Lovely birds

Junior Quest

Leeteuk was having a nice tea party with Mr Ahn. He never expected he would actually get so comfortable around Heeyeon’s dad. He wondered if Heechul has sent him to the meeting so they could know each other and realize they were on the same side. Both of them cherished the Kim family and loved the kids. 

“Mrs Kim is such a wonderful woman” - Mr Ahn spoke softly - “She had three nice boys and then when I less expected it, she managed to adopt you” 

“Mrs Kim is— Mom has been very nice to me” - Leeteuk admitted as he blushed - “All of them, actually” 

“Its a pity you didn’t get adopted earlier…” - The old man turned gloomy really quick - “They… They… They would have liked you too!” 

Leeteuk found himself alone with a crying man. He didn’t know what to do. He didn’t expect his mood could change that fast. 

“Sir? Are you ok?” 

“I miss them!” - The old man cried - “I know it’s been almost two years and I still… I can’t recover from it! Hani was such a beautiful kid! And Gunhee was so polite and well mannered! They were bright and nice… They didn’t deserve to die so young!” 

“I’m so sorry for your lost…” - Leeteuk pitied the man. He now understood Heeyeon when she said her parents were still having a hard time dealing with what happened. 

“Our lost” - The man wiped away some tears - “Now you are part of this family so…” 

Leeteuk just nodded. He wasn’t going to contradict that. It was truth he haven’t met them in life but… somehow he felt close to them. He was even helping raise their children. It wasn’t like if Gunhee and Hani were strangers to him. 

“Hani… My Hani… she was a wonderful daughter” - The man was calmer yet still in despair - “She came into our lives and brought light when we needed it the most” 

Leeteuk served more tea. He felt useless so he wanted to something to just show he actually cared about what the man was saying. 

“And Gunhee” - The old man giggled - “The first time I saw him at my doorstep, I didn’t like him” 

Leeteuk burnt his tongue. 

“It was a normal reaction, though” - The man explained pleased - “I wasn’t going to let my pretty daughter get taken away by anyone” 

“Was it the same with Heechul and Heeyeon?” 

“Not a single bit” - The old man laughed as he shook his head - “We already knew the Kims and… Heechul earned our hearts way faster than Gunhee” 

“He was a kid when you met him” - Leeteuk recalled the story - “Hani invited him—“ 

“To Heeyeonnie’s birthday party” - The old man giggled - “And they became really close since then” 

“I wish I could have seen those two at that time” - Leeteuk teased 

The old man raised an eyebrow. Leeteuk had no clue of what he had just said. 

“Hey baby, what’s up?” - Heeyeon answered her phone casually - “How is Leeteuk doing?” 

“Are you working?” - Heechul asked amused 

“It depends on who’s asking” - Heeyeon said playfully - “would you be my boss?” 

“Ok, before things get hotter” - Heechul cleared his throat as he felt his face burning- “I’m not calling for that. I need help”

“Tell me your wish” - Heeyeon sang cheerfully - “What can I do for you?” 

“Remember that Leeteuk had a meeting with your dad and he couldn’t babysit Henry?” 

“I thought your mom was taking care of him” 

“She is, but… I think she needs help” - Heechul took a deep breath - “You see, Henry learned how to unlock Robin’s cage and mom can’t manage to put the bird back in” 

“Oh” - Heeyeon giggled - “Sounds like she is in troubles” 

“Wanna earn some points with your in law?” - Heechul asked half begging - “I bet it’s going to be quick. Robin likes you too” 

“Sure, I dont think it will take me that much” 

“Great” - Heechul was relieved - “You are the best” 

“See you later, prince of the playdoh realm” 

Heechul ended the call and leaned on his desk. That was such a silly nickname and yet, he found himself feeling every single each of his body reacting to it. He couldn’t deny he was feeling better since Heeyeon seemed to adjust just fine to the fact he was a dad now. 

On the other side, Heeyeon was in such a good mood. Heechul calling her for help… to help his mother! That meant their relationship was again what it used to be. Or maybe better. She liked to feel she was part of the Kim family. She was daydreaming about her finally marrying Heechul and moving to live with him, his nine children, Leeteuk, the raccoon and the cockatoo. 

“And Yesung’s turtle” - She told herself as she squealed out of joy - “Ok, Heeyeon calm down! Mother in law can’t see you like this. Act normal”

Heeyeon was trying to cool herself when she saw something white moving on the tree next to her.

“It’s the whitest pidgeon I have ever seen” - Heeyeon found it curious - “Although… It’s kinda big for being a pidgeon” 


In a desperate try to get the bird attention, Heeyeon whistled. She didn’t expect it all, but it worked. The bird landed on her stretched arm and looked at her with curiosity. However, the woman had no time to lose. 

“Oh my, what happened to you?” - Heeyeon worried as she spotted some bruises - “You even lost some feathers… oh my God… oh my God” 

Heeyeon felt like having a panic attack. The bird was hurt. Maybe if she haven’t been daydreaming all the way, she could have gotten there on time and prevent the bird flew out of house. 

“I’m going to be such a terrible mother” - She felt about to cry but decided it was no time for that - “But don’t worry, you will be fine” 

And so, she took off her sweater and wrapped the shivering cockatoo like if it was a kid. 

“At least you won’t get cold this way” - Heeyeon held her next to her chest - “I’m gonna take you to the vet. You will be fine, you are going to get better” 


“And this was during Gunhee and Hani’s wedding!” 

“Woah” - Leeteuk couldn’t believe the man kept so many photo albums of the family in his office - “Heeyeon haven’t changed at all!” 

“I thought it was because I was her dad and I wanted to see her as kid” - The man laughed - “But yeah, I guess that being honest she haven’t changed that much on the past few years. I just wish she stopped being so stubborn and married Heechul already” 

Leeteuk opened his mouth but froze. 

