Let’s go summer!

Junior Quest

“Are you some kind of rodent? Stop doing that! It’s disgusting!” - Heechul complained 


“Uh? Ah. Sorry, it’s an habit of mine” - Gunhee stopped bitting his nails - “Hani also complains about it” 

Heechul rolled his eyes and went back to his work. He was sketching some new designs when his brother disrupted his peace again. 


“So... that’s a yes, right? You are coming” 


“You know I just can’t say no” - Heechul sulked - “If I told you I don’t want to go, you would still convince me otherwise” 


“Its a lost battle, isn’t it? You will love it. I promise” - Gunhee pinched Heechul’s cheeks - “Also, the kids will love it” 


“Yeah... the kids” - Heechul twisted his lips - “Are you sure this is not some kind of trick to have a free babysitter?” 


“Don’t you love the beach?” - Gunhee widened his eyes - “I was told you loved it~” 


“Uhm... I don’t think I can enjoy the beach as it fullest potential if they are around” - Heechul raised his eyebrows- “I don’t think kids mix well with and alcohol” 


“There are some other ways of having fun” 


“I like swimming but those fat balls you call ‘sons’ have short legs and don’t know how to swim” - Heechul scoffed - “I bet they will only eat sand. It’s going to be boring” 




“Dad? Heeeeeeeey” - Kangin was trying to get a reaction from Heechul- “You have been staring at the same pictures for over an hour!”


“Sorry, I got nostalgic” - Heechul smiled a bit - “What did you want?”


“Summer is coming” - Kangin sat next to Heechul - “and you promised us that this year we wouldn’t go to summer school, remember? You promised” 


“Yeah, I know. Last year I had no choice, boy” - Heechul still felt guilty for that - “I couldn’t allow you to be free for over a month...” 


“But this year is different, right? You won’t send us to summer school, right?” 


“I already said I would keep my promise” - Heechul sighed - “What do you want?”


“Uhm... my friends are going to a summer camp” - Kangin shrank his shoulders - “I wondered if—“


“No” - Heechul replied instantly- “That’s definitely a no” 


“Why not?” - Kangin protested - “You only have to pay and you will get rid of me for over a week!”


“That’s sounds tempting” - Heechul stretched - “but no” 



“Why not? Kids must find it fun” - Leeteuk was cleaning after Henry’s breakfast mess - “I always dreamed about going to a summer camp” 


“But did you experience one?” - Heechul hissed - “Those are a total nightmare. Summer camps are filled with lice, diseases, mean kids...” 


“So, you got a trauma with those” - Leeteuk observed how Henry tried to imitate the way Batman ate by burrowing his face inside a cereal bowl - “Some kids like that type of stuff. Maybe Kangin would actually like it” 


“I’m not rescuing him after one day” - Heechul folded his arms - “I would die of stress knowing that he is suffering” 


“Mmmm, and your plan for this summer is?” - Leeteuk was once again offering a spoon to Henry - “The Kids will drive you crazy after one week locked in the house” 


“The only ones getting actual vacations are Yesung, Kangin and Siwon” - Heechul stretched - “I already signed the younger ones for daycare” 


“Oh” - Leeteuk widened his eyes - “They are going to daycare anyway? Even if their brothers get to stay home?”


“The boys love daycare” - Heechul smiled - “They are living full vacations all time” 


“I was thinking of teaching Henry to swim” - Leeteuk held the youngest member of the family. Henry grabbed his uncle’s face with his sticky hands in a playful way - “I heard that it could be good for his health” 


“Well, you already got your license” - Heechul winked - “You just need your own car so you can drive Henry to—“


“Nuh” - Leeteuk pouted - “I got the license because you wanted me to have it. I never said I would like to use it... Also, I was thinking of teaching him here”


“We own a water park” - Heechul made Henry laugh by tickling his feet - “Just saying” 


“That’s right... maybe you can take us this weekend” - Leeteuk smiled sweetly- “Please?”



Heechul had no heart to refuse after his children started asking him for the pool all days. Even if he was tired after a long week filled with work, a day at the water park was tempting. 


“Uh oh, look at that sky” - Leeteuk sulked - “It’s going to rain” 


“No! It can’t rain today!” - Heechul was already dressed for the pool - “Oh man, not today!” 


“Sadly, it seems like the universe has other plans” - Leeteuk saw how the younger trio got scared after the first lighting - “I think today is a home stay day” 


“UHHHH” - Siwon was having a hard time accepting the reality- “I wanted to play outside!”


Unlike his older siblings, the four years old couldn’t go outside by himself and therefore once he got his school break, it meant he was under house arrest. He could only go outside and ride his bike if Leeteuk or Heechul were around. 


“I don’t wanna stay home!” - Siwon was hitting now a tantrum - “You promised me we would play outside today!”


“I know! But I cant control the weather, can I? It’s not my fault!” - Heechul was also hurt by the fact he understood Siwon’s dissatisfaction- “We can play videogames or...” 


“UHUUUU!” - Donghae was crying now - “Daddy! Daddy! Kyunnie hit Hae!”


