8. I boil

Once Again With An Unlucky Man
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Shu Hai remembered that Yoona had scheduled a perfect plan for her date with Chang An. But she wasn't there and she wouldn't have the chance to enjoy the day. Since Chang An had stayed with him instead and had even eaten the strawberry cake – it would have been a shame if they had left without a taste! –, he tried to attract the coach towards the entertainments.

"Are we in the famous clothes area? How lucky we are. I wondered if that streets still exist." Shu Hai told him while looking at the shops. He loosed the grasp on Chang An's arm and scratched his chin as if he was in a deep thought.

"It is not your time yet for teaching. How about having a look at these shops? There are sportswear shops, it might interest you?" He told the coach with no hidden desire to go wandering in the streets while he was in a panic state before.

Chang An sighed and wanted to decline. He looked at his watch and then at the face of that strange guy who changed states of mind so quickly.

"Would you be OK if we go into that crowded shops?" Chang An asked frowning.

Shu Hai looked elsewhere and nodded. "Yes, by the way, I am with the famous coach Chang An, the leader of the taekwondo academy of the town! What could arrive to me if you are there?"

Chang An didn't answer, still waving.

Shu Hai pulled again on him arm, "Let's go!" He initiated a movement to the back, pulling on Chang An’s coat, and it worked. Soon, they were both walking in the clothes shopping street.

Shu Hai stopped at a store front showing Addidas and Reebok's shoes.

"Have you these types? Mine are really old but they looked like that new ones. No need to buy them. The old models were better…" Shu Hai was speaking with energy and Chang An didn't stop him. So, Shu Hai continued. It was about sport shoes, clothes for sportive activities, accessories.

"The shirt you lent me was larger than mine. How many years of training would I need to get your size? Six months? One year? Two years?" As he was babbling, Shu Hai entered a shirts shop. He touched the items and each time, he was watching at Chang An waist with his special discretion, what meant that it wasn't discreet at all!!!

Then, he even took a shirt and put it in front of Chang An. He laughed, "Pink! Like the strawberry cake!!! Ahahah !! Do you think your fame will resist if you teach taekwondo lesson with this shirt? Ahahah !!!"

"I wear a kimono on top of my shirt. If my kimono stays net, the shirt isn't showed off." Chang An answered with a monotone voice.

"Boring" Shu Hai answered, looking him down.

Then, they walked into the street and Shu Hai was checking something on his phone while he was eyeing at their location. After a while, Chang An asked. "Are you searching for a shop?"

"Yoona scheduled to see a show of acrobatics next. It should be there."

"Yoona?" Chang An asked, startled.

"Yes, indeed. Why do you think I have led you up to there for?" Shu Hai said. He wondered how the coach had not understood he was acting in place of Yoona. But indeed, he might not have his IQ!

"Hurry up, it's there."

Chang An followed but his mind wasn't as clear as when he was at the shops with Shu Hai talking about the shoes and the shirts.

Men were dancing and doing acrobatics movements for the new sport shop who had just opened. The music was cool and Shu Hai liked it. They stayed a bit far of the crowd and Shu Hai was on his finger-feet to watch the show.

"Chang An, don't you want to make your taekwondo things? You will have fans and they might pay you too?"

"Don't you have somewhere you want to go?"

"Huh? Don't you like the show?"

Chang An thought about what to say, "I have seen enough. We just can go elsewhere, if you have something else to see in those streets."

Shu Hai found him strange. A sportive coach who didn't want to see acrobatics? Did Yoona get it wrong? Why did she have scheduled to watch with him this show if he didn't like it and if she knew him well? After all, they were ex-girl and ex-boyfriend!

Shu Hai was somewhat deceived and finally congratulated himself for having respected his promise: help with the date and lead him to this show that Yoona wanted to see with Chang An. The next could have been only Yoona's task: move his heart, make him fall again and lead him to her bed.

Shu Hai pulled a face, quite disgusted and strangely excited. He got an idea: "It might be soon your teaching time. Are we close from the geek district? I will have a peek before leaving."

"I don't know this district."

"Let me check on the map."

Shu Hai opened his application and made a search. "Ten minutes from there. Do you want to come or we leave each other here?"

Chang An didn't take long to respond. "I don't know the geek district. I will just have a look."

"Okay, let's go."

They were walking side by side silently. Shu Hai walked with his hands on his pockets, it seemed he was flying at each steps. Chang An was a bit behind his steps. The shops in that district were coloured, with large posters on the windows with donghua's or videos games' characters which Shu Hai knew very well but Chang An absolutely didn't.

Then, he followed Shu Hai who entered a shop as lighted as the others. The inside was full of videos items, goodies, manga… Shu Hai was delighted.

"I haven't entered this shop since ages!" he said. "Let me see if they have new articles."

Shu Hai walked into the shop. Chang An didn't want to follow him at each rows, so he stayed on a corner, browsing some manga. Shu Hai caught him flipping pages and reading summaries on the back before letting fall the books and going to another side.

Shu Hai met one seller buddy.

"Long time no see bro!" a short

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2019/10/20 : Hello! I am finishing this story. Total: 10 chapters. Maybe extra-chapters.


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