“Don’t tell me you haven’t seen that they are suited for each other” - The man shook his head - “Heeyeon has daydreamed for ages about that day. I believe she also designed a whole collection of wedding dresses that is not for sale, if you know what I mean” 

“It’s not that easy, I guess” - Leeteuk wasn’t sure if he should say anything else - “I mean, if they married, Heeyeon would become a mother of nine by default and—“ 

“Hani did great” - The old man interrupted - “And we have very high expectations. We all do. I know Heeyeon isn’t Hani, but I think she would do a wonderful job as a mother” 

“Even so, giving her time to adjust is not a bad idea” 

“I suppose is not” - the man agreed - “I just wonder how much is she going to wait for taking the next step” 

Leeteuk understood what the father meant but that only made him realize that Heeyeon was under a lot of pressure not only coming from Heechul’s family but her own. It seemed like everyone judged her for taking time to think about what she wanted to do. 
She was having a hard time figuring out how to be a supportive girlfriend of a man with nine kids. Not to mention the fact they basically wouldn’t live any newlyweds life but Heechul’s crazy routine. 

“Dada!” - Henry chirped happily as soon as Heechul opened the door - “Dada! Pway!” 

“Not now, little devil” - Heechul pinched the toddler’s cheek - “I heard you were misbehaving” 

“Lies” - Henry puffed his cheeks 

“LIES LIES LIES!” - Robin repeated amused as she landed on Heechul’s head - “Hi!” 

“Robin?” - Heechul smiled softly- “What are you doing here? I thought Heeyeon could handle you!” 

“Heeyeon?” - Mrs Kim tilted her head - “Did she tell you she was coming?” 

“Didn’t she?” - Heechul worried - “I don’t think she forgot it … did she? I hope she did… I should call her, I guess” 

Heechul was scared. He knew perfectly well Heeyeon wasn’t the type of person that would forget her responsibilities so easily. His concern only grew bigger when she didn’t pick her phone. 

“I’m hom—“ 

“Oh, It’s you” - Heechul sighed as he identified Leeteuk - “It can’t be helped” 

“Thanks” - Leeteuk was hurt - “I’m also glad to see you” 

“Sorry, it’s just… Heeyeon said she was coming but so far, we know nothing about her” - Heechul explained - “I don’t know if I should worry” 

“Heeyeon is a very busy woman” - Leeteuk shook his head - “She is probably just working” 


“If you want to worry about something, I will give you a reason” - Leeteuk twisted his lips - “I met Heeyeon’s dad today. He is nice but… your girlfriend didn’t exaggerate when she say she had doubts about sending the kids there” 

“What do you mean?” 

“The school is great and the vibe is good. However, your future in laws seem to struggle with the fact Hani and Gunhee are not here anymore. I worry it could affect the kids as well” 

“Well, it’s not like we can pretend their parents never existed” - Heechul looked down - “I mean, only the older ones remember them… even Siwon has troubles remembering them” 

The doorbell rang. Heechul’s blood pressure dropped a lot as he was relieved. The thing is, it dropped so fast he got dizzy. 

“Are you ok?” - Heeyeon asked as Leeteuk helped him sit - “You look pale” 

“You gave me a big scare!” - Heechul complained 

“Sorry, I didn’t think I looked that bad” - Heeyeon was a bit flustered. It wasn’t the welcoming she expected - “Anyway, I found the bird” 

Leeteuk inspected the carrier that Heeyeon brought with her. It was similar to Robin’s but it was new. Inside of it, there was a quiet cockatoo. 

“WOO! PUMPKIN! WOOO!” - Robin flew to Heechul’s shoulder - “HELLO PUMPKIN!” 

“Wait” - Heeyeon paled - “T-that’s R-Robin” 

“Uhum” - both men agreed 

“Then…? Who…?” - Heeyeon placed the carrier on the floor and leaned on the couch almost fainting

“are you ok?” - Heechul grabbed her hands - “So cold… your blood pressure must have dropped or something” 

“You are both suited for each other” - Leeteuk teased - “Hey little friend, who are you?” 

Unlike Robin, who was cheerful from the beginning, this cockatoo seemed to be frightened. It shook a lot when Leeteuk tried to reach it using his hands. 

“That would explain why the vet said something funny” - Heeyeon recalled - “He said it was a ‘good boy’ and I tried correcting him saying it was a ‘she’ “ 

“So, you not only went missing and ignored my calls but also brought a new boyfriend for Robin” - Heechul raised an eyebrow - “I’m gonna get mad” 

“Now looking at them I feel stupid” - Heeyeon was sad - “I can’t believe I couldn’t tell it wasn’t Robin!” 

“I don’t blame you” - Leeteuk pointed at the quiet cockatoo- “It looks pretty similar to Robin” 

“Good thing is that you helped an animal in troubles” - Heechul added 

“What are we going to do?” - Heeyeon sat on the floor to have a better look at the new cockatoo- “We can’t keep it, right? It’s not ours” 

“I feel bad for him” - Heechul pouted - “I vote for keeping it. Just let’s not tell anyone we found it” 

“Ehm” - Leeteuk pulled Heechul’s ear - “Of course we WONT keep it. We already have a zoo in here. Also, it was someone else’s pet!” 

“They didn’t took care of him that much” - Heeyeon scoffed - “Just look at him! So scared! So… oh poor thing”

When Heeyeon started crying, Leeteuk wanted to die. Heechul was actually surprised. 

“stupid hormones” - Heeyeon wiped her tears - “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to cry” 

“Oh! Heeyeon! You are he— Why is she crying? KIM HEECHUL, I SWEAR TO GOD—“

“IT IS TEUK’S FAULT!” - Heechul defended himself from a sudden attack from his mother - “I DID NOTHING!” 

“I didn’t want to make you feel bad!” - Leeteuk was flustered - “I just… we can’t keep it just like  that! I also feel sorry for the poor animal but is not good to steal someone else’s bird!” 

“We are not” - Heechul joked - “The bird came to us” 

Heeyeon was still trying to control her sobbing when she felt something soft leaning on her leg. She then saw the white fluffy ball of feathers.

“He likes you” - Heechul was beyond pleased - “And he seems to be very docile. I don’t think it will have troubles adapting to the kids”

“He must be thankful for her help” - Leeteuk couldn’t even argue- “It’s way too cute… Aish, I wish we could keep it” 

“We CAN” - Heechul patted Heeyeon’s back as he looked to Leeteuk- “Right, Buddy? DONT YOU DARE SAY NO” 

“Fine” - Leeteuk agreed - “but what are you going to do if the real owner shows up?” 

“Sue him for animal abuse” - Heechul pointed at the bird - “Does that look normal to you?” 