“Kyuhyun” - Heechul twisted his lips. Lately, the tallest twin had started to become a little violent towards his older siblings - “Hitting your siblings is a no no” 


“PFFFTTTT!” - Kyuhyun’s insolence ended in a punishment. The toddler was locked inside Henry’s crib only to get freed by his twin in just a few seconds. 


“Kim Ryeowook” - Heechul’s patience was reaching his limit - “That’s not how it works” 


“Bad” - Ryeowook gave Kyuhyun a slap only resulting in a crying toddler 


“That’s not it either” - Heechul wasn’t sure if he should laugh or cry. Maybe both. He was starting to believe that sending all his kids to a summer camp didn’t sound that bad. 


“Come here, little troublemakers” - Yesung Carried Both Twins with difficulty. They were heavy when together - “Dada is going to have a any moment” 


“Hae wanna see fish!” - Donghae was holding his small pool toy - “Fish! Fish! Fish!”


“But honey, fish doesn’t live in the pool anyway~” - Leeteuk laughed - “They live—“


“IN THE SEA!” - the triplets chirped happily 


“That’s right” - Leeteuk smiled - “Like crabs and many other creatures” 


“Have you ever seen a real crab? Alive?” - Sungmin asked amused 


“Mmmm... not that I remember? Maybe at the aquarium” - Leeteuk got confused as Heechul was now staring at him with a suspicious look - “Definitely at the aquarium” 


“Have you gone to the sea?” - Donghae was now searching for his favorite book - “Is it pretty? It must be beautiful” 


“I haven’t” - Leeteuk scratched his head - “I lived far away from the sea and... to be honest, I have always wanted to go but never got the... time?”


Heechul ran at full speed to his office. Leeteuk feared the poor man could having the Yesung predicted. He peeked a bit and saw Heechul on the phone. He decided to go away not wanting to interrupt. The surprise came a few hours later during lunch time. 



“EHHHHHHH?!” - The whole family was shocked 


“For real? You are not teasing us, right? Are you lying to us?!” - Kangin’s eyes were never so big - “Is this some kind of trick?”


“It’s not” - Heechul kept eating as usual - “Why are you so shocked? You guys told me you wanted vacations” 


“Yeah but... we never expected something like this” - Yesung was also in awe - “Are you sure this is ok for you?”


“Totally” - Heechul found Yesung’s question strange - “We can afford it, is that is what you mean” 




“HAE GONNA MEET FISHY!” - Donghae interrupted his older brother - “DADDY! HAE GONNA SWIM WITH FISHY!”


“fwizzz!” - Henry clapped his hands and bounced excited - “Fwizz! Fwizz! Fwizz!”


“Kyu plays too” - Kyuhyun mimicked Donghae - “Kyu zwims Too” 


“Are you sure of this?” - Leeteuk whispered - “Traveling with so many children is not easy and—“ 


“I know” - Heechul did that painful expression he often did when he got reminded of how many sons he had - “But I also want to gift them this. I mean, they deserve proper vacations and family time. I just... I want to make some memories with them” 


Leeteuk’s heart jumped. Somehow, he could feel he was as excited as the kids. Going on a family vacation was sure one of his dreams...




... or maybe a nightmare. 


Leeteuk was trying to calm down the crying baby while Heechul returned from his third trip to the plane’s toilet. The poor adults had no rest since they arrived at the airport and the flight felt too long. 


“Are we there yet?” - Eunhyuk kept asking his tired uncle - “Where are we?”


“We are still flying” - Sungmin replied from the other line as he looked out of the window - “Minnie only sees clouds” 


“Where is the sea?” - Donghae tried to get a glimpse by pushing his twin aside - “Why Hae can’t see it?”


“Don’t push me!” - Sungmin pushed Donghae back to his seat 


“Would you stop moving, please?” - Yesung hissed - “And Shut up.  People in the plane are going to hate us” 


“Sorry” - Sungmin and Donghae apologized quickly 


“Next time I don’t want to sit next to them” - Yesung complained - “Why can’t I sit next to Siwon and Kangin?” 


“Because we cant leave those two alone” - Heechul felt his head about to explode when he saw Kyuhyun managed to open spill some juice on him and his twin - “Nine children and  just two adults isn’t easy” 


“HE PINCHED ME AGAIN!” - Siwon cried out as he got out of his seat and walked towards Heechul - “I wanna sit with you! And don’t want to sit with Kangin!”


“Just kill me now” - Heechul muttered as he looked at the ceiling - “Please. Have mercy” 


Leeteuk couldn’t remember how they managed to take the bus and reach the hotel after such a horrible experience. Traveling with so many kids was hard not matter how good they were. Heechul was having a hard time carrying Ryeowook while taking care of the check in. It couldn’t be helped: the toddler was so scared after the flight that now he couldn’t be separated from his dad. 




On the other hand, Kyuhyun and the triplets were busy running around the big lobby. Kids found amazing the great space and the installations. Leeteuk was afraid they could crash with something (or someone) and kept calling for them. 


“Uncle, uncle! Something bit me!” - Siwon was whining again. The boy haven’t stopped since they left home - “It’s itchy! Do you think they have mosquitoes here? Maybe I’m allergic to those! What if I—“


“I don’t think you are allergic to mosquitoes” - Heechul ruffled the boy’s hair and smiled - “Cmon. Let’s go check our rooms!” 


