

“She is pregnant” - Yesung said in a low voice - “Oh my God” 

“So?” - Ryeowook insisted 

“Don’t you dare telling anyone” - Yesung warned them - “no one can know you read this” 

“Uhum” - Ryeowook nodded. He didn’t want a scolding so, he thought it was better to do what Yesung told him and pretend they didn’t read it. 

But curiosity was something toddlers couldn’t fight longer. Yesung took away the papers but not their concern.

“What’s pwewancy?” - Kyuhyun asked Siwon 


“Like diz” - Ryeowook spelled it on a napkin using a crayon - “Ya know?” 

“Uhmmm” - Siwon doubted for a second - “Pregnancy… like a woman being pregnant?” 

The toddler weren’t sure but they could swear they heard Yesung saying something like that. 

“Yeah?” - Ryeowook tried 

“It means is having baby” - Kangin said from behind - “You know, our mom used to be pregnant all time” 

“Baby?” - The twins eyes grew bigger - “WHEWE?” 

“Where? Well, In the mother’s tummy” - Kangin explained - “then, after a few months, the baby is born” 


“No” - Kangin laughed - “It won’t hatch from an egg. The mom has the baby in her belly for a long time and then one day they come to the hospital and the baby is out” 

Being one of the elders, Kangin saw his mom getting pregnant before. Of course he didn’t understand most of it but at least he knew the basics. 

Ryeowook and Kyuhyun just exchanged looks. They were trying to make the connection. They have read the word pregnancy in something that had their auntie’s name. 

A few days later, another situation reminded them about that word. Some of the older kids were discussing about calling Heeyeon ‘mom’. 

Heechul was scolding the triplets from clinging into Heeyeon to prevent she left. 

“She is not a toy” - Heechul said - “and not a pet. She is a human being like me and uncle” 

“We know that” - Eunhyuk scoffed 

“And we know she is a girl” - Donghae said in a funny way - “We understand” 

“She is your girlfriend” - Sungmin did a heart - “and you love her! We love her too!” 

“Daddy, If auntie is your girlfriend” - Donghae always did those questions when Heechul less expected it - “then you can have more babies?” 

“Maybe” - Heechul wasn’t going to lie - “Sometimes when a couple love each other and they spend a lot of time together… it can happen” 

The twins were listening. They remained quiet so Heechul wouldn’t notice their presence. 

“baby” - Ryeowook said to Kyuhyun- “Auntie’s tummy” 

Kyuhyun panicked. What was he supposed to do? He wasn’t sure if he could handle another Henry. What if another baby just showed up in his house? 
Also, was auntie going to be his mom too? He and his twin couldn’t remember their mother… somehow, having a mom was something he didn’t desired often but, there were times in which they felt out for not having a mom. 

“Kyu?” - Ryeowook tilted his head - “You zad?” 

“Dun know?” - Kyuhyun’s heart was beating fast. He was so excited yet nervous. 

[End of flashback] 

“I swear Yesung knows” - Heechul cursed internally - “I just hope he keeps his mouth shut” 

“Eventually, we need to tell the kids” - Leeteuk sighed - “I mean, if they are having a new sibling… they probably should know” 

“Yeah but…” - Heeyeon wasn’t so sure - “Isn’t it too much? I mean, I think is already a big deal I’m moving with you. Telling them another baby is coming could make them anxious” 

“I agree” - Heechul nodded - “We should keep it a secret for a few weeks and then tell them” 

“Maybe you Can pull another ‘Henry’ and bring the baby home without warning” - Leeteuk teased 

“Very funny but we can’t hide her belly forever” - Heechul pointed at Heeyeon who just blushed - “Kids are not that stupid” 

“We should keep the secret from the others as well” - Leeteuk couldn’t believe his own words - “Let’s just wait until you guys are ready” 

“I’m going to be a mom!” - Heeyeon hugged them merrily 

“Of a whole soccer team” - Heechul teased 

“And two birds, a raccoon and a turtle” - Leeteuk added 

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

Author notes: 

About Ryeowook and Kyuhyun 


Ryeowook is a very smart kid that learned how to read by watching Heechul teaching the triplets. He also practiced a lot by himself and taught his twin. 
The adults don’t really know how much they have improved. Ryeowook is very fond of the abc while Kyuhyun prefers numbers. 

Mommy issues 

The twins were too young by the time Gunhee and Hani died. They can only remember Heechul and Leeteuk as their caregivers. Unlike the triplets who have always wished for a mom, they are still doubtful. Now that they are a little older and have a better understanding of the world they live in, they have started to realize most kids have moms. 
Ryeowook and Kyuhyun loved Heeyeon as their auntie. Would they like her as their mom? 

Ryeowook’s eyesight 

It’s been hinted in the previous chapters that he needed glasses. Kyuhyun complains of his twin misreading letters and numbers, Ryeowook keeps crashing with stuff and Leeteuk mentions he has gotten clumsier. 

Kyuhyun’s potty fails 

He is a toddler and there are several reasons why he could be experiencing a regression. 

Author comments 

Can you guess the boys reactions to having another sibling? ;) 

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Chapter 106: I miss this crazy family. I've been dying to know what is Teuk's call all about. I wish it will be a Ahn's and Teuk interaction
Chapter 106: Eonni... update 🙏🏻
mykyunie #3
Chapter 106: This story is so wonderful, so perfect.
I just love it and I can't wait for you to update again and see what else these cute kids get into.
We read later. Thank you very much for the chapter.
Pamira #4
Chapter 106: Yeni bölüm için çok teşekkürler. Bu hikayeyi okumaktan hiç bir zaman bıkmayacağım. Bu bölümde çok güzeldi.
HelenDamnation #5
Chapter 106: I love this story.
Kukuku13 #6
Chapter 106: Chapter 106: Yay, you finally updated! This big silly weird happy family, tho. why are they so funny i can't😂
Chapter 106: Authornim, you're back!🥹 and this crazy family as well 🤭

Watching TV is a good way to gain knowledge, so proud of Minnie here. But, like the saying goes, too much is bad, so don't do it fora long long time.

Henry being jealous of Cherry, aigoo, protesting by rooming out of Heeyeon's and Heechul's room. 😂

I knew Yesung's case is smelly armpits... and yes, it's hard to undergo puberty. Good thing he have supportive guardians

I wonder if Teuk's phone call with his real uncle is about his own schooling or his identity or a teaching oppurtunity?

I'm excited for Cheery's arrival... though I'm hoping for a teuk-centric as well. I wonder if they'll tell the kids regarding teuk's real attachment to them.

By the way, I find it cute when Hae and Henry fight for Teuk 🤭🥰, I like those moments, you know

I love everything, author, waiting for the next... 😊😊😊
Pamira #8
Chapter 105: Yeni bölüm istiyorummm
Chapter 105: Authornim, bogoshipeoyo, please update soon 🙏🏻
mykyunie #10
Chapter 105: I love it