“Certainly, it doesn’t” - Leeteuk felt bad for not realizing it earlier - “I don’t think this bird was happy in his previous home” 

“Oh you poor thing!” - Heeyeon hugged the bird softly - “I bet you were so scared!”

“Unlike Robin, this one doesn’t bite” - Leeteuk was impressed since the bird showed no retaliation even though Heeyeon held him against it will 

“We are keeping it” - Heechul clapped excited - “Henry come here Buddy! Look at what auntie brought!” 

“WOBIN!” - The toddler pointed at the bird - “Wobin hug!” 

“Wrong! This friend here isn’t Robin!” - Heechul brought the real Robin with him - “This is Robin! That one is Robin’s new friend!” 

“Two Wobins” - Henry eyes opened widely - “Loo’ Dada! Two wobins!” 

Henry was full of cuteness. He kept looking from one bird to another while showing his uncle the number 2 made with his little fingers. 

“Are you happy we have a new bird?” - Leeteuk was pleased by the toddler’s reaction - “Does it make you happy?” 

“YES” - Henry replied really quick

“Heeyeon, honey” - Heechul found cute Heeyeon kept hugging the bird - “You are going to suffocate him” 

“Oh, sorry” - Heeyeon smiled a bit - “I forgot” 


“WE HAVE TWO WOBINSSSS” - Ryeowook was so excited he danced with his feet - “NO’ ONE, TWO!” 

“Why did you get us another bird?” - Kangin asked confused 

“Don’t you like it?” - Heechul never thought the kids wouldn’t like having another pet 

“No, it’s not that” - Kangin shrank his shoulders - “It’s just that Teuk said we couldn’t keep more pets” 

“A frog is not a pet” - Leeteuk pulled Kangin’s ear playfully 

“But Neville had one” - Yesung teased - “You know? The one from Harry Potter?”

“Does it have a name?” - Sungmin asked cutely 

“Excuse me?” - Heechul didn’t understand him the first time - “A name? Ah! You mean… yeah, good point. He doesn’t” 

“He doesn’t have a name?!” - Donghae widened his eyes - “Why?!” 

“Well, he doesn’t have one YET” - Heechul laughed - “We should give him one” 

“Let’s call it Hedwig” - Siwon started 

“No, that‘s a girl name!” - Kangin complained - “This one is a boy like us!” 

“Nemo!” - Donghae chirped 

“He is not a fish!” - Eunhyuk shook his head - “He looks like Nigel” 

“The evil cockatoo from Rio?” - Yesung was disgusted - “Not a chance” 

“He is not mean, Hyukkie! You can’t give him that name!” - Sungmin also protested 

“Do you know a famous cockatoo?” - Leeteuk asked Heechul in a low voice - “They will disagree all time” 

“I just remember there was one in that ty movie they did of Dragon Ball live action” - Heechul joked - “But no, I’m afraid I haven’t thought of a name” 

“Pororo!” - Kyuhyun cried when everyone refused - “PORORO!” 

“It doesn’t look like penguin, Kyu” - Kangin sighed - “Stop crying, I won’t allow it even if you cry” 

As Leeteuk expected, the name giving ritual only ended in tears and angry children. The siblings kept fighting even after dinner. 

“Zazu, Mumble, Kevin” - Heechul had a list with a few names that came from movies or tv shows involving at least a bird - “Paulie? Donald? Scuttle”

“I like scuttle” - Donghae nodded 
“Of course you would” - Yesung rolled his eyes - “Are we seriously calling it like the crazy seagull from little mermaid?” 

“Let’s call it Bruce” - Kangin smirked - “Like Bruce Wayne that is Batman real name” 

“Bruce isn’t a cute name!” - Sungmin disliked it - “Snowball!” 

“That’s such a cheesy and stupid name” 

“Kangin!” - Leeteuk scolded 

“Gill!” - Donghae shouted out of nowhere. The bird got scared and hid in his new cage - “ow, he doesn’t like it” 

“I think he is just tired” - Heechul made sure of leaving the poor cockatoo out of the sight of the kids - “He needs time to adjust” 

“Let’s call it a night” - Leeteuk rushed the kids to their rooms - “Cmon, everyone. Wear your pajamas and brush your teeth”


“Ghost” - Kangin proposed at the table - “I think is a cool name” 

“NO WAY” - Siwon squeaked - “You are not naming it like a monster!” 

“Pidgey” - Sungmin added a new one to the list 

“Like the pokemon? I actually like that one” - Heechul teased 

“If you are going to name it after a pokemon at least give him a cool one like zapdos” - Yesung actually laughed. He was in a good mood 

“We already have a bunch of Pidgeys” - Eunhyuk sulked - “All we catch are Pidgeys and rattata” 

“Are you still stuck on the first route?” - Kangin laughed - “Now that’s funny” 

“Can’t be helped” - Yesung was also laughing - “I guess that what happens when you leave alone the triplets” 

“Don’t be mean! We are doing our best!” - Donghae pouted 

“Boys” - Heechul was trying not to laugh - “The triplets are just learning how to play. It’s normal” 

The boys got ready for school like always. They were chirpy and talkative. 

“Bye Henry!” - Yesung was giving the toddler a big smooch despite his refusal- “Be nice!” 

“Bye baby” - Heechul ruffled Henry’s hair

“See ya later uncle” - The triplets waved at Leeteuk 

“Do your best, boys! You are not leaving anything behind, right?” 

“I have my backpack” - Donghae showed it to his uncle 

Leeteuk always felt a little empty when the older kids left. Henry was the same. 

“Don’t be sad!” - Leeteuk lifted the toddler - “They will be back later” 

Henry nodded. He tried to smile even if his eyes were filled with tears. 

“I get to stay home today” - Leeteuk hugged the kid -“I know I’m not grandma but—“

Henry giggled and shook his head.

“Wuv ukwee” - The toddler managed to say - “Wuv u luuuuuuuutz” 

“How much?” - Leeteuk teased 

The toddler did a big heart with his arms. It’s a trick Heechul taught him. 

“Diz mu’ “

“This much” - Leeteuk corrected softly - “Woah, that’s a lot” 

“A lot!” - Henry repeated Cheerfully - “A lot! A lot!” 