Leeteuk was surprised to discover that the seven kids that weren’t being held, ran and followed Heechul like if they always listened to him. The babysitter wondered if the kids were being nice since they survived the flight. 


“Taaaa chaaaa” - Heechul opened the door to unveil the big room - “What do you thi— Hey” 


“WOAAAH” - Ryeowook, who had just woken up, was more interested in his dad’s new card than in the room he had infront- “Beep ee! Beep ee!” 


“Yeah, it went ‘Beep’ “ - Heechul found the toddler cute - “Cmon, take a look of the room before your siblings ruin it” 


“Is this my bed?” - Kangin jumped on the hugest bed he could find - “Please tell me is mine” 


“If you are planning to sleep with the twins and probably the triplets, then yes” - Heechul grinned - “I would sleep in the couch pleased” 


“No thanks” - Kangin laughed - “But how are we all going to fit in one room?”


“We dont. That’s why I booked three” - Heechul used his fingers to explain it so the younger ones could understand- “This MY suite. It gets connected with this door to your double de—“


“IS THIS MINE?” - Kangin was already at the other side of the door jumping in one of the beds - “Yesung! Yesung! You can sleep next to me! See? There is another bed right here!”


“I guess the other is mine” - Yesung yawned as he pulled his carry on with style - “Whose the owner of the third bed? Don’t tell me we are sleeping with one of the triplets because—“


“Siwon” - Heechul pulled Yesung’s and Kangin’s ear - “And I swear I don’t want to hear you guys fighting” 


“Why me? I don’t want to sleep with them” - Siwon sulked - “I want to sleep with you! Daddy pleaseee!” 


Heechul bit his tongue. Leeteuk just giggled. Siwon could be truly manipulative when he wanted to. Calling Heechul “daddy” was such a technique. 


“And I would love to sleep next to you” - Heechul tried - “But we all promised we would be ‘understanding’ so we could have a great time here, remember? You all promised to be good” 


“We are all going to do sacrifices” - Yesung was sure those were words Heechul chose before - “We will behave, don’t worry” 


“I like this room” - Siwon smiled sweetly- “I really do. And I’m going to have fun with my big brothers... even if Kangin is mean to me” 


“I won’t be mean!” - Kangin chuckled - “Dad would kill me” 


“But Where is Teuk staying?” - Siwon looked around - “He has no bed” 


“In his own suite” - Heechul smiled playfully- “Or that’s what he would like to listen but truth is, He will be staying with three brats as well. Sorry for that” 


“I’m fine” - Leeteuk laughed - “You are the one that wants to cry. My team and I will have lots of fun”


“Just remember my room is next to yours” - Heechul handled another key card to his friend - “You get a full set just like me. Three cards each for one room” 


“So he can get inside of ours too” - Siwon understood it quickly - “Cool” 


“Beep ee!” - Ryeowook managed to take two key cards that were in his dad’s pocket - “Wookie’s key” 


“Sadly, that’s not yours. You are still too young for that” - Heechul found his toddler really cute - “Those are for Yesung and Kangin, whom, I trust, will be mature enough to not lose it nor—“


“ARE YOU GIVING ME MY OWN KEY CARD?!” - Kangin was hugging Heechul really hard - “THANK YOU! THANK YOU SO MUCH!”


“It’s not big deal, it’s just to make sure you don’t— You are suffocating me” - Heechul tried to explain 


“Can I get my card, sir?” - Yesung asked the little toddler that hugged both cards like treasures 


“Uh... kay” - Ryeowook turned out being completely nice when it came to his oldest brother - “Beep ee bye bye” 


“Kangin, I got yours~” - Yesung waved using both cards - “Come over. Let’s unpack” 


“Oh Shoot” - Heechul hated that word - “I was having such a great time” 


“Then, I’m guessing I’m going to unpack too~ Are we going to keep with the plan?” - Leeteuk pinched Heechul’s cheeks - “Are you sure of this?”


“Yeah Yeah” - Heechul pointed at Eunhyuk and Donghae - “We discussed it earlier, right boys? You guys are staying with your uncle. I’m only going to be one door away” 


“Minnie?” - Eunhyuk realized Sungmin wasn’t included in that last sentence - “He stays with daddy” 


“Minnie stays with Ryeowookkie, Kyuhyunnie and Papa” - Sungmin said as Heechul taught him - “And Hae and Hyukkie are next door with Henry and Uncle” 


Unpacking was as Heechul expected: hell. 

The twins were kinda messy when trying to help and kept giving him troubles. 


“No no no” - Heechul shook his head - “That’s clean. That’s my t shirt, you can’t put it on the floor” 


“We hewp” - Kyuhyun was trying to ‘fold’ clothes on the floor - “Ta da” 


Ryeowook was a little smarter. He realized his dad was hanging most clothes but socks and underwear were being folded. Sungmin was carefully counting his clothes as Heechul placed them in the drawers. 


“We are done unpacking!” - Siwon announced. The kid was happy once he discovered that the room’s connection would remain open all time so they could enter Heechul’s suite when they wanted to 


“Really? Why do I doubt so?” - Heechul sighed - “Did you fold your clothes or just threw them inside the drawers?” 


