9. I consider

Once Again With An Unlucky Man
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Monday was the beginning of the week, a day without an importance for Shu Hai, days ago. Monday was one habitual day in his common life, inside his flat, with his passions, Zheng Nan's visits, the Trio's annoyance and the mystical thoughts of the same called Mystic Dragon. His future Mondays would not be identical as the old ones because he got The Job, the one Zheng Nan found him at the engineers society under Bii’s direction. Shu Hai would start this afternoon just after his meeting at the taekwondo academy to find his money back. So, that Monday was indeed a big day.

"Are you Wang…" The ginger woman who came back from her holiday's with new glasses with sunflowers and some more freckles on the face, was eyeing at the guy who didn't have the look for learning taekwondo. It was time for the lesson and he wasn't wearing the kimono yet. Yes, surely he might not be a pupil and there were no registrations today, so Maggie thought he could only be…

"Wang Shu Hai?"

"Yes, it's me. I came as scheduled." He formally answered, awkward. Shu Hai was not at ease with people he didn't know, and this woman reminded him of the old school teacher who had punished him when he was younger.

"I know. Wait a moment." she said sighing.

Shu Hai thought she might not be happy by his presence. He had remembered to bring back the badge. At least, he had enjoyed the entertainments of this castle a bit. It had been a great experience.

After a while, Maggie asked to follow. She led him in an office who was closed before, and that he had not seen yet. It could clearly be said it was her office with the perfume odour and the feminine decoration. Shu Hai recognized the one wearing a kimono sit behind the desk. That latter was reading a paper and a crayon in one hand. When he caught Shu Hai's presence he lightly smiled and nodded. The woman passed behind the desk in front of the computer and took the second but principal chair of that office since it was hers.

"Have a sit" she said as she pointed the last chair at the other side of the desk.

Shu Hai did it and looked at the girl typing on his keyboard, then at the silent Chang An who returned to his reading. The coach was really different. They had shared one mid-day.. Shu Hai had found the coach quite sympathetic It was like a day that shouldn't have existed, or something he didn't have to remember. After all, he wasn't supposed to become a registered pupil and to have wandered in the shopping streets with the coach Chang An!

"Chang An informed me about your problem about the registration." the ginger girl began. "What happened was that your name and your data have been registered in our software three months ago, so three months before the promotional offer. At that stage, you are the only responsible…" She said with a spinnaker voice.

"Three months ago?" Shu Hai cut her, surprised. "How is it even possible?"

"That's your problem to know!" she pointed, readjusted her glasses. "Still, this didn't add you on the list for the promotional offer. For this one, it was done two weeks ago, the same day when you sent the academy a mail to ask the cancellation."

"Do you know who registered me three months ago and then for the promotional offer?"

"For the first, we have the phone number of the one who called. I will give it to you and so you will be able to find yourself who did it." Maggie said. "For the second…" She stopped and frowned, upset.

"It was me." the coach suddenly said. He put on the table his paper and crossed his hands on one knee.

"Coach Chang…" Maggie interrupted.

Shu Hai raised his eyebrows, startled by the turn of the events.

"After the video-games and cosplaying convention where we met, I quitted the place lately and you were there on the halls with people around you. I heard a woman called you Wang Shu Hai. When I was back to the academy… I discovered that your name was already in our database, so because you had an interest for kimonos, I thought you might accept this promotional pack. I will take the responsibility. So this is your cheque with the payment back and a voucher for a free enter for the next competition."

Shu Hai raised his eyebrows, taken aback, and Maggie did the same. She was subtly silenced her with a subtle sign. Maggie was even more angry. Shu Hai had seen that she was a proud woman who didn't want to be in the guilty position. All seemed to be such perfect under Maggie's control.

But Shu Hai remembered how Chang An did have difficulty to search for his informations the first day on his computer. That's why they had to wait for the return of that woman. Now, Maggie had at least explained the story with the reasons why all happened and Chang An completed it. So, was Shu Hai wrong to think that Chan An was not suspicious at all, despise he just had denounced himself? Would Chang An have hidden this point since they had met?

Shu Hai was lost in his thoughts. He chuckled and decided he would play this game.

"Wouldn't it be easier if you have told me since the beginning that it was your mistake? Was it fun to see me whining all around?"

"Maggie and I managed the academy, I had to wait her return first." Chang An uttered. He looked at his paper.

Shu Hai understood. "Okay, so there is nothing much to say" Shu Hai answered while getting up. He took the cheque and the voucher. He put the badge on the desk and something else he had to give back.

"I'm not an expert with the iron, but I did it myself." Shu Hai said.

He put on the desk a plastic bag with a folder in which he had laid the black big shirt ironed with care. Shu Hai saw Maggie bent forward to look at what was inside but Shu Hai closed quickly the bag.


On Shu Hai's flat at 9 PM, in front of a western show:

"That's what happened?" Mystic commented. "I warned you, that coach might no be someone trustful. I don't get it. So he has been playing with you all this time! He was the one responsible for this mess! How fun! Peace to his soul."

"Hmm" Shu Hai mumbled, flipping Chang An's home-made sculpture in his hands, eyeing how it was made, with care. He was in pyjama on his bed with sweet candies at his sides. He had already eaten half of the sweets. He wasn't focus at all on the movie.

"How was your first day at work?" Mystic asked.

"Meeting my colleagues, discovering the process, nothing difficult for a nerd like me." Shu Hai answered without modesty.

"Nerd? So you at least acknowledge that's what you are? I wondered when you would stop hiding behind the image of an idiot erted geek. The real Shu Hai is getting out. Good news."

"I think that too. Hiding the true could be a wrong habit" Shu Hai answered, chewing a cereal bar. But he was thinking about something else.

"Yes, because you didn't have the balls" Mystic laughed.

"Protect our dear ones is sometimes more important." Shu Hai was still mumbling, thinking of God alone knew what.

"Protect yourself for what? Success? I know you have already got paid for breveted creations. Don't need to hide you longer."

"Protect ourselves, relatives, take care, be responsible, hide to protect… Dad."

"What are you babbling? I believed you had cut your connexion with spirits. Who are you talking with?" Mystic told him.

"Hey, don't you have a home? Why are you pouring you all my beer!" Shu Hai sud

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2019/10/20 : Hello! I am finishing this story. Total: 10 chapters. Maybe extra-chapters.


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