They kept playing for a while until Leeteuk’s phone rang. It was Mina. Apparently, she was interested in what happened yesterday. 

“Yesterday? Nothing new… oh, we have a new bird” - Leeteuk bit his tongue. He was expecting Mina to say something about it - “Yeah, yeah, it’s the same as Robin” 

“That’s cool!” - Mina sounded genuinely happy for them - “Ehm, Teuk… Heechul is not around there, right?“ 

“No, he left to take the kids—“ 

“I just wanted to make sure” - Mina suddenly started to whisper - “so, did something happen between them? Look, it’s not like I want to gossip about it but… Let’s say I need to know” 

“Between them?” - Leeteuk took a while to realize what she meant - “No, they are fine as far as I know. Did something happen to Heeyeon?” 

“Forget it” - Mina sounded relaxed - “I think I’m just being paranoid. Maybe is the lack of sleep! Haha!” 

“Uhum” - Leeteuk wasn’t really paying attention to Mina. He was now distracted because of Henry - “Uhm, Mina… do you mind if I call you later? I think Henry pooped” 

Henry laughed. Leeteuk did a funny face. Mina laughed on the phone too. 

“I get it! I get it! Don’t worry, I just  wanted to make sure everything was fine” - Mina ended the call. 

“Henry, you stink” - Leeteuk covered his nose in a playful way - “Lay there, please” 

“Poop!” - Henry was still laughing by the time Leeteuk caught him and undressed him - “Ewww” 

“Yeah, Ewww” - Leeteuk agreed - “This is awful, what did your brothers feed you now?” 

Henry sang unbothered. Leeteuk was having a hard time cleaning the mess. 

“I don’t recall feeding you something green” - Leeteuk was so grossed - “Did the triplets give you cereal?”

“Mellow!” - Henry clapped his hands 

“Seriously, I told Heechul that any cereal that had ‘rainbow Marshmallows’ was a bad idea” - Leeteuk fought against the triplets cereal all time - “It has too much color” 


“No, no more rainbow for you” - Leeteuk dressed Henry again - “And you were supposed to tell me if you had to poop, remember?” 

Henry laughed and shook his head. 

“Fine” - Leeteuk laughed too - “You can use diapers til college” 

The phone rang again.

“Good mor—“

“TEUK?! Oh dear God!” - Heeyeon was shouting on the phone - “YOU WONT BELIEVE THIS” 

“Go on” - Leeteuk was amused - “But don’t get sad if I don’t overreact. We have nine kids and I live with Kim Heechul. At this point I believe anything” 

“Heechul is not there, isn’t he?” - Heeyeon asked quietly - “Like not in home, right? He is at work” 

“Are you avoiding him?” - Leeteuk found hilarious both women asked if Heechul was home first - “Did you guys fight or something?” 

“No! Why does everyone think that?” - Heeyeon sounded flustered - “I’m fine! I swear I’m fine… it’s just… Do you mind coming over?” 

“Now?” - Leeteuk glanced at Henry - “That’s sadly a no. Why don’t YOU come over? I’m babysitting Henry right now” 

“Ehm, sure” - Heeyeon agreed - “See you in five— ten minutes” 

“Are you really ok?” - Leeteuk tried again 

“Yes, I am” - Heeyeon relaxed - “I just need someone to talk to” 

Heeyeon ended the call. Leeteuk did a funny face and Henry laughed. 

“Your aunts are crazy, Henry” - Leeteuk carried the toddler - “Seems like today I’m gonna babysit Heeyeon too” 

Henry nodded. The toddler found funny Leeteuk’s reactions. Not even two minutes after, the phone was ringing again. 

“No, Heechul is not here” - Leeteuk answered the phone - “He is in his office. AT WORK” 

“Of course I am, silly” - Heechul giggled - “Where would I be if not?“ 

“Heechul! Hi!” - Leeteuk was thankful for the fact it wasn’t a video call. He was just red from embarrassment- “I didn’t know it was you…” 

“Who were you expecting, uh?” - Heechul teased - “anyway, I don’t have time for playing. I got a call from daycare… Some of the kids aren’t doing well and they asked if we could take them home” 

“Are they sick?” - Leeteuk worried 

“Their tummy hurts” - Heechul was clearly annoyed - “I swear we didn’t feed them anything weird” 

“Excepting that ultra colourful cereal” - Leeteuk reprimanded- “I will go get them and make sure they are fine” 

“Thanks” - Heechul send him a kiss - “I love you” 

“Cmon Henry” - Leeteuk didn’t even care Henry was wearing his pajamas- “Let’s go get your siblings” 

The tired man opened the door only to crash with Heeyeon.

“Ouch!” - Heeyeon complained - “I’m so sorry, Henry” 

The toddler wasn’t affected. He kept pointing at Heeyeon with a smile. Leeteuk, who had completely forgot about her, was so stunned he couldn’t talk. 

“Are you ok?”

“The kids” - Leeteuk remembered - “Heeyeon, I’m so sorry. We just got a call from daycare” 

“Again?” - Heeyeon seemed worried - “You guys sure get a lot of those” 

“Its normal when you have children” - Leeteuk scolded himself for sounding so harsh - “Sorry, it’s just that I get stressed when they get sick” 

“Do you need help?” - Heeyeon offered - “I can take care of Henry” 

“Yay!” - Henry stretched his arms towards her 

“N-no, actually… If you want to help, I would like you to come” - Leeteuk scratched his head - “My driving skills aren’t as good as yours… and I have this feeling the kids could need help on our way back” 

Heeyeon didn’t seem amused. She looked at him almost panicking. 

“Use my car” - Leeteuk gave her the keys - “If they throw up, it’s going to be messy. Also, you don’t have baby seats” 

“I don’t care about my car” - Heeyeon said softly after they were inside - “It’s just… I don’t know if I can handle it” 

“We will figure it out” - Leeteuk faked a smile. 


If Leeteuk could have chosen, he would have liked his mom or Mina to be his partner for this trip. However, he had no time to waste and Heeyeon just showed up at their door. 

“Do I wait here? Or should we split?” - Heeyeon asked nervous as they parked 

“It will be better if we split” - Leeteuk agreed - “You go looking for the twins and I will search for the triplets” 

“Are you taking Henry too?” - Heeyeon worried - “Are going to handle four kids at once?” 