“Yesung helped me to fold them” - Siwon said sweetly - “And he hung my shirts for me” 


“What a nice brother” - Heechul commented - “What about Kangin?”


“That’s not how you do it” - Yesung scoffed - “You at this” 


“Shut up” - Kangin was trying to figure out how was he supposed to fold clothes - “I will just put them inside like this” 



In the other room, Leeteuk was actually relaxed. Eunhyuk and Donghae were old enough to follow simple instructions and helped him to move things from side to side. Henry was taking a nap in the crib they settled for him. The baby was exhausted after so much crying. 


“You couldn’t do that in the plane, huh?” - Leeteuk teased - “I hoped for you to sleep in the plane~ and you didn’t~” 


“Whats This?” - Donghae was trying to open the curtains - “Whats there?”


“Do you want to see? You will love it, but, keep in mind we can’t go now, ok?” 


Leeteuk opened the curtains so the boys could see the beach. Heechul was entering the room just seconds after that loud screaming. 




“WOAAAAAH! IS THE BEACH!” - Sungmin was now joining the squad - “PAPA! LETS GO!”


“We can’t go now” - Heechul tried to stop

The twins from crashing with the balcony’s door - “We need to finish unpacking and then go to have lunch... and you guys are probably tired so a nap will follow afterwards” 



“The zea” - Ryeowook was still watching from the balcony’s door by the time Heechul was done unpacking 


“Brat” - Heechul took a deep breath when he realized Ryeowook managed to fool him and his rules - “I told you to bring only ONE of your friends. I know you are good at maths so you only like to test my patience, don’t you?” 


“Uh... no undweztan “ - Ryeowook played innocent as always. Lately, the boy used that excuse to get away with scoldings 


“Yes, you do” - Heechul scoffed as he held Ryeowook’s stuffed friends - “I’m guessing you will be the first one to use these beautiful corners”


Ryeowook sulked. He walked to the corner Heechul pointed at and faced the wall. 


“Raise your arms too” - Heechul instructed - “Next time you want to go against rules, think twice. You know how it goes” 


In less than two minutes Ryeowook’s torture time was over. Heechul couldn’t get mad at him. It was just that everyone has asked him to take action when the kid went against rules to make sure he understood his actions had consequences. 


“Wee Wee” 


“Now? Fine” - Heechul laughed. He was changing the twins into more fitting outfits and of course his duty would get interrupted by potty needs. 


Leeteuk entered the room with the others already dressed. Even if Henry was totally wild, at least the other two only needed a little help to dress themselves. 


“Where is your dad?” - Leeteuk asked the little boy that played with Heechul’s iPad 


“Bathroom” - Sungmin smiled happily - “Wookie and Kyunnie need to pee” 


Leeteuk smiled. He made sure all kids were ready so they could go out as soon as the twins were done. He laughed when he spotted Ryeowook’s bee wearing what it looked like Henry’s hat. 


“Ah~ I thought I haven’t packed it” - Leeteuk giggled - “But turned out it was your brother’s doing, Henry”


“mine!” - Henry recognized his little hat - “Hewy!”


“Alright... empty bladders, check” - Heechul teased as they came out of the bathroom - “I guess we are rea— oh no no, put that back” 


“Nuh” - Ryeowook was holding his plushies. Kyuhyun did the same and carried his penguin doll. 


“No” - Heechul tried to be firm - “We are going to have lunch like normal people do, ok? I don’t want toys nor any other stuff there. Also, tantrums are a no no. If any of you gives me troubles... you won’t go to the beach” 




Like if magic was casted the twins rushed to return their dolls to the bed and held Heechul’s hands obediently.


Leeteuk was beyond pleased to discover that Heechul took care about food very well. A huge buffet awaited for them. 


“I like This” - Leeteuk smiled - “This way kids can choose whatever they want!”


“I can’t imagine my brats behaving in a restaurant so I made sure to choose an hotel that had buffet for every single meal” - Heechul was carrying a baby chair with difficulty- “Here. Henry Can sit here”


Heechul laughed when he saw the twins extending his arms towards him. They wanted to get sit as well. 


“Mmm” Heechul shook his head - “Not yet. It works a little different here~ You need to come with me and tell me what you want to eat” 


“Pasta!” - Kyuhyun chirped 


Ryeowook seemed confused. Heechul was holding both boys to make sure they got a better view of the food. However, both seemed utterly confused about what to do. They were used to eat whatever Heechul or Leeteuk chose for them. 


“I guess that I will take care of the others first” - Heechul sat the boys in high chairs next to Henry - “Would you watch over those three while I go? I’m sorry to make you wait but...” 


“It’s ok~” - Leeteuk smiled pleased - “I’m sure they will like the buffet once they understand how it works” 


The triplets understood quickly. They could choose whatever they wanted and their dad would place it on their plate. Sadly, they weren’t allowed to fill it with desserts. 


