The First Meeting

Wing Woman

Jeongyeon was laying on her bed, feeling miserable at what she had said to her sister. She could not believe that those words even came out of . She hardly ever gets to see her sister, so what reason did she have for being so irritated? She turned to her side and looked at the bulletin board on her wall. It had all of her photos with her friends, members, and her family. She glanced to the corner to see the one with her and Seungyeon. It was an old photo she took with her when she was a trainee. She remembered all those times she would visit and encourage her as much as she could. Her sister had the brightest smile every time she walked into the studio.



It was a humid day in July as the fourteen year old Tzuyu and the sixteen year old Jeongyeon were practicing at the dance studio. Jeongyeon decided to help Tzuyu by teaching her a dance and she actually caught up pretty quickly. By the time the song was over, they were out of breath. Jeongyeon gave her a proud smile.

"Good job, Tzu." She pulled her into a hug as the younger one giggled.

"Thank you, unnie." She nuzzled her head against her shoulder. All of the sudden, the door opened as a young twenty year old lady walked in. Jeongyeon's eyes widened as she squealed and ran over to the young woman.

"Seungyeon unnie! You finally came to see me!" She hugged her tightly as her sister rubbed her back and laughed.

"I know. I'm so sorry that it took me forever to visit. It's been months." She pulled away and smiled at her younger sister. "I'm gonna try to make more time now. I promise." She ruffled her way as she made a disgusted face. "Oh gosh, you're all sweaty."

Jeongyeon rolled her eyes and scoffed. "That means I've practiced a lot today."

"I have no doubt about that. Hard work will pay off eventually." She smiled as she looked over at the little Taiwanese girl who stood by the wall timidly. "And who is this little cutie?"

Tzuyu pursed her lips before bowing her head a little. "I-I'm Chou Tzuyu. I came here from Taiwan in November and Jeongyeon unnie has been helping me ever since."

"D'awww, that is so cute. " She pinched Jeongyeon's cheek. "You guys must be really close."

Jeongyeon looked annoyed as she moved her hand away. "We're also room mates. So we basically see other every day. She's really good."

Tzuyu blushed softly as she shook her head. "N-not as good as Jeongyeon, unnie."

"Oh you girls are so precious. Work hard okay?" She took out a container with food inside as she handed it over to Jeongyeon. "I made you your favorite."

Jeongyeon gasped as she took the container and stared at her sister happily. "Tteobokki, Golbaengi muchim and bulgogi?"

​Seungyeon nodded at her. "That's right and I made a lot so you two can share."

The younger sister jumped in place as she hugged her tightly once more. 'Thank you so much, unnie. You're the best!!"

Tzuyu watched the two girls embrace. She found it to be that Jeongyeon was so excited for food. Seungyeon pulled away and extended her arm out as she looked at Tzuyu. "Come on, Tzuyu. Let's have a group hug."

She stared at them before smiling warmly as she moved in to hug them both. "Thank you.." Tzuyu said as they all stayed together, enjoying the moment.

End of flashback

Tzuyu walked over to Jeongyeon's room and bit her lips, knowing that she was definitely still upset. She shuffled over to get a bit closer. "Unnie.."

Jeongyeon turned to look at Tzuyu as she responded with a hum. "Mm?" 

"You should go see your sister. You both really do need each other." Jeongyeon sighed. She knew that Tzuyu was right and that there was no point in moping around. She stood up and kissed her forehead softly. 

"I'll be back soon." Tzuyu nodded as she watched her run out to go see Seungyeon. It was time to get things fixed.


Ugh man. I love writing the flashbacks. They're so cute ;;

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More jeongtzu
Chapter 14: Thank you for this !! :>
Hanlex #3
Chapter 4: I already love this LMAO I hope you write more JeongTzu food job authornim ©^-^
MoonChaser #4
Chapter 14: Aaaaaaaa! Thank you so much author-nim! Looking forward to another JeongTzu fic if you're planning to make one :D
Chapter 14: Thank you
Chapter 14: Yess youre the best authornim.... this fic feels short because u update everyday i just cant believe this fic already completed but i like it ... can you make another Jeongtzu fanfic ? Im waiting...
Chapter 14: "Don't you two have another sister?" Idk why this made me laugh
Chapter 10: Poor seungyeon... but u need to stay away from these two ... kkkk
Chapter 10: Hahaha. . Jeongyeon is right Seungyeon had been all over the story but she could have said it nice.
I'm sorry... it's just that I'm youngest on our family and having 2 sisters and 2 brothers is crazy, noisy and choking yet it was very fun. Whenever we're not together it was so boring... so I hope Jeongie can know her importance.. so Seungyeon can know her place..... and won't appear randomly buti think it make sense because it is entitled "wing woman".
Chapter 9: Ishhh ... i hate seungyeon this time ....