“Do I have a choice?” - Leeteuk teased as he ran to the main gate holding Henry. Henry waved at his aunt and stuck out his tongue. 

“Well… you had me” - Heeyeon sulked - “I guess” 

Heeyeon found her way to the twins classroom. She had just been to the daycare a couple times but she remembered well. On the other side, she worried the teachers wouldn’t remember her. 

“Oh, boys” - A teacher called for the twins as soon as she spotted her - “Your aunt is here!”

“AUNTIE!” - Ryeowook ran at full speed at her 

Kyuhyun walked to her with a big smile. He hugged her legs so tightly Heeyeon’s heart jumped. 

“We were told his uncle was coming for them” - a teacher explained - “So we got them ready” 

“Ah, yeah… Leeteuk, he… He is picking the triplets” - Heeyeon tried to not look nervous - “We were told the kids weren’t feeling … well?” 

Both toddlers seemed to be just fine. Ryeowook was trying to climb her, so she lifted him. The toddler laughed. 

“Oh well, they got cheerful as soon as they saw you” - The teacher was pleased to see them play - “Five minutes ago they were sulking” 

“Me too” - Kyuhyun was pulling her pants - “Kyu too” 

“Uhm?” - Heeyeon wasn’t sure of what he asked for 

“He wants you to hold him” - The teacher gave her a hint - “But boys… I’m not sure your aunt can hold both you at the same time” 

(Challenge accepted, Heeyeon thought) 

“It’s fine” - Heeyeon held the twins with difficulty - “I need to get used anyway” 

“Be careful!“ - The teacher found cute Heeyeon couldn’t say no to the boys - “Watch your step”

“Auntie, Wookie pooped a looooot” - Ryeowook commented merrily 

“You, what?!” - Heeyeon freaked. The twins laughed at her reaction 
“Kyu too!” - Kyuhyun giggled 

Heeyeon gathered her courage and sniffed their . 

“I don’t smell anything…?” - She said carefully 

“Nuh” - Ryeowook laughed - “Wookie poop’d in potty” 

“AH” - Heeyeon then realized her mistake - “I get it, I get it” 

“Are you feeling sick?” - Heeyeon worried as she helped them buckle their belts 

“No, you” - Kyuhyun touched her face - “Sick” 

“Me? I’m not sick” - Heeyeon shook her head - “Why you think so?” 

“Auntie cold” - Ryeowook pouted.

Heeyeon placed a hand on her face. Indeed, it felt very cold. She probably haven’t realized she was so nervous she was shaking as well. Not to mention her arms trembled for the weight she just carried. 

“I’m fine” - She smiled - “I’m just excited to see you” 

The twins blushed. They played coy and hid their face behind their backpacks.

Heeyeon couldn’t believe she had won to Leeteuk. She expected him to be there frowning at her, not saying a word about how late she was but judging her. 

“Should I call him?” - She wondered - “No, he is probably got his hands full” 

“Oh, you are already here” - Leeteuk was holding Henry but looked more tired than before - “Sorry to keep you waiting” 

Unlike the twins, the triplets were crying. Well, at least two of them. 

“Don’t mind them” - Leeteuk asked her to focus on the road - “I will take care of them, ok? You just drive and don’t worry” 

Like if it was easier, Heeyeon complained mentally. She wasn’t used to the incredibly noisy kids could be. Yeah, she had been taking care of Mina’s children but… it was different. When kids are sick, they get irritated, and that included crying, screaming and kicks to her seat. 

“We are almost home, almost home” - Heeyeon felt  tempting to look at the mirror when she heard one of the kids probably got sick - “Don’t look, almost home” 

“AUNTIEEE!” - Ryeowook undid his belt and managed to climb to the front seats - “TAKE ME OUT!” 
Heeyeon handled it well. She couldn’t believe she parked the car under those circumstances. She kept holding the toddler by his shirt. 

“Don’t you ever, EVER, do that again to me” - Heeyeon hugged the toddler - “I was so scared!” 

Ryeowook was crying loudly. He had gotten scared with all the fuss happening behind. Leeteuk was obviously mad at him, but he had his hands full and couldn’t scold him properly. 

“That was dangerous!” - Leeteuk shouted from the back - “You know you shouldn’t take your belt off, Kim Ryeowook!”

Heeyeon knew the scolding was for the toddler but still got the chills. She haven’t seen Leeteuk so mad. She actually didn’t think he could get angry. 

“Heeyeon, take the younger ones inside” - Leeteuk lowered his voice - “Please” 

He was almost begging. Heeyeon pretended she wasn’t scared of the mess involving the triplets. 

“Can I go inside too?” - Sungmin was in a bad mood - “I wanna change” 

“No, honey” - Leeteuk refused the request - “I know you are having a hard time, but it will be a mess if you go inside like this” 

“Oh” - Sungmin nodded in understanding 

Nothing prepared Heeyeon for that moment. Sungmin undressed himself and followed her like if it as something usual. 

“You brat” - Leeteuk actually smiled a bit - “Fine” 

“I want a shower” - he told her - “I feel dirty” 

“I’m not sure I should give you a bath” - Heeyeon admitted - “And your uncle is too busy for asking” 

“Why not? You have helped before” - Sungmin didn’t get Heeyeon’s skepticism 

“No, I mean… I don’t know how long it’s been since you ate” - Heeyeon clarified - “Or that if I should bath you after…”

“I didn’t throw up” - Sungmin seemed offended- “and I haven’t eaten anything since breakfast” 

“You didn’t eat your snacks?” - Heeyeon found it weird 

“No, my tummy hurt so …” - Sungmin shook his head - “I didn’t” 

Heeyeon was about to faint when she saw the other toddlers undressing.

“I guess I have no option” - Heeyeon filled the bathtub. 

Even if she wasn’t fond of the idea first, Heeyeon liked the experience. She relaxed a lot when washing the boys hair. Seeing them play with the bubbles was also nice. 

“Why is Henry there?” - Sungmin asked amused - “He could join us” 

“Ehm” - Heeyeon glanced at the toddler sitting next to her in a baby bath - “Because I don’t think all of you will fit inside… and he still wears diapers” 

Henry tilted his head. Heeyeon sighed and ruffled his hair. 