“No dessert until you finish your meal” - Heechul chuckled softly- “That includes you, Eunhyuk” 


“I dont like any of this” - Eunhyuk sulked 


Heechul found awful the idea of one of his sons not liking anything of a huge hotel buffet. Eunhyuk was sure the most picky out of them but Heechul thought he wouldn’t have to worry about that. 


“We are done~” - Yesung and Kangin were sure enjoying their freedom - “Where is uncle?”


“Over there. Go enjoy your meal” - Heechul was helping the triplets with their plates 


“You are back!” - Siwon chirped excited - “Now its my turn, right?! Right?” 


“You must be hungry, yeah” - Heechul pitied the boys. He had to do the same trip over and over again to make sure all boys got what they wanted but that meant they had to be patient and wait. 


“Uhuuu” - Kyuhyun was biting his spoon as he saw his siblings eating - “Kyu too! Kyu Too...” 


“Soon, Honey” - Leeteuk was making sure all kids ate - “Do you know what you want to eat?”


“pasta~” - Kyuhyun’s answer haven’t changed at all. And it didn’t change after Heechul showed him all kind of food. 


“Zhwimp’p” - Ryeowook was proudly showing his new victim to Leeteuk - “Om nom!” 


“Are you going to eat shrimps? Wow, Ryeowook you are such a big kid now” - Leeteuk found cute how Ryeowook enjoyed seafood despite his short age. Heechul did several allergy test to the kids before traveling. 


“Can I have a piece of cake?” - Siwon asked cutely - “I ate all my food” 


“Woah, you truly did. Sungmin and Donghae are done too” - Heechul was proud as his sons ate well - “You guys can eat dessert. Eunhyuk, you won’t be leaving this table until you eat at least one third of your plate” 


“No Like it” - Eunhyuk kept playing with his food. Things got even worse when Ryeowook tried to help and offered his brother one shrimp. When the kid gagged, Leeteuk could have sworn that Heechul transformed into a demon. 


“Dont you dare” - Heechul warned 


Eunhyuk kept being in a bad mood even after nap time . He was the only one that haven’t finished his meal and therefore the only one that Heechul said couldn’t have dessert. The kid that started the day being obedient was now in rebellion. Leeteuk worried Heechul was the type of parent that wouldn’t withstand a tantrum and would take the first flight back home. 


“Where are we going now?” - Yesung and Kangin that didn’t take naps, were impatient after spending over one hour locked inside their room - “Are we going out?”


“Yes~ let’s get ready for fun” - Heechul pinched the boys’s cheeks - “If you know what I mean~” 


As expected, the older kids got the hint and changed into their swimsuits. Heechul had a hard time convincing Ryeowook that it was ok to wear his swimsuit without underwear. He now understood why the daycare teachers said Ryeowook was a funny boy. 


The hotel had several pools. Much to Heechul’s disgust, he was tied to the smallest one as most of his children were young. 




“Still no luck?” - Heechul teased as Leeteuk tried to get near the pool again. Whenever he tried so, Henry would start complaining. 


“What about you? Are you giving up?” - Leeteuk joked as he spotted Ryeowook out of the pool 


“He is just taking his time” - Heechul pouted - “He is analyzing the situation” 


“At least the triplets like it. Look, even Eunhyuk seems happy now” 


“I guess so. Siwon and Kyuhyun are also having a blast” - Heechul sighed - “I can see Yesung and Kangin are also having fun over there... Gosh, I so envy them...”


“Why? Arent you in a pool?” - Leeteuk teased. 


“Can you call this a pool?” - Heechul protested as he pointed at the sign - “Its 40cm deep” 


“Because is for kids” 


“I Wanna go inside the other one” - Heechul puffed his cheeks - “I cant swim here. I feel like an elephant in a tub”


The triplets must have understood because they laughed. Henry did his farting sound and refused to go inside the pool when Leeteuk asked again. 


“I think I can watch over them for a while” - Leeteuk stretched - “Henry doesn’t want to swim anyway” 


“Would you do that for me?” - Heechul seemed really thankful - “I- I won’t take long!” 


“Dada!” - Ryeowook whined when he saw his dad going away. The kid puffed his cheeks when he realized Heechul went to the other pool and was now being playful with His older siblings. 


“So, are you going inside or not?” - Leeteuk tried - “Are you scared?”


“WOOKIE NO SCAWED” - Ryeowook’s pride was sure a thing - “LOO’ ” 


“So Cute” - Leeteuk kept taking pictures of the boys playing in the pool - “Look here. Kyuhyun, Ryeowook, over here” 


“Cheeeeeezeeeeee” - The Twins liked pictures. They loved taking selfies with their dad’s phone. 


“I thought you wouldn’t play with us!” - Kangin was extremely happy as Heechul played with them - “I thought you would stay with the babies!”


“Well, most of the time” - Heechul giggled - “You guys know how to survive” 


“Can’t you bring them over? Like that time at the water park?” - Yesung asked cutely


“Uhm, maybe. But the triplets and Siwon can actually walk in that pool so... they are having a great time” - Heechul chuckled - “They love their new water toys” 


“Heeeeeeey~ can you come?” - Leeteuk was calling Heechul. 


