A Blast From The Past

Wing Woman

The date was a success. Tzuyu and Jeongyeon began to spend more time together throughout the week. During their schedules, they would try to flirt by smiling or hugging each other. It was great fan service to the ONCEs and it worked well for them too. Slowly, Jeongyeon became more and more comfortable with Tzuyu. Everything was going perfect, except for one thing. They weren't official, yet.

As usual, Jeongyeon's nerves would eat her up every time she bring up the topic. She didn't know what was stopping her. Tzuyu had the same feelings for her, so what's the deal? It was probably the fact that, dating was a new thing to her. She never really had feelings for anyone since she had been dedicating her life to be an artist. Liking someone wasn't a thing until she met Tzuyu. The Taiwanese singer was able to grasp her heart and actually make her feel something. She's had a crush on her ever since they were just trainees. She would never forget those special moments. 




Thirteen year old Tzuyu was in her room, watching a drama on her laptop. She believed that watching them would improve her Korean and which they did. She spent most of her free time in her room since she was too shy to talk to the other trainees. She had been part of the company for about a month, so her social skills weren't the best just yet. The only person she would speak occasionally to was Jeongyeon. She hugged her puppy plushie tightly as she spent another night in her lonesome. 

All of the sudden her roommate, Jeongyeon came in and smiled. "Hey Tzu. Another night alone?" The sixteen year old smiled as Tzuyu pursed her lips.

"Yeah, I didn't have anything else to do." She spoke softly as squeezed her plushie tighter.

"Well, why don't we don't go somewhere. It's a Friday night after all and I know you've been working all day."

Tzuyu couldn't help but grin warmly at her. "Really, where would we go?"

"Why don't we get some Mcdonalds." She whispered. "I promise I won't tell anyone, if you don't."

Tzuyu giggled as she got up and quickly grabbed her coat. She buttoned it up all the way to the top as she slipped on her boots and followed the older one out of the dorm.

The two had walked out together that evening. The December nights were always so breezy which didn't please the little one. Tzuyu shivered as she rubbed her hands together. Jeongyeon glances over at her and tilted her head . "Are your hands cold?"

She couldn't help but find her reaction to be so adorable. The younger nodded a little. "Just a little bit."

Jeongyeon instantly took her hand and intertwined their fingers together. "Is that better?"

Tzuyu looked over at her and felt her cheeks starting to warm up. "Y-Yeah. Thank you, unnie."

They finally arrived at Mcdonalds. There weren't that many people there, so they were able to enjoy a peaceful dinner together. Jeongyeon had ordered them two burgers, some fries, and two sodas. They sat down from across each other and began to eat.

"So.." Jeongyeon looked over at Tzuyu with full. "How do you like Korea so far?"

Tzuyu popped a fry in as she shrugged. "It's been pretty good. I haven't gotten to see much since I've been training everyday."

"Oh. Well, maybe when you're free, we can explore the city together."

Tzuyu smiled sheepishly at the elder. "Really? You don't have to."

"I know...but I want to." She stared into her eyes as Tzuyu looked down before looking up.

"Thank you, Jeongyeon. Really. It hasn't been easy for me moving to another country on my own but I really do appreciate your company."

Jeongyeon took her hand and smiled. "I'll always be there for you, Tzuyu. I promise."

Jeongyeon had felt a strong warmth in her heart. Something about Tzuyu made her want to be around her more. Her heart started to beat so fast at that moment as her grin got wider. The two teenagers stared at each other for a good minute without their smiles leaving from their faces. 

"Thank you, unnie. You're the best."


End of flashback


Jeongyeon was staring at the picture of her and Tzuyu during their trainee days. After all these years, she never broke her promise. She  made sure that she always helped Tzuyu and never left her behind. Tzuyu returned the favor by always brightening up her day when training was too stressful. Her up beat personality had made her forget all about her worries. She smiled at the photo as she realized that Tzuyu was the one for her and she had to make this relationship happen. She was going to gather up the courage one day and make it special for her.

"Jeongyeonnie!" Tzuyu cried out from the living room. "Come watch a movie with me!"

The short haired singer finally heard her voice as she put the picture down on her nightstand and quickly rushed over to be with her precious, Tzuyu. 


No Seungyeon in this chapter but I've been dying to write this chapter

Aren't they adorable ;;

I gotta run but I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

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Love you all <3







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More jeongtzu
Chapter 14: Thank you for this !! :>
Hanlex #3
Chapter 4: I already love this LMAO I hope you write more JeongTzu food job authornim ©^-^
MoonChaser #4
Chapter 14: Aaaaaaaa! Thank you so much author-nim! Looking forward to another JeongTzu fic if you're planning to make one :D
Chapter 14: Thank you
Chapter 14: Yess youre the best authornim.... this fic feels short because u update everyday i just cant believe this fic already completed but i like it ... can you make another Jeongtzu fanfic ? Im waiting...
Chapter 14: "Don't you two have another sister?" Idk why this made me laugh
Chapter 10: Poor seungyeon... but u need to stay away from these two ... kkkk
Chapter 10: Hahaha. . Jeongyeon is right Seungyeon had been all over the story but she could have said it nice.
I'm sorry... it's just that I'm youngest on our family and having 2 sisters and 2 brothers is crazy, noisy and choking yet it was very fun. Whenever we're not together it was so boring... so I hope Jeongie can know her importance.. so Seungyeon can know her place..... and won't appear randomly buti think it make sense because it is entitled "wing woman".
Chapter 9: Ishhh ... i hate seungyeon this time ....