“I know it’s unfair but we already have our hands full today” - Heeyeon kissed him - “I promise next time, auntie will bath you in the big bathtub” 

The kids were beyond pleased with the bath. Heeyeon was still amused at the fact the kids had no problem with being completely around the house. 

“You should get dress” - Heeyeon was choosing clothes for them - “If you catch a cold, Leeteuk will get mad at me” 

“Are you scared of uncle?” - Sungmin’s question had zero bad intentions 

“No, why would I?” - Heeyeon scoffed 

“He is scary when he gets angry” - Sungmin said in a low  voice - “Papa too” 

“That’s because you haven’t seen me” - Heeyeon touched Sungmin’s nose playfully - “are you going to get dress or not?” 

“I AM” - Sungmin rushed to dress himself 

The twins started dressing themselves as well. Henry tried putting a sock on. Heeyeon was so into her peaceful world with happy children that she didn’t remember at all the chaos she was exposed to. 

“AUNTIEEEE!” - Donghae ran to them and shut the door with a big slam - “I DONT WANT TO GO!” 

“Where? Was going on?” - Heeyeon wrinkled her nose - “and what’s that smell?” 

“Henry pooped!” - Sungmin accused his baby brother - “We are gonna die!” 

The twins also expressed discomfort by covering their noses. Henry cried. Heeyeon wasn’t sure why. 

“AUNTIE! PLEASEEE!” - Heeyeon was trying to undress Henry to change his diaper but Donghae kept clinging to her - “I DONT WANNA GO THERE!  THEY WILL HURT ME!” 

“Who is going to hurt you?” - Heeyeon was worried - “Oh, for all—“ 

“THE DOCTOR IS GOING TO HURT ME” - Donghae sobbed so much

“Whoah! Henry’s poop is gross!” - Sungmin pointed to the dirty diaper - “and weird!” 

“Yeah, it is weird” - Heeyeon cleaned Henry fast despite the other kids sabotaging her - “Boys, please. Stay quiet. Donghae, your uncle is looking for you” 


“He is taking you to the doctor, right?” - Heeyeon made sure of washing Henry’s again before putting another diaper - “Henry will probably go too” 

Henry eyes widened. He understood it. Heeyeon had doomed herself. 

“NUUUUH!” - Henry kept kicking Heeyeon in the air - “NUUU GO!” 

“I DONT WANNA GO IM SCARED!” - Donghae was having an epic tantrum in the floor while Heeyeon managed to drag him using just one hand 

“AUNTIE!” - the twins were now crying too since they were left behind 

“I’m not an octopus, guys” - Heeyeon was about to lose it - “I can’t hold you right now” 

The four kids cried loudly. Sungmin was the only one tagging along her that was still calm. 

Heeyeon stopped in her tracks. She then turned to her side and stared at the boy. 

“What?” - Sungmin shrank his shoulders 

“How come you are not crying?” 

“Would you like me to?” - Sungmin teased - “You look busy” 

“Even if I am busy” - Heeyeon shook her head - “I would like to know if you are ok” 

“I suppose I am” - Sungmin avoided looking at her 

Heeyeon placed Henry on the floor and let go Donghae’s hand. All kids were surprised when She hugged Sungmin. 

“It’s ok” - She told him - “Everything will be fine” 

She felt how the kid used his hand to hold her tightly. He was crying in silence. Only sniffing a bit. Somehow, Heeyeon didn’t notice the other kids were now quiet. 

“Are you feeling better?“ - Heeyeon cleaned Sungmin’s face a bit 

“Minnie, don’t cry” - Donghae was sulking next to them - “Everything is going to be fine!”

The little toddlers hugged their brother. They seemed calmer now. 

“Oh, there you are” - Leeteuk looked terrible. A crying Eunhyuk followed him - “We need to get going” 

“Are you coming too?“ - Donghae asked Heeyeon nervously 

“I…” - Heeyeon looked at Leeteuk- “I am” 

“There is no need for that” - Leeteuk said to her softly - “I appreciate the help but… I know this is too much” 

“It’s not” - Heeyeon was now confident - “They are my children too. I’m their aunt… soon to be mother” 

“You are going to make me cry” - Leeteuk had teary eyes - “Thank you… I really need help today” 

Against Heeyeon’s predictions, taking the kids to the doctor wasn’t as hellish as she had pictured. It was worse. However, she felt overwhelmed when the kids also asked for her to hold their hands when they were scared. 

“So… do we have to take their poop?” - Heeyeon glanced at the kids  then back to Leeteuk- “That’s gross” 

“We need a sample” - Leeteuk explained again -“They won’t tell us what is causing it without making sure first”

“Ah ha” - Heeyeon laughed nervously- “so, we wait for Henry to poop again?” 

“Or any of them” - Leeteuk smiled playfully - “I will do it, seriously, is not that bad” 

“It is” - A familiar voice echoed - “Don’t let him fool you!”

“Heechul” - Heeyeon felt like crying - “You are here!”

“Ready to save the day!” - Heeyeon did a super hero pose and the kids laughed

“You are late” - Leeteuk pinched his cheek - “SUUUUUUPER LATE!”

“Maybe” - Heechul admitted it - “But I come from the future. And will save you the ty job” 

“Language” - Leeteuk scolded - “and what is this paper?” 

“ the results of Yesung’s poop” - Kangin laughed - “You should have seen his face!” 

“Yesung is sick too?!” - Leeteuk turned to Heechul 

“I got a call from school” - Heechul explained - “and he looked so bad I brought them here first. So, I won. I came here faster” 

“It’s not a competition” - Leeteuk rolled his eyes - “But if it were, I think we should take into account the number of sick kids handled and their ages”


“Where is Yesung?” - Heeyeon couldn’t believe no one had said anything yet 

“Receiving IV fluids” - Heechul pointed at one door 

“Why are you not with him?” - Leeteuk scolded - “He must be so scared” 

“He is not” - Kangin shook his head - “and he kicked us out” 

“He actually ‘banned’ dad from being there” - Siwon quoted - “He said he was too annoying” 

“My little teenager” - Heechul faked being shook - “He was so mad at me” 

“It’s not your fault he is sick” - Heeyeon didn’t understand why the kid would make Heechul pay for it 

“No, but he didn’t take well the fact I went inside the restroom with him” - Heechul smiled proud of his doing - “He said he could do it alone but… I don’t care about his opinion” 

“That’s rude” - Leeteuk sighed - “And Yesung is responsible enough to follow simple instructions. He is a smart kid, he probably would have done it by himself” 

“I don’t care” - Heechul shrank his shoulders - “All I want Is for him to get better” 

“Did the doctor explain to you where the kids got this from?” - Leeteuk waved the paper sheet - “Salmonella?” 