“Sorry brats. Daddy has to go” - Heechul ruffled the boys’s hair - “Play nice” 


“Sure” - Kangin splashed water - “Are you alright Yesung? I know you are sad because he has to go but don’t worry~ I bet he will play with us later” 


“Ung” - Yesung’s mind was actually somewhere else 




“Eeeeehhh?!” - Heechul was complaining again - “Why?”


“Because Siwonnie cant be in the pool” - Gunhee hugged the baby - “Even If he is old enough for that... since he has so many allergies and a weak system we were told to avoid pools as much as possible” 


“I understand that” - Heechul stared at the baby that did cute sounds - “What I can’t understand is why would you bring here a child that can’t bath” 


“I couldn’t leave him at home” - Gunhee pouted - “Hani is having a hard time with this pregnancy and I wanted her to rest. Besides, Siwon Can bath at the beach~” 


“Alright. I understand but let’s switch places” - Heechul extended his arms - “I will take care of the baby and you will go to the pool with those two” 


“I have a better idea” - Gunhee grinned - “Lets ask them” 


“Uncle come with us!” - A young Yesung kept pulling Heechul’s swimsuit 


“I think the answer is clear” - Gunhee laughed 


“You will pay for this” - Heechul hissed as he walked holding hands with two little kids - “Lets go. Yesung, Kangin” 




“Wow, thanks for the call” - Heechul was losing his focus thanks to the stunning woman sitting next to them - “I owe you one” 


“That’s not it! Focus!” - Leeteuk tried to make Heechul turn to the other side - “That’s not the problem” 


“I wonder why that hot woman would choose to sit here of all places...” - Heechul  was still lost in space when he felt someone pinching his arm- “Ouch!”


“Dada... Wookie Too...” - Ryeowook was showing him his floaters - “Togethew” 


Heechul’s parental side took over. Ryeowook was so cute he couldn’t refuse. 


“No hewe” - Ryeowook shook his head when Heechul tried to take him back to the small pool - “Yeye! Gin!”


“You want to go there? For sure?” - Heechul found it amazing - “Alright... I Guess We Can” 


Heechul got surprised when he discovered Ryeowook was scared of the pool anymore. The kid would float around and swim a little like he was taught in daycare. His twin ended going into that pool as well. Kyuhyun was a great swimmer. A lot of strangers congratulated Heechul for that. 


After pool time was over, Leeteuk thought they would wander around until dinner time but turned out Heechul had different plans. 


“You have to be kidding me” - Leeteuk wasn’t sure if he was supposed to be happy or mad. He felt like killing Heechul but that was an standard feeling for him already. 


“I’m the smartest person on earth” - Heechul was rejoicing while his kids tried to understand their fate 


“No way. That’s not cool, dude” - Kangin got the chills after reading that the kids’s club accepted kids that were ten years old - “I thought we were friends...” 


“Excuse me~ I have a reservation~” - Heechul was so happy at the counter Leeteuk just wanted to kick him - “I’m the one that signed seven boys” 


“Seven?” - Yesung looked at Kangin with hope 


“Se... ven?” - Leeteuk got the chills when Heechul took Henry from his arms - “N-no!”


“Relax~ kids love this place” - Heechul stuck out his tongue while the young boys went inside to play with the caregivers - “They won’t even realize we are gone. Look, even Henry is happy” 


“That’s horrible” - Leeteuk sulked - “What Kind of parent are you?”


“The same one as my mother” - Heechul stretched - “Also, it’s only two hours daily. Enough time for us to—“


“TWO HOURS DAILY?” - Leeteuk raged - “Heechul, that’s—“


“AWESOME” - Yesung and Kangin were incredible happy to discover they wouldn’t have to stay there 


“Ah. I forgot” - Heechul searched for  his wallet - “Here you go. It’s a credit card. Use it wisely” 


“Are you giving us your credit card?!” - Yesung was in awe - “Wait. Are you sure?”


“You are big boys now, right? I trust you enough to take care of it. You won’t lose it, do you?”


“N-No! We are going to take care of it very well!” - Yesung held the card tightly 


“But Daaaaaad” - Kangin tilted his head - “You said everything was included. We don’t need a credit card...” 


“Ah, Yeah. The food is all included” - Heechul smiled - “But there are shops in the other floor and I thought you would like to have money in case you wanted to buy something” 


Kangin hugged him so hard, Heechul started thinking about giving him his own card. He wasn’t sure if the bank would agree. 


“They are going to ruin you” - Leeteuk hissed. He was still upset as Henry and the others seemed to be having fun without them - “Who gives a credit card to his eight years old?” 


“Me” - Heechul smiled - “And they love me” 


“Yeah, Well, you are not earning ‘Parent of the year’ award anymore” - Leeteuk pointed at the hotel’s daycare 


“Was I nominated?” - Heechul faked surprise- “Oh my~ That’s awesome. Last year I came in third place” 


“Shut up” 


“whats wrong with wanting to get rid of them for two hours?” - Heechul got hurt when Leeteuk rejected his hand - “I wanted vacations for us t— where are you going?”


“I don’t know” - Leeteuk folded his arms as he walked away - “Away from you” 




“I want vacations” - Leeteuk grunted 


“That’s cheating... You can’t get vacations from me...” - Heechul tilted his head. 



Leeteuk was sitting in the bar when someone sat next to him. 


“Did you order something?” - Heechul asked nicely 


“Why are you Here? Stop following me” - Leeteuk tried to leave but Heechul grabbed his arm - “Let go. I’m not in the mood” 


“Why are you so mad?” - Heechul was using his puppy eyes - “If I offended you somehow... I deeply apologize. It wasn’t my intention” 


“I’m sorry... I overreacted” - Leeteuk sighed - “Its just... I thought we came to have family vacations and it feels wrong to lock away the children. If you wanted to be alone I could have looked after the kids, you know” 


“Even parents need a break sometimes” - Heechul sighed too - “Dont you think so? We haven’t stopped for a moment since we took that damn flight. I thought you would like a moment for yourself as well” 


“I appreciate it... but...” 


“Each day has 24 hours” - Heechul smiled - “Taking two for yourself doesn’t sound like a bad deal, right? C’mon. Cheer up” 


“I cant get rid of you, can I?” 


“It’s too late for that, Mr Kim” - Heechul giggled as he dragged Leeteuk with him - “I wanted to show you something” 




“That’s...” - Leeteuk had never seen something like that 


“The sea” - Heechul smiled pleased - “Do you like it?”


“The sea” - Leeteuk repeated in awe 


“I wanted to be the first one to bring you here” - Heechul teased - “That way all time you looked at the sea, you would remember ‘ Hey, it was Heechul the one that—“


The cheerful boy got interrupted by his friend’s hug. 


“Why are you crying? Don’t you like it?” - Heechul worried. Leeteuk barely cried and definitely not like that - “Teuk, whats wrong?”


“I’m... so thankful...” - Leeteuk wiped his tears away - “Coming here with you is sure a nice memory” 


“Dont thank me yet. You still have to survive six days with those little demons I call sons “ - Heechul chuckled - “Uhmm, by the way, let’s a picture” 




“I promised mom we would take lots of pictures” - Heechul stuck out his tongue - “But dry those tears. If mom sees you crying, she will take the first flight and come over” 




“Why are you so touched ? Did you really wanna come to the sea that bad? You should have told me before” - Heechul played with sand 


“It’s not about the sea itself” - Leeteuk smiled sweetly 


“Then? What is it?”


“Nevermind~ it’s not important” 


“If you went so far to cry for it, then I think it is” - Heechul puffed his cheeks - “Tell me” 




“I, Heechul, commander of the sea—“


“Watch out!


Both adults were now on the ground covered in sand and totally drenched. Heechul was still coughing. Leeteuk was laughing. 


“What is wrong with you?” - Heechul rubbed his eyes - “Leeteuk, look at me” 


“Uh?” - Leeteuk turned to his friend innocently - “Wait! N-no!”


“DONT RUN AWAY, YOU COWARD” - Heechul was wrestling with Leeteuk in  the shore - “YOU STARTED IT!” 


“It was an accident!” - Leeteuk tried to resist as Heechul dragged him back to the water - “You were going to step on a crab! I swear!” 


“What kind of  excuse is that?!” - Heechul raged 


“A ‘crabby’ one” - Leeteuk couldn’t avoid laughing at his bad joke 


“That’s it. I’m drowning you” 




“Did you enjoy your spare time?” - The girl at the counter tried to pretend she wasn’t paying attention to their messy looks - “See you... Tomorrow?” 


“Thanks” - Leeteuk and Heechul were both smiling despite their looks. 


“TWAITOW!!” - Ryeowook started hitting Heechul as soon as he saw him - “DADA WE’T BWEAZH WITHOUD WOOKIE!!” 


“Yeah Yeah~ Sort of” - Heechul found cute Ryeowook’s frustration 


“Dad! I made a new friend!” - Siwon rushed to communicate the good news - “She is really cute!” 


“Where are we going now?” - Donghae wanted to believe his dad was taking them to the beach 


“First to our room. Leeteuk and I need to wash” - Heechul exchanged naughty looks with his friend - “Then I guess we will head out for dinner” 


“Eck” - Eunhyuk gasped. 


“We are not meeting fish today...?” - Donghae sulked 


“Oh no, you are going to see lots of fish... at dinner” 


“Heechul” - Leeteuk hissed 


“When are we meeting Hae’s friends?” - Donghae complained - “Hae’s ALIVE friends” 


“Tomorrow morning” - Heechul smiled - “But only if you guys behave tonight” 






“Kyu Too!” - Kyuhyun bounced excited - “n’ Hewy too!”


“Ung” - Henry nodded softly even if he didn’t understand at all what they were talking about 


“Whazz diz?” - Ryeowook asked amused as he took something green from his dad’s hair - “Lewuze” 


“Not ‘lettuce’ “ - Leeteuk laughed - “I think is some kind of algae” 


“Awae” - Ryeowook tried 


“You know Ryeowook? Tomorrow will be your first time in the beach! I can’t wait for it~” - Heechul lifted the boy really high - “You won’t probably remember this in a couple years but... I will” 


Leeteuk smiled widely again. Kyuhyun and Henry were hugging him really tight. 