“I don’t eat salmon” - Donghae shook his head when he heard Leeteuk 

“Doctor said it could be raw eggs, chicken that haven’t been cooked well…” - Heechul recalled - “But that’s not possible. We are very careful with food” 

“And we don’t feed the little ones raw food” - Leeteuk agreed - “So, Henry being sick doesn’t really make sense” 

“Unless… it wasn’t food” - Kangin was showing the adults his recent research on google - “It says some animals have it all time” 

“Isn’t that Yesung’s phone?” - Leeteuk worried about the boy’s retaliation - “You shouldn’t play with it” 

“Animals…?” - Heeyeon paled 

“Yeah, like chickens” - Kangin explained 

“Like… birds?” - Heeyeon freaked out - “You are telling me… a bird could cause this?” 

“Yeah!” - Kangin chirped. Siwon nodded too. 

“Sweetie” - Heechul somehow saw it coming - “Let’s not rush into conclusions” 

“You are telling me is possible the bird I brought to you yesterday caused this?” - Heeyeon cried - “I’m probably guilty for the kids being sick! It’s my fault! They got sick because of me! Because of something I DID” 

“Honey” - Leeteuk worried - “Breathe”

“I can’t” - Heeyeon was having a panic attack- “I just… can’t” 

“You need air, let’s go outside” - Heechul tried holding her hand. Instead, she refused and held Leeteuk’s.

“I will take care of her” - Leeteuk said softly before leaving 


“Heeyeon, I’m here” - Leeteuk was trying to calm her - “Everything is fine! Don’t worry! The kids will be fine! And, I don’t think the new bird caused this” 

“This is too hard” - Heeyeon kept sobbing - “I saw them get sick and cry… and god they were so scared! And I… I felt useless” 

“You did well” - Leeteuk reassured- “Really well. I’m not going to lie, today was really hard but you handled it well. And I’m thankful for you showing up at our door. I couldn’t have survived without you” 

“Teuk” - Heeyeon cleaned her face a bit - “I went there to tell you something” 

“Yeah, I know but that’s not important now” - Leeteuk helped to clean her face - “Right now, all we need—“ 

“I think I’m pregnant” 

“UH?” - Leeteuk widened his eyes - “What did you just say?” 

“That I could be pregnant” - Heeyeon smiled a bit 

“Wait, how come you are not sure?” - Leeteuk was confused 

“I have been crying a lot lately” - Heeyeon giggled a bit - “and at first I thought I was just crazy but Mina suggested that I could be having hormonal issues” 

“Mina” - Leeteuk now understood Mina’s inquiries 

“So, I took a few blood samples and the first result wasn’t conclusive” - Heeyeon explained - “I repeated it yesterday. I got the new results but I’m just too scared to look at them. I wanted you to look first” 

“Why me?” - Leeteuk was just dumbfounded- “Shouldn’t you ask Heechul?” 

“No” - Heeyeon was calm now - “Heechul can’t know. Yet. I don’t want him to get excited over something that could not happen” 

“I see” - Leeteuk understood- “Why me?” 

“You mean a lot to him… and to me” - Heeyeon blushed - “so… if I ever had to tell our kid who was the first to know, I want to tell him it was you” 

“Or her” - Leeteuk teased a bit 

“All Heechul do is to have boys” - Heeyeon joked - “It’s more likely to be a boy” 

“Fine” - Leeteuk took the folded paper - “Are you ready?” 

“Yes” - Heeyeon was so excited - “Oh my God, I will probably cry again not matter what is it” 

“Let’s find if you are pregnant” - Leeteuk unfolded the paper and stayed quiet for a bit 

“So? Don’t make me suffer!” - Heeyeon complained- “I have waited so much!” 

“It says you are a male cockatoo” - Leeteuk showed it to her - “Is there a chance you have switched the papers?” 

“What? Oh… well, I guess so” - Heeyeon laughed - “But hey, where is the other one then?” 


“Did you know turtles could give you salmonella?” - Heechul was still shocked- “I had no clue!” 

“You are getting rid of Donnie, aren’t you?” - Yesung managed to say 

“What? No! Why would I do that?” - Heechul scoffed - “Donnie is part of the family! You guys just need to wash your hands better” 


“Son” - Heechul teased 

“You will always love us, right?” 

“Of course! What makes you think otherwise?” 

“Nothing” - Yesung smiled - “I was just making sure” 

“How are you feeling ?” - Heeyeon asked sweetly as she knocked on the door to warn them about her presence

“I was about to ask you the same question” - Yesung tilted his head 

“Ah right, the panic attack” - Heechul chuckled 

Heeyeon kept looking at the boy. Yesung was still weak but his face had a better colour than before. 

“Oh! Yesung” - Leeteuk showed up out of nowhere - “Here. Kangin took it, I’m sorry” 

“It’s ok” - Yesung took his phone - “He does that all time” 

“Aren’t you angry?” - Heechul raised an eyebrow - “Why?” 

“Should I? You always say we should share” - Yesung rolled his eyes - “Besides, I’m too tired to do so. I just wanna go home” 

“Soon, Buddy” - Heechul pointed at the IV drip - “We just need to wait until it’s done” 

“A few days on antibiotics” - Heeyeon read what the doctor gave Heechul- “and diet” 

“Are we missing school?” - Kangin was curious

“Yeah” - Heechul sighed - “For a few days, at least” 

“Yes!” - Kangin was over excited 

“Oh, but he looks just fine to me~” - Leeteuk chanted 

The family finally went home after a long day. Of course, having so many sick children meant the afternoon was hell as well. They decided to call it a day earlier than usual. 