“Do you like it here? Did you have a great time today?” - Leeteuk ruffled their hairs 




“UNCLEEEEEEEE!” - Yesung and Kangin were running towards them at full speed - “We bought you something!” 


“For me?” - Leeteuk observed amused the new  colourful swimsuit - “Its just my style. Thanks!”


“You are not thinking in wearing those, right? The one I bought you is nicer” - Heechul glared at his sons 


“The one you bought doesn’t suit my taste at all~” 


“We looked for one that screamed ‘Hawaiian hippie’ “ - Kangin explained - “The shop owner can’t wait to meet Teuk” 


“I wonder what kind of description they gave” - Leeteuk tilted his head 


“I’m not sure I want to know” - Heechul sighed - “But I’m sure we will find out” 


Indeed, Leeteuk started worrying over about his description when he realized all people stared at them during dinner. 


“Why are they looking at us?” - Leeteuk whispered to Heechul 


“I don’t know. But I have a bad feeling about it...” 


“Whats a gay couple?” - Siwon asked as he came back from the buffet with his ice cream cup 


“I guess now We know” - Heechul sighed as he ate some ice cream 


“Hey! That’s mine!” - Siwon smiled playfully- “Eat yours!”


“You have been eating mine since you were born~ what’s the problem with me taking one spoon from yours?” 


Yesung stared at the scene for a while. It felt like a déjà vu. He was sure he had lived something similar before. 




“Dad must be looking for us” - A young Yesung commented while his face was covered in ice cream 


“Don’t worry~ If he asks, we will tell him a shark took Kangin and I had to fight back” - Heechul teased as he wiped boy’s face 


“Liezzzz” - Kangin giggled as Heechul ate his ice cream - “Uncle Bad” 


“Don’t say that~ who bought you ice cream, huh?” - Heechul tickled the boys - “Anyway, you cant tell dad we ate ice cream before lunch. He would scold me” 





“You took your time, Uh? I thought you didn’t want to play” - Gunhee teased his brother - “Did you feed them something?” 




“Which flavour was yours, Kangin?” 


“Vanilla!” - The toddler replied happily 


“Mine was chocolate!” - Yesung chirped 


“They can’t keep a secret” - Heechul shrank his shoulders 


“Uncle ate half of my ice cream” - Yesung complained - “He said it was too much for me and ate it all” 


“Ung” - Kangin agreed 


“The other half ended in their face” - Heechul teased - “You have nothing to worry about” 


Gunhee rolled his eyes. He could trust his brother to take care of the kids... in his own way. 




“Uh? What’s wrong? Don’t you like it?” - Heechul got confused when Yesung offered him ice cream 


“Don’t you like ice cream?” - Yesung chuckled 


“I love it” - Heechul took the offer - “But is not usual you want to share with me” 


“What are you talking about? You always eat from mine!” 


“True” - Leeteuk agreed 


“Really? Uhmmm I don’t remember~” - Heechul was now eating from the twins’s cup 


“YOU DID IT AGAIN!” - Siwon laughed 


“What? I don’t know what you are talking about” - Heechul ate a lot of ice cream that night. 



——— ——- ———- ———- ——— ———-


Next chapter: the family will

Go to the beach! ^-^ 


What are your predictions? Will the kids like the beach? 



Author comment: 


Hi! Have a nice time despite the heat! Remain healthy and be careful of sunburn!


Read you soon! 




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Chapter 106: I miss this crazy family. I've been dying to know what is Teuk's call all about. I wish it will be a Ahn's and Teuk interaction
Chapter 106: Eonni... update 🙏🏻
mykyunie #3
Chapter 106: This story is so wonderful, so perfect.
I just love it and I can't wait for you to update again and see what else these cute kids get into.
We read later. Thank you very much for the chapter.
Pamira #4
Chapter 106: Yeni bölüm için çok teşekkürler. Bu hikayeyi okumaktan hiç bir zaman bıkmayacağım. Bu bölümde çok güzeldi.
HelenDamnation #5
Chapter 106: I love this story.
Kukuku13 #6
Chapter 106: Chapter 106: Yay, you finally updated! This big silly weird happy family, tho. why are they so funny i can't😂
Chapter 106: Authornim, you're back!🥹 and this crazy family as well 🤭

Watching TV is a good way to gain knowledge, so proud of Minnie here. But, like the saying goes, too much is bad, so don't do it fora long long time.

Henry being jealous of Cherry, aigoo, protesting by rooming out of Heeyeon's and Heechul's room. 😂

I knew Yesung's case is smelly armpits... and yes, it's hard to undergo puberty. Good thing he have supportive guardians

I wonder if Teuk's phone call with his real uncle is about his own schooling or his identity or a teaching oppurtunity?

I'm excited for Cheery's arrival... though I'm hoping for a teuk-centric as well. I wonder if they'll tell the kids regarding teuk's real attachment to them.

By the way, I find it cute when Hae and Henry fight for Teuk 🤭🥰, I like those moments, you know

I love everything, author, waiting for the next... 😊😊😊
Pamira #8
Chapter 105: Yeni bölüm istiyorummm
Chapter 105: Authornim, bogoshipeoyo, please update soon 🙏🏻
mykyunie #10
Chapter 105: I love it