“Let’s go to bed” - Heechul was exhausted- “You guys need to rest” 

“The twins are already sleep” - Heeyeon was whispering - “Or maybe they passed out, I can’t really tell” 

“They are fine” - Leeteuk giggled at Heeyeon’s concern - “You know, just for the record… Heechul is not the only one that likes to have you around” 

“You are going to make me cry” - Heeyeon pouted - “are you actually confessing you like me?” 

“I was thinking of the kids” - Leeteuk laughed - “But Heeyeon, I like you too” 

Heeyeon eyes grew incredibly big. They sparkled like a Christmas tree. 

“I will look after the kids while you are gone” - Leeteuk clapped his hands - “Cmon, it’s getting late. Heechul should take you to your place. I don’t think it’s safe for—“

“I’m not leaving” - Heeyeon shook her head - “I already told Heechul I wanted to stay” 

“Oh” - Leeteuk thought for a moment - “Are you sure you want to stay TONIGHT?” 

“Uhum” - Heeyeon nodded anxiously - “You are going to need a bunch of help. And maybe another wash machine” 

“Fine” - Leeteuk laughed at the little joke - “No one will judge you if you change your mind later” 

Heeyeon couldn’t get any sleep. She found it impossible to sleep knowing the kids could wake up any time feeling sick. She wandered around the halls ready to act in case she was needed. 

“Auntie?” - Donghae was pulling her shirt - “Why aren’t you sleeping? Do fairies sleep?” 

“I… I was just…” - Heeyeon didn’t know what to say 

“Can you come to our room?” - Donghae pulled her shirt a bit - “Please?” 

“Did something happen?” - Heeyeon pictured herself cleaning a mess - “Did you get sick?” 

“Hyukkie had a nightmare” - Donghae confessed - “And I’m scared too” 

“Hi…?” - Heeyeon entered the room carefully - “Whats going on here?” 

“We don’t want to sleep alone” - Sungmin said sadly - “We are too scared” 

“Daddy is busy so he won’t come” - Eunhyuk sulked - “Uncle is busy too” 

“Well, I’m not busy” - Heeyeon smiled softly- “I can stay here until you fall asleep”

“Will you read us a story?” - Donghae pointed at some books 

“Will you my head?” - Sungmin used his puppy eyes 

“I want to hold your hand” - Eunhyuk blushed 

“Ehm… all right” - Heeyeon agreed to all demands - “Let’s cuddle together”

“Hey, how are they doing?” - Heechul asked at the man standing right in front the triplets room 

“Shhhh” - Leeteuk hissed - “You will wake them up” 

“Oh, look” - Heechul smiled pleased - “Heeyeon fell asleep on the floor” 

“Yeah,  her back is going to kill her tomorrow” - Leeteuk worried - “Should we wake her up?” 

“Yeah, it’s not good for the baby” - Heechul agreed 



“What did you just say?” - Leeteuk’s heart stopped 

“That you are right” - Heechul nodded - “We should wake her up” 

“No, no” - Leeteuk needed answers - “I heard you” 

“I didn’t say anything else” 

“Yes, you did” 

“No, I didn’t” 

“You just said it” 

“I don’t know what are you talking about” 

“Don’t play fool, you totally said—-“ 

“SHHHHH” - Heeyeon hissed from the floor - “You are going to wake up the kids!” 

“Sorry” - Both men apologized 

Heeyeon closed her eyes again after kicking the noisy team out of the room. Even though she was exhausted, she had never felt happier in her entire life. 


“Good morning boys~” - Heeyeon sang happily as she served them some coffee and what it looked like fancy marmalade sandwiches 

“Morning…” - Heechul had no energy. What a night for him - “How come you have so much energy?”

“Why is my sandwich normal but Heechul’s one is heart shaped?” - Leeteuk teased - “You are playing favourites” 

“We need energy for today!” - Heeyeon chirped - “Cmon, eat before the kids wake up” 

“What kind of drug are you having?” - Heechul found funny how energetic Heeyeon was - “You could share” 

“Good morning, swine!” - Robin landed in front of Leeteuk- “Swineeeeeee” 

“What are you doing?” - Leeteuk just smiled - “Who sent you free?”

“Oh, I did” - Heeyeon bit her tongue playfully- “I thought birds would like to stretch a bit” 

“By the way, did you choose a name already?” - Heechul asked out of nowhere. Leeteuk spat some coffee and chocked.

“Steve! Please come here!” - Heeyeon called. Suddenly the other white cockatoo appeared and landed on Heeyeon’s arm - “Good boy” 

Leeteuk found Heechul laughing. Somehow, he could tell he was teasing him. 


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Chapter 106: I miss this crazy family. I've been dying to know what is Teuk's call all about. I wish it will be a Ahn's and Teuk interaction
Chapter 106: Eonni... update 🙏🏻
mykyunie #3
Chapter 106: This story is so wonderful, so perfect.
I just love it and I can't wait for you to update again and see what else these cute kids get into.
We read later. Thank you very much for the chapter.
Pamira #4
Chapter 106: Yeni bölüm için çok teşekkürler. Bu hikayeyi okumaktan hiç bir zaman bıkmayacağım. Bu bölümde çok güzeldi.
HelenDamnation #5
Chapter 106: I love this story.
Kukuku13 #6
Chapter 106: Chapter 106: Yay, you finally updated! This big silly weird happy family, tho. why are they so funny i can't😂
Chapter 106: Authornim, you're back!🥹 and this crazy family as well 🤭

Watching TV is a good way to gain knowledge, so proud of Minnie here. But, like the saying goes, too much is bad, so don't do it fora long long time.

Henry being jealous of Cherry, aigoo, protesting by rooming out of Heeyeon's and Heechul's room. 😂

I knew Yesung's case is smelly armpits... and yes, it's hard to undergo puberty. Good thing he have supportive guardians

I wonder if Teuk's phone call with his real uncle is about his own schooling or his identity or a teaching oppurtunity?

I'm excited for Cheery's arrival... though I'm hoping for a teuk-centric as well. I wonder if they'll tell the kids regarding teuk's real attachment to them.

By the way, I find it cute when Hae and Henry fight for Teuk 🤭🥰, I like those moments, you know

I love everything, author, waiting for the next... 😊😊😊
Pamira #8
Chapter 105: Yeni bölüm istiyorummm
Chapter 105: Authornim, bogoshipeoyo, please update soon 🙏🏻
mykyunie #10
Chapter 105: I love it